Party in military style competitions. Quest relay "That's right, comrade commander!" from

Report from the holiday: Program “Children's holiday in military style”

Duration: 1 hour + face painting

Description of the program on the website:

- this is an opportunity to take a course from an ordinary soldier to a general in a few hours. The mission of the military-style birthday celebration is to find and raise the Russian flag. But only those who receive the military rank of “Colonel” can go on the search, and only those who will be with the rank of “General” at the time of the finale of the children’s party with the animator can raise the flag.

Combat training instructor animator Anna came to the children's party to congratulate Anton on his 9th birthday and hold a competition for the most prepared fighter. To raise morale and put the military in a good mood, the animator conducted the first test of dexterity. To the music, the birthday boy and the guests of the children's party walk in a circle around the cups, which are one less than the number of participants. When the music ends, you need to grab a glass. Those who don't have enough leave the game. There were two winners - the birthday boy and his best friend. They split the last glass in half. Friendship won!

After this symbolic test, all participants in the children's party were solemnly dedicated to the ranks by the military animator. And they were awarded a shoulder strap. From this moment the real tests began. Moreover, they were selected in such a way that both boys and girls had an equal chance of winning.

After several tests to check running speed and reaction, the ability to stay on a spinning disk, all participants in the birthday party were awarded the rank of “Sergeant”. And a stripe was added to the shoulder strap.

Further - more difficult. The participants were divided into 2 teams. Test for captains. Who will quickly free himself from the ropes entangling his arms and legs? Agree, such skills are necessary for all warriors to quickly get rid of ropes and escape from captivity. The next step was for the sergeants to jump over the red-hot spiral. All the guests at the military-style children's party did an excellent job with both tasks. For which all participants were solemnly elevated to the rank of colonel by the animator. And a second stripe was added to the shoulder strap.

The final tests, as you understand, were the most difficult. Again there were 2 teams, a participant was nominated from each. He was wearing a T-shirt, under which he had to stuff as many balls as possible for a while. But that's not all, of course. This is where the fun began. Sumo wrestling. Put your hands behind your back and push your opponent beyond the boundaries of the sector. The birthday boy's team won this challenge. And the last test is the most fun. Two teams tossed the balloon with two large prop chutes.

According to the results of all competitions, friendship won. All participants in the children's party with a military-style animator “were ordained generals.” And they went in search of the flag, which was hidden on the territory. The team showed excellent combat training - they found the flag within 5 minutes. At the end of the holiday, a ceremonial raising of the flag of the Russian Federation took place. HOORAY!

Other reports

A holiday for children should not be a boring feast. Active outdoor entertainment is a more interesting and useful format. A fun military-style birthday will allow children to “externally” undergo a real military training school.

The event program includes sports competitions, dexterity and ingenuity tasks that will need to be completed by the whole team. Organizing such a holiday for children is a responsible and noble “mission” of parents. If desired, you can arrange competitions between teams of adults and children. By the way, an army birthday will appeal not only to boys, but also to girls aged 8-15. Young ladies will be happy to try on an unusual khaki outfit and apply war paint to their faces.

Military style invitations

If you decide to hold a themed children's party, then the invitations to it should correspond to the general idea. Give your little guests kraft paper envelopes with the words “Top Secret” written on them. They can be sealed with colored candle wax using a coin "stamp".

In the text, indicate the coordinates of the location of the holiday, time, and do not forget to also mention the dress code and comfortable shoes for recruits. If you wish, you can write all this with invisible ink, which will appear when heated over a candle. The main thing is to leave a hint instruction on the piece of paper.

Holiday decoration in military style

It is advisable to hold this unusual holiday for children in an open area where there is enough space. For example, on the shore of a lake, in a park or in a country house. There should be enough space to set up several tents (“headquarters”) and build an obstacle course from plastic hoops, ropes and car tires.

Decorate the area with branches, camouflage netting and toy weapons. Place a wooden table with benches nearby - this is an army canteen. When serving, use aluminum plates and mugs.

