Things are going well, the office writes where the phrase comes from. Things are going well - the office writes

Who organized the illegal wiretapping of suspects and their lawyers at the FSIN?

This story is shocking to many because it clearly shows that we live in a police state where everyone can be spied on with impunity. The FSIN operates a department (formerly “L”), which, among other things, is involved in wiretapping conversations between defense lawyers and prisoners. The unit was not created at the whim of the jailers, but by a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

A former employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, now a lawyer, Alexey Sukhanov, appealed to all authorities with a demand to disband it. For one simple reason. The data obtained by Department “L” began to be used to conceal crimes committed with the participation of law enforcement officers.

About the everyday life of the mysterious unit and the people who use its “services” - in the MK investigation.

Drawing by Alexey Merinov

Secrets of the letter "L"

The investigative office in a pre-trial detention center or colony is an almost sacred place. This is where the lawyer and his client communicate. During their conversation, no one is present (the warden is on duty outside the door and periodically looks through the peephole to make sure that everything is in order). Confidentiality is guaranteed. The right of the accused and suspect to communicate with a lawyer without witnesses is stated in the Criminal Code, in the Law on Advocacy, and in a number of international covenants.

It’s difficult to say now whose head it was to install wiretapping in investigative offices and study the material received. But the Office of the Operational-Technical Department and Search Activities “L” (UOTPM “L”) appeared when Mikhail Fradkov was Prime Minister, who signed Resolution No. 1331-s. Initially, his mission was quite noble - to protect personnel from crime. But, so to speak, as part of this, he is entrusted with a number of other tasks, including “espionage” ones. Not so long ago, by two orders of the department (dated December 23, 2010 and April 14, 2011), UOTPM “L” was renamed into UODOP, but the essence did not change.

Alexey Sukhanov intends to achieve the truth at any cost.

“Imagine an investigative office,” says lawyer Alexey Sukhanov. “There is always a table there, sitting at which the lawyer and the prisoner talk. There is a microphone built right into it. It is located approximately in the middle of the table, and every word spoken even in a whisper can be heard. Some lawyers guess about wiretapping, so the most important questions are not asked orally, but written on pieces of paper. But this is in vain. The offices also have high-resolution video cameras. There are also video cameras in the corners. So no matter where you stand, you will still be in the review... The written text is visible on the monitor, as if on a movie screen. The listening equipment turns on automatically as soon as the lawyer enters the office.

What can the accused tell the defense lawyer? And name your accomplices, and confess where you hid the stolen goods, and in general real picture incidents give. The police will only have to go to the place and detain the rest of the crooks. On the one hand, although such valuable information was obtained illegally, it can contribute to the triumph of truth. As Zheglov said, a thief should be in prison. On the other hand, why then do we need a legal profession system at all? What about regulatory documents that allow a person to defend himself and not testify against himself? It turns out that they can also be safely scattered to the wind? After all, in fact, a conversation with a lawyer is the same interrogation with an investigator, only through a microphone...

Last year, Alexey Sukhanov appealed to the Federal Penitentiary Service with a demand to disband the “L” division, which states that it exercises “illegal control over the circumstances of providing legal assistance to lawyers in penal institutions.” Former acting Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Marzhokhov refused. Then Sukhanov filed a lawsuit in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow to challenge this decision.

From the court decision:

“Since the UOTPM was created on the basis of a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, it cannot be disbanded on the basis of a decision of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.”

Judge of the Zamoskvoretsky Court L. Lobova.”

The cassation court recently upheld this decision. However, Sukhanov wrote to the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission under the President, and is planning to file a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court.

A reasonable question arises: why did Sukhanov decide to talk about the existence of this department and about the “bugs” in the offices of the pre-trial detention center? This story is amazing, sometimes incredible. But facts are stubborn things.

