Leonardo da Vinci Jesus. What secrets does Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” keep? What moment is depicted in Leonardo's Last Supper?

On October 15, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia. The holy martyrs suffered in Nicomedia, under Diocletian, in 304. (The Life of the Holy Martyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia the Maiden).

The Life of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia the Maiden.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina.
The legend about the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia has existed since ancient times. They lived at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century. Cyprian's homeland is supposed to have been Antioch, in northern Syria. It is known that Cyprian studied philosophy and magic in pagan Greece and Egypt and surprised everyone with his knowledge of secret sciences while traveling around different countries and performing all kinds of “miracles” before the people. Arriving at your hometown Antioch, he amazed everyone with his abilities. At that time, the daughter of a pagan priest, Justinia, lived here. She was already enlightened by the Christian faith, the first idea of ​​which she received by chance, having heard words about Christ from the lips of a deacon who passed by her parents’ house while she was sitting by the window. The young pagan woman tried to learn more about Christ, the first news about Whom sank so deeply into her soul. Justinia fell in love with going to the Christian church, listening to the word of God, and finally accepted holy baptism. Soon she convinced her parents of the truth of the Christian faith. The pagan priest, having received Baptism, was ordained to the rank of presbyter, and his house became a pious Christian dwelling.
Meanwhile, Justinia, who had remarkable beauty, attracted the attention of a rich pagan youth named Aglaid. He asked her to become his wife, but Justinia, having devoted herself to Christ, refused to marry a pagan and carefully avoided even meeting him. He, however, persistently pursued her. Seeing the failure of all his efforts, Aglaid turned to the famous sorcerer Cyprian, thinking that everything was accessible to his mysterious knowledge, and asked the sorcerer to act with his art on the heart of Justinia.
Cyprian, hoping to receive a rich reward, actually used all the means that he could glean from the science of sorcery, and, calling on demons for help, tried to persuade Justinia to marry the young man who fell in love with her. Protected by the power of her complete devotion to the one Christ, Justinia did not succumb to any tricks or temptations, remaining adamant.
Meanwhile, a pestilence appeared in the city. A rumor was spread that the powerful sorcerer Cyprian, who failed in his sorcery, was taking revenge on the whole city for opposing Justinia, bringing a fatal illness to everyone. The frightened people approached Justinia as the culprit of the public disaster and convinced her to satisfy the sorcerer - to marry Aglaid. Justinia calmed the people and, with firm hope in God’s help, promised speedy liberation from the destructive disease. And indeed, as soon as she prayed to God with her pure and strong prayer, the illness stopped.
This victory and the triumph of the Christian woman were at the same time a complete disgrace to Cyprian, who considered himself a powerful sorcerer and boasted of his knowledge of the secrets of nature. But this also served to save a person gifted with a strong mind, which, mainly through error, was wasted on unworthy use. Cyprian realized that there was something higher than his knowledge and mysterious art, than that dark force, on whose help he counted, trying to amaze the unenlightened crowd. He realized that all this was nothing compared to the knowledge of the God whom Justinia confesses.
Schmch. Cyprian and martyr Justina.
Holy Martyr Justina of Antioch.
Seeing that all his means are powerless against weak creature- a young girl, armed only with prayer and the sign of the cross, Cyprian comprehended the meaning of these two truly omnipotent weapons. He came to the Christian bishop Anthimus († 302; commemorated September 3/16), told him about his errors and asked him to teach him the truths of the Christian faith in order to prepare for the one true path, revealed by the Son God, and then received holy Baptism. A year later he was made a priest, and then a bishop, while Justinia was ordained a deaconesses and made head of the community of Christian virgins.
Inspired by a fiery love for God, Cyprian and Justinia did much to spread and establish Christian teaching. This brought upon them the wrath of the opponents and persecutors of Christianity. Having received a denunciation that Cyprian and Justinia were turning the people away from the gods, the governor of that region, Eutolmius, seized them and ordered them to be tortured for their faith in Christ, which they unshakably confessed. Then he sent them to the Roman emperor, who was at that time in Nicomedia, by whose order they were beheaded with the sword.
The Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia were already venerated by the ancient Church. Saint Gregory of Nazianzus († 389; commemorated on January 25 and 30) speaks about them in one of his sermons. Empress Eudokia, the wife of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Younger, wrote a poem in their honor around 425.
“Turning from magical art, O wise God, to the knowledge of the Divine,” the Church sings in the kontakion to the holy martyrs, “thou hast appeared to the world as the wisest physician, granting healing to those who honor thee, Cyprian and Justina, with whom we prayed to the Lover of Mankind to save our souls.”

