How to sew men's trousers along the entire length. How to properly taper women's trousers downwards.

Not every woman thinks about altering her clothes herself. Most often this problem arises with the purchase trousers, which, as a rule, rarely fit perfectly in length. Therefore they are needed hem so that they look beautiful. But there is another problem when trousers a little wide, and the sides need to be slightly sew in.

Most of the fair sex watch their figure and fight against overweight. However, having achieved good results, they are faced with the problem of changing their wardrobe due to the fact that the clothes “hang” on the owner. Naturally, not everyone can afford to buy new things. Besides, there are other ways.

For example, take things to the studio, but here you can also leave a lot of money, not to mention how much time you need to spend on this, doing endless fittings, when it is enough to know the basic sewing skills. Ways to how to sew pants properly, many, they are all different and require a special approach and patience. There is no need for fuss here. It is necessary to measure everything thoroughly so as not to spoil the product.

First of all, you need to choose things that you can remake yourself without disturbing the overall harmony. If you have no experience in this, it is better to take simple ones first trousers which will be easier sew in and shorten if necessary.

Basic moments

There are some nuances that should not be missed, although at first glance it seems that everything is very simple. Firstly, you need to know that the product can be sew in only up to 2 sizes. If trousers are too large, then this will require a complete re-cut, that is, they need to be completely ripped apart and re-sewed according to new patterns.

This will require skills in creating patterns, obtaining accurate data, as well as the ability to draw correctly. The slightest inaccuracy can lead to damage to your trousers. Only complete self-confidence should push the needlewoman to fruitful work. If you don’t have such confidence, then you should think about a professional seamstress who can do this work better.

Secondly, trouser pants legs are sutured along all seams, i.e. they completely reduce the size of the entire product from all sides. It happens that the size seems to fit, but on the hips trousers a little wide. If it is necessary to remove excess fabric only in these places, then in this case sutured slightly side seams. Before you cut anything, trousers you need to put it on inside out and pin it together with special pins, noting the excess fabric along the legs. You must remove it carefully so as not to prick yourself, and then carefully sweep it away so that you can try on pants, putting them on with the front side up.

You need to carefully examine yourself in the mirror from all sides and make sure that everything is done correctly and the result is quite satisfactory. To avoid damaging the basting, remove trousers you need to be careful, then stitch it on a machine, choosing threads according to color. We must not forget about allowances for a loose fit, so that the trousers do not feel tight and you can sit down freely.

But if, when examining yourself in the mirror, something confuses you, you should not rush to sit down at the machine, but check everything carefully, perhaps a seam is “skewed” somewhere, then this should be corrected immediately and tried on again. You should also pay attention to such a nuance as identical/unequal trouser legs. It happens that in a hurry trouser width the two halves are slightly different. In this case, you need to make them the same, but first figure out which one is correct.

The main thing is not to rush to cut anything, but to do it step by step, stitch by stitch, using a basting stitch. Only after final fitting and a satisfactory result can you stitch on a typewriter, and then cut off the excess with complete confidence.

Sewing trousers in a belt

If you notice that the item is too big for you in the waistband, you need to know how to sew pants in this place, without affecting the trouser legs themselves. In this case, you can use several methods:

• Suture only on the sides;

• Make trousers using darts;

• Sew the seam in the middle.

In order to sew trousers in a belt(no more than 2 sizes), you need:

• Undo the belt loop and belt, cutting it in the middle;

• Open the back seam on the trousers to your size, stitch it and the waistband;

• Resume finishing stitching and belt loops.

Sew the sides of the trousers

To trousers looked beautiful, the product should fit perfectly on the figure. You can adjust the product to the hips using the method described above, i.e. put it on inside out and follow the marked lines with a running stitch. Turning it inside out trousers, you need to try them on. After quality work, you can scribble, paying attention to the various nuances described above.

It should be remembered that the better the inspection, the better the tailoring will be, so do not be lazy, trying on the product again to make sure that everything is done correctly. All seams are processed. Finishing touch- iron. As a result, the product is ready to wear.

Sewing bell-bottom trousers

Everyone remembers that they were in fashion not long ago flared trousers. However, this style is somewhat outdated. If top part trousers fits perfectly in size, then the “flare” can be removed by turning trousers to the classic ones. It happens that ordinary trousers need a little tighten up, this is also easy to do, the main thing is to do everything step by step. In this case, the sewing process will be as follows:

1. Trying on trousers inside out, chopping off the excess to the desired width, first on one leg, then on the other, making them the same.
2. Having spread out trousers on a flat surface, draw a straight line with chalk from the intended top point to the bottom.
3. Trying on the sour cream product and thorough inspection.
4. If everything is done correctly, the excess is cut off and machine stitching is done.
5. Ironing seams and finishing edges with overlock.

