Thread poster artist Sergei Vlasov. Vlasov Vasily Adrianovich

Icon of the Bread Spreader - how does the image help? Mother of God

The icon “Spreader of the Loaves” bestows an abundance of material wealth, a good harvest and much more. Read about the history of the icon, painted with the blessing of Ambrose of Optina

The icon “Spreader of the Loaves”: how it helps and how to pray

In prayer they turn not only to God: they pray Heavenly Powers- angels who, after Baptism, are assigned to everyone Orthodox Christian- and, of course, to the Mother of God, Mother of God and Intercessor of the entire human race before God.

Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, stands out among the host of the Heavenly Church. Over many centuries of Christianity, many of Her icons were created, a number of which became miraculous - that is, miracles from the images of the Mother of God were documented and confirmed. Very often, the icon of the Mother of God receives the grace of help precisely in a certain area of ​​activity. Thus, the icon “Spreader of the Loaves” bestows an abundance of material wealth, a good harvest and much more.

This is a purely Russian icon, it was painted with the blessing of St. Ambrose of Optina, a Russian elder and ascetic. The image has interesting story.

Unusual icon of the “Different of the Loaves” - how to recognize the image

  • The Mother of God is depicted sitting on clouds in the center of the image.

  • The Virgin Mary may be dressed different lists icons in different clothes, but in the most miraculous image She appears in dark cherry clothes.

  • Both Her hands bless the believers, as if hugging people and the whole earth.

  • Below, under the Mother of God, there is a field of rye, already compressed by peasants, on which among the grass and colorful flowers Sheaves of ripe rye ears lie and stand.

The meaning of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”

Wheat and rye are still of great importance today. And in the old days, without modern technologies, the fruits of the earth remained the main means of survival. Therefore a little more than a century ago, crop failure still threatened people with death, peasants ( Russian name farmers - it is interesting that this word is only the Russian pronunciation of the word “Christian”).

The word “arguer” is Church Slavonic, it is obsolete word means "Helper"; Everyone will remember the expression “things are going well.” Today the harvest is not so bad current problem. However, the Mother of God does not leave Her help to those who pray before this icon for material benefits, help in business and other everyday problems. With Her blessing, every work, every good deed will be successful and bring good fruit.

Also, this name, coined by Saint Ambrose of Optina himself, leaves people with a reminder that the Heavenly Queen hears prayers for successful work, for material benefits in general, blessing human affairs.

The tradition of prayer for successful trade is known to merchants, traders and businessmen of all times. In trade and business, the factor of chance plays a very important role - and the proverb says: “He who believes in chance does not believe in God.” That is why in difficult circumstances people always discern the will of God.

The Church blesses successful thinking and the development of your business. After all, material security is the key good education children, strong family, supporting people in need.

Creation own business- it’s not an easy matter. But to pray before starting a task means to let God into your life, to be protected by the calling of His Name from evil forces and envious people. It is known that a person not protected by prayer good deeds, the church sacraments of Baptism, Confession and Communion will be affected dark forces. There is plenty of evidence of the miraculous help of the Mother of God in business: deception of people before the transaction was discovered, income increased, the threat of bankruptcy disappeared, the business grew from scratch.

The “Different of Loaves” icon makes it possible through prayer to attract God’s power and grace to oneself, to “insure” one’s business against deception and the action of dark forces in the most reliable “company” - with God.

The history of the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”

This image was created in 1890 with the blessing of St. Ambrose of Optina by Abbess Ilaria, abbess of the Belevsky convent. He stayed in Shamordino, the list remained in the Belinsky monastery itself - in the barn, “so that there would be no shortage of bread,” as well as in the cell of the saint himself.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina is a recently lived saint, the founder of the Shamordino hermitage and the Optina elder, teacher and healer. He was very helpful big influence not only on the peasants who loved and revered him, but also on educated society XIX century. The old man even became a prototype literary hero- Elder Zosima from Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. He was a resident of the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage and became famous among other Optina elders - these were ascetics and prayer books for all people, who did not leave anyone without consolation. This monastic monastery was founded in the 14th century, but its true spiritual flowering came in the 19th century.