Search a woman

Commentary by member of the Expert Council of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Evgeniy Parushin:

— There are video cameras in all investigative offices. But they are established to protect the lawyers themselves. And these same cameras saved dozens of lives. The prisoners attacked the lawyers, strangled them, beat them... As for listening devices, of course, according to the law, they should not be there. Listening is allowed only by court order. But in fact today there are a lot technical capabilities eavesdrop without installing microphones in tables. There are, for example, devices that allow you to hear through two walls. You can quietly put a tiny “button” in the lawyer’s pocket at the entrance to the pre-trial detention center, and pick it up on the way out.

Something special, and most often personal, can force a person to fight an entire system. A few words about Sukhanov: 40 years old, an honored veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service - he served in the riot police, was a detective officer, headed investigative departments in the police, and headed the security department in one of the Magadan colonies. After Alexey retired, he became a lawyer. The prisoners trusted him. He was even able to get the court to have the order of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Alexander Reimer, to transfer a number of convicts to colonies in other regions illegal. A rare case, by the way. One fine day he had the good fortune to become the protector of a charming woman named Zlata. Tall, athletic (skier), charming. And at the same time, she has a rare talent for ingratiating herself with trust, which is how she earned money. And she was accused of murder, and she faced a considerable sentence.

So, let's give the floor to him himself.

“My client Zlata Kulik told me in the pre-trial detention center that the murder of which she is accused was not committed by her, but by members of an active criminal group of “black realtors.” The organized crime group includes law enforcement officers, a notary, and a lawyer. According to Zlata, she was offered to meet old people and find out if they had relatives. The scheme was this: if a pensioner was lonely, then a nurse from the cardiology department would come, administer intravenous medications to them, and after his death, the notary would register the ownerless apartment in the name of strangers. Soon, my other client, Perkova, told a similar story. While she was on vacation, the notary re-registered her mother's apartment to another person. After which the mother died. In court it turned out that a nurse from the cardiology department came to see her and performed some procedures on her... The notary was later deprived of her license.

Alexey went to Moscow, to the Prosecutor General’s Office, and asked to check information about the presence of organized crime groups of “black realtors” in Magadan. His statements were sent to the law enforcement agencies of Magadan, but verification did not confirm this information. And then a gang of “black realtors”, which actually included a notary, a lawyer and former employees of the department for combating organized crime, were detained and convicted. All Magadan newspapers wrote about this then.

- But Zlata told me that the detainees - minor members organized crime groups, and they are allegedly led by one of former leaders UFSB, a retired colonel, and his son, now an active employee of this department,” continues Alexey. “According to her, it turned out that her son seemed to have committed the murder that she was charged with. And allegedly it was his and his accomplice’s prints that were seized at the crime scene. I believed her. Firstly, there was an expert conclusion that the prints did not belong to Kulik. Even with the naked eye you can see that they are male. Secondly, in the criminal case there is a forensic report, which showed that Kulik does not know the direction of the knife strike. Neither my client nor the vast majority of people can deliver such a blow. It is owned by soldiers of special forces units, and even then not all of them. In riot police and SOBR, for example, the study and use of this technique is prohibited. But it is practiced in military intelligence and state security special forces. And, by the way, this is approximately how sheep are slaughtered in the Caucasus.

After these frank conversations between the lawyer and his client, two main events occurred. Firstly, Alexey wrote a letter to the director of the FSB: they say, my client told me about the involvement of your employees in the leadership of a criminal group. He asked for a check, including the fingerprints found at the crime scene, and the FSB officers. Secondly, FSB detective Batsaeva came to Alexey.

“She came to me and said that the reports from department “L” had reached her,” says Sukhanov. “Batsaeva stated that she is Zlata’s classmate, knows about her innocence and wants to help her. But I don’t think she was going to help her. And she began to often come to Kulik and have conversations with her. I brought her “deliveries”. And it is not surprising that Kulik soon retracted her words and wrote that she had not told me about any gang, and I had made it all up.

From the case materials:

“Information about Kulik’s visit to pre-trial detention center No. 1 Magadan region FSB officer Batsaeva, the transfer of things and food to her, your subsequent repeated conversations with Batsaeva in order to inform about an organized crime group carrying out criminal activities to take possession of apartments, were confirmed during the pre-investigation check. At the same time, the circumstances you described do not indicate the presence of signs of any crime in Batsayeva’s actions.”

