Horowitz and Hill. Relationship between accuracy and dynamic range


Widely known to the reader from previous editions, the monograph by famous American specialists is devoted to the rapidly developing areas of electronics. It presents the most interesting technical solutions, and also analyzes the errors of hardware developers; The reader's attention is focused on the subtle aspects of electronic circuit design and application.

Published in Russian in three volumes. Volume 1 contains information about circuit elements, transistors, operational amplifiers, active filters, power supplies, field-effect transistors.

For specialists in the field of electronics, automation, computer technology, as well as students of relevant university specialties.

Horowitz Paul, Hill Winfield


Preface to the first edition


Voltage, Current and Resistance

Capacitors and AC circuits

Inductors and transformers

Impedance and reactance

Diodes and diode circuits

Other passive components

Additional exercises


Some Basic Transistor Circuits

Ebers-Moll model for basic transistor circuits

Some types of amplifier stages

Some typical transistor circuits

Self-explanatory diagrams

Additional exercises


Basic circuits on PT

Keys to PT

Self-explanatory diagrams


Basic circuits for connecting operational amplifiers

A kaleidoscope of operational amplifier circuits

Detailed analysis of operational amplifiers

Detailed analysis of the operation of some op-amp circuits

Operating an op-amp with one power supply

Comparators and Schmitt trigger

Feedback and Finite Gain Amplifiers

Some Typical Op-Amp Circuits

Frequency correction of amplifiers with feedback

Self-explanatory diagrams

Additional exercises

Active filters

Active filter circuits


Self-explanatory diagrams

Additional exercises

Basic circuits of stabilizers based on the classic IC 723

Heat sink design for high-power circuits

Unstabilized power supplies

Voltage references

Three-terminal and four-terminal stabilizers

Special Purpose Power Supplies

Self-explanatory diagrams

Additional exercises

Horowitz Paul, Hill Winfield

"The Art of Circuit Design"

Volume 1

(Chapters 1–6)

4th edition revised and expanded


Paul Horowitz Harvard University

Winfield Hill Rowland Institute for Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts


New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney


Carol, Jacob, Misha and Ginger

Translation O.A. Soboleva

Over the past forty years, perhaps more than any other field of technology, electronics has experienced rapid development. In 1980, overcoming doubts, we made the bold decision to create full course teaching the art of circuit design. By “art” we mean mastery of a subject that comes from extensive experience with real circuits and devices, but does not arise from some abstract approach adopted in many electronics textbooks. It goes without saying that when it comes to such a rapidly progressing field, our practical approach is fraught with danger - just as quickly, “fresh” knowledge today can become outdated.

Electronic technology is not slowing down its pace of development! No sooner had the ink dried on the pages of the first edition of our book than the words about the “classic” erasable programmable read-only memory, EPROM type 2716 (2 KB), costing $25, became absurd. The “Classic” disappeared without a trace, giving way to EPROMs whose capacity became larger 64 times, and the cost was halved. The bulk of the corrections in this edition are due to the emergence of new and improved elements and development methods - the chapters on microcomputers and microprocessors (based on the IBM PC and 68008) are completely rewritten, the chapters on digital electronics (including programmable logic devices (PLD) and new logic families of NS and AS), operational amplifiers and developments based on them (which reflects the emergence of excellent operational amplifiers with a field-effect transistor at the input) and design techniques (including CAD/ICS). All tables were revised and some of them underwent significant changes, for example, in table. 4.1 (operational amplifiers) only 65% ​​of the 120 inputs in the table survived, while information on 135 new op-amps was added.

We took advantage of the opportunity that arose in connection with the new publication to respond to the wishes of readers and take into account our own own comments according to the first edition. As a result, the chapter on field-effect transistors (it was too complex) was rewritten and placed in a different place - before the chapter on operational amplifiers (which are all in to a greater extent built on field-effect transistors). Appeared new chapter on the design of low-power and micro-power circuits (analog and digital) is an important topic, but not popular in textbooks. Most of the remaining chapters have been substantially revised. New tables have appeared, including those for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, digital logic components, low-power devices, and there are more drawings.

