Memorable dates of 1967.

First landing on another planet!

The Venera-4 automatic station was launched on June 12, 1967 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome by a Molniya-M launch vehicle with an upper stage and placed into the intermediate reference orbit of an artificial Earth satellite.

From there, with the help of the upper stage engine, the device was transferred to the flight path to Venus. 128 days after launch, on October 18, 1967, the Venera 4 station approached the planet. The descent module separated before the automatic station entered the atmosphere of Venus. The spacecraft burned up in the dense layers of the atmosphere, and the descent module by parachute smoothly descended into the dense layers of the atmosphere. Along with the deployment of the main parachute, the antennas of the radio altimeter and transmitter opened, the scientific instruments turned on, and the transmission began scientific information to the ground. The lander made direct measurements of temperature, density, pressure and chemical composition atmosphere of the planet during descent. The first interplanetary radio communication session in human history lasted 93 minutes. The last parameters of the atmosphere of Venus transmitted to them corresponded to an altitude of 28 kilometers. The pressure and density were measured by the device until the instruments went off scale, since the upper limit of the pressure gauge was 7.3 atmospheres. Temperature measurements were carried out during the entire descent of the device by parachute until the connection was lost.

As a result of the Venera-4 flight, it was established that carbon dioxide is the main component of the atmosphere of Venus (about 90%), and it contains little oxygen and water vapor. Scientific instruments of the Venera-4 station orbiter showed the absence of radiation belts on Venus, and the planet’s magnetic field turned out to be 3000 times weaker magnetic field Earth. In addition, using a UV tracer from the Sun, Venus' hydrogen corona was discovered, containing about 1,000 times less hydrogen than Earth's upper atmosphere. Atomic oxygen was not detected by the indicator.

The flight program of the Venera-4 station was completed in full.

Amazing! Fantastic, I just can’t believe it, but these are signals from the surface of Venus. First human interplanetary communication! (Bernard LOVELL, Professor, Director of the Jodrell Batt Observatory)

The successful transmission of scientific materials from the planet Venus by the Soviet automatic station Venera 4 is “a truly remarkable achievement.” (Kenneth Gatland, Vice-President of the British Society for Interplanetary Communications)

Soviet spaceship has now reached Venus, and for the first time Mankind is able to receive information directly from the surface of this distant planet. This speaks of the endless possibilities of science in the USSR, of the high technical art engineers Soviet Union. (Ahmed Read TURKI, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Science (SAR))

The Soviet Union has a much larger interplanetary exploration program. In this area the Russians are far ahead of us. (William PICKERING, Director of the Interplanetary Research Laboratory (Pasadena, USA))

A new outstanding victory of Soviet science and technology, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, can safely be considered one of the outstanding achievements of mankind. In the history of the exploration of Venus and all solar system a new glorious page has been opened. (Audouin DOLFUS, professor (Paris))

The year 1967 was marked by many significant events, both global and domestic. The USSR continued to take confident steps towards communism, the economy, science, cultural life in the country. There were plenty of events. We will tell you about the most interesting ones in our article.


In world pop music, 1967 is considered the most successful year. The famous Beatles release another album“Sergeant Pepper”, “Pink Floyd” conquers America, became famous worldwide with an album Are You Experienced.

Soviet fans are going crazy about handsome Dean Reed, the youth of the Union are trying to get records of the Fab Four. Everyone is dancing the twist on the dance floors. Comedies are very popular in cinemas, especially those by Leonid Gaidai. Natalya Varley and Alexander Demyanenko won the hearts of many. He became famous in the film “His Name was Robert.”

The Six Day War took place in Israel. Andropov is appointed chairman of the KGB. The Ostankino TV tower was built, the Red Square was lit Eternal flame in memory unknown soldier. In general, there is something to tell about 1967.

Ostankino Tower

The television center in Ostankino was built simultaneously with the tower in the period from 1963 to 1967. The center was named in honor of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. That year just marked the half-century anniversary of the 1917 revolution.

The design of the television center began during the reign of Khrushchev. It was planned to build 26 floors, but a project with 13 floors was approved. Initially they wanted to place it there as it was, but later it was decided to build a center in Ostankino, there was enough space there.

In November 1967, the construction of the Ostankino Tower was completed. The structure had a height of 540 meters. At that time it was considered the highest on the entire planet. On currently the tower remains in the top ten world skyscrapers.

The supporting structures are made of stressed reinforced concrete. Designer Nikitin took an inverted lily flower as the basis for the idea of ​​the structure. In 2017, the Ostankino Tower celebrates its half-century anniversary.

