Evgeny Onegin Tatyana is a sweet ideal. Tatyana Larina - the ideal of a Russian woman

- this is a work where the author himself is felt in every line. In this work, through his heroes, Pushkin shows himself, including the author conveying to us his ideal, dear ideal female beauty which we see in the form of an amazing one.

Why is Tatyana a sweet ideal

Creating an image main character, the writer revives his ideas and dreams about an earthly angel, about ideal woman. For Pushkin, Larina is that representative female half whose beauty will save the world. This is the woman who is worthy of admiration, respect and love. That is why Tatyana is the poet’s sweet ideal.

Let's see how Tanya Larina appears before us, what she is like, Pushkin's dream and perfect girl in his understanding?

While working on our essay, let's turn directly to the writer's work. As we see from the novel, Tatiana immediately stands out among other representatives of the nobility. She is not like others. She loves solitude, prefers to think independently, has a natural mind and, most importantly, the heroine has a wonderful inner world. She is not as beautiful as her sister, but at the same time she is much more interesting and mysterious.

How does the sweet ideal appear in Tatiana's novel?

The girl grows up in the village, in a family that did not really care about her upbringing. She is closest to the nanny who told her a lot interesting tales. Already as a child, she was distinguished by her thoughtfulness, seriousness and desire to be alone, preferring to be alone with a book rather than having fun with her sister’s friends. Tatyana is a straightforward, natural girl who has not been spoiled Savor. The heroine believes in fortune telling, prophetic dreams, she is pure, impressionable and sentimental. As the writer writes about Tatyana, his very sweet ideal, she was timid, silent and wild. He compares her to a forest fallow deer and writes that her friend is thoughtfulness. Despite the fact that she loved to read foreign novels, the girl had a Russian soul and respected Russian customs and traditions.

Tanya believes in sincere love. She is waiting for her man, who would be like the heroes of those very novels that she loved to reread several times. And so he appeared in the form of Eugene. The heroine fell in love and was not afraid to write him a letter. But Onegin did not appreciate the girl’s act, did not understand that Tatyana was for him as a chance to be reborn with the help of love. He refused her, giving her a cold rebuke, advising her to be careful with her feelings and confessions, which could, due to her inexperience, lead to trouble.

Years have passed. Tatyana has changed. She now shines at balls, they take examples from her, she is now married woman in the image of a luxurious, unapproachable goddess. However, even though she goes to balls, she has no affectation, she is still just as sweet and charming. Now Evgeny was able to see all her beauty, but it was too late. The heroine was given to another and will be faithful to him until the end of her life, despite the feelings that were still smoldering in her heart. And at this moment we see her spiritual strength, for which the writer loved the created image of Tatyana. For this he calls the heroine a sweet ideal.

Warm and reverent A.S. Pushkin treated his Tatyana. The image created by the author has both a soul and a heart and a true desire to live for the sake of love, which Tatyana thought about sublimely and tenderly before meeting her ideal.

The reverent image of Tatiana is woven from romance novels, a persistent belief in ideal relationships, from romantic femininity. The young lady does not have her head in the clouds, but she dreams and her dreams are beautiful, not affected by commercialism and selfishness. She is capable of loving and giving love, paying attention and compassion. She seems to be a quiet, modest and melancholic person. Everything in her image speaks of calm and, in general, “not life,” or rather, life without passions.

Tatyana did not bask in the attention of her parents and did not grow up as a spoiled child. She was assigned a simple serf peasant woman, a nanny, who imbued the child with spiritual simplicity, the concept of love and sincerity. Tatyana is a person passionate about literature, with her own inner experiences and plans for happiness.

Forgive me: I love you so much
My dear Tatiana!

Fateful meeting

Was there any doubt that it would be the author’s favorite who would fall under the spell of the protagonist and, of course, feel the first feelings in her life for a man. Delicate flower, unknown to the pain of indifference, falls in love with a man who is accustomed to go with the flow and, at times, not even be responsible for himself, let alone talk about responsibility for the experiences of a provincial young lady.