The holiness of St. Ambrose illuminated everyone who came to him. This physically weak man was spiritually great. He endured his serious illness, comforting many thousands of people who came to him. At first he became an elder only of the Optical Monastery, and then many people began to come to him. ordinary people, fallen from the monks about the elder’s foresight. The Lord gave him knowledge of human thoughts, insight into the present and the gift of predicting the future - that is, advice regarding the future.

A circle of admirers of the holy elder was formed, who also wanted to devote their lives to God and people, and the Monk Ambrose blessed the creation of the Shamordino Monastery, known today throughout Russia - the Kazan Ambrosian Hermitage. Here they took care of children and the elderly, cultivated the land, and helped sick residents of the surrounding area in the hospital (it must be said that in those days the very creation of the hospital was a good deed: rural medicine was not developed, and when transported on horses, patients often died).

The Monk Ambrose greatly revered the Most Holy Theotokos and prayed more on holidays in Her honor. He also blessed the nuns of the Shamordinsky Kazan monastery to ask the Mother of God for help in everything, leaving the image of the “Different of the Loaves” as his blessing, parting words and shrine to support the young monastery, saying that the Most Holy Theotokos is “the Helper of people in their labors to earn their daily bread.” . It is assumed that the wide field of wheat on the icon was copied from the landscapes around Shamordino.

By God's grace, Elder Ambrose knew the time of his impending death and shortly before it he ordered many lithographs and photographs of the icon of the “Different of the Loaves”, sending them by mail to his admirers and spiritual children.

Unfortunately, during revolutionary events In the 20th century, the icon was lost. In the Shamorda monastery itself there are several perfect and old lists from the image.

Memorial Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” - October 28 (old style - 15)

This holiday was established in a miraculous way - the Monk Ambrose of Optina himself appointed it while painting the icon, exactly a year before his death (in 1890). It is amazing that it was on this day that Elder Ambrose himself was buried, who died on October 23 (according to the old style - 10).

These days the day before is performed All-night vigil, and on the very day of remembrance of the image, the Divine Liturgy, during which special short prayers are sung to the icon “Different of the Loaves”: troparia and kontakion.

The icon of October 27 and 28 is placed in the middle of each Orthodox church, and in the Shamordino and Optina monasteries, centers of veneration for the “Contestant of the Loaves,” religious processions are held with the original image.

A short prayer to the Mother of God before the icon “Spreader of the Loaves” can be read online in Russian at any time:

Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of the King of Heaven and Earth, with kindness You look at those who love the Son Yours, Christ our God, and those who work in His eternal name for our salvation, and You give them everything in abundance for the enjoyment of earthly and heavenly joy, Controversy and Helper in the growth of bread, delivering them from troubles, sorrows and injustice, and giving Your servants deliverance from eternal torment and eternal life.

Miracles of the Icon “The Spreader of the Loaves”

Already in 1891, immediately after the death of St. Ambrose, when in all regions Russian Empire There was a famine, and a rich harvest grew in the fields of the Kaluga province, Optina and Shamordino monasteries.

In 1892, the novice and cell attendant of St. Ambrose, Ivan Fedorovich Cherepanov, sent a copy of the icon to the Pyatnitskaya convent in the Voronezh province, since there was a drought in the fields in this area. After the prayer service in front of the list of the “Spreader of Loaves” icon, it immediately began to rain, and the people were saved from possible hunger.

How does the “Different of Loaves” icon help?

A request to the Mother of God in front of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon can be about any material, and even intangible things.

Traditionally they ask for the Mother of God in front of this icon

  • in case of financial distress,

  • in search of work,

  • in paying off mortgages and loans,

  • in supporting business and trade,

  • in large trade transactions,

  • about preserving the harvest;

  • on saving business and other affairs from “force majeure”: fires, robberies, natural disasters.

The icon “Spreader of the Loaves” is the patroness of all professions related to agriculture and cooking:

  • Agrarians,

  • Farmers,

  • Livestock breeders,

  • Cooks, waiters, restaurateurs: it is known that after praying to the Mother of God in front of this image placed in the kitchen, every housewife and cook's food will become much tastier.

How to pray for success in business

  • Have at home and in the office, in a restaurant, in a store the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”;

  • You can start the day with prayer, asking for help in business, asking for blessings from the Mother of God;

  • You need to pray alone at home, in the office - but you can also pray on the road, in transport, it is important that you are not distracted;

  • You can light a candle in front of the image during prayer;

  • At the end of any prayer, make the sign of the cross.

The prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves” can be read online in Russian:

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, our Merciful Lady, Queen of Heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, the Provider of blessings, the Blessing of the working, the needy - material and spiritual wealth, the orphans and widows, and the Nourisher of all those in need.
You are our Nourisher, Who gave birth to the Lord - the Nourisher of the Universe, You and the Spreader of our harvest, You give Your Maternal blessing to our cities, and villages, and fields, to every home that has hope in You. Therefore, with reverent trembling and a repentant heart, we humbly pray to You: be for us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, a wise Steward who arranges our lives.
Keep every home and family in piety, the Orthodox faith, unanimity and obedience, satisfied with their lot. Feed the poor and needy, support the elderly, educate babies, teach everyone to sincerely pray to the Lord:
“Give us today the bread we need.”
Save, Most Pure Mother of the Lord and Virgin, Your people from want, illness, hunger, death, hail and fire, from every misfortune and disorder. To our city (village, company, store, family, monastery) and to every Orthodox soul, to our whole country, ask the Lord for peace and His great mercy, so that we too can glorify You, our Merciful Nourisher and Nurse, with Your Son forever. Amen".

Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, may the Lord protect you!

The word “bread” is mentioned more than two hundred times in the Bible. “Give us this day our daily bread...” we ask in the Lord’s Prayer. This is an urgent human need. It also helps to ensure that we have this daily sustenance. Holy Mother of God. But why the Wrangler?

IN explanatory dictionary Dahl we find the following definition: “ARGATE - help, promote and benefit, benefit, or improve, fertilize; strengthen, increase; bring happiness, good luck, go for future use.”

Exactly this forgotten meaning the words “argue”, that is, to promote and improve, and not to prove one’s rightness, is included in the name of the icon “Different of the Loaves” (with the emphasis in the first word on the second syllable).

This icon is one of the youngest. It was written in late XIX century. And the reason for writing it was the famine of 1890. That summer there was a massive crop failure, so people thought with fear about the approaching winter. It seemed that a catastrophe was inevitable - thousands of people might not have enough of the simplest and most satisfying food - bread. This means that hunger and death awaited them.

Then the Monk Ambrose of Optina turned to the Mother of God with prayer from the bottom of his heart. He revered the Mother of God, loved to pray to Her, and especially revered all the feasts of the Mother of God. Having prayed for mercy for the Russian people, the elder saw before him the image of the “Different of Loaves.” He gave his blessing to paint the icon. On it, the Mother of God is depicted sitting on the clouds, Her hands are outstretched for a blessing. Below is a compressed field on which lie sheaves of rye...

Despite bad year, the harvest around Optina Pustyn was abundant.

Hieromonk Ambrose blessed the Shamordino icon convent in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which he founded near the Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage.

Shortly before his death, the monk ordered photographs and copies of the miraculous image and distributed them to his spiritual children. And for the akathist in front of the icon, the elder composed a special chorus: “Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You! Grant us, the unworthy, the dew of Thy grace and show Thy mercy!”

The Monk Ambrose of Optina providentially indicated the day of celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”—October 15 according to the old style (28 according to the new style). In 1891, the saint departed to the Lord, and the day of his burial fell on October 15.

Some time after prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves,” miracles began to happen. One of the lists, after the death of Elder Ambrose, was brought to the Pyatnitsky Convent in Voronezh region. The drought in that place threatened the local residents with famine. But they had barely served a prayer service before the arriving icon when it began to rain, and the threat to life passed.

Unfortunately, it is now not known where the original icon is located. In 1892, by order of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church she was taken from the Shamordino Monastery to Lithuania. Now in the monastery there is one of the copies of the icon. It was written in traditional style and highly respected. There are suggestions that the original image is located in the Lithuanian village of Mikhnevo near Vilnius.

At different periods of life, believers pray to the Most Holy Theotokos with hope. There are many of her miraculous images in Russia, some of which were created and revealed on our land. In Optina Pustyn, a stronghold of the Orthodox faith, the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves,” which was painted with the blessing of St. Ambrose, is especially revered.

The hermitage near Kozelsk has long been a center of spirituality. The famous Optina elders lived here, scary times The monastery held out against persecution until the last, but was closed in the 20s. However, Optina's legacy - teachings, prayers, icons - never disappeared from people's memory.

