Anime main character turns into a fox. What does Russia have to do with werefoxes?

In 2005, the Envoy of the Great White Brotherhood T.N. Mikushina, with the inspiration given from above by the Lord Sanat Kumara, began to compose Rosaries intended for spiritual work. This book includes Rosaries compiled on the basis of the Messages given by Mother Mary. The Rosary of the Grace of Mother Mary is compiled according to the Catholic tradition of Rosaries, the remaining 13 small Rosaries are compiled according to the matrix that Mother Mary herself gave to Tatiana Nikolaevna.

The word Rosary translated from Latin (rosarium) means “wreath of roses.” And it’s probably hard to think of more beautiful name for alternating prayers and Divine Wisdom given by the Lords. We offer our prayers to Mother Mary like wreaths of roses - rosaries. “I need the energy of your prayers,” Mother Mary tells us, to help every person on the planet.

“... let the recitation of my Rosaries... be the first priority of your life in the near future. You must give me one Rosary daily. I beg you. I beg you, my beloved."

By sending our love and energy of prayer to Mother Mary, we can thereby help not only ourselves and those people who are close to us, but also strangers who also need our help. This is how the worlds interact and unite through the great grace of God.

Mother of God, Mary of Grace - with what joy these words resonate in our hearts when we reverently read the prayer in the Rosary:

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Lord Sanat Kumara gives us very important recommendations for reciting the Rosaries:

“I want to draw your attention to the fact that when you read the prayer of the Mother of God, you should keep in your mind not only the image of Mother Mary. Each of you must become the Mother of God and give birth to Christ, your Christ consciousness. Try to identify yourself with Our Lady, whether you are a man or a woman. Regardless of your gender, you are all mothers, and you are all to give birth to Christ, your Christ Mind, your Divinity.

God the Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit resides in each of you. I ask you to introduce into your daily spiritual work the recitation of these Rosaries, which we give through our Messenger Tatiana.”

“Everything you send into this world comes back to you. Therefore, give generously, sparing neither yourself nor the time for reciting your Rosaries. All the energy that you selflessly give to God will be returned to you.

And everything will happen for the best.

God loves you and always gives you the opportunity to go through life in the best way.”

Every Sunday, within the framework of the Center for Spiritual Development according to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, a group reading of the Rosaries of Mother Mary is held.

The Rosary is one of the most powerful and effective spiritual tools designed to accelerate spiritual growth, opening the heart chakra and balancing the three-fold flame that burns on the altar of the heart of each lifestream. The Rosaries contain a large momentum of the Violet Flame, which is released when recited. Thus, by reading the Rosary, you have the opportunity to transmute your karma and the karma of planet Earth, to prevent natural disasters and human disasters.

Literally, Rosary means a wreath of roses. Reading the Rosary is a deep mystical process. The Rosary helps to tune into the heart of Mother Mary and call upon a very intense Light from Spiritual Kingdom. This Light literally transforms the entire being, helping to find Unity with Mother Mary, with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and with all Life. By practicing the recitation of the Rosaries, the veil between Heaven and earth gradually begins to dissolve and step by step the student begins to gain a deeper understanding and awareness of himself and the life around him.

Most The best way to know what the Rosary is is, of course, to recite it.

In the center Spiritual development according to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, a group of everyone who wishes traditionally gathers weekly to read the Rosary together, thereby attracting the Light into this physical octave. We honor this as a service to all people on planet Earth.

The history of Rosaries goes back many centuries. Christians prayed to God through Jesus and Mary, and forms of prayer developed from the foundation early church and until now.

Jesus taught his apostles the “Lord’s Prayer”: “But when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly” (Matt. 6:6). Thus his followers learned: in order for prayer to be effective, they must enter into the core of their Being, which burns on the altar of the heart. The presence of the Father answers every prayer spoken in the secret chamber of the heart. The reward for diligent prayer always comes as the release of the energy of Being.

Repetition of prayers, meditations and mantras done with the power of the spoken Word are not wasted if they are offered sincerely. And through the influence of Light, the verbal expression of statements made on behalf of the Christ Self is the fulfillment of cosmic law. The knowledge of this law was given to people by the prophets of the Old and New Testaments. In the two thousand year history of Christian prayer, Jesus established the pattern of dealing with the Father through prayer, not only as a life of effective love, but also as the conversation of the Son with the beloved Father.