Proud and capricious, perhaps pretentious. In Tatiana's eyes, Onegin's indifference to all the movement taking place around him seemed to the girl like an article and restraint. The seriousness and masculinity inherent in the heroes of the novels that Larina read was projected onto the image she saw:

You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!

The romantic soul could not even imagine that he would remain misunderstood in his sincere feelings and an open heart. Everything that had accumulated tenderly in the young girl was expressed in poetry - declarations of love, but was rejected. Tatyana could not touch the soul of her loved one.

If we talk about the bad ending of the failed romance between Onegin and Larina, then, most likely, in this case, there really is a better outcome.

Broken heart or everything for the better

It’s enough to imagine the moment where Onegin reciprocated Tatyana’s feelings. What fate would await Tatyana in the role of the wife of a fatalist? Time has passed for a long time, after the separation of the proud gentleman and the simple provincial woman in love. Tatyana became respected and stately. She turned into a beautiful woman, alluring with her beauty and dignity.

Of course, the alien and shining attracted Evgeniy with enormous power. Remembering her lamentations addressed to him, the man takes a too late step towards the meeting and boomerangs what he himself gave in the past to those who wanted to be with him.

The ideal, feminine and morally stable image of sweet Tatiana is carefully carried by the author throughout the entire novel and is not affected by the temptations of passion. She remains honest, faithful and forever beautiful woman- a dream.

I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

And happiness was so close.

