Simple wedding dress. How to choose the perfect wedding dress.

A wedding in a church is a solemn event for which a girl must prepare with special care, because all eyes will be focused on the bride. When choosing a wedding dress, it is necessary to take into account church rules and traditions. The bride should look in such a way as to emphasize the purity of her soul and thoughts.

Traditional styles and colors

The main requirement for a wedding dress is that it should not be revealing. You can choose an outfit that doesn’t go all the way to your toes, but your knees must be covered. The traditional style of a wedding dress is an A-line silhouette, with full skirt, covered with back and shoulders.

The following options exist:

The color of the wedding dress also matters. Last years Purple, red and even black wedding dresses are in fashion, but this option is not suitable for a wedding. The church allows only light colors. The bride's outfit can be white, beige, blue, light pink.

And here's what Wedding Dress will do plump girl, can be seen in the photo in the content of this

Differences between Orthodox and Catholic wedding dresses

Differences between Orthodox and catholic church extend to the wedding ceremony. The bride and groom prepare very carefully for the ceremony. They must confess and receive communion. The Catholic rite is full of solemnity and holiness. Such a marriage cannot be dissolved.

The bride, like Orthodox Christians, should be dressed in a snow-white outfit. Any style of dress will do, as long as it hides your body as much as possible. It is unacceptable to show off your legs, back, shoulders, and especially your chest. In general, the requirements for a Catholic wedding dress are the same as for an Orthodox one.

A Catholic tradition is a wedding dress with a train. It looks very beautiful and rich.

The photo shows a wedding dress with a train:

Manufacturers and prices

According to the traditions of the Russian people, a wedding dress cannot be rented. It must be purchased and only one bride should wear such an outfit. After the ceremony, the dress cannot be sold, but must be stored along with the rest of the wedding attributes.

To pick up good model, it is better to make a purchase in a specialized salon. Manufacturers offer big choice colors and styles that you can try on right in the store. If necessary, such salons offer to sew an outfit for free if it does not fit your figure.

The cost of a wedding dress depends on the material, embroidery, trim, decorations, and cut. A simple white satin model without embroidery or drapery will be inexpensive. An outfit decorated with lace or stones will cost much more. The price for a wedding dress starts from 6 thousand rubles and can reach thousands of dollars. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the parents of the bride or groom.

On video dress for wedding:

What to wear instead of a traditional outfit

Modern trends offer girls comfortable and simple solutions instead of a wedding dress. An excellent option for such a special event is an evening dress. Among the many models, you can even find an option that roughly resembles a wedding dress.

Ideal for a wedding evening dresses ivory, champagne and other similar shades.

This choice has many advantages:

  1. The evening dress can be worn to another celebration.
  2. In such an outfit it is much more convenient to be at the wedding ceremony and further celebration.
  3. It will be much easier to store it than lush one. It will take up much less space in the closet.

You can also wear a light skirt and blouse for your wedding. The main thing is that everything should be modest and in light colors. The skirt must cover the knees.

Special cases

Previously, it was believed that a girl should remain virgin until marriage. Those who did not adhere to this rule were forbidden to wear a veil and get married in the temple. But over time, traditions and mores change. Although the wedding ceremony has changed little, pregnant women and even older ladies are now allowed to attend weddings. There is also a large selection of wedding dresses for these brides.

Maternity dresses

A pregnant girl should not buy a dress in advance. After all, her proportions will change, and you will have to spend money on the outfit again.

A wedding dress for a pregnant woman does not have to be classic. A model with an A-line silhouette will help hide your tummy. In him future mom will look very elegant. But how good they look summer dresses for pregnant women, information from this will help you understand

In the photo is a wedding dress for pregnant women:

Some brides prefer not to hide, but rather to emphasize their belly, so they wear fitted dresses.

Women who are pregnant should not try to squeeze into a traditional wedding dress. Such an outfit will cause inconvenience, will restrict movement and make breathing difficult. For such occasions, maternity outfits were invented. Such models are simple. They do not have flounces, ruffles, large flowers and other decorative elements, since such decorations will make the girl’s figure even more overweight.

If your belly is already noticeable, then it is better to choose an outfit with a minimum of jewelry. Attention should be paid to the material. Shiny and thick fabrics They can also give extra fullness to the figure, so such models should be avoided.

The most suitable and popular option for pregnant women today is a dress in the empire style. The peculiarity of this outfit is that it is stitched to the bodice long skirt perfectly hides the protruding tummy. Usually I make such dresses from chiffon or crepe chiffon; they can be complemented by a ruffled effect or pleating.

In the photo there is an empire style wedding dress for pregnant women:

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can wear a dress with a hoop skirt. But it is worth remembering that the outfit is heavy, and you will need to spend the whole day in it.

Pregnant girls should also take into account that according to church rules White dress allowed to innocent girls. Pregnant brides should turn to others light colors. For example, perfect for a wedding blue dress or light beige.

For older ladies

The bride and groom do not always decide to get married immediately after registering their marriage. Some couples prefer to experience their feelings for years and get married after 20, 30 and even 50 years of marriage.

The photo shows a wedding dress for adult ladies:

An older bride needs to choose an outfit in which she will feel confident. In order to hide age-related imperfections, such as age spots or sagging skin, you should turn to closed dresses with a light cape.

White color only draws attention to flaws in appearance, so it should be abandoned. It is better to give preference to outfits in golden, cream, beige colors. But is it possible to wear this kind of dress with sneakers and what kind of dresses can be worn with sneakers? The information from this will help you figure it out

Folk signs about a wedding dress

According to the traditions of the Russian people, a wedding dress must be chosen in compliance with the following requirements:

  • The wedding dress must be completely new. It should not be worn by anyone else, and it is not even advisable for other women to hold it in their hands. Otherwise, bad energy may be transmitted to the bride.
  • The groom should not see the bride's outfit before the wedding, otherwise they will family life it won't work out.
  • To prevent the wedding from being upset, the bride should try on the dress only once, not show it to her friends and not twirl in it in front of the mirror.
  • To family bonds were durable, the dress should not be divided into a skirt and corset. It is necessary to give preference to solid models.
  • If the dress is made from durable material, the woman will have a good relationship with my husband's mother.
  • You need to borrow some element for your wedding dress. It could be a scarf or lace. Then, at any difficult moment, loved ones will come to the rescue.
  • A dress decorated with golden elements promotes wealth and good luck for the young.
  • No matter how long the dress and veil are, the spouses will be happy together for so long.

The wedding is in a wonderful way consolidate your love not only on earth, but also in heaven. Therefore, it is very important to carry out the ritual correctly. Important role The bride's clothes also play a role. You can look attractive and at the same time modest and innocent. To do this, you should follow the recommendations for choosing a wedding dress.