A. Tvardovsky

The poem “Vasily Terkin” consists of 25 internally complete chapters: “On vacation”, “Before the battle”, “Terkin is wounded”, “Two soldiers”, etc. “A certain chronicle is not a chronicle, not a chronicle,” he said about his poem Tvardovsky. It's one piece poetic work, connected externally and internally by ideological and artistic unity. Everything in it is in its place: the beginning, development, completion of the action; different faces the broadest multi-colored picture - the life of the people during the war. The heroes in Tvardovsky’s poem, however, do more than just fight. They laugh, love, write letters, tell each other stories, dream about peaceful life, sing, dance.

Tvardovsky the realist organically unites everyday life and the high flight of dreams, tragedy and humor, battles and rest, death and life, reckless courage and horror before death. Next to the fighters, although in the deep rear, old men and women live and work for victory, inspiring soldiers to courage with their love and loyalty: Yes, friends, the love of a wife, - Those who didn’t know, check it out, - In war, stronger than war And, to be maybe death. People's life in harsh years encyclopedically covered in a historically consistent movement. In the development of the plot, determined by military events, three stages can be distinguished. The beginning coincides with the most difficult and tragic time - the period of retreat. Not for a single moment did either the hero or the author lose confidence that

The time will come, we'll come back,

What we gave - we will return everything

The nature of the heroic events begins to change noticeably around the chapters “Accordion” and “Two Soldiers”. Here the border of the second part of the work emerges - a new breath appears “in the battle with the invaders. Although the enemy is still strong and dangerous, his offensive has been stopped completely. This idea is most clearly expressed in one of the best chapters- "Duel". Terkin’s fight with the fascist is multi-valued, concrete and generally symbolic, since it personifies the clash of two hostile forces and anticipates the final outcome of the battle: As on an ancient battlefield, Chest to chest, shield to shield, - Instead of thousands, two are fighting, As if the fight will decide everything. The philosophical understanding of the fight against fascism is continued approximately until the chapter “On Love”. What follows is a poetic response to the most joyful stage of the war - the expulsion of Hitler’s troops from Russia and the liberation of Europe: “On the offensive”, “On the road to Berlin” In the poem “Vasily Terkin”, which A. T. Tvardovsky called “A Book about a Soldier” , the image of a Russian man at war was created.

This is not only the image of a hero - a front-line soldier, it is first of all an image an ordinary person, which embodied the mass heroism of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War. Terkin is a soldier, but not a soldier by vocation, a professional military man, he is an ordinary Russian person, faced with the need to defend his homeland from the enemy. For him, war is work, military labor. He is the most mortal and the most earthly man: “He contains the pathos of the infantry, the army closest to the earth, to hunger, to fire and death.” By the nature of his service and his spirit, Vasily Terkin is most sensitive to the laws of war and life. Everything is handy for him, he is comfortable everywhere - especially in the circle of comrades. He is always needed and loved by everyone. In every task he is a master, a craftsman, he can set up a saw, play the accordion, fix a watch, he is ready to build a house, build a stove; but now the hero fights and fights just as efficiently, calmly and confidently. With a sincere joke, sensible advice, and his own behavior under fire, the hero shows how to take care of life.

His optimism and moral health come from the consciousness of rightness, a sense of reality, duty to people, to his native land, to all generations of compatriots. This is the “Russian miracle man” - national type, which traces its ancestry to an everyday soldier's tale.

In war, Vasily Terkin is at one with life, and that is why he is so brave, invulnerable, free and charming.

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Answer: Composition and language of the poem “Vasily Terkin”

The poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky “The Book about a Soldier” is thirty parts of a front-line chronicle. It consists of separate chapters, each of which is a compositionally complete work and is built according to the laws of harmony. The poem, according to the author himself, is written:

...In a war under a shaky roof,

On the roads where I had to

Without leaving the wheels...

What is the motive of movement in this work? The poet realized it in episodes of retreat and then advance, moreover, along almost the same route.

The composition of Tvardovsky’s work is dictated by the archetypal travel scheme that underlies it.

Vasily Terkin begins the war on the Karelian Isthmus, this is the first information about Tvardovsky’s hero. Further in the work specific geographical names are mentioned: Borki, Dnieper, Berlin, call sign Tula.

