Former All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute. All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute

    - (VZFEI) was founded in May 1930 under the name Central Correspondence Institute of Financial and Economic Sciences. In 1947 it was merged with the Moscow Correspondence Credit and Economic Institute and renamed the All-Union Correspondence Financial Institute (VZFI). In 1932... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

    All-Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics (VZFEI) International name Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics Year of foundation 1930 Rector Anatoly Nikolaevich Romanov ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Academy (MFEA) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School named after. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after. gene. Arm. A. V. Khruleva until 2003 branch of the Military ... ... Wikipedia

    - (VGIK) ... Wikipedia

    Yaroslavl State Technical University (YSTU) Founded 1944 Rector Lomov Alexander Anatolyevich ... Wikipedia

    Yaroslavl State Technical University (YSTU) Founded 1944 Rector Lomov Alexander Anatolyevich ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Institute of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (VFEI VUMO RF) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School named after. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military... ... Wikipedia

    Military Financial and Economic Academy (MFEA) Former name until 1974 Yaroslavl Military School named after. General of the Army A.V. Khrulev until 1999 Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after. gene. Arm. A. V. Khruleva until 2003 branch of the Military ... ... Wikipedia

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute is the largest in Russian State Financial University providing distance education services. Currently, the university is affiliated with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

History of the Institute

The founding date of the institute is considered to be May 14, 1930. Its original name was the Central Correspondence Institute of Financial and Economic Sciences. Later, after the merger of several universities, it became known as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. In 2001, VZFEI won 7th place in 2000.

During its existence, the institute has trained more than 350 thousand specialists: scientists; heads of financial and banking systems; leading economists and chief accountants; heads of various levels of national economic management. The institute's teachers took part in the work of central government bodies and were involved in the preparation of legislative acts and regulations, as well as carried out expert assessments of projects and economic calculations.

Network of correspondence institutes

It has a huge number of branches in Russian cities. In total, there are twenty branches in Russia that successfully train those wishing to study in absentia. Correspondence education allows you to receive higher education without interrupting your work or young children. Thanks to this opportunity, many specialists can improve their work while remaining in their positions, and young mothers will receive an education without compromising their children’s time.

It also offers training using distance technologies, which make it possible to study without leaving home. Students do not have to visit the university building. All educational materials are received via the Internet, and exams are taken through Internet conferences. Thus, the institute can successfully train all residents of the country, even if there is no branch of the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute in their city. This educational structure provides a full range of educational services in the field of economics and financial management. This is one of the most popular areas of study and is extremely popular.

: 55°44′19″ n. w. 37°29′15″ E. d. /  55.7387° N. w. 37.4876° east d. / 55.7387; 37.4876 (G) (I) K:Educational institutions founded in 1930

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute(VZFEI; English. All-Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics ) - Soviet and Russian economic higher education institution in Moscow that existed in 1930-2011. Became part of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.


In the 1978-1979 academic year, about 33 thousand students studied at the institute, and during the entire existence of the university, about 100 thousand specialists were trained. In 1980, the institute employed over 660 teachers, of whom 38 were doctors of science and professors, and another 359 were candidates of science and associate professors. The Institute had the right to accept doctoral and master's theses for defense. The library of the institute and its branches contained over 540 thousand items of storage.

The Institute has trained over 350 thousand specialists: scientists; heads of financial and banking systems; leading economists and chief accountants; heads of various levels of national economic management. Teachers of the institute participated in the work of central authorities and management in the preparation of legislative acts and regulations, in conducting expert assessments of prepared projects and economic calculations.



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  • // Moscow: Encyclopedia / Chapter. ed. A. L. Narochnitsky. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1980. - 688 p. - 200,000 copies.


An excerpt characterizing the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics

In the middle of the conversation, which was beginning to interest Napoleon, Berthier's eyes turned to the general and his retinue, who was galloping towards the mound on a sweaty horse. It was Belliard. He got off his horse, quickly walked up to the emperor and boldly, in a loud voice, began to prove the need for reinforcements. He swore on his honor that the Russians would die if the emperor gave another division.
Napoleon shrugged his shoulders and, without answering, continued his walk. Belliard began speaking loudly and animatedly to the generals of his retinue who surrounded him.
“You are very ardent, Beliard,” said Napoleon, again approaching the approaching general. “It’s easy to make a mistake in the heat of the fire.” Go and see, and then come to me.
Before Beliar had time to disappear from sight, a new messenger from the battlefield galloped up from the other side.
– Eh bien, qu"est ce qu"il y a? [Well, what else?] - said Napoleon in the tone of a man irritated by incessant interference.
“Sire, le prince... [Sovereign, Duke...],” the adjutant began.
- Requesting reinforcements? – Napoleon said with an angry gesture. The adjutant bowed his head affirmatively and began to report; but the emperor turned away from him, took two steps, stopped, returned back and called Berthier. “We need to give reserves,” he said, spreading his hands slightly. – Who do you think should be sent there? - he turned to Berthier, to this oison que j"ai fait aigle [the gosling that I made an eagle], as he later called him.
“Sir, should I send Claparède’s division?” - said Berthier, who memorized all the divisions, regiments and battalions.
Napoleon nodded his head affirmatively.
The adjutant galloped towards Claparede's division. And a few minutes later the young guard, standing behind the mound, moved from their place. Napoleon silently looked in this direction.
“No,” he suddenly turned to Berthier, “I cannot send Claparède.” Send Friant’s division,” he said.
Although there was no advantage in sending Friant’s division instead of Claparède, and there was even an obvious inconvenience and delay in stopping Claparède now and sending Friant, the order was carried out with precision. Napoleon did not see that in relation to his troops he was playing the role of a doctor who interferes with his medications - a role that he so correctly understood and condemned.
Friant's division, like the others, disappeared into the smoke of the battlefield. Adjutants continued to jump in from different directions, and everyone, as if by agreement, said the same thing. Everyone asked for reinforcements, everyone said that the Russians were holding their ground and producing un feu d'enfer [hellfire], from which the French army was melting.
Napoleon sat thoughtfully on a folding chair.
Hungry in the morning, Mr. de Beausset, who loved to travel, approached the emperor and dared to respectfully offer His Majesty breakfast.
“I hope that now I can congratulate Your Majesty on your victory,” he said.
Napoleon silently shook his head. Believing that negation referred to victory and not to breakfast, Mr. de Beausset allowed himself to playfully respectfully remark that there was no reason in the world that could prevent one from having breakfast when one could do it.
“Allez vous... [Get out to...],” Napoleon suddenly said gloomily and turned away. A blissful smile of regret, repentance and delight shone on Monsieur Bosse's face, and he walked with a floating step to the other generals.
Napoleon experienced a heavy feeling, similar to that experienced by an always happy gambler who madly threw his money away, always won and suddenly, just when he had calculated all the chances of the game, feeling that the more thoughtful his move was, the more likely he was to lose.
The troops were the same, the generals were the same, the preparations were the same, the disposition was the same, the same proclamation courte et energique [proclamation short and energetic], he himself was the same, he knew it, he knew that he was even much more experienced and now he was more skillful than he was before, even the enemy was the same as at Austerlitz and Friedland; but the terrible swing of the hand fell magically powerlessly.
All those previous methods were invariably crowned with success: the concentration of batteries at one point, and the attack of reserves to break through the line, and the attack of the cavalry des hommes de fer [iron men] - all these methods had already been used, and not only were not victory, but the same news came from all sides about killed and wounded generals, about the need for reinforcements, about the impossibility of bringing down the Russians and about the disorder of the troops.
Previously, after two or three orders, two or three phrases, marshals and adjutants galloped with congratulations and cheerful faces, declaring the corps of prisoners, des faisceaux de drapeaux et d'aigles ennemis, [bunches of enemy eagles and banners,] and guns, and convoys, and Murat, as trophies He only asked for permission to send in cavalry to pick up convoys. This happened at Lodi, Marengo, Arcole, Jena, Austerlitz, Wagram, etc., etc. Now something strange was happening to his troops.
Despite the news of the capture of flushes, Napoleon saw that it was not the same, not at all the same as in all his previous battles. He saw that the same feeling that he experienced was experienced by all the people around him who were experienced in battle. All faces were sad, all eyes avoided each other. Only Bosse could not understand the significance of what was happening. Napoleon, after his long experience of war, knew well what it meant for eight hours, after all the efforts expended, for the attacker to not win a battle. He knew that it was almost a lost battle and that the slightest chance could now - at that tense point of hesitation on which the battle stood - destroy him and his troops.

The All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute (VZFEI) is the only state correspondence economics university in Russia.
Education at the institute is aimed at unity with practice: along with traditional lectures, students undergo training in innovative project management, personnel management, business communication, marketing, etc.
The Institute, including its branches, has 22 video conference rooms using satellite communication channels. Equipment with multimedia capabilities is installed in 56 classrooms.
At the Center for Additional Professional Education of the VZFEI, specialists and graduate students can undergo professional retraining in relevant courses and improve their qualifications as auditors, appraisers, tariff experts, etc.

At the Business Education Center you can study under the MBA program, focused on training senior and middle managers for enterprises of various forms of ownership, commercial banks, investment companies, government bodies, as well as practitioners with higher education interested in professional and career growth. Training is conducted in the following areas:
MBA - "Management"
MBA - "Finance"
Upon completion of the program, a state diploma of a highly qualified manager is issued - "Master of Business Administration".

The institute has dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the following specialties:

  • economic theory;
  • economics and management of the national economy (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, industrial complexes);
  • regional economy;
  • marketing;
  • finance, money circulation and credit;
  • accounting, statistics;
  • mathematical and instrumental methods of economics.

