Names of ecology teams in kindergarten. KVN on ecology in kindergarten

Target: Form awareness in children right attitude to objects of living and non-living nature, to generalize children’s knowledge about animals, plants, birds.


Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.

Equipment: Emblems for participants, mushrooms, carrots, baskets, handkerchiefs. D/i “Which branch are these kids from”, an image of birds, 2 sets of vegetables and fruits, medals for the “Nature Experts” award.


Children read poetry:

Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.

We won’t let anyone offend her.

This will only make us kinder.

For each correct answer, the “Hares” team receives a carrot, and the “Squirrels” team receives a mushroom.

And so we begin KVN.


Children - Bunnies
Captain - Our motto

Children - Belchata
Captain - Our motto

They won't always be able to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be left alone on the planet.

Educator - Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, and we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering.

2. Competition “Warm-up”

Question for team "Z".

6.Name the animals that sleep in winter?

Questions for Team B

3. When is a hare gray?

6. What domestic animals have horns?

Teacher - Well done! All your answers will be evaluated by the jury, and I invite you to play.

H/i “Like ours at the gate.”

3. “Harvest” competition

Team “Z” will select vegetables from the box, and team “B” will select fruits.

4. Captains Competition
Educator - We saw how much the teams know, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition. In front of you are cards with pictures of trees, you need to find cards with pictures of their fruits and attach them under the tree.

Educator - I will list the objects of nature, and you name them in one word.

Assignment to team "Z" listen carefully.

4. Strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries are...

Task for team "B".

4. Boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, boletus are...

Team "Z"

1. If you came to the forest for a walk
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget

The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

2. Don’t break oak branches
Never forget
Remove trash from the grass
There is no need to pick flowers in vain

3. Don't shoot with a slingshot!
You didn't come to kill
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?

4. There is no need to catch everyone here.
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest
Here the owner is the oak and the elk.
Take care of their peace
After all, they are not our enemies.

2nd team "B"

1. Take care of the earth! Take care

Love your native nature
Lakes, forests and seas.

2. After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

You and I were born on it

You and I live on it.

3. Come on, people, all together
We treat her kinder.

4. Let's save the planet -

There is only one in the entire Universe
It was given to us for life and friendship.

7. Competition “Identify the birds”

Educator - Here are pictures of birds. Team “Z” selects migratory birds and places them in the sun. Team “B” selects wintering birds and places them under a snowflake.

Song "Smile"

Educator - Let's take care of our Earth, our common Home. Take care and love everything that surrounds us. Remember, children, man is a part of nature. The forest or the river will get sick and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant. Do not offend each other: A person must be kind.

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.




Ecological KVN in the senior group “Nature Experts”

Target: To form in children a consciously correct attitude towards objects of living and non-living nature, to generalize children’s knowledge about animals, plants, birds.

Tasks: Development creative imagination, attention, speech.
Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games.
Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.

Equipment: Emblems for participants, mushrooms, carrots, baskets, handkerchiefs. D/i “Which branch are these kids from”, an image of birds, 2 sets of vegetables and fruits, medals for the “Nature Experts” award.

Progress: Participants enter the hall to the music.

Children read poetry:

Our planet Earth
Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields -
Our dear home, guys

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Let's take care of birds, insects, animals
This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers
You and I need such a planet.

Educator - Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests!
Today, guys, I invite you to play an unusual and interesting game KVN. Children will demonstrate their knowledge, because they are true experts on nature.
To conduct the game we will need a fair jury. I present to you the members of the jury - Mitrofanova T.S. - head of the kindergarten "Solnyshko"
For each correct answer, the “Hares” team receives a carrot, and the “Squirrels” team receives a mushroom.

And so we begin KVN.

  1. Team Presentation Competition

Captain of team "Z" - Our team:
Children - Bunnies
Captain - Our motto
Children - Take care of your planet because there is no other planet in the world.
Captain of team "B" - Our team:
Children - Belchata
Captain - Our motto
Children - Tree, grass, flowers and bird
They won't always be able to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be left alone on the planet.

