The best singer in the world. The most famous singers in the world

Not far away, an authoritative and foreign, namely British, magazine New Musical Express conducted a survey in which twenty outstanding musical performers in the history of music. Over 10 million people took part in the survey, which indicates a relatively large audience reach. However, like everything like this, the results of this action are very, very controversial. But that’s why they are statistics, so that they have nothing to do with life. For example, for some reason my interests constantly do not coincide, so to speak, with the people's jury in the Miss Bikini competition and similar ones.

The leader in the poll is the now deceased Michael Jackson, with the result in 9.2 points from 10 possibly recognized as the best performer in the same history of music. Without wishing to slander this wonderful “singer,” however, for me his victory is more likely a big misunderstanding than a pattern. A performer is first and foremost a vocalist, and what kind of vocalist is Jackson? If you compare him with Kirkorov, then he is incomparable, but when such names appear next to each other in the list as competitors, then the singer’s first place looks simply ridiculous. Yes, he is a great showman, a super-duper dancer, the best performer of pop ideas among the masses, but by no means the best performer of songs. This is what it means to leave on time. Where is the world heading?
In general, all polls, ratings and other unknown measures of pathos are called differently, but they carry one question as old as the world - who (what) is more popular. And what does the best performers have to do with it? best guitarists, best songs And so on? All these things are very subjective.

The band's frontman took second place in the top Queen - Freddie Mercury, with their 8.39 points. He has not yet matured to the glory Michael's, needless to say. To make sure of this, you can listen to their song together for comparison. State Of Shock, recently brought to public attention from the dark corners of recording studios, where Freddie completely fades against the background of the wonderful moans and squeals of his colleague.

Lennon ranked fifth Plant, McCartney, Cobain and even lower.

Almost half of the chosen ones, namely nine people, are no longer present in the world, but comparatively young talent Matthew Bellamy from popular to Lately groups Muse managed to gain a foothold even in the middle of the list. The rating also included two representatives of the fair sex - Aretha Franklin And Tina Turner. Discrimination, and that's all!

So, the list itself best performers of all times and peoples from New Musical Express. If you also hope to see the rest of the greatest vocalists and performers in it, the same Dio, Klaus Meine, Joplin, Bonnie Tyler or similar, screw you. One good thing is that the ubiquitous Lady Kwa-Kwa and Britney, who is Spears, for some reason did not penetrate here, and old Madonna is not visible.

1. Michael Jackson

Music for every person is a part of his life. It can relieve us of stress and lift our spirits. Beautiful music you need a beautiful voice. There are many singers in the world whose voices truly adorn it. But there are those who received world fame.

Popular performers are idols for many music lovers, continuing to amaze different generations with their performances, even after their death.

King of Pop and Dance

The most famous and beloved is the American singer, songwriter, dancer and choreographer Michael Jackson. Music lovers know his unusual performance different generations, and the compositions will be played for many years to come.

Winner of many awards, record holder for singles sales among performers. He made an invaluable contribution to the development of music, dance and fashion.

Light rock star

Rock singer and pianist Elton John earned the title of greatest performer for his contribution to the development of light rock. This is one of the most successful performers of his time, his albums ranked first in the list of best-selling albums, were always in the top ten and occupied leading positions in the charts.

He made a great contribution to the fight against AIDS. To this day he remains one of the famous and listened to performers.

Knight Paul McCartney

Britain is rich in names famous performers. Among them is Sir James Paul Macartney, who was awarded the title of knight. One of the founders legendary group The Beatles, winner of multiple Grammy awards, best bass player and performer.

The duet with John Lennon has become one of the most popular author unions, which is popular all over the world today.

King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley

One of the most popular and beloved music performers is the American singer and actor Elvis Presley, who received the title of King of Rock and Roll, the founder of rockabilly - a style that combines country, blues and rhythm. He is the winner of three Grammy awards.

Despite his death, his music is released and listened to by different generations, and the house where the singer lived is a place of pilgrimage for fans of his talent.

Queen of Personality

She began her career as a member of a rock band, and then became a popular solo performer and songwriter. Despite her age, videos with her participation are popular among young people all over the world, and her hits reach first place in the charts.

Russian Opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin rendered big influence on world opera art. Executor folk songs, romances. For a long time performer of the first roles at the famous Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.

Favorite bard Vladimir Vysotsky

Actor and poet Vladimir Vysotsky went down in history as the author and original performer of his songs with a guitar, the founder of the bard song.