The Institute prepares:

Bachelors in three areas, including 13 profiles:
- the direction "Economics" includes profiles:

  • Taxes and taxation
  • Banking
  • Accounting
  • Corporate finance
- the direction "Management" includes profiles:
  • Production management
  • Innovation management
  • Marketing
  • Financial management
  • Personnel Management
- the direction of "Business Informatics" includes profiles:
  • Content Management
  • Electronic business
  • Analytical management support
Masters in three areas, including 6 programs:
  • Banking
  • Corporate finance
  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Production management
  • Marketing
  • Financial management
The institute continues training:

Specialists from 2nd to 6th courses in 6 specialties, including 16 specializations:

- the specialty "Labor Economics" includes specializations:
  • HR management
  • Audit and personnel control
- specialty "Finance and Credit" includes specializations:
  • Financial management
  • Banking
  • Taxes and taxation
  • State and municipal finance
-specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit" includes specializations:
  • Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial organizations
  • Accounting, analysis and audit in banks
  • Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity
  • Accounting, tax control, forensic accounting
- specialty "State and Municipal Administration" includes specializations:
  • Public administration
  • Municipal government
-specialty "Organization Management" includes specializations:
  • Production management
  • Innovation management
  • Entrepreneurship
- specialty "Marketing" includes specialization:
  • Commercial Marketing
Bachelors from 2nd to 5th courses in two areas:
  • Economy
  • Management
Masters from 2nd to 3rd courses in two directions, including 7 programs:
- the direction "Economics" includes programs:
  • Accounting, analysis, audit
  • Finance
- direction "Management" includes programs:
  • Production management
  • Marketing
  • Financial management
  • Legal support of economic activities
  • State administration and local government
Training is conducted on a budgetary and paid-contractual basis.
VZFEI is active in international and educational activities, collaborating with universities, institutes, and business schools in more than 20 countries from near and far abroad.

Today VZFEI is:

  • an innovative educational space that brings together talented and creative teachers who are constantly searching for new pedagogical ideas to update the content and methodological support of the educational process;
  • a modern complex of proprietary multimedia educational resources: computer training workshops, electronic review lectures, electronic educational and methodological literature posted in the Internet repository, computer laboratory workshops, intra-university electronic test databases, network educational and methodological complexes;
  • effective management of the educational process with the help of innovative implementation structures: Center for New Educational Technologies, Department of Innovative Projects and Consulting, Informatization Management, Department of Innovative Development of the Educational Process;
  • strategic partnership with business structures, allowing to organically combine student learning with participation in real projects, attracting leading domestic and foreign scientists and representatives of the business community to teaching activities.
The Institute has a developed modern material and technical base sufficient for the effective organization of the educational process and provision of proper working conditions.
The Moscow branch and most of the institute's branches are located in new buildings that meet the highest requirements for higher education institutions today.
VZFEI also has its own hotel-type dormitory. The rooms are furnished with comfortable modern furniture and create excellent living conditions for students, graduate students, doctoral students, staff and guests of the institute.
Studying at VZFEI is comfortable and prestigious!

Economic University. Law school. International profile. Throughout its existence, the main goal of the institute has been to train highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign economic activity with in-depth study of foreign languages, which are highly in demand in the labor market. Our training programs are practice-oriented; they are created taking into account the real needs of employers; all students are provided with practice and even the opportunity to combine study with work. The Institute is proud of the individual nature of its education: students study in mini-groups, actively communicate with teachers, and enjoy full support from the administration.

The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis was founded in 1997. This is the first educational institution in Moscow that combines the opportunity to study psychology, psychological counseling techniques and psychoanalysis. The educational program in psychology (first and second higher education) is structured in such a way as to individualize the learning process for each student as much as possible. In 2008, in Russia, together with the Tutor Association, a system of tutor support was organized at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. Personal and group lessons with a tutor allow students to correctly set priorities, choose a specialization, build a strategy and tactics for career and personal growth.

The Academy today is: More than 85 years of successful work in the educational services market! A full profile university for training personnel for foreign economic activity Focus on its specialized educational niche: training specialists who form and implement the foreign economic policy of Russia More than 20 thousand graduates working in various positions in the foreign economic sphere Highly qualified teaching staff with extensive experience in practical, teaching and scientific work Fundamental and applied scientific research on the problems of international trade, law, foreign economic policy of Russia Unique methods of teaching foreign languages ​​that have no analogues in domestic educational practice Partnerships with foreign educational centers of a related profile.

The Institute of International Economic Relations (IMER) is a higher educational institution that trains highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management of foreign trade relations. It is among the top ten leading economic universities in the capital. In 2017, it was recognized as an effective university, according to monitoring the activities of educational organizations providing higher education. IMES was founded in 1995, the quality of education at the university is confirmed by the state educational standard.