Who suits a semicircle haircut? Bangs in a semicircle: selection rules, options, tips for implementation

Semicircular bangs are another hello from the bygone 70s with their super popular “pageboy”. At that time, such bangs adorned short haircuts, in which the hair length throughout the mass was approximately the same. The haircut, which today we call “ball”, is no longer so relevant, but the semicircular bangs that remain from it continue its fashionable path in the 21st century, entering a variety of looks.

What does semicircular bangs look like?

It is not difficult to imagine a semicircular bang - it literally frames the face with a semicircle of hair, following the lower part of the forehead along the line of the eyebrows. If you look at several photographs with such bangs, it is easy to notice that the hairstyle can look different and the face is also perceived differently. It's all about the semicircle with which the edge of the bangs is cut. The perception of the face depends on the depth and expressiveness of this semicircle, as well as on the height of the bangs relative to the eyebrow line. This simple bangs can make the face visually wider or narrower, emphasize the eyes and hide a high sloping forehead.

Who is suitable for semicircular bangs?

Semicircular bangs, despite many of the above-mentioned advantages, are not suitable for every face. Moreover, the type of faces that such bangs can decorate is quite limited. Semicircular bangs look good on a face with harmonious features - oval, but without a strong expression of chubby cheeks. Such bangs perfectly disguise a high forehead and draw attention to the eyes, especially if they are emphasized by evening makeup. .

This bang perfectly emphasizes the beauty of dark, thick, heavy hair, which in a bob variation with straight, thick bangs can look inappropriately graphic. It would not be a mistake to call semicircular bangs a more feminine retro version of straight ones. thick bangs up to the eyebrows , which is more suitable for young people and does not always go well with faces with roundness in the lower part of the face, as if pressing it down. The semicircular bangs slightly open the forehead area and the face is “picked up” from all sides, becomes sculpted and becomes visually narrower.

Who is not suitable for semi-circular bangs?

Semicircular bangs very rarely look good on girls with problematic lower parts of the face. If the face not only has a rounded contour, but is also quite full, there is a double chin , then the bangs, hiding the upper area of ​​the face, attract all attention to the massive lower one. To avoid possible errors when round or oval face, if you want to try semi-circular bangs, ask the stylist not to cut a very curved circle of bangs, making the line almost straight, only slightly rounded. The second point is the correct framing of hair strands in the cheek area. They should delicately cover the cheeks, visually narrowing them, so you should not cut this area too much; it is better to leave the ears closed, allowing the strands to cover the contour of the face on the sides.

The second situation in which semicircular bangs may not look advantageous is the lower area of ​​the face, which is also problematic, but now it is not round, but, on the contrary, overly angular. General persons with expressive cheekbones, you need appropriate hairstyles that can neutralize the features of such a face. If too sharp lines can make such features even rougher, then too soft ones, which include semicircular bangs, create a striking contrast, and then the flaws will still be striking.

Hairstyles with semi-circular bangs

Semicircular bangs require an appropriate frame in the form of beautiful, shining, healthy straight hair that is in perfect harmony with it and does not cover its importance for the image. For this reason, the most optimal haircut options for such bangs are a short bob, similar to a pageboy haircut, but without curling inwards, a classic natural straight bob, approximately shoulder length, and long straight hair of the same length or with a slight graduation along the contour.

At short bob in pageboy style you will create an image in recognizable style retro. A hairstyle with semicircular bangs looks interesting, especially on dark hair with a natural shine, but there is a risk that the haircut will resemble a helmet. Before you do this haircut with thick semicircular bangs, think about deep color elaboration of the hairstyle, adding depth to the shade.

A long bob and semi-circular bangs look very modern together. This haircut looks moving and lively. If you choose semicircular bangs for long hair, make sure that even in everyday looks they remained smooth. If you are very round face and you don't want to wear a simple symmetrical bangs in a semi-circle, you can do an oblique semi-circle - nothing is impossible. This bangs is suitable for both short asymmetrical smooth bobs and hairstyles for medium and long hair. Oblique semicircular bangs are less demanding and more flexible if you need to adapt new styling to an old look.

Bang - the most important detail How women's hairstyle in particular, and the image in general. Giving her new uniform or by changing the length, you can change beyond recognition, so much does an open or half-closed forehead change your face.

But, if it is impossible to do the entire haircut yourself, then you can really cope with bangs if you follow a number of rules. Otherwise, your chance of ruining your hair is very high.

