The story of Olesya, characteristics of the heroes. “The image of Olesya in the story of the same name by Kuprin

In the touching story “Olesya” by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, the main characters are Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya. Minor characters- Yarmola, Manuilikha, Evpsikhy Afrikanovich and others, less significant. This mystical story O pure love and cruel human ignorance, capable of destroying a bright feeling.


A young girl, about twenty-four, stately, tall and beautiful. She was raised by her grandmother and grew up in the forest. But, despite the fact that she is not taught to read and write, she does not know how to write and read - she has the natural wisdom of centuries, deep knowledge human nature and curiosity. She calls herself a witch, has supernatural powers and predicts by the person’s face his imminent death.

Olesya realizes her destiny and is ashamed of it. She does not go to church in the belief that all her powers are from the unclean. She bizarrely combines modesty and timidity with independence and self-sufficiency. But behind the witch’s bravado, you can guess a gentle, dreamy girl who is afraid of people and, at the same time, dreams of love.

Ivan Timofeevich

An aspiring writer, in search of inspiration, came from the city to the village on official business. He is young, educated and smart. In the village he has fun hunting and getting to know local residents, who soon bored him with their serf ways. Panych is from a good family, but, despite his origins, he behaves simply and without pathos. Ivan is a kind and sympathetic young man, noble and soft-spoken.

Getting lost in the forest, he meets Olesya, which greatly enlivens his dull stay in the village of Perebrod. A man of a dreamy nature, he quickly becomes attached and then falls in love with a girl who predicted a joyless and dull life for him. He is honest and sincere, loves and has the courage to confess his feelings to Olesya. But with all his love, it is difficult for him to accept his beloved for who she is.

How can I tell you, Olesya? - I began hesitantly. - Well, yes, perhaps I would be pleased. I’ve told you many times that a man can not believe, doubt, and finally even laugh. But a woman... a woman should be pious without reasoning. In the simple and tender trust with which she places herself under the protection of God, I always feel something touching, feminine and beautiful.


Olesya's grandmother, angry with people elderly woman, who is forced to live and raise her granddaughter in the forest. Manuilikha has the same abilities as her granddaughter, for which she paid with a quiet life. Rude, unrestrained in language, but sincerely loving and protecting her granddaughter.

Grandmother is old, strict and grumpy. He doesn’t trust people, he’s always waiting for a trick and he curses his difficult fate. When she sees that Olesya has seriously fallen in love, she tries with all her might to prevent the union, foreseeing how it will all end. But at the end of the story she still shows her soft, suffering nature.


A narrow-minded, uneducated simple man, Ivan's servant. Yarmola is reputed to be the laziest drinker in the village. But at the same time, he is an excellent hunter who knows the area and has deep knowledge of nature, the forest and its inhabitants.

He becomes very attached to Ivan, although he is taciturn and gloomy. Yarmola insists on spelling lessons with the gentleman, thereby showing his contradictory nature. On the one hand, he is a lazy person and a drunkard, on the other, he is an experienced and inquisitive person.

Evpsikhy Afrikanovich

Local police officer, guardian of order and the threat of all Polesie. A typical "boss", impudent and important. Not averse to bribes, but cowardly man. He insists on evicting Manuilikha and her granddaughter from their house, but when Ivan tries to convince him to wait, he agrees only through expensive gifts.

Inflated with awareness of his own importance, a rude and arrogant nobleman. And, at the same time, a caring husband. Which clearly shows the gap in his consciousness between him, and people like him, and commoners.

Characteristics of the hero

Olesya (Alena) is a 25-year-old girl who lives with her grandmother in the forest. Her grandmother Manuilikha, who came from Russians or gypsies, was considered a witch in the village. For this, the residents drove her and her granddaughter into the forest.
O. is the personification of natural, natural life. She first appears as fairy creature accompanied by almost tame finches. “The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even after getting used to it, to describe. His charm lay in those large, shiny, dark eyes, to which the thin eyebrows, broken in the middle, gave an elusive shade of slyness, power and naivety; in the dark-pink tone of the skin, in the willful curve of the lips, of which the lower one, somewhat fuller, stood out with a decisive and capricious look.” O. is not familiar with civilization, all social norms of behavior are alien to her. The girl is guided by the call of free will, integral natural impulses, and the skills of witchcraft. O. falls in love with Ivan Timofeevich despite the fact that she saw all his bad traits in fortune telling. Furthermore, she knows for sure that this love will ruin her. But O. understands that there is no escape from fate. When, after his illness, Ivan Timofeevich visits the girl again, she kisses him and asks if he loves her. O. gives himself entirely to his feelings. For the sake of her beloved, she agrees to go to church, although she is sure that her “family is cursed forever and ever,” and her soul has been sold to the devil since birth. In the church, the girl is attacked by a crowd of angry peasants who beat her with stones. From the pain, and even more from the humiliation she experienced, the girl falls ill. The next day, heavy rain and large hail broke out in the village. Residents decided that this was the work of a young witch. O., together with her grandmother, was forced to leave her hut and leave these places. O. leaves a string of coral beads to his beloved as a keepsake.

