Scary legends of America. Legends of America

Recently I was faced with this choice. Should it be carried out in new apartment home phone or not. In general, not even that. The previous owner had a phone, he just had to re-register it in his name. I remember before that I almost had to stand in line to get a phone call and pay unimaginable sums for it. Now everything is certainly simpler in this regard.

In general, I thought about it. Or maybe you don’t need a landline phone anymore? Everyone already has a cell phone, even children almost go to kindergarten with cell phones. Since I had some time to think, I did not rush and decided to take a closer look at the circumstances that could encourage me to leave the phone.

Here's what I was able to find out for myself...

One of the most “popular” cases that happened to me more than once during this time is, for example, this: I call my wife from work on her cell phone (and she is at home with the child at the time). Doesn't take it. I call once, twice, three times. And the matter is urgent. Doesn't take it. Then I find out that the phone was dead/was deep in the bag/the sound was turned off, etc. But at the same time, if I called the city telephone, I would definitely get through.

Another thing for me personally: I often work at home and have to call clients. Calls for half an hour, an hour. Still, cellular tariffs are not yet so free that they won’t cost you a pretty penny. I think that the landline number here is beyond competition.

Also please: just a week ago the following event happened in our city: mobile connection I didn't work almost all day! How would you be able to reach your parents at home in this case? A hopeless situation. Even without the claim that a landline telephone is more reliable or cheaper, for me a sufficient argument is that this is a BACKUP communication line for all occasions.

And there are all sorts of cases. For example, just recently in the village of Savino, a drunken husband attacked his wife...

They tied the guy up and sold him an article.

And pay attention to what the police add: " ... this is not the first case of a happy rescue: “If a call comes from a landline number, then we immediately begin active action, because this is how we know the address of the victim. At emergency often a split second makes all the difference. Unfortunately, when calling from mobile phone, we cannot guarantee such efficiency, since everything is much more complicated there..."

It would seem like a trifle - a communication line in the apartment, but you never know when it will come in handy. It happens and saves lives. In general, I am not in favor of any reservation of important functions. It’s better to play it safe in advance and not waste half an hour of time than to regret later that you don’t have another opportunity.

In short, I decided for myself - let it be. A couple of hundred rubles a month will not make me poorer. But a landline telephone is still one of the reliable types of communication, even when the electricity is turned off throughout the house. True, you need to be prudent and have one old-style device, such as in the first photo :)

What do you think about all this? Do you have a home phone?

Admit that you still shudder at the memory of scary stories from the time of your youth. Every child has heard stories about maniacs, ghosts and alien abductions.

And all these stories are, of course, true, because... happened to no one but a friend of your girlfriend's friend cousin. Isn't there enough evidence?

The Suscon Screamer

Is there anything more creepy than a dead bride? I think no. Stories about these unfortunate people can be found in any country.

Suscon Road is a road in Pennsylvania, where the Railroad Bridge over the Susquehanna River is also located. There are many legends associated with this place. Locals claim that if you come to this place, turn off the engine, put the keys on the roof of the car and wait a little, then you will be able to see in the rearview mirror the so-called “the Suscan Screamer” (from the English Scream - a shrill scream; screamer - the one who is screaming).

Most stories boil down to the fact that this is the ghost of a woman who was abandoned right at the altar and who then committed suicide on this bridge. They also say that after jumping from the bridge, she let out a piercing scream.

Another version features a creature with webbed feet, large claws and a huge head. Maybe someone should ask this dead bride what really happened when she sits in the back seat?

Lillian Gray

This story begins with tombstone, which is located in the center of a cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah. It "belongs" to a woman named Lillian E. Gray, who died in the 1950s at the age of 77. At first glance, this tombstone is no different from the others, until you come across the inscription “Victim of the Beast 666”.

Now this is alarming. What could this mysterious inscription mean? Maybe this is some kind of indictment of the believers of one of the most religious cities in the country? Could she have been sacrificed for a satanic cult? Maybe she herself worshiped the devil? Or was she the victim of a witch hunt? But, all these are just rumors that intrigued residents came up with to explain this.

And as always, there will be someone who will come and ruin everything. The inscription was ordered by a paranoid husband who hated the government and blamed the police for his wife’s death. It's hard to say whether this makes the story any less terrible, but that's how it happened.