Since the birth of Adam, people have called on the name of the Lord. The use of pebbles or beads strung on a thread or carried in a pocket has long been a way of counting prayers in both Eastern and Western Western tradition praising the Lord in prayers and songs. The pattern of the Rosary can be traced back to ninth-century Ireland, with monks chanting 150 Psalms of David daily. While in the East Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were invoked, and, as a heavenly addition, Durga, in Europe many devotees repeated the words of greeting to Mary: “Hail, O Blessed One! The Lord is with You."

Thus, those who saw in the Virgin the Mother of Christ and the Mediator of the Father, carried their prayers to her like a bouquet of roses. Over time, these prayers became an important Christian ritual known as the Rosary (from the Latin "rosari-um" - rose garden). The name Mary, which means “Lady of Light,” shows that God filled her with wisdom and light, like a shining star to illuminate heaven and earth. The word “Graceful” recalls the Holy Spirit, who poured out so much grace on Mother Mary that she is able to fully impart it to those who want to receive it through her as a Mediator.

Later, the Hail Mary prayer in European Christianity strengthened devotion to Mary, leading to the further spread of the recitation of the Rosary. In the thirteenth century new forms of the Rosary appeared. "Praises to Jesus" were composed. Later "Praises of Mary" appeared. For some time, four types of the Rosary have been used: 1) "Our Father", 2) "Hail Mary", 3) "Praises of Jesus" and 4) "Praises of Mary".

The combination of several Rosaries was first used in the 15th century. Dominique Prus began to preface each Hail Mary prayer with quotes from the lives of Mary and Jesus. Every ten Hail Mary prayers were followed by the Our Father. In 1470, Alan Rupski spread this Rosary throughout Europe, and this form became so popular that it remains the basis of the biblical Rosary to this day.

Mother Mary says: “For centuries, the main request during my apparitions was the recitation of prayers and the Rosary for the salvation of souls. And millions were saved because millions responded to my call.” Appearing in Fatima, Medjugorje and other places in the world, Mary spoke of what could happen on Earth if we do not heed her warnings.

In 1984, Mary said: “I carry the prophecy of Fatima. And I go from one door to another, from one heart to another and knock, looking for those who will come and pray with me - offer prayers of the violet flame, or read the Rosary, or make calls to Archangel Michael. Prayer is the most important thing, for it opens the door and angels pass through the veil to prevent disasters and misfortunes.”

Thanks to her intercession, miracles happened again and again. When it was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 atomic bomb, eight people who lived eight blocks from the epicenter nuclear explosion, miraculously remained unharmed. One of them, Father Hubert Schiffner, explained: “In this house the Rosary was recited daily. We lived in this house, fulfilling the message of Fatima.”

The Blessed Mother fiercely protects her children and speaks directly about the ills of society: “The earth was filled with darkness pouring from the movie screens. Darkness filled the land, hanging over the churches built to honor the name of my Son. The earth is overrun with darkness as candidates vie with each other for power in politics, seeking to gain a mortal crown... Catastrophic destruction can occur if the teachings of God are not realized in the hearts of many men and women who are now preoccupied only with themselves, without understanding the great needs of mankind.”

Thus, the recitation of the Rosary is a celebration of the Motherhood of God and the Divine Sonship, which can never be limited to one church or one creed. Since the theme of the son of God, born of the Cosmic Virgin, is found here and there in many world religions, then all of humanity will one day honor the Mother as the Source of Life, and the Son of God as the Savior of Light in each of us.

Anyone who recites the Rosary and feels the love of Mother Mary can return that love to her through meditation, praise and affirmation. Mother Mary says: “When you, reading the Rosary, come to a certain moment of achievement, I will come to you and put a rosary of roses consisting of fiery stars on your neck - each bead will be a star of Light, And you will recognize the very moment when I will come, for you will feel a garland of Light around your neck. And you will be rewarded for your faithful service to my Immaculate Heart and the rose, which is the symbol of the flowering of the Mother Flame in the consciousness of humanity.”

Mother Mary explained her calling to be the Mother of God - Guardian of the Flame: “I AM the cosmic mother and the same mother to you as I am to the beloved Jesus. This concept, which means the mother of the incarnation of the Divine Spirit, reveals the wonderful truth that any mother who understands what is said - “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” - can become the Mother of God.”