Army birthday menu

Children running around during games can quickly get hungry; they will gobble up chicken kebab on skewers, made in the oven, fresh vegetables and fruits with great appetite and joy. If it's hot outside, you can offer the kids a sweet and juicy watermelon instead of a cake. Pies with berry filling are also suitable for dessert, which can be washed down with lemonade or juice.

Children's competitions in military style

All scenarios for organizing a children's party require a short safety briefing before the start of the competition. To play the war game, you need to split into two teams and stock up on water pistols to organize a large-scale battle. Don't forget to bring certificates for all participants - the guys will receive them after the end of all competitions.

Hide and seek. Even a familiar game can transform into a military style. Assign one team as lookouts and the other as scouts. The first group must temporarily discover all members of the second team within a certain time. After this they can switch roles.

Finding the cache. Set up a hiding place and give participants a map that will help them find the secret place with the gift. Draw on the plan the main objects and intermediate points of the route. You can do without a map - just hints and descriptions. Use additional devices, such as binoculars or a compass, to help children learn how to navigate.

A military-style holiday for children is a lot of impressions, healthy sports passion and a shock charge of vivacity. Both boys and girls will race around the park until they drop in search of treasure, overcome an obstacle course and shoot water from a pistol. An army birthday will help friends unite and feel the taste of a well-deserved victory.

Is there a big date coming up, a birthday, an anniversary? Just want a holiday? Do you want to be original in front of your family and friends? Make the night memorable? Then a military-style party is your choice. Organize a war in your apartment and your guests will recognize you as the most creative host and will remember such a party for a very long time.

As we all know, military is a stylistic direction of clothing based on wearing military-themed items. But not only things characterize the military style, it also includes various types of keychains, medallions, shoes, berets, badges, in short, everything that is at least somehow indirectly related to the military theme.

How to organize?

Let's start with arranging the room. Regardless of whether it is an apartment, a house, or just an office, it is advisable to equip the premises with a holiday theme. The role of “decorations” of the room can be a camouflage net, a couple of artificial khaki bushes, flags of different countries, or those made up and drawn by you. You can also put a mannequin in a German uniform and imagine him as a prisoner of war. But you can do without this, especially since camouflage netting is not so often seen on store windows.

Next we take on the invitations and dress code.
We send out invitations (we don’t hand them out, we send them via mail) on old paper, preferably with abrasions and slightly burnt edges. Invitations in the form of a telegram from the front would be a very original move. Your friends will appreciate it. military_023

Please indicate the dress code in this invitation telegram. Since you are having a military-style party, then the attire of those present is appropriate. Indicate that the theme of the party is military, and leave everything else regarding clothing to the guests - let them fantasize. You can apply camouflage with black stripes to your face and body.

Well, a few words about the party itself.
For general fun, in order for guests to come into your apartment or house, come up with a password word, after all, you are under martial law. As the party progresses, divide the guests into two equal halves and organize competitions. This will be extremely interesting for the guests and will entertain them very well.

Color the night khaki with a military themed party. Also on our website in the adult games section you can see how to properly organize a real fun madness only for 18+.

A military-style corporate party can be an excellent alternative to gatherings in a cafe or at a set table in the office. In terms of dynamics and adrenaline, this event has no competitors. In fact, a military corporate event has more in common with a polygon role-playing game than with a banquet; it can pull you out of monotonous everyday life and immerse you in a completely different atmosphere, filled with military romance.

Select a point on the map

Where is the best place to organize a corporate event in military style? The answer to this question depends on the format of the event. You can organize a corporate event in an office, restaurant, club, banquet hall. At the same time, the style of the event will be indicated by the design, competitions, clothing of the participants, musical accompaniment, entertainment shows, as well as the festive menu.

However, the best option, in the opinion of the editors, is to hold such a corporate event in the format of a military field game, where all participants in the corporate event will become comrades in arms for a short time and will be able to show their ingenuity and military skills (whoever has them). After the game itself, all participants will be happy to share their impressions and taste real field cuisine, then everyone will gather around the fire with a guitar and perform well-known and beloved songs of the war years.