But Tvardovsky’s hero does not fight on the road “to Berlin.” He affirms peace: the Russian soldier loves to help “other flags are not a reproach” by word, deed, personal example.

How did a soldier live during the war?

In the chapters “At a Rest” and “Two Soldiers” Terkin talks about the harsh life.

At the halt, the entire company lost sleep, as the hero - an experienced fighter - was talking about “Sabantuy”. He does not emphasize his superiority, but simply argues.

In a conversation, suddenly a realization comes human life, the soldier is glad that he managed to avoid death, which means life goes on:

...But, however,

The warrior is alive,

To the kitchen - from the place, from the place - into battle.

Smokes, eats and drinks with gusto

For any position...

Terkin examines:

...But he stuck it somewhere with an awl,

I spotted something in the dust,

He blew somewhere inside, spat,

What do you think, let's go...

No, the war is not forever, time has passed, it has not stopped. The old soldier believes this nondescript fighter. Although later “the Germans took them down from the wall,” he was unable to stop the events.

Alexander Tvardovsky, of course, does not put Tyorkin in a situation of heroism; the soldier simply does everything that is supposed to be done in war.

In the chapter “Crossing” a tense situation of expectation is created.

(The poem is ringed with crossings - these are chapters four and twenty-six).

The black color is repeated several times here, the rumble of the pontoon and scary picture the death of the “haircut guys”.

What's there on the other side?

...People, warm and alive,

We went to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom...

But all is not lost if there is a desperate fighter - “there was one in every company”:

- Allow me to report.

Platoon on the right bank

Alive and well in spite of the enemy!

The lieutenant is just asking

Throw some light there.

And after the fire

Let's get up and stretch our legs.

What is there, we will transform it,

We will provide the crossing...

Terkin appears precisely at the moment when thoughts about the fate of the platoon reach their climax.

This is not self-confidence, but the image of the Russian people, embodied in one simple fighter. Although, some critics argued that Tvardovsky’s hero has a flaw: he lacks the features of a Soviet man.

In the chapter "Accordion" chance meeting showed all the delicacy with the tankers simple soldier, his natural subtlety of feelings and tact.

Everyone suddenly becomes family when Terkin picks up the orphan accordion:

...And from that old accordion,

That I was left an orphan

Somehow it suddenly became warmer

On the front road.

From frosty cars

The people walked as if they were on fire.

And who cares

Who plays, whose accordion...

It became warmer and more comfortable on the winter road, from the familiar melodies of the accordion, from the brightened faces of my comrades.

Tvardovsky's entire poem is written in two syllables. poetic meter-trochee, and the chapter “Harmon”, probably not entirely by chance, was written in accented verse, common in folk poetry.

Here the meaning of what is happening is emphasized - the concept of common kinship.

And Tvardovsky leads his hero through battles and moments of rest, rest on land damaged by bombings and gunfire...

At such moments, the soldier’s heart suddenly aches and he remembers his mother, the nighttime warmth of his father’s home.

The chapter “Who Shot” describes just such a situation. The ground became silent, no shots were heard, but a subtle and annoying sound arose. The soldier’s soul could not stand it, he did not hide from the diving enemy, he only thought about death. I thought about it and realized that I didn’t want to die in the summer - too good. It's very cold in autumn - I don't want to damp earth. In winter, the earth is like stone - no. In the spring, my soul is torn, I don’t want to die.

Philosophical reflection lifts him out of the trench, puts him on one knee and forces him to shoot at the plane with a rifle.

Hero? He didn't think about it, he was just defending himself.

All chapters of the poem talk about the everyday life of war, but it was these everyday life that became the path of the fighter Tyorkin.

The chapter “In the Bath” talks about the outskirts of the war: just a little more - and that’s it. The bathhouse in the poem also has an abstract meaning of the end of the war, when the fighter washes off its bloody ashes.

A bathhouse is also a stop along the way, a reflection on what has been passed.

Alexander Tvardovsky does not indicate where and on which roads of the war the events related to the main character took place.

He does not limit the events of the poem to spatial and temporal boundaries. That is why it is generally accepted that in the image of Vasily Tyorkin the author portrayed a heroic people.