Investigative Committee for the Magadan region.

Zlata also wrote a statement that I raped her in the investigative office throughout the entire time I visited. The check has begun. I contacted the Federal Penitentiary Service: there’s a microphone and cameras right there, if I raped her, pick up the recordings, let’s see? They refused on the grounds that these materials were classified. What nonsense? That is, you can eavesdrop on my conversations and pass them on to operatives, but you can’t check whether I raped you? I wrote to the prosecutor's office - they also refused.

By the way, Sukhanov treated Zlata, let’s say, in a special way. I learned about this by reading letters addressed to him. I quote: “You brought her everything she wanted. You fulfilled all her whims, felt sorry for her. And behind our backs, she told us all that this is how we should act with men. This, of course, is none of my business, but it’s offensive how she treated you.” The letters got into the case by accident, since in them the prisoners confirmed Zlata’s words about the gang.

Zlata wrote touching letters to Sukhanov.

Then, when the matter started to get worse, Zlata came from the colony to Alexey’s home. They released her so that she could be persuaded to retract all statements about the gang. Did not work out. And what touching letters she wrote to him... She asked for forgiveness, talked about love.

It was not possible to prove that the lawyer raped his client. The initiation of a criminal case against Sukhanov was refused. But Kulik, probably for her zeal, received an award. She, convicted of murder, was soon released - the real sentence was replaced with a suspended one in connection with the birth of a child.

Hero or Slanderer

But Sukhanov was unlucky. The FSB forwarded his letter to the prosecutor's office of the Magadan region. From there the message fell into the hands of the very colonel about whom it was spoken. And what do you think? He went to court, demanding that Sukhanov be recognized as disseminating information that does not correspond to reality and discredits his honor and dignity. The court upheld the complaint.

— The judge recognized me as the person who disseminated defamatory information. I tried to explain that I did not walk along the street with banners, but wrote a statement and asked simply to check whether it was reliable or not. Let them tell me: the fingerprints do not belong to these employees. That's all.

Judging by the court decision, in his address to the director of the FSB, Sukhanov wrote quite confidently that criminal group The “black realtors” may have been organized by the colonel and that he receives a share of the turnover of gold and drugs. Since there is no evidence of this, the offense seems quite understandable. By the way, the colonel also tried to bring Sukhanov to criminal liability for libel, but the Investigative Committee refused to initiate a case, having found no grounds. Sukhanov was only sentenced to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles and sign a confession to the director of the FSB that he had slandered law enforcement officers. Alexey did not agree. Administrative penalties have already been imposed on him for failure to comply with a court decision.

In a couple of months he may be put in a cell with administrative prisoners. Sukhanov says that he was warned: “Your heart will fail there.” By the way, the operatives themselves are trying to make Sukhanov seem almost crazy. He took a certificate for this purpose... And when he sends requests, he encloses it.

Shock and misunderstanding caused in sports world a statement by the International Olympic Committee, which published the reasoning part, one might say, of the verdict for Russian skier Alexander Legkov.

In early November, the IOC accused him of doping, stripped him of the gold medal at the Sochi Games and, worst of all, permanently suspended him from Olympic competition. Since then, everyone has been waiting: maybe some hard evidence will appear. And today it became clear: the charges are based on the testimony of Grigory Rodchenkov, a pharmaceutical swindler and fugitive head of a Moscow laboratory.

46 sheets. World big sport I was waiting for ironclad arguments. The published document was supposed to comprehensively explain why Alexander Legkov was deprived of the Sochi medal and disqualified for life. This is the reasoning part of the IOC decision, the final version, everything that the accusation has accumulated against the disgraced skier. It turned out that they found nothing but the words of Grigory Rodchenkov. The former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory fled to the United States, where he spoke about the so-called “Duchess List”, which he personally compiled almost on orders from the Ministry of Sports.

