Ineffective apk Sharipa Sharipov. Olympic Games

The resignation of Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Sharip Sharipov indicates that the head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov, is not too happy with the situation in agriculture, the industry that was supervised by the resigned official.
Over the past two years, Dagestan has seen a convincing increase in agricultural production, but no meaningful changes have occurred in the organization of the agro-industrial complex under Sharip Sharipov, despite his reputation as a major specialist in this field.


Sharip Sharipov became Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan in May 2013 in the wake of the renewal of the government of the republic announced by Ramazan Abdulatipov, which in reality turned out to be more of a rotation of existing personnel. As a result, some deputies former ministers went for a promotion, and one of them was Sharip Sharipov, who had continuous 20 years of work experience in the Ministry of Agriculture of Dagestan.

In handing over the reins of the agro-industrial complex to Sharipov, Ramazan Abdulatipov was obviously guided by his reputation as a person with deep knowledge of the industry.

Also in Soviet years Sharip Sharipov graduated from the most authoritative specialized university in the country - the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, and then became established not only as an official, but also as a scientist. His doctoral dissertation, defended in 2009 at the A.A. Nikonov All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics, was devoted to “the development of a multi-structure agrarian economy in the institutional environment of the region.”

The arrival of such an authoritative specialist in agriculture gave rise to considerable expectations, especially since shortly before his appointment as head of Dagestan, large investment projects in the agro-industrial complex were launched in the republic - “Dagagrokompleks”, “AgroDagItalia”, “Agrico” North Caucasus"and a number of others. And among Ramazan Abdulatipov’s “priority projects,” “Effective Agro-Industrial Complex” has always claimed the first place in importance, which the head of Dagestan has repeatedly spoken about publicly.

“You are a literate person, you graduated with honors from a university, Doctor of Science. I hope for positive changes in a number of areas that need to be worked on together with the new minister,” Ramazan Abdulatipov told Sharip Sharipov at a meeting with updated composition government of Dagestan in September 2013.

But even then, the head of Dagestan noted that in the first months of Sharipov’s work there was little positive progress in the agro-industrial complex, and because of this, Ramazan Abdulatipov, according to him, even began to understand agriculture better.

Not convinced by the numbers

Judging by official statistics, “on paper” agriculture in Dagestan has developed more than dynamically over the past two years.

In 2013, the volume of agricultural production in the republic amounted to 77.1 billion rubles, increasing by 6.4% compared to the previous year (crop production increased by 11.3%, livestock production - by 3%).

In 2014, the growth rate accelerated - the agricultural production index in Dagestan amounted to 108.7%, significantly exceeding the corresponding figure for the North Caucasus Federal District (105.3%) and Russia as a whole (103.7%).

Over the nine months of this year, agricultural production amounted to 60.3 billion rubles, and these, according to Ramazan Abdulatipov, expressed at a recent meeting on the republic’s food security, are “very good figures.”

But the positive statistics alone on the volume of agricultural production did not suit the head of Dagestan - he clearly wanted some new approaches to organizing the industry from the officials supervising the agro-industrial complex. From this point of view, the successes over the past two years have been more than modest.

One of the main “blocked corners” in Sharip Sharipov’s work was the development of agricultural cooperation, the need for which Ramazan Abdulatipov had been talking about for so long.

Theoretically, this path of development of the agro-industrial complex seems very promising for Dagestan, where there is no private property for agricultural land, and most small farmers do not have sufficient funds to modernize their farms. In such conditions, cooperation looks like a reasonable solution, allowing many problems in the countryside to be solved by sharing.

Moreover, in Soviet period An extensive network of consumer cooperatives (Dagpotrebsoyuz) operated in the republic, a number of structures of which exist to this day.

Ramazan Abdulatipov, Sharip Sharipov and minister Agriculture Battal Battalov

In practice, the revival of agricultural cooperation in Dagestan has hardly advanced beyond slogans, which Sharip Sharipov himself admitted.