The most famous work A.T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” has become beloved by the Russian people since the Second World War. This is proven by the fact that in 1995, a monument was erected in the writer’s homeland, in the center of Smolensk. As if alive, Alexander Trifonovich cast from bronze and his famous hero with an accordion in his hands. These sculptures are a symbol of memory of the strong Russian character, capable of surviving anything to save the Motherland.

Genre features of the work

In literature, it is customary to classify “Vasily Terkin” as a poem. However, the writer himself was not so categorical on this issue.

Firstly, you need to pay attention to the subtitle “A book about a fighter” made by the author. This already suggests some unconventionality of the work. Indeed, in the content there is no plot connection of the chapters as such, there is no climax, and the question of completeness is quite controversial. main reason the fact that the work “Vasily Terkin” was written in chapters, which became an instant response to the events taking place at the front.

Secondly, Tvardovsky’s notes have been preserved, where he speaks out about the genre: “... a chronicle is not a chronicle, a chronicle is not a chronicle...”. This confirms the fact that the basis of the work was real events, played up by the author.

Thus, this is a unique book, which is an encyclopedia of the life of the people during the terrible war years. And the main thing in it is that the writer managed to skillfully describe a hero who embodied the best features of the Russian character.

Composition and plot

The poem “Vasily Terkin” had a special purpose: it was written in 1942-45 and was addressed, first of all, to the ordinary soldier who fought in the trenches. This determined its composition: independent chapters (in the post-war edition the author left 29, including 5 “author’s” chapters) with a separate plot. “No beginning, no end, no special plot” - this is how Tvardovsky defined the features of “The Book about a Fighter.” This approach was explained quite simply: in wartime conditions it was not possible to fully read the poem “Vasily Terkin”. The chapters, which were united by the image of the main character, who always found himself in the center of events, talked about some important point soldier's everyday life. This made the work valuable in terms of its scale and nationality.

Vasily Terkin: image analysis

The first chapters appear in 1942. In them, the image of an ordinary soldier appears, who appears either as a joker and a merry fellow, then as a jack of all trades and a skilled accordionist, or as a courageous and devoted fighter to his homeland. Tvardovsky does not give detailed hero: his features are as realistic as possible and characteristic of most people. There is no clear indication of his place of residence, although from the author’s digressions one can understand that Tvardovsky and Terkin are fellow countrymen. This approach deprives the hero of individuality and gives the image a generalized character. That is why every reader found familiar features in Terkin and accepted him as one of their own.

The hero, a former worker of the earth, perceives the war as important work. He is shown either at a halt or at peasant hut, now swimming across the river, now talking about a well-deserved award, now playing the accordion... It doesn’t matter what situation Vasily Terkin, who experienced a lot (the connection of his surname with the word “grated”) found himself in during his life. An analysis of his actions and behavior shows that even in such difficult conditions he maintains a love of life and the best firmly believes in victory and in his comrades. The rhyme “Vasily-Russia” is also interesting, which is used several times in the text and emphasizes the true folk features created image.

Image of war

The author also had a special approach to describing the setting of the poem “Vasily Terkin”. Analysis of the text shows that there are practically no specific geographical names and the exact chronology of events. Although the type of troops is quite definitely indicated - infantry, since it was they who had to experience all the hardships to a greater extent front-line life.

Description plays an important role individual parts and items of soldiers' everyday life, which add up to one living and large-scale picture of the war against the Nazis. At the same time, quite often the image of Terkin is associated with a warrior-hero of all “companies and times.”

Author's image

An important person in the poem is not only Vasily Terkin. Analysis of the chapters “From the Author” allows us to imagine the narrator and at the same time the mediator between the hero and the readers.

This is a man who himself experienced the full hardships of war (A.T. Tvardovsky went to the front as a correspondent from the first days). In his reflections the characteristics of the hero are given (in the first place psychological aspect) and popular assessment terrible events. The latter is especially important, especially since the recipients of the poem were both front-line soldiers (L. Ozerov described it as a helper book in the war) and those who remained in the rear. The appearance of new chapters was eagerly awaited, and parts of them were memorized.

Language and style of the poem “Vasily Terkin”

The theme of war is usually revealed through the use of sublime vocabulary. Tvardovsky departs from this tradition and writes a poem about an ordinary soldier, a man from the easy people, in simple language. This gives the whole narrative and the image of the hero naturalness and warmth. The author skillfully combines colloquial, sometimes even colloquial, and literary speech, resorts to revolutions and oral creativity, paraphrases small ones These are numerous sayings and jokes (“your hut is on edge these days”), words with a diminutive meaning (son, falcon), constant epithets(“bitter time”), expressions like “started up clear falcon", "grab-praise."