To be a Mother means to give birth, upbringing, care and protection. Thus, to be the Mother of God means to give birth, nurturing, care and protection to His Flame on Earth. To be the Mother of the Flame of the Spirit in the planes of Matter is the calling of the Feminine Ray, both in men and women. These men and women, created by God in His image and likeness, will not be able to achieve their fulfillment on Earth without becoming mothers and educators of the Flame of Life in themselves and these little ones. Our highest calling is to bear fruit and multiply the Flame of the Most High in this world, which is the testing ground for the coming eternal miracle!

Mary is the beloved of our hearts. She shows us how not only to love and worship the Father, but also to carry His Light and strengthen it on the plane of Matter, giving birth to the Divine child son. She shows us that by elevating the Feminine Ray, every woman can become a Woman clothed with the sun of righteousness, and that, by strictly fulfilling the Law, every woman can wear a crown of twelve stars as a sign of the achievement of the twelve godly virtues.

Mary set the pattern of liberation for this and every other age. If we truly strive for liberation, we must follow it always - through the dedication of body, soul and mind, nourishing the Seed of Alpha throughout the Cosmos, which is the Body of Omega.

Mother Mary said: “Christ must be born in every man and every woman. The Christ Seed is to be cherished and propagated as the Three Folded Flame of love, wisdom and power, as having sovereignty as the primary function of Life. Then I (the God-Flame in me) automatically becomes (for it is dedicated to this) the Cosmic Mother to every son and daughter of Heaven. And then you automatically become what you dedicated the energies of your I AM Presence to. You too can become that I AM if you establish your desire with the power and authority of the I AM.”

Mother Mary, patronizing Russia for centuries, saved her people from many troubles, and remains for us an intercessor, healer and adviser. Mother Mary asked the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, to pray for Russia. Since then, many around the world have been reading the Rosary, thanks to which the revival of Russia and the enlightenment of its people are possible.

On an autumn morning in 1979, Our Lady appeared to the Mother of the Flame during her morning meditation and said: “I want to give you the ritual of the Rosary for the Guardians of the Flame.” It must become the biblical Rosary, intended for those who are devoted to the true teachings of Christ as taught by the Ascended Masters, so that the Age of Aquarius may become possible. It should be used as a celebration of the Mother Flame by all people of all faiths. For, you see, the greeting "Hail Mary" - the opening lines of "Hail Mary" - simply means "Hail Thee, Mother ray" and is a statement praising the Mother Flame in every particle of Life. Every time you pronounce these words, you evoke the action of the Mother Light in the hearts of all humanity.

Thus the Rosary is sacred ritual, by which all the children of God can return to their immaculate conception in the Heart of the Cosmic Virgin.

The “Biblical Rosary for a New Era” dictated by Guru Ma is a tool for liberation from the sense of sinfulness and the erroneous concept of original sin. After all, every soul is immaculately conceived (conceived) by Almighty God, and God the Father is the beginning of all cycles of human existence. That which is conceived in sin, not from God, has neither the power nor the constancy of Reality. Everything that is real is from God; all that is unreal will go away when humanity becomes one with the Mother Flame. Daily recitation of the Rosary is the surest means of achieving this unity.”

First, Mother Mary communicated the 7 sacraments for the 7 rays and the prayers that are used in this case. Then the Mysteries of Mastery for the Eighth Ray, which focus the greatness and mastery of God. At her third apparition, the Holy Virgin provided the sacraments and form of prayer for the five Secret Rays. The Virgin Mary also said that when enough people had established their daily ritual of repeating these Rosaries, she would dictate the fourteenth Rosary.

Mother Mary encourages us to use “pearl rosaries when counting our Hail Mary prayers.” She says: “If a child once felt safe in the arms of the Divine Mother, if the child knew this and began to pray to the Divine Mother daily, he will always be protected, he will always receive supporting energy mother's love to carry out your divine plan and remain on the path of virtue and holiness, honor and nobility. By the grace of God you have been given life. Share this mercy with all living things and pray that the gates of birth will open to many souls ready to contribute to the development of this civilization.”

The Ascended Masters say the time has come for new era, But new era can occur only as a result of a change in the consciousness of embodied souls. For the New World, the old ways are unsuitable. Those who realize this and look for new ways will find it. Whoever sees salvation in the preservation of old, obsolete concepts and outdated forms of life will remain among the ruins of the old world. The era of great maturation of the children of the Sun, who saw the appearance of Mother Mary, is coming. We heard the call of the Mother of the World and answered it. We repeat the Lord's Prayer and our hearts open the door to give our lives for the cosmic cause of planetary liberation.