Olesya is an ordinary peasant girl in Kuprin’s story of the same name. From birth she was given the name Alena, but as the story progresses everyone calls her Olesya. She is described as a beautiful, young, dark brunette, with dark eyes. Her extraordinary appearance very different from other village girls. You can feel strength and health in her, her hands are rough from work, and her voice is lively and clear. At the time of the story, Olesya is twenty-four years old.

Olesya lives with her grandmother in the wilderness, into which they had to escape due to the constant persecution of women, who were considered witches by default. Despite the fact that Olesya is illiterate, she knows how to interest her interlocutor. In communication, she displays the qualities of real society ladies: politeness, delicacy, tact. However, Olesya rarely has to communicate due to the current situation. She goes to the city only once a year, and spends the rest of her time in the forest, observing the beauty of nature and the forest inhabitants.

Speaking about Olesya’s character, we can say for sure that she is a self-confident, freedom-loving and independent girl, proud, but without arrogance. She shows a sincere interest in everything that surrounds her. Likes to tell fortunes with cards. She believes that she really has witchcraft powers, which is why she does not express a desire to attend church services.

Olesya's freedom-loving character does not allow her to lose her head in love, but the ardent heart of the young beauty triumphs over reason, and she falls in love with the nobleman Ivan Timofeevich. In her first meetings with him, it seemed to Olesya that she didn’t feel anything for him, but as soon as they parted, she realized that she had met her love. After which she tried to drown out this feeling, but it was in vain. Having experienced public humiliation when local women threw stones at her, Olesya decides to leave this place. She refuses to become Ivan Timofeevich's wife because she does not want to tarnish his reputation. Unexpectedly for everyone and without goodbye, Olesya leaves the house, leaving only beads as a farewell...

As a character, Olesya evokes bright feelings. Constant persecution, humiliation and contempt of the inhabitants did not darken her heart. Even when the choice was between her happiness and decent life another person, she, as an example of true philanthropy, chose the second option. With her actions, Olesya proves that if you really love a person, you can let him go. Kuprin showed us a girl capable of very deep feelings.

Essay about Olesya

The image of Olesya remains an unattainable ideal for many girls now. What attracted readers to this heroine?

Many people fall in love with the name itself - Olesya. Although it is romantic and mysterious, one of the secrets of this girl is that in reality her name is Alena. The girl is twenty-four years old. And, it is worth noting that this is no longer a girl of marriageable age, but much more mature.

Black hair added mystery to the image, emphasizing slim figure. The author says, having looked at her face a hundred times, it was no longer possible to forget it. Kuprin pays attention to his eyes Special attention, describing with all sorts of adjectives. Her hands were as beautiful and graceful as she herself, although worn out from constant work.

The girl clearly prefers the color red, as she wore a red skirt. Olesya complemented her look with the same red scarf. She differed from other girls not only in her appearance, but also in her graceful manners. It was strange. After all, not knowing how to read, she spoke so beautifully and expressively that her speech could be compared with the speech of an aristocrat.

Olesya grew up with her grandmother, without parents. They once lived in a village without any problems. However, they were later accused of witchcraft. Since then, grandmother and Olesya have been living in the forest. Life in the forest for a girl: she doesn’t like people and their company, but loves to be alone with nature. She loves animals just as much.

This girl won't let herself be offended by being different. strong character. She is self-confident and proud. Olesya believes that she is the real witch.

It was precisely all these qualities taken together that Ivan Timofeevich, who had never met such girls, liked Olesya. Olesya really had a gift, so she immediately saw what awaited her with this man. The girl saw her shame and its bad qualities. But for some reason she is drawn to him and she is unable to resist her feelings. It is thanks to the persuasion of Ivan Timofeevich that she ends up in the church, where she is attacked by angry villagers. Whether it’s an accident or not, in a fit of anger Olesya wishes them a sea of ​​tears and that same evening a severe famine destroys the entire harvest. Olesya gets sick. She is forced to leave these places forever. As a keepsake for Ivan Timofeevich, only red beads remain.

Option 3

The story "Olesya" is rightfully considered one of best works Kuprina. In it we're talking about about nobility, purity and beauty unusual girl named Olesya, who lives with her grandmother in a deep forest.

