Description of Chichikov's life. The image, character, characteristics of the official Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls - artistic analysis

Weigh me five kilograms of oranges.

Yeah, you need five kilograms of orange, wait a minute.

It would seem like an ordinary scene in a store, but it makes you think: who uses words correctly and who uses words incorrectly? So the problem arises: nouns plural.

Oranges or orange?

Mostly nouns male, which in the singular have a hard consonant at the end, have the ending -ov in the form we are interested in.

  • A lot of oranges needed for juice.
  • Some tomatoes enough for a salad.
  • Heap fly agarics grew around the stump.
  • Five computers Sponsors brought them to the school.
  • Dish from eggplant The food here is delicious.
  • Basket honey agaric became a reward for a two-hour walk through the forest.
  • Kilogram tangerines To New Year's table not prevent.
  • Pair socks from my grandmother - a New Year's gift.

Gram or grams?

The names of units of measurement have a zero ending if used in a “measurement” context:

  • One hundred and twenty volt enough.
  • Normal voltage - two hundred and twenty watt.
  • One hundred gram it won't hurt now.
  • Five ampere- too few.
  • A hundred hectare the fields were empty.
  • There are five hundred here gigabyte memory.
  • Eighty arshin red silk went to the flags.
  • Just ten hertz!

If the genitive plural of nouns does not have a counting value, then you need to use the ending -ov:

  • You only need to add a hundred grams.
  • Five are missing kilograms.
  • Without necessary gigabytes It will not be possible to download all the information.

Turkmen or Turkmens?

The nationality of people has a collective meaning, so the form genitive case nouns are used mainly with a zero ending:

  • Group Turkmen went to the plane's steps.
  • Some Armenians made up a team of builders.
  • He's among English increased.
  • Arrival Bulgarians was furnished solemnly.
  • Steppe games Bashkir- this is a tradition.
  • Dancing Lezgin charge with their energy.
  • Performances Romanian were registered in the prostocol.
  • Attack Saracen was a common occurrence in those times.
  • A lot of Tatars lives in Crimea.
  • Offensive Turk was stopped.
  • Dancing Gypsy- the highlight of the program.
  • Fellowship Ossetian Petersburg welcomed new members of the community with joy.
  • Some of Buryat already in those days I understood all the advantages of joining Russia.
  • Songs Georgian- my weakness.

This also applies to the word “person”: several Human came out in support of the opponent.

But these genitive plural nouns also have whole line exceptions:

  • Caravan Bedouins moved slowly across the desert sands.
  • Selenya Berbers are not distinguished by the intricacy of their structures.
  • Customs Bushmen simple and clear.
  • Protest blacks on plantations in America was natural.
  • Capital Kalmyks today it is a modern city.
  • Performance Kyrgyz was received very favorably by the public.
  • Yurts Mongols scattered throughout the vast steppe.
  • Dancing Oirots mesmerizing.
  • Someone from Tajiks spoke in his own language, addressing his brothers.
  • Villages Tungus usually located along river banks.
  • Expression of will Uzbeks was heard by their president.
  • Among Khakassians There are few purebreds anymore.
  • I decided to learn the language Croatians
  • Arrival Yakuts I had made an appointment for the conference in advance.

This also includes military names:

  • Regiment midshipman located in a small forest. (Some midshipmen were sent on patrol).
  • Squadron hussar attacked from the flanks. (Form hussars is unusual).
  • Songs partisans imbued with the dream of a peaceful life.
  • Company soldier moved into position.

And here there are exceptions: he took it from the miners, gathered midshipmen, sent sappers.

Boot or shoes?

The genitive plural of nouns denoting paired objects is mostly expressed with a zero ending:

  • No boot The child has.
  • From eye sparks flew.
  • Edge cuff peeking out from under the sleeves of his jacket.
  • Pair shoulder strap He always kept it in his suitcase as a reserve.
  • Without stocking much better.
  • Shine epaulet blinded the young ladies.
  • Bolt boot echoed across the paving stones.

Exception: no socks.

It is difficult to form the genitive plural form from some nouns: head, dream, prayer. And the words shchetz And firewood there are no other forms, only genitive plural forms.

