The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves...

There are two troubles in Russia. Remember the saying? Alas, fools and roads are not Russia’s biggest troubles. They were replaced by worse troubles: sloppiness and complete irresponsibility. Nobody is responsible for anything, bosses are wondering how to pack packs of unlimited dollars into a limited number of pockets, subordinates are wondering how to survive on those pennies that fell out of their bosses’ pockets without fitting into them. While this fuss is going on, people continue to die in Russia...

So, in provincial town P, a 35-year-old local resident came to his mother’s grave. I grieved, drank, dozed off. This summer, even during the day, the temperature in the provincial town of P did not rise above 16-18 degrees, and on summer evenings even residents accustomed to such weather put on jackets. Waking up, according to investigators, 8 hours later, the man realized that he was freezing. He could no longer move normally. It doesn't matter what has become cause: stress, alcohol, possibly of poor quality, another thing is important: with difficulty taking out the phone, with stiff fingers he dialed 112 - the emergency phone number.

The call was answered by a dispatcher, an experienced specialist with more than 15 years of experience. From the tube came the incoherent, muffled speech of a freezing man. The dispatcher did not strain himself: having found out how old the person who was freezing was, the dispatcher did not deny himself the pleasure of making a small but solemn speech about how “you cannot be so helpless at that age,” and advised calling back to ambulance and hung up with a feeling of accomplishment.

The freezing man no longer had the strength to call an ambulance: after a while he died.

Then there was an investigation. To the question: “why was the caller denied help??” The dispatcher, a 57-year-old man who worked in many positions, including management, answered simply - he considered that the call was from a drunk or inappropriate person and did not see the point in providing assistance. Yes, the dispatcher will be punished. Yes, he repented, he was fired, he was harassed on social networks. Yes, the dead cannot be brought back. But one question remains: WHY does the dispatcher make the decision? The management, wringing their hands, swears that the dispatcher grossly violated job description. But did he violate it??

This photo is from the website of the city of P, where after the tragedy, solemn and colorful articles immediately began to appear in the media describing the work of the rescue service. This work algorithm hangs in front of every operator’s nose. Pay attention to the paragraph “MAKING A DECISION ON INVOLVEMENT OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONAL SERVICES”. Yes, as it turns out, this decision is made by the dispatcher.

A person who receives about 300-400 calls a day (according to the same website) decides for himself who to help and who will cost nothing anyway. As can be seen from, alas, sad experience, over the phone even an experienced employee cannot distinguish a drunk or inappropriate person from a freezing one. It also happens that a person has strokes, injuries, or other problems that may cause speech impairment. Yes, these types of calls, apparently, are classified as inappropriate.

I have always been tormented by the question: why do services, on which life-saving sometimes depends, study the biography of the caller so closely when contacting them?

And how many years? What's your name? What number are you calling from?
- But why are you asking? Seconds may be counting!

It turns out that's why - to make a decision. Why unnecessary gestures? The dispatcher has a choice: classify him as inadequate, send him to the forest and continue to doze off on a stable salary.

When children call this service, I don’t even doubt the result - the Syamozer tragedy showed the country HOW in Russia they treat children calling for help.

But one question still remains with me: where, exactly, are the authorities? Why does the infantry, from dispatchers on the front line, manage the process themselves, make decisions, and dispatch emergency services? Who controls the process? Oh, well, yes, the bosses don’t have time; they have to drink... excuse me, to master the budget.

The conclusion is simple and sad: such tragedies exist and will exist. This is not a flaw of individual specialists working in such services, it is a flaw of the system itself. By the way, a rescue operator who refuses to help a dying person faces no more than a year, and then most likely conditionally. In the wake of popular indignation, the head of the call processing center of the 112 system in the city of P. came out to the people with explanations. He talked for a long time about how important it is to reduce response time, about the work scheme, about the planned connection of the 112 system with the ERA-GLONASS system, and did not say anything words about who is to blame for the fact that a man who was refused help froze to death on his mother’s grave...

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves
From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the Kartonazhnik club in the city of Vasyuki, where Ostap Bender gave local chess fans a session of simultaneous play on 160 boards.
In the original: The work of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.
The phrase is an actual parody of famous words Karl Marx, often quoted in Soviet propaganda of those years: “The liberation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves.”
Allegorically: everyone must solve their problems on their own or together with their fellow sufferers.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves” in other dictionaries:

    Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves- In other words: everyone must solve their problems themselves, without relying on the help of others... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    DROWNING, his, husband. A man who is drowning. Throw a life preserver to a drowning person. W. clutches at a straw (last). The salvation of drowning people is the work (of the hands) of the drowning people themselves (i.e., in a difficult moment, everyone must take care of themselves; colloquial joke).... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    Delusion, philosophy, deviation from the truth, which we accept as a true judgment; is always based on an essentially untrue premise itself, and therefore it must be distinguished from an error, which represents a violation only of the formal side of thinking.... ... Wikipedia