If you liked the latter format more, then you will probably be interested to know what type of games exist today.



Airsoft is a military sports game in which participants use electro-pneumatic realistic copies of military small arms made of metal or plastic for shooting. Shooting is carried out with plastic balls with a diameter of 6 or 8 mm weighing from 0.12 to 0.43 grams. The game is played on fairness - when hit in any part of the body, the player must admit that he is hit, put on a red bandage during the day or turn on the red lantern in the dark and leave the game for the time specified by the rules of the game. The duration of the games varies from several hours to several days; the games use both special ammunition - binoculars, optical sights, night vision devices, and military equipment - UAZ, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, BRDM.

Laser tag

  1. The player pulls the trigger;
  2. As a result, a signal is generated by the weapon's electronics and passed through the optics system;
  3. An infrared beam is formed, the “damage” radius of which reaches 300 meters. The shot is accompanied by a realistic sound;
  4. When the beam hits the sensor on the enemy’s headband, the electronics decipher the received signal and reduce the player’s game “life” by one;
  5. When lives run out, a simulated death occurs, accompanied by a special sound effect. The “killed” player’s weapon is disabled and he cannot fire.
  6. You will know that you have hit the enemy thanks to the light indication on his headband and the sound signal emanating from the enemy’s equipment. And also the 6th generation of barrels from LSD Electronics is equipped with a feedback function - your weapon will also emit a sound signal indicating a successful shot;
  7. Information about this event is sent to the computer via a radio database, processed by a special program and recorded in statistics.

Based on the format you choose, you can decide where it would be more interesting to play such a game. Today, the following are used as sites for military field games:

  1. Production premises (former workshops, warehouses, etc.). The best choice would be a free-standing building that can be styled as a military facility.
  2. A football field or a paintball range where you can set up tents. Here you can organize the setting for a military campaign in open areas.
  3. If the theme of the corporate event is to recreate the atmosphere of guerrilla warfare, you can go to a country club, rent a cottage and part of the surrounding area.
  4. A plot of forest, fields, including those with water barriers. The editors of eventspro witnessed airsoft even in wetlands covered with tall reeds and small lakes (only for professionals!)

By the way, it will be very interesting to prepare a script for your game and add details to the game design that match the script! This will enhance the color, the thrill and, of course, vivid memories. For example:

  • You choose a real historical military conflict, split into teams and start playing; it is quite possible that in your interpretation the winner will be a completely different side from the one in reality.
  • Beat the assault on a well-fortified enemy camp.
  • Divide into teams and go on a rapprochement campaign, mark the approximate point of contact on the map. In this version of the game, the participants in the duel can move towards each other for more than one hour, which adds to the thrill, because each team tries to be cunning, for example, the first team will decide to be the first to arrive at the designated place in order to dig in and prepare an ambush, and in the meantime the other team will decide to bypassing to take the enemy by surprise.
  • Arrange a battle for survival, where everyone will be for himself and the most cunning and patient will survive.

As you can see, there are many thematic areas. All that remains is to choose the appropriate one, focusing on the number of corporate party guests and their age categories. If the team is dominated by employees of pre-retirement age, it is better to focus on the surroundings, but if the team is young, you can include more active entertainment in the program.

When choosing a military-style event venue, you need to take into account the ability of guests to get home. A good option would be to order a minibus, which will take everyone home at the end of the event. When organizing a corporate event in a country club, you can also arrange overnight accommodation for guests - after a busy day, employees will probably want to “continue the banquet.”

There's a message for you!

Immersion in the atmosphere of a military-corporate party begins with invitations. They should not stand out from the theme of the event; on the contrary, they should be fully consistent with it. The simplest option is a postcard in traditional “military” colors (green, brown, sand, khaki). But you can get creative by arranging invitations in the form of, for example, summonses or military leaflets.

A mandatory attribute of the agenda must be a seal - a corporate stamp may be suitable for this purpose. Another interesting option is invitations in the form of tokens cut out of cardboard, imitating the badges of American commandos.