So, you decided to show the world your mesmerizing look, but for some reason you don’t want to go to the hairdresser. What do you need to cope on your own? How to cut your bangs stylishly without the help of professionals?

Important! The apparent simplicity of this procedure is a myth. Cutting bangs independently and beautifully is a difficult and responsible task.

Types of bangs

First, decide which form is yours.

  • Side bangs are one of the most stylish options.

If your face shape resembles a square or rectangle, this bangs shape is for you! It will also help smooth out the proportions of round faces. It doesn’t matter whether your hair is long or short: side-swept bangs are practically contraindicated only for those with curly hair.

  • Straight long.

Perfect for a romantic or business image, for long smooth hair or a high ponytail.

  • Very short.

Suitable for chubby girls. If you have a sharply defined chin, it should be straight.

  • Multilayer.

Its bright and non-standard appearance will undoubtedly attract glances, such bangs look so impressive and stylish, especially against the background of highlighted and colored hair. In this option, a short haircut is preferable.

  • Classic “torn” long.

Significantly adds external courage. Suitable for absolutely everyone.

Thickness and width of bangs

Imagine, there are mathematical quantities here too!

The width of the bangs is the distance from the left frontal bulge to the right. According to hairdressing canons, it cannot “extend” beyond the temples, with the exception of certain hairstyles.

Thickness is a matter of your choice. However, do not forget that excessive thickness of bangs takes away hair from the bulk of the hairstyle. But you also need to remember that the thicker the bangs become, the less hair the bulk will get. You need to proceed from the thickness of your hair.

Tools needed to cut bangs at home:

  1. Two pairs of scissors: straight hairdressing and thinning. Be sure to make sure they are sharp, otherwise the result of the haircut will unpleasantly surprise you.
  2. Fine tooth comb.
  3. Clips (crab clips will do).

How to make long bangs yourself

This is the easiest possible option, suitable for beginners: it’s almost impossible to spoil anything here. So start small.


  1. First, select the strands intended for cutting. To do this, we select the hair with a central parting, running from the crown to the forehead. Choose a place in the middle of the parting (with thin hair, this point moves closer to the forehead than to the top of the head). From this midpoint we draw a parting line to the ear, separating two strands that will turn into bangs.
  2. Symmetrically and carefully cut the strand parallel to the lip line.
  3. Now you need to “sharpen” or “filter” the ends. Method for a beginner: take a strand and cut it at a slight angle. Don’t be afraid to cut off too much - the strands are long, only one of them should remain the original length, and you will cut the others a little shorter, at different angles, to give the hair a natural look. Please note: the more noticeable the difference between the lengths of the strands, the more original the hairstyle will look.

Famous women with long bangs: Olivia Wilde, Claudia Schiffer, Monica Bellucci, Naomi Campbell, Penelope Cruz and others.

Asymmetrical oblique bangs: cut at home yourself.

Are you already accustomed to the idea that you have such a interesting detail hairstyles? Now you can add a stylish dash of sass to your look.

How to cut side bangs for yourself - video


  1. Select the center of the bangs.
  2. We cut it obliquely.
  3. We filter or sharpen the strands in the same way as in the previous instructions. Remember that the strands must differ in length!

Famous wearers of side bangs: Victoria Beckham, Emma Watson, Keira Knightley, Carrie Underwood, Nicole Ricci and others.

Long straight bangs

In general, the process is not that complicated. Creating this version of the bangs will require perseverance and accuracy, but you already have some experience in this area, so all that remains is to add a little patience to it.

The instructions are simple: cut the hair at the level of the bridge of the nose exactly in a straight line.

Semi-circular bangs with long edges: how to do them correctly

When creating this model, eye, accuracy and dexterity are very important, because the hair is not cut straight, but in a semicircle. Therefore, it is extremely important not to break the symmetry, otherwise desired effect not reach.


  1. The model is most effective if it is made thick. Therefore, we select a few additional strands closer to the crown to attach to the existing bangs.
  2. To achieve the desired symmetry, we begin to cut the hair from the middle to the edges from top to bottom at a slight angle, gradually rounding the line.
  3. When main line Once done, you can “sharpen” the strands. But we won’t cut the strands at too steep an angle, otherwise we risk disrupting the clarity of the semicircle.

The standard for owners of round bangs is Mireille Mathieu, the owner of the stylish “bob”, who gave birth to a whole wave of fans of the “a la Mathieu” style.