Waffle or waffle?

Formation of the genitive plural of nouns female characterized by a zero ending in the words:

  • Tutu waffles for the child was always in the closet.
  • Some domain haven't launched yet.
  • There was no one in the house at all poker
  • Tops roofs appeared in the distance.
  • ends shaft stuck into the ground.
  • Bunch rod was already soaked in the trough.
  • It's time weddings- november.
  • No need gossip
  • Rows estates reached for the vegetable gardens.
  • Nests herons darkened in the reeds.
  • On hands nannies the child grew up.

Some of these nouns have the ending -е:

  • There can be no equal in this matter shares.
  • Lacks skittles.
  • Some a handful the seeds were pumped into Kolka’s pocket from the seller’s bucket.
  • Roofs sakley disappeared around the bend.
  • Light candles filled the entire hall.
  • We don't have any extra sheets.

Young ladies or young ladies?

The genitive plural of feminine nouns that end in -nya in the singular has a zero ending, and soft sign not written in all words:

Backwoods or boondocks?

Nouns of the genitive plural of the neuter gender and some of the feminine gender vary: in the bookish style of speech they have the stem in -iy, and in the colloquial style they have the ending -ev, and there are words in which there is only one normative form.

Without options it is written - ii in the following words:

  • Rows of sharp copies stretched to the horizon.
  • Beware the deep ones gorges.
  • Enemies are afraid of ours changes.
  • The grace of her subtle wrists amazed me.
  • We need to cover our rear armies.
  • Beware of these tricks naughty.

Some words ending in -ev have the same variant-free form:

  • River forests upper reaches- protected areas.
  • At the most lower reaches we are fishing.
  • We install networks around mouths small rivers.
  • Now she had a lot dresses.
  • I should add a few links.
  • The boy entered the house carrying an armful of logs
  • Shine sharpened points instilled confidence in victory.
  • Two apprentices slept on benches.

In nouns gun And bench, judge plural form of the genitive case: guns, benches, judges.

Saucer or saucers?

Without variants, some forms of the genitive plural of a neuter noun have:

  • Basket apples stood under a tree.
  • Not deep enough saucer.
  • No mirror in girls.
  • Lacks blanket for babies.
  • Terry towels is also missing.
  • I haven't tried octopus tentacles
  • There are many small ones in this area swamps.
  • This is a dress from Kruzhevtsev.

Some words, along with the zero ending, have variable variants:

  • knees - knees - knees;
  • knees - knees;
  • trough - trough;
  • kopyts - kopytsev.

Rake or rake?

Genitive plural nouns that have no form singular, have a null ending or -s or -s endings:

zero-ov, -ev-to her
  • wet moccasins;
  • your attacks;
  • wide trousers;
  • night darkness;
  • new leggings;
  • deep twilight;
  • red bloomers
  • your tricks;
  • early frosts;
  • ancient clavichords;
  • terrible rags;
  • beggar's rags;
  • boring antlers;
  • nasty scum;
  • a bunch of bots;
  • remaining pomace;
  • rare seedings;
  • on the streets of settlements;
  • lush hairstyles;
  • long frosts.
  • your rake;
  • homemade stilts;
  • boring everyday life;
  • peasant woods;
  • nurseries.

Task or task?

Genitive plural nouns with a zero ending in sibilant do not have a soft sign at the end.

  • many tasks;
  • several dwellings;
  • your shoulders;
  • heavy burdens;
  • no galoshes;
  • lack of storage;
  • your faces;
  • forest thickets;
  • roofs of dachas.

Practical work

Now that you know everything about the phenomenon of forming the genitive plural of nouns, complete several tasks.

1. Instead of a question mark, put a soft sign or a blank:

  • your(?) comrade(?);
  • borscht(?) hot(?);
  • quickly multiply(?)those;
  • will you get(?) married(?);
  • the rich man is handsome, broad-shouldered(?);
  • hataesh(?)sya for the tug(?);
  • collapse(?) on your back(?);
  • come running(?) at a gallop(?);
  • open(?) wide(?);
  • sword(?) sparkling(?);
  • blue ink(?);
  • perform(?) exactly(?)-to-exactly(?);
  • accumulation of clouds(?);
  • it will soon be(?) midnight(?);
  • treasure chest(?);
  • Buckshot(?) whistles;
  • too much(?) guess(?) false(?);
  • many schools(?);
  • musical touch(?);
  • burn(?) brick(?);
  • minced meat(?) fresh(?);
  • swing(?) backhand(?);
  • struggling(?)to solve problems(?);
  • don't say it's not hefty(?).