Among fans of his time, he ranked second in popularity after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. His songs are popular.

Soviet rock performer

The leader of the Kino group, Viktor Tsoi, went down in rock history as the author and performer of his songs. His famous works even after his death they are popular among young people of different generations. They are included in the repertoire of performers at various concerts.

There are many popular singers, they are loved, listened to, admired, but only a few of them become real idols of millions. Even after death, they are also popular and loved. Their performance has captivated more than one generation of fans. It is difficult to say which of the singers presented below is the most popular; it is also impossible to rank them. Each of them is talented in their own way, their fame has long crossed the borders of their countries of residence, they are world stars, and there is no point in assigning popularity numbers to them.

Among popular singers, even world-famous stars, the glory of the American King of Pop, composer, dancer, trendsetter shines brightest. And after his unexpected death, the demand and fame of his musical compositions only increased. He was not only a constant success with millions of fans from all countries, but was also awarded all sorts of numerous awards. Only the most prestigious music award, the Grammy, was awarded to him 15 times, not counting hundreds of others. music awards. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records 13 times, and in 2009, after his death, Michael Jackson was officially recognized as an American Legend and Music Icon. His compositions are still heard today, so many years after his departure, and decades of songs and musical compositions the singer will delight, fascinate and enchant many generations of his fans.

Freddie Mercury

A bewitching voice and the appearance of the soloist perfectly in harmony with the voice Queen gained popularity not only for the singer himself, but also for his group. Freddie Mercury became the brightest representative musical rock culture, he was and remains one of the most popular artists worldwide. His short life was cut short on a foggy November evening in 1991, he died in hometown London from bronchopneumonia that developed against the background of AIDS. Incredible stage images Freddie and his eccentric behavior on stage are known even to people far from rock culture. In 1992, his group and many world stars of pop and rock music organized a concert in memory of Freddie at Wembley Stadium, the proceeds of which were donated to the AIDS Foundation.

Paul McCartney

Another famous British musician, singer, songwriter and composer, who in England for outstanding services in musical field was awarded the title of knight. In the 60-70s, everyone simply went crazy about the songs and music of the “Fab Four,” or as they were called in Russia, the Beatles. The Beatles, co-founded by Paul McCartney until 1971 when it broke up, had wild success, at her concerts, fans fell into real hysterics. The Guinness Book of Records names him as “the most successful composer and musician of all time.”

A prestigious award He was awarded the Grammy 16 times, even more than the King of Pop Michael Jackson. His songs performed with fellow Beatles lead singer John Lennon gained worldwide fame. In 1971, the Beatles broke up, but Paul McCartney, despite his advanced age, still sometimes performs solo concerts.

John Lennon

Another singer from the famous “Fab Four” is John Lennon, who could rightfully be given the title “king of the hippies,” young people who dreamed of living according to the laws of love and peace. Agree, a little unusual for talented singer, the leader of the most popular group in the 60-70s, the Beatles. This bright singing career and such short life cut off in 1980 by a bullet (oddly enough) of one of the Beatles fans.

For several decades, Charles Aznavour has been the most popular singer France, but his songs sound and excite millions of his fans not only in France. This Frenchman Armenian origin, singer, composer, actor, public figure was the creator and performer of more than a thousand songs, starred in sixty films, and sold more than 100 million records with his songs. Even at the beginning musical career French President Charles de Gaulle said about him “He will conquer the whole world, because he knows how to excite.” And this prediction came true. One of his songs " Eternal love", which still sounds from stages all over the world, on different languages, excites and fascinates any audience.

The melodious voice and expressive demeanor on stage of this Italian singer, composer, actor, director and TV presenter, are familiar to many. Adriano was and remains one of the most popular singers and actors in Italy, but his fame has long crossed the borders of the country. For my creative career Celentano released 41 studio albums, with a circulation of 150 million, and starred in more than forty films. This popular singer cannot be confused with anyone else, except for the mesmerizing timbre of his voice; he has his own unique style, special facial expressions and gait.

Joe Cocker

The peak of popularity of British singer Joe Cocker came in the 60s. But even today this performer of rock and blues excites the hearts of lovers of these styles of music. Cocker's blues ballads, sung in a low, husky baritone, are a constant success on any stage. He is the winner of several awards, including a Grammy Award, awarded to him in 1983. For his outstanding musical services, Joe Cocker was awarded the Order of the British Empire and is a Knight Commander of this Order.

