Russian stars about Chester. “For the first time this year, I really feel bad”: how the world mourns Chester Bennington

Posted by Billie Joe Armstrong (@billiejoearmstrong) Jul 20, 2017 at 1:53 PDT

Posted by SHINEDOWN (@shinedown) Jul 20, 2017 at 11:29 PDT

Posted by Sully Erna (@therealsullyerna) Jul 20, 2017 at 11:43 am PDT

He was the idol of millions. Even people very far from the world of music imitated him and looked up to him. At one point, his name became known to almost the whole world, however, it cannot be said that Bennington gained such popularity exclusively after his death. He was known and loved during his lifetime. So who was he, the one whose unexpected death became a real shock for an entire army of fans, causing not only bitterness and sorrow, but also indignation, and sometimes contempt?

Chester Bennington was born in Arizona in 1976. His family had nothing to do with music or art in general. The parents of the future rock star divorced when the boy was only eleven years old.

Bennington began his work with the musicians of the future band Linkin Park back in 1999. Over the entire existence of the group, these guys have released five albums, and have also been repeatedly recognized as the best US group performing alternative music.

By the way, the history of the creation of the group's name is connected with Bennington's hometown. As a child, little Chester often had to walk in Lincoln Park. Actually, this is exactly what Bennington, as an aspiring musician, wanted to call his band - Lincoln Park. The problem arose when the young team decided to create their own website. It turned out that there was already an Internet page with the same name on the World Wide Web. And then the idea came to call the group Linkin Park.

As for the musician’s personal life, Bennington was officially married twice. Chester has a son from his first marriage. The rock idol entered into a second marriage with a model from the popular men's magazine Playboy. The couple had three children and adopted two more.

Death of Chester Bennington

Twentieth July 2017 year, the entire Internet and all media literally exploded with stunning news: the lead singer of one of the most popular rock bands of our time was found dead in his own home in Los Angeles. The 41-year-old musician committed suicide, choosing a very symbolic date for this. Bennington decided to take his own life on the 53rd birthday of his late colleague and comrade, Soundgarden lead singer Criss Cornell. The latter, very shortly before this, himself passed away of his own free will, it happened on the eighteenth of May.

An event such as the death of one of the most popular rock idols of the modern world, Chester Bennington, caused a huge resonance among the public. Numerous versions have been put forward as to why the rock musician died. We will try to analyze the most basic of them further.

Causes of Chester Bennington's death

Establishing the actual reason why Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington died was not difficult for forensic investigators. It was suicide by hanging. Of much greater interest to the press, the public, fans, friends and, in general, everyone who has at least once heard something about Bennington’s work, were the musician’s internal reasons that pushed him to this act.

There are many opinions and versions here. Here are a few of the most basic ones.

  • Death of a close friend. Indeed, the suicide of musician Criss Cornel was a huge shock for Bennington. They were very close and Bennington’s subtle emotional attachment to his deceased friend can be understood from his letter to the latter, which the musician published on one of the social networks shortly after the death of his colleague and comrade. In addition, the choice of date for committing suicide seems to hint at some kind of connection with Cornel.
  • Dependencies. It's no secret that rock musicians lead a very specific lifestyle. Bennington was no exception in this regard. Alcohol and drugs were an integral part of his life. Many condemn the musician for this, some forgive “bad habits”, talking about Bennington’s enormous talent. Likewise, it is difficult to say whether it is true or not that these harmful things caused the death of a rock star. No one knows about this except Bennington himself.
  • Depression. Many believe that the cause of Bennington’s death was his severe psycho-mental state, namely, a prolonged depression in which the singer and musician had been for many years. There may be several reasons for this condition. Firstly, the burden of responsibility to the fans. On stage, Chester and his team always tried to give their best, but it would never be possible to please all the fans, and the dissatisfaction worried Bennington very much.

Plus, as a child, Chester had to endure an act of sexual violence by an adult man, which also left its mark on the psyche of the future idol of millions.

Which of this is true is the cause of the musician’s death, and which is a lie, perhaps no one will ever know, but now these are the versions.

Video on the topic: Death of Chester Bennington

Details of the death of Chester Bennington

As for some of the details of this tragic incident, the press learned that shortly before the incident, Bennington and his family were vacationing in Arizona. However, the musician decided to go home to Los Angeles alone.

His dead body was found along with an empty liquor bottle by a housekeeper.

It is known that the next day the Linkin Park group was scheduled to premiere a new video.

Linkin Park reacts to the death of lead singer Chester Bennington

Bennington's death came as a real shock to everyone, including fellow musicians, members of the band Linkin Park. In the first days after the incident, the guys refused to comment on anything. The band members refused to make an official statement regarding the death of their colleague, saying that they would inform the press about it as soon as they had one.

It is known that at the time of Bennington’s death, the Linkin Park group was planning another round of development. The guys were preparing for the release of a new video, and the group also had a joint photo shoot. This is one of the reasons why the lead singer’s act came as a real shock to the other members of the group.

Also, many other celebrities took to social media to express their shock and surprise at Bennington's death. Many expressed words of grief and admitted that they were longtime fans of Bennington and Linkin Park.

Fans react to Chester Bennington's death

As for Bennington’s fans, their opinion about the musician’s action was sharply divided. Of course, this act made an indelible impression on all of them. However, they expressed it differently. Some expressed words of regret and sorrow, admitted that they grew up and matured to the songs of Linkin Park, important stages of their lives are connected with the work of the group, and they sincerely regret that such a talented person left this world.

Others, contrary to the opinion that “it’s either good or nothing about the dead,” condemn and criticize the musician, not understanding how a man who inspired and encouraged millions could turn out to be so weak.

Whether to accept or condemn such an act by Chester Bennington remains a personal matter for everyone.

