Alexander Maslyakov year of birth. Maslyakov's funny billions

Life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

The life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. and KVN cannot be separated from each other - he grew up, achieved success and became famous thanks to the “Merry and Resourceful Club”. In the following material we will talk about the main milestones in the biography of the artist and presenter, his family and wife.

Biography of a famous TV presenter

Alexander Alexandrovich comes from the capital of the Russian Federation, was born on April 28, 1980. Both of his parents worked in the field Soviet television. Father is the permanent host of the KVN program Alexander Maslyakov Sr. Mother - Svetlana was engaged in television directing, helped in the filming and broadcast of KVN.

It was creative family united by one thing. The father initiated his son into all the intricacies of the show, Maslyakov Jr., from childhood, appeared at team rehearsals, saw and remembered how it was done. Naturally, the atmosphere of laughter and friendliness attracted the boy. And living in such a mood influenced the choice of the future. Of course, not right away: at first he wanted to work in the traffic police, but having matured a little, he wanted to get involved in politics.

After receiving his school certificate, Alexander tried to find his way: he entered MGIMO, studied at the faculty international relations.

In 1999, he managed to play the role of presenter on the “Planet of KVN” project - then the general public became acquainted with Maslyakov Jr. The public immediately considered the son of the eminent TV presenter to be the future successor.

Gradually, the young man realized that he was really attracted to the life of KVN. He successfully graduated from the university in 2002, and a year later became the head of the Premier League of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. By participating in this project, Alexander not only gained a lot of experience, but also contributed to the emergence of a new generation of comedians. Under his leadership, bright stars of humor appeared on the stage, known throughout the country and beyond.

In parallel with this, the man became a candidate in 2006 economic sciences, having defended his dissertation at the State University of Management.

With the participation of Alexander and his father, new projects were launched: “First League of KVN”, “Outside the Game”, etc. In all these shows, Maslyakov Jr. was the host. He made occasional appearances at regional games.

Alexander Maslyakov with his wife

Sometimes KVN participants joke about him, calling him Alexander II, although the man himself does not like being compared to his father. He also prefers not to talk about the time when he will be forced to completely replace Maslyakov Sr. in his work.

In 2013, the man tried himself as a participant in KVN in 2013, when he surprised everyone by appearing on stage. It was a STEM competition, where Alexander acted as a guest star. Interesting speech only increased his reputation among his colleagues and love in the eyes of the public. KVN members call Maslyakov Jr. omnipresent for his mobility and ability to appear in competitions in different guises.

Now he continues to work in the “Merry and Resourceful Club”, continuing the family tradition. Friends believe that he will soon completely replace his father in work, giving him the opportunity to relax and enjoy the spectacle from the stands.

Who is Maslyakov Jr.'s wife?

Maslyakov Jr. is a happy father

MGIMO, even though it did not lead Alexander to work in politics, helped him find his love and future wife. Angelina Marmeladova, a diligent student, helped him prepare for the exams. After some time, a spark of feeling slipped between them, and a romance began.

The relationship lasted about 5 years, the young people found in each other what they had been looking for for a long time: the ability to be themselves, to feel free in each other’s presence. Although, according to Alexander and Angelina, they are completely different people, and these differences strengthen the marriage even more. A truly complementary pair was formed.

Now that they have been together for a long time, the spouses continue to be mentally close, do business and achieve success. Wife Angelina - successful writer, author of 3 novels.

In 2006, there was a replenishment - daughter Taisiya was born. Now she is growing up and is already showing Creative skills while studying in theater studio Moscow.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr., although he tried to find himself in something of his own, realized that connection with family and a common cause gives much more. He was able to realize himself, find recognition in his work, love in his family and happiness in life. We wish him continuation of this harmony and new achievements in life.

Director " Creative Association AMIC", member of the Academy Russian television.

Svelana Maslyakova. Biography

Svetlana Maslyakova(before marriage Semenov) graduated high school No. 519, studied at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. In 1966, she came to work at the Youth Editorial Office of Central Television as an assistant director. KVN. Then she graduated from Higher Courses creative workers Central television of the USSR. From 1972 to 1993 worked as director of the Main Editorial Office of Propaganda Central Television. Since 1993 - director "Creative Association AMIC".