Ghost of Stow Lake

Golden Gate Park in San Francisco (California) is famous for its paranormal stories. If you believe the locals, then it is teeming with spirits, and you risk bumping into one of them while doing yoga. This park might as well be called “Undead Park.” But one ghost story was especially popular. It was published in the San Francisco Chronicle on January 6, 1908. This is the story of the Stow Lake ghost.

The newspaper publication begins with the name Arthur Pidgin. He was driving along the road, slightly exceeding the speed limit. A policeman stopped him. Arthur said that it was not his fault, he had to drive quickly to leave the lake as quickly as possible. He saw the ghost of a woman. She had long ones blonde hair, and there were no shoes on my feet.

Legends say that she was a mother who lost her child, or even killed her, and then committed suicide. Yeah, of course, it was impossible to come up with a better excuse for my violation...

Hell Gate

Bobby Mackey's Music World popular bar in Wilder, Kentucky. The owner of this establishment is country singer Bobby Mackey. Three legends are associated with this place, which have become so popular that the building is put up for sale.

First. There are the gates of hell, which allow demons to enter our world. It is not yet clear why they come. Maybe they really like country music or beer.

As for the other two stories, they are more traditional. The first is about Pearl Bryan, a real-life pregnant woman who was found beheaded in the late 19th century. Her lover Scott Jackson and his friend Alonzo Walling were hanged for her murder.

The second legend is that of a woman named Joanna who is said to have fallen in love with a singer at a club. Her furious father allegedly hanged her lover in the dressing room, causing Joanna to commit suicide by poisoning. Bobby McKay wrote a song about this incident that suggests that the girl is still stalking him in that bar.

Patterson Road

In Houston, Texas with memories of civil war Numerous urban legends are associated. One of the creepiest is associated with Patterson Road, which is located next to Interstate 6. All the locals agree on one thing that the ghosts that live there were soldiers of the Civil War.

Those who believe this say that if you drive to the Langham Creek Bridge on Patterson Road at night and turn off the lights, you will hear a tapping sound or the car will be engulfed in fog. More skeptical local residents note that parking a car with the lights off on a busy bridge would be a good opportunity to become a ghost yourself.

Goat Man

Many stories are often made up by adults to scare children when they misbehave. Anyone who grew up in a Mexican family is familiar with this method of parenting, and many are probably still afraid of El Cucuy (Spanish).

The stories seem to have been made up by idiotic older brothers who are always trying to scare the younger ones. For example, the story about the goat man in Beltsville, Maryland. Official version This legend does not exist, but most claim that a scientist from the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center experimented on goats. And this somehow led to the fact that he himself partially became a goat, such, you know, a hybrid of a human and an animal.

The Snallygaster

In the 1830s, immigrants in Frederick County, Maryland, claimed to have encountered a terrifying creature. Soon after establishing a city on the site, residents began reporting sightings of a beast that was half bird and half reptile with a metal beak and razor-sharp teeth.

It also had octopus tentacles, which it used to grab people and carry them away to feed its baby squid lizards.

When you first hear this story without mentioning the creature's nickname - Snelligaster, it's easy to scoff. The plot of this story acquired new details as residents reported their “sightings” from New Jersey to Ohio. But let's not find fault with these states where every second person uses drugs

Green Man

This is probably the only story from this list, which is associated with real person with truly horrific details.

In the Koppel, Pennsylvania area, it is easy to spot a horribly disfigured man wandering the dark streets at night. He was nicknamed "Charlie without a face" or " green Man", and everyone has their own story of meeting him.

This is all because he really existed! Raymond Robinson, born in 1910, at the age of eight tried to look into a bird's nest on a bridge but had an accident. He touched a power line, which electrocuted him, causing horrific facial injuries that were permanent.

As it happens, such an appearance caused people to panic, children began to cry, so for almost all 74 years Robinson hid from people at home and went for walks at night. He became a living legend, and some people even went out at night to get a glimpse of him.

Dog boy

Quitman, Arkansas is another place full of ghost stories. Most houses have their own history, and to stand out from “this crowd” you need to try hard. And such a story takes place. Here it is - the legend of the boy-dog.

In 1954, Floyd and Ellyn Bettis had a son, Gerald. By the way, this house is called the Battis house. Those who knew him in his youth claim that he caught dogs and cats, kept them in his home, mercilessly tortured and killed them. But what he is really famous for is the fact that he kept his parents captive in the attic for many years. He was arrested after his father died.