Another feature is the abundance of dialogues, in which there are many short ones. They easily recreate pictures of everyday soldier’s life and make the characters simple and close to the reader.

A monumental work about the fate of the people

The poem became a decisive event not only in the work of A.T. Tvardovsky, but also in all literature of the war period. The author managed to show in it heroic path an ordinary soldier, like Vasily Terkin. Analysis of military events by a direct participant makes the story believable. Three parts of the poem tell about the decisive stages of the war: the retreat, the turning point and the victorious march to Berlin.

The action of the work ends simultaneously with the victory, since its main task is to tell about incredible courage Soviet people during the war against fascism - A.T. Tvardovsky fully complied.

19. A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” in the context of wartime literature. The theme of man at war. Image of Vasily Terkin. Artistic originality poems. Tvardovsky was always interested in the fate of his country in turning points stories. History and people are his main theme. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), A. T. Tvardovsky writes the poem “Vasily Terkin” about the Great Patriotic War. The fate of the people was being decided. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people during the war.
In “The Country of Ant”, “Vasily Terkin”, large-scale, capacious, collective images are created: the events are enclosed in a very broad plot frame, the poet turns to hyperbole and other means fairy tale convention. In the center of the poem is the image of Terkin, uniting the composition of the work into a single whole. Terkin Vasily Ivanovich - main character poem, an ordinary infantryman from Smolensk peasants. Terkin embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the people as a whole. The poem is structured as a chain of episodes from the military life of the main character, which do not always have a direct event connection with each other. Terkin humorously tells young soldiers about the everyday life of war; He says that he has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, and was wounded. The fate of an ordinary soldier, one of those who bore the brunt of the war on their shoulders, becomes the personification of national fortitude and the will to live. Terkin swims twice across the icy river to restore contact with the advancing units; Terkin alone occupies a German dugout, but comes under fire from his own artillery; on the way to the front, Terkin finds himself in the house of old peasants, helping them with the housework; Terkin enters hand-to-hand combat with the German and, with difficulty, overpowering, takes him prisoner. Unexpectedly, Terkin shoots down a German attack aircraft with a rifle; Terkin calms the envious sergeant: Terkin takes command of the platoon when the commander is killed, and is the first to break into the village; however, the hero is again seriously wounded. Lying wounded in a field, Terkin talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to life; in the end, the soldiers discover him, and he tells them: “Take away this woman, I am a soldier still alive.” The image of Vasily Terkin combines the best moral qualities Russian people: patriotism, readiness for heroism, love of work. The character traits of the hero are interpreted by the poet as traits of a collective image: Terkin is inseparable and integral from the militant people. The author also shades the hero’s patriotism and collectivism negatively: he emphasizes the absence in Terkin of the traits of individualism, selfishness, and concern for his own person. Terkin is characterized by respect and careful attitude masters to things as to the fruit of labor. It’s not for nothing that he takes away his grandfather’s saw, which he warps, not knowing how to sharpen it. Returning the finished saw to the owner, Vasily says: Here, grandfather, take it, look. It will cut better than a new one, don't waste the tool in vain. Terkin loves work and is not afraid of it (from the hero’s conversation with death): The simplicity of the hero is usually synonymous with his mass character, the absence of exclusivity traits in him. But this simplicity also has another meaning in the poem: the transparent symbolism of the hero’s surname, the Terkino “we’ll endure it, we’ll endure it” emphasizes his ability to overcome difficulties simply and easily. This is his behavior even when he swims across an icy river or sleeps under a pine tree, quite content with an uncomfortable bed, etc. In this simplicity of the hero, his calmness, sobriety of his outlook on life, important features are expressed folk character. In the poem “Vasily Terkin”, A. T. Tvardovsky’s field of vision includes not only the front, but also those who work in the rear for the sake of victory: women and old people. The characters in the poem not only fight - they laugh, love, talk with each other, and most importantly, they dream of a peaceful life. The reality of war unites what is usually incompatible: tragedy and humor, courage and fear, life and death. The chapter “From the Author” depicts the process of “mythologization” of the main character of the poem. Terkin is called by the author “a holy and sinful Russian miracle man.” The name of Vasily Terkin has become legendary and a household name.
The poem “Vasily Terkin” is distinguished by its peculiar historicism. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts, coinciding with the beginning, middle and end of the war. Poetic understanding of the stages of the war creates a lyrical chronicle of events from the chronicle. A feeling of bitterness and sorrow fills the first part, faith in victory fills the second, the joy of the liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem. This is explained by the fact that A. T. Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
The composition of the poem is also original. Not only individual chapters, but also periods and stanzas within chapters are distinguished by their completeness. This is due to the fact that the poem was printed in parts. And it should be accessible to the reader from “any place.”
Truthfulness, reliability wide paintings The poet emphasized his life by calling “Vasily Terkin” not a poem, but “a book about a fighter.” The word “book” in this popular sense sounds somehow specially significant, as an object “serious, reliable, unconditional,” says Tvardovsky. Like all the heroes of the world epic, he was granted immortality (it is no coincidence that in the 1954 poem by Terkin in the next world he ends up in afterworld, reminiscent of Soviet reality in its carrion) and at the same time - living optimism, making him the personification of the people's spirit. The poem was a huge success among readers. Vasily Terkin became folklore character, about which Tvardovsky remarked: “Where he came from is where he goes.” The book also received official recognition ( State Prize, 1946), and high praise from his contemporaries.

