Brief description of Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka. Why Vasnetsov’s “Alyonushka” was originally called “the fool”, or the Fairytale and the Real in the famous painting

The painting “Alyonushka” is the most popular work of the Russian painter V.M. Vasnetsova. He depicted early autumn or late summer, since the reeds and leaves on the trees are not too green. Although you can already see the crimson and golden leaves that have fallen to the surface of the water.

Brief biography of the artist

Everyone knows Viktor Vasnetsov for his outstanding illustrations of Russian fairy tales. He was born in Vyatka, and received his primary education at a theological seminary. The painter in 1868 began studying at the Academy of Arts, which he graduated in 1873. After that, the young artist went abroad.

Beginning in 1869, Vasnetsov began to exhibit his works at traveling and academic exhibitions. The artist’s creativity is multifaceted, it includes:

  • Religious and historical subjects
  • Folk epic
  • Genre scenes

Based on the paintings of this master, a hut on chicken legs and a church in Abramtsevo were created, and the facade of the Tretyakov Gallery was also created. The canvas “Alyonushka” is very popular; Vasnetsov wrote it based on the plot of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

History of the painting

In 1880, the artist painted landscapes in Akhtyrka, however, the image of a fairy-tale, sad and big-eyed girl could not leave his mind. But he could not put it together until one day he saw a simple girl. She amazed the artist with her Russian spirit.

This meeting with a stranger helped the painter to translate the image into a painting. Victor first demonstrated it in 1881 at the Traveling Exhibition, where it received the most enthusiastic and high reviews.

Description of the picture

The composition of the work includes only one heroine - a fair-haired and young girl dressed in Russian folk dress. According to the fairy tale, she had no parents, and the closest person to her was brother Ivanushka. That’s why at first the artist wanted to call this painting “Fool Alyonushka,” because that’s what they used to call orphans.

In the picture you can see how the dark forest surrounded her on all sides. He does not want to release the heroine from his captivity. The girl's tears drip into the water. Most likely, the artist wanted to warn about the danger that would happen to her brother or had already happened. Alyonushka is sitting in an old gray sundress, with disheveled hair and barefoot.

She is full of thoughts about Ivanushka, suddenly Baba Yaga turned him into a kid. The artist managed to perfectly describe the landscape of the work, which goes well with the character. Nothing can distract the viewer from Alyonushka.

Looking at the brilliant picture, it seems that the heroine finds solace by this pond. The girl seems to dissolve in bright colors and become part of the picture. Her humility and scratched feet not only attract the audience but also fascinate her towards her pure image.

According to folk wisdom, at the end of the day nature acquires the ability to convey human emotions. The background was copied from the Akhtynka pond; the artist depicted ominous dark green spruce trees and a lead-gray sky. Under the girl’s feet there is a very gloomy pond, which scares people with its depth; it is covered with yellow leaves.

This work by Vasnetsov brings melancholy, because anyone feels sorry for the poor heroine. The painter managed to paint a realistic and heartfelt event. To paint it, he used mainly green paint. The canvas turned out so bright that it seems as if the pond, forest and Alyonushka will come to life and appear before the viewer. At that time, critics considered the film to be the best.

Inspired by a lyrical fairy-tale image, Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” was painted in 1881. The real girl noticed by the artist Akhtyrka became the prototype of the heroine of this picture. The melancholy and sad look of a simple Russian girl prompted Vasnetsov to paint the painting “Alyonushka”. And indeed the picture exudes a real Russian spirit.

Tired of searching for her brother Ivanushka, sister Alyonushka sits in a lonely pose on a stone near a gloomy pond in a dark pine forest. The girl’s clothes are worn out from time to time, her feet are bare, and sadness and melancholy can be seen in her eyes. It is clear that Alyonushka is haunted by anxious thoughts about brother Ivanushka. Maybe the insidious Baba Yaga turned him into a little goat. Alyonushka blames herself for not saving her only brother, and all the surrounding nature worries and is sad with her. The relationship between nature and Alyonushka in Vasnetsov’s painting is very close. The magnificently painted landscape seems to echo our heroine in melancholy and sorrow. The close intertwining of nature and Alyonushka in the picture does not distract the viewer from the main plot and at the same time, even the most daring detail of the picture calls for thoughtful reflection. A lot of fairy tales were invented by the Russian people and writers, but we are used to imagining them only mentally, but in this painting by Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”, the artist skillfully expressed in the work through pictorial means all the aspirations of the heroine of the fairy tale.