Their solitude is forced, as local residents believe that the grandmother and granddaughter are witches. Olesya herself is sure that the soul of her and all the women of their kind has been sold to the devil. Having accidentally met the master Ivan Timofeevich in the forest, Olesya gradually falls in love with him and is even ready to fulfill any of his whims.

The young “witch” compares favorably with the village girls and women living nearby. The author emphasizes her unusual beauty, but most of all Ivan Timofeevich is struck by the girl’s intelligence and integrity. Unaccustomed to obeying anyone except her grandmother, it seems that Olesya is part of nature with which she has merged. Even wild animals and the birds obey her.

Her natural mind develops advantageously away from “civilization.” Having made friends with a person from high society, quite extraordinary, Olesya is developing herself. She is interested in everything this young man can tell. And he is amazed at how intelligently she draws conclusions from his stories and how greedily she absorbs everything that is unknown to her.

And although the villagers consider her and her grandmother to be “witchers,” Kuprin shows how morally superior these women are to them. Rather, the residents of Polesie are infuriated by the fact that the grandmother and granddaughter themselves do not want to get along with limited people, keep to themselves. Out of envy and anger, they drunkenly blame Olesya and her grandmother for all the troubles, gossip, hate, and all this is in striking contrast with the serenity of the young girl, with her strong character and rich inner world.

For women like Olesya, love is a feeling that is born once. She is monogamous and, as a whole person, is ready to sacrifice herself. The girl understands perfectly well that church is not a place where she will be understood. Olesya is superstitious, she “sees” the fate prepared for a person. Can predict death and so on.

Perhaps this is the only negative about this nice girl. But even this is not her fault. In response to Ivan Timofeevich’s desire to come to Orthodox Church Olesya agrees. Maybe she is doing this not only for him, but also for herself. Maybe she wants to make sure that the temple of God is as open for her as for others.

However, the limitations and wild customs local residents lead to the fact that a beautiful, tall, freedom-loving girl is beaten. She endures this test with her head held high. She refuses Ivan Timofeevich’s desire to marry him. Despite the fact that she grew up in the forest, Olesya is more far-sighted and understands that their marriage is doomed. She does not belong to his circle and most likely sooner or later he will not withstand such a test. Olesya does not want the master to hate her, so the next day after the beating, she and her grandmother leave in an unknown direction.

This is the wisdom of women, but no one knows whether these heroes will be happy in the future.

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Analysis of "Olesya" by Kuprin

A mysterious girl, born surrounded by nature, who has absorbed all the genuine and immaculate traits of a meek and simple character, encounters a completely different person - Ivan Timofeevich, who is considered a spectacular representative of society in the city.

The beginning of a reverent relationship between them suggests life together where, as usual, a woman is obliged to adapt to the new surrounding atmosphere everyday life

Olesya, accustomed to her fabulous life in a calm, beloved forest with Manuilikha, perceives the changes in her very hard and painfully. life experience, actually giving up own principles to be with your lover.

Anticipating the fragility of her relationship with Ivan, she makes a complete self-sacrifice in a ruthless city poisoned by callousness and misunderstanding. However, until then the relationship between the young people is strong.

Yarmola describes to Ivan the image of Olesya and her aunt, proves to him the uniqueness of the fact that magicians and sorceresses live in the world, and encourages him to become extremely fascinated by the mystery of a simple girl.

Features of the work

The writer paints the habitat very colorfully and naturally magical girl, which cannot be ignored when analyzing Kuprin’s “Olesya,” because the landscape of Polesie emphasizes the exclusivity of the people living in it.

It is often said that life itself wrote the stories of Kuprin’s stories.

Obviously, most younger generation It will be difficult at first to understand the meaning of the story and what the author wants to convey, but later, after reading some chapters, they will be able to become interested in this work, discovering its depth.

The main problems of "Olesya" Kuprin

This is an excellent writer. He managed to express in own creativity the heaviest, highest and most tender human emotions. Love is a wonderful feeling that is experienced by a person, like a touchstone. Not many people have the ability to truly love with an open heart. This is the fate of a strong-willed person. Just people like this are of interest to the author. Correct people, existing in harmony with themselves and the world around them, are a model for him; in fact, such a girl is created in the story “Olesya” by Kuprin, the analysis of which we are analyzing.

An ordinary girl lives in the surroundings of nature. She listens to sounds and rustling, hears screams different creatures, is very happy with her life and independence. Olesya is independent. The sphere of communication that she has is enough for her. She knows and understands the forest surrounding on all sides; the girl has a great sense of nature.

But a meeting with the human world, unfortunately, promises her complete troubles and grief. The townspeople think that Olesya and her grandmother are witches. They are ready to blame all mortal sins on these unfortunate women. One fine day, the anger of people has already driven them away from their warm place, and from now on the heroine has only one desire: to get rid of them.