Educator - Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, and we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering.

2. Competition “Warm-up”

Question for team "Z".
1. What are the names of birds that fly to warmer climes?
2. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests?
3. Who carries their house on their back?
4. What do you call a birdhouse made by human hands?
5. What trees do needles grow on?
6.Name the animals that sleep in winter?

Questions for Team B

1. What are the names of birds that stay for the winter?
2. Which birds arrive first in the spring?
3. When is a hare gray?
4. What is the name of the ant's house?
5. Which tree has a white trunk?
6. What domestic animals have horns?

Teacher - Well done! All your answers will be evaluated by the jury, and I invite you to play.

H/i “Like ours at the gate.”

3. “Harvest” competition

Educator - Autumn is generous with harvest. And you and I also prepared vegetables and fruits for the winter.
Team “Z” will select vegetables from the box, and team “B” will select fruits.

4. Captains Competition
(D/i “What branch are these kids from”)
Educator - We saw how much the teams know, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition. In front of you are cards with pictures of trees, you need to find cards with pictures of their fruits and attach them under the tree.

Round dance “The birch tree stood in a hollow.”

Educator - The floor is given to our fair jury.

5. Competition D/i “Name some words”

Educator - I will list the objects of nature, and you name them in one word.

Assignment to team "Z"listen carefully.
1. Spruce, birch, rowan, pine are...
2. A hare, elk, wolf, wild boar are...
3. Apple, pear, orange, banana - this is...
4. Strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries are...

Task for team "B".
1. Sparrow, nuthatch, crane, pigeon are...
2. A cow, a pig, a horse, a dog are...
3. Potatoes, cucumbers, onions, turnips are...
4. Boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, boletus are...

6. Competition " Homework»

In every district and in ours too there is ecological problems problems that need to be solved by joining the efforts of all people. Our children, young ecologists, know how to behave in nature without causing harm to it.
Team "Z"

1. If you came to the forest for a walk
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just don't forget
That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.
The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

2. Don’t break oak branches
Never forget
Remove trash from the grass
There is no need to pick flowers in vain

3. Don't shoot with a slingshot!
You didn't come to kill
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?

4. There is no need to catch everyone here.
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest
Here the owner is the oak and the elk.
Take care of their peace
After all, they are not our enemies.

2nd team "B"

  1. Take care of the earth! Take care

Love your native nature
Lakes, forests and seas.

  1. After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

You and I were born on it

You and I live on it.

  1. Come on people, let's all come together
    We treat her kinder.
  1. Let's save the planet -
    There is nothing like it in the entire universe
    There is only one in the entire Universe
    It was given to us for life and friendship.

7. Competition “Identify the birds”

Educator - Here are pictures of birds. Team “Z” selects migratory birds and places them in the sun. Team “B” selects wintering birds and places them under a snowflake.

Song "Smile"

Educator - Let's take care of our Earth, our common home. Take care and love everything that surrounds us. Remember, children, man is a part of nature. The forest or the river will get sick and we will feel bad. Do not harm a tree, a cat, or an ant. Do not offend each other: A person must be kind.

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.


Oksana Shabanova
KVN on ecology for seniors preschool age"Friends of Nature"

Program content:

1. Instilling a love of nature, education careful attitude To her;

2. Develop logical thinking, observation, attention;

3. Develop an understanding of diversity natural world; formation in children of a consciously correct attitude towards objects of living nature;

4. Contribute to the development of children's environmental culture;

5. Create a fund of favorite songs, thereby developing an ear for music.

Enriching the vocabulary: forest orderly, forest drummer.

Activation of vocabulary: birdhouse, needles, wintering birds.


1. Emblems for each participant.

4. Ecological signs.

5. Crossword.

6. Cards with images of birds and animals.

TSO: tape recorder, magnetic board.