“Unfortunately, the results in the development of agricultural consumer service cooperatives in the republic are insignificant, although the small-scale agricultural structure is forming favorable conditions for the establishment of agricultural consumer cooperation,” he said at one of the last meetings under his chairmanship.

True, at the same time, Sharipov removed the main responsibility for the lack of success in the development of cooperation from the government of the republic. “This is a shortcoming of the municipalities, since there is no initiative on the part of the heads of settlements. In addition, there is no active position scientists on this issue, I consider the available methodological comments to be insufficient,” the official said.

But Ramazan Abdulatipov had exactly the opposite opinion on this matter - he saw the reason for the lack of success in cooperation in the weak work of the government. In June of this year, having heard the ministers’ report on the economic situation in the republic, he was clearly not satisfied with the fact that agricultural production in Dagestan showed the highest dynamics in the North Caucasus Federal District.

“More does not mean better,” Abdulatipov told Sharip Sharipov, recalling that he and Prime Minister Abdusamad Hamidov were repeatedly entrusted with the development of consumer cooperation, but the results are still unsatisfactory. “If you carried out this work, there would be access for the taxman there,” Ramazan Abdulatipov reproached the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deadlock for investors

It was not possible to achieve any particular success at the opposite pole of the agro-industrial complex - in the field of development of large investment projects. Moreover, some of them faced serious troubles.

A typical example is the situation surrounding the Dagagrokompleks project worth almost 20 billion rubles. At the initial stage, its initiator, businessman Isaac Umalatov, managed to obtain a large amount of unused land in the northern regions of Dagestan, as well as to achieve the project being granted priority status at the regional level and state guarantees from the Russian government.

However, after the project received debt financing from Rosselkhozbank, problems began to appear - organizational, personnel, technical, financial, weather, etc.

The initial welcoming attitude of the authorities towards the Dagagrocomplex quickly changed. For example, at the beginning of 2014, the Federal Antimonopoly Service opened a case against the company for the provision of 213 hectares of land in the Tarumovsky district without tendering, and in October last year, the Kizlyar prosecutor’s office reported that Dagagrokompleks LLC had large salary arrears.

Finally, Rosselkhozbank, according to available information, actually took over the management of the project, and then tightened the conditions for its financing. As the Minister of Agriculture of Dagestan, Battal Battalov, said in May of this year, despite the fact that the project was developing, the bank considered its financing risky and refused further subsidies.

The AgroDagItaly project, worth 14 billion rubles, also encountered great difficulties, the first stone of which was laid in the fall of 2012, when Dagestan was headed by Magomedsalam Magomedov.

The initiators of the project, structures close to State Duma deputy Umakhan Umakhanov, expected to begin construction of the first stage (a large poultry complex) two years ago, but these plans were not implemented on time.

At the beginning of this year, the scientific director of the project, vice-president of the IN-Invest group of companies Anatoly Kopylov told KAVPOLIT that the investor is ready to begin construction, but for this it is necessary to finally resolve the issue of connecting external networks and creating a residential area.

“Plugging” arose at the level of the Ministry of Construction of Dagestan, which at that moment was headed by Musa Musaev, now the head of the administration of Makhachkala.

“Since they do not allow us to build a mega-poultry complex, we have stopped designing dairy, meat and crop-growing mega-complexes. A lot of money has already been invested in the project, which started on March 12, 2012. If we continue to burn this money, what will we be left with?” - Kopylov complained, clarifying that the curator of the project is Sharip Sharipov.

From this story we can conclude that the real apparatus weight of the now former Deputy Prime Minister was small, since the implementation of such a large and promising agro-industrial complex project stumbled over a non-core department - the Ministry of Construction.

However, here we can remember that Musa Musaev has always been considered a person close to the Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdusamad Gamidov, and he, in turn, is close to another priority investment project of the republic - the creation of a ceramic tile production enterprise, Marabi LLC, in the Kumtorkala region. One of the initiators of this project was commercial Bank"Elbin", controlled by the Hamidov family.


