What instrument should I learn to play? What musical instrument is best to learn to play? Types of Musical Instruments

You can learn to play any musical instrument, but some are a little easier to master than others. For example, the difference in learning to play the drums and play the piano is more than noticeable. Therefore, the following notes about the nuances in mastering various instruments may be useful for neophytes.


The instrument is rhythmic and therefore does not require deep theoretical knowledge And absolute pitch. Even with questionable initial data, with daily exercise you can learn to maintain the rhythm. In order to join a punk rock band, a couple of lessons with a tutor and a month of daily practice will be enough. If your soul is drawn to complex and broken rhythms, you will still have to learn a little. You can do this either at an evening music school, or by regularly visiting a teacher. In the younger educational institutions Typically, drumming is taught for only five years. Mastering other instruments will take several years longer.

In addition to the ability to keep rhythm, a music school or college will teach you how to play the xylophone, tambourine and triangle. In general, if there are no global aspirations and plans to become a virtuoso, and if there is a task to study in short time, then drums would be the best option.


Let's start with classical, acoustic and electric guitars. In fact, these are tools that could easily be ranked first in terms of ease of learning. The fact is that most guitar students do not set themselves the goal of reaching the level of some Katsuhito Yamashita; on the contrary, a couple of memorized pieces are enough to sign themselves up as musicians. For this category of people, making friends with the instrument will not be difficult. Indeed, a lesson or two is enough to learn not the most difficult song, and after a dozen lessons you can smoothly move on to analyzing solo parts in hard’n’heavy style compositions.

Bass guitar is a special and often completely neglected case. As a rule, people learn to play it at home, practicing scales and learning parts medium degree difficulties. Not every musician knows about its existence. In addition, bass guitarists, due to their outstanding abilities, often become heroes of jokes. I would like to say that all this is undeserved, but I will remain silent, since I do not consider it necessary to lie.

Those who are interested in a deeper acquaintance with the instrument will have to do a lot of painstaking work during the learning process. That's why I put the guitar in second place and not first.

The advantage is that it is generally accessible. You can buy a guitar even in the outback remote from civilization. The price of the instrument is not high, unless you start chasing brands. You can practice anywhere: at home, with friends, on the street, while traveling and hiking.

Cons: high competition. Thousands of people learn to play the guitar every year, and therefore, if you want to become a real professional, you will have to try your best to stand out from the crowd. As practice shows, achieving this is not so difficult.

Wind instruments

Flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, horn, oboe, bassoon, trombone, tuba - their name is Legion. Besides classical instruments, there are also ethnic ones (sopilka, trembita, and so on). The choice is so large that it can sometimes be quite difficult to decide on the type of instrument. IN music schools For such cases, preliminary training on the recorder is provided with the further opportunity to move on to the trumpet, saxophone and further on the list. There are two options for mastering wind instruments: under the guidance of a tutor and at school. The second option is preferable, since solfeggio lessons will be held in parallel, and they are extremely important for the development of a musician’s hearing.

Now to the cons. If your relatives or housemates are unable to appreciate your zeal, then practicing the wind instruments at home will be difficult. The instruments are actually very loud, and in the Khrushchev buildings, every note of the etude being played will be heard in neighboring apartments, even if played extremely quietly. In addition, you will have to practice every day - regression with wind instruments is much more noticeable than progress. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance how classes will take place outside of school or the tutor’s apartment.

One of the advantages, although dubious, is the loyal attitude of teachers towards the theoretical basis of their students. It is not for nothing that trumpeters turned out to be the second heroes of jokes after bass guitarists. There are often cases when college graduates get confused about things that other musicians learned in the first months of training.


In a good way, this tool should be moved to the end of the list, since it is easier to wipe your fingers into dust than to master it on the fly. high level. But thanks to such a phenomenon as the pop-jazz movement, the hellish torments of learning were able to mutate into a simple pastime. That is, if someone decided to learn a couple of pop songs, then doing it on the piano will not be difficult. You can master the instrument using a tutorial, video lessons or with the help of a tutor. There may, however, be problems with the seating and positioning of the hands, but this is not critical for the game of “Chizhik-Pizhik”.