For a year and a half, the effectiveness of “Duchess”, aka “Rodchenkov’s Cocktail”, has not been confirmed by anyone. A fugitive chemist allegedly gave Russian athletes a mixture of steroids. “Polished” with alcohol - for camouflage. Rodchenkov’s colleagues just laugh at this. Firstly, you can’t hide anything with alcohol anymore. Secondly, the presence of traces of its decay in the analysis immediately arouses great suspicion. And such a sample is checked especially carefully.

The Rodchenkov Cocktail consists of three drugs: methenolone, oxandrolone and trenbolone. That is, the drugs, some of them, are quite old, and of course, their use is very doubtful, especially in light of the development of new methods. In 2012 they came out very precise methods, which allow up to six months after a single dose to determine the presence and traces of steroids in urine and blood. This, in principle, has become impossible,” explains in 2008-2016. Head of the Department of Peptide Doping and Blood Analysis of the Moscow Anti-Doping Center Grigory Krotov.

Legkov, in his defense, reminded more than once that both before and after the Olympics almost all year round I trained and lived in Europe, where I constantly took doping tests, and every time they were “clean”. For steroids to work, they must be taken regularly. If the skier had used prohibited substances, he would have been caught long ago. But Richard McLaren's commission, whose main informant was Rodchenkov, believes the chemist unconditionally, and the IOC believes McLaren. What adds piquancy to the matter is the fact that all information is in transit through American intelligence services.

“Dr. Rodchenkov is no longer in Russia, he is now under FBI protection. Thus, he can speak openly,” the IOC document says.

This is, to put it mildly, disingenuous. The Americans do not even allow IOC experts to see Rodchenkov. The same “Duchess List” on which the accusations against the Russians are based was handed over to the IOC by the American authorities in the form of a copy. It is impossible to establish the authenticity of the document: the original is stored on a certain disk allegedly brought by Rodchenkov from Russia. The disc itself was never shown to anyone. As a result, the words of the Russian defector alone, and even as retold by American intelligence services, formed the basis for the committee’s unprecedented decision.

“The International Olympic Committee finds Professor McLaren's discoveries so serious and far-reaching that they consider it necessary to make the assumption that all top-level Russian athletes were part of this system. Only those athletes who can refute this assumption will be allowed to participate in the Games,” the IOC document says.

And here it is important that it is just assumptions, that is, there is no evidence. Rodchenkov claims: “dirty” samples were replaced in Sochi. The IOC commissions the study. The bottles are supposedly able to be opened after two months of experiments - the video, by the way, is not provided. Experts studied 80 samples, including one from Alexander Legkov. No doping was found. The notorious scratches were found on several test tubes, but nothing on most. But the commission’s conclusion is this: “The Russians used master keys and techniques that they could improve indefinitely; they were able to open samples even without characteristic traces,” the IOC document says.

The logic of the accusation is absurd. The Disciplinary Commission states: when taking the doping test, the caps of the test tubes were not screwed on completely, otherwise they could not be opened secretly even with Russian super master keys. At the hearings, Legkov countered: he always closed all his samples tightly and completely. The commission admits that since the lid was twisted and tightened several times, it is not possible to establish exactly how Legkov closed the test tube. That is, it is impossible to prove the guilt of the Russian athlete for allegedly opening the test tube. But in the next paragraph there is an accusation. Legkov is guilty because he is guilty.

“Signs of tampering were found on two of the athlete’s test tubes. This clearly indicates that the athlete was involved in the scheme,” the IOC document says.

What certainty can we talk about if even the fact of a secret autopsy has not been proven! The Swiss Berlinger, which produces those same test tubes, has repeatedly stated: this is impossible. As a result, the IOC put so much pressure on the company that it had to develop new model.

At the same time, neither the IOC nor the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which ordered the McLaren investigation, are analyzing Rodchenkov’s work in Moscow. Although in Russia a criminal case was opened against him for abuse of power, and his sister Marina was even convicted of selling illegal drugs to athletes. It was not possible to prove Rodchenkov’s involvement then.