The painting was painted in the vicinity of Abramtsevo, where picturesque expanses of spruce, oak, birch forests and groves are intricately separated by the winding Vorey River, ponds, remote ravines, and hillocks. It was these places that encouraged Vasnetsov to paint pictures of the national landscape. In the film “Alyonushka” Vasnetsov very soulfully and most fully expressed the lyrical poetry of the Russian people. According to the artist, the idea of ​​painting a painting seemed to have been living in his head for a long time, but he was able to start work only after meeting a girl who struck his imagination. Purely Russian sadness, melancholy and loneliness were visible in her eyes, and Vasnetsov turned to a fairy tale. The sitting girl thought about her difficult fate and was echoed by the gray sky, as well as the repulsive and frightening darkness of the surface of the pool, on which yellow leaves froze. The deep dark green of the fir trees and the faded gray tones of aspen foliage are very succinctly incorporated into the picture.

On this page, teachers will find a development of a lesson on speech development based on the painting “Alyonushka” by V. M. Vasnetsov. I teach it in 5th grade in literature lessons after studying the topic “Russian folk tales”. In addition to the lesson notes, here you will find a presentation, illustrations, and a sample essay.

V. M. Vasnetsov is a wonderful artist of the late 19th century. Since childhood, he fell in love with Russian folk tales, and when he became an artist, he made subjects of Russian folk tales and epics the subject of his paintings.

His paintings are like their continuation. Here Ivan Tsarevich is riding on a gray wolf, clutching Elena the Beautiful to his chest.

But the frog princess dances in front of the king and his guests.

The heroes of V. M. Vasnetsov’s paintings included the Sleeping Princess, Princess Nesmeyana, and the flying carpet.

But, perhaps, the artist’s most famous fairy-tale painting was “Alyonushka”.

Today we will try to write a descriptive essay based on this painting, but first we will watch the filmstrip (cartoon) “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

  • Who are the main characters in the fairy tale?
  • What other characters are there in the fairy tale?
  • What character traits are inherent in Alyonushka?
  • What moment of the fairy tale is depicted on the canvas?
  • What is Alyonushka doing? (she sits with her legs tucked under her, her arms wrapped around her knees and her head bowed)
  • Where is she sitting? (Alyonushka sits on a stone near a forest pond)
  • What is she wearing? (She is wearing a faded, torn blue shirt and a colorful skirt. Her feet are bare. The edge of a white shirt is visible from under the skirt)
  • What is her facial expression? (She has a sad, thoughtful look)
  • What do you think she was thinking about?
  • Describe her hair (Her golden brown hair falls in waves over her crossed arms, half covering her face)
  • What do you see in the foreground of the canvas? (In the foreground of the canvas we see the frozen black water of a forest pond, on the surface of which golden fallen leaves rest. Green sedge is pulled out of the water like arrows)
  • What do you see in the background of the canvas? (The dense spruce forest surrounded the heroine on all sides like a wall, blocking the rays of the setting sun)
  • Try to describe the aspens (Thin aspen trees rustle in the wind with their dry, chilled leaves, as if sympathizing with Alyonushka and whispering advice to her.)

Before you start writing an essay, you need to collect materials for it. This is what we will do now.

  • In order not to be repeated in the essay, what words similar in meaning can be replaced with the word “picture”? (Painting - canvas, masterpiece, work of art)
  • How can you replace the word "artist"? (Artist - author of the canvas, master)

I want to tell you that a picture is painted, not drawn, so do not write “drew” in your essay. He wrote it.

  • How can you replace the word "wrote"? (Wrote - depicted, created, presented)
  • Why do we choose these words? (to avoid repetition in the essay)

The next stage of the lesson is filling out the table with materials for the essay. The children write down word combinations together with the teacher.

You can use fairy tale elements in your essay: beginning, ending, saying, disclaimer, constant epithets, words with diminutive suffixes.

