Photo of the Sydney Opera House set. Sydney Opera House

There's no doubt is that at least once in your life, looking at your navel or your neighbor’s navel, you wondered: why is it exactly like that? Why do belly buttons look different in different people?

If you thought it depended solely on the midwife’s ability to tie the umbilical cord... then you, of course, are absolutely right. But still, according to some sources, there is some mystical connection between the navel, which is, in general, the point that once gave us a connection with the world around us, and our character, our inclinations, our life ultimately.

Each person has his own own navel shape. We can assume that this is simply one of the manifestations of the diversity inherent in life, or we can listen to the opinions of those who claim that this is not without reason.

Look closely at pictures and find out what your own navel says about you.

1. Round navel
If you have a small, round and rather deep navel, it means that you are an optimistic person.
You always see positive side things, and try to find the good even in the most difficult situations.
You are a pleasant person and devoted to your family and friends. You are always ready to help.
You are lucky in terms of money, prosperity accompanies you in life.

2. Big belly button
A large and deep navel is practically a symbol of good luck.
You are a wise, generous and reasonable person. Such people always have big success in the opposite sex both at a young age and in adulthood. Owners of this navel shape after 40 years are especially lucky. Do not miss your chance.

3. Small and shallow navel
A small and shallow navel indicates a weak-willed character and a negative perception of life. It is not easy for you to develop relationships with people; you may experience particular difficulties at work, in a work team. You need to try to become more positive person- and then luck will turn its face to you.

4. Convex (protruding) navel
A protruding navel indicates excessive stubbornness of its owner.
You love to be the center of attention, and very often use other people in your own interests. But, nevertheless, the owners of such navels are too trusting people. Be careful and don't be gullible.

5. Extended vertically, widens upward
This belly button is practically a perfect belly button! It indicates a cheerful personality that fits well into any human society. Such people are always full of energy and are always in a good mood. They know what they want and always achieve their goals.

6. Extended vertically, widens downwards
Unlike the navel, which widens upward, this navel indicates a person with very little energy. Such people are almost always weak-willed and do not strive to achieve anything outstanding in life. It is difficult for them to finish what they have started. But at the same time, they are very kind and gentle, and can be absolutely indispensable for family life.

7. Oval navel
This type of navel is typical of a slightly neurotic person. Who thinks too much about little things that, in fact, are not important. He wastes too much time on often ethereal fantasies and illusory illusions and in this activity misses real opportunities. Such people would do well to concentrate on today And practical exercises, then it would be easier for them to achieve success.

8. Horizontally elongated navel
A person who has this type of navel is always, as they say, “on the alert.” He is ready for any turn of events in life, is not afraid of anything and has a very strong character. Such people are often overly independent and cruel. They need to be more sociable and open in order to attract good luck.

9. Spiral navel
This type of navel promises frequent failures in love. They are constantly looking for perfection and expect too much from people, so they are often disappointed.
Natural isolation prevents them from opening up to other people who could see and appreciate them. subtle soul. But in the end they find themselves both in life and in love, the main thing is to have patience.

10. Upside Down Y Navel
For both men and women, this navel shape promises great financial success, good health and well-being in the family. The shape of the navel symbolizes the stability and stable position of all things in a person’s life. In general, this is how it is: owners of such navels usually have a very successful and stable life.

Since ancient times, the navel of girls has been considered one of the most attractive and seductive places on the body. At the same time, they tried to further decorate it. This is how piercing appeared. Europeans began decorating this area relatively recently. However, today it occurs quite often among girls. And the popularity of such decoration is directly proportional to its originality and at the same time simplicity.

Most often, piercing is a vertical piercing of the upper skin of the navel. Although often in Lately Several punctures are used at once. It depends on the girl’s preferences, courage and endurance. The puncture is performed with a conical needle. The procedure lasts about five to ten seconds. Next, all you need to do is proper care behind the puncture site.

Girls' navel is a beautiful and aesthetic place for piercing

So, let's tell you more. It’s not for nothing that girls’ navel is considered the most beautiful and aesthetic place for piercing. The history of such decoration is fading female body with its roots in Ancient Egypt. Then in this way the priests showed their high position in social order and significance. Today, the procedure is a way to draw attention to one of the most seductive points on the body. Indeed, the piercing looks very beautiful and stylish. The main thing is to treat the puncture site very carefully and carefully.