One of the positive aspects is the possibility of replacing a bulky instrument with a synthesizer when learning. Of course, only in cases where the student is focused on pop music, jazz, soul, electronic genres, and so on. There are plenty of offers from tutors, courses and clubs. There will be a place to study.

Of the minuses, you can remember that when learning to play the piano itself, you will have to purchase an instrument for yourself. If you practice at home, you can drive your relatives and neighbors into mental insanity with the “Dog Waltz.” But most importantly, if a person intends to become a master, then thousands of hours of endless playing of scales and careful study hundreds of pages of theoretical material.


Violin, cello, double bass, viola – pure beauty. But all of the listed tools are among the most difficult to master. If you study from childhood, you can bypass all difficulties without even noticing them, but for adults, learning will most likely turn into severe torment. The fact is that bowed instruments require absolute pitch, and it is simply unrealistic to have it at home. Tutors, as a rule, do not teach from scratch, but help those who are lagging behind in their learning. Tutorials and lessons are useless. There are more sound production techniques on these instruments than there are stars in the sky. Those in doubt can look through the sheet music and scores of works by contemporary composers.

The learning process is a continuous overcoming of oneself. If you don't have enough motivation, you may not be able to play basic plays when you leave school. Advantages for those who want to quickly learn how to play exotic instrument I do not see. It’s impossible to list all the disadvantages. From prices to good tools and the need to care for them, to crazy training loads. Conclusion: go only if you have a calling.

In general, as in any other type of activity, to achieve some heights in music you will need to work hard. But if you want to master the instrument for yourself in order to be able to play a couple of melodies in boring winter evenings, then you should pay attention to the first positions of the list. In addition, I left out such instruments as the pocket synthesizer, jew's harp, spoons, rattles and castanets. As you can see, the choice is huge - all that remains is to make it.

They say that music is food for the soul. There is no doubt that music can affect us in ways we cannot even imagine. Unfortunately, not all of us have the time to learn how to play the piano. complex instruments. So we bring to your attention a list of seven musical instruments that are easy to learn to play.

1. Xylophone

The xylophone is a great instrument for learning music and is certainly one of the simplest. The bars of a xylophone are similar to the arrangement of notes on a piano, and they are struck with special hammers to produce sound. Plastic xylophones are one of the most common toys for children.

2. Autoharp

If you have knowledge of chords and are willing to learn, the autoharp is for you. A big plus is that all strings except those involved in the chord are muted, so you won't be out of tune while playing.

3. Comb

This musical instrument is not only easy to learn to play, it is also easy to make. All you need is a comb and tissue paper. Wrap the comb in paper and off you go.

4. Kazoo

A kazoo is a small metal or plastic cylinder that tapers to a point. A metal plug with a tissue paper membrane is inserted into the middle of the cylinder on top. Playing music on a kazoo is very easy - you just need to sing into it, and the paper membrane will change your voice beyond recognition.

5. Bongo

Learning to play the bongo is very easy. A bongo is a combination of two drums that are connected together. To play it, it is held between the knees. The surface of the bongo is struck with the palms and fingertips.

6. Diamonds

Tambourines are small drums that are held in the hand. Some types of tambourines have metal bells attached to them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes the membrane of the tambourine, rubs it, or shakes the entire instrument. You can shake it, hit the surface of the tambourine with your fingers or knuckles, or use any other methods depending on what works best for you. This is a very simple musical instrument.

7. Drums

Although the drums seem very difficult, they are easy to learn to play if you have a sense of rhythm. You don't have to start from scratch drum set when you start training. Just learn to play us bass drum or hi-hat. The most important thing in this case is the sense of rhythm.

Music is food for the soul. But you can not only listen to it, but also create it yourself. Don't have time to learn notes and scales? No problem. There are several instruments that are easy to learn to play even without special training. The main thing is to feel a sense of rhythm.


This is a portable tube with a special membrane inside. You just need to blow into one end of the device, humming your favorite melody. And the kazoo, thanks to the membrane, will change the sound beyond recognition. The result will be an interesting melody that others will like.