A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin". Pictures of life at the front.


carry out an ideological and artistic analysis of the poem “Vasily Terkin”, comment on its “nodal” themes; show the relationship between the fate of Tvardovsky and the fate of the Soviet people; use the example of Tvardovsky’s work to trace the difficult and dramatic fate and position of literature during the war and post-war period;


arouse interest in the personality of A.T. Tvardovsky, who became a symbol of open will and Russian directness; show combat orientation, political urgency works; show the high patriotism of Soviet poetry.


develop the ability to work with text; learn to think independently, express your point of view and draw conclusions; promote poetic and civic reflection in students tragic events past associated with the period of Stalinism;

Into battle, forward, into the utter fire

He goes, holy and sinful,

Russian miracle man!

A. Tvardovsky

During the classes.

1. Org. Moment.

2 Lesson topic (slide 1).

The song “Roads” sounds (lyrics by L. Oshanin and music by A. Novikov)

In one of the quiet and cozy corners of the city of Smolensk there is a monument to participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The names are carved on the pedestal: Alexander Tvardovsky, Vasily Terkin.

Comfortably sitting on a log, they are talking enthusiastically, remembering the dusty roads, the crossing, battles, their friends... Tvardovsky sits, deep in thought. He listens attentively to the story about the next battle, where ours won, and, perhaps, reflects on his future chapter of the “Book about a fighter.” Terkin, as always, is cheerful and cheerful. He’s about to finish his speech and “start another song”: he’ll start playing in the three-row lane, forgetting about everything in the world... And tomorrow he’ll be back on the front line again.

Slide 2 Determining the topic and goals of the lesson. Write down the dates and topics of the lesson in a notebook. The teacher's word about the epigraph.

Let's get acquainted with the writer A.T. Tvardovsky.

Message from Sharip Ed.

1. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, Soviet poet, was born on June 21, 1910 in the Zagorye farmstead of the Smolensk region in the family of a rural blacksmith. In 1939 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature. Started writing poetry with early childhood. Since 1924, he was a rural correspondent who published notes and essays in local newspapers. The fate of the peasant during the years of collectivization is the theme of Tvardovsky’s first poems “The Path to Socialism” and “Introduction”, “Collected Poems 1930 - 1935”, the story “Diary of the Chairman of a Collective Farm”, the poem “The Country of Ant”. As a correspondent he took part in the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Tvardovsky worked in front-line newspapers, publishing poems (“Front-line Chronicle”) and essays.

From the first days until the end of the war he was at the front. Knowledge folk life, thoughts and aspirations of his contemporaries allowed Alexander Trifonovich to immediately find a way to the heart of a front-line soldier, to create works of a truly civil sound.

In the poem “Vasily Terkin (Book about a Soldier)” the figure of a lively, experienced soldier is transformed into an epically capacious image that embodies the depth, significance, diversity of thoughts and feelings of the so-called privates, ordinary people wartime.

