How to cut bangs on both sides. way to cut bangs. Simplest. Bangs cut for wet hair.

No matter what hairstyle you wear, bangs are one of the most important elements that create your unique image. One form or another can radically change your appearance. You can cut it yourself, and do it in such a way that it ideally suits the shape of your face and hair length.

Before cutting your bangs, you need to decide what it will be. Everyone knows that they have several types: they can be thick or sparse, even or oblique.

Conventionally, they come in two types: as an independent element of a hairstyle or as part of it.

Bangs as an independent element most often do not depend on the length of the curl and in itself attracts attention.

The bangs, which are part of the hairstyle, depend on the type of haircut and are formed after the haircut is completed. As a rule, it is combed out and laid in the desired direction. Edging is also done at the end of the main work.


It is a necessary final element. This is both a contour line for the bangs and a separate way to adjust it. Edging can give a smooth or rounded look, or, conversely, make it jagged and harsh.

The most common types are:

  • Triangular;
  • Straight;
  • Wavy;
  • Two-level;
  • Stepped;
  • Torn;
  • Oblique;

If you have difficulties with how to cut your hair correctly, you can consult a hairdresser or stylist. He can suggest or even show how to do it, and choose an option that is suitable in terms of thickness and width. You can also try computer selection of haircuts using a special program.

Parting selection

There are several options for separating a strand from the main body of hair. The parting can be triangular, U-shaped or parallel.

The width, as a rule, is determined by the frontal convexities: right and left. If a haircut is required, the bangs can also cover the temporal strands.

Tools needed for cutting

First of all, these are scissors. Experts recommend using only professional tools, since the final result depends on their quality. If you don’t have these, then you need to take the most polished ones.

If in the future you plan to cut your own hair, then a professional tool will be a must. In addition to the usual ones, you will also need thinning scissors. If desired, you can create amazing effects with them.

Then comb. It should only be a comb, not a massage brush. It is best to use a double comb, with sparse teeth on one side and frequent teeth on the other.

In addition to the basic tools, you will need various clamps, crabs and rubber bands.

Haircut technique

When all the tools are ready, the type of haircut has been selected, the question arises: how to cut the bangs without making technical errors and so that they look beautiful.

There are several opinions on whether to moisturize your hair before cutting or leave it dry. Moreover, each opinion is supported by its own arsenal of arguments, and one can argue endlessly.

If there is no complete certainty on this issue, it is worth knowing that on dry hair the haircut will not be completely even, since the existing styling greatly affects it. This is especially true for curly or wavy hair. If you decide to cut wet hair, you should remember that after drying, the hair is shortened by an average of a centimeter. In this case, you need to be careful with the length and shape of the bangs.


In order to cut your bangs evenly, you must first comb your hair smoothly, pull it towards the bridge of your nose and cut it to the desired length. The result is a strand that you need to follow when cutting off the remaining strands.


The bangs are separated from the rest of the hair. If desired, you can use a spray bottle to moisturize your curls. Then the strand is combed and cut at the desired angle: an even cut is obtained. You can create bangs with more interesting edges by running thinning scissors vertically along the ends of the hair. Thinning scissors are also used for thinning hair.


This version of the bangs presents a certain complexity and without preparation it is quite difficult to implement.

To begin, the bangs are separated and combed. Next, at the desired level, the hair is cut into teeth. They can be made both large and small. On thick hair ah, large ones look best, small ones look best on rare ones. Then thinning is carried out, but this is done at your discretion.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is not necessary to go to the hairdresser to get your bangs in order: you can do this at home yourself. Various tutorials and videos will help you with this.

Oblique bangs have become an integral part of the hairstyle for women of any age and with any hair length. She decorates short haircut, complements average length hair and adds variety to feminine style With long hair. To get bangs like this, you don't have to go to the hairdresser because they can be easily cut at home if you have the courage, a steady hand and sharp scissors. How to cut side bangs at home? It's very simple, there are several ways, and they all stem from one thing - choose what suits you best.