Monument "Motherland"

Famous all over the world, which is located in Volgograd, was opened in 1967. A photo of this huge monument confirms its greatness and power.

On the main height of Russia stands a woman in a decisive impulse, in her hands heavy sword. A strong-willed, expressive face, flowing hair, and turned torso create a feeling of significant strength of the Russian spirit. Her silent cry calls on all the sons of the country to defend their Motherland, fight enemies, and stand until the bitter end. The sculpture of the Motherland is the most majestic and extraordinary in the ensemble of Mamayev Kurgan.

Upon completion, the sculpture of a woman was the tallest statue in the world. The monument rises 52 meters above the pedestal. Together with the sword, the height of the Motherland is 85 meters. The weight of the monument is 8 thousand tons, and this does not include the sword.

The sculpture is illuminated by fifty powerful spotlights, which makes it possible to see the monument from afar even at night.


The leader in Soviet cinema was the 1967 release of Leonid Gaidai's comedies. His famous Shurik and Nina won the hearts of viewers throughout the vast USSR.

Premiere " Caucasian captive"took place in Moscow just in 1967, on April 3. Since then it has been one of the most popular Soviet films. Also, 1967 gave the viewer other famous paintings:

  • "Wedding in Malinovka."
  • "Viy."
  • "War and Peace".
  • "Major Whirlwind."
  • "Tatiana's Day" and many others.

Commemorative coins of 1967

Coins were issued for the anniversary of the Great October Revolution. In numismatist circles they are now quite expensive. Some professionals value one 1967 anniversary ruble at $200.

  • 1 ruble. Lenin is depicted, a star, the inscription “USSR”. On the other side is the country's coat of arms.
  • 50 kopecks. The same image of Lenin as on the 1 ruble coin.
  • 15 kopecks. On the reverse is the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” and significant date 1917-1967.
  • 20 kopecks. On the reverse is the cruiser Aurora, which is famous for its historical mission in the October Revolution.
  • 10 kopecks. On the reverse there is a rocket flying upward. On the back is the date 1917-1967.

Year of the Goat

We became interested in the Eastern horoscope much later; it became widespread around the 80-90s, when information from abroad freely flowed into the country. Now everyone knows what year he was born and who he is according to his zodiac sign.

If your birth year is 1967, what year is it? IN eastern horoscope The cycle of signs is 12 years. The year 1967 belongs to the sign of the Fire Goat.

For people born this year, the characteristics will be as follows. Typically, the Fire Goat is the queen of parties. People are characterized by such traits as brightness, sociability, they love the attention of people, noisy parties, and companies. Among those born this year there are many stars, which confirms the above. The following celebrities were born this year:

  • Nicole Kidman.
  • Vin Diesel.
  • Julia Roberts.
  • Fedor Bondarchuk.
  • Dmitry Nagiev.
  • Pamela Anderson.
  • Philip Kirkorov.
  • Oksana Fandera.
  • Alexander Lazarev.
  • Renata Litvinova.
  • Gosha Kutsenko.

People born in the year of the Goat are quite wasteful. Dear ones love, good gifts, but they also love shopping. Sometimes they buy things that they won’t even need later, but at the time of purchase they were simply happy. Their main feature is that they know how to earn money themselves, without particularly straining themselves. All you have to do is “blow a speck of dust off your shoulder” and, voila, sooner or later they become a star. The stories of many idols confirm this fact.

They bring positive energy into the house and always charge their entire family with it. They are always generous, loved and at the same time desired.

People born between the dates of February 9, 1967 and January 29, 1968 belong to the Fire Goat sign according to the Eastern Calendar. The sheep symbolizes calmness and prudence. And also the color of this year is red, and this year is symbolized by fire. Red color and fire mean, in turn, determination and impetuosity, as well as emotionality. Fire Goats, as a rule, see their goals very clearly and go towards them, recklessly using their natural charm.

Year of the Fire Goat

1967 is the year of the Fire Goat animal; such people are distinguished by an extraordinary love of parties and get-togethers in the company of loved ones. She can spend her last hard-earned money on some cute and, perhaps, absolutely useless thing, a little joy for herself. Self-love is good, but such wastefulness is bad for her wallet.

Fire Goats, born in 1967, have a very rich imagination - they can exaggerate the scale of the problem, screw themselves up, constantly complicating their lives. Communication skills - overall quality for all varieties of this sign, and in this case it, multiplied by the liveliness of character, contributes to the acquisition by the Fire Goat great circle communication. The profession of a diplomat is suitable for such people; they are good speakers and lawyers. As a leader, such a person is dynamic, but can expend too much energy and become scattered.