There is information that it was WADA that at one time insisted that Grigory Rodchenkov become the head of the Moscow laboratory. It is not surprising that the glaring contradictions in his testimony never became a reason for litigation. Firstly, all test tubes are handed over to doping officers against signature. And then only people working for WADA have access to them. Athletes are not even allowed to enter laboratories.

“The athlete provides biosamples in vitro and has nothing to do with them anymore. Therefore, blaming athletes for this, it seems to me, is not entirely fair to them, since it has nothing to do with future fate They don’t have any samples,” says the acting director. Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Anti-Doping Center" Elena Mochalova.

Secondly, if, as the IOC believes, the samples were changed, why did Rodchenkov invent the “Duchess cocktail”? Why not give out any doping in any quantities? Thirdly, a year ago the chemist claimed that he did not personally see how the bottles were opened. Now I suddenly remembered how I changed the tests of Alexander Legkov.

One cross-examination would be enough to find out once and for all what Rodchenkov really saw and what he dreamed in emigration. But this will not happen. After all, as stated in the papers, the chemist in the United States is under the witness protection program. Based on his testimony, the IOC disqualified for life and canceled the Olympic results of five more Russian athletes - bobsledders Alexei Negodaylo and Dmitry Trunenkov, biathletes Yana Romanova and Olga Velukhina, and skeleton athlete Sergei Chudinov.

The latter, by the way, never communicated with Grigory Rodchenkov at all and always passed doping control without problems.

“I don’t know him personally, I don’t know any of them. But I am accused of collaborating with him. Rave. This commission that they did... If it was done in a good way, they should have talked to me. But they didn’t bother, they just went ahead and blamed us for it. The horror is to understand that an organization like the IOC was bent by some third parties. The organization doesn’t understand what it has become; at some incomprehensible commission they accused us of something unknown. We have no scratches on the can, no doping there - no one cares about that,” says Sergei Chudinov, coach of the Russian skeleton team.

Almost two dozen participants and medalists of the Sochi Olympics are already under sanctions. For now, only Alexander Legkov can appeal to the court. The rest are still waiting for the protocols of the IOC disciplinary commission. The Pyeongchang Olympics starts in two months, and no matter what the outcome, the sports arbitration court will hardly have time to make a decision before it starts.

“None of us agrees with this; they accused us without evidence of something that none of us committed. We're honest throughout large quantity over time we have proven with our results that we are one of the strongest in the world. Now there is a split in the Olympic movement, because some are on our side, some are against us. There is a serious information war going on and all these events are being covered one-sidedly,” said bobsledder Dmitry Trunenkov.

However, many international winter sports federations consider the IOC decision to be unsubstantiated. The Olympic Committee published the motivation for the same Alexander Legkov yesterday, and International Federation ski racing never changed her decision. Until convincing arguments emerge, Russians suspended from the Olympics will be allowed to participate in the World Cup without any restrictions.

Georgiy Olisashvili

I published material taken from the Internet without comments. Actually, there is nothing to comment on here if we evaluate it from the point of view of logic and international law. But it turns out that this right applies when it comes to foreigners, but it does not apply to Russians: “these Russians are so insidious.”

“Only those athletes who can refute this assumption will be allowed to participate in the Games,” the IOC document says.

What's the guess? That they are to blame. Note that the accused must not even refute the evidence of guilt, but only the “assumption”. And this is stated in the IOC document. In addition, everything is turned upside down, the whole world knows that proof of guilt is the prerogative of the prosecution, but here the accused are forced to look for evidence of their innocence.

"The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) insists on the recognition of the findings of the report of the independent commission led by Richard McLaren on doping at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi as one of the main conditions for the restoration of membership of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA"

This means that the main thing is confession, and evidence is the tenth thing. Only in the case of recognition may Russian athletes have a chance to participate in the Winter Olympics in South Korea. This is outright blackmail of Russia, they say, if you admit the charges, then maybe WADA will allow you to the Olympics. It is believed that the IOC will make decisions on Russia’s admission to the Olympics on December 5.
I have little faith in a positive decision on this issue, because it was made in advance and only Russian functionaries are expected to repent from sports.

