Description of Boba Fett. Boba Fett - Star Wars

Born to be a bounty hunter. Boba Fett is not like other boys. His father, Jango Fett, was a bounty hunter. His home world, the planet Kamino, is home to an army of clones. He has no friends, no school. He knows only one thing about his future - this is the future of a bounty hunter. The future is coming fast. Suddenly Boba Fett finds himself completely alone in a dangerous galaxy. He must fight for his safety and revenge using his strength, intelligence and the experience of his father's cruel lessons. Boba Fett grows up to become one...

Boba Fett: Practitioner Karen Traviss

During the decisive battles with the Yuuzhan Vong, a familiar figure comes to the aid of the heroes, to their surprise. Boba Fett and his Mandalorians turn their considerable might against the might of the alien invaders... But where were they before that? What made them finally make this decision?

Star Wars. Boba Fett: 2. Cross... Terry Bisson

Boba Fett is alone in this world. His father is dead. He never had friends. The only thing he strives to survive through is the desire to become a bounty hunter. Aurra Sing took him to Count Dooku's lair on the toxic planet Raxus Prime. Boba thinks Dooku will help him. But Dooku has his own plans... just like the Jedi. The Clone Wars rage across the galaxy, and Boba Fett is caught in the crossfire on Raxus Prime. What he learns will change his whole life. translation: Lext_2009, Antill, Laton, Ser905057, Artful, forajump, fingerling, Vovask2, NeanEwith, boba_fett, keFEAR, commannderr, mandarinka242, ivanproff, Vovka, Satia, Fuuuake, Drevniy,…

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Civil war threatens the growing Galactic Alliance, as more planets rebel against it—and the looming conflict divides the Skywalker and Solo families. Han's Corellian roots and Luke's commitment to the Jedi Order drive a wedge between the two families. Han and Leia's children, Jacen and Jaina, fight for the Galactic Alliance against the insurgents. Luke and Mara cannot protect their son Ben from the war. As a result of the search for the killer, an ominous name from the past emerges - Boba Fett. And in the new galaxy, friends and enemies are no longer the same...

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The Empire Strikes Back! The events of the fifth episode of Star Wars are in full swing. The Emperor informs Darth Vader that the Sith have a new enemy - Luke Skywalker... The head of the criminal organization, Prince Xizor, is planning a complex multi-step combination, wanting to destroy Darth Vader, who unwittingly caused the death of Xizor's family. Episode V ends. After the tragic events in Cloud City, Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Chewie Chewbacca and Lando Caprissian, with the support and assistance of Rogue Squadron, try to track down the hunter...

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The Great Famine followed the death of Leto II. Billions of people were forced to leave the worlds of the Old Empire in search of new happiness. This era went down in history under the name “Dispersion.” Nobody knows where the boundaries of the habitable Universe are now. No one knows what new threats this frightening infinity of cold space conceals. But it becomes known that one and a half thousand years after their departure, some people begin to return. And not with good intentions to bring peace and enlightenment. New types of weapons, new human abilities...

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A research group crashes on an unknown planet. The planet is very dark, there are many swamps on it, in which carnivorous plants grow, terrible swamp slugs and deadly dragon snakes live. No one heard the research team's distress call. They're stuck. Thirty years later, Zack and Tash Arranda and their Uncle Hoole land on the planet in an attempt to escape Boba Fett. The descendants of the research group, half-golden and driven mad, are still alive. They call themselves "The Children" and how they survived is a mystery. Maybe a strange creature named...

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In the new volume of The Saga of Conan, read the final volume of Nick Andrews' tetralogy, The Mercenary's Bounty.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi is on a mission. Together with former Jedi student Ferus Olin and a stubborn child named Trever, he must reliably hide the most important secret of the Jedi from the curious empire. With Boba Fett on the trail and time running out, Obi-Wan, Ferus and Trever must also avoid a host of other troubles thrown their way. Along the way, they learn incredible news: Obi-Wan and Yoda are not the only Jedi to survive the Imperial Purges. One of those few will hide in the Caves of Ilum, a place where nightmares come true and dark omens...

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. Many years have passed since she was named the chosen one and on the day when...

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He is feared and admired, respected and despised, and has a reputation as the most successful bounty hunter in a Galaxy far, far away. But even such a person has enemies. But Boba Fett fears the only enemy - the one he cannot see... When Boba Fett stumbled across evidence of Prince Xizor's involvement in the events on Tatooine, he made an enemy that even he should fear. And the girl on board, once found on a wrecked ship, may turn out to be the key to the mystery - or the bait that leads...

Warlord, we too often see things in terms of dualism: Jedi or Sith, light versus dark, right versus wrong. But this blade has three blades, not two; they are opposite and similar at the same time. The third blade is the Mandalorians. All three blades do not distinguish between classes and races; they are faithful only to the unifying code. The Mandalorians remain the Jedi's most dangerous enemies, but the Sith do not always become their allies. The Mandalorians even worshiped war itself, but then turned away from their god. You have to try to understand them one day.

– Verger, explaining galactic politics to the Yuuzhan Vong, shortly before their invasion of the Galaxy, 25 ABY

Coruscant. 24 ABY: lower level, a neighborhood where no one sane would wander at night

Boba Fett raised his blaster and took aim.

“You can run,” he said. “But you’ll only die tired.”

The voice passed through the vocoder sounded like a grinding sound; he never needed to shout - because he was always heard. Fett's target, the Rodian counterfeiter Wak Bur, unusually fat for his race, had forced him to chase him through the confusing and almost hopeless labyrinth of the quarter's depths, and now found himself at a dead end.

In Rodian, "wak" meant "lucky one." Wak Bur was definitely not like that.

“Dead or alive,” Fett reminded him. The blaster's thermal sight gripped Wak firmly; he helped a lot by radiating heat from under the dumped boxes. - It's easier for the dead. Let's. I have a lot to do.

- Why did you attack me? I never crossed your path, Fett.

“I know,” Fett replied. “But you started selling fake art to Gebb.” The Hutts are very sensitive to this.

Just like old times. The cloned leg, a courtesy on the part of his former Kaminoan guardian Taun Ve, still served him well in pursuit. Fett never questioned his mood, good or bad; but now he could say that he felt as good as he had not felt for a long time. He almost felt that something pleasant would happen in the future. He hadn't experienced this since childhood.

The alley was fifteen meters wide, and extended another twenty meters ahead; there were no exits. Just a trap into which a frightened Rodian flew. A quick check for weapons (there was no way to be careless here) revealed that Wak had a hidden blaster, about which there was no need to worry. Fett slowly walked towards the moving and rustling boxes.

“Come on, let’s go,” Fett said, checking the chrono on the ViD.

“You don’t even have a shred of morality!” – what Vack said often came from the lips of counterfeiters. “It doesn’t look like Gebbu is a victim.” Why don't you go after the real criminals?

“Because Gebbu thinks you’re something special.” Are you coming with me or not?

The boxes began to move. Vak didn't come out. That was kind of the answer.

- Fine. “Nothing personal,” Fett noted, raised his blaster, focused on the target visible in the thermal sight, held his breath - like many times before - and pulled the trigger...

