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Nastya was born into the St. Petersburg family of a professional tennis player - international master of sports and USSR champion in table tennis, Yuri Fedorovich, and an engineer by profession and a tour guide by vocation - Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkova.

The inquisitive girl was interested in learning something new, and not only watching, but also participating. When, at the age of five, her mother took her to see “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater, Nastya literally fell in love with the ritual that took place on stage. Even then, she told her parents that she would definitely become a ballerina.

Why not? The baby was taken to a choreographic school, after which she entered the St. Petersburg Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. Entrance exams the ballerina will never forget. According to Volochkova, her heart literally stopped during each of the tours.

They looked at her several times, forced her to show what she could do, and shook their heads: “There is no talent,” was the verdict of the famous admissions committee. Anastasia confirms: she herself understood that she could not jump high, raise her leg... her foot lacked lift and eversion.

But having paid attention to the zeal of the young girl, she was still accepted - with a probationary period of six months. Rumor has it that choreographer Konstantin Sergeev insisted on a positive verdict from the commission members.

It was difficult for Anastasia to study. She still believes that the teachers did not like her and they deliberately bullied her. But my classmates felt sorry and sympathized. Sweet, kind and open Nastya quickly won their trust and was popular among students.


She was so eager to fulfill her cherished dream that she worked day and night, honing her skills. As a result, Volochkova graduated from the academy with enchanting success in her diploma “Swan Lake” on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Played main role and, with honors, received an invitation to the troupe.

Feeling like a high-class professional, she begins to participate in festivals. Victory in the international ballet competition named after Serge Lifar reinforced her confidence in own capabilities. Moreover, the audience here gave the ballerina a standing ovation.

On the stage of the St. Petersburg theater she will soon begin to receive leading roles in most ballets. The ballerina herself admits: that period was not easy. Constant squabbles and intrigues ballet world directly affected her. Soon the leading parties stopped giving her money, and then they actually removed her from work altogether.

The break with the theater occurred in 1998. For two years she has been touring on her own - in Japan and France the Russian ballerina is received with great trepidation, and two years later she suddenly appears at the Bolshoi.


The appearance of a ballerina who is undesirable at the Mariinsky Theater in the main theater of Russian ballet immediately becomes surrounded by gossip. Successful employment is associated with two things at once: male names. The famous sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentiev, whose acquaintance the ballerina still denies, allegedly had a hand in “arranging” his protégé into the very famous theater peace.

The second name associated with Volochkova’s appearance at the Bolshoi is Yuri Grigorovich. She quickly became his favorite. The friendship between the choreographer and the ballerina lasted for many years.

In the same year 2000, the ballerina participates in the prestigious Austrian festival and receives the Golden Lion there, which gives her the right to be called the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the festival she toured, and when she returned to the Bolshoi she suddenly stopped getting roles.

The new management of the theater is opposed to her. Not only did Volochkova begin to be artificially pushed aside, but completely tactless gossip and ridicule immediately appeared around her name.


Despite the fact that theater experts claimed that Volochka had recognition, and that it was “her” who went to performances, the theater management declared the ballerina unfit for professional duties. First of all, they didn’t like her height and weight - supposedly she was too tall and heavy for a ballerina. Anastasia's height is 171 cm, weight varies from 50 to 55 kg. For comparison: the recognized prima of Russian ballet Maya Plisetskaya weighed from 49 to 58 kg with a height of 167 cm.

Behind the scenes, the story of “Volochkova being too big” was picked up. Gossips they sent the ballerina to be a swimmer and sympathized with Anastasia’s partners, they say, how can they carry someone like that?

The offended ballerina sued the management of the Bolshoi. The litigation lasted for several years, as a result of which the court sided with Anastasia, obliging the Bolshoi to return her to her place in the troupe. As moral damages for her offended dignity, the ballerina asked for one ruble and, of course, did not remain in the Bolshoi troupe.


Ballerinas have always been patronized by millionaires. This rule turned out to be true for Anastasia Volochkova. At first, her appearance at the Bolshoi was associated with the name of Anzori Aksentyev. Then her appearance at the English National Ballet (where she danced the role in Sleeping Beauty) - with the name of British millionaire Anthony Kerman.