“This is truly rare book, - wrote I.A. Bunin. “What freedom, what wonderful prowess, what accuracy, precision in everything and what an extraordinary soldier’s folk language!” clearly expressed moral ideals The book became widely known among the people, causing numerous imitations and poetic “sequels.”


These days you can often hear the question: “Why talk again about a war after which more than half a century has passed?” But will we be right to forget about years of fire The Great Patriotic War, forgetting about those who died or were maimed defending their Motherland? Will we be right to forget about the enormous role of writers who helped to fight and win?

Observations and impressions of the war years are reflected in Tvardovsky’s front-line notebooks.

….. Moreover, it is especially sad and painful when a fighter lies alone under his greatcoat, lies under some bush, in the snow. Somewhere else letters are sent to him by field mail, but he lies there. Part of him has already gone far, and he lies there. There are already other heroes, other dead, and they lie, and he lies, but they remember him less often.

…..I feel sorry for that distant fate,

As if dead, alone,
It's like I'm lying there
Frozen, small, killed
In that unknown war,
Forgotten, small, lying.

This is what Tvardovsky wrote in his poem “Two Lines” in 1943. The feeling of involvement in the tragedy of the war and compassion for all its victims can be heard in many of Tvardovsky’s poems.

3. Let's analyze main poem A.T. Tvardovsky.

Transition to the analysis of the poem “Vasily Terkin”.

What is a poem?

The history of writing the poem, the specifics of the genre, the features of the composition.

Tonya Sh prepared a message about this. Let's listen to her speech.

1 What does the poet say about water? (Reading a fragment from the chapter. Page 172)

2 B What else can you not live without during the war? Name the answers.

(Reading a fragment from the chapter.)

No joke.

Without shag.

Students look for answers in the text, then these answers are displayed on the slide.

(Reading fragments from the poem)

Teacher. Tvardovsky himself said, “This is a book about a fighter without beginning or end.” Why?

Tell us about the composition of the poem.

(Problematic question). (Of 28 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue. Divided into 3 parts. The chapter is a separate episode from front-line life. The general thing is one hero)

(Students should come to the conclusion that each chapter should be a fragment complete in meaning, so that they can read it at any time, since the poem was published in separate issues of front-line newspapers. The chapters should be united by the main character - Terkin).

Chapter "At a halt."

1 How did Vasily gain respect from his comrades in this chapter? What's behind the joke? (The desire to maintain morale, to defuse the situation).

3 How do you understand T.’s words that Terkin is just a guy himself? He’s ordinary. Is it so?

(Find and read fragments from the chapter about our hero.

“However, the guy is good.....Three times, here he is!” he came out.)

Teacher Yes, Terkin is an ordinary soldier. And the poet chose the original Russian name for his hero, Vasily. The hero also fought in the Finnish war, was surrounded three times, wounded by shrapnel, worthy of a medal and many years of service.

? . Reading the chapter “Crossing”.

1 Describe what a military crossing is, based on the painting by Khud. Vereisky

textbook p.183

At night, the first of the column.....

And more dear than an hour ago.

2 How do you understand the following stanzas?

Them they take a harsh path

Same as two hundred years ago

Walked with a flintlock gun

Russian worker-soldier

Crossing, crossing...

The guns fire in the pitch darkness.

The fight is on holy and righteous

mortal combat is not for glory -

For the sake of life on earth.

3 What do we learn about Terkin in this chapter?

Chapter “About War.”

1 How do you understand the stanzas

“Today we are responsible

For Russia, for the people

And for everything in the world."

Chapter “About the reward.”

1 What does Private Terkin dream about?

2 What features does the hero of the poem have?

In what deep meaning poems? - In truth. It shouldn't feel like a pleasure ride. It's hard work. But the fighters know what they are fighting for, they do not panic, they do not become limp. And a lot of credit for this goes to people like Terkin.

Using the example of the bright, original personality of V. Terkin, Tvardovsky showed a person “in war, in a harsh life, in a difficult life in war.” The author, chapter after chapter, talks about what you cannot live without in war and win, going “to a holy and just battle”: a field kitchen, a soldier’s overcoat, an accordion, a dugout, jokes, friendship.

Summing up the lesson.

1) What did you study in the lesson?

2) Let's return to the epigraph. Have we proven or disproved his opinion?