Bar "Jaraniz". Nar Shaddaa, Hutt Space, 24 ABY

The pagans call this preparing the battlefield. It is a careful job that requires patience - clearing the way for the attacking army of true believers. I prepare well: I leave nothing to chance. I, Nom Anor, am a performer, and my business is infiltration and destabilization.

And in this dirty place I am looking for allies.

Do the Yuuzhan Vong need allies in this disgusting galaxy? No. Sooner or later, we will honor the Great Ones by clearing the worlds of machines and rotten creatures that went into slavery to them. But I am a practitioner, and practitioners never miss an opportunity and do not leave the army for their enemies.

Verger says that the warriors called "Mandalorians" are the most persistent enemy the Jedi have ever faced, besides the Sith. So, being a practitioner, I think it’s better to have them nearby than behind your back. And, like all the abominations here, the Mandalorians sell the sacred craft of war - for money. They don't fight for the gods - they don't seem to be any more devout than I am - but for wealth.

What, in their opinion, is more expensive and more important than honor? Why do I even defile myself with contacts with them?

This must be done, and I will gladly endure this pain.

And since the Mandalorians sell their honor and art cheaply, I can buy them and use them.

So it's easy. I will pretend to be a pagan and speak convincingly with the abomination. I can look like them and talk like them; but I must never become like them, and I have been hiding among them for so long... sometimes I fear that I have become like them. As a precaution, I pray to Yun-Harla (if she really exists) to guide me on the path - so that my life of lies does not deceive myself.

Under the table, so the heathens can't see, I run the knife across my palm and use the pain as a prayer and a point of focus. I need to hold out for another year until the fleet arrives.

I don't believe in the Great Ones, but I could be wrong. And I'm a practitioner, so I consider all options.

So I'll... order an ale. And I will sit and wait.

Bar Jaraniz, Nar Shaddaa: Buy-One-Get-One-Night-Free, fifth month 24 ABY.

A sign above the door, crumpled by blaster fire, read: the bar was always open; despite any number of wars, clashes and minor armed disagreements between business partners, it has never been closed.

Goran Beviin walked through the Jar door - welded open, for what reason - only one owner knows; lingered, looking around the unusually crowded bar.

“There,” the bartender, busy creating a complex cocktail, shook his head towards the poorly lit booths in the far corner. In his hands were numerous pieces of fruit, sticks, and a two-hundred-credit sky-blue spiral louse bottle with nasty clumps of geref bubbling inside. - A dandy in a black suit. Seeks help from mando.

Beviin turned his head, conducting an old-fashioned inspection - by eye. Ha, the guy was ugly. For real, the face resembled a crumpled speeder and was almost as dirty. Beviin thought that he should offer him an extra helmet so as not to scare off his interlocutors. But they were just as busy as the bartender, studying the foam on the beer, or the lumps in the glasses becoming steamy. In such bars, patrons make every effort not to look at each other - otherwise you might get a vibrating knife in the stomach. The local staff were proud of the bar's strict rules, so Beviin took a bottle of ale, intending to drink it later; here he had no intention of taking off his helmet.

– We are not a beauty salon.

The bartender pushed two bottles towards him, and the mercenary stuffed them into a bag hanging from his belt.

-Have you seen him before?

- Such a face is never forgotten...

A burst of female laughter was heard from the far wall of the bar, and Beviin noticed a human woman and a young girl in full beskar - Mandalorian armor - huddled together at the table, seemingly sharing jokes.

“It’s ladies’ night again, as I see it.”

– Listen, I don’t need problems.

– I don’t plan them.

Beviin didn't recognize them. They seemed to be having fun - and weren't particularly bothered by the fact that they were the only women in the bar not working. There were small Mandalorian communities in this sector, but "Jara" was a gathering place for mercenaries looking for work, so women could come from anywhere. Their armor was dark red, with a black sword badge on the cuirass - indicating that they belonged to the same clan. Looks like mother and daughter. The helmets were laid on the floor.

general information
Super name: Boba Fett
Real name: Boba Fett
Aliases: Boba Fett Teff Sawa Brek Madak Jaster Mereel Mandalore Mand'alor
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: George Lucas
Gender: Man
Character type: Human
First Performance: Famous Monsters of the Movie World No. 165
Appears in 208 issues
Birthday: n/a
Death: Star Wars Empire #1 - Betrayal

  • Flexibility
  • Attractive man
  • Explosion force
  • Electronic destruction
  • Salvation Artist
  • Flight
  • Devices
  • Crazy Rich
  • Intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Light design
  • Marksmanship
  • Power claim
  • Radar sense
  • Durability
  • Cunning
  • Super listening
  • Super view
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed combat
  • Weapon master

The greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett was the first clone of Jango Fett who acted like his father. After Jango was killed by Mace Windu, Boba Fett harbored hatred for the Jedi.


Boba Fett was a clone of Jango Fett. When Jango agreed to clone himself, part of the Kaminoans' agreement was to give Jango one immutable clone for him to raise as a son. Jengo trained Boba to be a great warrior like him. When Jango was killed by Mace Windu on Geonosis, Boba swore vengeance on the Jedi believing them to be crazy. He continued to train until he became one of the greatest bounty hunters to ever live and had the skills to kill powerful Force users.


Boba Fett's first appearance was in "The Story of a Faithful Wookie" part Special Holiday Star Wars. It was created by George Lucas and Ralph McQuarrie.

Major story arcs

The birth of a future hunter

Some thirty years before the Battle of Yavin, a secret project for a clone army was set in motion in Tipoca City in Kamino. Jango Fett was selected as the master host and demanded one thing: a legacy. The only clone without the economic growth boost and absolute loyalty that was placed in all the other clones that would become the Grand Army of the Republic.

This clone was named Boba Fett, who would grow up to become the most feared bounty hunter of them all. Despite Boba being a clone, Jango loved him more than any other average father and eliminated the bounty hunt to raise his son. Jango trained and disciplined Boba in the manner of a Mandalorian warrior.

And although Boba did not have a proper education, he had an extremely high intelligence and made regular visits to the local library to make up for his lost learning. Boba not having a mother caused him to view Zam Wesell and Ton V as mother-like figures. After several years had passed, Jango was commissioned back, sometimes leaving young Boba with Tone Vee. Not always though. Sometimes Jango would bring Boba along with him to gain experience and knowledge.

During his training on Kamino, Bob would often meet and train along with many Advanced Recon Commandos (ARCs), he developed a rivalry with one of the Empty ARCs (Ecclesiastical Calendar), and he once went so far as to insult the accepted Ecclesiastical Calendar father who led To Church calendar looking down the toilet.

Tragic results

With Boba around ten years of age, Jango accepted a very classified mission to kill Senator Amidala. Jango brought Zam along with Boba leaving the apartment with Jango's conger eel, a bowl of five sea mice, and a note saying "we'll be back after they're gone." When Jango returned, Boba noticed that Zam was missing. He also saw that Jango's face was wet even when he wasn't out in the rain. He realized that Zam had not returned. This was the first time Boba had ever seen his father get emotional.