Kerman, according to rumors, even abandoned his family in order to love the Russian beauty unhindered. He was fascinated by her stretch and green eyes, followed the ballerina on her heels, threw armfuls of white roses at her feet and invariably declared his love.

In addition to romantic surprises, Kerman undertook to manage Anastasia’s affairs. The famous fine connoisseur of ballet was welcomed in the best theaters a world where he was easily able to negotiate tours for his protégé.

However, Anastasia denies having a relationship with the British man. She says that he is just her “lawyer” who helps to conduct business. Calls their relationship friendly. Anastasia will call her lovers friends more than once - always with an invariable soft smile and a naive look, confirming her unearthly origin.


The ballerina has a reason to deny everything. In the early 2000s, just when Kerman was arranging it professional life, Volochkova tried to arrange her personal life. Oligarch Suleiman Kerimov drew attention to her. Nastya was captivated not only by the charisma of the famous businessman, but also by his broad gestures. The man did not hesitate to pamper his beloved.

However, after two years the relationship ended. Anastasia says that the breakup was her willful decision and connects the scandal at the Bolshoi with the man’s revenge. According to other sources, the Kerimov family did not like Volochkova. In particular, Suleiman's parents believed that this relationship had a bad effect on their son's attention to business.

In 2005, Volochkova, who never married, gives birth to her first child, daughter Ariadna, and two years later her father, businessman Igor Vdovin, agrees to a luxurious wedding ceremony. The event becomes social, the ballerina sews several dresses and holds several weddings.

Photo sessions, videos, happy faces lovers... only after breaking up with Vdovin, lonely Nastya admits on the program “Let's Get Married” that she never got married - the wedding with Igor was just beautiful holiday, not related to official registration.

Another high-profile romance with the oligarch, whom the ballerina boasted about, began in 2013. This time, the head of the oil transportation company, Bakhtiyar Salimov, was next to her. After a short time, she admitted to her followers on Instagram that she was leaving her lover.

Anastasia Volochkova is a Russian ballerina and dancer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002). She was a prima ballerina first at the Mariinsky and then Bolshoi Theater. She became famous not so much for her achievements in ballet art, but for her numerous scandals and extravagant behavior.

Anastasia Volochkova is increasingly attracting the attention of viewers and admirers of her talent, but sometimes black PR plays with her cruel joke. Nevertheless, this is one of the most notable stars of domestic show business.

Childhood and family

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Her father, Yuri Fedorovich, was the champion of the USSR and Europe in table tennis, and later became a coach at the State Sports Committee of Russia. Mother Tamara Vladimirovna worked as an engineer and, as Anastasia herself claims, as a tour guide. The ballerina's parents divorced when she was still a child.

At the age of five, little Nastya attended the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater. It was after this that she got the idea of ​​becoming a ballerina. The parents fully supported their daughter's hobby. After school, Volochkova had difficulty, but still managed to enter the prestigious Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, however, she was initially accepted on a probationary period for six months, explaining that the girl had no talent.

All the time that lasted probation, one of the teachers, as Volochkova later admitted, bullied her, and her classmates, on the contrary, felt sorry for her. Fortunately for Nastya, she was noticed at school famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya, who supported the young ballerina and helped her achieve high results.

Ballerina career

Volochkova's final exam was the role of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater in 1994. The ballerina graduated from the Academy with honors, after which she joined the troupe. Mariinsky Theater, where she performed until 1998.

Over four years in St. Petersburg theater Anastasia Volochkova performed the main roles in classical ballets"Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker". According to Anastasia herself, this period was very difficult for her: she learned from her own experience for the first time what intrigue is in the world of ballet. Passions in the troupe ran high to such an extent that Volochkova was removed from all performances and left without work.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to the Bolshoi Theater to participate in his original production of “ Swan Lake" The ballerina made her debut on the stage of the country's main theater in the role of the Swan Princess. She was followed by leading roles in other productions - “La Bayadère”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, during the work on which Volochkova was lucky enough to collaborate with Yuri Grigorovich. After leaving the Bolshoi in 2000, at the invitation of Grigorovich himself, the ballerina returned in 2001 to participate in Swan Lake.