After the resignation of Sharip Sharipov, the post of “agrarian” Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan was taken by Bilal Omarov, who since 2012 headed the Western Caspian Basin Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources (FSBI “Zapkasprybvod”).

Before this, Omarov, like Sharip Sharipov, was Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Dagestan for six years. In addition, both Sharipov and Omarov come from the Novolaksky district, so there is a certain continuity in the new appointment.

​One of key episodes in the biography of Bilal Omarov there was an attempt on his life in 2011 - the killer probably shot, but the official miraculously survived. According to some reports, the assassination attempt was related to the distribution of subsidies for agricultural producers.

According to another version, they tried to settle old scores with Omarov related to the period when he was the head of the Novolaksky district (2004-2006). One way or another, the perpetrators of this crime have not yet been found.


Our readers showed great interest in the material about the harvest in Dagestan, about the fact that farmers have to hand over their produce for next to nothing and there is still a lot of unharvested harvest left in the fields. Who is to blame for this and how to create a system that meets the interests of farmers, how to bring agricultural products to central regions Russia, big cities, which are in great need of environmentally friendly, rich in vitamins and minerals, grown in the best natural conditions, tasty and healthy fruits and vegetables? Doctor Patimat Rasulova told RDV correspondent about the problems of farmers and what needs to be done to improve logistics in this area. economic sciences, famous agricultural expert, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Dagestan (2013-2015), curator investment projects Yugagroholding LLC Sharip Sharipov.

Sharip Ismailovich, the harvest season has begun in the Republic of Dagestan. How did it start for rural workers and what harvests are expected this year?

— Yes, the harvest is in full swing, and this year Dagestan’s agricultural producers intend to increase the supply of quality fruits and vegetables to the market in volumes exceeding last year’s level. It must be said that the weather has not been kind this year; just this week, hailstorms occurred in a number of mountainous areas, causing damage to farm products. A little earlier, vegetable growers in the Levashinsky and Akushinsky districts, who are leaders in the production of cabbage and a number of other crops, suffered from hail.

This year there was a good apricot harvest, whereas in the past late frosts destroyed almost all of it. I think that about 140 thousand tons of fruits (131 thousand tons in 2016) will be collected in the republic and 1.4 million tons of vegetables - at the level of last year. The peculiarity of Dagestan fruit growing is that in the structure of the fruits produced, pome and stone fruits are almost equally distributed, while in the country as a whole the share of stone fruits in the total volume does not exceed 19%. Accordingly, Dagestan is the undisputed leader in the country in the production of stone fruits such as apricot, peach and others.

- How is the harvest exported and surplus sold in the republic? Is there any procurement system?

— Today, there is no special service empowered to purchase grown crops from agricultural producers on a national scale, which, in principle, is not the function of the state in a market economy. And so there are a lot of scattered resellers scurrying around everywhere, for whom this is a business, sometimes offering prices that do not cover the costs of growing crops. When it comes to perishable products, farmers have no choice - they are forced to give away in order to get something for their hard work. This situation forces individual farmers to make adjustments to their functionality - they purchase transport or team up with neighbors and export their products to the regions themselves, at their own peril and risk. It is quite natural that success depends on many factors, and I believe that farmers cannot be left alone with their problems.

One of the ways to build a procurement system is the formation of agricultural consumer cooperatives, the need for the development of which in last years they speak at all levels, even in the latest message from the Russian President. This area is most in demand in Dagestan and in regions with similar agricultural structures, where the main agricultural producers are many private households and farms, which together account for more than 85% of the region’s agricultural production. For example, in the republic more than 420 thousand private household plots and 13 thousand farms are engaged in agricultural activities, which objectively need help, not only in marketing the harvest, but also in solving other problems.