The hosts of heaven are waiting for the energies that we release during the recitation of the Rosary so that they can, in turn, release the energies in concerted action on behalf of the children of God on Earth. Mother Mary calls us to give the Rosary as Heaven joins us in honoring the Beloved Mother and together we pray for the salvation of all humanity.

You can use the spiritual practice of the Rosary on your own, join a Rosary group, or invite your friends and create your own group where it suits you. You will find the texts of the various Rosaries in our

We say Rosaries to Mother Mary on Sundays at 10:00 am

Admission is free - absolutely everyone can come. Duration 1.5 - 2 hours.

This article contains: mother's rosary prayer - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

2. Prayer “OUR FATHER” A prayer given to all humanity for the salvation of their souls.

- make the sign of the cross.

Virgin Mary, rejoice,

- make the sign of the cross.

- make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

Virgin Mary, rejoice,

. - make the sign of the cross.

8 . May our Earth shine, blessed by the Almighty Lord!

. - make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

. - make the sign of the cross.

In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Divine Mother. Amen.

Catholic Church 74

Parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Chelyabinsk

How to recite the Rosary

The Rosary is a combination of verbal and mental prayer, usually performed with the help of a rosary, individually or by a group of believers. This prayer contains brief retelling the main events of the Gospel, which, thanks to its simple form, allows us to experience the main Christian mysteries. Through the reading of the Rosary, we, together with Mary, contemplate the Divine Face of the Savior. We reflect on the major events in the lives of Jesus and Mary and draw instruction from them. Although the main prayer of the Rosary - "Hail Mary" - is addressed to the Blessed Virgin, its center and pinnacle is the word "Jesus", to which all our feelings and all our attention are directed.

The prayer consists of four parts, each of which is usually read on certain days of the week: joyful mysteries on Mondays and Saturdays, bright mysteries on Thursdays, sorrowful mysteries on Tuesdays and Fridays, and glorious mysteries on Wednesdays and Sundays. During Advent and during the Christmas period, joyful mysteries are read on Sundays, and sorrowful mysteries are read on Sundays of Great Lent. In October, dedicated to the Holy Rosary, all mysteries are read in a row: on the 1st - the first; 2nd - second; ... On the 5th - first again and so on. The complete Rosary can be recited daily.

The entire Rosary covers 20 events - mysteries - from the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The Joyful Mysteries tell us about the incarnation of the Son of God and His life in the Holy Family; light ones - about His public service; the sorrowful plunge us into the suffering and death of the Savior on the cross; at last the glorious secrets are revealed to us eternal glory Jesus and Mary in heaven. Thus, each part of the Rosary contains five topics for prayerful reflection, which are called mysteries.

How to recite the Rosary using the rosary

The sign of the cross is performed “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” the cross on the rosary is kissed and “I Believe” is read. After this, the first large* bead is taken and “Our Father” is read on it. The next three small beads read "Hail Mary" to increase faith, hope and love. The large bead then reads "Glory". This is how it happens introductory part Rosary.

Now the part and the secret should be announced, if such an announcement is intended. For example: “The first joyful mystery. Annunciation". On the large bead (the same one on which "Glory" was just read) the "Our Father" is read, then on each of the ten small "Hail Marys", and on the next large "Glory". This is how the reading of one secret ends. At the end of each mystery, you can add prayer exclamations:

Oh my Jesus! Forgive us our sins, deliver us from the fire of hell and bring all souls to heaven, especially those who most need Your mercy.

O Mary, conceived without original sin! Pray to God for us who come running to You.

After this, the reading of the next secret begins in the same order: announcement (if necessary); large bead - “Our Father”; small ones - “Hail Mary”; big one - “Glory”.

In every Hail Mary prayer, after the words “blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus,” you can mention the mystery about which we reflect - see. Reflections.

At the end of the daily prayer of the Rosary, you can read the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the antiphon “Under Your Protection,” as well as the prayer to St. Joseph.

* all beads can be the same size, the only thing that matters is their location.

Prayers before and after the Rosary

Our Lord Jesus Christ!

I dedicate this Holy Rosary to You for the glory of Your name, in honor of Your Most Pure Mother and for the salvation of souls.