History of the holy image

Elder Ambrose was known during his lifetime for the power of his prayer, wisdom and kindness. This attracted many pilgrims to him, especially the disadvantaged, offended by life. The monk showed special care for them, imitating the Virgin Mary. He founded several monastic communities for widows and orphans:

  • Ioanno-Predtechenskaya in Kromy;
  • in the name of the Akhtyrskaya icon in the Saratov region;
  • Pyatnitskaya near Voronezh;
  • Kazan Monastery in Shamordino.

The monastery in Shamordino became his last feat; it was created for those who wanted to lead a pious life, but could not afford to enter a monastery. The women's hermitage was located not far from Optina, so the elder put a lot of effort into its formation. During this last period of his earthly life, the Lord gave him a vision of the icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves.” The image was painted in a nunnery.

How did the saint come up with the idea of ​​​​creating an icon? The old man was no different all his life good health, towards the end of his life he was often sick. But this did not stop him from worrying about the fate of the sisters - he prayerfully asked the Mother of God that she herself would take leadership of the monastery. Then the idea for the image appeared.

The monk remembered the icon of “All Saints”, which he saw in the Tula Monastery of the Mother of God. He turned to his abbess, Mother Sophia, with a request to make a partial list and sign it “Different of the Loaves.” The icon was painted by her relative, who had the talent of a painter. The image was sent and placed in the barn to provide food for the monks. The same icon was made for the women's monastery. The image immediately found a response in the hearts of believers.

Already foreseeing his imminent death, Elder Ambrose firmly believed that the Queen of Heaven would take care of the holy monastery, and spoke about this to his loved ones. Indeed, by the beginning of the last century, the monastery began to flourish; about a thousand sisters who dedicated their lives to the Lord found shelter here.

The meaning of the icon of the Spreader of the Loaves

Needless to say, the importance of wheat even in our time, when food is abundant. At the same time, crop failure threatened people with starvation. Farmers made up most rural population. The rich wheat fields stretch for many kilometers, they resemble sea ​​spaces, especially when the ears bend under gusts of wind. All this is reflected in the image.

The significance of the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon for the people was very great. Every Russian housewife prayed daily for a bountiful harvest. Religious consciousness simply needed such an icon. Now there was a place for ordinary people to express gratitude to God for food. The villagers quickly fell in love with the image of the Mother of God hovering in the clouds, blessing a wheat field.

The word “arbiter” means “assistant”, hence the expression “the matter was argued.” With grace-filled help, any work will be successful and bring good results. The image should remind believers that every task must begin with prayer and be done diligently, and not haphazardly. After all, some consider work to be a punishment, are lazy, and try to avoid difficult tasks.

This is not how a believer should behave. It befits him to make every effort, to work conscientiously, remembering that he is constantly walking before the Lord. Diligence will not go unnoticed, in Holy Scripture It is said more than once that God cares for His children. They only need to have strong faith. You should not be afraid of difficulties - you need to accept challenges, and the Almighty will give you strength to withstand any test.

Theological meaning

An icon is a pictorial glorification of God, therefore each image has a specific spiritual meaning. It is not for nothing that the Lord Himself loved to speak in parables, comparing people with grapevine, then with tree branches. Here Christians are shown as ears of corn in a field. Each of them must separate the chaff from his heart, cleanse himself for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, the Mother of God prays that each spikelet will be mature and bring a worthy harvest to the throne of God. The cloud on which St. sits. Mary is a symbol of abundance, a generous harvest. For people, she herself is the personification of everything that the human race needs, both material (water, bread) and spiritual sense. The Mother of God connects heaven with earth, helping sinners in their difficult task of obtaining their daily bread.

The icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” reminds us of the importance of spiritual food, which cannot be replaced by even the most exquisite food. The bread for the soul is Christ, His teaching, divine Word recorded in the Gospel. Only by feeding the soul with this spiritual food can one commune with the Lord, nothing else.

How does the holy image help?

Even during the life of the elder, miracles began to happen around the image. How did the “Different of Loaves” icon help people? There was a time of famine in Rus' at that time, but through the prayers of the saint, there was enough bread in the monasteries of the Kaluga diocese - the harvest was sufficient. There were so many grain reserves that there was enough left for the next turn, although there were more than a thousand inhabitants in the monasteries.