Semi-circle bangs - option No. 2. We cut our own hair.

If the previous version assumed a shorter middle with elongated edges, now everything is exactly the opposite. Another shape that you can try to make at home is sometimes called a smile: its middle is located below the edges.


  1. We cut almost the same way as in the previous version, moving from the middle to the edges, only from the bottom up.
  2. If necessary, we “sharpen” the strands.

Layered bangs: beauty requires risk!

  1. We highlight the hair on the frontal area with a rectangular or triangular parting. We pin up the rest of the hair and pull it back. A little explanation: rectangular or U-shaped is a parting in which the highlighted bangs in front look like a rectangle. Likewise with a triangular parting.
  2. Comb the first strand about a centimeter wide (horizontally) and cut the hair just above the center of the forehead along horizontal line.
  3. Next, after another 1 cm, separate the next strand with the same parting, cut it at the level of the cut line of the previous strand.
  4. We comb the third strand onto the face and cut it along a horizontal line passing a centimeter below the bridge of the nose.
  5. We cut the rest of the strands in the same way.
  6. At the end of this time-consuming and painstaking process, we apply finishing touches: You should comb your hair and make a deep thinning.

Some practical advice, how to cut bangs at home without ruining your hair.

  • It is best to cut your bangs monthly.
  • It is better to do this in daylight, in a serene mood and in a well-lit room.
  • Expectant mothers should not torment themselves with the question “is it possible to cut bangs during pregnancy?” The prejudice regarding pregnant women's haircuts dates back to ancient times. And then there was a completely different, rather esoteric attitude towards hair. And even now they - important component magical rituals.
  • To correct uneven edges of your bangs, trim the “extra” hair from right to left, holding the scissors at a right angle and pinching small strands between your fingers.
  • Cut only clean hair! Hair that has been unwashed for a long time tends to “sag” down.

It is advisable that the hair be damp when cutting - this makes it easier to stretch it. But we should not forget that the dried bangs will “rise” by about a centimeter. Therefore, many hairdressers cut it dry, afraid of missing the final length and shape.

  • Before cutting, owners of long hair are advised to pick it up and pin it up so as not to accidentally cut off interfering strands.
  • If you want to make your bangs lighter and airier, thinning will help you. Hold the scissors at right angles to the bangs and thin them with the very tips in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

And what can owners of curly hair still have to do: forever abandon the idea of ​​straight long or very short, multi-layered, oblique or torn bangs? Not at all!

If you have the patience to care for such a capricious area of ​​hair, then cut it and don’t be afraid. True, there are several “buts”:

  • Curly, unruly bangs need to be straightened every morning with a hair straightener, sometimes using special cosmetics. Miss one morning like this and you'll come to work or school with your bangs standing on end. (By the way, the same can be said about permed hair, because it imitates curls!)
  • The experience of curly fashionistas proves that it makes sense to do either very long bangs, or very thick. Otherwise, you end up with a very unsightly option, without which the hairstyle would look much better.

Not every girl is capable of making such sacrifices. If the owner of curls has a high forehead, then for the sake of visual correction of the shape of the face, it still makes sense to decide on daily exercises with a straightening iron.

  • Don’t forget about thermal protection before using the iron and various masks after. Otherwise, the risk of “burning” hair that is straightened every day is very high.

Do you remember a touching moment from childhood, when you secretly took scissors from your mother and quietly, like a spy, straightened out what you thought were the imperfections and defects of your hair? Such an incident will probably be found in the memories of both the fairer sex and their stronger halves. The result was disastrous for you and comical for your relatives, what else? long years photographs in the family album testified.

In today's world, image is already half the success. Therefore, an adult modern man cannot afford such luxury as crooked bangs. And, when deciding to take such a serious step as cutting your bangs at home, re-read our recommendations again.

Bangs have been in fashion for a very long time and before today continue to be trendy. This is not surprising, since they not only suit many women, but also allow them to highlight the most attractive facial features and help hide imperfections. There is far more than one design option. For example, bangs in a semicircle are an excellent alternative to the classic straight bangs. Let's talk about this form in more detail.


Appearance and technique

You can imagine what such bangs look like based on the name.

Its main feature is that it should frame the face, and the contour in this case goes just above the line of the eyebrows, approximately in the lower area of ​​the forehead. The parameters of the bangs, such as the degree of “depth” of the semicircle, its length and width, can be adjusted as desired.