The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” was written by Pushkin in 1823-1831. The novel describes in detail the life and customs of Russian society first half of the 19th century century, as well as the various characteristics of the people of this society. Some characters in the novel can evoke sympathy and love among readers, while others can evoke hostility. By the author's digressions one can judge the attitude of the poet himself towards his heroes. Of all the characters in the novel, Tatyana Larina is most loved by the author. Her image is the purest and brightest, the sweetest and most beautiful in Eugene Onegin. Who is Tatyana Larina, what role does she play and what fate is in store for her in the novel? Why is her image dear to Pushkin? How is her relationship with other characters?
Tatyana is the embodiment of the dream of Pushkin’s own ideal. Her image is woven from those traits and qualities that are most dear to the author. “I love my dear Tatyana so much!” - Pushkin admits. Of all the characters in the novel, Tatyana is most attractive due to her purity, sincerity and poetry.
Neither Lensky, nor Olga, nor Onegin, nor any other hero evokes more sympathy and love in readers than Tatyana.
Tatyana is thoughtful and dreamy. She finds joy in communicating with nature, in the stories of her old nanny, and loves to watch the sunrise. “She liked novels early on; they replaced everything for her.” Our heroine lives in her own, artificially created world. This is a world of fantasy and dreams. However, there is no falsehood or lies in it. It is closed to outsiders, belongs only to Tatyana and brings up the best in her. human qualities: dedication to a dream, the ability to love strongly and sincerely, remain faithful to the end, always be a little higher than the world around you and freer from its influence. Love for nature, for Russian culture, detachment from petty everyday worries, romance - this is what distinguishes Tanya from the people around her. And her difference is too uncharacteristic, too incomprehensible for the world in which Tatyana exists. Since childhood, no one understood her:
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
She had no girlfriends or friends. The nanny, the person closest to her, also could not understand her. Onegin, whom she loved with all her soul, did not understand, did not want to understand her. Without wanting it, Onegin became a ray that suddenly illuminated Tatiana’s secluded world. All the riches of the soul, accumulated over the years, turned into deep and strong feeling. Her love is devoted and selfless, it does not require any rewards. Tatyana understands that she will not be happy, that her love may not change her life better side, but the heroine continues to “believe in her chosen dream.”
So, Tatyana is misunderstood. Onegin, satiated with life, full of indifference and contempt for the world, with dead soul, is not able to respond to the impulse of a young “fiery and tender” heart. As a result, unhappy and indifferent to her fate, Tatyana becomes the wife of a general, a man whom she does not love and will never love. Tatiana's tragedy is that she is doomed to loneliness and misunderstanding for the rest of her days. She is forced to play the role of a society lady and love a man unworthy of her. By the end of the work, our heroine is no longer the naive and trusting girl who was madly in love with the knight from the novel, but a wise, proud woman who has fully understood her love and her loved one. Tatyana began to perceive Onegin differently after visiting his library. Doubts and disappointments awaited Tatyana there. “Isn’t he a parody?” - such a question sounded in her soul. But, despite everything, her love did not become weaker. However, this is no longer the enthusiastic and blind feeling as before. This is love-torment, love with the imprint of tragedy.
The question arises why Pushkin intended his heroine to be so tragic fate? Starting from the first mention of Tatyana Larina, the author openly admits his sympathies towards her. How tenderly, how caringly, with what sympathy he talks about his “dear Tanya”:
With you now I shed tears.
In this line we see the poet’s ardent empathy, his willingness to go with Tanya to the end. Pushkin sees the depth of Tatyana's delusions. “You will perish, my dear,” he predicts her fate. However, there is not a shadow of condemnation or censure in his attitude. And yet the author does not make his heroine happy, although she deserves it. Pushkin is realistic in his work. And life often treats people cruelly with a proud and pure soul. As you can see, such people have two options in life: death in the prime of life, on the rise, or the death of a person as an individual by squeezing him into the generally accepted narrow framework. The first path went to Lensky, who can be classified as one of those free romantics. And the second one went to Tatyana.
But still, even here Pushkin does not go to the end. Despite the spring appearance of a secular “impregnable goddess” and coldness, Tatyana retains the beauty of her soul, a lively mind, and willfulness. In Pushkin, enthusiastic adoration is replaced by grief for the former Tanya:
Who would dare to look for a tender girl
In this majestic, in this careless
Legislator's hall?
Society, unfortunately, is unable to distinguish true values from the counterfeit ones and pay tribute truly wonderful people. A young, pure girl has no place in the deceitful and callous secular society. Only by becoming a “legislator of the hall” did she gain recognition and respect. But does Tatyana need such recognition? Many girls would envy Tatyana's fate. Another detail that emphasizes her merits is her indifference to fame and money. She doesn't need honors and balls, empty talk and gossip. But the heroine is never destined to find what she really needs. It seems that in the end everything goes to a happy ending: she loves Onegin, and Onegin loves her. But love is already powerless. Tatiana had suffered too much, she understood too much. She fully realized what kind of person Onegin was, she realized that they would never understand each other and would not be happy together. In addition, the bitterness of the previous resentment still remained. Her feelings were mixed with anger, pain, bitterness, and love. But even in misfortune, Tatyana is majestic and proud. She went through a difficult and the hard way through love. And it cannot be said that he broke it. Tatyana's image remained bright.
So, Tatyana can rightfully be called a “bright ideal” both for Pushkin himself and for the readers of Eugene Onegin. Its clean and bright image deserves only love and respect. Pushkin created this literary image as including the best qualities of a girl’s soul and the soul of a person in general.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" appears. The writer spent more than seven years creating it. As a result, "Eugene Onegin" became one of the most significant works Russian literature. The author portrayed the main characters as bright, memorable and unusually lively. This is the young rake Onegin, the romantic dreamer Lensky, the frivolous Olga, and Tatyana, immersed in her own world. There was increased interest among critics female images in this novel. As you know, every writer sought to portray the ideal in which he saw the best folk features. Tatyana became such an ideal for Pushkin.

She became a standard and role model for many others female characters in the works of Russian classics. Tatyana's main features are ardor, sincerity, straightforwardness, and dreaminess. She is always thoughtful, sad, full of inexplicable depth. In the novel, she showed herself as a devoted daughter, sister, friend and wife. It was no coincidence that Pushkin chose this name for his heroine. In the first half of the 19th century it was not particularly popular and was considered common, even a little old-fashioned. As he himself notes: “For the first time with such a name / the tender pages of a novel / we willfully consecrate.” He wanted her to be different from the cutesy capital beauties, so the name Tatyana turned out to be the most suitable for his heroine.

