The further into the forest the. “The further into the forest, the more firewood”

The Russian language is rich in figurative, vivid, succinct expressions. Thanks to the widely developed lexical layer and the presence of polysemantics, we have the opportunity not only to use individual words, but also to use entire expressions in figurative meaning. Russian phraseology is also based on the phenomena of polysemy. Its composition is enriched not only with original, but also with borrowed expressions.

Entering the topic

Vocabulary as a branch of linguistics is considered in conjunction with phraseology. She studies which cannot be isolated or replaced by others without loss general meaning. This leads to another hallmark of these, their semantic content is determined entirely, without taking into account individual meaning every single word. That is why they are called stable, such as, for example, the meaning of the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion” - i.e. disappear forever.

Origin and meaning

Every idiom has its own story. Some are of original Russian origin, others appeared as a result of borrowings from other languages, came from literary sources, from history, even from science. Thus, the meaning of the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion” turns us to the ancient Greek mythology. "Leta" is a toponym. This was the name of the Hellenes river flowing in the kingdom of Hades - the dark kingdom of the dead. Its waters are the waters of oblivion. The Greeks believed that when the soul leaves the body, it rushes to the Styx, through which it enters its new abode. There she grieves and yearns, suffering among the horrors of Hades. And only after drinking the water of oblivion does she find some kind of illusory peace. Why - explains the meaning of the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion.” The soul forgets about that first earthly life. About the attachments that were once inherent in her. About joys and comforts, about loved ones. Of course, it’s bitter: to realize that not only will you never see white light and everyone who made up the meaning of your existence. This is hard for both the dying person and the one who sends him to last way. Therefore, in one word, the meaning of the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion” can be expressed as follows: to disappear forever, to be forgotten and to be forgotten.

Phraseologism in literature

This expression is found quite often in literary texts- artistic and journalistic. The primary sources include Hesiod and Virgil - it was from their works that the expression became known. At first it was used in literally, was then revised. Currently, the meaning of the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion” is associated not only with mythology, but also with the works fiction. For example, Pushkin plays it masterfully in “Eugene Onegin.” When Lensky prepares for a duel with a treacherous friend, he writes about himself in the third person: “And the memory of the young poet / Will be consumed by slow Lethe.” However, without knowledge ancient greek culture and, in particular, mythology, without taking into account the origin of the expression “sink into oblivion”, its meaning is unlikely to be understood by a modern native speaker. Therefore, phraseological units not only enrich our speech, make it more expressive and figurative, but also replenish our stock of education and broaden our horizons.

On the issue of typology

But let's return to the classification of phrasemes ( linguistic term). They are divided into 3 groups depending on the degree of coherence of the words inside: fusion (idioms), unity, combination. The latter are a freer phenomenon; within them, lexemes can be swapped or even isolated - the meaning will not change. For example, if you say: “Lethe swallowed him up” instead of “sink into oblivion,” the meaning of the phraseological unit, in principle, will not change and will remain clear and transparent. But if in famous expression“sit in a galosh” replace one of the words - its meaning will lose its relevance, sharpness and figurative connotation. From this it is clear that the phrase about galoshes is lexically more connected than about the river. Semantic cohesion is more characteristic, therefore, for idioms and In combinations, variability of components is possible.

Grammatical and syntactic aspects

According to the rules of grammar and punctuation, idioms are analyzed and parsed like ordinary phrases. Their grammatical type depends on the main meaning of the word within the combination. “Sink into oblivion” is a verb-type phraseological unit, because the main word in it is this part of speech. Thematic question is given to the entire phrase as a whole, and not to each word separately. Those. sink into oblivion - what to do? In the same way, the entire phraseological unit, no matter how many units it consists of, is considered as one member of the sentence. For example: “The hour is not far off when all the strife between peoples, quarrels and bloodshed will sink into oblivion. Light and good world will then reign on earth." In the first sentence, the phraseological unit plays the role of a predicate with the subjects of “quarrel, strife, bloodshed”: quarrels (what will they do?) will sink into oblivion. Therefore, emphasizing the entire expression, it should be distinguished by two features. When indicating the part-sentence of words above the combination, you need to sign: “phraseologist.”