Great responsibility

Most often, girls' navel is pierced at the top from the base. Do not be surprised that during the first week after the procedure, the operated area may be slightly sore. Therefore, it is not recommended to bend over again. The wound heals completely in about three months, although it can take longer - up to one year. It all depends on individual characteristics body and immunity of the hostess.

While wearing an earring, the navel sometimes becomes inflamed. And this can lead to various unpleasant consequences. Because of this, girls refuse to wear this accessory. However, do not forget that if you do catch some kind of infection, do not take out the jewelry for anything. Otherwise, the puncture site may fester. In a word, it requires maximum responsibility. We must not forget about treating and disinfecting the wound.

Possible complications

In general, if a girl has her navel pierced, she should be prepared for various not very pleasant consequences. The most dangerous thing that can happen in an unscrupulous salon is the possibility of contracting an infection. Unfortunately, most of Such establishments are not regulated by anyone or anything. Therefore, even the most basic rules security is not respected there.

Despite the fact that in some salons at first glance everything looks quite decent, you should not be firmly convinced that this is really the case. It is quite difficult to distinguish implantation titanium from or silver by eye. But you can’t put such metals into a fresh puncture. “For the sake of easy money,” it happens that salons use this technique. Medical steel is created for the manufacture of surgical instruments. But it is not intended to be worn in the human body. If this happens, your wound will heal not in three months or even a year, but much longer. Moreover, it may never heal at all.

The classic form of decoration is the “banana”. However, not everyone can afford it. If an inexperienced master pierces the navel too close to the edge of the skin or places a “banana” where it cannot take root, you will not understand it right away. But literally in a few months (or years) the jewelry will hang terribly on the thin strip of epidermis left from the puncture. Then it can come off.

Decoration should be decoration

Photos of girls' navels after a piercing do not always look very beautiful. Many salon clients are faced with situations in which they are convinced that it is initially necessary to install a special earring. Such accessories usually look too bulky, cheap and ugly. But they supposedly need to be placed in order for everything to heal. This is actually not true.

Today, there are truly high-quality, beautiful and stylish jewelry that can be placed in a fresh piercing without fear. They won't look cheap. However, the cost of such accessories is considerable. That is why many salons cannot afford to purchase them. As a result, the client has to wear a questionable-looking earring.

How is the procedure done?

Girls with navel piercings really look very bright and stylish. Having decided to decorate their body, they must be prepared for this procedure and know what stages it consists of. To begin with, the specialist carefully examines the structure and shape of the navel. It may be contraindicated for the client to have a piercing. Next, the master offers the girl jewelry that is suitable specifically for her case. The specialist should advise the client about what can and cannot be done after the puncture. For example, playing sports, swimming in pools and open reservoirs, visiting solariums and saunas are strictly prohibited. In addition, the master asks the girl about the nuances of her health, which can have an impact negative impact for wound healing.

The decoration is sterilized along with the marking tool, gloves, needle and gauze pads in an autoclave. After this, the master wipes the navel with a special disinfectant scrub, places a sterile marking on the puncture site and makes it using a sterile needle. The jewelry is inserted immediately, and a patch is applied to the puncture site. The procedure is almost painless. In each salon, the procedures, of course, may differ slightly from each other. However, the closer the process is to the above, the better for you. It is not advisable to use anesthesia. The pain is much stronger than the puncture itself. Moreover, it can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Anatomy is important

Of course, the anatomy of a girl’s body is also important for piercing. Classic piercings are not suitable for everyone. For example, if you don’t have a fold on top that can be pierced, you need to abandon the classics. The girl’s low navel does not allow her to be given an ordinary “banana”. He won't get used to it. In this case, you will need an upper puncture. In general, it all depends on your body.

What about during pregnancy?

Girls have a beautiful navel - this is one of their advantages. However, how to maintain a piercing after pregnancy? During this period, the tissues stretch noticeably and microcracks form. The same substance that causes stretch marks to form quickly appears in them. As a result, the piercing, even if you keep it, will not look beautiful after childbirth. Besides this, he can also move out. In principle, you will still have to remove the earring closer to childbirth. Therefore, as soon as the piercing becomes small, discard it. A new puncture can be done after childbirth. And in the same place.