Cutting bangs yourself – is it worth the risk?

If you are planning to add variety to your hairstyle yourself, please follow a few basic rules so that you don’t have to rush from your own bathroom to the salon, where a professional hairdresser will urgently correct the fruits of your independent creativity.

Of course, there is a wise saying that hair will grow back, and with bangs it will happen much faster and less painfully than if you had to grow out a very short haircut. However, if you cut off too much, the shape of your bangs won't turn out the way you intended or a new style It simply doesn’t suit you, even a professional can’t always correct your image. And then all you have to do is wait for the length to grow completely.

How to cut side bangs: main steps

Preparatory stages:

Cut off your bangs

If you wear your bangs on the right side, comb the prepared strand, carefully take it, holding it between your index and middle fingers, and move it to the opposite side - to the left. You can secure the strand with a flat bobby pin or a flat crab. Next, you need to carefully make a straight cut at the length of bangs you want. Cut the strand straight, then release it and move it to the other side - you should get oblique bangs with a diagonal cut. If necessary, straighten its line or angle.

The second method of cutting oblique bangs differs from the first in that you cut off not a straight strand, but a strand wrapped in a rope. Take the strand that you have selected for the bangs, roll it into a tight strand so that you have a tail large enough for an oblique cut, secure the strand well with your fingers. Then make an even diagonal cut and release the hair. In this case, the bangs will not turn out to be evenly oblique, as in the first option, but careless and disorderly; the strands may be of different lengths, which is good for distributing the bangs on two sides of the face.

After cutting off the bangs, you can roll them up again and carefully go through the ends either with thinning scissors or using regular sharp scissors, holding them vertically.

Useful tips

Never cut bangs on dry hair. They need to be moistened, but not completely wet. After wetting, pat them dry with a towel. Wet hair is easier to cut, and you won't run the risk of choppy bangs.

You need to trim your bangs with sharp scissors that are designed for cutting hair. Never use household scissors that are not sharp enough to cut hair evenly and quickly. If you are going to always cut your bangs, do not skimp and buy good couple scissors are a good investment.

Hair is a symbol of beauty. What women don’t do with them to look stunning. Coloring, curling, styling, braiding - these are just the basics of working on your hair. The full arsenal is much richer. Today we’ll focus on how to cut your bangs yourself.

What suits whom?

Many hairstyles look incomplete without bangs. Different styles coexist harmoniously only with certain forms, differing in length, thickness, and angle of inclination. Girls who like to experiment can try to create the desired version at home. The lucky ones who have already been to a stylist and do not want to adjust the length of their bangs every month should learn how to do it correctly in their own bathroom.

Before you pick up scissors, you should understand what is beautiful for you and what is not acceptable:

Basic rules for working with bangs

Let's reveal important nuances in working with facial hair. You will need a number of hairdressing supplies:

In addition to preparing everything you need, it’s worth deciding what you want. end result, deciding what the hair cut line, length and shape will be. Use the scissors carefully to avoid scratching your face. If you are not sure that you will get the right size, then you can cut dry hair (wet hair will shorten after drying).

Haircutting techniques

First, let's take a step-by-step look at how to cut side-swept bangs:

To give the image a natural look, you can make a thinning or textured option. In the first case, you will need special scissors with a cut on the blade. They must be operated at a distance of no more than one and a half centimeters from the edge.

If you don't have scissors, use a razor blade. Divide your bangs into five sections. Twist each one into a tight rope, treat the edges of the workpiece at a distance of about a centimeter with a blade, directing it correctly (angle about 30 degrees) and very carefully so as not to remove excess hairs. Remove only the top layer of the rope, thinning it towards the edge in the shape of a nail or needle.

Textured or jagged edges can be achieved by guiding the blade towards the edges of the bangs in a nearly vertical position. To do this, gradually pull the bangs over the crown, removing excess length at a small angle in the form of a herringbone in centimeter increments. After finishing the haircut, go through with thinning scissors.