According to unofficial information, sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentyev “attached” Volochkova to the capital’s ballet. He helped her with connections and money, but after the ballerina took everything Aksentyev could give, she left him. At the same time, in the future, Volochkova in every possible way denied even the fact of acquaintance with Aksentyev.

In 2000, Volochkova won the honorary Golden Lion award at a competition in Austria as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After that, she was invited to The Sleeping Beauty at the National English Ballet. And here there was a benefactor - he was the millionaire Anthony Kerman, who at that time was the vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of Volochkova, Kerman abandoned his family.

How Anastasia Volochkova dances

In 2002, Volochkova became an Honored Artist of Russia. In the spring of the same year, the ballerina was awarded the International Ballet Prize “Benois de la Danse” as the best dancer. This prize was established in 1992 by Yuri Grigorovich, whom many began to call the patron of the ballerina. During the presentation of the award, Volochkova was booed by unknown people, and shouts of “Shame!” were heard from the hall.

In 2003, Volochkova became central figure major scandal- The Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a new contract with her, citing the refusal by the fact that some of Anastasia’s demands go against the interests ballet troupe.

Besides, CEO Bolshoi announced the ballerina’s professional incompetence: the weight of the 171-centimeter Volochkova ranged from 50 to 55 kilograms (for comparison: height Maya Plisetskaya was 167 centimeters, and weight varied from 49 to 58 kilograms). The troupe openly said: “It would be better if Volochkova became a swimmer.” After lengthy litigation, Volochkova left the troupe and began working on solo projects.

In 2004, Anastasia Volochkova began performing in Grigorovich’s troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, where she became a prima ballerina. In the same year, Volochkova starred in the film “A Place in the Sun.” In 2005, she played in the film “The Black Prince”, and in 2005-2006 she played a cameo role in the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”. In 2006, Volochkova became People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, Volochkova released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina.” A June 17, 2010 famous ballerina received an MBA degree from High school Economics (Master of Business Administration). In 2011, the creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow.

On the eve of her 35th birthday in January 2011, the ballerina published a series of nude photographs on her blog, which caused a flurry of criticism and discontent.

In 2013, intimate photographs of Volochkova with Nikolai Baskov. Rumors even appeared in the press that the ballerina had an affair with him, but the woman denied this information.

In May 2016, information appeared in the media that Anastasia Volochkova could be suspended from performing for the next three years. The scandal was caused by the ballerina’s refusal to participate in the play “A Man Came to a Woman” after Volochkova’s partner was changed without her knowledge.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

The love affairs of Anastasia Volochkova are a favorite subject of discussion for yellow publications and gossip lovers. The ballerina dated oligarch Suleiman Kerimov for more than two years. The couple separated in 2003. It was after this, according to Anastasia herself, that she started having problems at the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to a daughter, Ariadna. The child's father is businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin. In 2007, the ballerina married him, but a year later the couple broke up, maintaining friendly relations. Volochkova later admitted that their magnificent wedding, which attracted public attention, was fictitious.

Anastasia Volochkova was born into the family of the USSR champion in table tennis, an athletics coach at a sports school, Yuri Fedorovich, and Tamara Vladimirovna, a tour guide in St. Petersburg. Anastasia is the only and long-awaited baby, so she has never suffered from a lack of attention in the family.

Biography: Anastasia Volochkova

Nastya's calling was determined in early childhood, when at the age of 5 her mother took her to the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater.

Star Trek by Anastasia Volochkova

In 1994, as a 2nd year student at the St. Petersburg Academy Russian ballet, Anastasia Volochkova begins her career as a leading dancer at the Mariinsky Theater. At the academy, Volochkova was noticed by teacher Natalia Dudinskaya.

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova performs the main roles in such productions as “Giselle”, “Raymonda”, “Firebird”, “Don Quixote”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, etc.