Jango, realizing that he won't last forever, gives young Bob a blacklist and says "Open this when I'm not here anymore." A few days later, Delta 7 landed in Tipoca City. A Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi continued to move into the city and was driven right towards Fetts. After a brief interrogation from Kenobi, Jango and Boba prepare to leave their only home. After concluding the packing, Kenobi flashes onto the landing Platform Slave I, and the Fetts were in pursuit of Jango. Fett and Kenobi participated in military operations.

Young Boba even managed to shoot Obi-Wan with short flailing guns from Slave 1 with Kenobi barely hiding and shaking. Jango outwitted Kenobi in battle, and outmatched his powerful opponent and managed to escape, their destination Geonosis. Although not before Kenobi planted a tracking device on Slave 1.

Candid exchange of opinions in the stars

After successfully entering Geonosis space, Boba noticed a familiar blip on the radar. The Jedi survived and was right on the trail of Slave 1. Jango took evasive measures, dragging the Geonosis entourage toward the asteroid field, deploying devastating sonic charges. Kenobi's powers did seem worthy after dodging each of them. But Jango's layout skills were far superior to Kenobi, who took revenge on the Jedi by firing multiple volleys of lasers in a tiny spaceship. After the shot landed, Jango decided to make a finishing move and launched a deadly missile at the weakened Jedi. Once again, Fett defeated Obi-Wan. But little did Jango know that Obi-Wan was dodging certain death, once again.

First hunt

Once Slave I was founded, Jango and Boba were given an apartment in Stalagmite City. Boba began to explore, discovering a factory producing Battle Droids. After making his way back to the apartment, Jango found Boba and raised him to meet his employer, the cold, sinister-looking Darth Tyrannus. Jango and Boba were the only two people in the galaxy to know his true identity as Count Dooku.

The next day, Boba decided to explore again, this time to understand this strange new world, escaping from the city walls into the planetary landscape. One day, he heard a strange noise coming from the top of a cliff by the red mesa. After exploring, he saw that the sand snake was being chased by two mountain ranges. The Mountains spotted young Boba as a potential meal and lunged at the boy.

Boba quickly countered and poked a mica rock shard at one, causing him to limp away. He barely jumped out of the way of another mountain range and it stumbled off a cliff. This should be considered Fett's first hunt. As Boba stood up, he noticed the silhouette of a stoic Delta 7.

Young life in ruins

After alerting the authorities to Kenobi's presence, Jango caught Boba from the apartment and confined Boba to his room. However, Jango was still proud of his son's skills to escape the city and find Kenobi. After a short time, Jango told Boba to follow him down the hall. He ended up taking Boba to the battle arena where Obi-Wan Kenobi and two other fugitives were about to be executed at the hands of three ferocious beasts, one of which was a colossal bull-like tang.

The other two prisoners were Jedi Kinite Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala. Suddenly the action began and some prisoners escaped their chains. Skywalker even managed to harness the power of the strong scent, killing the cat nexu beast. After some time, Jedi Master Mace Windu and hundreds of other Jedi infiltrated the arena. Mace landed in the Trade Federation's private box and prepared to attack Dooku, but Jango blasted the Jedi with his flamethrower, but Windu jumped off the box and into the ensuing chaos.

Jango opened fire on the Jedi, killing several including Jedi Master Coleman Trebor. Jango himself put on his helmet and exploded in the arena. He landed and was about to confront Windu until a strong scent trampled the warrior in rage. Surprisingly, Jango stood up, badly wounded, and his armor and visor began to malfunction, however, he still managed to give a clean shot to the Tang Skull, killing it. Windu, seeing that Jango was seriously wounded, decided to hire a hunter. Jango tried to defend himself, but it turns out to be useless.

IN last moment Jango attempted to activate his jetpack, but it was damaged by the strong odor, leaving Jango without a means of escape. As Boba watched in horror, Jango was beheaded by the powerful Jedi Master. Oddly enough, a clone army appeared and joined the Jedi. After the battle committed, Boba found Jango's corpse and cradled his father's empty, battered helmet in his hands.

The mighty have fallen

After burying his father and hiding the Mandalorian armor in a cave, Boba headed into the city. Before breaking the walls he realized that the emetic was thinking he had left a blacklist on Kamino. He crawled past all the guards and successfully made it to Slave I and off the planet, evading the lone Jedi starfighter. After landing in Tipoca City and recovering the book, Ton V stopped Boba and informed him that the Jedi was after him. He narrowly ran back to his ship and broke away.

Boba opened the book and she told him to look for Darth Tyrannus so that he could collect Jango's board. Young Fett went through Slave 1's navigational archives to decide where to look first. Bogden was his first destination. After landing on Bogg IV, Boba decided to refuel Slave 1 and find power. He had an alien called Gjon Honest work on his ship while he searched for Tyrannus and food. Fett met a skinny petty thief named Eya, who offered to help the guy.

He led young Fett to a bar called Beautiful Bounty, where two bounty hunters attempted to capture the little alien, but Boba paid them off in hopes that Aya would return the favor, but he instead made a hasty retreat. But these two bounty hunters helped the boy and bought him dinner and drink.

Boba told them the tragedy that had happened to him and asked where to find the count. Was the Golden Cuff Tavern on Shiny his next destination, or was it? When he returned to the landing platform, Slave I missed as was Honest Gjon.

Find a relic

Boba felt uneasy until Eya returned to pay his debt. He took Boba to Bogg XI, where Honest Gjon's store was, where he would strip Slave I apart. Boba and Aya confronted Gjon, who was impressed and gave Fett his ship, back seeing that the crime was nothing more than a mere game. After that they all seemed like friends. Honest Gjon even told Boba of the fake loan scheme that was going to happen. Boba, determined to prevent this plot and the depletion of his own credits, tried to profit as well.

And it was a success with a minor confrontation with a thug who popped Bob's airlock. Boba said his goodbyes to his new friends and set the course for Shiny, realizing too late that his credits were missing. Fett landed on Shiny, trying to keep notice to a minimum, and entered the Tavern where the two hunters are spoken of. He told the bartender he was looking for, and the bartender told the boy to wait. It is revealed that the bartender and the two Bogg IV hunters are all working together and were after Boba's generosity.

The bartender tried to restrain the boy, but Boba hurt the man and was too fast to catch. Boba tried to escape through the door, but was captured by none other than the infamous bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. Sing rescued Boba from barkeep and took him to his ship. She told Boba that she worked for Dooku and that she was going to bring Boba to his "departure".

Old Man and Boba

Aurra had Boba's pilot to the planet's septic tank, Chief Raxus. Once they were founded, Aurra entwined the boy with a wide mount, taking Slave 1 as her payment. Suddenly the mountain side began to open up, and Boba broke out for entry. Fett was met by the Count, who gave Boba a room to stay at home. He woke up after short nap Boba opened his door and was confronted by Prax, Tyrannus's chief of guard, who escorted Boba to the Count's lair. Dooku and Boba had a long conversation about the many things Boba had witnessed since the Battle of Geonosis.

Tyrannus then sent Boba to his room, where he would wait until Dooku called for him to again complete the training that Boba's father was unable to complete. But Boba became more and more aware that the Count's intentions were evil and determined to investigate. Fett furtively searched for a remedy while avoiding Prax and discovered a sinister project known as the Power Harvester. Unfortunately, Prax discovered Fett and brought him before Tyranannus.