Another popular British rock singer who has worldwide fame. Discs with recordings of his songs have always been at the top of the charts around the world. Many of his songs became soundtracks to famous films. Sting came to Russia with concerts several times, where he had unprecedented success, however, no matter where the singer performs, success does not leave him. Sting's popularity has not waned over the years, although he has already crossed the 60-year-old mark, the rock music legend continues to perform. Despite his age, fit and energetic Sting is full creative plans. For his 65th birthday he released new album"57th and 9th".

Apparently, the climate of Foggy Albion has some unusual features that contribute to the emergence musical talents. Sir Elton John is another popular British singer who has gained worldwide fame as a light rock star. Rock singer, songwriter, composer, pianist, actor - Elton John has sold more than 550 copies of his music albums. His musical compositions in the style of pop, rock, piano rock and glam rock have always occupied leading places in any charts. And although he was a world-class singer, the title of Sir, awarded to him in England in 1995, speaks of how highly his extraordinary talent was appreciated in his homeland. To this day, Elton John remains one of the most popular singers in the world.

American singer, author of over 70 studio albums, sings in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. According to Rolling Stone Ray Charles in 2004 he took tenth place in the list of “100 greatest performers of all time", and in 2008 took second place in the list of "100 greatest singers of all times."

At the beginning of Elvis Presley's musical career, nothing foreshadowed such unprecedented success for him. An unremarkable American boy, a truck driver, tried to get into big stage, fulfilling their own compositions in country style. Everything changed in an instant, the composition “Heatbreak hotel”, recorded by him in 1956, made him famous overnight. He instantly became an American idol; tens of thousands of young Americans wanted to be, at least in appearance and behavior, similar to Elvis. And all the girls dreamed and dreamed about him. In the sixties, when famous singers dressed and behaved quite conservatively on stage, young Presley was among them, like a bright firebird who somehow ended up in an inconspicuous chicken coop. His unusual outfits, relaxed movements, and overt sexuality seemed provocative to the older generation, and the youth of America simply went crazy about him. To say that Elvis Presley was a popular singer is to say nothing. He was the idol and idol of millions of fans, and not only in America. This talented and bright singer very quickly gained worldwide fame. But not everyone passes the test of fame, and this happened with Presley. He died at 42, at the height of his popularity, from a drug overdose. But, despite the fact that the singer has not been in this world for a long time, his songs are still loved and listened to, and the house where he lived is a place of pilgrimage for fans of Elvis Presley’s talent.

Avis Presley has also been repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful men in the world!

Frank Sinatra

Greatest American singer Frank Sinatra had an amazing velvety timbre of his voice, and his natural elegance, white-toothed smile, and intelligent manners played no less effectively on the image of a talented soloist. In the 50-60s, at the height of his popularity, he was the real voice of America, and although he did not make musical tours to other countries, his songs were heard not only in home country. In addition to his singing career, Frank Sinatra starred in twenty films and even won an Oscar for his first role in the film “From Here to Eternity.” This unique singer lived long life, and almost until the very end did not leave musical Olympus, being creative until a very old age. He died in 1998, and on the day of his death, national mourning was declared in America, all entertainment programs were cancelled, flags were lowered.

Another popular British singer, songwriter, actor, and a favorite of fans of his talent is Robbie Williams, whose global album sales exceed 59 million. For his unusually velvety voice timbre and original manner of performance, Elton John called the singer “the Frank Sinatra of the 21st century.” In April 2015, Robbie Williams performed for the first time in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Apparently, the Russian audience did not disappoint the singer, and Russia seemed so attractive to him that, having visited our country again in 2017, he declared that he was ready to represent Russia with a song at Eurovision.

Joe Dassin

Anyone who has ever heard the songs and musical compositions of Joe Dassin will never forget the low charming voice this elegant singer, his soulful manner of performance, when it seems that in his song he is addressing you specifically. Popular French singer The American-born man lived a colorful but short life, dying of a heart attack at just 42 years old. But in less than 20 years of his singing career, he published 20 studio albums, traveled all over the world and his concerts were always sold out. Joe Dassin's songs are still popular, they are performed by various famous singers, and they have been translated into many languages. In Russia, his hits such as “Where are you” and “If you weren’t there” are well known; they are performed in both French and Russian.