God, Your Only Begotten Son, through His life, death and resurrection, opened for us the path to eternal salvation. We pray to You: grant that, as we meditate on these mysteries in the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we will follow the examples taught there and be rewarded with the fulfillment of the promises given to us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Secrets of the Rosary

As an introduction to each mystery of the Rosary, you can read the corresponding passage from the Bible and reflect on its mystery - see. Reflections.

First part: Joyful Mysteries

  1. Annunciation
  2. Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth
  3. Nativity
  4. Presentation of the Lord
  5. Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Second part: Bright secrets

  1. Baptism of Jesus in Jordan
  2. Miracle at Cana of Galilee
  3. Preaching the Kingdom of God and a call to repentance
  4. Transfiguration
  5. Establishment of the Sacrament of the Eucharist

The third part: Sorrowful secrets

  1. Jesus Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
  2. Flagellation
  3. Crowning with thorns
  4. Way of the Cross
  5. Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ

Fourth part: Glorious Mysteries

  1. Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  2. Ascension of Jesus Christ
  3. Descent of the Holy Spirit
  4. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  5. Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary with heavenly glory

Rosary Prayers

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and He is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty, and from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Universal Church, the communion of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the body, eternal life. Amen.

Our Father who is in heaven! Hallowed be it your name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Christ, listen to us. Christ, hear us.

Heavenly Father, God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, God, have mercy on us.

Most Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Most Holy Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother of God, pray for us.

Most Holy Virgin above virgins, pray for us.

Mother of Christ, pray for us.

Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Mother of God's grace, pray for us.

Mother imperishable, pray for us.

Most pure Mother, pray for us.

Mother of chastity, pray for us.

Immaculate Mother, pray for us.

Dear Mother, pray for us.

Dear Mother, pray for us.

Mother good advice, pray for us.

Mother of the Creator, pray for us.

Mother of the Savior, pray for us.

Wise Virgin, pray for us.

Venerable Virgin, pray for us.

Most glorious Virgin, pray for us.

Most powerful Virgin, pray for us.

Virgin of mercy, pray for us.

Faithful Virgin, pray for us.

Mirror of justice, pray for us.

Seat of wisdom, pray for us.

Source of our joy, pray for us.

Holy Spirit, pray for us.

Holy sanctuary of God's glory, pray for us.

Shrine of deep piety, pray for us.

Mysterious rose, pray for us.

Tower of David, pray for us.

Ivory tower, pray for us.

Most precious home, pray for us.

Repository of the Covenant, pray for us.

Door of heaven, pray for us.

Morning star, pray for us.

Healing for those who are sick, pray for us.

Refuge for sinners, pray for us.

Comfort to those who mourn, pray for us.

Help Christians, pray for us.

Queen of Angels, pray for us.

Queen of Patriarchs, pray for us.

Queen of the Prophets, pray for us.

Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

Queen of Martyrs, pray for us.

Queen of Confessors, pray for us.

Queen of Virgins, pray for us.

Queen of all saints, pray for us.

Queen, conceived without original sin, pray for us.

Queen, taken to heaven, pray for us.

Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Queen of families, pray for us.

Queen of Russia, pray for us.

Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Lord.

Pray for us, Most Holy Theotokos.

May we be worthy of the fulfillment of Christ's promises.

Let's pray. Lord God! Deign to give us health of soul and body and, through the patronage of the Most Holy Theotokos, deliver us from evil on earth and give us eternal joy in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Under Your protection Let's come running, Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our prayers in our sorrows, but always deliver us from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Our Lady, our Defender, our Intercessor, reconcile us with Your Son, entrust us to Your Son, bring us all to Your Son. Amen.

To you, Saint Joseph, we resort in our sorrows and, having called for help to the Most Holy Virgin betrothed to you, we also trust in your protection.

For the love that united you with Holy Virgin Mother of God, and for the sake of your fatherly love for the Child Jesus, we pray to you: look graciously on the inheritance that Jesus Christ acquired at the price of His Blood, and help us, O mighty patron, in our needs.

Wise guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Christ. Loving father, save us from all dangers, errors and defeats in the struggle that we wage against the forces of darkness, and just as you once saved the Infant Jesus from mortal danger, so now save the holy Church from the machinations of the enemy and from all disasters.

Spread your reliable cover over each of us, so that, by your example and with your help, we can lead a pious life, end it peacefully and achieve eternal bliss in heaven. Amen.

Mother's rosary prayer

Seventh Small Rosary of Mother Mary

Don't stop your prayers

In the name of I AM THAT I AM, Holy Mother of God,

beloved Mother Mary, I hasten to kneel before you.

