Czech girls and their holidays. The most beautiful Czech female models (13 photos)

But today I decided to write an essay about what I think about Czech women and what they look like.

1. Let me start with the fact that there are a lot of beautiful girls in the Czech Republic. I would say that there is the largest number of pretty girls among European countries. There is no point in comparing Czech women with average German, Austrian or Norwegian women: this is heaven and earth.

2. Most often, Czechs have light brown or light brown hair; brunettes and blondes are less common. They can be distinguished from our girls by their slightly larger nose, but not as big as that of the Austrians.

3. Czech women love sports very much, they are hardy. Even if a girl seems plump to you, it doesn’t mean anything, she can easily walk kilometers quickly, carry three bags from the store and a couple of children. When they have a free minute, they run, ride a bike, go hiking, etc. lead an active lifestyle.

4. Czech women are very relaxed: they can calmly sit in a sauna naked, sunbathe topless, change clothes in front of everyone. But at the same time they don’t look like B and are shy.

5. Czech women are usually cute. Like all representatives of Slavic peoples, Czechs often look sad and simply do not smile at strangers. But if you make friends with them, do some minimally pleasant thing, then they will be pleased, and they will definitely smile at you. I would call this trait "the absence of a Western hypocritical smile."

6. Czechs are far from lazy. Like any normal person, they take care of home, family, work, study, build a career, raise children, meet with relatives. By the way, most girls in the Czech Republic work.

7. They use little cosmetics, but at the same time they have smooth skin, a healthy complexion, and no wrinkles. I think that here girls and women look good without makeup, because the Czech Republic has a good environment, high-quality natural products, and there is general relaxation and kindness in the air.

8. They don’t behave provocatively and vulgarly, they don’t do cool makeup and hairstyles like Russians, they’re just different. There are models who wear heels, dresses, and beautiful makeup, but most Czech women prefer naturalness and beauty, wear comfortable sportswear or jeans, and most often look ridiculous and funny in heels. The most common clothing for Czech women is jeans, a light sports jacket, sneakers or sneakers, and a backpack. Even if a girl is carrying a leather bag, she may have a backpack hanging behind her back, and I sincerely don’t understand why they would do that.

9. Girls in the Czech Republic are prudent; they cannot, like Russians or Italians, spend all their money on a fur coat and then pay off the loan for a year. Therefore, if you meet a girl in the Czech Republic wearing a fur coat, hung with gold jewelry and expensive clothes, it means that she is from a rich family and can really afford it.

10. Czechs love to cook, and they prepare a variety of food, including baking sweets themselves, making pickles, baking meat, and barbecuing. In stores you can see that Czechs buy products specifically for cooking, and not semi-finished products, and books with recipes are quite popular in stores.

12th place. Zdenka Podkapova / Zdenka Podkapova(born August 6, 1977, Brno, Czech Republic) is a Czech model, known mainly for her nude photo shoots. She became Penthouse magazine's Girl of the Year in 2001. In her youth she was seriously involved in gymnastics and became a 4-time champion of the Czech Republic.

11th place. (born December 27, 1979, Pilsen, Czech Republic) - Czech model, Miss Czech Republic 1999, represented the country at Miss World 1999.

10th place. (born May 24, 1981, Most, Czech Republic) - Czech model. Became Playboy's June 2003 Girl of the Year.

9th place. - Czech model.

8th place. (born July 30, 1988) - Czech model. She represented the country at the Miss Earth 2008 competition. Height is 176 cm, measurements 89-64-91.

7th place. Simona Krainova / Simona Krainova(born February 19, 1973, Haviřov, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel and TV presenter. Height 175 cm, measurements 89-59-89.

6th place. Karolina Kurkova(born February 28, 1984, Decin, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 180.5 cm, parameters 84-58.5-87.5.

5th place. (born June 19, 1977, Olomouc, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 178 cm, measurements 92-61-89.

4th place. (born October 14, 1970, Teplice, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 180 cm, parameters 86.5-59-91.5.