Tatyana's appearance is rather ordinary and not even as beautiful as many could imagine. Compared to yours younger sister, the rosy-cheeked, blond beauty Olga, Tatyana attracts neither beauty nor rosy freshness, but Onegin notices something extraordinary in her, exactly what he likes in people. This shy teenage lady, even at home, felt out of place and alien. She avoided everyone and spent a lot of time reading foreign novels and studying folk tales. Describing Tatyana, it should be noted that she madly loved the Russian winter, sleigh rides and Christmas fortune telling. It is no coincidence that her name day takes place during this period of the year. She loves to cast spells, believes in omens, fortune telling and dreams come true.

The dream she saw during the Christmas season comes true with all realism. She sees Onegin kill Lensky in anger and wakes up in horror, unable to find an explanation for the pictures that arose in her imagination. As a result, this is what happens. Lensky, jealous of Olga for Onegin, challenges him to a duel and dies at the hands of a friend. The fact that Tatyana foresaw this event indicates that she had a sensitive consciousness and heightened intuition. It is no coincidence that she chooses Onegin as the hero of her hopes and dreams. She sees in him a remarkable mind and abilities hidden under a mask of aloofness. Even realizing that he most likely does not know how to love, the girl continues to admire him.

For Tatyana, as for Lensky, love is the basis of everything, great happiness and the only way to well-being. This understanding comes to Onegin later, when he realizes that Tatyana is his only ideal. Having met her a few years later, already as the wife of some newfangled prince, he thinks that she has probably changed, become false and affected, like all the ladies of the world. But how surprised he is by her former simplicity, which has remained unchanged. One line in a novel amazingly describes Tatyana - “without imitative undertakings.” The heroine is really so straightforward and beautiful against the backdrop of secular falsehood that Onegin suddenly clearly understands that he has missed the most important thing in his life. This is the love of his ideal woman.

Tatyana's entire inner world consisted of a thirst for love, nothing else spoke in her soul, her mind was asleep.
V.G. Belinsky

In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin demonstrates not only the noble way of life, but also a second, less publicized culture of the common people. Pushkin illuminates its life, morals, customs and folklore, showing the Larin family, or rather Tatyana.

The image of a young girl created by Alexander Sergeevich is no less important than the image of Onegin himself. The formation of Tatyana, her character and soul, took place under the influence of the world around her: common culture, customs, way of life, legends and morals. It follows from this that Pushkin wanted to embody in her the brightest and at the same time the best features of a Russian woman. Tatyana loves nature, but this is not the usual worship and ascension of nature; in her feelings there is an echo of something personal and individual. Everyone treated her differently, but Tanya is unusual.

Tatiana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter.

Tatyana loves winter unconditionally. Pushkin notes that his “sweet ideal” is not like “inaccessible, cold, pure beauties like winter.” She is characterized by such features as restraint in the manifestation of feelings, rigor, but clarity and sincerity of the soul and view of the world. In addition, she is capable of “insane suffering” of love, and, as will be discovered in Chapter VIII, she is prone to secret, hidden, but not dead love. All these features help Pushkin show why winter is so close to the heroine. Tatyana’s love for nature is not familiar: each time she perceives it in a new way and evaluates it depending on her heartfelt, state of mind. However, Tatyana has an eternal, unchanging companion - the moon, which accompanies her throughout the novel. The moon illuminates Tatiana's entire path and accompanies her throughout her life.

“Day” and “lunar” people existed, exist and will exist in the world. “Lunar” are divided into 2 categories:

People who have a “natural” affinity with the moon;
People who "intentionally" worship worship the moon.

Tatyana belongs to the first group, since in addition to her natural love for the night star, she is also pale as the moon. This is emphasized by the fact that Pushkin often shows the pallor of his heroine’s face.

Tatyana is immersed in the light of her patroness entirely, completely, attached to the “cold beauty” of winter. This compatibility of all Tatiana’s features creates the impression of harmony, albeit sad, and allows the author to call the heroine his “sweet ideal.”

Tatyana grew up and was brought up on the estate of her parents, the landowners Larins. She early tried to learn more about the world around her, but, apparently, her parents and people older than her could not answer the girl’s many questions. And then she turned to books that she trusted completely. She develops an unprecedented interest in novels, which she reads greedily, imagining herself as the heroine of one or another work.

