Kerch museums opening hours. Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve

The official opening date of the Kerch Museum, recorded in documents, is June 2 (15), 1826. All this time, the museum was located in different buildings and had different names, but the essence did not change - the Kerch Museum was and remains one of the oldest in the country, the center historical science, a center of education and culture in our city.

Today the museum has a small collection of badges related to its activities. The earliest in time is the badge dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kerch Museum and made for the anniversary conference. On the flat diamond are two dates: “100” and “1926” and three letters: “A”, “K”, “K”, which indicate the “Archaeological Conference of Kerch”.

The conference was held in our city on September 5-10, 1926. “The 100-year work of the Kerch Museum” was the title of the report by director Yu. Yu. Marti. In total, 67 reports were heard at the conference; 135 delegates from 30 cities were present - representatives of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Crimea. ASSR, Tatar Republic, Volga German Republic, Georgian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR and representatives of the Kerch public. In memory of such a large-scale event, the indicated badge was issued.

A number of scientific conferences were held in the second half of the 20th century. In 1976, a conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the museum took place. A badge was issued for this event. Certificate of honor Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR." It was attached to the Certificate that the museum was awarded in honor of the anniversary.

Conferences and museum readings have become firmly part of the museum's activities. They summarize the results of the research work of historians and archaeologists. The conference “Problems of Archeology and History of the Bosporus” celebrated the 170th anniversary of the museum in 1996.

In 2000, the conference was called “Pantikapaeus. Bosporus. Kerch 26 centuries ancient capital" In 2001, the museum celebrated its 175th anniversary. A conference was dedicated to the anniversary, bringing together Once again archaeologists, historians, local historians.
“Modern problems of research, restoration and preservation of cultural heritage” were discussed at a conference dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the museum in 2006.

The materials of all conferences, as well as the materials of museum readings, were published in the collections of military-historical readings “Crimeafront. Adzhimushkay" (2003), "On the Kerch bridgehead" and "Military Kerch" (2004). And the collections were published to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the city from fascist invaders.

Returning to the badges, it should be noted that the collection also includes souvenir ones, which are products of the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve.

One of the fundamental activities of the Kerch Museum-Reserve is scientific and educational work, including the popularization of cultural monuments. Icons help accomplish this task in many ways. The “ ” icon also depicts a stylized figure of a deer. The Kul-Oba mound dates back to the 4th century. BC e. The burial, discovered in 1830, amazed archaeologists with the abundance of gold and artistic execution of things. One of them was a 226 gram gold protective plaque in the shape of a deer, on the body of which figures of other animals are visible. The so-called Scythian, or animal style, was vividly embodied in decoration.

The unique monuments of Bosporus funerary architecture include. Opened in 1837, dates back to the 4th century. BC e. The icon depicts the entrance to the dromos of the mound. The then director of the museum, A. B. Ashik, who discovered the Royal Mound, defined the significance of the structure as follows: “... although the expenses spent on excavating the Royal Mound were not covered by the discovery of treasures, our labors were rewarded with the discovery of a tomb, which in size and design belongs to the most significant monuments of this kind on Kerch land.”

Kerch State historical and cultural reserve created by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated March 5, 1987 No. 66 “On declaring the complex of historical and cultural monuments of the city of Kerch a state historical and cultural reserve” on the basis of the stock collections of the Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum and monuments of archaeology, history and art included in the protected area city ​​of Kerch.

On the balance sheet of the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve there are 15 monuments, of which 10 are monuments national importance. These are the ancient settlements of Nymphaeum, Panticapaeum, Tiritaka, Mirmekiy, Porphenius, Crypt of 1981, Melek-Chesme mound, Tsarsky mound, Adzhimushkai quarries and memorial Complex“To the Heroes of Adzhimushkaya”, Dok Mesaksudi (archaeological museum). In total, the reserve has 64.5 hectares of protected areas.