Choose a good master

Pay attention to highly qualified specialists if you decide to get a navel piercing. Photos of girls in their catalogs will allow you to evaluate the expected final result. Be sure to check the issue of sterilization with the institution of your choice. There are no ultraviolet, dry heat or quartz sterilizers that kill hepatitis and HIV viruses. A good salon should only use a vacuum autoclave, which sterilizes instruments for fifteen minutes.

Ask how the master does the piercing and what material the jewelry he offers is made of. What is used in the product: nickel-free gold or implantation titanium? Remember that the puncture is done with special needles. Under no circumstances should you go to salons where clients are offered piercings with a gun. It is impossible to sterilize it. If at least one of the previous clients was infected, everyone who came here after him may also get sick.

Well, and, of course, pay attention to the salon itself. The room should be uncluttered, bright and clean. It is ideal if inventory and equipment are kept perfectly clean. Diplomas and certificates of a piercer specialist should also be located here. In a word, if you want to decorate your navel, follow these recommendations! Good luck!


We most often forget about this part of the body and do not attach much importance to it.

Do you have a prominent or deep belly button? Are you noticing that you are developing belly button fuzz? How normal is your belly button?

Here are the answers to these questions and more Interesting Facts about the navel.

1. Navel shape

Only 4 percent of people have a convex navel, while for the rest it resembles a depression.

The navel is the first scar in a person's life, which remains after the removal of the umbilical cord connecting the fetus to the mother. The umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth and the remainder falls off, leaving the belly button.

Just like fingerprints, no two people have the same belly button.

2. What should the navel be like?

According to scientists from University of Helsinki, who showed photographs of navels to men and women, small, vertical navels in the shape of the letter T were considered the most beautiful. Such a navel can make its owner more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

In addition, the Finnish researcher Aki Sinkkonen(Aki Sinkkonen), believes that a woman's navel can reveal information about a woman's reproductive potential, including the risk of certain genetic and maternally inherited congenital anomalies.

3. Model Karolina Kurkova without a navel

All placental mammals, including humans, have an umbilicus, as we were all once connected to our mother's body through the umbilical cord.

According to the well-known Czech model Karolina Kurkova does not have a belly button, but this is due to the fact that she underwent surgery to remove it as a child. According to some doctors, the operation could have been performed due to an umbilical hernia. Another celebrity who lost her belly button after surgery is famous film director Alfred Hitchcock.

4. Belly button fluff

Although many people experience so-called lint in their belly button, some people are more prone to it.

According to research by Australian scientists, umbilical fuzz is most often observed in middle-aged men with increased abdominal hair.

This occurs because lint is the result of hair rubbing against clothing fabric and is a mixture of clothing fibers, sweat, skin cells and bacteria.

It is also known that new clothes often leads to the formation of umbilical fluff.

5. Navel during pregnancy

As a rule, the shape of the navel, whether convex or hollow, remains the same as at birth. But during pregnancy, the shape of the navel may change, although the structure itself remains unchanged. After childbirth, the navel returns to its original shape.

6. The navel determines success in sports.

The position of your navel helps determine how fast you can run or swim. Scientists from Duke University have found that it is not the shape of the navel that matters, but its position in relation to the rest of the body.

The navel is the center of gravity, which explains why athletes of African descent are more likely to outperform athletes of European descent. Their legs are longer, making their belly buttons an average of 3 centimeters higher than those of white athletes.

7. Navel and bacteria

Researchers have discovered that the human belly button is home to 1,400 various types bacteria, most of which are completely harmless. Only when certain conditions, these bacteria can pose health risks, such as in cases of decreased immunity or sunburn.

8. Pain in the navel

Most often, pain that appears in the navel area indicates a small problem, for example, overeating after a very heavy meal. In some cases, this may indicate a hernia, viral or bacterial infection.

Often the very first symptom of appendicitis is also discomfort around the navel, which then moves to the lower abdomen.

Belly button pain is a common concern for pregnant women, but it is most often caused by stretching of the muscles and skin during pregnancy. If pain persists for more than 3-4 days and interferes with everyday activities, you should seek help from a doctor.

9. Navel Piercing

Navel piercings require a longer healing time (up to 9 months) than other types of piercings (ear and eyebrow piercings heal within 6-8 weeks). Long time healing makes the area more susceptible to infection.