Give examples of such means that are suitable for this essay. (Once upon a time there was a sister Alyonushka, and she had a brother Ivanushka. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. And she will live and live and make good money. A beautiful girl, long braids, white hands, fast legs, dark forest, shirt, little eyes, little hands, brother).

  1. Beginning
  2. How did Alyonushka end up at the pond?
  3. Description of the picture
  • figure and pose
  • cloth
  • facial expression
  • hair
  • water, sedge, leaves on the water
  • hostile forest
  • friendly aspens
  1. What will happen next?
  2. Alyonushka is a wonderful heroine of a Russian folk tale.
  3. Vasnetsov is the creator of the famous painting.

I remind you that each point of the plan must be written on the red line.

Listen now to the sample essay.

Once upon a time there lived a sister Alyonushka, and she had a brother Ivanushka. One day Ivanushka did not listen to his sister and turned into a little goat.

This is the opening introduction. Please note how short it is - only 2 sentences. There is no need to retell the whole tale, two sentences are enough.

Alyonushka sits by the black forest water and mourns her naughty brother. Her whole figure expresses grief and sadness. Bare feet tucked under themselves. White little hands wrapped around her knees. The beautiful head bowed on her folded arms.

You see, a separate sentence is written about each subject in the image.

She is wearing a faded shirt and a colorful skirt, from under which the edge of a white shirt is visible.

Now you need to associate the clothes with the facial expression. How to do it?

Her poor clothes evoke feelings of compassion and pity. Her face is just as pitiful. It expresses sadness, a thoughtful gaze is directed at the still surface of the forest pond.

See how you can go from a look to a pond.

On the clear water, golden leaves slowly float like little swans. Green thin sedge is pulled out of the water.

We haven’t written about Alyonushka’s golden hair yet. How to get to them? Better from golden leaves.

Alyonushka’s brown, flowing hair is in extraordinary harmony with the golden foliage. They fall in waves onto her lap, half covering the heroine's face.

A thick green spruce forest has moved hostilely towards the red maiden, obscuring the rays of the setting sun, but thin chilled aspen trees, trembling with their leaves, like two girlfriends, whisper their advice to the girl.

But soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

See how well a clause can be used to transition to point 4 of the plan.

Alyonushka will find a way out of this situation and will again live and live well and make good things together with his brother Ivanushka.

It’s not for nothing that V.M. Vasnetsov depicted her on his wonderful canvas. Alyonushka has the extraordinary qualities of a Russian person: the ability to love, care, empathize, be meek and patient.

  • #1
  • #2

It’s sad to be alone in the forest, not knowing what to do next. A kind of panic immediately sets in, which is quickly replaced by a feeling of hopeless melancholy and confusion. A person invariably hopes for a miracle, but it does not always happen.

In Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” we see a girl who looks with hope and longing into a forest lake. She is trying to see something there, trying to find something extremely important there, but inaccessible to the understanding of other people.

The girl is surrounded by an impenetrable forest thicket, which frightens with its darkness. To emphasize Alyonushka’s plight, the author painted the forest with dark colors. The water in the forest lake is also frightening with its darkness, gloominess and depth. Only calamus and stones become Alyonushka’s true friends, only to them can she completely pour out her soul. It seems that the girl is sending a silent cry for help, to which the higher forces of nature can respond, because it will be inaccessible to the human ear.

Alyonushka is a simple and touching girl who finds herself in a difficult situation. She comes from a simple family, as can be seen from her modest outfit and lack of shoes. The girl sits near the lake, bending slightly over the water, as if looking for the truth in its abyss.

The canvas evokes a feeling of regret and sadness. I just want to help Alyonushka, but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

The creation of the painting “Alyonushka” was completed in 1881. It is one of the author's many famous works. A famous painting based on the fairy tale about “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” The work is done in oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple village girl from Akhtyrka.

In the center of the picture we see on a large stone a young, beautiful girl sitting with her legs tucked under her. Lowering her head to her knees, a lonely girl looks into the deep lake with the sad eyes of an orphan. The girl's eyes show pain and sadness. All her thoughts are about brother Ivanushka, who is lost. Although the girl is very young, her look is quite mature. The artist created an accurate psychological portrait of the heroine and managed to make her image understandable.