Preliminary work:

1. Making riddles, memorizing poems about nature and weather;

2. Observing birds and trees while walking;

3. Conversations about the inhabitants of nature;

4. Board and educational games about nature:

lotto “Domestic and wild animals”, “Who lives where?”, “Name the birds”, “The fourth odd one”.

Educator: Good afternoon guys! Today we will go to visit nature. And to do this we need to jump over the stream and walk along the path (children complete tasks). So you and I found ourselves in a clearing in the forest. Guys, let's listen to the voices of forest birds (children, listening, talk about what they hear there).

Look, guys, I see footprints here, let's try to guess whose they are. And to make it easier to guess, I will ask you riddles:

1. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest. Walks boldly and easily, spreading its horns wide (elk);

2. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring. And in winter, under the howl of a wolf, Sleeps in a snowy hut (a bear);

3. He looks like a shepherd. Every tooth is a sharp knife! He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack the sheep (wolf).

Vosp: Well done boys! Guys, I suggest you take part in an environmental KVN that will test your knowledge. Are you ready for competitions? (Yes)

I remind you of the rules for conducting KVN:

1. Listen to the question or task to the end;

2. If the children of one team do not know the answer to a question, then the children of the other team answer;

3. The participants' answers will be evaluated by the jury.

Jury presentation.

Play: The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect. They had to evaluate battles more than once! For each competition the jury will award one point, which is equal to one chip. We begin.

1 Competition “Team Presentation”

The teacher asks the children the name of their team.

1 Team. The children answer in chorus: “Team – “Chamomile.” Team captain - Anya. Our motto: “Nature faithful friends! We are friendly, like one family! They came to play in KVN to know more about nature!”

Team 2 - “Bee”, children answer in chorus. Team captain - Misha.

Our motto: “Each of us will protect nature, our soul hurts for every tree!”

2 Competition Warm-up “Question and Answer”

Play: I'll tell you a riddle, the team that guesses it first will start answering the questions first. We can’t shout out, we raise our hands. And so, listen carefully: “He walks importantly on the grass, and comes out of the water unscathed. Wears red shoes and gives soft featherbeds.”

1 What is the name of the bees' house?

2 Who sleeps upside down?

3 What does a hedgehog do in winter?

4 Who is called Patrikeevna by his patronymic?

5 What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands?

6 At what time of year are strawberries harvested?

7 What birds come to us in winter?

8 What bird is called the “forest drummer”?

9 Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees?

10 Which tree has needles?

11 What animal is called the “forest orderly”?

12 What mushroom is called a forest predator?

Well done boys.

3 Competition “Pantomime”

Each team is given a card with the task of depicting an animal. Then the child performs a pantomime, and the opposing team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to the music.

Team 1: dog, fox, monkey.

Team 2: cat, bear, horse.

4 Captains competition.

The captain of the 1st team selects pictures depicting wild animals hibernating. The captain of team 2 selects pictures with wintering birds. Team members name animals and birds.

Physical education lesson “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”

If it's long along the path,

If it's a long time along the path

Stomp, ride and run,

Then, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Africa.

And in Africa the rivers are this wide,

And in Africa the mountains are so high,

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot!

And as soon as, only, only,

And as soon as on the path,

And as soon as on the path

I'll meet someone

Then to the one I meet -

Even the beast, - I believe, I believe, -

I won’t forget, I will, I will,

I'll say hello.

Ah, hello, rivers this wide,

Ah, hello, mountains this high,

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot!

But of course, but of course

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't go out.

You don't need roads for anything,

Slopes, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish.

Take care of your hands and feet!

Why do you need a sea this wide?

Why do you need the sky to be so high?

A-and crocodiles, hippopotamuses,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh and a green parrot.

5 Competition “The Fourth Wheel”

A child from the team takes a card and explains why some object is superfluous.

6th competition “Explain the sign”

Environmental signs are laid out on the tables. The teams take turns explaining the meaning of each sign.

Vosp: They did it quickly, well done. You know the signs perfectly!