Stock collections are one of the most numerous in Crimea and number about 200 thousand storage units. The most significant and valuable is the archaeological collection, numbering over 100 thousand items - painted and stamped ceramics, terracotta, antique glass, etc. Archaeological expeditions conducted on the territory of the Bosporus are the main source of acquisition of stock collections.

Part of the archaeological funds is a lapidary collection (over 2300 storage units), which is world famous. Currently, the single building of the lapidarium (R. Luxemburg St., 24/14) is not only a place for storing, but also for exhibiting and restoring monuments with III millennium BC. to the 15th century.

Every year the funds are replenished from more than fifteen international archaeological expeditions conducting archaeological excavations on the Kerch Peninsula.

The archive contains more than 18 thousand items, and the general fund of the scientific library includes more than 31 thousand printed items. This is the only library in Eastern Crimea, where literature on ancient and medieval history of the Northern Black Sea region is concentrated

The reserve team leads great job, holds annual scientific conferences“Bosporus Readings” (together with the Demeter Charitable Foundation), “Scientific and Green Tourism in Eastern Crimea” (together with the Bosporus Charitable Foundation), publishes works and collections of reports. Collections from the funds of the Kerch Reserve were exhibited at international exhibitions in Italy (Aosta), Russia (St. Petersburg) and up to

One of the main tasks of the Reserve is the organization of excursion activities at museum sites. More than 120,000 people visit its facilities every year. Every year about 4,000 excursions are conducted, both sightseeing and thematic, with more than 50 developed excursion themes.

The excursion sites of the reserve are:

  • Historical and Archaeological Museum, st. Sverdlova, 22;
  • Golden Pantry, st. Sverdlova, 22;
  • Art gallery, st. Teatralnaya, 37;
  • Museum of the History of Defense of the Adzhimushkay Quarries, st. Brothers Malchenko, 34–35;
  • Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing, st. G. Petrova, 2;

Among the many studied Bosporan stepped crypts, Melek-Chesmensky went down in history as the most advanced in technical and artistically among the Bosporus stepped crypts. The mound got its name from the Tatar name of the Melek-Chesme river flowing nearby.

This is how the researcher, director of the Kerch Museum A.E., describes the excavations of the mound. Lyutsenko: “Of all the burial mounds adjacent to the city itself, this is the largest. The disfiguring pits everywhere, especially on the sides, show that they have already repeatedly begun to dig it up for search.

“Nymphaeum - temple of nymphs, area of ​​the city near Pontus...” (Sch. Aesch. III, 171). 17 km south of Kerch, near the modern village. Eltigen (Geroevskoe), the ruins of the ancient Nymphaeum are still visible. The settlement occupies a plateau on the shore of the Kerch Strait (in ancient times the Cimmerian Bosporus), to the west of which there are mounds and a ground necropolis.

Among the cities of the Bosporus, Nymphaeum occupied one of the leading places. Its location, like most other ancient Greek cities on the Black Sea, was determined thanks to descriptions of the coast compiled for sailors and travelers, as well as the works of ancient geographers and historians.

11 km from Panticapaeum, on the shore of an ancient sea bay, there is an ancient Greek settlement with the barbaric name Tiritaka (or Tiristaka). But there is another, Greek - Diya, and it is under this name that the finds of the 1930s are encrypted.

The settlement is located on a high plateau and has the shape irregular quadrilateral, facing an acute angle to the south.

The first excavations were carried out in 1859 by the director of the Kerch Museum A.E. Lyutsenko. Regular excavations have been carried out since 1932 under the leadership of Yu.Yu. Marty, then V.F. Gaidukevich. Excavations of the ancient settlement in different time led by V.M. Slavin, D.S. Kirilin, B.G. Peters, O.D. Chevelev, V.N. Zinko.

Myrmekiy settlement, like most Greek colonies, located by the sea, on the shores of the ancient Cimmerian Bosporus, the modern Kerch Strait. In good weather, the Taman Peninsula is clearly visible, which the ancient Greeks considered another continent - Asia.