In the photo of girls with semicircular bangs you can see that, thanks to various variations These parameters, hairstyle and face as a whole can look completely different.

Also, if you correctly select the required height or “depth”, you can correct facial features, for example, visually enlarge the shape, emphasize the shape of the eyes, cover a large forehead or hide wrinkles on it.

Semicircular bangs are cut as follows:

  1. To begin, decide on degree of thickness your bangs. It is important to remember that this design will look beautiful only if you do not spare the strands and make the bangs quite thick. Otherwise, an arcuate cut may not work out at all.
  2. Do triangle parting and with the apex in the area of ​​the crown. The hair is clean and pre-dried.
  3. Gather the part of the hair that is not needed for work into a ponytail or bun. First trim the work area up to the eyebrow line.
  4. Divide the shortened strands into two equal parts and cut each separately. They should be aligned in shape semicircle, heading from forehead to temples.

Make sure that the strands are cut symmetrically, and if necessary, periodically trim them further.

Oblique semicircular bangs

This option will please lovers of asymmetry. With its help, you can add expression and courage to your image. This species will be able to fully reveal its potential on short hair . Such bangs with highlights or coloring will look especially attractive. dark color, as, for example, in the photo.

Like any other type of bangs, this one does not suit every girl.

  1. To the owners square face shape, since the soft arched design will create a striking contrast between the angular chin and the rounded ends of the forehead. Therefore, it is better to choose the option that will help soften the large features of the lower part of the face.
  2. If you have full face . Since the semicircle covers the forehead, the attention of others will be attracted to the lower part, that is, the problematic chin and cheeks.

But if you still have great desire experiment and try on this option, then in this case you should not make the arc too steep, but on the contrary - almost straight and slightly rounded.

Also, you should pay attention to the strands framing the face. They need to be designed so that they cover the cheeks and make them visually narrower, so it is better to make this area as big as possible thicker.

Everyone knows that bangs can transform your face. This also applies to the classic semicircular bangs. You can see it in the photographs Hollywood stars 30s And here she is again at the height of fashion!

Semi-circle bangs: who suits them

This bangs suits narrow and elongated face types. She is able to visually add volume to him and expand his face a little. If you have the type, it’s better not to do such a haircut.

Semi-circle bangs are suitable for mischievous and playful girls who are optimistic. This hairstyle gives life to the look, makes small features a little heavier, and makes the face more expressive.

With short hair, along with unruly curls and curly hair, she creates the image of a willful and daring girl who does not blindly follow fashion trends, but independently creates its laws.

Bangs from the top of the head with short highlighted or colored hair will look very original, rejuvenating its owner.

This type looks completely different. It goes well with shiny, long hair and gives its owner an elegant and feminine look. This is real Hollywood style and chic, exactly the highlight that each of us has been looking for for many years.

Semi-circle bangs: how to cut them

Such bangs add charm to the image, but in order to cut it correctly, the master needs to use all his skill. In such a hairstyle, strict symmetry is of great importance, while its bottom should clearly follow a semicircle. Otherwise, bangs will only add sloppiness to your hairstyle.

Semi-circle bangs: styling

This hairstyle, slightly curled from the inside with a large round brush when styling, can give your look a childish, “fresh” and naive tone. It is also called “pony bangs”. Such hairstyle will suit for every face type and highlights the eyes.

Women over forty years old should pay attention to the straight version of this hairstyle - it looks just great, and at the same time rejuvenates. In addition, if you want to hide it under your hair, bangs in a semicircle will also suit you. Her photos clearly show that such a hairstyle softens the features, while placing the most advantageous accents.

Such bangs will look incredibly flattering with both short and long hair. It's very easy to install. To do this, you need to have a round brush, a hairdryer, and hair fixing products on hand. If you have already had your bangs cut in this shape at a beauty salon, then you can easily handle styling them. First, wash your hair and make a moisturizing mask. After rinsing off the product with cool water, let your hair dry a little. Take a large round brush, hair dryer, styling spray or mousse. Apply a little mousse to your hair and pull your bangs up. In this state, direct a stream of air onto your hair and leave it in this position for a few seconds. Comb the strands with a comb. Spray to consolidate the result.

When styling such bangs, you can straighten them with an iron, or you can give them volume. A very extravagant look can be achieved by curling your bangs with curlers: this way you will get an eccentric and