2. Place the words in the plural in the genitive case of the word.

Ambition, acacia, slaughterhouse, hawthorn, upper reaches, young lady, heroine, nesting place, preparation room, arable land, melon, building, definition, cherry, kitchen, bakery, estate, belief, essay, typography, rowan, history, presentation, mouth, anvil, princess, gun, dress, village, apprentice, dancer, nanny, square, operation, meditation, weapon, ovation, village, reading room.

3. Form words according to the model:

  • Buryats - Buryats: Bashkirs, Turkmens, Bulgarians;
  • cores - cores: numbers, chairs, logs, ribs;
  • Kyrgyz - Kyrgyz: Cossacks, Uzbeks, Tajiks;
  • lace - lace, trough, hoof;
  • socks - socks: straps;
  • boots - boots: stockings, boots, felt boots;
  • lemons - lemons: eggplants, tangerines;
  • amperes - amperes: microns, arshins, volts;
  • grains - grains: feathers, windows;
  • splashes - splashes: beads, holidays;
  • stretcher - stretcher: sled, darkness;
  • apples - apples: pears;
  • towels - towels: blankets, saucers;
  • traps - traps: nostrils, feet;
  • sakli - sakley: feuds, skittles;
  • shoes - shoes: waffles, shafts;
  • ticks - ticks: nurseries, everyday life.

4. The nominative and genitive plurals of nouns are closely related. From the nouns in brackets (im.p.) form the correct form (r.p.).

1) A lot of new (towels), (saucers), (blankets), (bedspread) were brought in for the opening of (nursery).

2) Many (hectares) of forests burned from the summer (fire).

3) What a delight the smell of (cherry) and (apple) trees are in bloom!

4) What beautiful bodies of water were located near (the estate)!

5) Great amount(vitamins) are contained in only one hundred grams of (oranges) and (lemons).

6) We had a new meter installed for 10 (amps).

7) New collection(boots) and (shoes) have arrived in stores.

Difficult plural forms of nouns

Among the forms of nouns, the formation of which may be associated with certain difficulties, include plural forms nominative case (directors or directors, valves or valve?) and the plural forms of the genitive case of some nouns ( five grams And five grams, five oranges or five orange?)

1. Plural forms of the nominative case of nouns: directors or directors?

The nominative plural form of nouns is checked in dictionary order (according to the dictionary). See section "Word Check" on our portal. Please note: searching for a word in dictionaries is carried out using the initial form (nominative case, singular)!

The dictionary entry is read as follows: if the entry does not specifically indicate the plural form (mark pl.), then to form the nominative plural, the ending is used -And or -s. If a different ending is required (or options are acceptable), then a note is placed: pl. -A. For example:

In the modern Russian literary language, variants fluctuate in the form named after. p.m. hours, number over 300 words. The center of the spread of inflexion -and I) are the areas of vernacular and professional language. In this regard, the forms on -and I) often have a colloquial or professional connotation: contract, mechanic, turner. The forms are on -s(s) more neutral and for most words meet traditional norms literary language. However, in some cases the forms on -and I) have already replaced forms with -s(s).

In addition, you can remember a number of patterns that make it easier to choose the inflection (ending) of the nominative plural:

    Declined neuter nouns, the initial form of which ends in -KO, have an unstressed plural inflection. h. them. P. -And (faces, feathers, apples). The exception is nouns with stressed plural endings. h.: troops And clouds.

    The remaining neuter nouns are in the plural form. h. accept the ending -and I): swamps, fields, seas, windows.

    Form on -and I for some words it may be the only or predominant: side - sides (sides only in phraseological combination hands on hips); century - centuries (eyelids only in phraseological combinations for once, forever and ever, forever and ever), eye - eyes, meadow - meadows, fur - furs, snow - snow, haystack - haystacks, silk - silk.