Reshaping the pants

If necessary reduce pants more than two sizes, you have to completely rip them out and cut them again. Here you will need not just skills, but also some knowledge of sewing skills. First of all, you need a reliable pattern, which is then applied to the cut and ironed parts, outlined, and all the details are swept away.

Next comes the fitting. If everything is exactly as planned, you can trim off the excess and sit down with the machine and overlocker. If something is wrong, then everything is redone. It is very important to ensure that trousers not only did they fit beautifully, but they were also comfortable to bend over, sit down, etc. It is equally important that the two halves of the trousers are the same, and that the back seam is in the middle, and all the rest are in their places.

If necessary remove the length of the trousers, you can simply shorten them by cutting off the excess, tuck them in and stitch them. If the fabric is too thick, you can use special self-adhesive tape. In this case, you need to iron or sweep the bottom so that it is even. After the braid is glued under a hot iron, it is necessary to stitch for reliability.

General reminder

When sewing work, they use mandatory rules when they have to sew the trousers according to its size:

• alteration of pants is not suitable for every model;

• when drawing lines on fabric, use chalk or a thin piece of soap;

• only threads are used for basting parts white(because they don't shed);

• you can overlay the edges using a zigzag or manually;

sew in trousers always from top to bottom;

• all stitches must “adjust” to the decorative and finishing seams;

• at the end the product is always ironed.

As you can see, sew your trousers yourself can be done easily and simply. There is nothing complicated in this process, especially if you need sew in the trouser legs only from below. If you do everything following all these recommendations, then everything will work out fine. at its best, and you can rejoice not only in the new thing, but also get pleasure from the work done.

Either we chose the wrong size or suddenly lost weight, but sooner or later we are faced with the need. And the first question: “ Do it yourself or take the product to the studio?».

The answer to it depends on your desire, material capabilities and tailoring skills. Or rather, the latter should be perceived as the ability to hold a needle and scissors, and understand a little about machine stitches. Read below what to do and how to do it!

How to reduce your pants size?

How they are sutured men's trousers?

The algorithm for reducing the width of pants for both men's and women's products is the same:

  • The product is tried on;
  • Mark wide areas;
  • Ripped;
  • The unnecessary is cut off;
  • The trouser parts are swept away;
  • Measure and adjust if necessary;
  • Sew;
  • Ironing.

Voila! Your once big pants fit you just perfectly!

Now let's take a closer look at what and how to do. First, you need to decide where and how much to sutured. The trousers are turned inside out and put on the person who will wear them. On a person, using pins, excess is removed from the hips and waist. Then they look at whether it will be comfortable to walk in them - take a few steps, sit down, try to raise your leg.

If you need to sew in your trousers a size or smaller, do it from the inside and outside seams. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted folds, creases and distortions. Going one size smaller means removing literally 1 cm from each leg. It is advisable to remove it from the belt, but it all depends on the style of your product.

Next, use a basting stitch to follow the marked lines, turn them inside out and try them on again. Carefully inspect the places where any defects appear. You definitely need to walk a little and do some squats again. If male or Women's pants They fit perfectly, you can sew according to the basting. Then pull out the excess threads, iron and wear!

How are trousers sewn at the hips? This is usually done along the outer seam and only if it is necessary to remove excess width and not reduce the size. WITH inside, saddle stitch, helps eliminate various folds and sagging on the butt.

Therefore, if you just need to sew in the trouser legs, then grab the required number of centimeters from the outside with a basting stitch, and then try them on and sew them. The same method is used to remove the width of flared trousers.

Sew the pants down

How are trousers sewn at the bottom? To begin, turn it inside out and tear off the hem. After this, they decide how much to narrow the model. It is considered correct to retreat 2 cm from the bottom of the main seams on both sides.

If the trousers fit perfectly at the top, then draw a line from the hip to the mark on the outside of the seam. On the inside they draw from the same level to the corresponding marks.

Then they baste, try on and if everything is fine, then cut off the excess and sew according to the basting. Here's how to sew in wide trouser legs without ripping off the waistband.