I cannot find words that would allow me to convey all the Love of my heart,

Accept my Love and gratitude. You know about

what in this moment is most important for the growth of my soul.

I ask for your help and support.

I ask that in the bustle of the day I do not forget those quiet moments of our direct communication,

which my soul remembers.

Let my unbreakable bond with you supports me in life

and helps not to forget about the Higher Path,

which I intend to follow in this life. Amen.

In the name of the Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

1. I thank all those who give everything free time dedicates to reading the Rosaries. I promised to come and give you a rose. I literally strewn many of you with roses. And if you noticed what is happening around you, with the eyes of your soul, then you could see that the entire room in which you read the Rosary is literally strewn with roses.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

blessed are you among wives,

2. My Love for you always poured out during the recitation of your Rosaries. And I felt your Love. Oh, you cannot imagine the bliss that I experience when I receive your Love into my heart. Your Love penetrates the veil and flows like blissful incense, enveloping me. I can always discern whose heart is sending me this Love, and I can always send my blessing to your heart, your lifestream. Blessed be all those devoted and compassionate hearts who find time to stop amid the hustle and bustle of the day and give me your Love and the energy of the Rosary.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

3. Let's not stop this flow of Love and this interchange of energy between our octaves. Imagine that each of your prayers addressed to me thins the veil between our worlds more and more. And there are areas on globe, where the power of your prayers has made communication between our worlds so possible that you can feel my touch and the smell of the roses with which I strew you. Beloved, do not stop your prayers. I still need your Love and your prayers.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

4. You cannot imagine what an indescribable miracle the Lord gives us. With the help of our Love, we are able to dissolve any barriers that lie between our worlds. And there is nothing more sublime, more pleasant and blissful than the communication that we can give each other. We stand on opposite sides of the border separating our worlds. However, the boundary itself becomes thinner and thinner under the influence of the all-consuming power of Love. Beloved, there are no barriers to the power of Love. Love can create miracles both in your world and in our world. And Love is the force that has the ability to penetrate the veil.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

5. When you have a moment and you can move away from your bustle and appear before my image, please do not think that I am somewhere far away. I hear the sincere call of your heart. And I'm where you are. I hear every word you say to me. Regardless of whether you say these words in your heart or say them out loud.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

6. And if you hold your breath and look closely, you may even see my presence next to you in the form of a light, barely visible cloud, or you may smell the subtle scent of roses, or you may feel my touch on you. I love watching your faces as you pray. And sometimes I allow myself to come up to you during your reading of the Rosary and stroke you or kiss you. Many of you feel my touch and even try to drive me away like an annoying fly. Oh, if you would only admit in your mind the thought that it was not a fly, but Mother Mary herself who came to kiss you. You would feel very awkward and funny.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

7. Our worlds are much closer to each other than you can imagine. And already now during prayers you can feel my presence. There is no closer Lord than me for the people of Earth. I respond to literally all your requests. And I am very sorry that sometimes your karma is so heavy that I cannot give you the help that you ask for. However, nothing is impossible for God. And when your awareness of your past mistakes occurs on a new level, perhaps I will be allowed to help you.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

8. I ask you, do not stop the wheel of prayer. And if, due to your busyness, you cannot devote much time to prayers, I think you will always have the time and opportunity to glance at my face or icon in the bustle of the day and send me your Love. It will only take seconds. But if you can send me your Love just a few times a day during the day, this will replace reading the Rosaries and prayers for you.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

9. Always have my image with you. Carry my image with you in your bag, in your amulet. Always remember that where my focus is in the physical world, there I can establish my presence thanks to the energy of Love that you send to me.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

10. Be patient, beloved. We don't have to wait long. Go out at dawn and feel the sweet moment when the sun has not yet appeared over the horizon, but everything around you is already anticipating this moment of sunrise. Right now the world is at this point of waiting for the sun to rise. Sun of Faith, Sun of Love, Sun of Hope. And the flowering of your consciousness is just as inevitable as the dawn of the Sun, which your being foresees.

Virgin Mary, Rejoice,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among wives,

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother,

now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In the name of the Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit.

Miraculous Rosary of Mother Mary

This Rosary was given by Mother Mary for a specific purpose - the miracle of raising the consciousness of humanity and solving personal problems.

