Artist's Day: when is it celebrated in Russia? International Artist's Day.

Artist's Day is a holiday not only
the professionals of this art themselves,
but also art lovers

Happy holiday to all art lovers!

December 8th is International Artist's Day, which was established in 2007. International Association"The Art of the Peoples of the World."

This is not the only date associated with the artist’s profession. Ukraine celebrates this day in October, and in Russia it is celebrated in individual regions V different days– Kursk region celebrates Artist’s Day on August 9, and Lipetsk region on December 25.

Some creative associations They propose holding the holiday on October 25, the birthday of Pablo Picasso, whom masters and art experts consider the greatest artist of the 20th century.

So there is no consensus on the date in the professional community yet. But we are not against it: let there be more reasons to congratulate those who bring the beauty of art into our lives.

Artist's Day is a holiday not only for professionals and art lovers. Creativity preserves in a person the ability to enjoy the world and love it. Therefore, today’s holiday is for all lovers of beauty.

Drawing “Everyone is waiting for his tram”

The profession of an artist is thousands of years old - even ancient people created paintings rock art. In Ancient Egypt, artists were highly respected. The painted images were believed to have a magical effect. In the Middle Ages, the main areas of art were icon painting, frescoes and mosaics. During the Renaissance, the portrait genre developed, which remains relevant today.

Here's what artists say about their profession:

“The artist has freed himself from all ideas, images and ideas and the objects arising from them; such is the philosophy of Suprematism, which brings art to itself”
(Kazimir Malevich)

“The artist is not an intellectual, when he depicts a naked woman, he leaves in our minds the idea that she is going to immediately get dressed.”
(Odilon Redon)

“It’s good for an artist to deal with boring work from time to time.”
(Auguste Renoir)

“Whoever wants to know about me as an artist should carefully study my paintings and try to find out from them who I am and what I wanted.”
(Gustav Klimt)

“I’m a pervert, a voyeur, but for an artist this is completely normal”
(Salvador Dali)

“I believe that there is nothing more difficult for an artist than to paint a rose, but he can create his own rose only by forgetting about all the roses painted before him.”
(Henri Matisse)

“Every child is an artist, the difficulty is to remain an artist after coming out of childhood»
(Pablo Picasso)

This holiday is another reason to remember the artists and creators of history. Through their eyes we see the world Ancient Greece, imagine life Medieval Europe, we realize how beautiful our world is.

Getting to know the fine arts allows you not only to expand your knowledge and horizons, but also to become familiar with it wonderful world. We all once tried our hand at picking up a pencil and brushes for the first time...

Today, in honor of the holiday, many different events are held (plein airs, master classes, installations and performances) and thematic exhibitions in cultural institutions, museums, galleries... Go to a museum!

The editors of the “Calendar of Events” project congratulate all artists on their professional and creative holiday and wish bright colors life, inexhaustible inspiration, success, recognition and creative fulfillment.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the profession of an artist is one of the most ancient. Throughout its existence, it has passed long haul from simple drawings made with charcoal on the walls, up to the world recognized masterpieces art, in front of which queues line up every day in the most prestigious museums on Earth.

Studies conducted in London have shown that beautiful paintings have the ability to have a positive effect on the human psyche. It has been scientifically proven that contemplation of recognized masterpieces of painting causes a reaction in a person similar to that which occurs near a loved one.

For people who see in front of them every day beautiful pictures, there is a decrease in anxiety, improved sleep quality and higher stress resistance compared to others. The School of Painting recommends devoting at least a few minutes a day to drawing, because this process develops fine motor skills, allows you to put your thoughts in order and get rid of accumulated fatigue.

Few people think that thanks to artists, historians and archaeologists have the opportunity to study history Ancient world, because ancient drawings give an excellent idea of ​​how people lived thousands of years ago.

History of painting

The history of painting originates in the caves of the Paleolithic era, where primitive people depicted animals and other people on the walls, various items and even stories. There have been cases when the only historical source that scientists had at their disposal were primitive drawings on the walls of ancient caves.

It was they who made it possible to understand the lifestyle of those people and to trace the process of their spread across the continent. With the help of these simple drawings, scientists were able to determine exactly when the Sahara Desert appeared and how ancient people began to domesticate animals. In Ancient Egypt, artists and priests were treated with equal respect, and the profession of painting was considered extremely respected.

Artists created frescoes, painted sarcophagi and created paintings that were supposed to accompany the dead in afterworld. art Ancient Egypt told scientists a lot about how people lived in those days. Thanks to the paintings of that time, historians were able to learn about the extremely rich and interesting culture Ancient Egypt, their mythology and religion.