7 Competition “Solve the crossword puzzle”.

Vosp: Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in the crossword puzzle. Then we will read the word that appears in the highlighted cells.

1 I’ve been buzzing in the morning, waking up the flowers. I'm circling, I'm circling, I'm driving honey.

2 He walks with his head up,

Not because of a proud disposition,

Not because he’s an important count,

But because he...

3 Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...

4 What kind of helicopter is this that takes off? Over lakes, meadows, over flowering fields?

5 The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped. He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

6 A log is floating along the river.

Oh, how furious it is!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off.

7 You stroke - he caresses, you tease - he bites.

Play: What word is in the highlighted cells? (NATURE)

What does this word tell us? Nature is everything that is around us. These are air, water, plants and animals. Sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm environment. Guys, we should not offend a cat, a bug, or a sparrow. A person must be kind! Let's take care of nature, our common home. Take care and love all living things!

Summing up the game

KVN in kindergarten on the environmental development of children of senior preschool age

KVN on the environmental development of children of senior preschool age is a generalizing event on previously carried out work within the framework of environmental classes. Systematization of preschool children’s knowledge takes place in game form and is suitable for children of all developmental levels. This material will be interesting and useful for educators preschool institutions its ease of implementation, lack of costly materials and accessibility of content.

KVN "Seasons" for children of the senior group

Target: generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the seasons according to the main, essential features: length of day and night, temperature conditions, natural phenomena; teach to use the acquired knowledge in games, drawing; develop the ability to generalize based on essential features; maintain interest in natural phenomena; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to your team.

Materials, equipment: emblems for team members; didactic game “Seasons” (from the “educational games” series); 2 pictures where the artist mixed up all the seasons; ball; 2 easels, drawing paper, paints, brushes.

Two teams are organized - “Snowdrops” and “Bullfinches”. The presenter introduces the jury. After each competition the results are summed up.

Team greetings
The snow is no longer the same...
He darkened in the field.
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed

We made feeders
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
This will be your winter lunch!
Visit on the first day of the week
The titmice have flown to us.
And on Tuesday, look:
The bullfinches have arrived!

1st competition. Warm-up
The facilitator asks questions to each team in turn.
1. At what time of year are strawberries picked? (in summer)
2. When do birds fly to warmer climes? (autumn)
3. When do people hang out birdhouses? (spring)
4. At what time of year is thunderstorm most common? (in summer)

5. When does ice appear on the river? (winter)
6. When do acorns appear on an oak tree? (autumn)
7. At what time of year do children launch boats? (spring)
8. What time of year is called “white”, “crystal”, “silver”? (winter)
9. When the hare is gray (in summer)
10. When do people harvest? (autumn)
11. When can you see bullfinches in the city? (winter)
12. When does ice drift occur? (spring)
13. When do people insulate their homes? (autumn and winter)
14. When is the day short and the night long? (winter)
15. When do drops happen? (spring)
16. At what time of year is there ice? (winter)
2nd competition. “Name the artist.”
The presenter reads poems - riddles and asks the children to name the artists.
Four artists
So many paintings.
Painted it with white paint
All in a row one.
The forest and field are white,
White meadows,
Near the snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns... (winter)

The second one is blue
Sky and streams.
Splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
Transparent in the snow
Ice lace.
The first thawed patches,
First grass. (spring)

In the picture of the third
There are so many colors to count:
Yellow, green,
There is a blue one...
Forest and field in greenery,
Blue River,
White fluffy
There are clouds in the sky. (summer)

And the Fourth is gold
Painted the gardens
The fields are productive,
Ripe fruits
Berries beads everywhere
They ripen through the forests,
Who is that artist?
guess yourself! (autumn)
3rd competition
Didactic game“Seasons” (From the “educational games” series).

4th captain competition “What did the artist mix up?”
Children receive pictures with the seasons mixed up. They must find five artist mistakes.