Archimandrite Macarius (Veretennikov) “Domestic piety and protection from sorcery.” Protection from sorcery.


Turning from magical art, O God-Wise One, to the knowledge of the Divine, you appeared to the world as the wisest physician, granting healing to those who honor you, Cyprian and Justina: with this we pray to the Lover of Mankind, the Lady, to save our souls.


O holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always teaching us to walk according to the commandments of the Lord and to patiently bear our cross with our help. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy. Be our intercessors of the fortress, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, magicians and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Materials for preparing the article were taken from the sites: www.sobor.by and www.pravoslavie.by Illustrations: www.pravoslavieto.com; frankfurt.orthodoxy.ru; www.cirota.ru; prokipr.ru; orthodox.etel.ru; wiki.irkutsk.ru; church-site.kiev.ua; iloveukraine.com.ua.

Church of St. Cyprian in the village of Meniko in Cyprus
Icon and holy relics of Saints Cyprian and Justinia in Meniko in Cyprus
Temple in honor of Saint-Martyr Cyprian and Saint Justina in the village. Kamenka of the Ekaterinburg diocese

When logical arguments run out, we all begin to look for a mystical explanation for what is happening. And very often this approach is correct. Anger, envy, hatred are some of the most powerful human feelings, and they can cause real harm. How to protect yourself from this? Prayer to Cyprian saves from dark energy, which aims to bring trouble to people and reduce their faith. The words of this man are full of extraordinary power.

Long road to truth

The stories of martyrs are full of light and drama. Each of them at one time faced a difficult choice and proved that his faith, like his spirit, could not be broken by either enemies or suffering. There are saints in whose lives sincere prayer created many miracles. Fate gave Cyprian and Ustinya a chance to feel the power of the Almighty.

During the Dacian kingdom, there lived one boy in the city of Antioch. His parents were pagans, so they sent the child to the temple of Apollo from childhood. There, over several years, the guy learned black magic. It was in his power to inflict damage and curses. A little time passed, and Cyprian (that was the young man’s name) was declared the strongest magician in the world.

Not far from the place where this man did his dark deeds lived the beautiful Justina. One day she heard about Jesus. The girl was so interested in the life of the son of God that the very next day she visited church to learn more about Christianity. Together with her family, the young lady contacted new faith and became an example of goodness.

The path from darkness to light

Aglaid fell in love with the beauty. The young man persistently pursued the girl, but in vain. Then he turned to the dark sorcerer for help. The evil prayer of Cyprian brought many troubles to the virgin. Justina was saved from corruption by faith.

The magician sent several demons to the girl. But their spell disappeared as soon as the maiden was baptized. Then the restless sorcerer decided to take up the matter himself. He sent curses on his relatives and neighbors. But Justina carefully asked God for protection, and he did not ignore her request. Faith spread.

Cyprian gave up, went to the devil and told him to let him go. From now on, having understood the power of God, he will ask Jesus to forgive him all his sins. When Satan heard these words, he attacked the man. The demon was strong, but then Saint Cyprian asked the Almighty for help. The prayer was heard by heaven, and evil retreated. The faith of the former dark magician grew stronger.