Anastasia has toured with the Mariinsky Ballet Company and other companies in the United States, England, Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Belgium.

In 1996 she took 1st place and received a gold medal at the Second International Ballet Competition in Kyiv.

In 1998, Anastasia received from Vladimir Vasiliev an invitation to the Bolshoi Theater to play the main role of the Swan Princess in his new production of Swan Lake.

In parallel with this, she begins her own touring activities. In 2000, the dancer took part in a competition in Saint-Pelten, Austria, where she received the Golden Lion as the most professional ballerina in Europe. After which Volochkova was invited to take part in the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” at the British State Ballet.

From 2000 to 2005, Volochkova’s conflict with the administration of the Bolshoi Theater continued. Volochkova filed a complaint against the proposal to sign labor contract, designed not for a year, as traditionally, but for several months. In addition, the ballerina was offered a new partner instead of the departed Evgeniy Ivanchenko. Volochkova was simply removed from performances. As the press service of the Bolshoi Theater explained, none of the other members of the troupe could cope with the ballerina’s parameters: Volochkova’s height was 171 centimeters, and her weight at the time of dismissal was 48 kg.

In 2000, Anastasia left the Bolshoi Theater. But he returns there a year later at the request of choreographer Yuri Grigorovich for his role in Swan Lake.

In 2002, Anastasia Volochkova became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, the administration of the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign another contract for a year, and in September the dancer was officially fired from the troupe.

Since 2005, Volochkova has been working on her own projects, starring in films, television series and marketing videos.

In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova’s autobiography, “The History of a Russian Dancer,” was released.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Dancer Anastasia Volochkova believes that a lady must first of all have a family and be a successful mother.

Volochkova lived in a civil marriage with businessman Igor Vdovin for 3 years. At the time of their acquaintance, Igor was not free, with common-law wife raised three children. But, having met Anastasia, Vdovin left his family and firmly decided to marry the ballerina. Anastasia and Igor have a daughter, Ariadne.

On July 7, 2007 (the day of “3 Sevens”) the couple decided to legalize their relationship. But a year later the couple separated. According to the dancer, the main reason for the separation was Igor’s new passion - yoga. Vdovin stopped wearing a Christian cross and wedding ring, went on a strict diet and even rented a separate living space for himself.

Anastasia Volochkova teaches her 10-year-old daughter to pray

On Instagram of Anastasia Volochkova together With photographs stretch marks a lot pictures, made in the church. Singer- a believer and often visits temple. 10 year old daughter dancers Ariadne should example mothers And often prays.

Accompanying Arisha in Artek, we stopped at our St. Nicholas Church. Arisha has a prayer book and she daily prays. To me This extremely Nice. We also prayed for tragedy in Karelia. ABOUT killed children», - wrote Anastasia on Instagram.

Ariadne in almost everything tries be similar on mother: girl Same is engaged dancing, and on recent graduation at junior school she did same make up, like Anastasia.

“She asked me for mascara and an eyeshadow brush. And myself did to myself make up, having said, what did you spy? in my opinion photos», - told Volochkova. Then Almost all the artist was criticized for What she allows at all little daughter to put on makeup, however, were and others who doesn't noticed V this Nothing criminal.

Anastasia Volochkova's 10-year-old daughter did bright makeup in her mother's style

Instagram followers of Anastasia Volochkova again collapsed at her mine anger. Turns out singer posted a photo his 10 year old daughter Ariadne with makeup on face. Star told, What girl getting ready for my junior high school graduation and asked her for cosmetics.

"My darling going to graduation party. Ended Primary School , let's run across V 5th Class. Well bride, what can I do declare… Like me I love my Arisha! Today They kept it secret half the night... And during the day she asked me for mascara and an eyeshadow brush. And myself did to myself makeup., having said, actually in my opinion photos I spied it. beauty, Truth? - Anastasia shared.

Almost all agreed with Volochkova, declaring, What Arisha too much coming this make up. But were and others, Who pounced on the artist with criticism and sudden remarks: " Just for the girl 10 years. Which May be cosmetics?", " What is it needed for make up 10 year old girls? At all With crazy did you go? Married since 9?”, “Erase the blue shadows!”, “ Baby Well, she’s still... why so much cosmetics.”