Of course, the style of postcards should differ from the traditional one. The text should be catchy and uncompromising, for example “The Central Committee (name of the company or organization) obliges F.I.O. report to training camp at such and such an address.”

As an example of such invitations, the editors found several examples on the Internet:

He is wearing a protective tunic...

The dress code is what distinguishes any thematic event in the first place, and a military-style corporate event is no exception. In this case, the dress code, of course, is military uniform. This can be either the traditional equipment of soldiers of the Soviet Army (cloak-tent, cap, chrome boots, riding breeches, helmets), or a more modern camouflage uniform. It is better to voice specific recommendations on the dress code in advance if you want it to be consistent in the same style.

Although, at one corporate event, gathering a “combined team” of Red Army soldiers, Navy SEALs and modern military personnel in camouflage uniforms may also be a good idea. The main thing is that all guests are imbued with the military spirit and no one stands out from the team by showing off in an evening dress or jeans and a T-shirt.

You are in the army now!

From the very beginning of the event, guests should feel the military atmosphere. What could contribute to this better than a cheerful military march that greets guests already at the entrance to the event venue? Further musical accompaniment should correspond to the theme, but it does not have to be limited only to military songs: epic background music will also be suitable, which will help you tune in to the right wave.

The staff and those who will host the event should also fit into the theme: waitresses in tunics, a presenter in a raincoat, musicians in camouflage, etc. The more thematic details shown at the very beginning of the event, the better.

Design is the key to success

If the format of the corporate event takes place in the field, then nature itself has decided all the issues with the design for you; no special recommendations can be given here to enhance the effect of the design.

As for holding a corporate party in an office or banquet hall, the dress code and musical accompaniment are only half of the components of a successful military corporate party. Agree, it will be difficult for guests to imagine themselves in the field if the walls of the hall are painted in colorful colors and decorated with various trinkets. Maximum paraphernalia is a rule that must be followed when decorating a room.

Turning a prim banquet hall into a headquarters tent is quite possible if you use khaki blankets, mosquito nets and burlap. A striking design attribute will be a sheet of large format paper, stylized as a map of a military operation. Helmets, gas masks, field bags, canned food - any equipment that is somehow related to the military theme will be welcome.

The final touch can be antique kerosene lamps installed on the tables, and, of course, a bucket samovar polished to a shine. It is unlikely that any of the guests will resist the temptation to taste real field tea.

Menu for the military

Naturally, treats should be stingy, but nutritious. Therefore, we offer this interesting list of provisions:

From drinks:


This interesting menu is perfect for your corporate event.

What to listen to?

Of course, the music must fully correspond to the theme of the event. We invite you to focus your attention on the Lyube group, Soviet war songs, soundtracks from action films and war films. Yard army songs, which are usually performed with a guitar, are also very appropriate. By the way, live performance will not harm you at all, so consider ordering a singer or musical group for a corporate military event.

Entertainment part of a military corporate event

If your corporate event takes place in the field in the format of playing laser tag, paintball or airsoft, then, in the opinion of the editors, you will have enough entertainment. Since after the games themselves the participants want to communicate, they are happy to share their experiences and it is unreasonable to interrupt them in this.

However, if you know your team well and are sure that an additional dose of entertainment will not harm them at all, we recommend using outdoor games, competitions and, of course, a show program.

The following show programs for a military-style corporate event are suitable:

  • fire show;
  • extreme show (on bicycles, SUVs);
  • power show.


You will need a long rope and a bell. The number of participants is not limited.

The essence of the game is to tie a rope tightly in a thick branch and hang a bell on the top. The participants' task is to test their athletic abilities by reaching the very top and ringing the bell.


Participants are divided into two teams and must speed through an obstacle course, which will be in the form of inflatable rings (or car tires) placed in the path of the competitors.

It would be a good idea to reward the winning team at the end of the competition.

Help, nurse!

Here, as you understand, both boys and girls should participate. The female half is given bandages, plasters and cotton wool. Men have to play seriously wounded fighters, and nurses treat them to the fullest. The winner will be the couple that can handle the “provision of medical care” the fastest.