During the Renaissance, the art of painting reached its peak, giving the world such geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael Santi, Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Masaccio. The masterpieces of these great artists continue to live in our time, attracting thousands of tourists and lovers of beauty every day.

When is Artist's Day celebrated?

Artist's Day in Russia is celebrated December 8. On this day, people all over the world celebrate International Artist Day, established 10 years ago by the International Association “Art of the Peoples of the World”.

At this time, events are held throughout the country numerous exhibitions, master classes and interesting installations. In your professional holiday artists are especially eager to present themselves to the world, communicate with other people, and tell more about their unusual profession.

Artist's Day is celebrated not only by professionals and masters of painting, but also by all people who are in one way or another connected with painting. These include those who are just planning to become a professional or who simply draw for their own pleasure. Also, Artist's Day is celebrated by all painting lovers, because their lives are closely connected with this type of art.

It should be noted that there are other dates during which Artist’s Day is celebrated. The Kursk region, for example, celebrates Artist's Day on August 9, and the Lipetsk region on December 25. Some celebrate Artist's Day on October 25, the birthday of one of the greatest artists- Pablo Picasso.

Artists of the world!

World Artist Day!

We often visit museums and exhibitions! Where many works of famous artists are exhibited!

Who is an artist? And what is an artist?

Scientifically speaking, the artist is a subject creative activity in the field of art.

In simple terms, an artist is a person who professionally engages in fine (and non-fine) art.

What is an artist? An artist is a person...

Here's what artists say about artists:

“An artist must love life and prove to us that it is beautiful.” (Anatole France)

“The artist has freed himself from all ideas, images and ideas and the objects arising from them; such is the philosophy of Suprematism, which brings art to itself.” (Kazimir Malevich)

“The artist is not an intellectual, when he depicts a naked woman, he leaves in our minds the idea that she is going to immediately put on clothes.” (Odilon Redon)

“It’s good for an artist to deal with boring work from time to time.” (Auguste Renoir)

“I still believe that many new artists can appear in the field of figure painting, and the more I think about it all, the more I find it desirable that in such hard time, like ours, artists saw salvation in deep devotion high art." (Vincent van Gogh)

“Whoever wants to know about me as an artist should carefully study my paintings and try to learn from them who I am and what I wanted.” (Gustav Klimt)

“Of course, the artist wants to rise intellectually as high as possible, but a person must remain in the shadows, pleasure must be found in the work.” (Paul Cézanne)

“I’m a pervert, a voyeur, but for an artist this is completely normal.” (Salvador Dali)

“I am an artist who paints day after day, from morning to evening, figures, paintings and landscapes, less often portraits.” (Gustav Klimt)

“I believe that for an artist there is nothing more difficult than painting a rose, but he can create his own rose only by forgetting about all the roses painted before him.” (Henri Matisse)

“Every child is an artist, the difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.” (Pablo Picasso)

The whole world celebrates December 8th as International Artist's Day. This holiday was established in 2007 by the International Association “Art of the Peoples of the World”.

Holiday Artist Day! A holiday for all artists!

Artists of the world! What is an artist? Artist status?! An artist is, first of all, a bright personality...

Everyone loves holidays and performances. It’s hard to even imagine that they will take place without light. Lighting adds zest to an event and makes it complete and colorful. Completeness and aesthetic value any show, program, performance. And if the production is similar to Laser show, then light operators play one of the main roles in it. They must decorate any performance with lighting effects, taking into account the many nuances in the work. These are the strength and angles of refraction of light, the shape and color of rays, transitions from one light to another, and so on. A professional holiday is dedicated to such specialists in the Russian Federation.

When is it celebrated?

Light Artist Day is celebrated in Russia annually on July 11th. However, this holiday is not official, therefore in 2019 thematic celebrations are not held in the country.

Who's celebrating

The date is celebrated by everyone who is associated with light in all spheres of culture: light operators (or, as they are also called, lighting engineers, designers or lighting artists) of television, cinema, theaters, corporate events, etc.

history of the holiday

On July 11, 1874, electrical engineer and inventor A. Lodygin patented the incandescent light bulb he invented. It was this date that became Light Artist Day.

About the profession

The profession of a lighting artist (light operator) requires not only theoretical knowledge of light theory and aesthetic taste, but also the application of lighting principles. Such a specialist must know how lighting devices and control panels work, and also be able to program lighting patterns of varying complexity.