Tandem of like-minded people

Only the devil remained dissatisfied. He incited the pagans to capture the Christians. The faithful were sent to prison. There they were thrown into a cauldron. The water boiled and smoked, but the saints proclaimed pure prayer. Cyprian and Justina were not harmed. Then they decided to hit them with a sword.

They went to execution with faith. When their souls were transferred to heaven, the warrior Theoktistus, who witnessed the death of the innocents, fell to the man's body and called himself a Christian. He was killed there. But he met the martyrs in heaven. Their bodies lay there for six days. The saints were later kidnapped and buried near Rome.

Until now, everyone who turns to them for help receives it.


Those who think that only evil witches and magicians are involved in causing damage are mistaken. Well-known people who deliberately point in your direction can also cause harm. negative energy. If there is an ill-wisher, then the prayer to Cyprian will help you.

Dark spells can affect all areas of life and are not limited to just one person. The relatives and friends of the person who has been damaged suffer from such magic. Initially having one direction, it, like a virus, is transferred to others. Very quickly a person loses his taste for life, he is haunted by problems at work, unlucky in love, and troubles occur in the family. Under the influence of the spell, you cannot get pregnant, find a soul mate, get rid of a bad habit, or achieve success in business. For years, the objects of the curse are not even aware of the damage. Everything changes after the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian is said.

Kind and bright words instead of a first aid kit

A curse can be cast in a variety of ways. Negative energy is sent evil people using special spells and objects in the ritual. Sometimes a seemingly innocent thought or envy can cause harm. But in any case the result is the same. The recipient feels constant fatigue and dissatisfaction. Appetite disappears, health worsens, mood disappears. If one of the symptoms appears, prayer to Cyprian and Ustinye will help.

The words of the saints calm the soul and raise the emotional state. They are like a healing balm that heals the heart. Everyone who turned to the martyrs assured that the feeling of anxiety immediately disappeared and the panic decreased. Afterwards my consciousness sobered up. Skeptics consider such cases to be examples of self-control. But in fact, and believers know this, such an effect is nothing more than the support of heaven.

It should be noted that peace is only the first stage in eradicating the problem. Cyprian's prayer against corruption works much deeper than a person can see. It gets to the core of the problem. If your desire to get rid of the curse is pure and sincere, and your heart is full of faith, the result will not be long in coming.

Appeal to the Saints

The Almighty is omnipotent. He does not leave his slaves for a minute. Angels also monitor the fate of people. Saints and martyrs help overcome difficulties. If you think that you have been damaged, then prayer to Cyprian and Justina will protect you from harm. It is not necessary to read the words by heart, the main thing is that they come from the heart.

When the need arises, try to reproduce the following text in your head: “Saints Cyprian and Justina. I bow my head to you. Full of suffering and happiness earthly life yours. you had to through thorny paths go to get closer to Christ. Your indestructible souls led you to the Lord. And you discovered a kingdom for yourself there. So give me strength and unshakable faith. Let dashing thoughts pass me by and fall to the ground next to me like arrows. Become my shield from demons. Protect from enemies who do bad things. Before you, holy and wise, I kneel. After all, you are my armor and my only weapon. Amen".

Saint Cyprian will always come to the rescue. Prayer is your conversation with him.

Symbol of unshakable faith

When the devil began to choke and beat the black magician, the man asked God for help. It is worth noting that at that time he did not know any sacred text. He also knew very little about the Lord himself. Therefore, when his strength was already leaving him, the only thing he hoped for was faith. Man did not doubt the power of God. Therefore, in a fit of despair, he whispered: “God, I beg you, save me.” This was exactly Cyprian’s prayer. The strongest hope created a miracle.