Svetlana Maslyakova(before marriage Semenov) came to work for the program “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” as an assistant director. In 1971, several events happened: she became the wife of the charming presenter Alexander Maslyakov, and the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” program was suddenly closed. Although the whole country was sure that the wife of Alexander Maslyakov, the host of a very popular program in the 60-70s of the last century, was his co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova.

In an interview, Svetlana Zhiltsova said: “The country “married” Sasha and me, in my opinion, from the first minutes of the broadcast. If there are two people running a program, it means they are husband and wife. Also, at one time, Anya Shatilova and Igor Kirillov were “married”. I know Maslyakov’s wife Sveta well. She worked in our program as an assistant director. When Sveta and Sasha got married, the credits had to be changed, and it turned out that the assistant director was Svetlana Maslyakova. And everyone was sure it was me! After this we began to receive great amount congratulatory letters and telegrams. Viewers wrote: “Finally, our dream has come true and our two favorite presenters got married!”

No one began to refute this: firstly, in Soviet time it was not customary to talk about the personal lives of television stars, and, secondly, the program was closed and the young husband disappeared from the air for some time, and then appeared as the host of the program “Come on, girls,” and Svetlana worked on other television programs. In addition, a son was born into the family, Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

Work by Svetlana Maslyakova / Svetlana Maslyakova

Svetlana Maslyakova successfully combines several roles in her life - she is one of the main figures in KVN, and although she does not appear on stage, she plays a huge role in the life of this club. After all, KVN, which was revived in 1986, instantly not only regained its former popularity, but also far exceeded its previous scale.

Svetlana Maslyakova- KVN director, she takes part in competitive selections, screenings, makes adjustments to the teams’ performance program and, according to the players, is actually the second person after Alexandra Maslyakova, who is the president of the KVN planet and the permanent presenter. Despite long experience collaboration And family life, Svetlana Maslyakova I don’t agree with my husband on all issues.

From an interview with Alexander Maslyakov: “She sometimes rebels, several times she threatened to leave the program. She said that when she worked on other programs, she was mistaken for a person, and I...”

Family of Svetlana Maslyakova / Svetlana Maslaykova

Another successful incarnation Svetlana Maslyakova- mother. Alexander Maslyakov Jr.(born 1980) grew up in the KVN environment, was always present on the set, but received a classical education, he graduated from the Moscow state institute international relations. But he did not pursue a diplomatic career, and now leads the games of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. For Alexander Maslyakov, it is important that he works on the program together with his closest people, because in his opinion, only truly close people can be trusted one hundred percent in their work.

Daughter-in-law of Svetlana and Alexander Maslyakov - Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova (Nabatnikova). In 2006, in the family junior Maslyakov a daughter appeared, who was named Taisiya.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov (November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Russian TV presenter, founder and owner of AMiK - organizer of KVN.

Life and career

Alexander's father was a military pilot, and his mother was a housewife. Maslyakov studied first at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and then at the Higher Courses for Television Workers. It is worth noting that the team of his university managed to shine throughout the USSR. This team won one of the games, after which it was decided that the next episode would be led by players from the MIIT KVN team. The captain of the MIIT team offered Maslyakov the role of presenter. After his debut, an ordinary student woke up famous.

1964 – began working on television. Any program with his participation instantly became popular.

In 1971, KVN was closed, but Maslyakov did not disappear from television screens. He managed to become a good presenter of youth programs thanks to his ironic humor, rare composure on the air, good timbre of his voice and clear correct speech without a touch of academicism.

Maslyakov was the host of such programs as:

  • “Come on, girls”;
  • “Hello, we are looking for talents”;
  • “Addresses of the Young”;
  • "12th floor";
  • “Come on, guys”;
  • "Alexander Show";
  • "Funny boys".

In addition, Alexander Maslyakov reported from youth festivals held in Havana, Sofia, Berlin, Moscow and Pyongyang. He was also a regular presenter at Sochi international song festivals. 1976-1979 hosted “Song of the Year”.

1986 - Maslyakov again becomes the host of KVN.

1990 – Alexander Vasilievich created creative union"AMiK".

Maslyakov has been a permanent presenter, director and leader of KVN for many years, president of the International KVN Union and the creative association AMiK. He served as a jury member twice: the 1994 final and the 1996 Summer Champions Cup.