The created cooperatives will, on behalf of and on behalf of their founders, agricultural producers, also deal with marketing issues. There is no need to invent a wheel, you need to learn from positive experience individual regions, such as the Lipetsk region and others. For the third year, money has been allocated from the federal budget to create the material and technical base of these cooperatives - SPC (rural consumer cooperatives). Dagestan joined this program this year and will receive just over 100 million rubles, which can be used to create pilot cooperatives in order to subsequently replicate it throughout the republic. This is an impressive amount, and I believe that if it is used effectively, working SPCs should emerge, primarily marketing ones.

Well, you must agree that this is work for the future; it takes time and effort. In addition, several created cooperatives do not solve the sales problem.

- What to do in this situation? After all, you can’t tell farmers: wait until we create cooperatives.

Correct positioning question. Indeed, it is necessary to solve the problem here and now, moreover, in the absence of funds for these purposes. For many, this situation gives rise to the feeling that there is an overabundance of fruit in the country and they do not know what to do with it. In fact, one of the highly import-dependent areas is the production of fruits, since in the country as a whole, self-sufficiency in fruits is only 30%, with 45% in Dagestan.
The thing is that fruit growing is seasonal and during the harvest period prices are minimal, and there are not enough fruit storage facilities, which is why we eat fruits imported from outside. And if we talk about stone fruits, they need to be sold in a short period.

Firstly, you can increase sales within the region itself. Take, for example, Makhachkala, where there is a central food market and several other small ones, which are not enough given the size and population. So it turns out that in conditions of low competition due to the small number retail outlets price for products, even in season big harvest, remains high. They lose as manufacturers from whom they purchased low prices, and consumers for whom the availability of fruit is decreasing.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize temporary points for seasonal sales in cities and more actively hold agricultural fairs, without waiting for the fall, because it is important for us to purchase a healthy product for our consumption during the season.

To do this, city administrations need to create a list suitable places for trading in certain period indicating the addresses, which are distributed among the regions by the regional Ministry of Agriculture and provide the necessary assistance to district administrations in organizing seasonal trade.

It turns out that the agricultural producer meets face to face with the consumer, everyone wins: the consumer, who gets the opportunity to purchase first-hand a quality product at a good price, and the farmer, who receives cash on the spot for his work!

In this case, there will also be no need to travel from one end of the city to the other for a couple of kilograms of apricots.

This does not require finance, but only initiative on the part of interested individuals and structures.

Secondly, it is necessary to help agricultural producers export their products outside the republic, especially since they are loved and expected in many regions of the country.

For these purposes, it is possible to connect representative offices of the republic in the regions of the country, the potential of which can and should be used to organize seasonal supplies of our products to consumers of these regions. After all, it’s one thing for our producers to deliver goods to an unknown address at their own risk, and it’s completely different if they receive at least an indication of what volumes and what can be delivered to a farmers’ market or other designated place in the cities of our country. The options may be different; an organizing start and appropriate coordination from stakeholders at the republican level are required. There is a practice of signing cooperation agreements with regions in different areas, so you need to start with these simple steps, helping farmers find consumers for their products.

© From personal archive

- In recent years, everyone has heard buzzword"agrilogistics". What is being done to create it?

— Above, I announced measures to promptly respond to sales difficulties, and it is impossible to do without the formation of a civilized system of commodity distribution - the infrastructure of the agri-food market. The task is long-term, requiring investment, where it is impossible to do without adequate government support.

Today, the state stimulates the creation of logistics by reimbursing up to 20% of the direct costs incurred for the construction of fruit and vegetable storage facilities of certain parameters, however, not a single facility in the republic has yet been commissioned within the framework of these rules. There are several projects to create modern capacities for storage, processing, packaging and bringing products to presentation, but they will not have an impact on the situation in this area in the near future.

