Modern literature: why and for whom. “What is literature for” essay

Essay on the topic: “Why study literature?”

I think this issue is very important at this time and requires consideration. After all, now children do not like to read and sometimes prefer playing on a computer to a book.

So why study literature? Why read? Children ask these questions. I believe that reading is necessary and it is useful, because by reading, we increase the level of our knowledge, learn something new, and expand our vocabulary. It is important to study literature at school and in universities. I think that literature is needed especially by representatives of my profession, for which I am studying - teacher kindergarten. After all, we are the ones who shape children’s souls, give them knowledge about what is good and what is bad. We read various fairy tales and works of art to children, and we are obliged to give children the right impression of literature, we must let them understand that reading is useful and interesting.

Moreover, it is even more important to study our Russian literature than foreign literature. It is in our literature that the whole soul of the Russian person is expressed. Our poets and writers were exiled to Siberia, died, but wrote and wrote. They created a lot beautiful works, many of them have been translated into other languages ​​of the world.

I believe that literature should be studied in order to improve oneself spiritually, in order to pay tribute to the great writers and poets, playwrights and prose writers - all those who wrote for us, the descendants of their time, people of a completely different character and time.

Before the May holidays, as part of the week of Russian language and literature, an interesting debate took place at the lyceum, dedicated to the topical question “Why is literature needed in modern world, and is it needed at all? This problem for reflection was proposed to our eighth-graders and caused a heated discussion. Everyone expressed their point of view, sometimes excitement got in the way, so not everyone was not always able to clearly and convincingly defend their position, however, where there were not enough arguments, they came to the rescue vivid images and sincere emotions! There are no indifferent people left. The result of the discussion about the problems of literature and reading was the writing of an essay. We are pleased to present you the winning works.

1 place

Why is literature needed in the modern world, and is it needed at all? Let's think and try to answer the question posed.

First of all, literature is a source of historical information presented to the reader in a lively and interesting way. It is in literature lessons that we read books and works of art. Where else if not in literature classes can we learn something new about the author of a book? After all, before we begin to study a work, we read and discuss the biography of its creator: we learn about his life and views on the world.

Literature is very important for a person. Firstly, it teaches us to love reading. We must develop a love of reading. Secondly, when reading a book, we remember words and their spelling, speech becomes brighter and more colorful. Voltaire said about it this way: “When you read authors who write well, you get used to speaking well.” "Reading is best teaching“- this is what A.S. thought. Pushkin. Thirdly, by reading this or that book, we develop our imagination. Yes, yes, exactly imagination! When we watch a movie, we are presented with “everything ready”, and when reading a book, we reason and imagine everything ourselves. A little imagination... and a person can get to a knight's tournament, to the bottom of the ocean, even into space - you can get anywhere, because dreams cannot be limited. As D. Martin argued: “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads lives only one life.”

Let us remember what else outstanding philosophers and writers of different times said about books and reading. “Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for the body” – these are the thoughts of D. Addison. Indeed, if a person does not play sports, his body becomes weak, easily vulnerable, and he cannot fight back in a difficult situation. If a person does not read, does not train his mind, he stops thinking logically and becomes an uninteresting interlocutor. In a verbal duel, such a person will definitely not become a winner. “People stop thinking when they stop reading,” noted D. Diderot. “People who read books will always control those who watch TV,” predicted F. Zhanlis. “The more you read, the less you imitate,” said Jules Renard. Combining these three statements, we can draw the following conclusion: an uneducated and illiterate person is easy to manipulate.

Literature helps a person become educated, smart, generous, comprehensively developed, kind, decent - that is, a Person with a capital P.

Fisenko Ksenia, 8B

2nd place

Why do you need to study literature? You can search for the answer to this question for a very long time, but you will never come to an unambiguous conclusion. Some people believe that studying literature is necessary for personal education, for some it is leisure, for others it is necessary to create a model of behavior in certain situations. But if you look deeper?

From fiction books we learn the history of the Motherland, other countries, pages of the lives of great people. What would happen without literature? “There is a story!” - you object. And you'll be right. But history is dates and events, and literature is the subtlest and most beautiful description of them. This is the story of life ordinary people, a narrative about how they felt during a specific period of time, be it a war or a holiday.

In literature we can find everything: both knowledge and experience of someone else’s life. In it you can find answers to many questions that interest us. By forcing us to empathize with the characters, works make us emotionally more sensitive. Literature also helps develop our speech, makes it more beautiful, and allows us to convey the desired meaning in a few words. Is it interesting to communicate with a person whose speech is poor and whose horizons leave much to be desired? Cultured man, reading art books, constantly enriches its lexicon, his speech becomes not only correct, but also expressive.