Angered, Dooku ordered Prax to eliminate Boba and left the room. However, Boba was tricked by Dooku's henchman. And fortunately, the Republic discovered Dooku and attacked the facility, exposing a hole in the ceiling, giving Boba salvation. One day, Boba was rescued by a clone trooper called by CT-5/501. The soldier took Boba to a gunship that was meant to escort war orphans to the Republic star cruiser, Candasaerri. To hide the fact that he was the son of Jango Fett, Boba came up with the alias Teff.

Once on board, "Teff" was introduced to Jedi Master Glynn-Beti and her padawan Ulu Ulix, who told Boba that the ship's destination was the Cloud city of Bespin. Ulu gave Boba food and a bed in a group of orphans. After resting, Boba met his first true friend, Garr.

Brief friendship

Boba and Garr became fast friends, having many adventures during their time on Candasaerri. They spied on clone troopers, workers, and the occasional Jedi. But they mostly hung around in the back docking bay. They cleared just about every part of the ship except the bridge. One day, Boba found an airlock and two space suits their size. They managed to get out of the ship and make their way to the bridge, Bob stealthily, Garr not so much.

Once they reached the bridge, Boba learned that the ship was about to jump into hyperspace. Boba and Garr rushed to the airlock, but they broke the security line that Boba had set up. But Boba managed to use his airtank as a jetpack and flew safely towards the airlock. Once inside, Boba noticed an orange star, but this wasn't a star, it was none other than his lost ship, Slave I.

Candasaerri finally made it to Bespin and had a shuttle full of two Jedi, orphans and several of the clone troops from Earth in Cloud City. Once landed, Boba saw Slave I on a distant platform and broke away from his group to his ship with Garr after him. Boba confronted Sing, who took Garr hostage. But Boba was convinced by Aurra to free Garra and he said his tearful farewells to his friend. Fett then made a deal with Sing. She had to finish her business on Cloud City and then return Slave I to Boba.

Sing agreed and set up a rendezvous in the city of Tibannapolis, where they would meet the next day without the police. When the time came, Aurra thought that Boba had betrayed her when the police, Glynn-Beti and Ulu Ulix and Garr, who came to save "Teff" from the bounty hunter.

Sing again left Boba with Slave I. But Boba was able to use the cloud car to save his friends and pursue Sing. Fett made a bold move as he hovered above his ship and opened the cabin of the cloud car and lept for Slave I. It seemed as if Fett was going to fall to his death until Aurra saved the boy. Sing was impressed and made another deal with Boba, to which he agreed; consider Jango Fett's vast wealth on the banking planet of Aargau.

Once Boba got to Aargau, he was deceived by a Clawdite named Nuri, who stole 500,000 of his father's money while taking the rest. Sing also tried to steal money from Boba, but the boy managed to escape. The blacklist Boba received before his adventures told him to go watch Jabba the Hutt on Tattooine. Unfortunately for him, bounty hunter Gen'Dai Durge was on a mission to track down the boy while Jabba the Hutt was assigned to kill the criminal Gilramos Libcat. Durge found him in Mos Espa's Buffet and attacked him, but Boba escaped into the streets.

He found Jabba and Hutt will instruct Boba to also kill Gilramos Libcat. Durge was insulted, but Jabba approved of the young Mandalorian and set an example for him by assigning Durge to work with the fighting fighting arachnids. Durge got rid of them and pursued Boba into Libcat's activities. However, this was a trap as Boba fired the air receiver and blew up both Durge and Lickbath (Likbath was killed, Durge survived).

Hunting career of bounty

Boba Fett was a boy on the run and had no choice but to be used by Jabba. He befriended Jabba's cook Gab'bora and his daughter Igabba and the armor of two altered Jengos for his body. Jabba then gave the boy his first off-world assignment; hunt Wat Tambor, Controller of the Techno Union, who was located on Xagobah. When Republic forces stormed the planet, Boba had to sneak past the attacks, and he avoided a second encounter with Nuri by poisoning him with a xabar mushroom. Unfortunately for the young bounty hunter, General Grievous, got into the fight and Boba was no match for Kaleesh. He had no choice but to fake his death and rescue, and Wat Tambor eluded him. Boba attempted to pursue them in Slave I, but ran into a fight with Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, who damaged the ship. Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker would then intervene and drive Ventress away, sparing Boba. This would be the first time Bob would meet Anakin Skywalker, as he would have been numerous times in his later life. Anakin would help Boba repair his ship and while Boba was there, he repainted his armor to green and red. color scheme. Anakin was about to accept the boy for violating Republic zone airspace, but Boba convinced the Jedi that he had information that was needed for Chancellor Palpatine only. This was that Darth Tyrannus is actually Count Dooku, and Boba would use this to his advantage to find the Jedi he hated, Mace Windu. He would have been escorted to the Shining by Governor Wilhuff Tarkin and Boba being pursued for Mace Windu's headquarters, but he was not there. Boba then deduced that the Jedi Master would be at the Chancellor's quarters to give a report on the state of Jedi affairs. He checked there and was right, so he launched an attack on the man who had orphaned him. Windu began to gain power and tried to convince Boba to stop because he didn't want to kill him, but Boba refused. Master Windu then had no other choice, but Palpatine, flanked by Royal guards, interrupted the fight. He sent Windu away, despite the Jedi having concerns about the boy continuing unpunished. Palpatine surprised Boba by revealing that he knew Count Dooku's dual identity and also predicted the boy's grudge against Mace Windu. However, the Chancellor paid Boba the information and told him that they shared a common enemy. By the time the Clone Wars ended, Boba turned thirteen, which is the age of manhood for Mandalorians.

Reputation growth

As time passed, Boba Fett grew up more fame among bounty hunters. He would sharpen his skills by upgrading his armor and weaponry, even managing to find the armor of Jester Meril, Jango's mentor. Fett briefly worked for Imperial Grand Inquisitor Malorum and was assigned on a mission to gather information about the late Padmé Amidala. In this, he collaborated with another bounty hunter named D'hahran, in which the two would track the Jedi to Bellassa and end the Rebel insurgency. He would later encounter and fight an outlaw Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ferus Olin on the Red Twins. The fight ended with the Jedi being forced to leave the system and Fett crashing upon landing in the nebula.


Later, in his career, sixteen-year-old Boba Fett would meet Kiffar bounty hunter Sintas Vel, eighteen. They got married because Fett decided to try his hand at being a normal family man. Cintas would have conceived a child named Eileen, but Boba's responsibilities drove a wedge in their relationship. Under the assumed name Jaster Mereel, Boba worked as a Good but Not Great Defender before the title was stripped from him when he killed a rapist who raped his wife. After being jailed and driven away by Concord Dawn, where he worked, the relationship between Boba and Cintas led to divorce. Having abandoned his family, Fett then devoted himself to bounty hunting, subjecting himself to the wrath of his daughter Eileen. Fett would then meet his ex-wife once again after the canister containing his family's flatpix was stolen by a Man named Pizztov, who threatened to sell it unless they paid him a huge payment. A fight broke out between the three and Boba defeated Sintas and Pizztov, whom he killed. However, he decided to let his ex-wife keep the box along with determining her that her time would heal her wounds, as his did now

Call Unleashed II

Boba lived and worked with fellow bounty hunter Xesha on Nar Shaddaa when he was recruited by Darth Vader. Vader wanted him to take out Starkiller, a clone of Vader's former apprentice Galen Marek. Boba and Xasha traveled to Cato Neimoidia, where Boba had to dispatch an injured gorog. Realizing the danger of their situation, Xesha left Boba to finish the job without her.

