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Now English phrase“smart casual” can be seen and heard everywhere: in glossy magazines, on TV screens, from reviews of fashion bloggers, in various articles on the Internet, etc. So what is this style? How much do you really know about him? Let's look at what smart casual is, as well as its history, features and advantages.

What is smart casual?

Translating the expression “smart-casual” into Russian is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In all kinds of dictionaries it is indicated different meaning this phrase. The most accurate and well-established definition is “smart-casual.” The Oxford Dictionary states that smart casual is a casual and neat, but slightly informal style. Basically, this definition describes smart casual well. After all, he combines things in a strict classic style with fashionable and everyday wardrobe items.

History of appearance

The exact origin of the expression “smart casual” is quite difficult to trace. Many sources claim that this term became established in the 1980s, but was widespread throughout the 20th century. The phrase “smart casual” first appeared in an American newspaper in 1924, and it described a sleeveless dress. But only in the 50s of the last century this term became popular among business people and office employees first in the USA, and only then in Europe. In those days, to match the smart casual style, it was enough to simply change classic jacket for more casual model, sewn from cotton.

What is smart casual today?

Nowadays, there are many more demands placed on smart casual than in the last century. The main thing is to correctly combine formal business and casual styles in one look. Of course, you can’t wear a jacket with sweatpants for training and go to work like that. It is important to maintain a balance between formal wear and casual wear. To create a harmonious image, the first thing you need to take as a basis is elegance. Only then you need to dilute the look with everyday clothes. To make it clearer, let's give a few examples.

Examples of smart casual style

Smart casual wear typically uses a blazer or jacket as the top. It is best to wear a shirt underneath. Moreover, both a single-color version and striped or checkered models are suitable. To add a touch of chic, choose a pocket square in the exact same color as your shirt. It can be neatly folded into your jacket pocket. Tie in in this case not required. If it is not there, then it is advisable to unbutton the top button of the shirt. And if you still want to wear a tie, then give preference to thin or knitted models. You can complement it with a colored clip.

By the way, you can wear not only a shirt, but also a T-shirt under a jacket or blazer. However, remember that the color should match the accessories that you have chosen to create your look. The ideal T-shirt for smart casual style is a plain model with a not very large neckline.

As for trousers, stylists recommend avoiding in this case classic options. No clear lines or even arrows! Chinos and khakis are perfect. Jeans can also be worn in a smart casual style. The main thing is that they are not too provocative decorative elements. Therefore, choose more modest models.

Cropped trousers can also be worn in smart casual style. But keep in mind that these should not be beach shorts. The most suitable option is shortened chinos without stripes, ropes or other decorative elements.

There is a strict requirement for smart casual shoes: they must be exclusively classic. You can choose anything: oxfords, monks, loafers, brogues, but not sneakers! And don’t focus only on black shoes, otherwise you will look like an ordinary one. office worker. Be sure to experiment with color schemes!

Why is smart casual so popular?

Smart casual is one of the most favorite clothing styles among men. He is preferred by representatives of the stronger sex of different ages and all kinds of professions. It is excellent not only office employees, but also for creative individuals. Smart casual is chosen by active, business-minded and confident men who want to look perfect in any situation. Even Hollywood stars and famous designers do not ignore this interesting style.

But why is smart casual so popular among men? It's simple! Firstly, this style is very convenient because it does not require a tie, buttoned shirts and classic trousers with arrows. Therefore, when choosing smart casual, you will feel free and comfortable in your clothes.

Secondly, the smart casual style can rightfully be called universal. It is great for working in the office, attending various events where there is no strict dress code, going on a date, and just for everyday wear. Thirdly, smart casual does not have too strict boundaries, such as, for example, business style. Therefore, it allows men to experiment when creating an image. And most importantly, smart casual always looks relevant and sophisticated, despite the constantly changing fashion trends.