    ICD 10 T75.175.1 ICD 9 994.1994.1 DiseasesDB ... Wikipedia

    Ilf I. Ilf I. and Petrov E. Russian prose writers, co-authors. Ilf Ilya (real name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg; 1897, Odessa - 1937, Moscow), was born into the family of a bank employee. In 1913 he graduated from technical school. Worked in a drawing office... Literary encyclopedia

    Petrov E. Ilf I. and Petrov E. Russian prose writers, co-authors. Ilf Ilya (real name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg; 1897, Odessa - 1937, Moscow), was born into the family of a bank employee. In 1913 he graduated from technical school. Worked in the drafting... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Ilf I. and Petrov E. Ilf I. and Petrov E. Russian prose writers, co-authors. Ilf Ilya (real name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg; 1897, Odessa - 1937, Moscow), was born into the family of a bank employee. In 1913 he graduated from technical school. Worked in... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Yulia Damsker Birth name: Yulia Iosifovna Damsker Date of birth: January 15, 1963 (1963 01 15) (49 years old) Place of birth: Leningrad, SSS ... Wikipedia

    This article or section contains a list of sources or external links, but the sources of individual statements remain unclear due to the lack of footnotes... Wikipedia

    His; m. The one who drowns. The screams of a drowning man. * A drowning man clutches at a straw (Last.). The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves (joking; about the need to rely on one’s own strength when overcoming some unfavorable life circumstances; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Own business. A book that will make you a better person by Caspian Woods. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. This practical guide for a novice businessman will help you survive in the new economic...

The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves... The snow of the Shesti-thousander is the work of the residents of the Shesti-thousander...

From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the Kartonazhnik club in the city of Vasyuki, where Ostap Bender gave local chess fans a session of simultaneous play on 160 boards.

What to do if there is no hope of help from the authorities? Solve their problems themselves - the residents of our city themselves clean the roads that the authorities have forgotten about, improve the territories and create an accessible environment for the disabled.

This is what happens in our city; an example of this is the residents of the village of Shesti-thousander. Without waiting for help from the services that were supposed to clear the only road to the village from the city, the residents united and collected about 20,000 rubles. and began to help themselves. We ordered equipment and cleared the road.

The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves... The snow of Shesti-thousander is the work of the residents of Shesti-thousander... From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the “Carton Man” club in the city...

A drowning man clutches at a straw (Last). The phrase is a factual parody of the famous words of Karl Marx, often quoted in Soviet propaganda of those years: “The liberation of the workers must be the work of the workers themselves.” The one who is drowning. The screams of a drowning man.

From the novel (chapter 34) “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The text of the slogan, which was hung in the hall of the Kartonazhnik club in the city of Vasyuki, where Ostap Bender gave local chess fans a session of simultaneous play on 160 boards. Ilf Ilya (real name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg; 1897, Odessa - 1937, Moscow), was born into the family of a bank employee.

And sometimes they offer help and man refuses (although he needs help) - you can be saved when you ask for help on a case and manage to see and accept it. This year, for example, we experienced several Orthodox posts, including the Great, between Maslenitsa and Easter. In the 70s of the 20th century, 80 percent of families read books to children, but today barely 7 percent do.

Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves

Stanislavsky meant that even the hanger in the theater should not be the same as everywhere else (A. Aleksin, “ Characters and performers"). And if you don’t find out the contacts of your neighbors, as well as their relatives and friends who could open their apartment in the absence of the owners, then you’re really at risk.

The meaning of popular expressions – Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves, happy hours do not watch, create, invent, try, theater begins with a hanger

As I understand it, an act is drawn up in any case, possibly describing the property located in the apartment, then the apartment is sealed. As I understand it, this is an algorithm of actions or order of actions.

Petrov E. - Petrov E. Ilf I. and Petrov E. Russian prose writers, co-authors. Sometimes you come across phrases whose meaning seems to lie on the surface, but on the other hand, there is some hidden subtext. To begin with, I will give you 2 of these famous phrases, the meaning of which I propose to discuss. But I’m waiting for your options too! Make an offer - let's discuss! Sometimes you say - I have one, two, three problems and you don’t always expect specific help, you want them to feel sorry, etc.

But someone inspired the movie people and literary characters These are the ideas that I came up with just like that. It makes no sense to talk about the behavioral standards of our ancestors, who knew how to blush and “died of shame” in situations that would not embarrass even a primary school student today.

Most hardly noticed them, and 100 years ago at this time theaters did not operate in Kyiv, Kharkov or Odessa, it was forbidden to hold weddings, restaurants served only fast food... During Ramadan, Muslims cannot eat before sunset. The world has changed, there is less moral directiveness in it, and the relay that passes these standards from generation to generation has slowed down. What we don't eat modern songs at a feast, speaks (or is silent) about many things.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Taras Shevchenko shaped his soul by “copying Skovoroda” and reading the Psalter (any of the sages of previous years can find expressed gratitude to books in one form or another). Recently, while discussing the problems of contact of civilizations in a fairly enlightened Kyiv company, I began to recite Shevchenko’s “Caucasus” by heart, and at least someone continued my recitation...