Anastasia's 10-year-old daughter Volochkova Ariadna went in the footsteps moms: she's studying dancing and music.

But ballet, apparently, she's not attracts. For a girl more like sing: she has has already own small repertoire. Not so long ago Ariadne performed in the theater Hopes Babkina " Russian song" with song " Prayer O mothers».

Anastasia Volochkova goes into politics

already I tried build political career. So, in 2003 she joined the party " United Russia», well, in 2009 wanted become mayor of Sochi, But artist liquidated from the number applicants, because in the documents she indicated wrong date of birth. From "ED" dancer left on her own and with a scandal: star Then said, What supposedly her deceptive method forced support verdict persons involved in the YUKOS case.

Anastasia made a decision forget past failures and ready again experience their strength in politics. ABOUT their intentions Volochkova told V new release of the show “The Call” on NTV. Pranksters Vovan and Lexus called the star from surnames a certain Ukrainian oligarch, and Anastasia told, What intends run for the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the party " Fair Russia».

Anastasia Volochkova did the splits on horseback

demonstrated such number all kinds of twines, What it seemed as if artist already Not will be able nothing about us surprise, But fantasy stars Can envy. Not so long ago dancer did twine on the roof of a limousine, and Now blonde demonstrated stretching in the saddle of a bay horse.

"I so much made it to this weekend. And even take a ride on a horse! How usually, in the splits,” - signed photo Anastasia.

Snapshot artists caused a squall feelings from her subscribers. Almost all appreciated Volochkova's sense of humor, Although couldn't do without critics: “Is it impossible Fine take a photo? Already tired of these splits", "Damn, What for... Aunt horse», « All this, What Can demonstrate, more nothing, on horse more pleasant look».

Anastasia did not respond to the caustic remarks of subscribers draws attention. Volochkova said, What“lives in splits” and is proud own physical opportunities.

Anastasia Volochkova did the splits while riding a limousine

While on tour in Russian city Kuvandyk, Anastasia did her signature split on... the roof of a limousine to say goodbye!

"So it's a pity leave This beautiful place Edelweiss and Kuvandyk, But I let's go to Mednogorsk. Now there's ours concert. My legs naturally, Not such a bit long, How the limousine. But after all», - put her signature on Volochkov's frame

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova - outrageous ballerina, public figure, Honored Artist of Russia

Date of Birth: January 20, 1976
Place of Birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

“God sent me to this earth with a specific mission: to dance, to give people love and beauty. Dance is a sacrament during which I feel happy.”

Biography of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia was born into the family of an athlete, master of sports in table tennis, athletics coach Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov and tour guide Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova, who dedicated her life to her beloved daughter, becoming her first producer and director. True, Anastasia herself regrets that her mother was sometimes tough and categorical. According to Volochkova, she herself suggested not to deceive each other (she and her mother felt that her father had someone on the side).

IN ballet school, Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A. Ya. Vaganova, Nastya’s mother brought her when the girl was eight and a half years old. Nastya dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but she was refused. The choreographer and teacher, head of the school, Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev, saw the crying girl. He allowed Nastya to study for a year and show herself. The parents even wrote a letter that they would take their daughter away if there were no results.

But Nastya tried very hard, and she was not only kept at the school, where she studied for eight years, but also prepared in such a way that, while still a student (she had another year left before graduation), she was accepted into the Mariinsky Theater (in 1994), immediately to the position of soloist.

At that time, trouble happened in the family. The parents decided to sell their apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg and buy a smaller apartment, but next to the theater, so that Nastya would not have to spend a lot of time on the road. They even had to sell their father's place in the garage. But the broker deceived the parents and disappeared with the entire amount for the apartment. The Volochkov family was left on the street, without an apartment and without money.

It was very difficult for the talented ballerina in the new team. She did not have a professional relationship with the then director of the ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, Mahar Vaziev. But she didn’t want close, personal relationships. In addition, she was promised performances, and he demanded that she give him the money for them.