3rd place. (born March 10, 1973, Litvinov, Czech Republic) - Czech top model and actress. In Russian-language media, her last name and the girl’s first name are written Eva Herzigova, which is not entirely correct, because Czechs pronounce Eva Herzigova. Height 181 cm, figure parameters 89-63.5-90.

2nd place. (born April 14, 1975, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) is a former Czech model, known for her nude photo shoots. At the end of 2003, she married a German businessman, and soon after that she stopped acting.

1 place. Pavlina Porzhizkova / Pavlína Pořízková(born April 9, 1965, Prostejov, Czech Republic) - supermodel, actress and writer. You can also find her name spelled as Polina, and her last name as Porizkova. She has lived in the United States since the 80s and has American as well as Swedish citizenship (her parents fled to Sweden from Czechoslovakia in 1968).

Czechs are Slavs, and therefore are known for their “Slavic beauty,” which is confirmed by many Czech top models in the world. But, in addition to admiration and compliments, popular stereotypes about “Slavic women” also apply to Czechs.

Thus, many condescendingly call them “submissive housewives” with an outdated attitude towards career, motherhood and home and accuse them of excessive love for inappropriate revealing clothes, high heels and bright makeup.

Czechs are in no hurry to dispel such “myths”, but simply do not pay attention to such reasoning, allowing foreigners to come to the country themselves and draw their own conclusions. And this strategy is bearing fruit - the number of marriages with foreigners has increased by leaps and bounds, and the foreigners themselves on thematic forums have begun to call the main “accessory” of modern Czech women not even beauty, but “quiet dignity.”

Serious scientists have recently become interested in Czech women. Thus, the American researcher Marianne Ferber, in her work on Czech feminism, writes that modern Czech women have inherited “an amazing mixture of strong family values, a strong position in the labor market, a sense of self-worth and independence.”

“She (a modern Czech girl - approx.) is both a housewife and the breadwinner of the family. And he’s proud of it,” says the specialist.

So what can we learn from Czech women? Here are at least 10 features of the “female” approach to relationships in the Czech Republic, which many will be interested to know about.

10. Czech women are not afraid to date a younger man

In the Czech Republic, most people are completely relaxed about couples in which the woman is younger than the man. An age difference, even a fairly large one, is not considered a sign of an “unequal marriage” here, and no one calls a woman with a younger partner “predator”, “bitch” and other unprintable words.

For example, the famous Czech actress Gabriela Osvaldova, at the age of 58, calmly dated a 37-year-old man. Now she is 63, she has long lived separately from her husband, musician Ondřej Soukup, with whom she has a child together, maintains an excellent relationship and has no plans to divorce. Soukup, in turn, lives with another woman, but meets his “legal” wife almost every day. This is the kind of family they have.

9. Czech women are not ashamed of their bodies

Many Czechs are actively involved in sports - gyms in this country are never empty, discounts in sports stores attract hundreds of buyers, and the streets and in bad weather are full of tough women running even in rain and snow.

Moreover, most of them choose sports not to “sculpt” an ideal figure, but rather for psychological relief and general health. Therefore, an ordinary Czech woman (taking into account the famous love of beer, which is in all Czechs’ genes) cannot boast of ideal six-pack abs.

However, this does not stop Czech women from wearing the clothes they like. Short shorts? Playful sundress? Sports top? “Put it on, of course! What’s stopping you?” a typical Czech woman will say.

8. Czechs are relaxed about alcohol

Photo: still from the Czech film “Chronicles of Ordinary Madness”,

Czech women cannot be called anti-alcohol. All foreigners living in the Czech Republic know that every Czech at least once a week. And this is not counting the wine that people in Moravia love, make and drink with pleasure, as well as homemade plum brandy, which almost everyone has in the refrigerator “just in case”.

However, Czech women, on average, drink half as much as their partners, according to the World Health Organization. The same cannot be said, for example, about residents of the UK and the USA, for whom it is more difficult to determine their size.