To give the full Rosary, repeat the following cycle of affirmations four times (Hail Mary nine times in each cycle). This will take 22-30 minutes depending on speed. If you do not have time to recite the full Rosary, repeat the cycle once. You can include personal invocations and dedicate the Rosary certain purposes after the initial initiation.

Note: According to the instructions given by Mother Mary, this Miracle Rosary is not protected by copyright. You have the right to use and share this Rosary as you see fit. However, please do not make any changes to the Rosary.

(Insert personal prayers)

The Lord is with us through you.

Holy Mary, Mother of Miracles,

(Repeat 3 times) Amen.

Alternative matrix of the Rosary

As an option, an alternative matrix of the Rosary is possible, in which the Hail Mary is read nine times before reading the “Affirmation of the Inner Christ.” Any matrix is ​​effective, just use the one your heart currently chooses. To give the complete Rosary, recite the following four times and then recite “The Sealing.”

In the name of unconditional love Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Miraculous Mother, Amen.

(Insert personal prayers)

Our Father-Mother God, abiding in all life, we honor Your Presence, I AM, in us. We accept Your kingdom, manifested on Earth through us.

We accept our responsibility to manifest Your Will on Earth as it is manifested in Heaven. We acknowledge that You give us our daily opportunity to be all that You Are. We acknowledge that You forgive us our imperfections, just as we forgive each other and submit our will to the higher will within us. Therefore, we accept the truth that the universe returns to us everything we send.

We accept responsibility for our lives and our planet. We promise to rise above the temptations of the lower self so that You can deliver us from all imperfect energies. We affirm that Your kingdom, power and glory are revealed on earth now and forever. Amen.

The Lord is with us through you.

Blessed are we by your Wonderful Grace

And by the love of your Son, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of Miracles,

We renounce fears now and forever.

We accept God's unconditional love

And we see the Wonderful Kingdom revealed on Earth. (nine times)

Affirmation of the Inner Christ

In the name of Jesus Christ, I invoke beloved Mary, Mother of Miracles. Teach me the miracle of keeping an immaculate concept for myself, all life and for the Earth. Teach me the miracle of complete self-surrender to God, so that from the very depths of my soul I too can say: “O God, let it be done to me according to Your will.”

From now on, I give everything that stands in the way of God's miracle manifesting itself in my life. O God, I give myself completely to You. O God, I do not hide anything from You. O God, I give You my all.

I surrender my human ego and false sense of identity and accept that God is consuming it now. O God, I desire to lose my mortal sense of identity in order to gain the immortal life of the Christ consciousness. I call upon my Christ Self to come down and take dominion over all aspects of my life and consciousness and accept that I am filled with the Light of Christ now and forever. I accept that my Christ Self is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that my life is built on the Rock of Christ.

O God, I realize that I myself cannot do anything: it is the I AM Presence within me that is the true creator. I accept that I am created in the image and likeness of God. I accept that I am a son/daughter of God. I accept that Christ is being born in me now, and I accept that I AM the second coming of Christ in me.

I accept that I am the Living Christ walking the earth, and therefore I accept and affirm that God can work through me as He did through Jesus. I accept and affirm that with God all things are possible. Therefore, I accept the manifestation of the miracle of God in all aspects of my life and consciousness.

I accept the miracle of overturning the tables of false teachers and their false disciples - those who reject Christ in themselves and in others, those who do not want to step on the inner path and who seek to prevent those who want to step on the true path. I accept that their day is over and that they no longer have a stronghold of power in church and state. I accept that they have no power on Mother Earth.

I accept the miracle of the awakening of all sons and daughters of God to discover and accept the true inner path leading to personal Christhood. I accept the miracle of universal awakening, and I see people accepting the inner path and revealing the second coming of Christ and the true Liturgy of Christ.

I accept the miracle of the kingdom of God revealed on Earth. I affirm and accept the coming of the ascended Jesus Christ, who has come to reign as the spiritual king of the Earth, now and forever. I see this accomplished and maintain an immaculate concept for the Earth and all life on it.

The Lord's is the Earth and what fills it.(Repeat 3 times) Amen.

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miraculous Mother, Amen.

I accept eternal peace Divine Mother. I choose to remain in that world forever, and I accept the perfect love of the Divine Mother. I accept that her love consumes all my fears. I accept that I am the Living Christ incarnate and promise to be all that I am in God and more.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miraculous Mother, I seal the Earth with the infinite Love and Light of the Divine Mother. It is accomplished, completed, sealed in matter, for the lips of the Divine Mother have spoken it. Amen