Talysh flag. Talysh-Mugan Autonomous Republic

Coat of arms of Talysh
Approved May 30, 2017
Shield Corps of "Immortals"
Shield holders Two golden tigers
Motto "Honor, Freedom, Justice"
Flag of the Talysh-Mugan Autonomous Republic

Approved 21st of June
Emblem of Talysh


General description of the coat of arms

The Talysh coat of arms depicts golden Caspian tigers supporting a shield. Under the shield there is a boxwood with a ribbon. Inscriptions on the tape: "Šərəf"- Honor, "Ozodəti"- Freedom, "Ədolət"- Justice. The inscription on the top tape "Tolys"- Talysh. The shield is divided into sections that reflect the history, present and future of the Talysh people, the principles that the Talysh people have always followed and will follow, as well as their national qualities.

Description of the elements of the coat of arms

The Caspian tigers that lived in Talysh are a symbol of the Talysh people. Tigers are also a symbol of energy, strength, valor and talent. They stand on a ribbon that reflects the most fundamental principles of the Talysh people. It is these fundamental principles that are the support of the tigers, which support the shield reflecting the past, present and future of the Talysh people. A shield of this shape was used by the Qadus warriors, the ancestors of the Talysh, as well as by the soldiers of the “Corps of the Immortals” of the Achaemenid Power (Old Persian. Ariyānām Xšaçam). The ancestors of the Talysh, the Kadus, also served in this elite royal corps. The Cadus, who supported Cyrus the Great, played one of decisive roles in his accession and the founding of the Achaemenid Power, the First Persian Empire.

In the middle of the shield The sun with twelve rays is depicted on a white field. This symbol has several meanings.

The sun symbolizes the Prophet Muhammad. The twelve rays are the light of the teachings of Allah and the twelve holy Imams, the leaders of Muslims from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. The pond under the sun symbolizes the heavenly river Kawsar (Kawsar). In Islamic eschatology, one of the rivers of paradise given to the Prophet Muhammad. She is mentioned in the Qur'an in Surah al-Kawsar, in verse 1: " We have given you Abundance (a river in Paradise called al-Kawsar)" Word kavsar, kawsar(Arabic: الكوثر‎) translated from Arabic literally means “abundance”, “abundant”. In ancient Arabic poetry it means "abundance". Some early commentators believed that the Qur'anic word kausar means "abundant goodness." The same symbol is shown on Talysh flag. Around the disk inside the shield is the inscription: "Xydo"- God, Allah, "Pejqombər"- Prophet, "Əmri Sohibon"- Righteous Imams, leaders endowed with divine authority. This central element of the shield indicates that the Talysh are devoted followers of Islam.

The sun also means a source that gives life, light, prosperity, wealth. On the coat of arms it ascends and this means the progressive development of the people and the state. The direction of the rays indicates perpetual motion. The waves under the sun also symbolize the Caspian Sea, on the shores of which since ancient times the ancestors of the Talysh and the Talysh themselves lived.

In the upper left red field The shield depicts the Talysh Mountains and two rivers - Kura and Sefidrud. This interfluve, bordered by the Talysh Mountains, is the habitat of the Talysh. The winged golden bull located between the rivers symbolizes fertility, natural strength and power. This is power, male fertility, male productive force, a symbol of labor, patience, courage and bravery of the people. In ancient times, the ancestors of the Talysh, the Kadusii (Caspians), saddled powerful bulls, hung armor on them and used them in battles as heavy cavalry. Talysh bulls were also widely used in agriculture. The bull is a symbol of the Cadusians (Caspians). The golden wings of a bull mean enlightenment, nobility, wealth, prosperity and eternity.

In the upper right green field shield depicts a shield, sword and spears, which symbolize belligerence and military history Talysh, battle and struggle. The six spears also mean the fight for faith, freedom, peace, progress, justice and equality. The shield depicts the ancient Talysh war totem - Aries. Aries symbolizes perseverance in battle, courage and bravery. Ears of wheat under the shield symbolize prosperity and abundance.