“The great and mighty Russian language” – it’s hard to disagree with this. For us there is all the wealth of the Russian language, all the works of literature. To become literate people, you need to read the works of the classics. Only A.S. Pushkin's vocabulary was more than 20,000 words!!! And how many writers and poets we had whose works were included in world literature!

Literature is part intellectual heritage humanity, which should not disappear.

Kolyeva E., 8B

3rd place

Why is literature needed? Indeed! Many will say that it is not needed, that literature as a subject is meaningless and only kills thoughts with unnecessary garbage. Only bad luck! Thoughts are formed on the basis of literature. You know the saying “We are what we eat.” Let me rephrase it: “We are what we read.” Thoughts are formed on the basis of literature, and they, in turn, characterize us, tell us about us. There is such a variety of languages ​​in the world, but what is it all for? Just to say meaningless words? No! With the help of language we can express all our feelings and talk about our thoughts. With the help of language we can convey our experiences to other people. And with the help of literature we can bring clear example, simulate life situation, in which, in the author’s opinion, it is worth doing one way and nothing else.

Literature is needed. This is my opinion and no one will change it. How can you understand a person without literature? And the people? The whole world! This is the only way to see, hear, imagine true peace person, to understand all his problems and experiences.

Literary writers are great inventors and dreamers. Thanks to their thoughts and their imagination, we have cars, televisions, airplanes, submarines, because the French writer Jules Verne once depicted them in his novels. Without his books this would not be possible now. He came up with it, and based on his description, scientists, physicists, and chemists created these mechanisms.

Literature, along with other sciences, can make a person famous (yes, some people chase fame), but literature will not simplify a person’s life, on the contrary, it will make you think about life, about the world, about humanity, and maybe even help you realize something.

Literature is definitely needed. This cannot be disputed. No matter what loafers and slackers who don’t see the essence of art say, it won’t make me change my thoughts, my vision of the world, the Universe, formed thanks to books.

Zykova Ulyana, 8B

3rd place

Why do you need to study literature? The question was and remains relevant. People's opinions do not agree on a clear answer. What is the purpose of studying literature? What can she give us? In my opinion, studying literature means demonstrating the ability to appreciate the feelings, experiences, and strengths of those who became the creator works of art, demonstrate respect not only for the author, but also for the history of their ancestors, who in literature told for their descendants about joys and failures, disappointments and insights. This should not be forgotten. As the great A.S. said Pushkin: “Respect for the past is the trait that distinguishes education from savagery.”

What's the story? Can't it give us the same thing as literature? The reader’s opportunity to live, experience the life of the characters in the work, learn from what he read, and formulate on the basis of what he has learned. own point vision, get unlimited opportunities to learn to think for yourself, analyze, draw conclusions, distinguish true from false - this is far from full list what literature can give a person.

History as a science does not set itself the goal of conveying the feelings of those people who lived in certain times; its task is to present facts, events, dates. Eg, wonderful work L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace"... History could not convey emotions so accurately real heroes, participants in the great events of 1812.

Literature is a whole world that has remained necessary for humans for many centuries. Be sure to read! Read books! After all, they contain all the wisdom, love, and suffering of the people.

Nogina Alexandra, 8B

In our society, the question arises every now and then about whether literature is necessary. to modern man. Opinions were divided. Some believe that no, today it is quite possible to do without it. Others are still fighting for literature to play important role in social life.

I think that literature is, of course, necessary. Without it, it is impossible to learn to understand the world, it is impossible to feel all the richness of life, to understand human relationships. It is literature that teaches us this.

At the same time, one cannot help but notice that the majority of modern young people, instead of reading books, prefer to watch TV, take a walk, dance in a club, or surf the Internet. Very often you hear from adults that they read much more as schoolchildren and students. It's a shame, isn't it?

Many young people believe that only those who want to read should read, and no one should be forced. But no one forces anyone to immediately pick up a book and read without stopping. However, by reading books, a person gives food to his soul. Preventing yourself from perishing spiritually is just as important as maintaining physical health.

Now many people give preference to the possibilities of social networks, thereby simplifying their lives, as they believe. Instead of picking up a book and finding the answer there, people “type” a question on the Internet and, without making any effort, receive a million answers and, almost without thinking, take the first one they come across.