If the belt is also loose, and the pants are flared from the waist, then you can try simply grabbing the same amount of fabric on both sides and making a basting. If the fitting shows that everything fits perfectly, you can make a finishing seam using a machine. This will help sew the trousers in at the waist and remove excess width.

How to properly sew flared trousers depends on the extent to which they should become narrow. It is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly reduce the width, although this is possible if the expansion went from the knee and downwards. In this case, after ripping the hem, mark the required width. Straight lines lead from these points to the place where the flare begins.

Do not forget about the tolerance for seams; 5-7 mm on each side will be enough. An outline is made and the fitting is done again. If everything is satisfactory, the excess is cut off, everything looks right again, and only then you can sew the finishing seam.

Should I stitch it myself or in a studio?

To do everything right you will have to make a lot of effort. You should never rush to pick up scissors. Here it would be appropriate to remember the proverb that it is better to try on 7 times than to cut once.

Of course, I would like to practice on something simpler first, but if you have confidence in your abilities, feel free to get down to business. After sewing the trousers, all seams are smoothed or pressed (depending on the style).

At the end, the panties must be hemmed to the required length. Wishing you stylish new clothes and successful re-upholstery!

Fashion is capricious and changeable. What was fashionable yesterday, you no longer want to wear today. But what to do if the thing is still good, but not very fashionable?

Here, for example, are trousers: sometimes fashionably wide, sometimes straight, or even tapered at the bottom.

If you know how to taper pants, Can wide pants turn into trendy narrow ones. It will only take you a couple of hours.

So let's begin.

We tear off the bottom hem, place a basting along the hem line and slightly smooth the fold.

We turn the trousers inside out and mark the lines along which we will narrow the trousers.

To do this, you need to decide from which place you want to narrow them. The starting point (mark 1) can be at knee level or hip level. It depends on the original style of the trousers and your desire.

I tapered my trousers from the hip.

Important: try to ensure that the transition from the old seam line to the new one is smooth.

On each side of the trouser halves along the hem line, measure 1-2 cm from the internal and external seams in the direction of decreasing the width of the trouser leg and put mark 2.

We draw new lines for the side and inner seams of the trousers, connecting marks 1 and 2 (Fig. 1).

Attention: new line along the seams on the hem allowance should be symmetrical relative to the fold line, i.e. it should expand from mark 2 to the edge of the trousers (Fig. 2).

We pin and baste along new lines (Fig. 3). We grind.

We rip out the old seams.

Important: Secure the old seams where they meet the new ones.

We smooth the seams (Fig. 5), process the cuts with an overlock or zig-zag seam. We cut off the excess allowances (Fig. 4).

Processing the bottom cut.

Baste and iron the fold.

Important: When doing wet-heat treatment, do not forget to place strips of whatman paper so that the hem does not print on the front side (Fig. 6).

We hem the bottom with an open cut using a velvet seam.

Figure 7 shows a photo of the trousers after tapering.

Now you know how to narrow your pants. You are at the peak of fashion again!

Quite often, by spring, girls try to lose weight and regain their beautiful athletic figure. The long-awaited slimness pleases the eye and opens up more possibilities for choosing clothes, bold open outfits and tight-fitting things. At the same time, old wardrobe items turn out to be significant. But you can sew in your pants without the help of others.

You will need it

  • - scissors;
  • - threads in the color of the fabric;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - chalk;
  • - tailor's pins.

Carefully examine how the item is sewn. Turn it inside out and try it on yourself. Using tailor's pins, mark the places where the pants need to be sewn. In order to carry out such a fitting perfectly, it is better to involve one more person who has at least a little knowledge of sewing. In order not to skew the cut, the trouser leg should be sutured sparingly from the side of the leg and the inner seam. Only the line of the leg can be smoothed out, if the pants need to be reduced quite a bit.

Take off your pants and, using the marks you made, draw stripes of new seams. To draw the new strip of the leg, it is best to use a tailor's pattern. In advance, reinforce the threads in the places where the seams intersect. For example, in the connection of two trouser legs at the seam of the seat. Baste the pants along the marked lines. Try the pants on again and make sure they fit properly now. Machine sew new seams, remove old threads and iron new seams.

If you need to remove volume not only from the hips, but also from the waist, the work will be a little more difficult. In pants with an elastic band, feel free to remove unnecessary cm along the sides and stitch the seam under the elastic again. If the trousers have a piping at the waist, support it in suitable places, remove volume using side seams and darts. Cut the facing in these places and sew again.