She liked novels early on.
They replaced everything for her:
She fell in love with deceptions...

The life that Tatyana lived began to not satisfy her demanding soul. While reading French novels, I dreamed of meeting a man like Romeo, Don Juan. And then her dream came true, she met Onegin - the bright young man, who came from St. Petersburg, smart and noble. The girl falls in love with him, but at first she sees in him only the hero of the novel.

Everything is full of it; everything to the maiden dear
Incessantly magical power
Talks about him...

Tatyana decides to take a bold step and writes a love letter to Onegin. Evgeniy's abrupt refusal is an unexpected turn of events for Tatiana. But it is precisely this shock refusal that helps Tatyana understand that the object of her desires is not the hero of her novel, and is far from a romantic character. Still fond of Eugene tender feelings, Larina cannot understand any of his actions.

To the depths of my soul
She is penetrated: she cannot
No way to understand him.

Tatyana is at a crossroads: she cannot stop loving the natural Onegin, and at the same time she is convinced that she was previously in love with a fictional image.

After Evgeny rejected Tatyana’s love and killed Lensky in a duel, the girl, visiting her beloved’s house, realizes that the man she loved was completely different from what she imagined. Tatyana understands that her beloved image of Onegin was invented by her herself. It was then that Tanya agreed to go to the “bride fair,” but after that the heroine hurries to nature, seeking understanding among its beauty and naturalness:

Sorry, peaceful valleys,
And you, familiar mountain peaks,
And you, familiar forests;
Sorry, heavenly beauty,
Sorry, cheerful nature;
Changing the sweet, quiet light
To the noise of brilliant vanities...

Tatyana is getting married in Moscow. Having become a princess, along with the title she receives the respect and admiration of the “high society” for her.

Unfortunately, social change and the denial of mutual feelings from a dearly loved person could not but affect Tatyana. She is as charming as before, as before, her love for Onegin, nature, books, native places, nanny is alive in her...

... Now I’m glad to give
All this rags of a masquerade,
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home,
For those places where for the first time,
Onegin, I saw you,
Yes for the humble cemetery,
Where is the cross and the shadow of the branches today?
Over my poor nanny...

Tatiana, who appears before us again, is a princess whom everyone admires at balls. She becomes an image of impeccable taste, “a true snapshot du comme il faut.” She plays too much and skillfully to the public.

“Careless charm” - Tatyana defined this role for herself. She performed it flawlessly, amazingly naturally.

We understand that true integrity has already been lost, the direct and trusting expression of feelings has disappeared.

The changes affected not only the girl’s soul, but also her appearance; it was not for nothing that Onegin barely discerned “forgotten features” in Tatyana.

But what do we see? As soon as she saw Onegin, Tatyana perked up, although she didn’t show it:

No matter how strong she was
Surprised, amazed,
But nothing changed her...
There are feelings, but they are hidden deep in the girl’s soul.

The soul is revealed only during a personal conversation with Onegin. She told him everything that was boiling in her heart, but even this “everything” was contained within the framework of secular decency. But she is not constrained by the methods of the “oppressive rank”, she is almost free and overcomes the awkwardness of an unexpected meeting, which Eugene is embarrassed by. This freedom within a limiting framework completely amazed Onegin and led him into numbness.

We see that the sensuality and ardent expression of feelings, characteristic of the former Tatyana, has been replaced by a rather cold composure. This self-control does not leave her during Onegin’s visit. Now she, although not completely, depends on the opinion of the world, and is afraid of it. Tatyana, the “impregnable goddess,” does not show that the old feelings still burn in her heart. But no one except the author and us, the readers, sees or understands what internal efforts it costs her. Just the appearance of Onegin makes her change. Her carelessness, feigned in front of society, disappears as soon as she sees Evgeniy:

Then she turned to her husband
Tired look; slipped out...
And he remained motionless.

Tatyana still loves Evgeniy, she just stopped waiting for him and became disappointed in him.