Alexander Vasilyevich is also the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Glory”.

Maslyakov turned KVN into profitable business. He became the main ideologist and censor of this movement. The role of KVN in the development of television is characterized by the following joke: “One gets on TV either through bed or through KVN.” And indeed, many VIPs of modern Russian TV have gone through the school of being “cheerful and resourceful.”

According to some reports, in 1974 Maslyakov went to prison for illegal currency transactions. But after a few months he was released. However, Alexander Vasilyevich himself denies that he has a criminal record.

Alexander Maslyakov was the first presenter of “What? Where? When?". In 1975, he conducted the first 2 editions of the game. Once he even hosted the “Vzglyad” program (broadcast on April 1, 1988)

In 2012, Maslyakov was a member of the “People’s Headquarters” of presidential candidate V. Putin.

Asteroid 5245 Maslyakov was named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich.

In 1971, Maslyakov married Svetlana Anatolyevna Smirnova, who was an assistant director of KVN. From this marriage a son was born, Alexander (1980), general director of AMiK, presenter of KVN.

Four generations of Maslyakovs bore the name Vasily.

Maslyakov does not drink alcohol.

In 2011, Alexander Vasilievich and his son starred in a digital television commercial.

KVN is the only one entertainment, which was attended by all Russian presidents.

Thoughts of Alexander Maslyakov:

  • I never take a break from work because it brings me pleasure.
  • I never wanted to become a boss. My favorite word- “professional”. That's what I consider myself to be.
  • I am not a businessman or a theorist. I am a practitioner who, together with my colleagues, does television program.
  • You can't make evil jokes about a person. Jokes should not only be funny, but also “environmentally friendly.”

The permanent host of KVN, familiar to all Russian television viewers. But there is one fact in the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich, which he himself stubbornly denies. However, there are persistent rumors that Maslyakov had to serve a prison sentence for currency fraud.

From engineers to TV presenters

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941. His father Vasily Maslyakov was a military pilot by profession. After graduating from school, Sasha entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), and after graduating in 1966 he began working in his specialty. But then he realized that he was more interested in television journalism and entered the Higher Courses for Television Workers. After receiving his diploma, from 1969 to 1976 he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, then as a special correspondent. [C-BLOCK]

Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio. He ended up on television completely by accident. Back in 1964, in his fourth year, the captain of the institute KVN team Pavel Kantor asked Maslyakov to become one of the five presenters of a humorous program that was to be filmed by the winning team last game. The winner that time was the MIIT team.

History of KVN The television show “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” was born in 1961. The name KVN could be deciphered in two ways: in those years the TV brand KVN-49 was produced. The first host of the program was Albert Axelrod. Three years later, he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov, who hosted the program in tandem with the then experienced announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. For the first seven years, the program was broadcast live. However, since the jokes of the team players sometimes criticized Soviet reality, they began to transfer it into recordings, removing “objectionable” passages. KVN was subject to strict censorship, not only from television, but also from the KGB. Thus, state security demanded that participants not wear beards, seeing this as... a mockery of the communist ideologist Karl Marx!

"Currency" article

At the end of 1971 the program was closed. This closure gave rise to many rumors. In particular, they said that Maslyakov ended up in prison. The article is “illegal transactions with currency.” It is interesting that very often representatives of bohemia and show business were imprisoned under this article, since they had access to foreign banknotes or had relevant connections. They say that Maslyakov allegedly served his sentence in the Rybinsk colony YN 83/2. Official information there was no mention of this anywhere. Although, when the KVN presenter allegedly arrived in the colony, rumors about it immediately spread throughout the city. They also say that in the colony Maslyakov behaved quietly and was in good standing with his superiors. He was released early after serving several months. Allegedly, they tried to hush up the case and not draw attention to it, so as not to discredit Soviet television.

Does the TV idol have a secret?

According to one version, Maslyakov went to prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When?”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Turn”, “Jolly guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international festivals songs in Sochi, the program “Song of the Year”, “Alexander Show” and many others. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular!4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded creative association“Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (“AmiK”), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and related programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist Russian Federation and laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by Crimean, was even named after him. Astrophysical Observatory. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked whether he was really convicted, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least not in Soviet era. Which is really true.