If everything is clear with this technology, then we’ll figure out how to cut bangs to the side.

There are several options here. The simplest one is done like this:

  1. Make an exactly straight cut one centimeter longer than the desired length, since when combing the curls to the sides, the strands will become shorter.
  2. Divide your bangs into two parts with a side parting.
  3. Cut strands a centimeter wide from the parting at an angle of forty-five degrees to a height of one and a half to two centimeters so that the bangs look beautiful.

You can do the same option as in the pictures. To do this, immediately separate your bangs with a side parting and cut each half separately.

You can make a very original side styling as follows:

A few important secrets

It is advisable to mill out oblique bangs, especially if your hair has a thick structure. This is the only way you will achieve a natural look.

The final check of your work can be done after washing your hair and styling your curls. Then visible defects will come out. Correct them with scissors.

Under no circumstances cut straight bangs with the idea of ​​making them oblique, as straight line It will be difficult to change and you may not guess with the length.

For aces who cut their hair on their own not for the first time, we offer little secret. Divide your bangs into two parts horizontally. Make the top one one to two millimeters longer so that the hairs curl beautifully under the bottom.

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How to cut your own bangs?

Fashionable, properly cut or long bangs can change the image beyond recognition.

Don’t girls want to hide their flaws and highlight their strengths as effectively as possible, without resorting to expensive procedures or make-up?

Professionals do our hair at the hairdresser, but is it possible to cut our bangs ourselves? This is what our article will be about.

How to highlight bangs correctly?

A hairstyle is not only a fresh haircut, but also a timely cut bangs. This small haircut detail is an important accent to the entire female appearance.

You need to cut your bangs by following some rules. If you ignore them, not only will your hairstyle as a whole suffer, but some appearance flaws will also become more noticeable.

  • The shape of the bangs is selected taking into account the characteristics of the face and figure. Personal preferences are also important, but they are taken into account last.
  • Don’t worry about the fact that there are very few options that would highlight the advantages and features of your appearance. There are so many women in the world, and they all find “their” bang shape.
  • If your hairdresser has suggested the ideal bang shape for you, then within a month you will need to adjust it.
  • If you don’t have time to regularly contact a hairdresser for help, or at some point you don’t have enough money for an obligatory trip to the hairdresser, then it’s a good idea to learn how to fix overgrown bangs yourself. After all, this will be a significant saving of both money and time.

Straight bangs on a hairstyle with long hair

Convex bangs

When choosing bangs, you need to take into account your face shape and hair structure.
  • Long bangs that are in line with the rest of your hair are more difficult to correct on your own. It is much easier to correct growing bangs.
  • The final result will depend on the scissors. Buy professional ones. If you do not plan to further trim your bangs at home, you can use regular scissors. Only they should be sharp and large. Scissors used to cut paper are not suitable for this.
  • Professional hairdressers pre-wet the hair and only then start cutting. But if this is your first time taking on a haircut, even a small detail of the hairstyle, then it is better to skip the stage of wetting the hair and cut only washed and dried hair. Otherwise, you won't guess the length, and your bangs will be too short.
  • If you want to cut your hair wet hair, then you should leave the length longer than expected, and when cutting curly hair, you should step back a little from the desired level.

Execution steps:

  • If you've never cut your bangs before... This item is a must read! We cut off the hair with a margin of length. This way, if something happens, we can correct mistakes or adjust the shape of the bangs.
  • You can start cutting your bangs only in a calm state. Good daylight, a mirror and the sharpest scissors available in the house are also required.
  • We separate the strands from which we plan to make bangs from the rest of the hair. To do this, we use clips, and if the hair is long, we collect it in a ponytail or bun. Without doing this, you risk accidentally cutting off an extra curl.