This is how she is - Leta!

Sink into oblivion

Sink into oblivion

From ancient greek mythology. Lethe, according to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, is a river of oblivion, through which one must swim on the boat of the centaur Charon in order to get to the “kingdom of dark Hades”, that is, to afterworld. Crossing this river, a person’s soul is freed from everything earthly and forgets everything that happened in earthly life.

Allegorically: disappear from memory, disappear from life, become a victim of oblivion, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Sink into oblivion” is in other dictionaries:

    Get out of your head, get out of your memory, get out of your memory, get out of your head, get out of your memory, disappear, get out of your mind, get out of your mind, get out of your mind, get out of your memory, get out of your head, get out of your head, be forgotten,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Sink into oblivion- wing. sl. Summer. Sink into oblivion In Greek mythology, Lethe is the river of oblivion in Hades, the underworld; souls of the dead upon arrival in underground kingdom drank water from it and forgot all their past life(Hesiod. Theogony; Virgil. Aeneid, 6). Name… … Universal additional practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

    Sink into oblivion- Book Express Disappear without a trace, be forgotten. This illusion forced the disputants to forget that the event they were talking about was described, perhaps, a year ago and has long sunk into oblivion (M. Novorussky. Notes of a Shlisselburger). From the name Lethe... ...

    Book 1. To disappear without a trace and forever, to go into oblivion (about a person). 2. To be forever forgotten, consigned to oblivion. Yanin 2003, 138. /i> The expression goes back to Greek mythology. where Lethe is the river of oblivion in the underworld. BMS 1998, 337; FSRY,... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    sink into oblivion- book. 1. disappear without a trace and forever, go into oblivion (about a person); 2. to be forever forgotten, consigned to oblivion (about events, facts, memories). The expression goes back to Greek mythology, where Lethe is the river of oblivion in the underground kingdom of Hades,... ... Phraseology Guide

    sink into oblivion- To be forgotten, to disappear without a trace... Dictionary of many expressions

    In Greek mythology, Lethe is the river of oblivion in Hades, the underworld; the souls of the dead, upon arrival in the underworld, drank water from it and forgot their entire past life (Hesiod. Theogony; Virgil. Aeneid, 6). The name of the river has become a symbol of oblivion;... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    sink- well, no, owl, don’t stop. To fall like a drop, to fall into an abyss. ◘ SUN INTO OBSTRUCTION, ◘ SUN INTO THE RIVER OF OBLIGATION and disappear without a trace. So, you see, the rumors about Captain Kopeikin sank into the river of oblivion, into some kind of oblivion, as the poets call it. Gog... ... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

    Sink into the river of oblivion- Book Same as Sink into oblivion. So, you see, the rumors about Captain Kopeikin sank into the river of oblivion, into some sort of oblivion, as the poets call it (Gogol. Dead Souls). A year passed, and the whole story sank into the river of oblivion. But the girl Ira... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    sink- well, no; St. 1) outdated Fall like a drop; drip. A tear fell. 2) Having fallen somewhere, into something, to plunge. Sink to the bottom. Drop into the snow. Go into eternity, into the past (go into the past, minute, forget) 3) Abyss, disappear, hide. Left home... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Remember this! Don't let it sink into oblivion! The life and death of the Okeanrybflot Pioneer Base, Vyacheslav Fedorovich Simonov. The book describes the history of the appearance in the Soviet Union of one of the largest fisheries organizations in the west of the country, the most modern at that time, “Pioneer Base “Okeanrybflot””.… eBook
  • Premier. Project 2017 – myth or reality? , Nikolai Ryzhkov. What allowed the USSR economy, despite the enormous losses in the first years of the Great Patriotic War, withstand the confrontation with the economy of Hitler’s Germany, which, moreover,...

Memory has an excellent property - it is the ability to self-clean. All people often forget something. This is the same natural process as brushing your teeth after sleep, only oblivion is not brushing the oral cavity, but nervous system. Some things are worth keeping in mind, but most of them are best forgotten. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the combination of words “sink into oblivion”: its occurrence, meaning and examples of use.