Last update: 11/05/2018

You've probably heard the phrase casual style. And I bet this is a style you use often. But what is smart casual? What are their differences? In fact, this difference is quite subjective and many experts in the fashion world make their statements regarding the definition of smart casual very carefully.

To put it vaguely, this style can be defined as a little more formal than casual style, but not formal enough for a formal style. But more specifically, smart casual can be described as a combination of such things: a blazer, White shirt, strict jeans, brown loafers.

With your own eye, you must constantly look for the balance you need between unbridled casual and formal rigor, combining things from these two areas. The nuance is that you will look a little more presentable and smarter in situations where it would seem this is not necessary. But this will add extra points to you in the eyes of others. After all, until you speak, only your body and clothes speak about you.

The article consists of two parts: in the first part you will find out where smart casual would be the most appropriate and winning option, in the second - what things determine this style most of all.

  1. 5 ideal situations
  2. 6 flagship items

Conference outside the office

If you work a lot outside the office, it is important for you to maintain a presentable appearance while increasing your comfort level. A light blazer and cotton trousers instead of jeans will help you with this. Loafers for this look will look very relaxed, and oxfords will look very formal.

Therefore, brown derbies are an ideal option. Don't forget to take a closer look at our article about what they are and how to use them. In this look, you can easily work on a laptop in any cafe or hold a business meeting in a restaurant.

Art exhibition

You may be an art connoisseur, or maybe you need to surprise your girlfriend or business partner with your knowledge of masterpieces of painting and sculpture. Regardless of the goal, the image is the same. Classic jeans, white sneakers and a suede jacket will give you, in addition to extreme comfort, also a halo creative personality who understands the nuances of each work of art.

Maybe the whole point is that many men used jackets of a similar cut during the Renaissance in Italy. And now you can surprise anyone with your image, literacy and knowledge in currently unpopular areas.

Lunch after work

If you need to wear a formal suit, you don't have to always wear a tie and shirt. Especially if you and your colleagues spend a lot of time together and sometimes you need to relax over a cup of coffee or a friendly conversation.

In this case, a white T-shirt and a black low-cut sweater will give you a relaxed look. And the suit itself will nevertheless retain the presentability of the image and the necessary tone in the robot.

Meeting in a closed club

In Russian-speaking countries, closed clubs of various kinds of gentlemen are not as popular as in the West. But every year this movement is gaining popularity among us. It is very important that in such clubs you can relax, see how other men think, and make useful connections. It is unlikely that you will be asked to wear a tie to such events. But a lot will depend on your appearance.

By choosing an image like in the photo, you will definitely win a couple of points in the eyes of your colleagues. Perfectly fitting trousers, gray loafers and a thin wool turtleneck sweater will do the trick. Minimalistic textures and colors will hide all body imperfections, visually add several years of extra experience to you and make you stand out serious man, partner and person. A very strong image.

Dinner with relatives

It is not necessary to love your relatives, but meeting them is often necessary. In this case, well-chosen clothes can give compliments from family and friends, as well as the desired comfort anywhere: at home, outdoors, in a restaurant.

It is especially important to carefully approach the competent selection of smart casual if you are planning a meeting with the girl’s parents. Here, good quality suede Chelsea boots and medium size knitted sweater They will add goodwill and decency to you in the eyes of your parents. Of course, it is unlikely that any of them will know about your exploits, especially bad ones, but we all live in illusions in relation to other people. So why not create for them the illusion they want to see?

Linen suit

Double-breasted linen suit. Nowadays you rarely see one like this. It's a little baggy and maybe even conservative, but the benefits of linen and the possibility of customization are too tempting to pass up. This is guaranteed to be the flagship of the smart casual dress code.

Dark colors

The usual casual style is too often full of colors bright colors. Dark colors almost always look more conservative and formal. They better emphasize your taste - a stingy color scheme leads to the fact that people pay more attention to the correct size, quality of fabric, textures and play of shades. The man in the photo perfectly conveys this idea. It is noticeable that he is very comfortable in these clothes.