Wearing tight-fitting clothing can only increase the risk. A barbell instead of a ring as a piercing can reduce irritation and scarring.

10. How to remove the navel?

People who are dissatisfied with the shape of their navel resort to plastic surgery, called umblikopalstika. The popularity of low-waist jeans and crop tops has led to an increase in requests for corrections appearance navel Most of them are women who want to correct a protruding belly button into a dimpled belly button.

The calling card of the entire continent of Australia is not the kangaroo, but Sydney Opera House. It is impossible to confuse this building with anything else. It is unusual, original and simply unforgettable.

The theater project was created in such a way that the building fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. They spread out around the theater sea ​​spaces, that is why Jorn Utzon, a Danish architect, came up with the idea of ​​“giving” the Sydney Opera House a roof in the form of sails or shells. This unusual building is located in a quiet harbor, on the very shore of the bay. And nearby you can see another of the world's attractions - the Harbor Bridge, a luxurious bridge.

The theater project was so difficult to implement that its construction took 14 years, and the pleasure itself was far from cheap (about 102 million US dollars). And in 1973, even Elizabeth II herself, the famous Queen of England, came to the opening of the Sydney Opera House. The building of the luxurious theater is included in the UNESCO list and is under its protection. It is almost impossible to describe this structure in numbers. The length of the building alone is 185 meters. And here total weight structure is equal to 161,000 tons.

In this lesson we will draw the Sydney Opera House building in Adobe Illustrator. The lesson is intended for users who are familiar with the program and its functions. After we draw the building and background, we export the file to Adobe Photoshop, where we turn the work into an animated GIF picture.


1. Draw a building

Step 1

Let's start by creating a new document in Adobe Illustrator with the following parameters:

Step 2

First, let's create horizontal line 2px thick in the middle of our workspace. Do this with the Line Segment tool.

Then draw a rectangle (340x6px), with a 2 px thick stroke. This will be the base of the opera.

Step 3

Now let's draw the walls of the building. Draw some rectangles and then use the Pen Tool (P) to add reference points, and with the Direct Selection Tool (A) drag the points up.

Then add windows and doors using the Rectangle Tool (M).

Step 4

Now let's draw the domes with the Pen tool. Draw the first dome white with a stroke thickness of 2.

Now let's create a shadow for the dome. To do this, duplicate the dome itself (Ctrl+C & Ctrl+F), remove the stroke for the top copy. Draw a shadow, then place a copy of the dome without a stroke on top of the shadow, select both objects, right-click and select Make Clipping Mask. Group all the dome elements together, and repeat the same procedure with the remaining domes.

Step 5

Now let's draw the windows in the domes.

First, let's designate the intersections with the Line Segment tool, then with the Shape Builder tool (Shift+M) we'll create windows, and then we'll erase the unnecessary elements.

Step 6

Now let's create the overhanging terraces. Using the Pen Tool (P), draw the terraces and send them to the background.

We will also create highlights on the windows. To do this, draw white rectangles and, using clipping masks (as we did above), limit the presence of glare only on the windows.

Our building is ready!

Step 7

Now let's deal with the sea and clouds.

First, let's draw rectangles of different widths, but the same height - 6px. This will be our water. Combine the rectangles in the Pathfinder/Pathfinder palette, and round the corners for the entire object. Using the Line Segment Tool, draw short strokes on the water, 2px thick. Finally create a background and draw clouds from two circles different sizes. Combine the circles, cut the bottom part in a straight line.

Now let's move on to Photoshop to animate the clouds!

Step 8

Before moving on to another graphics editor, let's prepare our file. To do this, in the Layer palette, select the layer in which you worked, click on the menu arrow, and select “Release to Layers (Sequence)”. Then select File>Export>Export As... from the menu and select the Photoshop format (.psd) with the options below.

2. Create an Animated GIF in Photoshop

Step 1

First, let's open our file. Select Create Video Time from the Timeline palette.

Step 2

We will be working with three frames. Let's start by animating layers 4, 6 and 7. Create frames with the original arrangement of elements and move the clouds to the right in the third frame. We do the same with layers 2,3 and 5, only we move the clouds to the left.

Step 3

Now we just need to export the file to GIF format. To do this, select File>Export>Save for Web from the menu. And specify the parameters as in the picture below.


Translation – Duty room