A simple tool in design. It's easy to play. But you need to get the hang of creating sounds of different tones and durations.

Bongo drums

These are two percussion instruments connected to each other. Bongo drums are played without the use of additional sticks - with the palms and fingertips. They are easy to master. The main thing is the feeling of a sense of rhythm.

Classic drum set

This musical instrument looks voluminous and complex. But in fact, people who feel the rhythm will find it easy to learn to play them. The main thing is to understand the tonality of each component of the installation.


This is a compact drum, some varieties of which have bells. While playing, the tambourine must be held in one hand, and the other hand must be struck on the sensitive membrane with the palm or fingers.


This is a smaller version of the guitar. To start playing this instrument, you just need to master three basic chords. The ukulele resembles a toy. Therefore, this instrument is often chosen for teaching children. After all, learning to play the ukulele is easier than learning to play the classical guitar.

A musician in any company, as a rule, is a special person and extremely respected. Especially if he doesn’t strive to show his class at all costs by playing the guitar collecting dust in the corner. Here is a selection of the easiest musical instruments to learn. Down with scales and conservatory! Life is too short!


A kazoo is a wind instrument with a built-in membrane, which is a small pipe, no larger than a smoking pipe. The tool is, frankly, brilliant. It sounds almost like a trumpet or saxophone, but does not require any playing skills from you at all. musical instruments. You just sing or hum a melody into the tube with your voice, and the tissue paper membrane does the rest for you.

They didn’t even hesitate to use kazoos The Beatles And Pink Floyd. And God himself told you to.

Price: from 150 rub.


Or whatever they used to call her, ukulele. You can play the same, learning is much easier than on a regular one. True, there is a risk that girls will not see the rock star in you: the instrument is not the most masculine.

It so happens that it is the fairer sex who are very often interested in playing the ukulele. An additional plus: the tool is inexpensive. If the game doesn’t go well, you can still feel like a rock star for a while by smashing it against the wall (or the head of a real guitarist).

Price: from 1,500 rub.


Percussion musical instrument originating from South America, namely Peru). Externally it looks like a small bedside table. A musician (yes, this is about you in the near future!) plays while sitting on a cajon. Due to the tension inside the body of strings from a guitar or a spring from a regular “working” drum, sounds can be extracted from a cajon that are very similar to the sound of a real drum set.

If, in addition to a sense of rhythm (which you don’t doubt you have, but if you doubt it, then here you go) you have the skill of handling basic tools such as a screwdriver and a hammer, you can even try to assemble a cajon with your own hands.

Price: from 5,000 rub.


You have mastered the basic rules for extracting sound from a harmonica (blow yourself back and forth), and now for those around you (but not very initiated into the technique), you are practically Sergei Chigrakov. If you add to this an understanding of the sequence of notes and their combinations, you can safely put together a blues band.

Price: from 900 rub.


Another representative of the drum family. Consists of two drums that are fastened together. What is noteworthy is that one of the drums is called “male”, the other - “female”. When playing, the bongo is held between the legs and sounds are made with the palms and fingertips.

Even children can easily master this instrument. They are easily transportable, which is why they are so popular among street musicians (why don’t you additional source income?).

Price: from 2,000 rub.


A member of the brass family that sounds incredible, looks stunning, and yet by the end of the first lesson you will be able to start producing something similar to a stumbling melody. (For comparison: if you tried to take up a pipe, you would have to spend several weeks.)

If I had been asked this question 5 years ago, I would have answered no. Having a teacher who sets the stage, corrects your skills, and corrects mistakes is a key part of any learning experience. But given the fact that the Internet is now available, even those teachers who previously taught at home or in schools are gradually coming to online teaching.

Let's get straight to the main question. Is it possible to learn to play musical instruments online? Yes. And I will try to describe all the ways of online learning. The main disadvantage of online learning is that you are on your own. For some, this may be an advantage, but the speed of such learning is much lower than learning with a live teacher.