The girl's clothes are simple and modest, which was typical for simple Christian families. An old black skirt with flowers, a blouse and bare feet indicate that the girl is poor. The dark tones in which the work is done contrast with the blush of a simple girl.

The beginning of autumn is the time of year that is depicted in the picture. This is evidenced by the fallen leaves on the water of a dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth from which sedge grows. The creator of the picture conveyed the girl’s sadness and pain so realistically. That even nature senses this. A dense and inhospitable forest in the background, the autumn sky frowns. The picture creates the feeling that everything around has frozen, not a single branch is moving.

Only a flock of swallows that bring positivity and pleasant feelings.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The overall tone of the picture is dim, green and gray colors predominate. The artist tried to understand and express the Russian spirit and he succeeded. This picture evokes a feeling of pity and sadness in every person.

Essay based on the painting “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov

V.M. Vasnetsov never ceases to amaze with his talent. Each of his works is a whole story in which there is a beginning and an end. And for us viewers, although we only have to see a moment of this story, long-known fairy tales come to mind, and this gives us the opportunity to plunge into their world, to feel the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

The girl depicted on the canvas is so unhappy and lonely that you want to feel sorry for her. And there is a reason for it. It turns out that she lost her beloved little brother. All day she tried to find him. And judging by the glow in the sky, it’s already evening. She wandered barefoot through the forest, calling him with all her might. But then her strength left her, and she sat down by the water. Her legs, which had not known rest all day, were beaten and wounded, her dress was torn, and her hair had come out of her braid. But the most remarkable thing about Alyonushka’s image is her facial expressions. It conveys immeasurable sadness and sadness. It is impossible to show this without experiencing pain. Even in the display, only the girl’s black skirt is visible in the water. The artist did not want to show her fair face, arms and neck. He settled on colors that convey pain.

What thoughts overcome the young girl? Perhaps she no longer hopes to find her brother? Maybe, seeing a pond, the girl begins to guess what a terrible fate her loved one has? But then what should she do? Was she up to something bad? Why doesn’t he go home to tell the terrible news to his family and neighbors? Or maybe there are no relatives? Maybe her brother is everyone who was dear and loved to her, and now she has no one to go to, and there is no need to, that’s why there is such detachment in the expression of her face.

Everyone who looks at the canvas feels sorry for Alyonushka. And in such truthfulness with which the author depicted a lonely girl against the backdrop of magnificent nature, which, on purpose, acts as a bright contrast, and one can see the talent of the author of the picture, his ability to engage the viewer’s imagination.

Essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”

When you read the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka,” you involuntarily imagine a forest pond, a girl sitting on its shore, bowing her head on her knees in melancholy. The famous “Alyonushka” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. How often did the artist turn to works of oral folk art in his work? And then the epic and fairy-tale heroes were depicted in the imagination exactly as the great artist depicted them.

This happened with “Alyonushka”. Lonely orphans Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka lived in a remote part of the forest. And trouble came: my brother, the only dear person on this earth, disappeared. Alyonushka wandered for a long time in search of her brother. She tore her dress, making her way through the forest thicket. I came across a pond in the dark wilderness of the forest. And in inescapable melancholy she sank onto a stone on its shore.

Take a closer look at her face. There is so much longing in the eyes of a young girl. Her hair was disheveled from wandering through the forest for a long time. But she does not notice the disorder either in her hairstyle or in her clothes. One thought overcomes her: “Where is brother Ivanushka?” A little kid is an easy prey for forest animals. Alyonushka is crying with grief. Tears fall into the dark depths of the pond. And it beckons with its black water, inviting you to lose yourself in its waters.

The dark forest surrounded Alyonushka with a wall. Its thicket is black. The terrible forest does not want to release its prey. It seems that the face of an evil witch, who has decided to destroy Alyonushka, is about to flash in its blackness. And only the thin trees next to the girl yearn with her, dropping yellow leaves onto the black surface of the pond.

Based on a fairy tale, Vasnetsov’s painting lives an independent life, telling about the difficult lot of an orphan, about hopeless melancholy. But the fairy-tale image of the beautiful Alyonushka is associated with the way the artist depicted her on his canvas.