Now the book contains 78 tables (they are also published as a separate book called “Tables for selecting Horowitz and Hill components”) and more than 1000 figures.

In reworking the text, we sought to maintain an informal approach that would ensure the success of the book as both a reference book and a textbook. The difficulties faced by a beginner who takes up electronics for the first time are known to everyone: all the issues are complexly intertwined with each other, and there is no such path of knowledge, following which one can step by step overcome the distance from a neophyte to a competent specialist. That's why our textbook has so many cross-references, and we've expanded the book's Guide to laboratory work"and now this is the "Student's Guide" ("Student's Guide to the Course "The Art of Circuit Design", authors T. Hayes And P. Horowitz), supplemented with examples of circuit design, explanations, tasks based on the text of the main textbook, laboratory exercises and answers to problems. Thanks to such an application intended for students, we were able to maintain the brevity of the presentation and the abundance of examples, which was required for those readers who use the book primarily as a reference.

We hope that the new edition meets the requirements of all readers - both students and practicing engineers. Please send your suggestions and comments directly to P. Horowitz at: Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 (Cambridge, MA 02138, Harvard University, Department of Physics, P. Horowitz).

Horowitz Paul, Hill Winfield

"The Art of Circuit Design"

Volume 2

(Chapters 7–10)

4th edition revised and expanded


Paul Horowitz Harvard University

Winfield Hill Rowland Institute for Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts


New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney

Chapter 7


Translation by B. N. Bronin

In previous chapters, we covered many aspects of analog circuit design, including the properties of passive elements and transistors, FETs and op-amps, feedback, and also examined a number of applications of these devices and circuit design methods. But these arguments did not raise the question of the best possible option, for example, minimizing amplifier errors (nonlinearity, drift, etc.), or amplifying a weak signal with the least distortion due to amplifier “noise.” These questions are in many cases the essence of the matter, and therefore they are an important part of the art of circuit design. Therefore, in this chapter we will look at precision circuit design techniques and amplifier noise issues. On first reading, you can skip this entire chapter, with the exception of Sect. 7.11, which introduces the concept of “amplifier noise”. The material in this chapter is not essential for understanding the following chapters.

Development of precision equipment based on operational amplifiers

Measurement and control often require highly precise circuits. Control circuits must be accurate, stable with respect to time and temperature, and their behavior must be predictable. Likewise, the value of a measuring instrument depends on its accuracy and stability. In almost all areas of electronics, there is a desire to make everything more precise - you might call it the pursuit of perfection. Even if you don't need such extreme precision, it's nice to have accurate instruments so you can fully understand what's going on.

7.01. The ratio of accuracy and dynamic range

It is easy to confuse the terms accuracy and dynamic range because sometimes the same equipment is used to achieve both. Perhaps the difference can best be explained by a number of examples: a 5-digit digital multiscale instrument has precision accuracy; They measure voltage with an accuracy of 0.01% and higher. Such a device also has a wide dynamic range - from millivolts to volts on the same scale. A precision decimal amplifier (eg, with a gain selectable from 1, 10, 100) and a precision voltage reference may have sufficient accuracy, but not necessarily a wide dynamic range. An example of a device with a wide dynamic range but modest accuracy is a six-decade logarithmic amplifier (LA), built on carefully adjusted op-amps, but using elements that have an accuracy of only 5%; even when using more precise elements The LU may have limited accuracy due to the discrepancy at extreme current values ​​of the characteristics used to convert the transistor junction of the logarithmic dependence. Another example of a device with a wide dynamic range (input current range of more than 10,000:1) with a very modest accuracy of 1% is the coulometer described in Sect. 9.26. It was originally designed to determine the total charge of an electrochemical cell - a value that is sufficient to know with an accuracy of 5%, but which is formed as a result of the action of a current that varies over a wide range. General property devices with a wide dynamic range is that the input offset must be carefully adjusted to ensure proportionality when the signal level is close to zero. When designing precision equipment, this is also necessary, but keeping the total error within the so-called error budget also requires precision elements, stable reference voltage generators, and attention to all possible sources of error.