5th competition. Ball game “It happens - it doesn’t happen”
Frost in summer (does not happen), snow in winter (does not happen), frost in summer (does not happen), ice drift in autumn (does not happen), drops in summer (does not happen), leaf fall in spring (does not happen), snowstorm in autumn (does not happen), frosts in spring (happens), rain in summer (occurs), thunderstorm in spring (occurs), dew in winter (does not happen), etc.

6th Reading Competition
Reading poems about the seasons (from those previously learned).

7th Artists Competition
Let's draw a portrait of Winter and Summer.


(For children of senior preschool age)

1. Expand the range of environmental ideas of preschoolers.

2. To promote an understanding of patterns, dependencies and relationships in nature, to enable children to feel like an integral part of this process, involved in preserving its beauty and diversity.

3. Develop the ingenuity and intelligence of children, their erudition.

4. Foster a love for nature, a caring attitude towards it, a desire to take part in nature conservation.

5. Contribute to the development of children’s social adaptation skills in a group of peers from other preschool institutions.

Preparatory organizational work.

Making emblems for teams, selecting musical accompaniment, preparing diplomas and prizes.

Preliminary work for children:

Come up with a team name and motto - for all teams;

Prepare a skit “Everyone is needed in the world” - for team No. 38.

Materials and equipment:

Models of vegetables, a basket, a bag - for the competition “Identify by touch”;

Three hoops, pictures with natural objects (animals, fruits, insects), symbols - for the “Find Your Home” competition;

Three pictures with silhouettes of animals in the forest - for the “Find the Animals” competition;

Ecological signs – for the competition “Explain the sign”;

Pictures of nature on the screen.


A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases

We're having fun this morning,

Spring gives us a ringing holiday

AND chief guest there is a game on it.

She is our big and smart friend,

It will not let you get bored and discouraged.

A cheerful, noisy argument will start,

It will help to learn new things.


There is a wonderful world - it’s all around

And you just have to want it,

How nature will suddenly come to life

And everyone will want to fly like a bird,

The sound of a curly birch tree in the forest...

And I suggest you take a plunge

To this wonderful world and beauty!


We are glad to welcome you guys to the environmental KVN.

Do you know what KVN is?

What does ecological mean?

KVN is called “Our home is nature.” And today we will talk about nature, about our planet, about you and me, because we are all part of nature.

The child reads a poem about nature (chosen by the teacher).


Today the game will be evaluated by the jury (representation of the jury members).

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect.

They had to evaluate battles more than once!

There are 3 teams in our club of cheerful and resourceful people. So - forward to victory! Let's start the game!

1 competition “Greeting of the teams” (name, motto, emblem)


Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one in the world.

The Sun's motto is:

We win with kindness!


Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - let's all take off!

The heights of heaven are calling!


Bees are a friendly family!

It's not for nothing that we are called...

Both in fun and at work

We're buzzing on a good note!!

I ask the teams to take their places.


Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! Our game in KVN continues.

2nd competition “Warm-up”

You need to choose spring words or spring signs. The team that named more words- gets a point.

(Children name words, for example: icicle, drops, streams, grass, etc. or signs, for example, snow is melting, streams are running, etc.)

Well done! We completed the warm-up easily.


3 competition “Identify vegetables by touch”

Everyone looks at the vegetables and fruits in the basket together, then the leader puts them in a bag. Everyone determines by touch what they have chosen.


4th "Captains" competition

“It was quiet good night, dark and deserted. Only occasionally could the howl of a wolf be heard. And next to him another echoed. But then a ray of sunshine woke up the rooster.

The chicken woke up after him. The goose cackled. Polkan's bark was heard near the barn. The cow mooed. Behind the fence, a kitten meowed pitifully. Morning has come."

- Well done captains, they tried their best to complete the task.


5th competition "Riddles"

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk.)

He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf.)

Hose-nosed giant

It washes like in the shower.

This resident of hot countries

The largest on land. (Elephant.)