People born this year are usually bright and beautiful. They are artistic, temperamental, the source of their inspiration is fire. The Fire Goat wants a lot from life, but in order to achieve this, she must constantly maintain this fire within herself, otherwise it will go out. But Fire can make a fire, so they need to be careful. They love warmth and the color red brings them good luck.

1967 to eastern calendar created people with very rich imaginations. They have a very developed imagination - sometimes they can exaggerate the scale of the problem, screw themselves up, supplement overheard gossip with small ones. juicy details, again complicating your life. It is quite obvious that a fiery herbivore can easily make his life much easier with his own hands. To do this, he needs to curb his imagination, listen to the voice of reason more often and restrain his passion for useless purchases.

In 1967, in Pechora, the construction of its own heavy-duty self-propelled fleet began. The lead of the Z-40 series, the 8,000 ton cargo ship "Vasily Batmanov" was put into operation.

In 1967, the city radio broadcasting office began its work.

In April 1967, the An-10 aircraft made its first flight on the Syktyvkar-Pechora route.

In 1967, the Pechora airline began operating direct flights from Pechora to Moscow, Simferopol, and Kyiv.

In 1967, a medical and physical education clinic was opened, with a focus on medical care for athletes and athletes.

In 1967, a monument to the explorer of the Russian north V. A. Rusanov was unveiled. Sculptor - Yu.G. Borisov.
On the pedestal of the monument there is a text carved: “The time will come and a city will be built on this bank of the Pechora, but here it will be broken beautiful park and this amazing spectacle will be enjoyed by the working people." These words were found in the diary of V. A. Rusanov, which is kept in the Republican Museum. The entry was made in 1903. (entry option No. 2: “Will the time come when on the other side of the Pechora a city will be built, and a beautiful park will be laid out here, and this amazing spectacle of nature will be enjoyed by the working people? The monument was erected on the high bank of the Pechora on Kuratov Street.

In 1967, the powerful tugboat “Akademik Chebyshev”, which was built in Finland, arrived in Pechora. Its robust hull and good maneuverability allow it to sail in ice conditions. Since then, “Akademik Chebyshev” has been the first to begin navigation and the last to enter the backwater.
On February 4, 1967, at the Pechora depot, the last locomotive left the lifting repair shop. The era of steam traction is a thing of the past.

Since 1967, after the transfer of Northern railway for diesel locomotive traction, the Pechora depot is a reference enterprise for testing and development of new diesel locomotives.

Soviet Union in 1967

1967 - best year in pop music. Indeed, this year the Beatles release Sergeant Pepper, Jimi Hendrix gives the world the album Are You Experienced?, Pink Floyd conquers America. And in the Soviet Union, women go crazy about the American handsome guy with a guitar, Dean Reed, men go crazy about miniskirts, young people go crazy about the Fab Four. Everyone dances the twist and goes to the movies, mostly comedies. Particularly popular are “student, Komsomol member and simply beautiful” Natalya Varley from “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and Oleg Strizhenov, who played a robot devoid of all feelings in the film “His Name was Robert.” The “six-day war” begins and ends in Israel, the Ostankino TV tower was built in Moscow, Yuri Andropov was appointed chairman of the KGB, and Saturday became a day off. In general, there is something to tell and remember about 1967! For every thousand people that year, fourteen babies were born in the USSR, and among them were the King of Pop Philip Kirkorov, director Fyodor Bondarchuk, poet and publicist Dmitry Bykov, writer Evgeny Grishkovets, and lead singer of the pop group “Na-Na” Vladimir Levkin.

The children once played with birds. They flew merrily into the sky from the balcony. Screams and joyful laughter were heard... Vova managed to fly farthest. ... The children once played with birds. They flew merrily into the sky from the balcony. Screams and joyful laughter were heard... Vova managed to fly farthest.

ratings: 0
Type: Sadistic poems

One girl’s mother forbade her to buy dolls in black dresses. One day a girl went to the store to buy herself a doll. All the dolls were scary, only... One girl’s mother forbade her to buy dolls in black dresses. One day a girl went to the store to buy herself a doll. All the dolls were scary, only one was beautiful, but she was in a black dress. The girl bought it and brought it home. In the evening she put her in bed and went to bed with her. At night, the mother heard the girl scream. She went to her room and saw that the girl was not on the bed. The mother looked under the bed, and there a doll in a black dress was eating the girl’s throat.

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