This man has not left the TV screens of the USSR for more than half a century and modern Russia. He is the absolute and indisputable authority of the most unique planet called KVN, real factory stars of future television celebrities.

Humor is serious job which not everyone can handle. How did Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov survive this apocalypse?

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr.

According to the prevailing family tradition, all men from the Maslyakov family bore the same name - Vasily. That was the name of the father of the future TV star, like all the Maslyakov fathers many generations before. However, the mother, Zi-na-i-da Alek-se-ev-na Mas-la-ko-va, unexpectedly named the boy Alexander, born on November 24, 1941. Father, Vasily Vasilievich Maslyakov, being a rather reserved and serious person, did not interfere in this process. Alexander means Alexander. So, along with the birth of little Sashenka, the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. new tradition- call boys Alexanders.

The boy was born in the first months of the war in the city of Yekaterinburg, on the way to evacuation. The time was harsh, which left its mark on Sasha’s character, endowing this boy with a charming sunny smile with the strength and inflexibility that later made him a personality famous throughout the country.

His father served as an aviation pilot and went through the entire Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, after which he continued to serve at the Air Force General Staff.

Mom was a housewife and devoted all her love, warmth and care to her family and raising her beloved son, who grew up very active, capable and artistic.


The first diploma in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. was received quite late, in 1966, after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, when he was already 25 years old.

Our hero did not connect his fate with the profession of an engineer. Alexander was attracted by a completely different life - bright, loud, filled with creativity. And just two years later, Maslyakov Sr. became a graduate of the Higher Courses for Television Workers. Thus began the career of, without a doubt, a great showman.

"Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful"

Alexander made his debut on television while still a student at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, where, along with most of his peers, he actively supported his team of the “Merry and Resourceful Club”.

“The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” or KVN for short, appeared in 1961. The new initiative was quickly taken up by actively developing youth striving for self-expression. The popularity of KVN grew by leaps and bounds, and these steps spread almost throughout the vast country.

This youth program intervened in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. in 1964, when, by the will of fate, he became one of its presenters.

According to Alexander Vasilyevich himself, this event occurred due to pure chance. One fine day, his classmate invited Maslyakov to become a member of the KVN team from the institute. Alexander agreed, but did not have time to play in KVN, because at the same time the editors of central television were looking for a suitable candidate for the role of host of this program. Maslyakov was active, cheerful and charismatic from birth. And his smile is still his today business card. So the editors' choice settled on Alexander.

Who would have thought that this place would be fixed in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. for more than half a century.

At that wonderful time, Alexander hosted KVN in tandem with experienced TV presenter Svetlana Zhiltsova, from whom he learned a lot of knowledge and secrets of stagecraft.

Until 1970, the program was broadcast live. As usual, times were difficult in the country. The jokes heard in the program increasingly ran counter to party policy, as a result of which KVN began to be shown in recordings after strict censorship, including from the State Security Committee. Ultimately, the program was finally taken off the air in 1972.


After completing his studies at the Higher Courses for Television Workers, Alexander got a job at the main editorial office of programs for youth, and after a short time took up the post of senior editor there. A few years later, Maslyakov Sr. was able to achieve the position of special correspondent, and since 1980 he devoted himself entirely to the profession of a commentator in the Experiment television studio.

Few people know, but the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is also marked by the fact that the first presenter of the then new program “What? Where? When?” in 1975, none other than Alexander Maslyakov became. However, its format was subsequently changed, and the presenter was replaced by a voice-over.

Despite the fact that KVN was closed, its presenters Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova remained extremely popular and in demand. Thus, the fame of this duo includes the famous programs of that time: “Come on, girls!”, “Come on, guys!”, “Hello! We are looking for talent! and others.

Also, for a long time, Maslyakov Sr. was the permanent presenter of various international song festivals for youth and students, and hosted various music and entertainment programs on central television.

And again - KVN!

After 14 years, in 1986, on the initiative of the Ostankino youth editors, it was decided to revive KVN. As a symbol of the continuity of the traditions of the “Merry and Resourceful Club”, Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova were again invited as hosts. However, due to life and business circumstances, Svetlana refused this offer. So Alexander Vasilyevich began to host this program alone.