This story is an example of the fact that where there is faith, words are superfluous. If you are a Christian, heaven will always come to your aid. But this does not mean that established canons can be ignored. The following words conceal great power: “Oh, holy saint of God Cyprian! You are chosen among the slaves. The glory of the Lord has been revealed to you. It dawned on me your heart His golden rays! Be kind to me too. Teach me your indestructible faith. Your love for the Almighty was limitless. With your help, my love will become like this. God has become your shield. And with your support, let it become a shield for me. Amen".

Not only prayer from the evil eye of Cyprian saves Christians. The martyr was a symbol of faith worth emulating.

Our enemies are our concern

It is worth remembering that Christianity is a religion of goodness. Therefore, do not forget to ask the Lord for those who have found the wrong path. If the offenders understand their mistake and turn to the light through prayers from the lips of the offender, then not only their soul will rejoice, but yours as well.

You can turn to a saint even when you know the name of your enemy. Prayer to Cyprian will help the ill-wisher forget stupid intentions. The martyr will make sure that evil thoughts leave the head of the unreasonable person and that the heart is filled with love. The saint was kind and did not wish harm to his enemies.

Bad things often happen unintentionally. A person who takes sin upon his soul was actually at one time seduced by demons. Therefore, in order to drive away negative energy from oneself, and from the enemy bad thoughts sent by demons, it is necessary to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian from time to time.

Amulet from trouble

This saint for a long time practiced black magic. Many innocent souls suffered from his evil words. Therefore, he, like no one else, understands what power dark words hide and how much pain they can bring to people. But this man's heart was filled with love for God. When he abandoned the dark forces, the light was revealed to him. Since then it has become a protection against black magic. Prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft has great strength. It not only intensively drives away unclean spirits, but also reflects further damage. The saint becomes your amulet. Absolutely safe, free and reliable protection.

The world knows a lot of examples of how a simple word performed unearthly miracles. Therefore, you should not be afraid of even the most terrible damage. Just as darkness dissipates before the light, so demons fall before their heavenly patrons.

Among huge amount unique shrines that can currently be seen in ancient church monasteries, there are also those whose images clearly demonstrate the holy martyrs. One of them is the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya.


According to an ancient Orthodox legend, Saint Cyprian from an early age childhood was completely immersed in the world of magic and witchcraft. Its unique incredible magical abilities, he tried to apply it in good intentions, helping the sick and needy. Traveling the world and getting new ones life experience, Cyprian discovered many picturesque beauties. However, ultimately, fate forced him to return to his hometown called Antioch. And at this time, one of the passing days, an unfamiliar but wealthy young man once came to him. He needed help from Cyprian in his matters of the heart. The young man demanded that he use his sorcerer’s abilities, forcing Ustinya’s feelings against her will. And this was not without reason. After all, the young girl Ustinya was unusually sweet and beautiful. However, from childhood she was completely devoted to the love of God, deciding to devote her life to Jesus Christ until the end of her days.

And in order for the girl to unwittingly fall in love with Aglaid, Cyprian sent many enchanted demons and evil spell. However, true love for God was able to completely protect the young girl from evil spirits magician Then, Cyprian decided to make a second attempt to realize his sinister and illegal plan. He drove into the city terrible disease, which was impossible to get rid of.

Many people began to get sick with it, but despite this, Ustinya still believed that sooner or later, the Lord God would hear the prayers of believing citizens and would definitely help them survive terrible adversities

This is how it all happened, after Ustinya prayed, the Almighty heard her and again saved her from terrible troubles. After this phenomenon, Cyprian fully realized the true power of God, recognizing his power above any, even the most powerful, spells. And as a sign of admiration and respect for the great Orthodox power, he forever accepts the Christian faith and subsequently, together with Ustinya, takes part in its spread.

It is important to note that on the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya biblical heroes are depicted on the shrine together, standing next to each other. At the same time, on some compositions you can see one acting image from those presented above. An example is the icon of St. Cyprian.

How does the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya help?