  • Next, we divide the bangs into parts and comb them thoroughly, using a comb with frequently and widely spaced teeth.
  • Take a small curl from the section of hair selected for the bangs. We pinch it between our fingers, pulling the curl forward. Cut off a strip of hair little by little, marking the desired length. Place the scissors at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • If you point the scissors at an angle of 90 degrees to the strands, you will end up with an arched bang: the strands will slide along the blades of the scissors, which means you won’t get an even bang.
  • We repeat all the steps of cutting the hair with the remaining strands, removing the excess length.

  • Now let's start shaping the bangs. Let's go through it with a comb and cut off the hairs that have managed to get out of the total mass. At this stage, you can correct the shape of the bangs and cut off stray hairs or hairs of different lengths.

  • Let's adjust the shape of the bangs: go over it with scissors positioned at right angles.

We cut the hair, focusing on the already trimmed row
  • Wet the bangs and comb them. Let's press our hand to the forehead and check whether it is neatly trimmed and whether some strands need to be straightened. Don't get too carried away: you can end up with bangs that are too short.
  • We dry the bangs with a hairdryer and, if you have special scissors, profile them, going along the edge. The “teeth” of these scissors are different in size and located at different distances, which allows you to cut off more or less ends. This way, we will give the bangs lightness, and further styling will not take much time.

  • If you are confident in your abilities and have minimal experience in cutting bangs, then try dividing the strands into two horizontal layers. Cut the top one 1 mm longer than the bottom one. The bangs will be more neat and the styling process will be simplified.

How to cut side bangs yourself?

Trimming your bangs a few weeks after your next trip to the hairdresser is easier than giving your bangs a completely different shape yourself.

If you don’t want to run to the hairdresser every time and just ask to trim your bangs, then learn to do it yourself.

The most common and popular is bangs on the side: stages of haircut

  • Let's outline which side we will comb the bangs on in the future, and how long it will be.
  • We cut the hair diagonally, holding the scissors at an angle of 45 degrees, carefully moving along the entire length and cutting a little at a time.
  • We start from the eyebrow where the bangs will begin, and then move on to the other eyebrow. The movements should be small, as if “plucking”. We thin out with thinning scissors.
  • We cut it according to the same principle as any other bangs. The only difference is the length and the methods of further installation. It is better to leave a little length in reserve for the first time. Then you can go through the ends of the hair again and achieve a straight line.
  • Thick bangs must be profiled, holding scissors specially designed for this purpose vertically. Place such bangs by slightly lifting them and pulling them from the roots with a round brush.
  • Which hairstyle will suit for such bangs? Of course, laid on its side. Using bangs on the side, you can correct the contours of your face and give it expressiveness.
  • Side bangs look stylish and a little daring. It suits almost everyone: both young girls and older ladies. In the latter case, bangs on the side can even visually rejuvenate.

Try it! Perhaps this is the kind of bangs that will suit you.

How to cut side-swept bangs yourself?

1. Wash your hair and dry your hair a little with a towel. This is enough to keep the strands fairly damp.

2. Determine the direction and length of the bangs. Remember that wet hair is heavier than dry hair. When the bangs dry, they will “jump” up. In order not to be upset later and not to swear “never pick up scissors again,” we leave a centimeter of length in reserve. If you trim your hair dry, you can see the result immediately, without waiting for the bangs to dry.

3. Separate the bangs with clips from the rest of the hair. We cut it obliquely at the angle that you outlined in advance. We direct the ends of the hair straight down, and the scissors at an angle to the hair strand.

We turn the scissors at an angle of forty-five degrees to the curls and carefully cut off the excess

4. To get the effect of oblique bangs with torn ends, you will need to cut off a little strand at an angle of 45 degrees, going 1 cm deeper. The scissors are positioned vertically, and the cuts are made diagonally.

5. Thin out the bangs to give them fullness: take a strand 1 cm thick and hold it at a right angle in front of your eyes. We take the tip with two fingers and cut off the tail thus formed. We repeat the same procedure with all the strands.