Even a survey conducted by the Czech brewer Budějovický Budvar shows that men in the Czech Republic drink about 5 glasses of beer at a time, and women - no more than three. In practice - even less.

7. Czech women are not easy to get

Photo: still from the film “Lida Baarova”, film page on Facebook

While American women are binge-reading books like “Why Men Love Bitches: How to Become the Woman of His Dreams” (these books are often among the bestsellers in this country), and Russian women are attending trainings a la “How to Become a Millionaire’s Wife,” Czech women and without this, they have learned to drive men crazy.

Foreigners often call Czechs “snow queens”, but they do not complain, but continue to seek their attention by any means.

6. Czech women love to experiment with clothes

Photo: Czech top model Karolina Kurkova's Facebook page

Some say that Czech women still cannot get enough of the variety of clothes that they were deprived of during communist times, and therefore continue to put on all the most beautiful things at once.

Some are sure that Czech women are completely far from fashion, because they prefer comfort - and wear elegant summer dresses with hiking sandals and huge backpacks.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle: Czech girls really rarely choose fashion over practicality. At the same time, they are not afraid of unexpected combinations, they know how to dress up if they want, and do not chase brands.

5. Czech women are not afraid of housework

Photo: Good Housekeeping Facebook page

A Czech girl can easily spend a whole day off ironing all the bed linen, even if she lives completely alone. Simply because he wants to do it for himself.

Compared to women in Western countries, especially neighboring Germany and Austria, Czech women may seem more “economical”, but the average Russian or Belarusian woman would rather classify them as some stereotypical “lazy feminists” who - oh my God - prefer to share household chores with their partner and family responsibilities equally.

A husband who regularly washes the dishes after dinner or goes on maternity leave will not surprise anyone in the Czech Republic.

4. Czechs don’t eat enough at night

At this point we are talking more about the different approach to food in Europe and, for example, in Russia or the USA. In the last two countries, it is often customary to leave the largest meal for the evening - because there is no time for breakfast and especially lunch, and it is easier to prepare a hearty dinner, because hunger accumulates during the day.

In the Czech Republic, as, for example, in France, the main meal is still lunch. In a canteen, cafe, restaurant or prepared at home and packed in a container. Czech women usually have a very light dinner, so although they cannot boast of six-pack abs, they are much less likely to suffer from excess weight.

3. Czech women are polite but sincere

Photo: Czech top model Eva Herzigova's Facebook page

Americans especially value them for this. After all, in the USA it is customary to smile at everyone with or without reason, which often interferes with solving problems that arise. Czech women may seem cold, but foreigners consider them less superficial and more professional, since their refusal to pretend to be actively friendly helps them cope much better with conflict situations at work.

In this sense, Czechs are close to Eastern Slavs. Although, compared to Russian or Belarusian women, in most cases they will seem more polite to a foreigner, especially when it comes to officials.

2. Czech women are not talkative

Many foreigners note that Czechs are very calm and self-sufficient. Among them there are rarely those who like to chat with a friend about secrets to the whole office or, when meeting a new person, loudly greet a new person and then run to hug him.

Among colleagues, for example, questions about personal life are not welcome. And in general, at work, Czechs prefer to maintain friendly, but more neutral, relationships.

1. Czech women know how to enjoy life

In any country, anyone can suffer from mood swings or feel sad because of bad weather, get tired, get sick, or have a fight with loved ones. The Czech Republic is no exception.

But no matter what happens, Czechs do not forget to say hello to their neighbor on the stairs, or to the cashier at the store, or to the people sitting in line to see the doctor at the clinic. They love to travel and sip wine in cafes, and take their children and dogs everywhere.

In the evening, they ride on the subway or tram with tired, but happy and calm faces, because work is over and they can relax and not worry about a hundred other things, many of which have not even happened yet.

Czech women are not afraid to look for what they really need and make choices in favor of family or work without feeling guilty or ashamed.