The settlement was founded in the 6th century. BC. and by the end of the century it had turned into a small closely built-up town. It is curious that around the middle of the 6th century. BC. the approaches to the rock, which served the colonists as an acropolis, were covered by the earliest defensive wall in the Bosporus. At this time, the entire population of the colony huddled in small half-dugouts with a roof made of dried algae.

Approximately 5-6 km from the city center on the territory of the microdistrict (formerly the village) Adzhimushkai there are underground mine workings - quarries - with same name, which became perhaps the most famous military-historical monument of Kerch, thanks to the heroic defense of 1942.

As a result of the extremely unsuccessful actions of the command of the Crimean Front in May 1942, a decision was made to abandon Kerch by our troops. Units and combined detachments that covered the retreat of the main forces to the Taman Peninsula and did not receive an order to withdraw were completely surrounded in the area of ​​the village on May 16, 1942. Adzhimushkay - this is how the unprecedented defense of the Adzhimushkay quarries began.

The history of the Kerch Museum of Antiquities began with the personal collection of Paul Dubrux (1774-1835), the founder of Kerch archeology, founded in 1810. On June 2 (14 New Style), 1826, the museum was officially established and was located in the house of P. Dubrux until 1833. I. P. Blaramberg became the first director of the museum.

Since the creation of the Kerch Museum of Antiquities, the main direction of its activity has been the study and preservation of ancient monuments found on the Kerch and Taman peninsulas, that is, on the territory of the ancient Bosporan kingdom. The excavations of the rich Kul-Oba mound in the fall of 1830 contributed to the significant development of archaeological work in Kerch.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783, the first travelers were amazed by the abundance of mounds on the Kerch Peninsula. Also in early XIX century there were more than two thousand of them.

Under many of them, monumental crypts were found that have no analogues in other areas of the Northern Black Sea region. Most of them were excavated in the 19th century. Today, most of them, thanks to active work human, has disappeared, only the Melek-Chesmensky and Tsarsky mounds are accessible for inspection.

Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing, 1943-1944; was opened in May 1985. The Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, which marked the beginning of the liberation of Kerch, was one of the major amphibious landings during the Great Patriotic War.

The landing force managed to capture a small bridgehead 3 km along the front and 1.5 km in depth, called “ Tierra del Fuego"and withstand 36 days of fighting under conditions of complete blockade. Total 6 sq. kilometers of bridgehead, 40 days of fighting, 61 defenders awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The ancient Greeks, who founded in the 6th century. BC. on the northern coast of the Black Sea, their policies (city-states) introduced their customs and traditions here. The history and culture of the Cimmerian Bosporus is inextricably linked with pan-Greek Hellenic culture.

But at the same time, the ancient Greeks had a keen interest in foreign cultures and easily came into contact with local peoples, inhabited the northern coast of Pontus Euxine. The Greek settlers adopted many of the religious institutions and rituals of the indigenous population. As a result, a unique syncretic (mixed) type of culture, based on mythological and religious ideas, developed in the Bosporus.

Ancient civilization left many unique monuments on the shores of the Black Sea region, among which funeral crypts decorated with fresco paintings occupy a special place.

In the Black Sea region, ancient Greek painted burial crypts are very rare. The exception is the capital of the Bosporus (modern Kerch), where about two dozen of them were found. This is a unique phenomenon for Hellenistic culture. The painting of these crypts clearly demonstrates main feature Bosporan school monumental painting interweaving of Greek and local traditions.

Ilurat, Bosporan fortified city of the 1st-3rd centuries. AD, is located among the steppe hills in the depths of the Kerch Peninsula. This name came to us in the work of the ancient geographer of the 2nd century. AD Claudius Ptolemy.

This localization has become generally accepted, although not a single inscription confirming it has ever been found. In those days, when the capital of the Bosporan kingdom, Panticapaeum, was located on the site of modern Kerch, the fortress protected the western approaches to it from attacks by nomads who occupied the steppes and foothills of the Crimea.