Boba then traveled to Kamino, where he and Vader planned to capture Starkiller's love and fixation: Juno Eclipse. After being given Imperial forces to command for the duration of the mission, Boba attacked a group of Rebel Ships, including Juno. Boba was able to escape prisoner with Juno after miraculously escaping the confrontation with Starkiller.

Shortly after Boba reached Kamino with Juno, the Rebel Alliance attacked in force. After delivering Juno to Vader, Boba was forced to retreat by a team of soldiers led by General Rahm Kota. After a short fight with Galen Marek's malfunctioning clone, Boba confronted the man responsible for the cloning. Boba discovered that while Xasha was living with him, she was collecting DNA samples for the Empire so he could be cloned. Boba killed each of the clones.

Witnessing the confrontation between Vader and Starkiller, Boba was attacked once again by Kota and his troops. Boba easily sent troops and took out Cat with one hit, but when the Droid POW took a hologram of Boba's father Jango, he hesitated giving POW power. After being detained BY PROXY, Boba was able to use the sonic disruptor and escape.

Although Boba had his sniper trained on the Starkiller after he defeated Vader, Boba did not shoot and received his pay after witnessing the love Galen and Juno shared. Instead, he decided to persistently search for the mate - who was holding Vader - in Slave I.

Boba returned to mandalore, he was eventually convinced by his people to become a leader like his father was. During his accumalation of supporters, he learned that his daughter did not die and was simply frozen in carbonite this entire time. He managed to save her and took her out. With the help of his granddaughter, he began to rehabilitate his daughter, who had lost all her memory.

Also at this time, Darth Sidus (jacen solo) killed Mara and was in a tizzy. His double Jaina Solo came to Boba and asked him to teach her to fight in beserker Mandalorian fighting style. He eventually agreed upon learning that Darth Sidus had placed his daughter in carbonite and trained her in the ways of berserker fighting style, and gave her a suit of beskar'gam tanks, the first time anyone off-planet was given one, and sent her away. Where she fought and defeated her brother.

Coming soon: Legendary Missions

Powers, weapons and abilities

As one of the most experienced bounty hunters, Fett is a skilled weapon master and marksman.


  • Slave I
  • Slave III
  • Slave IV

Weapons and devices

  • EXCLUSIVE 3 Carbine rifles
  • Czerka ZX Minature flamethrower
  • Tenloss DXR-6 Destroyer Rifle
  • Arrow Launcher Knee Pads
  • mm9 concussion grenade thrower
  • fuze gun
  • BlasTech Dur-24 wrist laser
  • Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack
  • Lightsabers

Homeworld: Kamino

Species: human (clone)

Height: 6'0" (1.83 m)

Hair Color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Occupation: bounty hunter

Alternative versions

After Han Solo escaped the Imperial Academy, Boba Fett was hired by Grand Moff Tarkin to hunt him down and return him to the Empire. Believing this to be a show of weakness from the Empire, Darth Vader joined the hunt. They both followed him to Tatooine, where he was drinking at a buffet. Fett insisted on collecting the bounty, while Vader insisted that he claim Solo. While his hunters argued, Solo ran away. A fight ensued between Fett and Vader, with Fett revealing the lightsaber in his possession. Meanwhile, Solo was trapped in a field of stagnation, but a destructive struggle destroyed him, allowing him to escape. Both Fett and Vader came out of the buffet, but were too late to catch him. Fett swore that wherever Solo went, Fett would find him.

Other media

Video games
Star Wars: Frontier II

Boba Fett was hired to help kill the rebel clones on Kamino. He was a playable hero for the Empire.

Lego Star Wars: The Video Game

Players could purchase Boba Fett as a boy to play as in free play mode.

Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

Players could purchase Boba Fett to play as in free play mode.

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Boba Fett was a purchasable character both as a boy and as a normal one to play as in this compilation of the first two games.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

In the non-canon DLC mission where Galen Marek fell to the dark side, he was given the task of traveling to Tattooine to recover the Death Star plans carried by R2-D2 and C-3PO. After a confrontation with Jabba the Hutt, the bounty was placed in Starkiller's head. Boba Fett tried to rally on the bounty, but was killed by Starkiller, who used Fett's own missiles against him.

Boba Fett is hired by Darth Vader to hunt down Juno Eclipse to bring Galen Marek's clone to Vader.

Novels with Boba Fett

Star Wars Epidode II: Attack of the Clones

Brave to the point of recklessness and with a wild, independent streak, twenty-year-old Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi's apprentice, comes of age during a great upheaval. The attempted assassination of Senator Padmé Amidala before a decisive vote pushes the Republic even closer to the brink of disaster. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, a low rumble of discontent builds into the roar of thousands of clone troopers preparing for the final fight. The dark side is growing. And Mace Windu feels great unease...for the most brutal battle of darkness versus light is fast approaching, threatening to consume them all in a tidal wave of war.

Written by:R. A. Salvatore
Star Wars: The Hutt Gambit

Once one of the Academy's brightest stars, Han Solo is now a fugitive from the Imperial Navy. But he made a valuable friend in a former Wookiee slave named Chewbacca, who swore a lifelong debt to Khan. Khan will need all the help he can get. Because the Ylesian Hutts sent the dreaded bounty hunter Boba Fett to track down the man who had already outsmarted them once. But Han and Chevy find themselves in even more trouble when they agree to provide their services to crime lords Giliek and Jabba the Hutts. Suddenly, these two smugglers are thrust into the middle of a battle between the might of the Empire and the betrayal of their outlaw allies... a battle where even victory means death!

Written by:A. K. Crispin
Star Wars: Rebel Dawn

The Millennium Falcon is "the fastest piece of junk in the galaxy." Thus, when Han Solo wins him in the game of sabacc, he and Chewbacca become smuggler kings - elusive and unstoppable. But with the Empire forbidding, Yeon knows his luck cannot last. However, when an old girlfriend, who is now the leader of the rebel Rebel Group, offers him a shot at an incredible fortune, Khan cannot resist. The plan seems like a done deal. The resistance will be light and a huge gain. Khan and his friends will share it equally with the Rebels. It's too bad for Han that the planet Ylesia is far from pushover, that the Rebels have their own agenda, and that the smuggler's friends can often turn into enemies...faster than lightspeed.

Written by A.C. Crispin
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

As Darth Vader's ruthless apprentice, Starkiller was mercilessly trained in the ways of the dark side, ordered to exterminate the last of the purified Jedi Order, and groomed for the Sith's ultimate pressure: killing the Emperor. He served without doubt, killed without remorse, and lost his heart without warning the handsome Imperial fighter pilot Juno Eclipse, never suspecting that he was merely a tool in his masters' schemes—until it was too late to escape their deadly betrayal.