6. File out the bangs. For thin and manageable hair, a light thinning will be enough, otherwise you can completely cut off the ends. For coarse and thick hair, you will need deep thinning. We do not thin curly hair. Otherwise, they will begin to curl even more intensely.

Let's summarize:

  • The main cut is made along an inclined line
  • we finally shape and thin out the ends, separating the hair into strands no more than 1 cm thick

How to cut your bangs yourself in a semicircle, straight in an arch?

If you have mastered classic methods cutting bangs and have trained enough, then it will not be difficult for you to complete more complex options.

  • To form bangs in a semicircle, it is worth considering that only thick bangs a semicircle will look beautiful.
    We divide the bangs into two halves.
  • We cut the first part, which starts from the crown, setting the length of the future bangs.
  • We also divide the remaining part of the hair into two parts. We cut in a semicircle. The scissors are directed from the middle of the bangs to the edges.
  • Equalize the length on both sides.

How to cut long bangs yourself?

Long bangs will suit owners round face, since it will frame the face on both sides and visually make it narrower.

  • We separate the hair (dry, since wet curls stretch, and it will be very difficult to cut the desired length), which are necessary to form long bangs, from the rest of the hair with clips. You should try to make the parting even. That’s why we use a special comb for cutting.
  • As in the previous options, we divide the hair into two parts, each of which will fall on one side of the face. It is important to decide on the length of the bangs. If you are cutting long bangs for the first time, then stop at the length to the chin or to the tip of the nose.
  • Place the comb on one side and pull it along the strand. Using your index and middle fingers, press the strand and cut it across the length of your hair.
  • Let's repeat the procedure of cutting the strand with another part of the hair.
  • Let's equalize the length of both parts.
  • Again, pull the comb down the strands, pointing towards the middle of the face. If some hairs peek out from under the comb, we will cut them off. To do this, hold it between two fingers and cut off the resulting “tail.”

Video: how to cut and style long bangs?

How to cut straight bangs straight on your own?

We perform straight bangs in several stages.

  • Separate the bangs from the crown.
  • We divide it into two parts. The first part is below the eyelid and starts from the crown. Let's cut it off first. This is necessary to adjust the length of the rest of the bangs. The remaining part of the hair is aligned with the first one.

How to cut ragged bangs yourself?

Chopped bangs are a great way to freshen up your look. But such bangs are not recommended for those with a narrow face and very prominent cheekbones.

If you have no experience, then it is better to thin out the torn bangs well. To do this, cut your hair starting at the front and moving up to the crown. Mistakes made will be easier to correct.

Haircut stages:

  • We cut washed, dried and thoroughly combed hair. We divide them into two parts: bangs and the rest of the hair, which we separate with clips. The width of the bangs should be equal to the width of the forehead. Density -1-3 cm.
  • Once again, comb the bangs well and start cutting to the desired length. We cut all the bangs straight. After this, we will begin to cut some strands at an angle.
  • It remains to divide the bangs into strands, the approximate width of which is 1 cm. Place the strand between two fingers. Lift the bangs and cut off any stray hairs using a straight cut.
  • We file the bangs, cutting them either with small teeth or with the entire surface of the scissor blade.

You can learn how to cut ragged bangs by watching the video.

Video: how to cut torn bangs yourself?

Bangs on two sides: how to cut

It is not difficult to cut bangs on both sides, and mistakes during cutting are practically invisible.

  • Separate the bangs from the rest of the hair: divide the hair with a parting in the center, stretching it from the crown to the forehead.
  • The bangs will begin approximately from the middle of the parting. Here we will place the comb, passing it to the ear. We have two identical parts of the future bangs.
  • We cut both parts symmetrically. The length should be up to the line of the corners of the lips.
  • “Sharpen” the strands: pinch it with your fingers at an angle to create an edge like a brush. We cut the locks. This technique will help achieve a natural effect. Some strands can be left at their original length.