This Russian bard did not become a world celebrity, but this is not his fault; his talent surpassed many famous foreign singers of that time. He just lived at the wrong time and in the wrong country, the system and the laws in Russia under which he was engaged in creativity are to blame. The songs of which he was the author, either sung or told in his hoarse, passionate voice, about love, fidelity, fear, courage, heroism, about war, are still listened to and sung, and not only in Russia. The singer, popular in his homeland, was also known in other countries.

Music is a happy component in our life. When we are under stress, music can help us heal our Bad mood. Beautiful music needs singers who have an amazing voice to be an ingredient. With their beautiful voices along with their fiery styles, they are becoming popular in the entertainment industry. Today, we present to you the top 10, the most popular foreign singers in 2017. If you want to know who the most popular singer in the West, enjoy reading the list below.

Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados in 1988 and she is a famous Barbadian singer, actress and fashion designer. She began her singing career in 2005, and her first debut album, “Sun,” was released the same year. With great effort and dedication to her singing career, she received 22 awards. Billboard Music Awards, 6 Grammy Awards and many others. In 2012, she took fourth place as the most influential celebrity according to Forbes magazine. In the same year, she became the most popular singer.

Born in London, England in 1988, Adele is a singer and songwriter. She began her singing career in 2006 after a friend posted her demo on MySpace and brought her to the attention of XL Recordings. Two years after signing the contract, her first album comes out and makes her famous. Later, the second album sold over 26 million copies worldwide. Moreover, she was awarded 6 Grammy Awards because of her beautiful voice for the movie “007”. Coordinates: "Skyfall". Due to her many achievements as well as her talent in her singing career, she is the second most popular singer in 2015.

A charismatic and gentle singer, Taylor Swift was born in Pennsylvania, United States in 1989. At the age of 14, she began her singing career. She is best known for her country songs, which have earned her 11 Country Music Association awards. Her soft and beautiful voice reaches out to the public, making her debut album sell out quickly and be downloaded frequently. Due to all these reasons, she is known as the third most popular singer in 2015.

Lady Gaga recognized crazy artist. Her clothes, painted and dance style so whimsical and bright. However, she is one of the most popular singers in 2015. She has won many awards, including 5 Grammys. Her debut album “The Fame” made her famous as it sold millions of copies. She was born in New York, USA in 1986.

Shakira is not only famous singer, but she is also a choreographer, songwriter and model. She attracts the attention of the public with her very entertaining performance. No other singers can actually move the hip spiral beautifully just like her. Debut album“Hips Don't Lie” has won countless awards. Numerous awards include: Grammy, Billboard Music Awards and others. She was born in Atlantico, Colombia in 1977.

Born in California, USA in 1984. Katy Perry became famous with her single "Ur So Gay", released in 2007. She has won numerous awards including Guinness World Records and is known as the highest paid woman in music according to Forbes magazine.

Popular American singer, songwriter and actress, Beyoncé was born in Texas, USA in 1981. She has been a very popular singer for at least one decade due to her cute and beautiful voice. She puts all her efforts into the entertainment industry and tries to find fashion, dance and hairstyles to keep fans attracted to her around the world. She ranks 7th in the TOP 10 list of the most popular singers in 2015.

Miley Cyrus began her career as a singer in 2006 when she appeared as Miley Stewart in the Disney Channel television series Hannah Montana. She emerged to later become a teen idol. Although there is a lot of criticism about her nudity and seductive antics, while on stage, she tries her best and doesn't let those critics ruin her fame. And after all, she is still one of the most popular singers to this day. She was born in 1992, in Tennessee, USA

The penultimate most popular singer in 2015 is Jennifer Lopez, who was born in New York, USA in 1969. In 1980, she began singing professionally. She remains the most popular singer in the world and has one of the best-selling albums worldwide. She is not only a singer, but also an actress, fashion designer and songwriter.

The least, but not the most popular singer in 2015, Cheryl Cole was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England in 1983. She began her career in 1990 as a singer and later became a songwriter, dancer, entrepreneur, model and TV presenter. Her stunning body of work along with her unique voice has captured the hearts of fans all over the world.

On this moment there are many different kinds musical styles, the appearances of which are simply impossible for the average listener to follow. But few people think that long before the advent of newfangled groups, there were foreign performers, without which modern music would hardly exist in the form in which we know it. In this collection we will talk about the most influential foreign musicians of the past.