" / Winter sports. Independent expert Richard McLaren in an interview with SE noted that he allows the use of collective sanctions against Russian athletes. According to him, not only those athletes who were caught violating the rules at the Olympics should be punished -2014."

The office writes Prost. Region Regardless of the outcome, the case is still taken into account. - We've been fishing for ages, there's been enough fish for ages!.. Why are we here without fishing, without the taiga? We need to give up all this bagpipes and go south... - Ah! The office writes... - the overweight man waved his hand, laying down near the fire(V. Astafiev. Tsar Fish). - And he said that the reprimand... - Listen to him more. You’ll work, no one will bother you,” Bannikov snapped. “That’s for sure,” Alexey Dmitrievich picked up. - The office writes!.. And we do our own thing(N. Poleshchuk. Night meeting).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “The office writes” is in other dictionaries:

    the office writes- see: office... Dictionary of Russian argot

    The office writes- Razg. Joking. Regardless of the results, the matter still counts. F 1, 250...

    things are going well, the office writes- noun, number of synonyms: 2 all as it should (4) all the way (11) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    things are going well, the office writes- see: office... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Things are going well, the office writes- Razg. Joking. About whose l. vigorous activity, unrelenting activity. Bug. 1991, 97 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    The work goes on, the office writes, and the cash register gives out money.- A sentence that replaces a specific answer to the question of how things are going... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    things are going well, the office writes- joking. 1) Everything is going well, everything is fine. 2) About the visibility of activity, activity... Dictionary of many expressions

    office- y, w. comptoir m. Goal. kantoor, German Kontor. 1. A public office, usually a subdivision of a central institution. Sl. 18. His Tsar’s Majesty’s General Regulations or Charter according to which state boards, as well as all... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    office- OFFICE, s, f. 1. Police. 2. KGB (FSB). 3. Any dubious establishment. Things are going well, the office says everything is fine, everything is in order. See also: Sharashka's officeDictionary of Russian argot

    OFFICE- OFFICE, s, female. Common name administrative clerical departments of institutions and enterprises, as well as independent institutions, mainly economic, financial nature. Technical Ph.D. railway. Brokerage office Postal office (obsolete... Dictionary Ozhegova


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Our country has long turned into a huge office. And the office is boring, and the office is gloomy. In the office you won’t be spoiled, you won’t dance, you won’t sing, you won’t laugh, you won’t cry. This is not your house, not a garden, not a vegetable garden, not a forest, not a field.

The office writes. The firefighters write, the police write. They write in the capital, and they write in the provinces. Old ladies write, and girls write. Teachers and scientists. Doctors write, and justice writes. Our party and the entire opposition. Well, and officials with lean faces. And everyone has long since reached the standard.

They write so unitedly, so diligently, so zealously that you won’t have enough pens, ink, geese, or cuttlefish for them. And what they write - ask them, they themselves don’t know. But everyone, wherever you spit, is trained and accustomed to write.

But where did this debilitating habit, this strange mania of constantly writing something come from in our country? What is this - an all-Russian flash mob on paper scribbling, which attracted half the country? World Championship of Public Idiocy? Collective paranoia?

Not at all, he directs all those who write exclusively common sense: If you don’t write, you’ll be deprived of food. So everyone writes, as if on an assembly line, to prove that they are working, although while they are writing, they are not working at all. But work is not a wolf, it is not fed by legs, and certainly not by brains, but by ministries-departments, agencies-committees, departments-boards and all sorts of different bureaus. And they pay for this work, which is absent due to continuous writing, only after presenting paper evidence of participation in participation, contribution to contributions, organization of modernization, intensification of coordination, unification of indexing and escalation of innovation. And until they receive an invoice regarding the bill, there will be no settlement from them. So everyone lives like hares on a drum, like squirrels in a wheel, like pigs at a trough for the poor.