    Forms may have different meaning: tones(about color) and tones(about sound) of bread(about cereals) and breads(about baked bread), workshops And workshops(at the enterprise) and workshops(medieval organizations of artisans).

    Forms of nouns can differ in stylistic coloring: sides and outdated sides; Houses and outdated houses; stern and outdated stern; horns and outdated and poet. horns; varieties and outdated varieties; volumes and outdated then we, and thunder and poet. thunder; coffins and poet. coffin

    Finally, the forms of nouns can be equivalent and interchangeable: of the year And years(But: years of youth, severe hardships; nineties, zero years ), workshops And workshops(at the enterprise), storms And storms.

    To resolve the issue of the status of a “controversial” form of a word (non-normative, variant, stylistically colored, etc.), in any case, you need to consult a dictionary.

Non-standard plurals are formed for words child - children, person - people, bottom - donya and some others.

2. Plural forms of the genitive case of nouns: five grams or five grams?

For most masculine nouns ending in a hard consonant ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock), the ending is typical -s in the genitive plural form: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks etc. A wide range of exceptions can be identified from this rule - similar nouns, but having a zero ending in the genitive plural: one stocking - no stockings, one Ossetian - five Ossetians, one gram - five grams And five grams etc. Such words include:

    Names of people by nationality and by belonging to military units, mainly used in the plural forms in the collective meaning: Magyars - Magyars, Turkmens - Turkmens, midshipmen - midshipmen and midshipmen, partisans - partisans, soldiers - soldiers; this also includes the form p. p.m. h. Human.

    Names of paired items: boots - boots, eyes - eyes, cuffs - cuffs, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, stockings - stockings, epaulettes - epaulettes, boots - boots.

    Names of measures and units of measurement: 220 volts, 1000 watts, 5 amps, 500 gigabytes. If such names are used outside the “measuring” context (in other words, the genitive case form is not countable), then the ending is used -s: live without excess kilograms, not enough gigabytes.

It should be noted that the names of fruits, fruits and vegetables, which are masculine nouns, ending in a hard consonant ( orange, eggplant, tomato, tangerine), in the genitive plural form. hours have an ending -s: five oranges, a kilogram of eggplants, New Year without tangerines, tomato salad.

For some nouns, plural forms are formed. h. birth n. difficult; these are words dream, prayer, head. On the contrary, the words shchetz And firewood have no other forms except the plural form. h. birth case.

See: "Russian Grammar", M., 1980.

In 1846, Belinsky, known for his critical insight, noted that Chichikov “as an acquirer no less, if not more than Pechorin, is a hero of our time.” Chichikov can acquire “dead souls”, railway shares, he can collect donations for charities. It doesn't matter what type of activity he is engaged in.

One thing is certain: Chichikov is an immortal type. You can meet him everywhere, he belongs to all countries and all times: he only accepts various shapes, according to the conditions of place and time. Action in the poem " Dead Souls"begins by introducing the reader to the main character. Who is he? Neither this nor that, the golden mean: “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too thick nor too thin; I can’t say that I’m old, but I can’t say that I’m too young.” How does the venerable collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov begin his stay in the new city? From visits: to the governor, vice-governor, prosecutor, police chief, tax farmer, head of state-owned factories, etc. Behaving like a completely well-intentioned person, Chichikov “in conversations with these rulers ... very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone”: he praised the governor for the “velvet roads” of his province, the police chief “said something very flattering about the city guards,” twice mistakenly called the vice-governor and chairman of the chamber “your excellency.”

He paid the governor a compliment, “very decent for a middle-aged man with a rank neither too high nor too low,” and called himself “an insignificant worm of this world,” complaining that he had experienced a lot in his life, “suffered in the service for the truth, had many enemies who even attempted his life.”