Another year there was a severe drought in the Voronezh land. People were in danger of starvation. They performed a prayer service near the list of the image, which was transmitted from Optina Hermitage. Heavy rain fell and the harvest was saved. There were even more people who wanted to have the blessed image.

In what cases does the “Different of Loaves” icon help?

  • Blesses for work (not only physical or related to work in the field).
  • Takes care of the fertility of the land.
  • Saves from drought or too long rainfalls.
  • Helps those who maintain subsidiary farms.
  • Provides support in everyday worries.
  • Helps overcome poverty.

Today's Optina Pustyn is decorated with a temple in honor of the icon “Control of the Loaves.” It was founded at the end of the last century. At the base there is a stone brought from Palestine. The small church seats 150 people, it perfectly complements the ancient architectural ensemble monastery. The building is located between the greenhouses and the mill. Monks all year round Here they read the Psalter, Akathist, and serve the Liturgy.

The brethren claim that since the consecration of the temple there has not been a bad harvest in the monastery farm. They perceive this as a sign of God’s long-suffering, and they work with joy under the shadow of the Mother of God.

Location, how to pray

Since the “Spreader of the Loaves” icon directly indicates daily food, it is quite possible to hang it in the kitchen or dining room. Every Christian should pray before eating, thanking the Lord; this task is fully answered by the plot of the image. The meal is an integral part of life; God blesses people with food and drink that support their earthly body. Therefore, even in the kitchen, the presence of a red corner is appropriate.

Placement is also allowed in the main home iconostasis. There are no strict requirements here; it is important that it stands out and helps the owners focus on prayers. Previously image placed in storerooms and sheds, today there is no such need. Survival no longer depends on weather conditions; it is given less mystical meaning. This is certainly a good thing, but it also makes many people forget how short and fragile human life is.

It is important to remember gratitude and begin and end your prayer with it. In order to especially honor this particular image, one should read the akathist to the icon “The Spreader of the Loaves” - although it was created in our time. Everyone’s favorite Akathist to the Mother of God is also suitable, as is any prayer addressed to the Mother of God. Your personal requests should be made after the church prayers have been read. They are written in such a way that the believer receives spiritual benefit and learns to formulate thoughts correctly.

Prayers near the “Different of the Loaves” icon do not necessarily have to be about the harvest or the material side of life. The Queen of Heaven cares about a person’s soul as well as about his bodily food. A person who has not cultivated the spiritual side will work poorly and carelessly. This is unacceptable for a Christian. The image teaches precisely that every part of life should be harmonious.

Prayer to the icon of the Spreader of the Loaves

Troparion, tone 3

O Most Pure Virgin Mary, Mother of the King of heaven and earth, you look with compassion on those who love Your Son, Christ our God, and those who labor in His eternal name for the sake of salvation, and give them everything abundantly for their enjoyment, the Spreader of the bread of their existence, relieving them of all needs and oppressions and arranging for them, Thy servants, deliverance from eternal torment and eternal life.

Kontakion, tone 7

Wanting to reap salvation, like a sweet village, you appeared to the Lady, feeding from Him, imams, eternal and incorruptible food. We, who exist on earth, pray to Thee, Most Pure Virgin, show Thy power in the harvest of our cornfields and fields, when their time comes, and may all grain abound to comfort us, singing to God: Hallelujah!


O Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Merciful Lady, Queen of heaven and earth, every Christian home and family, Blessing of those who work, those in need of inexhaustible wealth, the orphans and widows, and the Nurse of all people! Our Nourisher, who gave birth to the Nourisher of the universe and the Spreader of our breads. You, Lady, send Your maternal blessing to our city, villages and fields, and to every house that has trust in You. Moreover, with reverent awe and a contrite heart, we humbly pray to Thee: be also a wise Housebuilder for us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, who organizes our lives well. Keep every community, every home and family in piety and Orthodoxy, like-mindedness, obedience and contentment. Feed the poor and needy, support old age, educate babies, teach everyone to sincerely cry out to the Lord: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Save, Most Pure Mother, Your people from all need, illness, famine, destruction, hail, fire, from all evil conditions and all disorder. Grant peace and great mercy to our monastery, to the homes and families and to every Christian soul and to our entire country, so that we glorify Thee, our Most Gracious Nourisher and Nurse, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.