Gerald himself died in prison from a drug overdose. Since then, people have been claiming that things are happening in their home. paranormal activity. Flickering lights, strange sounds and moving objects. Considering Gerald threw his father out of the window, it seems unsurprising that there are ghosts there.

Coal Man

Famous Californian urban legend originates from the Ojai Valley, Park Camp. They say that the spirit of a man who was burned alive lives there, and now he suddenly appears from the forest and attacks cars and tourists. They call him the Coal Man.

There are several versions of the origin of the "coal" man, but they all begin with forest fires that occurred in the park in 1948. The main version is that father and son were held hostage by fire. The father died in the fire, but the son survived. When the rescue team arrived at the scene, they found that the son had suspended his father and pulled off his skin. At the sight of the firefighters, the son disappeared into the forest.

Another story tells about a married couple who also became victims of a fire, and tells us that the young man, also falling into the power of the fire, suffered very much and also went crazy because he could not help his wife, who screamed for help.

Ghosts on the road

This story is probably common in absolutely all countries where there are cars. Its essence is this: on an empty road at night, a motorist picks up a voting person who asks for a ride to some place. Arriving at the place, the driver discovers that his mysterious companion has disappeared without a trace, and the place where he was picked up is the place of his death.
Sometimes the fellow traveler is a beautiful girl, sometimes a man, and often the ghosts of children are encountered on the road. And the range of places to which ghosts ask for a ride is quite wide - from their former home or specific place on the road, to cemeteries or burial sites. The details, of course, vary, but the essence remains - it is better not to pick up night companions, unless you want to communicate with a ghost.


This urban legend is so intertwined with modern culture, that at first glance it is not clear whether it spread after Barker wrote the story “The Forbidden” or whether the story itself was based on urban folklore. In any case, Barker's treatment, and later the filming of the film, named after the bloody hero, added a unique charm to this story and complemented it with vivid details. There is no single story of Candyman - according to one version, he was an ordinary beekeeper who was robbed and abandoned in an apiary, smeared with honey. According to another he was talented artist- an African American, brutally killed with the help of bees for his love for the customer’s daughter. Before leaving him in the apiary, the guy's hand was cut off and now, if you call him from a parallel dimension, he will come to the daredevil and kill him with his hook instead of a hand. You can summon him by calling him five times in complete darkness while standing in front of a mirror. Remember the hand - the hook and the challenge from the mirror - they will appear in today's selection.

Body parts in school lockers

The regional horror story is little known in Europe, but I found it so interesting that I decided to include it in my personal top American urban legends. According to this legend, in one of the Chicago schools, a ninth-grader from the school orchestra stayed after school to practice playing the flute and was killed by one of the school employees. The killer not only killed the girl, but also dismembered her body and placed the parts in the students’ lockers. So what would you think? Probably, the sounds of the flute are still heard around the school and the sad ghost of the dead girl wanders? But no! The sounds of the flute, of course, are heard in the very room where the murder supposedly took place, but the ghost does not wander, but lies completely to itself. Sometimes, students, opening their lockers, see cut off body parts, which, however, immediately disappear. Quite an original ghost, isn't it?

White eyes

Stories like this are often told by miners and diggers in all countries of the world, so here too the Americans turned out to be unoriginal. Allegedly, about a hundred years ago, a group of miners found themselves trapped in a tunnel. They waited a long time for salvation, but soon realized that no one was going to rush to their rescue. Buried in impenetrable darkness, they had to drink the water that seeped through the ground and feed on the bodies of their dead, and then their killed comrades. All this time they were digging a passage and, having dug it, decided not to return to those who betrayed them. Every night they went out hunting, killing and devouring people. Why is the legend called “White Eyes” you ask? Yes, because during the time spent in the darkness, the miners’ eyes changed and began to glow in the darkness with white light.

Glad you didn't turn on the light?

Probably only in America there are so many mind-blowing stories about crazy people. bloody maniacs. This simple story is no exception. To many, it seems quite creepy precisely because of the lack of unnecessary art and details that distract attention. In the most common interpretation, it echoes the story “People can lick too” and sounds like this:

Two girls lived in the same dorm room in college. One of them was going on a date, and then to a student party. The girl called her neighbor with her, but she decided to stay at home and prepare for the exams. The party dragged on and the girl came at about 2 am. She decided not to wake her friend. As quietly as possible, without turning on the light and trying not to make noise, she climbed into bed and fell asleep. Waking up far from early in the morning, she was surprised that her neighbor was still sleeping and went to wake her up. She was lying under the blanket on her stomach and apparently fast asleep. The girl pulled her friend by the shoulder and suddenly saw that she was dead, she had been stabbed to death. On the wall was written in blood: “Are you glad you didn’t turn on the light?” An almost identical story exists in Japan. It is not known who stole this plot from whom, but we will agree that ideas are in the air and we will continue to move on.