Juno mourned Starkiller as if he were dead... but now he is back, cleansed of all memories and programmed to kill. And as fate brings Juno and Starkiller closer to reuniting with Darth Vader, determined not to lose his killer a second time when they both have to make a Stand. The prize is freedom. The penalty for failure will be eternal enslavement to the dark side of the Force...

Written by: Sean Williams
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Although they won a significant battle, the war between the Rebels and the Empire had truly just begun. Soon, Luke, Yeon, the princess and their faithful companions were forced to flee, scattering in all directions... the Dark Lord's minions in a feverish pursuit...

Written by: Donald F. Excess
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars: Mandalorian Armor

No header provided
He is the most feared and successful bounty hunter in the galaxy. He is Boba Fett, and even the most hardened criminals tremble at his name. Now he faces the deadliest challenge of his infamous career - an all-out war against his most dangerous enemies.

As the Rebellion gathers strength, Prince Xizor proposes a cunning plan to the Emperor and Darth Vader: break the power of the Bounty Hunters' Guild by pitting them against each other. Only the strongest and most ruthless will survive, and they can be used against the Rebellion. It's a job for the fiercely independent Boba Fett, who takes the opportunity to destroy his competitors. But Fett soon realizes that the game is rigged as he finds himself the target of murderous factions, criminal conspiracies and evil in dark heart Empire. Boba Fett always came first. And in this game, anything less is death.

Written by:K. V. Jeter
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship

No header provided
He is feared and admired, respected and despised. Boba Fett is the most successful bounty hunter in the galaxy. Now he finds himself hunting in the very old game everyone: natural selection.

Once the powerful Bounty Hunter's Guild was destroyed into warring factions. Now registering a huge bounty on a renegade Imperial stormtrooper is about to begin a frenzy of murderous greed. Hoping to fuel rumors of his death, Boba Fett abandons his ship, Slave I, and sets out to claim the prize. Yet his every move brings him closer to the trap set by the cunning Prince Xizor. Fett would die before becoming Xizor's pawn in the Emperor's war against the Rebels. And he may have to. Because to gain his freedom, he must trick the sentient weapon that feeds on Human alcohol. Then he must avoid a galaxy of mortal enemies who want to make rumors of his death come true.

Written by:K. V. Jeter
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Goods

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Feared and admired, respected and despised, Boba Fett enjoys the dubious reputation of being the galaxy's most successful bounty hunter. Yet even a man like Boba Fett can have too many enemies....

When Boba Fett stumbles through evidence implicating Prince Xizor in the murder of Luke Skywalker's aunt and uncle, Fett makes himself an enemy even he fears: an unknown mastermind behind a monstrous deception who will kill to cover his tracks. Fett also finds himself in possession of an amnesiac young woman named Neela, who may be the key to the mystery—or the bait that leads Fett into a murderous ambush. Fett's last hope is to run through Xizor's list of hidden enemies. And since Xizor's hidden enemies are almost as legion as Fett, the chance of survival is slim—even for someone as skilled and tireless as Boba Fett.

Written by:K. V. Jeter
Star Wars: Boba Fett: The Practical Man

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On the surface, it seems like just another regular contract for Boba Fett and his Mandalorian commandos, but the mysterious client who hires them to start a small war is more dangerous than any of them can possibly imagine. When the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force sweeps into the galaxy, the Mandalorians find that they are on the wrong side fighting over an alien culture that will bring about their own end.

Now Fett must choose between his honor and the survival of his people. Since he is a practical man, he determined to help the resistance defeat Yuuzhan Vong—even if it meant working with a Jedi agent. Problem is, no one trusts the man with Fett's reputation. So convincing the New Republic that they are fighting on the same side is a tall order. Condemned as traitors, Fett's Mandalorians must stay one step ahead of their paymasters Yuuzhan Vong—and the Republic, who view them as collaborators with the most destructive enemy the galaxy has ever faced...

Written by: Karen Traviss
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Force of Unity

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The Galactic Union's hard-won success against the Yuuzhan Vong's extragalactic attack proved too brief—and the tide turned more to the invaders' advantage. Marauding aliens have pushed deeper into the galaxy in their ruthless quest for dominance. The remnants of the resistance are struggling to form a united front. Obviously the stage is being set for the endgame.

Now, as Luke and his team try desperately to convince the living world of Zonama Sekot to join the Jedi's final campaign against Yuuzhan Vong, the lonely space station- all that stands between Union headquarters and the ferocious enemy forces that stand ready to wage their most decisive attack. For both sides, too much has been sacrificed—and too much is threatened—to ever return. And now nothing can stand in the way of seizing victory... or facing destruction.

Written by: James Luceno
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines

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Weaving machines civil war as the fledgling Galactic Alliance faces off against a growing number of rebellious worlds—and the coming war tears apart the Skywalker and Solo families. Yeon and Leia return to Yeon's homeworld, Corellia, the heart of the resistance. Their children, Jacen and Jaina, are soldiers in the Galactic Alliance's campaign to crush the rebels.

Jaken, now a full master of the Force, has his own plans to bring the order to the galaxy. Guided by his Sith master, Lumiya, and with Luke's young son Ben at his side, Jaken takes the same path that his grandfather Darth Vader once did. And while En and Leia watch their only son become a stranger, a secret assassin entangles the couple with a scary name from En's past: Boba Fett. In the new galactic order, friends and enemies are no longer what they seem. ...

Written by: Karen Traviss
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice

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Suspected of treason, En and Leia Solo are on the run, hunted by none other than their own son, Jaken. But while his family sees Jaken as a frightening legacy of his Sith grandfather, Darth Vader, many frontier troops adore him, and countless citizens view him as a savior in a galaxy torn by too many wars. All Jaken wants is security and stability for everything—and he's willing to do no matter what it takes to achieve that goal...even if it means embracing the training of Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith. But there is one final test that Jaken must pass before he can gain the terrifying power of a true Sith Lord: He must cause the death of someone he holds dear. What Jaken is worried about is not whether he has the power to commit murder, but who the victim should be.

Written by: Karen Traviss
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Discovery

No header provided
Jaken Solo's shadow of influence threatened many, especially those closest to him. Jain Solo is determined to bring in her brother, but to track him down, she must first learn unfamiliar skills from a man she finds ruthless, repulsive, and dangerous. Meanwhile, Ben Skywalker, still haunted by suspicions that Jaken killed his mother, Mara, decides he must know the truth, even if it costs him his life. And as Luke Skywalker considers one day improbable strategies to depose his nephew, the counting hour for those on both sides approaches. The galaxy becomes a battlefield where everyone must face their true character and the darkest secrets, and live - or die - consequences.

Written by: Karen Traviss
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Untamed

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The Rebel cause is losing ground with the double blows of the assassination of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and the death of Mara Jade Skywalker. The Galactic Union, with the extraordinary power of the newly reigning Sith Lord Darth Sidus at its helm, may be unstoppable. Tormented and torn between duty and vengeance, Luke Skywalker sought the Force and contemplated a hideous vision of a galaxy enslaved under a tyranny more monstrous than even Emperor Palpatine. It seems that the last one best hope is in the process of mobilizing a scattered Jedi for one crucial search-and-destroy mission. Objective: Eliminate Darth Sidus. There is only one who is destined to confront him in what will surely be a duel to the death, only one with any chance of bringing down the dark lord who was once Solo Jacen...