Double breasted blazer

A double-breasted blazer, as a separate wardrobe element, is a universal item for still cool days in spring and autumn. For smart casual it is very familiar, as it adds a lot of officialdom and charm to any other combination of things. Jeans, chinos, shorts, T-shirts and polos - the double-breasted blazer uncompromisingly changes any standard look.

Chambray shirt

Knitted tie

The tie is losing its position very much all over the world. The era of the classics is coming to an end. People want to dress not only beautifully, but also as comfortably as possible. Any inconvenience in style must be eliminated. When wearing a knitted tie anywhere today, there is a very high risk of being misunderstood, and sometimes even funny.

But the fact that a well-chosen tie changes a man’s sense of self is hard to deny. You can be quite confident in absolutely any style. But a tie is a conscious limitation of one’s own freedom. And the inner understanding that you are capable of any self-restraint gives you a huge head start in tone, energy and fearlessness.

The smart casual style is becoming more popular every year, as the formality of many companies disappears and is being introduced corporate culture fun, creativity and creativity. Employees come in the most different images, without thinking what they are called and whether these things are combined at all. But if you approach this issue consciously, then at first impression you will look head and shoulders above your colleagues.

Modern trends in organizing a comfortable workspace for company employees are making it more and more affordable freedom choosing a dress code (style) of clothing. Surely you've seen what CEOs wear large companies. Take, for example, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook or Tim Cook of Apple. They usually wear to work simple t-shirt or dark shirt with jeans in . Even at speeches before the world community, they do not come out in classic suits, and all in the same “work” clothes.

In Russia and the CIS countries, it is not yet very widespread, but the business casual style is gaining popularity every day. We will talk about it in this article.

What does the phrase “Business casual” actually mean? Literally from English this phrase can be translated as “Everyday business”. In fact, we call this dress code business style, but Business casual is still more democratic. Let's look at this style of clothing and look at all the wardrobes that can be used in Business casual style.

Before listing all the elements basic wardrobe business casual style, you need to make sure that the clothes you choose fit in size. Sounds kind of strange, you say. However, I recommend reading short articles to know for sure, and. In any dress code, what matters is not how much your suit costs, but how it fits on you.

Once you have made sure that the clothes fit you well and are not hanging on all sides, you can begin to disassemble the Business casual style piece by piece and select things for yourself.

Basic elements of Business casual style

Ability to combine different colors and the designs of your clothes are more important than anywhere else in Business casual style.


If you prefer shirts Slim Fit or The Modern / Regular Fit (more details about Men's shirts you can read ), then this is good, since classic shapeless shirts are not suitable for Business casual. Slightly fitted shirts are needed.

The preferred colors to use are white, light blue and pale pink. A little later, when you understand the basic colors, you can experiment with other colors and patterns. It is important to understand that wearing a Hawaiian shirt is not allowed in the Business casual dress code. Remember, it is better to choose a shirt in more classic tones and patterns with a stiff collar, rather than a casual shirt that you only wear on weekends.

Trousers (pants)

The best choice of pants for Business casual style are Chinos or khakis. They are woven from cotton fabric or a mixture of cotton and something else. Definitely not the wool that is used in sewing dress trousers (more details on how to choose men's trousers, you can read in the article).

It is preferable to use the following colors: dark blue and sand. Choose trousers with a slightly loose fit, not completely tapered. If you don't like classic colors, try wearing chinos gray. Some companies allow you to wear jeans; you can choose more formal jeans dark blue. Forget about jeans with slits and holes. By the way, you shouldn’t wear shorts either.


Classical men's footwear, is perfect for Business casual style. Moccasins, Oxfords, Derbys, Chelsea, monks or classic boots will be in harmony with your Business casual style(you can read more about men's classic shoes in the article).

It is preferable to use the following colors: Burgundy, black, brown, dark brown, light brown. You can experiment with orange or red colors in the summer, but do it in combination with accessories of the same color.

Classic brown oxfords