Slenderman or Skinny Man

When compiling the top American urban legends, I could not ignore this real - unreal character.
The trick is that initially it was not positioned as a real thing - simply as a result of one of the threads on the forum, the legend of the Skinny Man, enclosing victims in his deadly embrace, spontaneously appeared. This happened in 2009, but now Slenderman has left the Internet and has every chance of becoming a full-fledged member of the team terrible monsters from scary stories.

Bloody Mary

American Bloody Mary is somewhat reminiscent of ours Queen of Spades. She can also be summoned using a mirror and she also kills anyone who disturbs her peace. Summoning her is as simple as calling Candyman - just say “I believe in Bloody Mary” three (or five) times while standing at the mirror and she will immediately appear. According to one legend, Bloody Mary is the ghost of a burned witch who killed girls to preserve her youth. According to another, the ghost of a brutally murdered girl. I think if you dig further in this direction, you can find a couple more options.


The legend of the Mothman appeared in the mid-sixties, when a strange winged monster resembling a human was allegedly first spotted. Such monsters are not exclusively American - in almost every country in the world there are legends or at least mentions of strange pale people with glowing eyes flying above the earth at night. There are many versions of the origin of man - the moth, ranging from mutations of cranes, ending with ghosts and guests from parallel world. Only one thing is clear: meeting the Mothman does not bode well.


This urban legend, which originated in the sixties, is actually based on real facts- at this time, Caryl Chessman was operating in America, a maniac who lay in wait for couples secluded in a car and brutally dealt with them.

So the story is about a couple who went to the wilderness to indulge in carnal pleasures, but left because the girl became scared. Arriving at the gas station, the couple discovered a fresh scratch on the car door, apparently made by a hook.

Angel statue, clown toy and others

Short and simple stories O strange things There are many people who bring death in American folklore, so I decided to combine them into one group. The most popular of them are the stories about the killer clown and the angel statue. In the first case, the nanny, left alone at home with the children, calls the parents to ask permission to remove the scary clown doll. As it turns out, there was never such a doll in the house, and the parents returned home and found the nanny and children dead or missing.

It's the same story with the angel statue in the garden. Although such a statue was never placed there. The scheme is the same, the end is predictable. And there are a great many variations of these stories.

Taken from the Internet, source not preserved

Americans are such tall, blue-eyed people who always smile from ear to ear.

Lies. In California, there are 50% Chinese, 10 percent Indians, 10% Mexicans, as well as a bunch of Filipinos, Malaysians, Afro-miners, Russian-speaking Jews, and so on, a little of everyone. In other states, I think it’s about the same, but I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the statistics. In this connection, a girl who says that she is “going to marry an American” can easily end up, according to the laws of probability, with a short, ugly Chinese man with crooked legs.

In general, America is a country of immigrants in every sense this word. Everyone who is not too lazy comes here, so I am frightened by the statements of some individuals that, they say, “nobody likes Americans, it’s time to kill all the Americans.” Americans are you and me, Dear friends, those who crossed the ocean and settled abroad.

Americans are stupid, it’s unclear how they flew into space

No, citizens, Americans are not stupid. I saw here a lot of former teachers from Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and other universities and academies. They move here in entire departments, as soon as one breaks through here, he begins to drag all his colleagues and friends here. I think the situation with scientists and other figures from other countries is completely similar. Now, instead of sitting in offices with shabby walls and smoking Belomor, they sit here and develop networks, new technologies and hardware.

America generally behaves appropriately towards scientists. Nuclear physicists, for example, are given green cards without questions, a loan for a house, and in general they are encouraged in every possible way to move here, because otherwise they could flee to a worse country, for example the DPRK, or even worse - to some Pakistan. I think with other promising industries the solution is approximately the same.

America has everything

Yes it's true. With one caveat - Mass culture It’s quite bland here, because it’s necessary to satisfy the masses.