Well-known “nightclubs” where it’s easy to find a girl are: Darling Cabaret, Club Empire, Atlas Cabaret Night Club, Exasy, Capitan Nemo and others. Having entered and sat down at a table in one of these establishments (by the way, entry can be paid or free), a waitress will first approach you and if entry was free, you will have to order something. At least beer, which can cost 2-5-10 times more than in a restaurant. It's best to study the menu first. And then one or two strangers will approach you with an offer to rent themselves to you. The comfort room will most likely be either in the basement or on the second floor. Everything is culturally equipped, bed, shower, etc.

Guide to action: sex in Prague.
Prostitution in Prague is a fairly profitable business, since millions of tourists visit Prague every year. The bulk of clients of establishments of this kind are already tipsy and well-fed tourists. That's why sex in Prague with prostitutes goes quickly and without any fuss. Its quality leaves much to be desired. Among prostitutes in Prague a very small percentage of women living in Prague and the Czech Republic in general. There are girls from Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia, Albania, Poland. There are beauties with skin of all shades of chocolate from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Czechs often lose to their colleagues from other countries. Alas, not all Czech women have the appearance of models and beauties.

Legends are written about the temperament of Czech women. Rumor has it that they are many times hotter than Czech men. Even in order to save their families, husbands are forced to forgive their women for infidelity. The dominance of prostitutes from other countries in Prague forces local workers to support this legend. Girls have to learn foreign languages ​​and be able to hold intelligent conversations. Many speak Russian. You shouldn’t expect sentimentality and devotion from Czechs; they know from childhood that sex is just a healthy physiological process.

Overall quality sex in Prague various. The most selected elite girls go to the West in search of earnings, trying to get a job in good prestigious brothels on the border with Germany. Girls from the street can give themselves to you for 20 euros (this is the minimum) per hour, but they can also give themselves to you for 100 euros. Girls from brothels and nightclubs, cabarets will cost more. Here the price tag will be from 60 to 200 euros per hour. Same-sex love, which is as easy to find in Prague as regular love, will cost about the same.

There are also free brothels in Prague. The most famous of them is probably Big Sister. Here you can choose a girl or bring her with you. You will be provided with everything you need: bedding, towels, protective equipment. But this Prague brothel is not entirely free. You will still have to pay by signing a paper stating that you do not object to the fact that videos of your love games will be broadcast on the Internet. Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone. students, and not for money-saving moneybags whose appearance in an “adult film” could ruin their career.

Safety with prostitutes in the Czech Republic

Prostitution is not prohibited in the Czech Republic, so those who pick up a girl for the night should not fear problems with the police. However, lovers of love are in for an hour of trouble of a different kind in Prague. In general, Prague is not the safest city in the world. Having met a girl on the street, she may invite you to her room or to an alley. It's impossible to guess the ending here. Maybe a dose of sleeping pills is waiting for you in her room, and in the alley there is her muscular friend who will take your money and valuables. It is also not recommended to apply through newspaper advertisements. The advertisements skillfully lure people into private saunas and other places of active recreation. It would be safer to take the girl to your hotel room.

Brothels in Prague are relatively safe, especially those that are well-known and popular. These establishments are worried about their reputation. Regular customers visit them regularly. Clubs try to maintain their brand. The owners of the establishments take care of the girls.

I would like to add that when using Prague brothels or Prague prostitutes, or anyone else in general, do not forget about protecting your health. You can read more about Prague prostitutes and Prague brothels in the article « « .

Search: Prostitutes in Prague, Brothels in Prague, Brothels in the Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is not only ancient castles, stunning cathedrals and grandiose bridges that literally breathe history, it is also one of the main places of pilgrimage for lovers of sexual adventures in Europe, not much inferior even to the advanced Holland and Germany.

Here sex is treated as a simple human need like food or sleep, the girls are overwhelmingly beautiful and natural, and communication with them is easy and unobtrusive. Here they understand the difference between love and sex and, if the situation leans towards a quick acquaintance for one night, they will not demand more.

In addition, the country has many sex attractions, some of which may surprise even a sophisticated tourist.