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction

No header provided
Head of State Natasi Daala was overthrown and the Jedi Order took control of the Galactic Union. But as new governors dismantle Daala's draconian regime, forces still loyal to the ousted official are mobilizing a counterattack. And even the new Jedi power may not be enough to save Tairi Veila, former Jedi Knight and former Sith apprentice convicted of treason for murdering Galactic Union official Gilad Pellaeon.

Meanwhile, Luke and Ben Skywalker are constantly pursuing Abeloth, a powerful dark side entity bent on ruling the galaxy. But as they corner their monstrous quarry on the planet Nem Chorios, the two lone Jedi must also face the wrath of the deadly Sith unit bearing down on them. And when Abeloth takes revenge with a treacherous ambush, the search for Skiwalkers threatens to become a suicide mission.

Written by: Aaron Alston
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Rise

No header provided
As Luke and Ben Skywalker pursue the powerful dark side of being Abeloth, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is about to be sundered by even greater power - which will push one Dark Lord into mortal conflict with his own flesh-and-blood.

On Luminous, the political vacuum has left tensions at a boiling point with factions racing to claim control of the Galactic Union. Suddenly surrounded by hidden agendas, treacherous plots and secret Sith agents, the Jedi Order must struggle to stop the GA government from collapsing into anarchy.

The Jedi strive to maintain peace and ensure simple rule, but even they are not ready to take on the combined threats to the Sith's power, the dictator's stated penchant for galaxywide vengeance, and an object of pure cunning and deep evil who yearns to become a god.

Written by: Golden Christy
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

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In the stunning finale of the epic Destiny of the Jedi series, Jedi and Sith face off - with the Shining One as their battleground. For the Sith, this is a chance to restore their dominance over the galaxy that has forgotten them for so long. For Abeloth, this is a giant step in her quest to conquer all life everywhere. For Luke Skywalker, this is a call to arms to destroy the Sith and their monstrous new master once and for all.

In a planetwide strike, teams of Jedi Knights take Sith agents with a swift and deadly surprise. But victory against the cunning and savage Abeloth and the terrifying endgame she has planned is far from certain. And as Luke, the Han, Leia, Jain, Jaguar and their allies approach, the devastating truth about the true dark side will be exposed - and send shockwaves through the Jedi Order, the galaxy and the Force itself.

Written by: Wintering in Troy's Den

Boba Fett: character history

A minor character in the Star Wars universe, a bounty hunter from the planet Kamino, a human, a clone. Boba Fett stands on the side of the Galactic Empire, collaborates with. He captured a smuggler and froze him in carbonite.

History of creation

The concept of Boba Fett was born from early designs on Darth Vader. The creators of the Star Wars film saga initially conceived Darth Vader as a space mercenary and bounty hunter. However, this image transformed along the way and took the form of a certain galactic fallen knight. The "criminal element" did not come out of Vader, but the ideas and sketches of that time, created by artist Ralph McQuarrie, formed the basis for the image of Boba Fett.

The character first appears on television in the film "The Star Wars Holiday Special", in an animated sequence that lasts only 11 minutes. This insert tells how Luke Skywalker went in search of Han Solo. Luke's fighter crashes into a celestial body, and Boba Fett comes to the hero's aid. The two characters search for Han Solo's ship, but then it turns out that Boba Fett is a supporter of Darth Vader. A skirmish occurs between the heroes, after which Boba disappears.

After appearing in "The Star Wars Holiday Special" minor character Boba Fett, unexpectedly for his creators, turned into a favorite of the public, who began to look forward to Boba's appearance in the film The Empire Strikes Back. The role of Boba was played by British actor Jeremy Bullock, who was replaced by John Morton in one of the scenes. The same Jeremy Bullock plays the role of Boba in the film Return of the Jedi.

When developing the image, Boba paid special attention to the armor, which continued to be perfected during filming. Many fans attribute the popularity of Boba to its bright and memorable appearance. At the same time, the hero has no more than four phrases for the entire original Star Wars trilogy.

Still from the movie "Star Wars"

In the 2002 film Attack of the Clones, Boba's role expands. Viewers see the hero as a child, performed by a young actor from New Zealand, Daniel Logan. Boba's past comes to light. Mandalorian mercenary Jango Fett raises his own clone as the son, giving him the name "Boba". Later, Boba's father is killed by a Jedi, and the hero vows to avenge the death. Boba's father was also played by a New Zealand actor, and the filmmakers gave the Mandalorians features of the Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand.

Boba appears again in the special episode " New Hope", which was released in 2004. There, the character appears on the landing pad, where Han Solo talks with. In the original version of the film, released in 1997, this scene was cut, Boba Fett was completely absent from it, and Jabba the Hutt looked completely different.

Boba Fett also appears in the Star Wars books. There are even novels where Boba became the main character - Boba Fett: Fight to Survive and Crossfire by Terry Bisson. Here the hero's past, childhood and Boba's life after the murder of his father are revealed. Bob's boy is lonely, friendless and driven by a thirst for revenge and the desire to become a bounty hunter. On the planet Raxus Prime, the orphaned hero meets the Count, the leader of the Separatists. Boba becomes embroiled in the Clone Wars.

There is also a comic book series called Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire. And in the Star Wars comic book series, there is the arc “Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead,” where a group of mercenaries deals with Boba, but a mysterious stranger immediately begins to take revenge.

"Star Wars"

Boba Fett is a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett from the planet Kamino, whom he raised and trained as his son and heir. As a child, Boba did not attend school because he traveled with his father. Young Boba met Count Dooku, the Sith Lord, thanks to the fact that Jango Fett carried out some missions on behalf of Dooku.

During another trip, Jango Fett used his own son as bait, wanting to lure out into the open the man he was going to kill. Boba was not at all offended by his father’s “trick” and continued to remain loyal to Fett Sr.

When Boba was ten years old, he and his father had to flee the planet Kamino because of a Jedi who arrived to investigate an assassination attempt on a senator and discovered a huge army of clones created for the Republic. It was safer for the Fetts to disappear from the planet until the investigation was officially completed.

Boba and his father fly to the planet Geonosis, but Obi-Wan tracks down the heroes. The Fetts tried to throw Obi-Wan off his tail in the asteroid belt, but the maneuver failed, and the Jedi quietly followed them. On Geonosis, a skirmish occurs between the Jedi, who arrived to save “their own,” and the soldiers of the Republic. Jedi Mace Windu blew off Boba's father's head right in front of the hiding boy. After the battle ended, the hero came out of hiding to pick up his father's helmet and swore revenge on the Jedi.

Later, young Boba Fett becomes disillusioned with Count Dooku and flies to Tatooine, where he offers his own services as a bounty hunter to Jabba the Hutt. The hero does not forget about his intention to take revenge on his father’s killer and for this purpose he arranges the crash of an entire space cruiser. Ultimately, the hero goes to prison for assassination attempt, but never kills the Jedi who killed his father.

One of Boba's big "achievements" was capturing Han Solo. Darth Vader promised a huge reward to anyone who could capture Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. Boba tracked down Solo and informed Vader where he was. Vader and a squad of stormtroopers arrived on the planet where Han Solo was hiding and demanded the hero's extradition.