How did it happen that we have to write in order to eat (and few of us earn more from this writing)? Yes, the system is just like that. Nowadays there are a lot of different officials, various secret and state councilors, and they are seated near the public feeding trough, and diligently do not let anyone near it, they demand papers. So we all had to become collegiate registrars and, in order to straighten out our gray overcoat, creak our feathers like catechumens.

And why all this? Yes, there are several reasons, and all are important and excellent. So that these same officials have someone to command. And so that they have something to occupy themselves with - so that they don’t just get bored and spit at the ceiling, hang around horseradish pears, but do some things: supervise, teach, shout and upset. And also - so that the money itself flows, like an endless river, from all over the country - what is not the reason? But the main thing is to keep us all busy. Not by business, but by idleness, not by work, but by monkey labor. Because if we don’t constantly write all sorts of nonsense, then we will have time to think. But if we think about it, we will immediately understand that it is quite possible to live without these damned papers and without the fed-up guards. But the work must certainly be like a monkey’s, because normal work makes people smarter. And paper scribbling is best suited for this. Paper is not stone, it’s not hard to carry, and it can withstand anything. And this work should be slave - for a table, shelter and clothes, so that they don’t indulge.

But all this is not enough for officials - they want to show off their dignity. And they are so important, these same officials, so dignified, that some of them really think: even if they sit in their chairs, the people will disappear, and Russia will get lost, or even disappear altogether. They firmly believe that they are doing a great thing and, by issuing circulars, are saving their homeland; that according to their snot they can remake the world and the planets solar system master. And what? This has long been known: if you sit in the chair of a Privy Councilor for three years, you go crazy, and you begin to think that you are great, and the only thing more important than you is the actual Privy Councilor, and, of course, the Chancellor. And if you yourself don’t think of this, then the court councilors and collegiate assessors will certainly convince and assure you of this. So they worry about the fate of the fatherland, my dears. They bake like hot cakes, so there are more and more of them. And they boil in their own juice, and from this thick broth their remarkable appetites are played out.

Who is guilty? Yes, we ourselves are to blame, who else? We are all people, not brainless cuttlefish. And we ourselves have turned into office workers. And they themselves allowed other office workers, some of the smarter ones, to come at us and chase us. And the third, the most clerical, of those who are more skilled, supervise all this, and flog the obstinate ones. It is our fault that we waste our energy, time, health - life so mediocrely. We are guilty before ourselves and before our fatherland. What will we remember before we die - how we didn’t sleep at night and wrote papers? And our homeland will have nothing to remember us with.

What to do? Throw feathers together! That's enough, all the geese have already been plucked.

  • - See JOY -...
  • - A sentence that replaces a specific answer to the question, how are things going...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. No matter how simply the priest behaves, he is still not his brother; the man will not go to him unless necessary. Stay at home, think your thoughts, don’t do anything, and don’t run away from business. Saltykov. Little nothings of life. In the lap of nature. 2...
  • - foreigner: asking about business or wandering around idle Wed. A sedate man goes about his business and looks at the business - he tortures the business, and does not get involved in the business. Leskov. Selected grain. 3...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Don’t do business, don’t run away from business. Wed. No matter how simply the priest behaves, he is still not his brother; - The man will not go to him unless there is a need. Stay at home, think your thoughts, don’t do business, and don’t run away from business. Saltykov...
  • - You’re torturing things, but you’re making monks out of business. - you ask about business, or you wander around with nothing to do. Wed. A sedate man goes about his business and watches the business; he tries to do business, and does not indulge in business. Leskov. Selected grain. 3...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Simple. Region Regardless of the outcome, the case is still taken into account. - We've been fishing for ages, there's been enough fish for ages!....

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - You don’t do things, but you don’t run away from things...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WORK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Things, things, as white as soot...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Razg. Joking. Regardless of the results, the matter still counts. F 1, 250...
  • - People's Disapproved About a slacker, a lazy person. Jig. 1969, 227...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 everything is as it should be, everything is done...

    Synonym dictionary

"things are going well, the office is writing" in books

When things go wrong and wrong...