The main one, perhaps, can be called the recently opened museum of sex machines in Prague, where local collectors have collected almost two hundred erotic exhibits on three floors of an ancient building in the city center. About 100 thousand tourists come to the capital every year to see this festival of sexual imagination. The museum's collection includes erotic films created by amateurs at the very beginning of the twentieth century, erotic clothing and other household items with a similar purpose.

However, even if you are interested not so much in sights as in communication, the Czech Republic will definitely not disappoint you.

Girls: wayward traitors

Czechs are typical Western Slavs, although not only Slavic, but also German features often appear in their faces. Luxurious blondes and sizzling brunettes are found here on an industrial scale, and the character of Czech women is mostly soft, but not without a certain waywardness. To achieve their favor, you will have to try, but with closer communication they quickly become open and pliable.

According to a number of studies, Czech women are much more active than men in intimate matters, and they do not always have enough local ones. It is not surprising that here, as in many European countries, the phenomenon of so-called sexual hospitality is observed.

According to a survey by the Czech agency SANEP, about 35% of Czech women admitted that they had once been unfaithful to their partner (in Russia the percentage is much lower - 23%), every fifth did not consider flirting to be treason, and every twentieth did not consider kissing and even the use of paid erotic sex to be treason. services

True, Czechs have their first sexual experience on average at the age of 18, although the age of consent here is much lower - you can have sex legally from the age of 15. According to the survey, local women change 5-6 sexual partners in their lives, which is quite a lot by European standards.

Sex travelers should also be reassured by the official statistics on infidelity. According to sexologists from Charles University, 46% of Czech women cheated on their husbands and seven out of ten residents of this country had sexual relations before marriage. Statisticians note that the least amount of sex is had in the south of the country - in Moravia, and most often - of course, in Prague.

Getting to know each other is as easy as shelling pears

By evening, the cozy streets of Prague light up with lights and the city retreats into itself, curling up like a flower into a bud. The time is coming for pubs and bars, warm evenings and tart smells.

In autumn and winter, warm trdelniki and mulled wine in coffee cups are sold on the streets, so both locals and tourists are always ready for new acquaintances and pleasant adventures. It won’t be difficult to meet a beautiful Czech girl on any of these evenings.

Czech women, whose character combines features of both the Western and Slavic worlds, are independent and at the same time susceptible to standard manifestations of romantic interest. Here it is customary to give flowers, hold hands, drink wine by candlelight on open verandas (fortunately, the landscapes of ancient cities are conducive to this), and compliments will be received with a smile, but will sink deep into the heart.

The main thing is not to forget that many familiar words in Czech mean something completely different from what you might think. So you shouldn’t be surprised if you are dubbed a “baby” (that is, a bachelor), and you definitely shouldn’t call your brother’s wife your “daughter-in-law” (that’s what they say in the Czech Republic about girls of easy virtue). In order not to complicate your cattle (that is, life) and attract shame (that is, attention), speak English.

It’s not difficult to come up with a topic for conversation. We can’t vouch for the provincial Czech Republic, but Prague women almost universally adore three things – modern art, nightclubs and, imagine, hockey. You can argue with someone about the significance of the works of David Cerny, someone can be invited to Karlovy Lazne or Sasaza, and someone will probably want to discuss the result of the last match between Slavia and Sparta, or, at worst, the Eurotour . And if you prepare for these topics in advance, continuation will certainly follow.

However, don’t forget about your phone; with the advent of dating apps, sexual adventures have become an integral part of any trip, the lifestyle of every young traveler. The Czech Republic was no exception, where almost all young men and women use such applications.

It wouldn’t hurt to change the location to the city you need before your trip - in order to hook up the girls you like in advance and meet them almost at the airport.

The main thing to mention here is to protect yourself. Remember that condoms are needed not only for contraception, but also for your protection - often the partner herself may not be aware of the diseases she carries. Choose only reliable and durable condoms, for example, the German brand VIZIT.