Unlike literature, the Internet does not teach anyone anything; it simply provides ready-made answers easily and quickly. Literature teaches us life, that is, what is not in any textbook, teaches us to understand, observe, search and think. But most importantly, it seems to me, literature teaches us not to repeat the mistakes of others.

I also noticed this pattern: those who don’t read very often make a lot of spelling mistakes. A person who reads develops visual memory to words, and when writing, he doesn’t need to remember the rules. Refusal to read is the path to difficulties with written speech, and then with oral speech.

One day, a literature teacher asked me to take a test on the topic “The Life of Pushkin” from my classmates. So that I knew which period of the poet’s life this or that student took, she gave me their works to read. Reading them, I found it very funny, but at the same time terribly unpleasant. Sometimes my peers wrote complete nonsense. For example: “Pushkin was sent to Mikhailovskoye for materials on the progress of work to exterminate locusts.”

Everyone knows the phrase: “A book is best gift" And I agree with her. When someone gives me a book, I'm really happy, I can't wait to look into it and read it.

Literature is a part of our life, history and culture, without it people would not be people.


It is advisable to write on paper, first taking a pen in your hand :) Writing about what reading is a necessary activity to develop memory, attention, learn something useful, and have fun. But the most important thing is that literature at school should not be reading and stupid retelling of the text for a grade, that is, barter. The child must learn to understand what he read, learn to think critically - build his point of view and justify it, breaking down thinking stereotypes and habitual interpretation. Well, of course, teachers must show children that writers and other luminaries of literature are not icons, not pedestals, not monuments. They are, first of all, people - drug addicts, paranoids, schizophrenics, that they also have an addiction to alcohol, women, etc.

First of all, literature in school is needed to teach little man not just read books, but understand the beautiful, analyze, learn to see what the writer wanted to convey to the reader with his work. Find out what the author laughs at, what he admires and what he is proud of. You can learn to understand literature on your own, but it takes a lot of time, which is completely in short supply now. IN last years people began to read less, because with the development information technologies a much larger number of simpler and unpretentious entertainments have appeared. Therefore, literature lessons are also needed at school in order to teach the student to see in the book a friend and adviser, in whom one can find answers to many questions that arise in a young and not so young person. Of course, for this, literature lessons should be based on the student’s interest, and not on sanctions and coercion. Because you won’t be nice and you won’t become a friend by force. Therefore, you can learn to love literature only if you love its heroes, if you love to read.

Each of us needs literature in school in order to develop. Reading broadens your horizons and educates you at the same time. correct presentation thoughts, correct spelling of words. Then we can talk about innate literacy, as the positive impact of literature on a person.

Books often describe situations that arise in life and help solve problems that arise.

But reading should be the decision of the person himself, and not imposed by parents or teachers.

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Some schoolchildren do not understand why they need to read books. Instead, today's youth prefer to communicate in in social networks and play computer games. At the same time, teenagers are completely unaware importance of literature in school curriculum and ignore this academic discipline in every possible way.

To answer the question why schoolchildren need to study literature, it is not at all necessary to conduct theoretical discussions and delve into the jungle of literary criticism. And most importantly, there is no point in inventing what and why literature can serve in school. You need to understand why it is needed in real life.

Thanks to books, we better understand people, the life around us, and learn about the best human ideals. Reading this or that work, we empathize with the characters, and this means that books develop our feelings, make us emotionally more sensitive and subtle.

Many works written in our time are very relevant and must be read. But often such books cover one topical issue. As for the classics that children study in literature lessons, they reflect the psychology of relationships, politics, and social issues. Take, for example, Leo Tolstoy’s work “The Kreutzer Sonata” - in it you can find many interesting thoughts about marriage, women, serious and non-serious relationships.

Well-read has great importance. And it is no coincidence that even with a superficial acquaintance with a person, it is not difficult to guess whether he likes to read and what books interest him.

Meet with fiction absolutely necessary, because it is there that all the experience acquired by humanity is collected. In other words, by reading books, a person learns to live. The benefits of the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are invaluable, because the views of these writers taught people to think differently.

After reading the novel, a teenager will understand the grief of rejected love, the charm of inner, not outer, beauty, a person’s sadness about his past youth... Some people who do not understand the importance of literature in the school curriculum argue that it educates only by teaching to imitate positive characters and hate the negative ones. But such an opinion is too primitive and one-sided.

Fiction helps develop feelings and educates right attitude to life, but a teenager cannot understand everything in the book on his own. That's what a teacher is for. When studying any book, you must clearly understand how and in what way it can bring a student closer to the ideal, how and in what ways it can make him better. This will be the guide for you inner strength which will dictate to you a certain system work.