Anastasia did not accept these conditions, and her life was turned into a nightmare. Therefore, when they started talking about Volochkova everywhere, she had to quit hometown and move to the capital: in 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited her to the Bolshoi Theater in his production of Swan Lake. She also performed roles in such performances as La Bayadère and The Sleeping Beauty. And in parallel the beginning solo career. The great Maya Plisetskaya noticed the ballerina and said that Volochkova had amazing hands.

When the Bolshoi Theater toured London in 2000, I was present at one of the performances, “Raymonda.” artistic director English National Ballet, choreographer Derek Dean. He offered Volochkova a contract for 12 performances of The Sleeping Beauty. Dean prepared the role of the main character especially for her. actor- Fairies Carabosse. The London press then called Volochkova the greatest Russian ballerina.

Some time later, after her affair with businessman and politician Suleiman Kerimov, Anastasia was fired from the Bolshoi Theater. She is sure that she was kicked out of the theater precisely by order of this rich man.

But, having fired the principal, the administration of the Bolshoi Theater justified its decision by saying that Volochkova had allegedly become terribly fat, did not show up for rehearsals, and that her partners could not hold her in their arms. Nastya insisted that this was a conspiracy of enemies.

The offended ballerina sued the theater management in 2003. Endless lawsuits, counterclaims, and streams of dirty details in press. But, according to the ballerina herself, she sued the Bolshoi Theater for 190 thousand rubles and the right to return to the troupe. Although, of course, she understood that she would never appear on this stage again.

In 2003, Anastasia joined the ranks of the ruling party " United Russia”, but in 2011 she left its membership, loudly announcing it.

Volochkova continued to perform with her own projects, which are still held with constant full houses.

Volochkova and TV

In 2007, Anastasia tried her hand at figure skating: she participated in the TV show “ glacial period"paired with Olympic figure skating champion Anton Sikharulidze, and then she was invited to the same program in 2009, then she danced with another Olympic figure skating champion - Maxim Marinin.

In 2009, one famous prima - Alla Pugacheva - invited another famous prima - Anastasia Volochkova - to her “Christmas meetings”. The ballerina performed in an unusual role as a singer. She danced and sang the song “Ballerina,” which composer Igor Nikolaev wrote for her.

  1. In 2009, Anastasia released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina,” where she talked about behind the scenes life largest theater countries. She has a second book ready to release.
  2. In 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from the Higher School of Economics.
  3. In 2011, she opened the Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center for Children in Moscow - this is a children's additional education new formation.

Personal life

Anastasia Volochkova at the age of 19 dated famous dancer ballet, in 1986-2007 the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet, Farukh Ruzimatov - he was her first love. Mom was against this union and did not even let her daughter go on dates. But Nastya still ran away to Farukh. They still maintain warm friendly relations.

In 2000, Anastasia was first seen on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater by oligarch and deputy Suleiman Kerimov. To get to know the ballerina, he invited her to perform at his private event at the Bolshoi Theater. Having become the lover of one of the most influential businessmen in the country, Volochkova simultaneously became the prima of the Bolshoi, the most famous Russian ballerina. The couple dated until 2003. The initiator of the break in relations was the ballerina herself. And then Kerimov, according to Volochkova, began to take revenge, and she was fired from the Bolshoi Theater.

During a tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London, Anastasia met the famous English lawyer and millionaire, Lord Anthony Kerman, who fell madly in love with her. He rented her a studio for classes in London, hired choreographers who staged modern numbers for her, paid for housing, and opened a residence permit in London for the aspiring dancer.

Anastasia Volochkova was married to businessman Igor Vdovin. Their story together ended in 2008 after four years of relationship.
In this marriage, a daughter, Ariadne, was born in 2005.

In 2013, the media wrote that . Very leaked onto the Internet candid photo shoot two lovers. But after a while all the hype faded away.

Awards and recognition

2002 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
2002 - laureate International competition named after Serge Lifar, winner of the Benois Dance Prize
2006 - People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia
2007 - People's Artist of North Ossetia - Alania