7.02. Scheme error budget

A few words about the error budget. Beginning designers often fall into the trap of believing that a few strategically placed precision elements will produce a precision-performing device. In some in rare cases, maybe it will work out that way. But even a circuit chock-full of 0.01% resistors and expensive op-amps will not live up to your expectations if at some point in the circuit the output current offset multiplied by the source resistance produces a voltage offset error of, say, 10 mV. This kind of Errors occur in almost any circuit, and it is important to identify them, if only in order to find a place where a device with better parameters is required or where the circuit needs to be changed. This calculation of the error budget streamlines the design, in many cases allows you to get by with inexpensive elements and accurately evaluate the characteristics of the circuit.

7.03. Example circuit: precision amplifier with automatic zero selection

To illustrate the foregoing discussion, we have designed a precision decade amplifier circuit with automatic initial search. Such a device allows you to fix a certain value of the input signal and amplify its subsequent deviations from this level with a factor exactly equal to 10, 100 or 1000. This will be very convenient in an experiment in which a small deviation of some value is measured (for example, light transmittance or radio frequency absorption ) when the experimental conditions change. It is usually difficult to accurately measure small changes in a large DC signal due to amplifier drift and instability. In this case, you need a circuit with extreme precision and stability. We will describe the methods and mistakes we made while designing this particular circuit within general description precision engineering process and thus painlessly convey what could otherwise be a tedious lesson. One preliminary note: Digital hardware would be a tempting alternative to this purely analog circuit. (Stay tuned for exciting discoveries in future chapters!). The designed circuit is shown in Fig. 7.1.

Rice. 7.1. Laboratory DC amplifier with automatic zero adjustment.

Description of the scheme. The basis of the circuit is a repeater (U 1) connected to the input of a non-inverting gain-switchable amplifier (U 2), the output of which is biased by the signal applied to its non-inverting input. Transistors T 1 and T 2 are PTs, they are used as simple analog switches; T 3 - T 5 are used to form the necessary levels of key control from the input logical signal. Transistors T 1 - T 5 can be replaced with relays or, if desired, with switches. You can think of them as simple single-pole, single-throw switches (1P1N).

In the case when the logical input signal has high level(“storage”), the switches are closed and U 3 charges the analog “memory” capacitor (C 1) to the level necessary to maintain a zero output signal. However, the circuit makes "no attempt" to track rapid changes in the output signal, since in the applications for which this circuit is intended, all signals are DC, and some smoothing is a desirable property. When the switch is opened, the voltage across the capacitor is clamped, causing the output signal to be proportional to the subsequent deviation of the input signal.

Before further detailed explanation of the principles of operation of this precision circuit, it is necessary to dwell on its some additional features, (a) U 4 is included in the first order compensation circuit for the leakage current of capacitor C 1; the capacitor tends to slowly discharge through its own leakage resistance (minimum 100 TOm, i.e. a time constant of about two weeks!); in this case, the leakage current is compensated by a small charging current through R 15, proportional to the voltage at C 1. (b) Instead of a single PT switch, two switches are used, which are connected in series to form a “leak-proof” device. A small leakage current T 2 in the "off" position flows to ground through R 23, maintaining the potential on all terminals of T 1 within millivolts with respect to ground. Since there is no noticeable voltage drop across T

Widely known to the reader from previous editions, the monograph by famous American specialists is devoted to the rapidly developing areas of electronics. It presents the most interesting technical solutions, and also analyzes the errors of hardware developers; The reader's attention is focused on the subtle aspects of electronic circuit design and application.
Published in Russian in three volumes.