From the book With Antarctica - only to "You": Notes of a Polar Aviation Pilot author Karpiy Vasily Mikhailovich

When things go wrong and wrong... We returned home, and again instead kind words and the ceremonial meeting - the requirement to write explanatory notes and endless clarifications as to why we violated the sanitary flight norms and did not scrupulously keep track of the hours spent in the sky... In

From the book Millionaire: Confessions of the First Capitalist new Russia author Tarasov Artyom


From the book Millionaire author Tarasov Artyom


1. Are things going well and life is easy?

From the book "O the current moment"No. 7(67), 2007 author USSR Internal Predictor

1. Are things going well and life is easy? If you believe what the federal and local channels television and tells “Radio Russia”, then you might think that: · Russia is out of the general cultural and economic crisis that it experienced in the 1990s, albeit slowly, but still

“Things are going great and great”

From the book New Positive Thinking author Peel Norman Vincent

“Things are going great and great” Clement Stone, an industrialist and philanthropist, began his career at age 6, selling newspapers in southern region Chicago. He had strong will And positive thinking, and as a result became one of the best entrepreneurs in the country. How

The office writes

From the book Gopakiada author Vershinin Lev Removich

The office writes: If previously the Central Rada did not represent anyone, now it doubly represented no one. The “government” was purely socialist; no one “class alien” was allowed in, citing the fact that “everyone is for us anyway,” and the right to make such statements

How are you doing?

From the book Better than Perfection [How to Curb Perfectionism] author Lombardo Elizabeth

How are you doing? How is your journey to living a life beyond perfection? Surely, like most people, you have managed to apply some strategies in certain periods. At the same time, you may have thoughts such as: “Why don’t I

Let us know how you are doing

From the book How to Win People Over by Carnegie Dale

Report how you're doing Debbie thinks her boss, Linda, is the best boss out there: “Linda always tells you what's going on. If we need to work overtime, she lets us know in advance so we can adjust our plans. Recently

When things go wrong

From the book Psychology of Achievement [How to Achieve Your Goals] author Halvorson Heidi Grant

When Things Are Going Bad It's always difficult to tell people that they are not performing as well as they could. Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news, and constructive criticism is a particularly difficult skill to master. Most people make an understandable mistake: they try to spare other people's feelings. We

Chapter 9 Things Are Going

From the book September 11, 2001 by Meyssan Thierry

Chapter 9 Things Are Moving On October 7, 2001, George W. Bush makes a solemn appearance on television. His speech is transmitted not from the Oval Office, but from the Treaty Room of the White House: the war has begun. "On my orders, the United States Armed Forces began to attack

The office writes

From the book Articles from the magazine "Company" author Bykov Dmitry Lvovich

The office writes After Viktor Cherkesov's article - about discord in the special services - the most widely discussed thesis was not that the FSB was fighting with Drug Control (they guessed this even without Cherkesov), but that it was the special services in the late 80s that kept Russia from falling into abyss.

Chapter 10 Things Are Going

From the book Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel author Cardel Henneke

Chapter 10 Things are moving forward A characteristic feature of dictatorship is that it does today what it condemned yesterday, and does not do tomorrow what it promised the day before yesterday. For her, only profit is important. If democracy risks sliding into chaos, then smart person, receiving

The office writes

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 40 (1037 2013) author Zavtra Newspaper

The office writes Vasily Simchera October 3, 2013 5 Society Economics About the features of the national recession In the newspaper "Vedomosti" 09/27/2013. An article was published by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, the main provisions of which he repeated on the same day at the next

Faith and works go hand in hand

From the book Faith and Deeds author White Elena

Faith and Works Go Hand in Hand An article appeared in Signs of the Times on July 21, 1890, under the title: “What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?” Jesus died to save His people from their sins. Redemption in Christ means the cessation of breaking God's law and

Why do things always go better for professionals?

From the book Sales Technology [How to make an obscene amount of money] author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

Introduction You can earn a lot of money. An indecent amount of money Alice entered the cafe and looked around in confusion. The hall was in twilight, despite the fancy lamps on the ceiling and candles on the tables. The pianist in the corner was quietly improvising something... Apparently