Let's continue in the same spirit!

We do not release wounded soldiers. After all, the nurses receive a signal that a bomb exploded nearby and some combatants lost consciousness from the impact. Now the girls need to be urgently delivered to these “unfortunates.” And the bandaged, although wounded, soldiers, although in the best shape, are simply obliged to drag the nurse to their comrades who are lying unconscious. And so they, “overcoming the pain,” take the women in their arms and carry them to their destination. And although their arms and legs are bandaged, and the men themselves desperately resemble mummies, nothing will stop them from diligently getting to their goal!

We hope that with the help of eventspro ideas you will organize the best theme party ever. Good luck!

Playing a war game is the favorite pastime of most children. Of course, this theme is more suitable for a boy, but girls will probably find a military party interesting too. After all, there is something romantic in a “soldier’s” atmosphere, and fun competitions will not let you get bored.

In the warm season, it is better to have a holiday in nature. If circumstances do not allow, thematic decor, supported by children's imagination, can easily turn the room into a secret headquarters or military camp. We offer ideas for decorating a holiday in a military style:

  • remove unnecessary things. What cannot be removed, cover it with a camouflage net - the more of it, the better (ask your summer residents). The grid can be hung on the walls, laid on the table;
  • cut out silhouettes of bushes from green wallpaper, draw twigs. Glue it onto the cardboard with double-sided tape (the glue will make the cardboard soggy and shrink). Place the bushes so that you can hide behind them (supports or hang them on a fishing line). This will make for fun photos and is additional fun for children;

  • A military theme party is unthinkable without weapons - machine guns, grenades, pistols. Collect toys and fake weapons from friends. Machines can be cut out of cardboard;
  • Place folding chairs, khaki backpacks, binoculars and walkie-talkies (to play with supervision or toy ones), and bowler hats around the room. Summer residents, hunters, fishermen, and tourists have many “field” attributes;
  • for ambience, place several boxes against the wall with the inscriptions “cartridges”, “grenades”, “explosive”;

  • there is a small khaki tent? Be sure to put it in the corner for a photo zone and entertainment;

If you are planning a naval party, the main color should not be khaki, but blue and white. Traditional stripes are welcome everywhere - garlands, tablecloths, ribbons on curtains. Ships, canvas, ropes and other naval rigging.

  • draw large jeeps, tanks and other military equipment on whatman paper and glue them to cardboard. Like themed decor along the walls and photo accessories;
  • Maps on the walls (marked with a plan of attack or locations of secret headquarters), flags, stars, stripes in garlands, compositions, like decoration on a camouflage net will add atmosphere. You can ask the children to bring a drawing on a military theme and arrange a mini-exhibition;

  • for a military birthday party, buy foil (tanks, boats) and regular balloons in black, yellow and green (or blue and white if it's a naval party). Hang khaki colored garlands with themed designs.


Discuss important information with your parents, and for children, prepare original invitations without unnecessary details about the party. Boys love secrets - send dispatches marked “Top Secret” with text about upcoming military training.

Or paint small bottles green/gray to make a pomegranate. Glue on the “Explosive” label, put confetti inside and a note - a message from the war zone (your help is needed, the enemy is close!).

Even more interesting is to wrap the letter around a candle and wrap it with twine. Write the text with milk or lemon juice, which will become visible after heating over a candle (under adult supervision, of course).

The main thing is that the military-themed children's party is fun. And you don't really need costumes for this. Although the clothes are quite comfortable, you can rent a military-style suit - this is a popular theme, and there is a wide choice.

Be sure to wear a T-shirt under your jacket - the children will probably get hot after the active competitions. Shoes are also as comfortable as possible, not too hot.

Instead of a military suit, any khaki or camouflage clothing will do. The military style is popular; shirts, trousers, and dresses are sewn for children. Surely many parents have something suitable.