Contents VOLUME-3
Volume 3 contains information on microprocessors, radio circuits, measurement and signal processing techniques, hardware design principles and low-power device design, as well as extensive applications.
For specialists in the field of electronics, automation, computer technology, as well as students
relevant specialties of universities and technical schools.

Title: The Art of Circuit Design. Volume 1-3
Authors: Horowitz P., Hill W.
Publisher: Mir
Year: 1993
Format: PDF
Russian language
Size: 103.2 MB
Download: Horowitz P., Hill W. The Art of Circuit Design. Volume 1-3
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Horowitz Paul, Hill Winfield

"The Art of Circuit Design"

(Chapters 1–6)

4th edition revised and expanded


Paul Horowitz Harvard University

Winfield Hill Rowland Institute for Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts


New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney


Carol, Jacob, Misha and Ginger

Translation O.A. Soboleva

Over the past forty years, perhaps more than any other field of technology, electronics has experienced rapid development. In 1980, overcoming our doubts, we made the bold decision to create a complete course in the art of circuit design. By “art” we mean mastery of a subject that comes from extensive experience with real circuits and devices, but does not arise from some abstract approach adopted in many electronics textbooks. It goes without saying that when it comes to such a rapidly progressing field, our practical approach is fraught with danger - just as quickly, “fresh” knowledge today can become outdated.

Electronic technology is not slowing down its pace of development! No sooner had the ink dried on the pages of the first edition of our book than the words about the “classic” erasable programmable read-only memory, EPROM type 2716 (2 KB), costing $25, became absurd. The “Classic” disappeared without a trace, giving way to EPROMs whose capacity became larger 64 times, and the cost was halved. The bulk of the corrections in this edition are due to the emergence of new and improved elements and development methods - the chapters on microcomputers and microprocessors (based on the IBM PC and 68008) are completely rewritten, the chapters on digital electronics (including programmable logic devices (PLD) and new logic families of NS and AS), operational amplifiers and developments based on them (which reflects the emergence of excellent operational amplifiers with a field-effect transistor at the input) and design techniques (including CAD/ICS). All tables were revised and some of them underwent significant changes, for example, in table. 4.1 (operational amplifiers) only 65% ​​of the 120 inputs in the table survived, while information on 135 new op-amps was added.

We took advantage of the opportunity that arose in connection with the new edition to respond to the wishes of readers and take into account our own comments on the first edition. As a result, the chapter on field-effect transistors (it was too complex) was rewritten and placed in a different place - before the chapter on operational amplifiers (which are increasingly based on field-effect transistors). A new chapter has appeared on the design of low-power and micro-power circuits (analog and digital) - an important topic, but not popular in textbooks. Most of the remaining chapters have been substantially revised. New tables have appeared, including those for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, digital logic components, low-power devices, and there are more drawings.

Now the book contains 78 tables (they are also published as a separate book called “Tables for selecting Horowitz and Hill components”) and more than 1000 figures.

In reworking the text, we sought to maintain an informal approach that would ensure the success of the book as both a reference book and a textbook. The difficulties faced by a beginner who takes up electronics for the first time are known to everyone: all the issues are complexly intertwined with each other, and there is no such path of knowledge, following which one can step by step overcome the distance from a neophyte to a competent specialist. That's why there are so many cross-references in our textbook, and we've also expanded the Lab Manual into a Student's Guide (Student's Guide to the Circuit Art Course, by T. Hayes And P. Horowitz), supplemented with examples of circuit design, explanations, tasks based on the text of the main textbook, laboratory exercises and answers to problems. Thanks to such an application intended for students, we were able to maintain the brevity of the presentation and the abundance of examples, which was required for those readers who use the book primarily as a reference.

We hope that the new edition meets the requirements of all readers - both students and practicing engineers. Please send your suggestions and comments directly to P. Horowitz at: Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 (Cambridge, MA 02138, Harvard University, Department of Physics, P. Horowitz).