An expression from V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Good!”, 1927, chapter 19: “Other countries are a hundred each, And my country is a teenager - create, invent, try!” “Create” - creatively create, do something. Naturally, somehow the apartment is rented out under security. In our city there is no clear regulation that would spell out step-by-step plan actions of citizens in the event of any communal incident in their neighbors’ apartment in their absence.

And this skill depends on the person himself. It is always said jokingly in a situation when a person who, through his own fault, finds himself in a difficult situation and asks for help, is told that he must help himself. In 1913 he graduated from technical school. I won’t elaborate, since this is not my expertise; I think it’s better to talk to the police.

These photos are almost 5 years old. I don’t know how it happened that I forgot about some of them (some of them I posted and described a long time ago), but the other day I accidentally came across them. Together with those with whom I traveled then, I had to remember together - where it was, what it was, when... It is known for sure that this was another of our trips to hell, now we will restore everything in order.

Driving through one of the villages of the Rostov region, a bust of Ilyich was noticed:

And behind it is a standard recreation center. Unfortunately, it turned out to be completely typical, without any decorations in the form of mosaics, bas-reliefs and other things. But as often happens, what is interesting is not always on the outside, it can also be on the inside.

A woman came to meet us and became interested in what we were doing here. Having told the same story for the thousandth time, she invited us inside the building to show what and how the village lives.

This is the hall where events and relaxation evenings are held. The hall and library are the only usable rooms. The workers made the curtain with their own hands, bought the material, sewed it, hung it, attached it...

But there is another...

Part of the House of Culture is in a deplorable state and has been abandoned for many years. With the permission of the librarian (the woman turned out to be hers), we began walking and taking photographs:

A cute little owlet who was banging against the windows, hoping that he would fly out of here:

The assembly hall was very atmospheric and cozy. Perhaps the woman thought that after seeing these photographs, someone would help with the situation. Alas, you know the name of the country in which we all live - hence the answer.

The workers of the cultural center have been trying for about 10 years to get money allocated for repairs, they are trying to maintain the condition of the building on their own and dream of restoring this part buildings, hold concerts and events on this stage, as it was once upon a time... The capacity, by the way, is as much as 250 people. An all-Union gathering of cultural workers was held here in the late 70s.

I see similar stories and situations on every trip, and sometimes several times a day. Alas, a miracle happens in 1 in 100.

We’ve finished with the assembly hall, let’s go to various rooms nearby:

Entire warehouses of books that are trying to be preserved at least in this way...

A classic of the genre is to cover the windows with whatever is at hand:

Everything in the control room was taken out back in the 90s, leaving only Lenya:

And this is the main type of income in the village. All the bottles are collected by the cleaning lady around the cultural center - a good indicator of how culturally people are relaxing local people. Unfortunately, they drink a lot in the village, just like in any other locality- beer flows like a river both in winter and in summer... Hence such a “harvest”. - What else is there left to do in places like this?

Thank God that at least there is light, and even then only intermittently, so we have to heat it in the same way as in the old days:

Perhaps the coolest thing we discovered and saved. In the corner there was a whole stack of some paintings, the layer of dust was such that it was impossible to even see what was depicted on them. Taking a rag, we began to wipe away the dust of history...

As we were told, they will throw everything away anyway, burn it, ruin it. Take it, guys.

For this reason, we were not too lazy to find Gazelle and return here again:

Having thanked us for such gifts and hospitality, we set off to explore the area, stumbling upon a WWII monument:

By the way, this mass grave- the largest burial in the Azov region:

The main attraction and pride of the village:

Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God was built in 1879. It was partially destroyed and closed by the authorities in post-war years, but in Lately almost restored by the villagers. The temple is interesting because after restoration it has a somewhat unconventional architecture, at least architectural elements on the walls, and the absence of a bell tower completely betrays the church unusual look, allowing it to be confused with the Old Believer.

We were even invited to fish soup, but I’m allergic to fish, and time was already running out... Maybe I’ll come back here again, especially since I already have a grandmother who told us the history of all these places and invited us to visit on our next visit.

Latest for today:

The inconspicuous building turned out to be a paramedic and midwifery station, which has been abandoned since 2010.

But the interesting thing about it is not this and not what survived inside, but its past history.

The building was a military hospital during the Great Patriotic War. According to local residents, hundreds died in this hospital Soviet soldiers, and civilians. After the war, the hospital became a regular rural hospital. Subsequently, the FAP, and now bought by the head of the administration, has stood idle and destroyed for many years.

Half of the burials (the memorial in the photo on this blog) are from here, so to speak. All these places are closely connected...

Everything you saw in this review is located very close to Azov, Bataysk, Rostov. And there is plenty of this everywhere, but the close location to megacities has always surprised me more than anything else. A stadium is being built, we are preparing for the World Cup, we are sculpting some wretched churches, of which there are already plenty on every corner, and next to it there is a rotting Soviet cultural center, which did not collapse only thanks to people who care. They chip in a penny to repair the ancient temple nearby, take care of the memorial where their ancestors who stood for our Motherland are buried... Apparently, rescuing drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.