A very simple option is dark trousers/skirt and a vest: blue or black striped (naval party), blue (landing), green (border guards). You can choose one color, give the choice to parents, or divide it into two teams - border guards and the Navy, for example.

At the entrance, solemnly present tokens, berets, caps or bandanas. You can have fun with face painting - paint your faces with stripes and spots.

Menu, serving

If the birthday party will be held outdoors, prepare something more serious for the children than cupcakes and lemonade. For example, a real field kitchen. “Soldiers” line up for a portion of porridge, which is laid out on plates by a cook wearing a funny cap and holding a huge ladle. The portions are small, just so you don't have to eat sweets on an empty stomach.

Won't they have porridge? How will they be if they tell you that the porridge is real soldier’s porridge! Buckwheat with meat or rice with cutlet to choose from.

To decorate the festive table you will need camouflage netting, garlands, soldiers, toothpicks with themed pictures, green and brown skirts. Fruits can be placed in the backs of military trucks (the wheels are covered with plasticine to prevent them from rolling away) or in upside-down helmets.

You can see military-style design ideas by searching for “dishes for February 23, Airborne Forces Day, etc.” Cookies in the shape of tanks and airplanes, figures made of fondant, green and chocolate icing for khaki. You can make an imprint of a soldier in the hard dough, grease it a little with oil and pour chocolate over it. Cool the jelly in the halves of a hollow toy grenade.

Grenades are the perfect shape for military style cake pops:

For your birthday, order a themed cake – kids love sweet surprises! You can also look for it as valuable cargo from the command that was lost during transportation.


A game scenario for a military party for children should have a certain purpose. Without her, the young “soldiers” will not have as much fun. And the joy of achieving a result, supported by prizes and gifts, will remain in the memory longer.

According to our scenario, children will take part in a military operation codenamed “Slant Pilot”. The most important generalissimo sent a package with a surprise and gifts for the birthday of the “name of the birthday boy”. But the pilot turned out to be... yes, slanted, like a sleepy hare! And he dropped the load in an unknown place.

Fortunately, warrant officer Zhadneyko (assistant presenter) became a witness to his shame. What he did with a bag of government buckwheat outside the territory of our base/camp is unclear. But it’s for the better, because now Zhadneyko knows the coordinates.

This little story is the beginning of the script, which the presenter “reports” in military style, clearly and quickly (otherwise they will get bored). Next are two options. The first is simpler: just competitions, the purpose of which is to prove to Zhadneyko that the guys are real soldiers and worthy of a gift from the Generalissimo.

The second option is a game scenario, an impromptu journey to the goal. Zhadneyko indicated the direction, but the location is behind enemy lines, we still have to get there!

Leading(hereinafter B) after the story: This is the story. Of course, we are celebrating a birthday today; we did not plan any military operations. But what's a party without gifts? And a real soldier is always ready. Are you ready to help the “name of the birthday boy” find the cargo?

Ready, ready!

IN: Then we’ll conduct exercises before leaving the territory! Our task is dangerous, we can’t take anyone with us!
Company, line up

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, repeat the presenter’s commands, which sound faster and faster in random order. Just show me how and what first. Teams:

  • at attention
  • all around
  • general (salute)
  • grenade (sit down, cover your head with your palm)
  • the enemy is on the horizon (put your palm to your forehead with a “visor”).

Themed music for a children's military party should be light and fun. Refrain from soul-warming Soviet songs. Although you can find something suitable for the surroundings: “I’ll be a military man,” “White cap,” “If you want to be a military man.”

IN: Well done, you know the teams very well! Now let's check if there are any weak bodies among you?

Tug of War

The rope itself, the ribbon in the center, the mark on the floor. Three times or until they play enough.

IN: Didn’t the faint of heart sneak into the party?


A stool or high chair for the little ones. In front of him is a circle of ribbon. You need to jump down, getting into the circle. Take off your shoes if the floors are slippery.

IN: I see that you are real soldiers! But before the hike you need to refresh yourself (table break).

IN: Rota, listen to my command! We are moving towards the drop site right now! There is a ditch ahead that surrounds the base - you need to get over it.