A characteristic feature of Chichikov is the ability to carry on a conversation: “Whether there was a conversation about a horse factory, he talked about a horse factory; did they talk about good dogs, and here he made very sensible remarks... But it’s remarkable that he knew how to dress it all up with some kind of sedateness, he knew how to behave well. He spoke neither loudly nor quietly, but absolutely as he should.” As we see, Chichikov learned to wear the mask of vulgarity and imaginary decency masterfully, but the true content of his thoughts and actions is hidden under this mask of a completely decent, decent gentleman. In the first chapter, the author only indirectly, allegorically expresses his attitude towards the hero and his actions. And the hero himself, in his discussions about the world of fat and thin, gives some hint of his true vision of the world around him: “Fat people know how to manage their affairs in this world better than thin people. The thin ones serve more on special assignments or are just registered and wander here and there.”

Chichikov is attributed by the author to the world of fat people who sit securely and firmly in their places. Thus, confirming the appearance of Chichikov, who he seems to be, the author begins preparations to expose him, to “reveal” the truth about him. The first success (the deal with Manilov) strengthens Chichikov’s confidence in the ease and safety of the scam he is carrying out. Inspired by this success, the hero is in a hurry to conclude new deals. On the way to Sobakevich, Chichikov meets Korobochka, who showed Chichikov that his enterprise requires not only persistence, but also subtlety, and most importantly, caution. The lesson, however, did not serve him well. Chichikov hurries to Sobakevich, but meets Nozdryov and goes to him. Among Nozdryov’s qualities, perhaps the main one is “the passion to spoil one’s neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all.” And Chichikov unwittingly falls for this bait: in the end, he reveals the true purpose of the acquisition " dead souls" This reveals the weakness and frivolity of the hero. Of course, Chichikov subsequently scolded himself for acting carelessly in talking to Nozdryov about such a delicate matter. As we see, perseverance and determination in cases where they go too far turn into a disadvantage. Finally, Chichikov arrives at Sobakevich, who, being resourceful and persistent in the pursuit of his own benefit, most likely guesses why Chichikov needs “dead souls”. He bargains shamelessly, and even praises dead peasants: “And Eremey Sorokoplekhin, this guy alone will stand for everyone, he traded in Moscow, brought one rent for five hundred rubles. After all, this is what people are like! This is not something that some Plyushkin will sell you.” Chichikov’s enterprise ends with a deal with Plyushkin, for whom even the money goes out of circulation, having been placed “in one of the boxes, where, most likely, they are destined to be buried until... he himself is buried.” Chichikov is at his best: the papers are all signed and in the eyes of ordinary people he turns into a “millionaire.” As you know, a “millionaire” is Magic word, which opens all roads and “acts on scoundrel people, and on neither this nor that, and on good people - in a word, it affects everyone.”

However, soon the triumph of Chichikov the “millionaire” ends with Nozdryov’s revelation: “Ah! Kherson landowner, Kherson landowner!.. What? did you sell a lot of dead people? After all, you don’t know, Your Excellency... he’s trading dead souls! There is commotion and confusion in the city, as well as in the minds of the reader. After all true biography The author saved the hero for the finale of the poem. Chichikov seemed decent and virtuous, but under this guise there was a different essence. The son of a semi-poor nobleman, his face did not even resemble either his father or his mother. “Life at the beginning,” Gogol writes, “looked at him somehow sourly and unpleasantly, through some cloudy window covered with snow: neither a friend nor a comrade in childhood!” Suddenly, one fine day, the father decided to send the boy to the city school. There were no tears at parting, but an important and intelligent fatherly instruction was given: “Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be stupid and don’t hang around... please your teachers and bosses... And most of all, take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable in the world.”

The lonely and unsociable Pavlusha accepted this instruction with all his heart and was guided only by it all his life. In the school classes, he quickly grasped the spirit of his superiors and realized what his behavior should be. During lessons, Chichikov sat as quietly as water, lower than the grass, and as a result, having no special abilities or talents, upon graduation he received “a certificate and a book with golden letters for exemplary diligence and trustworthy behavior.” After graduating from college, Pavlusha plunged into the reality of life: his father died, leaving him as an inheritance only “four irretrievably worn sweatshirts, two old frock coats” and an insignificant amount of money. It is noteworthy that at the same time another event occurs that reveals the true qualities of the future swindler. The teacher, who so loved the meek student Chichikov, was fired from the school and disappeared without a piece of bread in a forgotten kennel. Former rebellious and arrogant students collected money for him, and only Pavlusha limited himself to a nickel, citing his extreme poverty.