The ideal option would be if you have already learned the basics of playing the instrument. Then it will be much easier to study from materials on the Internet. Here are some resources to help you get into the world of music or improve your skills.


Perhaps the most The best way learn to play online. There are many channels on YouTube that teach you how to play musical instruments. Mainly it's a guitar, but there are others. Eg:

  • Martyzsongs- a lot of video lessons that cover popular guitar riffs and songs. There are already more than 1000 videos on the channel. You'll have plenty to do!
  • Andy Crowley— a channel for beginners who have just entered the world of guitar, drugs and rock and roll. This channel covers the basics of playing the guitar, various techniques and sound production techniques.
  • Lypur— a channel that focuses on keyboard instruments and music theory. Despite the fact that the channel is no longer active ( latest video was posted a little less than a year ago), collected on the channel great amount material that will teach you the basics music theory and playing the piano.
  • Drumeo- this is a channel dedicated to the game on percussion instruments. Suitable for both beginners and people who already know what rimshots and paradiddles are.
  • Eric Arceneaux is a performing vocalist who runs his own Youtube channel, where he shares the basics of vocals, production, warming up and improving the voice.

Unfortunately, all the channels listed are in English. There are training videos on Youtube in Russian, but not only is their quality noticeably inferior to their foreign counterparts, almost all the materials are not combined and are published irregularly.

In addition, all of the above channels have websites where you can find various educational materials, tablature, sheet music, etc.


On the forums you can also find many useful information. Apart from forum trolls who consider their opinion to be the only correct and unshakable one, there you can actually meet knowledgeable people and experts in their field who will be happy to share their experience. Here are the forums that I could find:

  • GuitarPlayer.ru is the largest Russian-language guitar forum. Tens of thousands of topics and hundreds of thousands of messages on any topic related to playing the guitar. Equipment, guitar techniques, search for musicians, analysis various compositions- all this can be found on GuitarPlayer.ru. Also in Russian!
  • DrumSpeech is an educational site with lessons, articles and interesting materials for drummers. The design of the site and forum leaves much to be desired, but we didn’t come there to look at the design.
  • PianoWorld is an American forum for pianists. Its scale is simply amazing, so if you want to learn how to play keyboards and own English language, feel free to step there!

Mobile applications

AppStore and Google Play have many apps that can teach you how to play musical instruments. I wrote about what music apps I use on my iPhone, take a look, some might be useful to you too.

Ultimate Guitar

Guitar website with apps of the same name for iOS and Android. It contains tens of thousands of guitar tabs and chords. There are also various auxiliary tools there. For example, a chord chart and a metronome.

Lick of the day

An application that contains a lot of guitar riffs for improvisation. The app is free, but most riffs need to be purchased using in-app purchases.

Guitar Lessons Free

An Android application containing many lessons on playing the guitar. The developer translated the description of his application into Russian via Google Translate, but never got to the application itself. Therefore, only for those who understand English.

Google Helpouts

I have not tested this method, but judging by the reviews and ratings, it also deserves a place on the list. Google Helpouts is an online platform that contains live lessons in various fields. Next to each lesson is written the time when it is held and the price.

The price is quite high, but I cannot verify the quality of these lessons. However, the reviews that each teacher has can help with this.


I did not describe methods such as video conferencing on Skype or many groups with VKontakte materials. But there’s not much to talk about here. There are many ways to learn to play. You will have to devote at least an hour a day to this.

When you start studying without a teacher, the most important thing is to stick to a certain schedule, and for this you must have real motivation. Don't expect that in a week you will be able to play and surprise everyone you know with your great skills. For this you will need much more time. But everything will depend on how much you want it and how much time you can devote.

When you achieve some success, you can start recording yourself and listening from the outside. You don't need powerful studio equipment for this. A voice recorder, smartphone or computer is enough. If you have an electric guitar or synthesizer, you can connect it to your computer and record the sound into the computer. For example, using Guitar Rig.

The most important! Do it for your own pleasure. Music should bring you joy and positive emotions. If lessons become uninteresting and a burden, then you are doing something wrong. Learn, try to play something of your own, no matter how bad it sounds, and develop.