There is also a program for creating wholesale distribution centers (WDC), which, in order to participate in the state support program, must have a simultaneous storage capacity of at least 30 thousand tons of agricultural products, and with the ability to store at least five types of products at once, which is unrealistic for us given our micro-agricultural structure .
It is necessary to radically restructure the work to disseminate the positive experience of the regions in creating agrilogistics, so that those who are starting to move in this direction can adopt them. It is necessary to create a section on the website of the country’s Ministry of Agriculture that will contain information about agrilogistics facilities built in recent years, reflecting the main parameters, special equipment for these purposes, and much more, which will act as a guide for others. There is practically no such information, which complicates the route of those who intend to develop these areas.
For example, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has made a leap in creating fruit storage facilities, where the capacity for simultaneous storage exceeds 90 thousand tons of fruit! Or the same for vegetable growing in the Astrakhan region and so on.

— You completed an internship in the USA and visited other countries to exchange experiences. Which country has the best organization for delivering fresh goods to customers?

— It’s different everywhere, it all depends on local specifics and country characteristics, but everyone has one thing in common - that agricultural producers are not forced to run around and look for a buyer for their products. Most of these countries have developed systems of agricultural consumer cooperation, where farmers are members of special marketing cooperatives that are fully engaged in solving common cooperative problems. The farmer doesn’t have a headache about this; his task is to produce a quality product that meets strict standards. Required condition— high trust between members of the cooperative. These cooperatives already determine where and at what, often pre-agreed, price to sell their products. There are other options.

In our conditions, it is difficult for farm products to make their way onto the shelves of network structures; there are various encumbrances, including unreasonably high entry fees, bonuses for the counter, and so on. Legislative regulation, as everyone constantly talks about, does not have a significant impact on the situation. Without a noticeable simplification of these administrative and economic burdens, progress in this area cannot be counted on.

Mechanical transfer of foreign experience will not yield anything; we need consolidated efforts across a wide range of problems on a systematic basis.

Only systematic work, filled with effective, proven tools, including government support, will be of utmost importance and will achieve obvious results.

© From personal archive

Not a very good day for Russian freestyle wrestlers in London - they were left without gold medals.

But Azerbaijan has two of them. One of them was won by the Dagestan wrestler Sharip Sharipov (84 kg). He didn't have a single passable opponent. In the first meeting, he defeated the Turkish Ibrahim Bolukbashi (3:1, 5:3), then the American Jake Herbert (4:1, 6:0), and in the semifinals the Iranian Eshan Lashgari (1:0, 0:2, 2: 1) and in the final - Puerto Rican Jamie Espinal (6:1, 2:0). Moreover, he won beautifully, demonstrating attacking wrestling and the highest technique.

When Sharip won the World Championship last year, they said that his success was a matter of chance, that he was lucky. But with his brilliant performance in London, the Dagestan freestyle wrestler put to shame the skeptics who questioned his leadership in the world.

Sharip Sharipov is a native of the Charodinsky district, and he began practicing freestyle wrestling in Kizlyar, from where he moved to Makhachkala, where he fell into the hands of an experienced mentor, honored coach of Russia Anvar Magomedgadzhiev. Being a little-known wrestler, he began to compete for the Azerbaijani national team and, as part of it, achieved the most significant achievements in his career.

Sharipa Sharipova's victory in London was the only one for real great joy for Dagestan fans. The other three Dagestani legionnaires Khadzhimurad Nurmagomedov (84 kg, Armenia), Yusup Abdusalamov (84 kg, Tajikistan) and Jamaludin Magomedov (120 kg, Azerbaijan), unfortunately, did not manage to “catch” a medal. And our Russian heavyweight Bilyal Makhov, although he took third place, was expected from him more. The stumbling block for the three-time world champion in the semi-finals was the Georgian David Modzmanishivli - a strong wrestler, of course, but not one of those whom Bilyal could not surpass. Makhov looked tired in this match and fought without his usual passion and aggression. However, it should be noted that the rivals were in an unequal position. Before this, Makhov had three fights, and all his counterparts were, as if by choice, serious - world championship bronze medalist Jamaludin Magomedov, European champion Turkish Taha Akgul and powerful Mongolian Zhargal Chulumbat. The Georgian only competed on the mat twice before the semi-finals, and his opponents were not the strongest - Kazakh Daulet Shabanbai and, inexplicably, the Mexican Jesse Ruiz Flores, who made it to the Olympics.