When KVN returned to the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., he was able to create from this television project a real empire, one might say, the humorous broadcast industry.

From a permanent presenter, manager and director, Maslyakov Sr. turned into the president of the International KVN Union, after which in 1990 he created the television creative association Alexander Maslyakov and Company (TVO AMiK), which, in fact, produced the program KVN in the future.

Many stars of modern television have passed through the school of Maslyakov and the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful”, becoming real professionals and the most popular and sought-after television stars.

“Today, more than half of entertainment television is created by guys who played in KVN, by authors who wrote jokes for KVN. But every person has the right to do what he considers necessary, possible: stop at amateur performances or feel like an actor. You need to weigh your strengths and understand , can you. If yes, then go..."

Personal life

In the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., his wife and children occupy a special place. It is them and his favorite work that he calls his main happiness and success. For him, his wife and son are not just family, but also his closest friends.

Alexander Vasilyevich, as expected, met his future wife, Svetlana Anatolyevna, during the filming of KVN. He immediately liked the girl, and he began to show all sorts of signs of attention. It was impossible to resist the charisma of young Maslyakov.

In 1971 they got married. In 1980, a son was born into the Maslyakov family, who was also named Alexander in honor of his father. Maslyakov Jr., having studied at MGIMO, joined his father’s business, becoming his closest assistant and general director"AMiK" company.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is married to Angelina Marmeladova, famous writer and a journalist. In 2006, Maslyakov Sr. gave birth to his granddaughter Taisiya, who can be seen in the photo.

The biographies of the wife and children of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. are little known to the public. Photos are also quite rare. However, they are all filled with smiles and some special warmth, light and happiness.

Of course, Alexander Vasilyevich is far from young, but constant communication with young people, Attentive attitude to your own health, proper nutrition and moderation allow him to still remain in good shape, maintain vigor and energy.

"I was lucky: forty extra years In my career, all the programs are related to young people. Therefore, purely psychologically, I cannot allow myself to shrink, cover myself with a blanket and lie down somewhere in the corner of the stage. I don't have the right to do this..."

Beloved wife

The biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr.’s wife, Svetlana, began in 1947 in post-war Moscow.

The very active girl was always the ringleader and the inventor of various pranks, which was later reflected in her high organizational abilities. After graduating from Moscow secondary school No. 519, Svetlana entered the All-Union Law School correspondence institute, where she had to combine her studies with work as an assistant director of KVN at the Youth Editorial Office of Central Television. Having received a diploma, future wife Maslyakova Sr. successfully completed training in directing at the Higher Courses for Creative Television Workers.

In addition to romantic and family relationships, Alexander Vasilyevich and his wife Svetlana were able to carry through their entire lives serving their common cause - the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” Maslyakov Sr. hosted this TV show, and his Svetlana was its director.

There was always a lot in common between them. Both he and she are cheerful, resourceful and bright people, enthusiastic, responsible people who bring any task they start to completion.

Until the 1990s, Svetlana held the post of director of the Main Propaganda Editorial Office of Central Television, from where she later left for her husband’s company, the AMiK association.

In the Maslyakovs’ house, filled with an atmosphere of harmless humor and practical jokes, you can always meet famous artists, stars and other bright personalities.

Alexander Vasilyevich’s wife became for him not only a loved one, but also his closest friend, assistant and like-minded person.

Instead of an afterword

Two years ago, the youth television program “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” celebrated its 55th anniversary, which was more than mature in age.

Behind long years The activities of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov have been repeatedly awarded with many awards. He is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a member of the Academy of Russian Television, as well as a laureate of such awards as Ovation and Tefi.

In the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., the family is inextricably linked with his creative activity. Only she can help cope with his self-created KVN empire.

You can talk for a long time about the numerous rumors and speculations that accompany the life of this person. But the fact remains that he was able to do something that no one else could do. He gave us KVN, even if he didn’t invent it.

Happiness is living 77 years the way I lived them. I cannot give universal recommendations. But old man Munchausen was partly right when he said: “Smile more often, gentlemen!..”

This amazing person. And we have the only one - our famous, beloved by several generations and the most smiling TV presenter - Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov Sr.