Getting over the ditch

A piece of dense material with holes large enough to place your feet. Parents hold on 4 sides at some distance from the floor. The fabric needs to be lifted and swayed a little. Play until you get bored. As a rule, the transition to the other side is delayed - children like this entertainment.

IN: There are a lot of enemy spies around the camp, so we go across the field as scouts! Stop talking and follow me!


The presenter moves to the other end of the hall. The goal is to reach it quietly, without making a sound. At the slightest rustle, the command “stop”, you need to stop and wait a little until the wary enemies lose their vigilance.

IN: So, did you forget anyone along the way? Well done! We will make our way through the forest on our bellies, the trees will hide us from enemy eyes. Do you know how it is - in Plastun style? I'll go ahead, and you repeat after me!

In Plastun style

Glue two or three tourist foams with tape and place them on the floor (with tape down). The goal is to crawl to the “commander”, trying not to stick out your butt or raise your head.

IN: Rota, listen to my command! There is an enemy tank (camp or whatever) ahead. It’s impossible to pass by unnoticed; it’s right on the course of our route. Let's attack!

Accuracy competition, options

  • draw a tank on cardboard, make holes in the turret and hull. The goal is to throw a ball grenade into the hole;
  • put a basket, in front of it is a drawing of the enemy camp, on whatman paper. And throw balls into the basket;
  • throw darts at the drawing of enemy equipment(thin paper over foam);

  • shoot down targets with ping pong balls - soldiers, tanks, rockets, airplanes. Print, fold in half and cut out so that you can put it in a “house”.

IN: It seems that the “name of the birthday boy” was injured! And in battle you yourself will die, but what about your comrade? That's right, guys - help out! But as? Yes, bandage it, but first we need to take it out of the combat zone.

The birthday boy must be persuaded in advance so that at the end of the accuracy competition he lies down, pretending to be wounded. If he is still very young, persuade one of the older guests.

We help out

Adults shift the “wounded” person onto a blanket and take him to the other end of the hall. “Fellow soldiers” help them drag the “stretcher.” Then the cunning presenter asks: “Are there any more wounded? Who should be taken to the infirmary?" Parents will have to work hard, as there will be many people willing.

Then together they cheerfully wrap the “wounded” person in a bandage - half the right arm and leg, the other half, respectively, the left side.

IN: Well done, you saved a friend! And how well they bandaged it - not a single microbe will get into the battle wounds! Greedy, what have you forgotten?!

Riddles from the ensign

Zhadneyko decided to take the valuable cargo for himself. But looking at such brave guys, his craving for hala... i.e. to accidentally forgotten nobody's things, cracked. I will give, I will give everything. But first, the last test. They say that intelligence is of no use to military personnel... Do you think intelligence is more important or strength? (who answers what). Both are important! A stupid person will not last long in battle, but a weakling will not become a hero. You have proven your strength. And they forgot about the mind!

Who decides everything in a moment,
Does he bravely accomplish the feat?
Who stands up for honor?
He is a military man, he is a (hero)

The plane is flying, not the bird!
This is the air border
On duty both day and night
That soldier is a military man (pilot)

Under fire and bullets
He's running straight ahead
Not afraid to join the fight
Sturdy (armored car)

For the query “military riddles for children” there is a large selection - equipment, ammunition, ranks, branches of the military, etc.

Instead of riddles, Zhadneyko can give the children a code indicating the “coordinates.” Options: puzzle (cut the text into pieces), Morse code (give out a key), secret cipher (come up with a squiggle for each letter of the alphabet, give out a key card).

Write in such a way that you have to guess where the package is. For example, behind the largest bush (decoration in the hall) or on the glacier (refrigerator).

If the military party is held outdoors, build an obstacle course, have a water pistol shootout, or organize paintball. Finding a gift - navigating the area with walkie-talkies and compasses. You can quickly pack into sleeping bags, change clothes, and pack your things in a backpack.

Present– military-style toys, a set of sweets, military-themed coloring books, commemorative medals.