Yesterday the entire music world was shocked by the news. The artist was found hanged in his home in Palos Verdes in Los Angeles.

Let's remember that Chester was married to model Talinda Bentley, the couple has three children Tyler (11), Lila (6) and Lily (6), and the singer also has three more adopted children from his marriage with Samantha Olite - Jamie (21) and Isaiah (19) and Draven (15).

Linkin Park co-founder Mike Shinoda (40) was the first to write about Chester’s death on Twitter: “Shocked and heartbroken, but it’s true. Official confirmation will come later."

Rihanna: “The greatest talent I have ever seen! Vocal beast! #RIPChester #LinkinPark.”

Justin Timberlake: "RIP Chester Bennington and my sincere condolences to his family, friends, and Linkin Park. A truly unique and humble singer."

Chance the Rapper: “RIP Chester. Tragic ending. My condolences to his family, friends and Linkin Park."

Ashley Greene: “Distressed by the news of the death of the talented Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. My heart goes out to his family and children."

Dwayne Johnson: “So sorry to hear the news about Chester Bennington. Sending a lot of love, strength and light to his family, children and @linkinpark."

Jimmy Kimmel: “Chester was one of the kindest people I've ever had on my show. My heart goes out to his family and friends."

Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington was found dead at his Palos Verdes Estates residence in Los Angeles, California. Before this, the musician was vacationing with his wife in Arizona, but then decided to return home alone. This circumstance allows the police to claim that Chester committed suicide either on Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. Chester passed away just a couple of hours before the premiere of the group's new video.

In recent years, Bennington's problems with alcohol and drugs have been reported. He was married twice. He left six children.

In total, Bennington recorded seven studio albums with Linkin Park. Five of them subsequently went platinum. Among other things, the group Linkin Park is a Grammy Award winner. Chester Bennington has been with the group since its inception and also came up with its name.

As the online publication TMZ notes, his death came as a surprise to the rest of the group. The day before, the musicians planned to have a photo shoot, and exactly a week later - to go on tour.

It is also reported that one of the Linkin Park musicians, vocalist Mike, arrived at Bennington’s house after the law enforcement officers and was “completely shocked” by the news of his death. Chester was going to be taken to a photo shoot that day.

“I’m shocked, heartbroken, but it’s true. An official statement will follow as soon as we have it,” Shinoda wrote.

Bennington's death came on the birthday of the Soundgarden and Audioslave frontman, who committed suicide on May 18 this year. Cornell and Bennington were friends.

A number of musicians and show business representatives have already reacted on social networks to the death of their colleague.

“Chester Bennington was an artist of extraordinary talent and charisma and a man with a big heart and caring soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with his beautiful family, his bandmates and his many friends,” the Warner Bros. record executive said in a statement. Records Cameron Stang.

“Nice, kind and humble. A rare combination for rock and roll. Deeply saddened,” wrote the Metallica drummer. Singer Rihanna, in turn, called Chester’s talent the most outstanding of all that she had encountered in her life.

"Rest in peace, Chester Bennington. We will never know someone's pain. Prayers are with his family during this tragedy. If you need help, reach out,” said the rhythm guitarist and vocalist of the rock band Kiss.

“Probably our most famous fan,” this is how the team of the English club Ipswich Town remembered Bennington. — It was very sad to hear this news. "Everyone at the club sends their best wishes to Chester's family and friends."

Russian fans of Linkin Park launched a hashtag on social networks dedicated to the death of the band's frontman.

Lumen vocalist Rustem Bulatov, who himself is a Linkin Park fan, commented on the news of Bennington’s death in an interview with RT:

“This is a serious blow for the fans, and I count myself among this number. I was always looking forward to new albums. It's a pity that this creator is no longer in the world. The load that fell on him turned out to be so heavy that he could not cope. Chester left behind six children - this is a great human tragedy,” he said.

In his opinion, the group and Chester Bennington himself changed rock music.

“With his creativity he greatly influenced the whole of rock. A striking example of how music of different styles and directions can be mixed into something interesting. This was their distinctive feature - they blurred the lines between hip-hop, rock and electronic music,” he told RT.

In turn, the leader of the “Crematorium” group said that “the actions of rock musicians are often not related to their commercial success.”

“It’s not clear why this happened,” he said.

The Los Angeles County Coroner confirmed Bennington's death. According to coroner's spokesman Brian Elias, Bennington's death is being investigated as "an apparent suicide, but no further details are available," reports . The date and time of the funeral have not yet been announced.

The shocking news that the lead singer of the cult band Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, has died has caused a flurry of emotions on social networks. The musician the day before at his home in Los Angeles. According to preliminary data, he committed suicide.

For his bandmates, this news came as a complete surprise. On the day of Bennington’s death, a new video was released on Linkin Park’s YouTube channel, which immediately became a hit and gained more than five million views in less than 24 hours.

Linkin Park were going on a big tour to present their new album. Bennington was scheduled to take part in a photo shoot on Thursday.

Many stars expressed their grief for the deceased musician. Linkin Park co-founder Mike Shinoda was the first to officially confirm Chester’s death. He wrote that he was shocked and heartbroken.

Later, other musicians spoke out on their Twitter pages. Members of the bands OneRepublic, Imagine Dragons, and Simple Plan wrote that they were stunned by the sad news.

Posted by Simple Plan (@simpleplan) Jul 20, 2017 at 2:16 PDT

Famous American TV presenter and actor Jimmy Kimmel said that Chester was one of the kindest people who took part in his show.

His words were confirmed by musician Ryan Adams.

Director, screenwriter and actor Joss Whedon explained that the band's album A Thousand Suns helped him get through the worst times.

Posted by P!NK (@pink) Jul 20, 2017 at 8:31 PDT

Famous American actor Dwayne Johnson expressed his condolences