The greatest difficulty is presented by pants where this knot is processed with a belt with belt loops. Men's pants It is better to reduce it at the waist by taking the excess volume into the seat seam. Then the belt can be cut at the back in the center, and the unnecessary length of the belt can be taken into the seam. In women's trousers, when the waist width is reduced due to the side seams, the same symmetrical seams will have to be made in the waistband. At the same time, watch the location of the belt loops. They should be at a similar distance from the zipper and seams. The belt does not have to have more than two vertical connections.

If the waist width needs to be reduced moderately in all places, along the side seams, darts and seat seam, the belt will have to be cut off completely. Reduce the waist to the appropriate size, and then cut the belt on one side by the same amount. After which the belt will have to be sewn in again.

You don't have to be a professional dressmaker to do this. It is enough to use their techniques and in just an hour and a half you can get excellent results.

What will you need for this? Sewing machine, iron with steamer, ruler, chalk, scissors, needle, matching thread and tailor's ripper and pins.

How to taper your pants correctly

To narrow it down women's pants like the pros do, you shouldn’t make the mistake that almost all beginners make. You will have to remove unnecessary width not only from the side seams, but from the inside seams, while maintaining the symmetry of the existing cut. Otherwise, achieving a perfect fit is simply impossible. And do not neglect intermediate steps - such as basting or steaming, only in this case, the result of the work will please you.

So. Turn the pants inside out and carefully open the hem, then open the side and inseams. If you are tapering your trousers along the entire length, it will not be a bad idea to rip out part of the crotch seam. Then steam the seams properly and let the fabric dry.

Now start marking. Measure along the bottom edge of the trouser leg the width you need, but be sure to maintain symmetry, retreating an equal number of centimeters from the edges. Now swipe your chalk thin line from the markings on the bottom edge to the hip line, repeating the direction of the original seams.

It is necessary to make a basting along the intended line - with small, neat stitches, making sure that the front and back panels do not move. For reliability, they can be fastened with simple tailor's pins.

How to make tapered pants

After you have swept the model, you must try it on. Put on your trousers and carefully examine the result of the work - you can correct it at this stage. Properly tapered trousers should fit like a glove. The easiest way to achieve this is if the fabric contains elastane, it will provide plasticity and good fit. But you need to pay special attention to natural cotton or wool, in which case a good fit will have to be achieved through precisely laid seams.

Professional dressmakers use when trying on simple trick, allowing you to perfectly fit the item to your figure. Put your trousers on inside out and you'll see exactly where you can trim and where you need to add more.

If you are satisfied with the result, all that remains is to sew the seams along the basting, get rid of it and carefully finish the edges. Cut off all excess, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the new seams. If you do not count on the accuracy of your eye, carry out auxiliary line and cut along it. Now the edges must be processed using an overlocker or a zig-zag seam and the seams carefully smoothed out.

Fold the hem under the bottom without changing its width and secure it carefully with a blind or velvet seam. Your new tapered trousers were made like in the best tailor!

How to Taper Dress Pants

To turn any model into stylish “cigarettes” or “pipes” you need to take into account several professional nuances. Wide from the hip and throughout the valley classic pants you can narrow it as you want using basic techniques described above. But before you get down to business, keep in mind that such models should be sewn in strictly repeating the silhouette lines.

When complex models and a thorough alteration, be sure to open the crotch seam; it is easy to restore it by laying a double stitch along the same lines at the end of the work. This way you can proportionally reduce the volume in the hips and get rid of unattractive creases and folds.

To ensure that the silhouette of the finished model fits your figure exactly, be sure to mark the knee line even at the marking stage. To do this, measure the distance from it to the waist - it is different for each figure - and set it aside from the model’s belt. This tag will make it possible to find correct position new seams, now smoothly connect it with the marks on the bottom edge.

This is especially important if you want to tape your pants at the bottom like banana or cigarette styles. Measure the volume of your knee with a measuring tape, divide it in half and add 2-3 centimeters for the freedom of fit. Place this length strictly symmetrically along the knee line and draw smooth line to the model's waist.

The width of the model at the hips can be adjusted to your own parameters. But the width of the bottom edge in this case should remain no more than 15-18 centimeters. Set it aside in the same strictly symmetrical manner relative to the side and internal seams and sweep it carefully. It is these proportions that will ensure the desired fit and excellent fit.