Tatyana's last monologue is the last step in studying the characters of the novel as a whole. Tatyana's first words are very important for the further interpretation of the conversation. It seems that since we hear them in everyday life, they are ordinary, but no, they carry a certain symbolism here. This “enough” sounds like a call to wake up from the oblivion of feelings. Tatyana will not say: “I want to explain myself to you,” as Evgeny did in the garden:

But I don’t want to praise you;
I will repay you for it.
Tatyana speaks sternly, cruelly:
Enough: stand up! I must
You need to explain yourself frankly.

Now Tatyana has become an “indifferent princess,” since the light, apparently, nevertheless influenced her character and hardened it. She says: “I owe you an explanation frankly.” “Should”, not “want”. And all because Tatyana, although she loves Evgeniy, is deprived of the opportunity to follow her feelings. Now she has something that is not subordinate to Onegin - family, position in society. In Tatyana, love is alive, but it is “given to another”:

I love you (why lie?).
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever...

How about your heart and mind
To be a petty slave to feelings?

This is not at all a rhetorical question. Tatyana pronounces these words with bewilderment. With bewilderment, since she already believed, she decided that Onegin was not created for bliss. Even in the village, the girl realized: “He cannot give me happiness.” And now she judges Onegin according to the ideas that developed even then several years ago. In this delusion of hers, this belatedness of the “review”, which became Onegin’s fault, forces Tatyana to reject him.

Starting to explain herself, Tatyana bitterly says: “Today is my turn.” The laurels of a cold, heartless preacher do not appeal to her. But she fulfills her duty not only to her husband, to society, to herself - to Onegin. Her first movement in the monologue - the desire to make Onegin wake up from his “offensive passion” - is inspired by love. No, Tatyana has not forgotten the time when she was “in love, poor and simple,” she cherishes “the place where she saw Onegin for the first time.” Memories are alive, Tatyana lives by them, and perhaps they allow her to survive in the “whirlwind of light”, and in the language of the poet himself - “in the deadening ecstasy of light.”

Why is Tatyana so harsh in her explanation with Evgeniy, who is submissive to her? Why does his love reject him? The first reason is probably that Tatyana’s heart has not yet forgotten the pain from Onegin’s cold refusal. The second is the light that Tatyana knows and has no doubt that society will interpret his passion in tones that are far from nobility. The “high society” judges lowly, and in questions addressed to Onegin, the possible opinion of “vain rumor” is heard.

What now
Are you following me?
Why do you have me on your radar?..

These words are offensive. And if they had not been expressed in the form of a question, Tatyana, in my opinion, would no longer be able to say: “I love you”...

Third reason: Tatyana is guided by an erroneous opinion about Onegin. She values ​​his former coldness more than his current state. One gets the feeling that Tatyana does not see that he has completely changed. She herself forgot what that Tanya was like, dear Tanya. Tatyana is now far from her former self. This alienation, rejection of the former self, is another obstacle to love. And finally, the last and most important:

I got married…
... I was given to someone else
And I will be faithful to him forever.

Even in a letter to Onegin, she dreamed of becoming a “faithful wife and virtuous mother.” Tatyana subordinated her life to home, deceived in happiness. This submission to the house makes Tatiana “humble” before fate.

Onegin is “buried” under the wall that Tatyana built between them in her confession and at the end destroyed with one phrase:

“I love you (why lie?) ...”

Having achieved mutual love, Evgeniy remains a lonely “eccentric”, a stranger to both society and himself. He with these last words Tatyana is raised to the top and thrown into the abyss. His emotional turmoil is given as images of the elemental forces of nature:

She left. Evgeniy stands,
As if struck by thunder,
What a storm of sensations
Now he's heartbroken!

Now he has been put in Tatyana's place. He is rejected. Tatyana Larina is a pioneer in the gallery beautiful images Russian women created by the writer's thought. She is morally impeccable and strives for highly moral life goals. Along with her are Olga Ilyinskaya from Goncharov’s novel “The Cliff”; heroines of novels by I.S. Turgeneva: Natalya from “Rudnev”, Elena from “On the Eve”.