However, the soulless human world knows no mercy. This is where the key problems of Kuprin's Olesya lie. She is especially intelligent and smart. The girl is well aware of what her meeting with the city dweller, “Panych Ivan” portends. It is not suitable for the world of enmity and jealousy, profit and falsehood.

The girl’s dissimilarity, her grace and originality instill anger, fear, and panic in people. The townspeople are ready to blame Olesya and Babka for absolutely all hardships and misfortunes. Their blind horror of the “witches” they have dubbed them is fueled by reprisals without any consequences. An analysis of Kuprin’s “Olesya” makes us understand that the appearance of a girl in the temple is not a challenge to the residents, but a desire to understand human world, in which her beloved lives.

The main characters of Kuprin's "Olesya" are Ivan and Olesya. Secondary - Yarmola, Manuilikha and others, in to a lesser extent important.


A young girl, slender, tall and charming. She was raised by her grandmother. However, despite the fact that she is illiterate, she has the natural intelligence of centuries, fundamental knowledge of human nature and curiosity.


A young writer, looking for a muse, arrived from the city to the village on official business. He is intelligent and smart. In the village he distracts himself by hunting and getting to know the villagers. Regardless own origin he behaves normally and without arrogance. "Panych" is a good-natured and sensitive guy, noble and weak-willed.

The image of Olesya makes the reader remember amazing fairy-tale beauties who, in addition to their beauty, had many talents. This amazing character combines intelligence, beauty, responsiveness, selflessness and willpower. The image of the forest witch is shrouded in mystery. Her fate is unusual, life away from people in an abandoned forest hut. The poetic nature of Polesie has a beneficial influence on the girl. Isolation from civilization allows her to preserve the integrity and purity of nature. On the one hand, she is naive because she does not know basic things, inferior in this to the intelligent and educated Ivan Timofeevich. But on the other hand, Olesya has some kind of higher knowledge that is inaccessible to an ordinary person. .Olesya compares favorably with local village girls. This is how the author says about it: “There was nothing in her like the local “girls”, whose faces, under ugly bandages covering the forehead on top, and the mouth and chin below, wear such a monotonous, frightened expression. My stranger, a tall brunette of about twenty to twenty-five years old, carried herself easily and slenderly. A spacious white shirt hung freely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten...” Olesya grew up away from society, so lies, hypocrisy, and hypocrisy are alien to her. Local residents consider Olesya a witch, but how ignoble, cruel and heartless they themselves are compared to her! Main character In the story, upon closer acquaintance with Olesya, he becomes convinced of how pure, sublime, and kind the girl is. She has an amazing gift, but she would never use it for evil. The girl is as pure as the nature around her, Olesya says that she and her grandmother do not maintain relationships with the people around her at all. Thus, the girl kind of draws the line between themselves and others. The hostile wariness of others towards the “witchers” leads to such withdrawal. Olesya and her grandmother agree not to maintain relationships with anyone at all, just to remain free and independent of the will of others. Olesya is very smart. Despite the fact that she received virtually no education, she is very knowledgeable about life. She is very inquisitive, she is interested in everything that a new acquaintance can tell her. The love that arose between Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya is a sincere, pure and beautiful phenomenon. The girl is truly worthy of love. She is a completely special creature, full of life, tenderness, compassion. Olesya gives all of herself to her beloved, without demanding anything in return. In the love of the “savage” and the civilized hero, from the very beginning there is a feeling of doom that permeates the story with sadness and hopelessness. The ideas and views of lovers turn out to be too different, which lead to separation, despite the strength and sincerity of their feelings. When the urban intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, who got lost in the forest while hunting, saw Olesya for the first time, he was struck not only by the bright and original beauty of the girl. He unconsciously felt her unusualness, her difference from the other village girls. There is something witchcraft in Olesya’s appearance, her speech, and behavior that cannot be explained logically. She readily sacrifices herself in order to fulfill his absurd, in general, demand - to attend church. Olesya commits this act, which entails such tragic consequences. Local residents were hostile to the “witch” because she dared to appear in a holy place. Olesya's random threat is taken too seriously by local residents. And now, as soon as something bad happens, Olesya and her grandmother will be to blame.
The girl also sacrifices herself when she decides to suddenly leave without telling her beloved anything. This also reveals the nobility of her character. The whole image of Olesya testifies to her purity, kindness and nobility. This is why it becomes so difficult when you find out that a girl has separated from her lover. Nevertheless, this ending is the pattern. The love between Olesya and the young master has no future, the girl understands this perfectly and does not want to be an obstacle to the well-being of her loved one.