Flying all night

Gets mice

And it will become light -

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

Knocking all the time

The trees are being hollowed out.

He doesn't hurt them

But it only heals. (Woodpecker.)

Red-breasted, black-winged

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch.)

Hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves

Although there are many legs,

Still can't run. (Caterpillar.)

It flies, squeaks, and rings very subtly.

He will not miss the opportunity, he will sit down and bite (Mosquito.)

What kind of helicopter is this?

Going on flight?

Over lakes, meadows,

Over flowering fields? (Dragonfly.)

A log floats down the river.

Oh, how furious it is!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off... (Crocodile.)

He walks with his head up,

Not because of a proud disposition,

Not because he’s an important count,

But because he... (Giraffe.)

Mouth is like a suitcase

It's huge, like a sofa.

There he goes for a swim -

Thick-skinned... (Hippopotamus.)


6 relay competition"Find your home"

The whole team takes part.

On the common table there are pictures with natural objects turned upside down. Three hoops with a symbol of a natural object are laid out on the floor. One at a time, each player turns over a card and if it matches symbol his house, runs to it and puts down a card. If it doesn’t match, he takes another one until he finds the one he needs. He returns and passes the baton to the next one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Well done boys!

The jury's word.


7th competition “Find the animals”(Annex 1.)

I look - I can’t believe my eyes:

What kind of bird, what kind of animal?

Either a horse or an elephant

Is it a fairy tale dragon?

I've been watching for two days now

I can't find a dog or a duck.

Help me quickly

Count all the animals!

Players on each team are given pictures depicting silhouettes of animals in the forest. We need to count all the animals. Who's faster?

(Answer: 7 animals - bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, capercaillie, tit.)

Well done! We found all the animals correctly. You know the animals of your native land very well.


You can see a lot of amazing things in nature, it greets everyone with joy, but we always need to remember how to behave so as not to disturb its beauty, not to disturb its inhabitants, let's remember some rules of behavior in nature:

If you came to the forest for a walk, fresh air breathe,

Run, jump and play, just don’t forget

That you can’t make noise in the forest and, of course, sing loudly:

The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

Never forget to remove trash from the grass.

There is no need to pick flowers in vain.

There is no need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, or hit everyone with a stick.

YOU are just a GUEST in the forest, here the owner is OAK and ELK!

Scene “Everyone is needed in the world.”

Insects stand in a circle and quarrel: I am the most important, I am the most useful, I am the most beautiful, I am the most needed. And they decided to go to wise owl so that she can judge them. They approach the owl. The owl is sleeping.

Butterfly: - Oh, you, little owl, you big head. Wake up, please talk to us.

Owl: - I can’t open my eyes until you guess my riddle:

Sleeps during the day

Flies at night

And it scares the animals.

The insects think and scratch their heads.

Ant: - So this is a riddle about you, little owl!

Owl (opens eyes): - Yes! Right! Well, what did you want to ask me?

Ladybug: - We argued which of us is the most useful.

Owl: - Okay, let's go in order. Here you are, ant, how are you useful?

Ant: - I clean the forest from pests. Where there are anthills, the forest is healthy and clean.

Owl: - Okay, you are really useful, stand with me hand in hand. Well, you, butterfly, are so beautiful, are you really doing some good?

Butterfly: - Yes, I fly from flower to flower and transfer pollen, from which fruits and berries then grow.

Owl: - Yes, I see you are useful too, get up with us. Well, what about you, ladybug, how is it useful?

Ladybug: - I destroy harmful aphids that eat the leaves of trees, bushes, and grass.

Owl: - And you, ladybug, are very useful, get up with us. Look, there is only one earthworm left.

What benefit can it bring?

Worm: - And I am very great benefit I bring: I dug up all the earth with my underground passages, loosened it - this makes all the plants grow better.

Owl: - Come join us too. What happens? You are all very useful and very important, without you the world would be very bad.


The world needs

And midges are no less needed,

Than elephants.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat can do better things.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We still really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake!