No, Chichikov was not stingy, but “he imagined a life ahead of him in all comforts, with all sorts of prosperity: carriages, a well-appointed house, delicious dinners.” For this, Chichikov was ready to go hungry and do “hot” work. He soon realized that honest work would not bring him what he wanted. In search of new opportunities to improve his position, he begins to court the daughter of his boss, but having received a long-awaited promotion, he completely forgets about his virtue. Bribes and scams - this is the path Pavlusha took. Gradually, he achieved some visible prosperity, but in place of the previous boss, a strict military man was appointed, in whose trust Chichikov could not ingratiate himself.

He moves to another city, where by luck he becomes a customs official and enters into “commercial” relations with smugglers. After some time, this criminal conspiracy was exposed, and the perpetrators, including Chichikov, were brought to justice - this is exactly how the hero “suffered in the service.” Taking care of his descendants (“Such a sensitive subject!”), Chichikov decides on a new scam, which we witness in “Dead Souls.”

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The image of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is perhaps the most successful of Gogol's caricatures. The life story of just this character playing main role in the poem “Dead Souls”, is revealed by the author in great detail. The novelty of the character he took on forced the writer to engage in such an artistic and comprehensive study.

Pavel Ivanovich combines many of the features of the landowners of that time. The hero would not be complete without a description in the eleventh chapter of the conditions in which his formation took place.

As an inheritance from an impoverished nobleman, Pavel Ivanovich received some copper and instructions to study well and please everyone, and to save and save money. He took the absence of lofty words about debt in the will literally. And life itself soon confirmed that these concepts did not lead to anything good (in his understanding). At school, Pavlushi’s knowledge, behavior, and respectfulness evoked only approval and praise from the teachers, who set the boy as an example to other students. Having entered the government chamber after studying, he continues to please his boss and show attention to his daughter. The same behavior is characteristic of him in any situation. Chichikov quickly realized: in order to please a person, you need to talk to him about his interests, about topics close to him. This behavior helps him remain his own person in any society. Gradually Pavel Ivanovich drowns out more living soul, tries not to hear the quiet voice of conscience, builds his happiness on the misfortune of others. And all this for their own benefit. The tools that Chichikov skillfully and actively uses are fraud and deception, theft from the treasury, insult, and bribery. Constant accumulation and acquisition become the meaning of life for the main character. And at the same time, Chichikov needs money not for its own sake. They serve as a means to achieve a good, prosperous life for his family. The image of Chichikov differs sharply from other characters in his determination and strength of character. He achieves his goal by any means, showing extraordinary resourcefulness, resourcefulness, and perseverance.

Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls” is not like everyone else in his activity, activity, and enterprise. Manilov’s head in the clouds and Korobochka’s naivety are not characteristic of him. He cannot be compared with the miser Plyushkin, but Nozdryov’s careless wastefulness is also not for him. The entrepreneurial spirit of this hero is far from the businesslike nature of Sobakevich. All these qualities indicate the clear superiority of Pavel Ivanovich over other characters in the poem.

The image of Chichikov is incredibly multifaceted. People like him are very difficult to immediately unravel, to understand what they really are. Chichikov managed to please most residents of the city as soon as he appeared in it. He managed to present himself as a secular, developed and decent person. During the conversation, he finds an individual key to everyone in whom he is interested. His ostentatious goodwill is only a means to take advantage of his high position the right people. It costs nothing for Chichikov to reincarnate, change his behavior and at the same time not forget about his own goals. His ability to adapt to everyone is amazing. When Pavel Ivanovich bargains with Manilov, he shows delicacy, sensitivity and courtesy. But with Korobochka, on the contrary, he behaves assertively, rudely, and impatiently. He understands that Plyushkin is very easy to persuade; he must speak to Sobakevich in a businesslike manner. The energy of the main character is tireless, but it is aimed at low actions.

The image of Chichikov is an example of a trader and entrepreneur, a new type of person, whom Gogol defined as a vile, vile, “dead soul.”