In the lower left green field green shows an iron tree growing in the Talysh Mountains. It symbolizes longevity, wisdom, nobility, vitality and endurance characteristic of the Talysh. This is the tree of Talysh and the Talysh people. The tree has six roots, which grow into six main branches with leaves symbolizing the Talysh people themselves. The six roots on which the Talysh tree with six main branches grew, indicate the qualities of the Talysh people: the desire for knowledge, faith, justice, hard work, courage, love of freedom.

In the lower right red box in red is a double-headed golden eagle carrying a scroll in its talons. Scroll points to historical heritage, knowledge of the people, scholarship and science. Double headed eagle a symbol of spiritual and secular power, their unity and joint participation in the life of the people. In addition, the eagle was state symbol Talysh Khanate.

Additional items

The shield has a gold border with twelve twelve-pointed stars. The same stars are depicted on the ribbon above the shield on the sides. The twelve-pointed star is a sign of stability and perfection. This is what the Talysh people should strive for. Under the shield on the “ground” there is a boxwood tree growing in Talysh. Boxwood symbolizes immortality, antiquity and durability.

Coat of arms colors

The golden color present on the coat of arms means nobility, sunlight, glory, victory, truth, wisdom, enlightenment, wealth, beauty. Red, white and green colors on the shield are the national Talysh colors of the flag and coat of arms. Red color symbolizes the struggle for freedom and the blood of martyrs, white - purity and peace, green - Islam.

The Talysh flag is a rectangular panel consisting of three vertical equal-sized stripes: red at the pole edge, white in the middle, and red at the free edge of the panel. The meanings of the flag colors are given in the description of the coat of arms. In the center of the white stripe there is an emblem - a sun inscribed in a circle, rising over blue-white waves with twelve wavy rays bent clockwise. A description of the meaning of the Sun and waves is given in the description of the coat of arms.


Attention. The default sort key "Talyshi" overrides the previous default sort key " National symbols Talysh people."




The Talysh are an Iranian-speaking people living in Iran and southeast Azerbaijan. During the years of perestroika, they actively participated in the Lankaran People's Front for Perestroika, which later became part of the Azerbaijan People's Front, one of the founders of which was the Lankaran auto engineer, later colonel of the Azerbaijani army, Alakram Gummatov (Alikram Gumbatov).


Talysh, Azerbaijani

Political situation:

On the initiative of Gummatov and the Talysh poet Ali Nasir, a provision on the creation of autonomy in the Talysh regions was included in the program of the Lankaran branch of the Popular Front in 1989. On January 11, 1990, during anti-Soviet unrest in Azerbaijan, Gummatov, at the head of the local branch of the Popular Front, actually overthrew Soviet power in Lankaran and led the city for 10 days, after which he was arrested by Soviet law enforcement agencies.

At the beginning of June 1993, a military-political crisis arose in Azerbaijan, caused by the rebellion of Colonel Suret Huseynov in Ganja and the campaign of his troops against Baku. On June 8, Gummatov organized a mass rally in Lankaran in support of Huseynov, at which, in particular, a demand was put forward for the creation of a second chamber in the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan - the Chamber of Nationalities. At a time of crisis, President Elchibey invites Heydar Aliyev to Baku. Negotiations with Suret Huseynov, mediated by Heydar Aliyev, led nowhere. On the night of June 17-18, Elchibey unexpectedly flew to Nakhichevan and settled in his native village of Keleki. Heydar Aliyev became the acting president of the country. Legitimate power was virtually absent these days.

At the moment of the crisis on June 21, Alakram Gummatov spoke on Lankaran television, announcing the creation of the Talysh-Mugan Autonomous Republic within Azerbaijan. The command of the military unit in Lankaran made a statement that the reason for the proclamation of an autonomous republic was to ensure and maintain socio-political stability in this region in connection with the military and political crisis in Azerbaijan. These events were mainly directed against the coming to power of Heydar Aliyev. Gummatov demanded his resignation and... O. the country's President Heydar Aliyev, the return of ex-President Ayaz Mutalibov to Baku, as well as the expansion of the broad powers of Prime Minister Suret Huseynov.