It is clear that Bilyal is very worried, but he is young, he is only 24 years old, and given that heavyweights have a long life, he still has enough time to realize his dream of Olympic gold. And an example for him can be the same Artur Taymazov, who in London for the third time rose to the highest step of the podium in the heavyweight category.

Besik Kudukhov is also upset. A silver medal is not what he wanted, and not what he deserved from his past, which included four World Championship victories and a bronze medal at the Athens Games. He fought brilliantly until the final, but in the decisive bout he looked unlike himself. Alas, the gold medal went to Azerbaijan, and it was won by Togrul Askerov, who will return home as a national hero.

Anzor Urishev, the third Russian freestyle wrestler who competed on the second day of the competition, was left without a medal. Having barely won in the first round against former world champion Ibragim Aldatov (Ukraine), he then stumbled against Iranian Sadegh Lashgari. Anzor was still unlucky in the sense that he did not get the opportunity to compete for bronze. This chance was deprived of him by the Iranian, who failed to make it to the final.

Tomorrow two more Russians will enter the fight - Abdusalam Gadisov (96 kg) and Alan Gogaev (66 kg).


Technical results

Olympic Games. London. Freestyle wrestling

60 kg. 1. Togrul Askerov (Azerbaijan); 2. Besik Kudukhov (Russia); 3. Coleman Scott (USA) and Yogeshwar Dutt (India).

84 kg. 1. Sharip Sharipov (Azerbaijan); Jamie Espinal (Puerto Rico); 3. Dato Marsagashvili (Georgia) and Eshan Lashgari (Iran).

120 kg. 1. Artur Taymazov (Uzbekistan); 2. David Modzmanishvili (Georgia); 3. Bilyal Makhov (Russia) and Komel Ghasimi (Iran).

55 kg. 1. Jamal Otarsultanov (Russia); 2. Vladimir Khinchegashvili (Georgia); 3. Shinichi Yumoto (Japan) and Kyong-Il Yang (DPRK).

74 kg. 1. Jordan Burrows (USA); 2. Sadegh Gudarzi (Iran); 3. Denis Tsargush (Russia) and Soslan Tigiev (Uzbekistan)

(1988-11-11 ) (30 years) Place of Birth Coaches

Anvar Magomedgadzhiev, Omar Kuramagomedov

Height Weight

Sharif Naidgajavovich Sharifov (Azeri Şərif Naidhacavoviç Şərifov; birth name Sharip Naidgadzhavovich Sharipov; 11th of November (19881111 ) , Gunukh , Charodinsky district , Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic , USSR) - Azerbaijani fighter freestyle Avar origin, member of the national team Azerbaijan. World Champion 2011, champion 2012 Olympic Games and bronze medalist 2016 Olympic Games.



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Excerpt characterizing the Sharifs, Sharif Naidgadzhavovich