Searched on this page:

  1. essay on a painting in m Vasnetsova Alyonushka
  2. essay on the painting Alyonushka
  3. Vasnetsov Alyonushka essay
  4. essay by Vasnetsov Alyonushka

Viktor Vasnetsov is the most beautiful painter of the turn of the century; he successfully worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, so the genre he chooses was constantly changing. At first these were canvases in which their genre was more related to the everyday genre, then he moved on to portraits, and only then moved on to oral folk art, to which he devoted the rest of his life. This happened after the artist read epics and fairy tales, which impressed the artist so much that he decided to reproduce all this in his paintings.

It is known that the artist painted his painting “Alyonushka” in 1881, the plot of which was based on the events of a Russian folk tale, which is known to everyone. Viktor Vasnetsov was struck by the image of a young girl who was left alone, without parents, while continuing to raise her brother. He was struck by both her hard work and sense of responsibility. That’s why he decided to show the main character of the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

The artist placed the girl in the central place in his painting. Alyonushka is wearing a simple, light and colorful dress. A beautiful and sad heroine sits alone and sadly on a large gray stone. She wrapped her arms tightly around her legs. She has no shoes on her feet. The girl sadly lowered her head onto her knees, her wavy and light hair had managed to become disheveled and come out of its braid. The expression on the face of the hardworking heroine is kind, but very sad, since the viewer sees how wide and sad her eyes are, and her mouth is slightly open, and her lips are trembling a little. The strongest melancholy and sadness can be read in all her charming image.

Most likely, at that moment all her thoughts were about her brother, who drank from a puddle without listening to his sister, and now he has turned into a small and snow-white kid. Because of this, she is so sad and sad, because the girl does not know how to help him. And the painter depicted this image of sadness and sadness against the backdrop of a beautiful and early autumn. The girl is sitting on the bank of the river, so in the foreground the darkish and still water of the river is depicted, along the calm surface of which small yellow leaves float. A girl sitting on a stone, right on the river bank, looks into the water and clearly sees her image.

Near Alyonushka, tall and slender reeds grow in the water, the leaves of which are thin and bright green. They stand in the water and everywhere you look, there are reeds everywhere. It can be seen that practically no people come to this river in the forest. And just a girl who is worried about her brother came here by chance.

In the background of the picture, behind the girl, a dark forest is visible. It contains low white-trunked birches and aspen trees with thin trunks. The leaves on the trees are already beginning to turn yellow and they, as if trying to hold the girl, are also sad and trembling from the light breeze. A flock of birds also perched on one stronger branch. But they are also sad: they sit quietly, do not jump or frolic, as birds usually do, and you cannot hear their cheerful and playful songs.

A little further you can see a dense and impenetrable forest. Spruce trees, which are always green, are nestled in this thicket. And their dark color adds even more sadness, sadness and even gloom to Viktor Vasnetsov’s picture. All forest nature is in a tense period of withering, as if it, like the heroine of the picture, is sad. But the forest in the painter’s painting is not only gloomy. The unsightly and gray sky frightens with its dark colors. The sun does not peek through it and even one small ray does not slip out and sparkle. The firmament is gloomy and sad.

The entire composition of Vasnetsov’s painting amazes with its unified concept and the color scheme the artist chooses to reflect the sadness and sadness in the girl’s life. All nature empathizes with her grief and tragedy. But then Viktor Mikhailovich also uses the technique of contrast, since against the backdrop of all this gloomy and dark nature, where various shades of green are mainly used, the girl stands out. To depict her face, bright and tender, the painter used only light colors.

The mood of the artist Vasnetsov himself is perfectly felt: he sympathizes with Alyonushka and worries about her fate. The entire picturesque Vasnetsov picture evokes in any viewer sympathy and compassion for the girl herself with a difficult fate. It’s sad and sad to look at the heroine of the film, who has found herself in such a tragic situation, so I want to help her somehow, to remove all the hardships and troubles from her life. The artist, using green colors, was able to bring realism to his canvas. It seems that in just one more moment everything in the picture will come to life: the forest will rustle and begin to tremble lightly with its leaves, and the girl will suddenly come to life, raise her head, look and ask for help. This painting by artist Viktor Vasnetsov was recognized as his best work.