For example, the famous joke "When do you get your first strawberry? At 6 o'clock" has two points. Yes, indeed, you can buy strawberries not even at 6 in the morning, but even around the clock, but when you eat them, they will have no taste and will crunch in your mouth like a cucumber. But it looks like a strawberry. Berry to berry, all lying with cuttings in one direction, in a box, in neat rows. The same applies to peaches, coconuts (with a clear sweetish liquid inside), apricots, shrimp, lobsters and other foods.

The concept of "mass culture" is not only food, it is films, mugs, plates, shoes, pillows and everything else. There is a fairly simple explanation for all this - we need to feed the people with all of the above, and this is being done successfully. Grow in pools with fresh water tons of future shrimp with white meat, the taste no different from hydroponic strawberries, are made in batches on the day of the shameful series “A Woman Named Nikita”, from which film only the word “Nikita” remains. And so on. People are moving their jaws, looking at their TVs, and have something to do.

But it would be naive to believe that there are no good strawberries in America. There she is! You just need to tear your butts away from the chair, get into the car and drive many miles to the fields where they grow their darling using, albeit artificial, but still crap. Field farmers sell it directly without leaving the beds. And these strawberries will not differ in any way from our dear dacha ones. The same goes for shrimp and everything else.

The problem in America is not that there is something missing here, but that the most desired thing must be found and spent on. great amount time.

You just have to get into this mysterious country how all wishes come true

I've always liked films in which main character throughout the entire series, he looks after some girl, saves her from wild animals, shows her holes on the way and generally protects her in every possible way like a weight in the chamber of weights and measures. At the end of the film, as a rule, there is a fanfare, the man, who managed to grow two days of stubble during filming, finally pulls a ring on his finger, the word “end” flashes and the viewer understands that the guy is definitely finished.

In general, in such films, the preliminary games should be devoted to, well, 5 minutes, while the credits are still crawling, and the film should be shot about those eternal challenges that await a dog and a cat. Not so romantic of course, but about the war. A similar story about America.

I have heard many stories about the hard life of a businessman\scientist\politician\weaver\etc., which usually ended with the phrase “well, he got tired of everything, and he finally left for America.” What is clearly perceived by listeners as climax in the successful destiny of a person.

Pipes! I’ve seen a lot of people here who drive trucks after driving around Moscow in black Volgas with government license plates. Or they had businesses, and then they delivered pizza. Everything just begins after crossing the border. Or, for example, an absolutely wonderful feeling when the date stamped on the visa as the date of mandatory return is approaching, and your client has not yet begun to do anything to extend this visa. Or you are fired and you have to leave the country within 10 days. Or when renting cassettes, they ask you for a credit card as collateral, but you don’t have one, because you don’t have a SSN, which is issued only if you have a certain type of visa. Or you have a toothache - having your tooth treated costs several thousand dollars without insurance, which you won’t get if you don’t work or come on God knows what visa. And so on.

In general, not getting a visa at the consulate is not the biggest disappointment. Consulates simply save a lot of people from unnecessary suffering.

American women are blondes with big breasts and blue eyes.

I have the impression that in America there is a special committee that at night crushes with tanks newly born girls who are more or less pretty in the face and weigh less than a certain norm. Those who managed to crawl away become Hollywood actresses by default and are not allowed to go beyond the boundaries, surrounded by 3 rows of barbed wire. The rest of the children are fed with special low-fat feed additives, as a result of which growing women begin to resemble extinct dinosaurs.

Poor men, lacking specimens for comparison, begin to marry dinosaurs, and the process repeats itself. In general, not here beautiful women. Even the word “beautiful” could probably be removed from the previous sentence.

In America everything is foreign, it’s impossible to get along with your own foundations.

Lies. If you go with such sentiments, then you may not get accustomed. America does not dictate its own rules, well, with the exception of the rules of driving a car and other rules that help society get rid of individuals who will lead this society into a state of imbalance. So if you want to have fun, have fun. If you want to take a hot bath in the summer, when pipes are being replaced in all normal countries, take it.

If you want to shoot a pistol - for God's sake. Just don't infringe on anyone's interests. If you want to sit at home and whine that everything is bad, sit there, no one will come and take you by the hand to where it’s good. If you want to drink vodka with friends from morning to evening and indulge in drunken heart-to-heart conversations - drink, I myself have done this many times.

Do you want to learn to dance? Skiing, skydiving? Everything is here. Take it, develop it, only, of course, here you will have to do everything yourself, where in Russia you are carried adrift due to the fact that you were born and raised and there are a lot of friends here, and often parents who will always help.

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