The Cimmerian Bosporus is one of the significant ancient states With thousand years of history, occupied densely populated resort areas in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Western borders Bosporus lay in the area modern city Feodosia, and sometimes included the entire Crimean peninsula.

Its eastern borders extended to Caucasus Mountains, reaching the area of ​​the modern cities of Anapa and Novorossiysk. The extreme northern outpost of this kingdom was located at the mouth of the Don and carried ancient name this river is Tanais.

Art Gallery located in the city center - at the foot of the Great Mithridatic Staircase. The building, built in the first half of the 19th century, is an architectural monument of the classical style.

After the restoration of the building - on May 7, 1985, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, a grand opening was held in its halls. art exhibition entitled “Adzhimushkay. 1942”, dedicated to the heroic defense of Kerch during World War II. The series of works was written by Nikolai Yakovlevich But (1928-1989), Honored Artist of the RSFSR, artist of the military studio named after. M.B. Grekova (Moscow). The exhibition is based on 29 paintings and a number of sketches for them.

Excavations of the mounds of the Kerch and Taman Peninsula, carried out by the Kerch Museum of Antiquities in the 19th century, enriched the collections worldwide famous museums wonderful jewelry. The Kerch Museum received doublet items, a significant part of which were lost during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.

The museum objects presented in the exhibition of the Golden Pantry make up a collection, which began in the 1970s. It included finds from the security excavations of the museum, and then the reserve, as well as archaeological expeditions working on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula.

A technological model of a unique monument of ancient funerary architecture was created due to the fact that the original crypt I century AD, found inFebruary 1895 during excavation work in one of the private properties in Kerch, for 120 yearsseverely affected by level changes groundwater and the human factor, therefore it is forever closed to the public.The crypt got its name from the main plot theme painting - depicting the myth of the goddess Demeter.

Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum (Kerch, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum dates back to 1826. Kerch archaeologist French origin In 1816, Paul Dubrux began official excavations in the vicinity of Kerch, one of the results of which was a rich personal collection of coins, ceramics, and fragments of statues. Then Paul studied ancient monuments that were found during excavations on the Kerch and Taman peninsulas, as well as on the Kul-Oba mound. Ten years later, the collection of antiquities had own house, it moved to a new building built on Mount Mithridates in the likeness of the Athenian Temple of Theseus.

However, it existed new museum not for long: in years Crimean War the building was destroyed, and the remains of the collections were transported to neighboring cities. After the war, the museum was restored, and new chapter in his difficult history. Fortunately, the devastating war was followed by quite fruitful years, during which funds Archaeological Museum were constantly replenished. In 1922, it was allocated as a museum luxury mansion, made in an eclectic style. It seems that great prospects are opening up for the Kerch museum, but all plans are ruined by the Great Patriotic War.

A journey through the Historical and Archaeological Museum - one of the oldest museums on the peninsula - will introduce you to ancient and medieval history Kerch, starting from the time of the very first settlements.

Attempts to save the museum's funds, including its most valuable exhibits, led nowhere: all archives were lost during the evacuation. After the war, the museum began to be restored bit by bit: the building was renovated, new exhibits were organized, several new departments and branches were opened, and excursion programs were developed. The acquisition of museum funds continues to this day; revenues come from archaeological research and expeditions on the Kerch Peninsula.

Museum today

Currently, the Historical and Archaeological Museum has two permanent exhibitions: “History of the Bosporan Kingdom” and “From Korchev to Russian Kerch.” In addition, the museum regularly hosts a variety of temporary exhibitions. The museum collections contain about 130 thousand exhibits that tell about the inhabitants of ancient Kerch, their way of life, crafts, culture and give the opportunity to imagine what the settlement was like thousands of years ago. IN exhibition halls collected ceramics, amphorae, local handicrafts, lapidary writings, sculptures, and architectural fragments.