- And you thought how! Look what the people are saying.
Questions and answers were heard. The kisser, taking advantage of the increase in the crowd, fell behind the people and returned to his tavern.
The tall fellow, not noticing the disappearance of his enemy the kisser, waving his bare arm, did not stop talking, thereby drawing everyone’s attention to himself. The people mostly pressed on him, expecting from him to get a solution to all the questions that occupied them.
- Show him order, show him the law, that’s what the authorities are in charge of! Is that what I say, Orthodox? - said the tall fellow, smiling slightly.
– He thinks, and there are no authorities? Is it possible without bosses? Otherwise, you never know how to rob them.
- What nonsense to say! - responded in the crowd. - Well, then they’ll abandon Moscow! They told you to laugh, but you believed it. You never know how many of our troops are coming. So they let him in! That's what the authorities do. “Listen to what the people are saying,” they said, pointing to the tall fellow.
Near the wall of China City, another small group of people surrounded a man in a frieze overcoat holding a paper in his hands.
- The decree, the decree is being read! The decree is being read! - was heard in the crowd, and people rushed to the reader.
A man in a frieze overcoat was reading a poster dated August 31st. When the crowd surrounded him, he seemed embarrassed, but in response to the demand of the tall fellow who had pushed ahead of him, with a slight trembling in his voice, he began to read the poster from the beginning.
“Tomorrow I’m going early to the Most Serene Prince,” he read (the brightening one! - the tall fellow solemnly repeated, smiling with his mouth and frowning his eyebrows), “to talk with him, act and help the troops exterminate the villains; We too will become the spirit of them...” the reader continued and stopped (“Saw?” the little one shouted victoriously. “He will untie you all the distance...”) ... - to eradicate and send these guests to hell; I’ll come back for lunch, and we’ll get down to business, we’ll do it, we’ll finish it, and we’ll get rid of the villains.”
The last words were read by the reader in complete silence. The tall fellow sadly lowered his head. It was obvious that no one understood these last words. In particular, the words: “I will come tomorrow for lunch,” apparently even upset both the reader and the listeners. The understanding of the people was in a high mood, and this was too simple and unnecessary understandable; this was the very thing that each of them could say and that therefore a decree emanating from a higher power could not speak.
Everyone stood in dejected silence. The tall fellow moved his lips and staggered.
“I should ask him!.. That’s what he is?.. Well, he asked!.. But then... He’ll point out...” was suddenly heard in the back rows of the crowd, and everyone’s attention turned to the droshky of the police chief, accompanied by two mounted dragoons.
The police chief, who had gone that morning by order of the count to burn the barges and, on the occasion of this order, rescued a large amount money, which was in his pocket at that moment, seeing a crowd of people moving towards him, he ordered the coachman to stop.
- What kind of people? - he shouted at the people, scattered and timidly approaching the droshky. - What kind of people? I'm asking you? - repeated the police chief, who did not receive an answer.
“They, your honor,” said the clerk in the frieze overcoat, “they, your highness, at the announcement of the most illustrious count, without sparing their lives, wanted to serve, and not like some kind of riot, as said from the most illustrious count...
“The Count has not left, he is here, and there will be orders about you,” said the police chief. - Let's go! - he said to the coachman. The crowd stopped, crowding around those who had heard what the authorities said, and looking at the droshky driving away.
At that time, the police chief looked around in fear and said something to the coachman, and his horses went faster.
- Cheating, guys! Lead to it yourself! - shouted the voice of a tall guy. - Don't let me go, guys! Let him submit the report! Hold it! - voices shouted, and people ran after the droshky.
The crowd behind the police chief, talking noisily, headed to the Lubyanka.
- Well, the gentlemen and the merchants have left, and that’s why we are lost? Well, we are dogs, or what! – was heard more often in the crowd.

On the evening of September 1, after his meeting with Kutuzov, Count Rastopchin, upset and offended by the fact that he was not invited to the military council, that Kutuzov did not pay any attention to his proposal to take part in the defense of the capital, and surprised by the new look that opened up to him in the camp , in which the question of the calm of the capital and its patriotic mood turned out to be not only secondary, but completely unnecessary and insignificant - upset, offended and surprised by all this, Count Rostopchin returned to Moscow. After dinner, the count, without undressing, lay down on the sofa and at one o'clock was awakened by a courier who brought him a letter from Kutuzov. The letter said that since the troops were retreating to the Ryazan road outside Moscow, would the count like to send police officials to lead the troops through the city. This news was not news to Rostopchin. Not only from yesterday’s meeting with Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Hill, but also from the very Battle of Borodino, when all the generals who came to Moscow unanimously said that it was impossible to give another battle, and when, with the count’s permission, government property was already being taken out every night and the residents were half gone, Count Rastopchin knew that Moscow would abandoned; but nevertheless, this news, communicated in the form of a simple note with an order from Kutuzov and received at night, during his first sleep, surprised and irritated the count.