Our list opens with the well-known British band Black Sabbath. Over their forty-year history, they have released countless albums, many of which went platinum. It was this group that contributed to the incredible popularity of rock music throughout the world. But unlike other performers of those years, the sound of Black Sabbath was darker and slower. Thus, they unwittingly contributed further development and the emergence of the doom metal genre, which had serious success 10-15 years later. It was also in this group that the great Ozzy Osbourne, who needs no introduction, began his career.


One of the most iconic pop singers of the 20th century, influencing several musical trends at once. In the 80s, when Madonna was at the peak of her popularity, the singer had no problem filling stadiums in any city, while her records remained the best-selling for long years. Now Madonna continues to perform regularly and periodically tries her hand at cinema. However, the most significant albums in her career appeared on store shelves exactly 30 years ago.


Kurt Cobain is the most famous musician in the history of the genre, which has produced several outstanding albums. But, despite his not the longest career, he managed to leave an invaluable contribution to the development of modern alternative rock music. Cobain stood at the origins of grunge and brought it to the masses. During his lifetime he managed to become a classic of modern music. Despite the sloppy appearance, “dirty” sound and strange behavior on stage, Nirvana musicians were able to fall in love with millions of listeners around the world. There is no doubt that without Kurt's work, modern music would look different.


Michael Jackson is one of the most scandalous and controversial characters of the second half of the last century. But its influence on modern music truly limitless. Michael was a first-class musician and dancer whose talent could only be envied. His famous " moonwalk"and is now incredibly popular among connoisseurs of the genre. Each album of Michael Jackson invariably occupied the top of various charts. So Michael deservedly received the title of King of Pop. Despite numerous scandals, he is remembered by humanity precisely because of his creative activity.

Photo: Afisha

David Bowie left us quite recently. But even knowing that he had little time left to live, he continued to engage in creative activities until the very end. last moment. His album Blackstar, which became the main release of 2016, appeared on the shelves just a week before the musician’s death, just like his videos. But the most significant in Bowie's work there were releases he recorded back in the 70-80s. It was then that he was at the peak of his popularity and gained an army of millions of fans. His distinctive feature was permanent shift images and musical style. And if in one period he played classic rock, then in the next album nothing prevented Bowie from switching to some kind of industrial or avant-garde.

Photo: Rolling Stone

The legendary hip-hop group Public Enemy fell in love with connoisseurs of the genre back in the late 80s of the last century. There was no unnecessary show-off in their music, unlike modern rap artists. The public fell in love with them mainly thanks to their highly social texts, which raised important issues that worried society at that time. Some topics continue to be relevant 15 years later. Public Enemy discussed the theme of politics, equality and police brutality in their work. At that time, this was an extremely bold step, which not all performers would have decided to take.

Photo: Rolling

The American punk rock formation Ramones successfully picked up the British trend, which was increasingly gaining popularity in the world. Rebellious bands became the epitome of the early 70s. And it all started with the Ramones musicians. They brought punk rock out of the basement and injected a fair amount of melodicism into it. Thanks to this o this genre learned the mass listener. The group began to gather large halls without any problems, and years later it completely acquired the status modern classics. Unfortunately, these days most of the team is no longer with us. But they definitely left a major contribution to American culture.


Metallica is the most famous metal band of all time. Even those people who can’t stand this type of music are well familiar with at least two or three of the group’s compositions. My creative activity musicians from Metallica started back in the late 70s. They managed to achieve a faster and harder sound, thanks to which the new genre, called thrash metal. Musicians are still kings this direction, despite the competition. Now Metallica continues to tour the world and release new releases without any particular difficulties.


Rock and roll is the most iconic music movement of the 20th century. From it came the vast majority of modern musical genres. And when it comes to rock and roll, 99% of people first of all remember the legendary Elvis Presley. The musician made an incredible contribution to the development of the industry. Elvis's songs are still popular among music lovers today. different ages. His hits are featured in films, while biopics have been made about him on numerous occasions. For real great person, whose work everyone should get acquainted with!


Another team that hardly needs any introduction. The Beatles are a group that originated half a century ago. At that time, their music was truly innovative and original. Before Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison, no one had ever managed to perform anything even remotely similar to The Beatles. Initially, they were inspired by the work of the aforementioned Elvis Presley. But, unlike the king of rock and roll, they did not focus on the same type of dance motifs. Instead, they composed much more lyrical and sad compositions, which contributed to the birth of hard rock.

It is clear that in the 20th century there were many other, no less great performers. So don't forget to share your opinion on this matter in the comments.

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