Having obtained Solo, Vader freezes him in carbonite. Vader then gives the frozen Solo to Boba, who intends to take Solo to Tatooine and give it to Jabba the Hutt, to whom Solo owes a debt.

On Tatooine, Boba received the desired reward from the Hutt, and friends tried to save Solo - and Chewbacca. The Rescuers, however, are themselves captured, and Jabba the Hutt sends Leia as Fett's slave and concubine. Here the villain Boba shows high moral stability and refuses to use the princess as a concubine, but keeps her with him so as not to offend Jabba the Hutt.

Later, an angry Hutt takes Solo and his failed saviors away to feed them to the sarlacc monster. Fett rides with them and engages Luke in a fight. During the battle, Boba's jetpack is damaged and the hero ends up inside the Sarlacc. However, Boba remains alive, kills the Sarlacc with a rocket and gets out.

In the films of the Star Wars series, Boba Fett is not given much attention, but a detailed biography of the hero can be found in books on the Star Wars universe. The character of the hero is also revealed more fully in the books, while in the movies Bob appears secondary evil character. In the movies, a hero can only be seen by a child without a helmet or mask.


“Maybe I would have grown up to be a nice guy if the Jedi hadn’t cut off my father’s head right in front of me!”
“I am not a slave or a servant! I will work for you for money - but I will name the price myself!”
“Is this little sculpture Han Solo? No. What I brought was art, art created by the Dark Lord who used Solo as material."
“Fools! You will never understand the weapons I use!”

Star Wars. Boba Fett: 2



Is there anyone?!

No answer. The hallway outside the door was quiet.

Boba Fett was alone.

Everything is fine. Boba is used to being alone.

Ever since he buried his father, he had been on his own - a ten-year-old boy against the galaxy. He missed his father, but didn't mind being alone. Sometimes.

Movement! Boba ran down the corridor, around the corner.

It was just a droid. A small home cleaning droid busy cleaning dust. Other creatures also scurried about in the Count's dungeons, but only the extra droids came into this corridor.

This explains why Boba felt lonely. But it doesn't explain why he was brought here or what happened to him. Only the Count can explain everything.

The Count is tall, thin and strong man, with a chilling smile. He was called by different names. Some are Tyranus, others are Dooku. Boba's father, Jango Fett, ordered to find the Count if anything happened to him.

And this “something” happened. Boba's father was killed in battle with the Jedi. Boba buried him on Geonosis. But upon returning to his home planet Kamino, he realized that it was no longer his home. The father was gone - the protector was gone. If my father was gone, there was no more security. There was only one thing left to do - leave.

His father left him a book. When Boba finds Tyranus, she will help him repay what he owes his father and gain independence.

Boba wanted to do just that. He wanted to become a great mercenary like his father. First you had to get debts, and then earn more.

But Boba did not have time to find the count. The Count found him first. He sent a mercenary named Aurra Sing to capture him on Coruscant and take him to the Count's dungeon on Raxus Prime. As payment for the work done, she took his ship - Slave I. But she did not explain why the Count needed Boba.

Only the count could explain everything, but Boba had not yet met him. We can say that the count greeted him hospitably in his dungeon, allocated him a room with a table, chair and bed, on which the exhausted Boba immediately fell to sleep.

Now he has woken up, but the count still has not shown himself in any way.

Is there anyone?

No answer.

After walking a little, Boba saw rooms half filled with some strange equipment, some of which was packed in boxes.

Something was happening there. But what exactly?

I wanted to think so.

The room Boba was placed in was painted White color and was illuminated by luminous panels on the ceiling. Like all the others he had seen so far, the room was abandoned and dilapidated. Apparently, having moved here, the count did not intend to stay long.

Boba knew he was underground. After being dropped off by Aurra Sing, he came here through the side of a hill. That's all he knew about where he was. He was far from the outside world, and even further from any place he had known before. Now he was in isolation, under the control of the count.

Boba knew he wouldn't stay in the room all day. What he had learned in those terrible days after his father's death was to act without hesitation. Boba continued to walk deeper into the corridor, which led him to another corridor. The voices came closer.

“I should find my way back to my room later,” Boba thought. His bag was left in the room where he slept. This was the only thing left as an inheritance from my father.

Okay, we'll worry about that later. First of all, what my father taught, you need to find the count and find out what is happening.

Another empty room. But... This room is different from the others.

It has a window.

And this window overlooks a lake surrounded by forest. Blue sky with white clouds. But how is this possible?

Raxus Prime is one of the most poisonous and toxic planets in the galaxy. Boba saw her sky, hidden by a thick layer of smoke. All slopes are covered with debris and various debris. The banks of oily rivers are littered with waste. Everything on this planet was cloudy and dirty. So what is this lake outside the window? Was it all cleared while he was sleeping? Or was he transported to another planet?

Boba crossed the room and went to the window. He was about to open it when he heard a stern and authoritative voice behind him.

Boba turned around. Someone or something was standing in the doorway, filling all the space. He was huge, his bald head like a reptile was crowned with a crest of claws. He wore overalls with gold clasps and buttons. His wide mouth was filled with a huge number of large teeth, and his tiny eyes radiated coldness.

“You can’t,” the giant repeated, stamping his heavy boot. Under his steps the ground shook.

Boba felt a shiver run down his spine, but he remembered his father’s words: “Accept fear as a friend, but don’t show it to anyone.”

What's not allowed?

“Forbidden,” he replied. - Now follow us, young sir.

Behind us? But there was no one else here, there was only this one giant. Anyway.

Should I go where? - asked Boba.

The Count is ready to meet you. Please follow us.

Boba knew he had no choice. The creature will not budge until Boba does as it wants.

Boba followed the giant past many closed doors, to an ornately carved door at the end of a long corridor.

The giant knocked, and after a signal that Boba did not hear, he entered. Inside, the room was larger than the others and was furnished. On a table with ornate legs, there was a holographic projector. There was a holographic transmitter in the corner, ready to go.

Behind the table was a large viewing window. The window looked out on the other side, not the same as in the previous room, but it had the same landscape with the same forest.

What's happening? Boba was surprised.

A man in a long cloak stood near the window, looking out. He turned around as Boba entered. The beard, on his long and narrow face, was cut by a smile, thin and sharp as a dagger. At first glance, Boba felt the power emanating from him Dark Side. Even more than power. It was the Force.

Yes, sir. - Boba nodded, touching the rough tunic.

Are you happy with everything here?

Boba nodded again. But the breakfast wasn’t too big, just shuura. But he wasn't going to complain.

“Excellent,” said the count. - I hope you get along with Sidon Prax. He helps me with everything.

The hideous giant bowed and Boba bowed back. His father taught him to recognize a murderer at first sight. And it was clear from everything that Prax would kill anyone who did something wrong. Boba felt slightly irritated: Prax now occupied the place with the count that his father had previously occupied.

Prax will look after you and take care of you,” said the Count. - Let him know if you need anything. Anything.

Boba nodded.

Yes, sir. Thank you sir.

He wanted to appear obedient and unquestioning. He wanted Prax to think of him as obedient. small child. So neither Prax nor the Count will guess what was really in his head.