On August 2-3, Prime Minister Suret Huseynov and other ministers visited Lankaran to get acquainted with the problems of the region. On August 7, a meeting of the Milli Majlis TMAR opened, which approved the creation of the Talysh-Mugan Autonomous Republic. At the meeting of the Milli Majlis, Gummatov was elected president of the autonomous republic, the chairman of the Milli Majlis, Fakhraddin Abbasov, and the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Rakif Khojaev, were appointed, and a constitutional law was adopted, an anthem, a flag and other attributes of the autonomous republic were established. Gummatov’s actions were condemned by the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, Musavat and the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan.

On August 23, protesting people gathered in front of the city executive committee building, where the autonomy bodies were located. The crowd broke into the city executive committee, but it turned out to be empty: Gummatov was at the headquarters of the 704th brigade. The rally moved to the gates of the military unit. An Associated Press correspondent reported from Baku that "an estimated 10,000 protesters gathered in front of Gummatov's Lenkoran headquarters over the weekend, demanding his ouster." When the crowd broke down the gate and burst into the territory of the unit, fire was opened, as a result of which 3 people were killed and 5 more were wounded. The Associated Press reported in those days that "hospitals are reportedly filled with victims of armed clashes between supporters and opponents of Alikram Humbatov."

Talysh, self-name Tolysh - people of the Iranian group living in the south-eastern part of the modern Azerbaijan Republic (south-east of the Azerbaijan Republic and north-west of Iran). Talysh also live in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Language: Talysh. Most Talysh in Azerbaijan also speak Azerbaijani; in Iran, they speak Persian and partly Azerbaijani.
In 1918, the Talysh-Mugan regions, where Russian colonists played a large role, refused to submit to the newly formed Azerbaijan Republic. On August 4, 1918, the Provisional Military Dictatorship of Mugan ("Mugan Dictatorship") was created, initially recognizing the power of the Rostov government of General Denikin, then (at the end of the year) subordinated to the "Caucasian-Caspian Government" of military foreman Bicherakhov in Petrovsk (Makhachkala). December 28, 1918 in Lenkoran, the local Russian population decided on the autonomy of the Mugan Territory as part of Russia with a parliament (Regional Council) and a government (Regional Administration).
On April 24, the “white” government was overthrown and Soviet authority, after which on May 15-18, 1919 in Lenkoran at the congress of the revolutionary Talysh the Muganskaya was proclaimed Soviet Republic within the RSFSR. The Regional Council of Deputies headed by the Chairman (D. Chirkin), the Revolutionary Military Council headed by the Political Commissar (I. Talikhadze) and the Executive Committee headed by the Pre-Executive Committee (N. Tutyshkin) were elected. On July 23-25, 1919, Lankaran was captured by Azerbaijani troops, and the Mugan Soviet Republic was liquidated. From that moment, Lankaran was part of Azerbaijan.
The most prominent Talysh figure of that era was the poet and educator Zulfugar Akhmedzade, the author, in addition to original Talysh poetry, Talysh textbooks and translations into Talysh of Russian classics. In total, about 500 book titles were published in the Talysh language. However, in 1937, Zulfigar Akhmedzade was arrested, and the study of the Talysh language and publications in it were completely curtailed. The language was studied only in an academic environment and functioned at the everyday level. From then until the end Soviet period Talysh identity was harshly suppressed. From 1959 to 1989, Talysh were not included as a separate population in any census ethnic group, but were considered part of the Azerbaijani Turks, although the Talysh speak Iranian. Difficulties with official registration as Talysh still exist today.
“We are Talysh, we are proud to be Iranians, and we do not imagine ourselves separately from our historical Motherland - Iran. Do not allow the vile pan-Turkic regime of Azerbaijan to wipe out the Talysh people from the face of the earth!”