The meaning of phraseology

The Russian language is rich in figurative, colorful, capacious expressions. Thanks to the presence of polysemantics and an extensively developed lexical layer, we can use figuratively not only individual words, but also entire expressions. Russian phraseology is also based on the phenomena of polysemy. Phraseology includes not only native, but also borrowed expressions.

Vocabulary as a branch of linguistics is usually considered in conjunction with phraseology. She explores stable phrases that cannot be isolated or replaced with others without loss single meaning. From here comes another one characteristic feature given linguistic units: their semantic content is determined completely, without taking into account the meaning of individual words. That is why they are called stable, as, for example, the phraseological unit “sink into oblivion” means to disappear forever.


Ancient Greece served as the beginning for European culture, therefore, there is nothing unusual in the fact that its legends and myths were not consigned to oblivion. After all, it was thanks to Greek mythology that people learned about the Lethe River. Why don't the dead come back? Horror fans often like to tickle their nerves with this question; directors, screenwriters and producers know this, and that’s why it’s being filmed a large number of movies in which the dead return from the other world to take revenge.

It turns out that the Greeks believed that a person on a technical level does not have the opportunity to return from there if he has already crossed the line, since those who have gone to the kingdom of the dead are obliged to drink from the speech of oblivion - from Lethe. This is where this combination of words came from.

Naturally, this expression has many analogues among verbs. Here is their list:

  • will be forgotten;
  • will not be remembered;
  • will not go down (in history);
  • will disappear (from memory).

In any case, it should be remembered that this is a stable combination of words “sink into oblivion,” the meaning of which boils down to oblivion in some form.

You can express a terrible and unusual thought: All of humanity lives in a river called Lethe. Its other name is Time. The Kingdom of the Dead is also a beautiful posthumous historical existence. Many are no longer remembered, and therefore they are forgotten. However, some have the privilege of being a named and not an anonymous part of history. For example:

  • poets;
  • artists;
  • writers;
  • musicians;
  • great workers (Stakhanov, for example).

But most of of them did not linger in the memory of peoples, so it becomes obvious that this phraseological unit puts a person in a philosophical mood, forcing him to think about difficult life things.

Application in literature

This expression can be found quite often in literary texts, journalistic and artistic. Virgil and Hesiod are considered primary sources: It was thanks to their creations that the expression became known. At first it was used in the literal sense, then it was revised. Nowadays, the meaning of a stable phrase evokes associations not only with mythology, but also with works of fiction.

For example, Pushkin plays it professionally in the work “Eugene Onegin.” As Lensky prepares for a duel with a friend who betrayed him, he speaks of himself in the third person: “And the memory of the young poet / Will be consumed by slow Lethe.” And this is where, without knowledge of ancient Greek culture, namely mythology, not taking into account the emergence of the expression of this phraseological unit, its meaning is unlikely to be clear modern speaker language. Therefore, stable phrases not only make our speech richer and enliven it, but also broaden our horizons.


Phraseologisms are divided into 3 categories, depending on the degree of internal coherence of words:

  1. Unity.
  2. Combinations.
  3. Fusions (idioms).

Combinations are a freer phenomenon, since the lexemes inside them can be swapped or even isolated - the meaning will not change. For example, if instead of the traditional version of the phraseological unit we say that “Lethe swallowed him up,” the meaning of the expression will not change, it will remain understandable and transparent. And if in the famous expression “sit in a galosh” you change one of the words, its content will lose its sharpness, relevance and figurative connotation.

Syntax and grammar

According to all the rules of punctuation and grammar phraseological units are analyzed and sorted out just like ordinary combinations of words. Their grammatical type depends on the main meaning of the word within the combination. This phrase belongs to verb-type phraseological units, since the main word in it is this part of speech.

The thematic question is asked of the entire phrase, and not of each word individually. That is, sink into oblivion - what to do? Thus, the entire phraseological unit, no matter how many words it contains, is analyzed as one member of a sentence. For example: “The time is not far off when all quarrels between peoples, strife and bloodshed will sink into oblivion.” In this sentence set phrase acts as a predicate for the subject of “strife, bloodshed, quarrel”: bloodshed (what will they do?) will sink into oblivion.