Everyone, everyone, everything in the world is needed,

And all children should remember this!


8th competition “Explain the sign”(Appendix 2.)

Children from each team are offered 2 environmental badges. It is necessary to explain what these signs mean.

Well done, they got it done quickly. You know the environmental signs very well!

What does the word nature tell us? Nature is everything that is around us. These are air, water, plants and animals. Sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm to the environment. Guys, we should not offend a cat, a bug, or a sparrow. A person must be kind! Let's take care of nature, our common home. Take care and love all living things!

Presenter: Our game is coming to an end, we invite you all to stand in a circle. And the jury sums up the results.

Round dance "Wider circle"

(Music: Sigismund Katz, lyrics by Yakov Helensky.)

(Movements are performed in accordance with the words.)

Wider the circle, wider the circle,

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance!

The birds above are friends,

Fishes are friends in the depths,

The ocean is friends with the sky,

People from different countries are friends.

Wider the circle, wider the circle,

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance!

The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends,

Ships are friends at sea,

Children from all over the world are friends.

Wider the circle, wider the circle,

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance!

Summing up, awarding diplomas and prizes to friends of nature.

KVN you played well,

And they said a lot about nature!

All together “Thank you!” we tell you

And we will give you ALL prizes!

The version of working with applications is possible.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that environmental education and children's education is extremely current problem present time: only an ecological worldview, ecological culture living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now. The natural world holds great opportunities for comprehensive development children. Thoughtful organization of walks, training, and special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge and feelings, he develops a correct attitude towards living things, a desire to create rather than destroy.




I. Summarize children’s knowledge about characteristic features plants and animals, recognize them by description.

II. Develop attention and observation.

III. To cultivate a love for nature and the need to take care of it.

Preliminary work:choosing team names, mottos, preparing emblems as gifts.

Material: emblems, tree leaves, vegetables, a box, a cat toy, 2 pencils, leaves, a wonderful bag, gifts for the winners.

KVN progress

Two teams enter. Reading of E. Serov’s poem “Green Country”.

I love to wander

Through a green country.

Make friends here

I really like it.

In that country there is grace,

Amazing light.

Let us figure it out:

What is the main secret here?

Our competition is evaluated by a jury

Use counting rhymes to choose captains.

(Children independently choose a rhyme and count).

I. team: “Grasshoppers” (children speak in chorus)Motto: “Jump more fun, you will be healthier!”

II. team: "Butterflies"

Motto: “If the air is cleaner, then we will flutter more often”

The teams prepared surprises for each other. Give gifts!(emblems).

I. Let's start our KVN:

A) Name as many domestic and wild animals as possible(one by one)

B) Wintering and migratory birds.

C) Identify the tree based on its leaves.

II. Reading poems on the topic “Nature”.

III. Guess three riddles.

A) Under the pines, under the fir trees, there is a bag of needles(hedgehog).

B) I am a cheerful animal, jumping from a Christmas tree to an oak tree(squirrel) .

B) Sleeps in winter, stirs up hives in summer(bear) .

D) Run up the mountain, and somersault down the mountain(hare) .

D) Who changes clothes four times a year?(Earth) .

E) I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat myself(Earth) .

A) Identify the vegetables by touch.

B) Identify the vegetables that taste like closed ones.

V. Determine what is in the black box. Whose team will guess the fastest?

Ears stick out, but not big,

The tail is fluffy, but not short,

It's smooth, but not hard,

(Teams take turns offering options).

VI. Captains with eyes closed draw:

  1. captain - grasshopper
  2. captain - butterfly

VII. Teams take turns asking each other riddles about animals, insects, birds

VIII. List the rules of friends of nature

A) don’t pick flowers

B) don't break branches

C) don't kill frogs

D) don't catch insects

D) do not catch wild animals

While the jury sums up, let's all sing a song together:

Song: "Dove of Peace"

I give the floor to the distinguished jury.

The result of the jury. Presentation of gifts to the winners.