Currently, the profession of a lighting designer is becoming increasingly widespread, helping to create coziness in the home and selecting lighting that suits the character of the apartment owner.

Lighting designers work everywhere: radio, television, various show programs, theaters, circuses, stadiums. They work in the Palaces of Culture of small villages and in large international arenas.

Peter I was the ancestor light show, using “funny lights” as fiery fun.

For the first time, A. Lodygin’s invention was used to illuminate streets in St. Petersburg. This caused delight among the townspeople and is considered the first light show in which not only “funny lights” were used.

Composer A. Scriabin was the first to think about combining music and light. In 1910, during symphonic poem"Prometheus", he was the first to use light music, adding a light keyboard part.

3 years later, during the production of A. Schoenberg’s opera “ lucky hand» spotlights were added.

Alexander Vitalievich Obolensky.
"Cloudy Day"

Alexey Korzukhin.
"Sunday Day".

"Steppe during the day."

1. Part of the day from sunrise to sunset, from morning to evening.
The day was imperceptibly approaching evening, and now the golden-light pre-sunset sky was shining in the west. ( Bunin. Distant.)

2. Day, a period of time of 24 hours.
They met a few days ago. ( A. N. Tolstoy. Gloomy morning.)

3. Calendar date, day of the month.
Tikhmenev ordered the fleet to prepare to leave for Sevastopol and set the day - the seventeenth of June. ( K. Paustovsky. Black Sea.)

4. Time, time, period.
In days Patriotic War The talent of this outstanding Soviet commander was fully developed. ( B. Field. Marshal soldier.)

Working day- a certain amount of time allotted for work, service.
In a matter of days– very little time; not for long.
Rainy day- difficult, difficult time.
Agenda(or order) day– issues to be discussed at the meeting.
Days whose numbered– I have very little time left to live.
(AND) day and night- all the time, without ceasing.
Day after day- exactly on time.
Day by day– monotonously, without any changes or events.
From day to day- daily, incessantly.
Day by day- every day, gradually.
From day to day– 1) from one day to another; 2) in one of the next days, in the near future.
On the day- during the day.
The other day- on the nearest future or just past day.
Not by days, but by hours(grow, increase, etc.) - very quickly.

"Dictionary of the Russian language." Moscow. "Russian language". 1981

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov.
"Summer day. Willows on the river bank."

Day and night

To the world of mysterious spirits,
Over this nameless abyss,
A gold-woven cover is thrown over
By high will gods.
Day - this brilliant cover -
Day, earthly revival,
Healing for sick souls,
Friend of men and gods!
But the day fades - night has come;
She came - and from the world of fate
Fabric of blessed cover,
Having torn it off, it throws it away...
And the abyss is laid bare to us
With your fears and darkness,
And there are no barriers between her and us -
This is why the night is scary for us!

F. Tyutchev.
Not later start 1839.

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov.
"Spring day".

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov.
"Summer day. Chickens in the backyard.”

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov.
"Autumn Day".

"Happy day".

"Saturday afternoon".

Andrey Andreevich Mylnikov.
"Blue Day".

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
"First Communion Day in Paris."

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Elbrus in the afternoon."
Not earlier than 1890.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Elbrus in the afternoon."

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Elbrus in the afternoon."

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
"Clear water. It's a nasty day. Crimea".

Vasily Vladimirovich Sukhov.
"Cloudy autumn day."

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov.
"On Nevsky Prospekt during the day."

Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko.
“Warm autumn day. Zvenigorod".

Vasily Mikhailovich Zvontsov.
"Quiet day."

Vladimir Orlovsky.
"Summer day".

Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov.
"It's a fine winter day."

G. A. Savinov.
"Victory Day".

G. Savitsky
"The first days of October."

"The Mystery of One Day"
Museum contemporary art University of Sao Paulo.

“A precious egg on Christ’s day!”

Elizaveta Merkuryevna Boehm (Endaurova).
“And the child knows that it is Christ’s day!”

Elizaveta Merkuryevna Boehm (Endaurova).
“I wrote all day until the evening, but there was nothing to read! I would say a word, but the bear is not far away!”

Elizaveta Merkuryevna Boehm (Endaurova).
“The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming. When this happens."

Ivan Goryushkin-Sorokopudov.
"Market day".

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
"Summer day".

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
"Summer day. Trees".

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
"Cloudy Day"

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
“Shmelevka. Windy day".

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski.
"Ayu-Dag on a foggy day."

“Autumn day. Sokolniki".

"Cloudy day on the Volga."

"It's a nasty day".

"Gloomy day."