The significance of the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya is extremely great. Since ancient times, many Russian Orthodox people have turned to her. For some believers, this shrine reliably protects the home. The icon helps to cope with various illnesses, resolve conflict situations with certain ill-wishers, and make peace with lovers, leaving behind a long quarrel.


The icon of Cyprian and Ustinia is especially revered on the day of celebration.

According to ancient church customs in honor of the memory of the two saints, it is held on October 15.

On this day, people remember the long history of the two martyrs, as well as their great deeds that were accomplished in the name of the Lord God.

Prayer to the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya

Prayer is an important and obligatory ritual used by believers while in sacred Orthodox churches. Each of the existing prayers has its own special purpose, which, if handled correctly, allows people to be heard by the Lord God himself. Being in front of the icon of Kupriyan and Ustinya, people pray, first of all, with the goal of getting rid of damage.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Oh, most holy martyrs, Cyprian and Ustinya! Hear our prayers. Protect from the evil demons that have settled in our souls. Get rid of the magic that destroys our lives. Protect us from troubles and misfortunes. For during your life you dedicated yourself to the Lord, dying for the faith. So become our intercessors, do not let the demon lead us astray from the righteous path. Show us the true path to Christ. We will not stop praying to you. And until the end of our lives we will remember all the good deeds that you have done. Pray before the Lord for our sins, for we repent. Become our wall and amulet from all the evil that was happening in the world! Get rid of witchcraft and magic. May we praise you, O Great Martyrs. And we will glorify your names. Forever and ever. Amen.

In the 3rd century, during the reign of the Roman emperor Decius, a pagan sage, the famous sorcerer Cyprian, lived in Antioch. He appeased the prince of darkness himself with sacrifices, gave him all of himself into power, and he gave him a regiment of demons to serve and promised to make him a prince upon his departure from the body. Many turned to him in their needs, and he helped them with demonic power. One day a young man named Aglaid, the son of rich and noble parents, turned to him. One day he saw the girl Justina and was struck by her beauty, and from then on he began to seek her favor and love, but she refused him: “My groom is Christ; I serve Him and for His sake I preserve my purity.”

Martyrs Cyprian and Justina. Icon with life, late XVIII century. Russia

Armed secret knowledge and calling upon unclean spirits for help, Cyprian sent them three times to seduce Justina. They inspired her with evil thoughts, kindled carnal passion in her, tempted her with flattering and crafty speeches, but Justina defeated them with fasting, prayer and the sign of the cross, and, disgraced and frightened by the cross of the Lord, they fled in shame. Cyprian was then indignant and began to take revenge on Justina for his shame. He sent pestilence and plagues to the house of Justina and to the whole city, just as the devil once did to the righteous Job.

MS Note. According to another version, the appearance of an epidemic in the city coincided with these events, and at the same time a rumor was spread that the powerful sorcerer Cyprian, who failed in his sorcery, was taking revenge on the whole city for opposing Justinia, bringing a fatal disease to everyone. After which the frightened people approached Justinia as the culprit of the public disaster and convinced her to satisfy the sorcerer - to marry Aglaid.

She prayed earnestly, and the demonic obsession stopped. After such a change, people began to glorify Christ, and Cyprian, having received his sight, renounced the works of the devil, confessed everything to the local bishop Anthimus, gave him all his books to burn and begged him to perform holy baptism on him,

This victory and the triumph of the Christian woman were at the same time a complete disgrace to Cyprian, who considered himself a powerful sorcerer and boasted of his knowledge of the secrets of nature.

But this also served to save a person gifted with a strong mind, which, mainly through error, was wasted on unworthy use. Cyprian realized that there was something higher than his knowledge and mysterious art, than that dark force on whose help he was counting, trying to defeat the unenlightened crowd. He realized that all this was nothing compared to the knowledge of the God whom Justinia confesses.

Seeing that all his means were powerless against a weak creature - a young girl armed only with prayer and the sign of the cross, Cyprian comprehended the meaning of these two truly omnipotent weapons. He came to the Christian bishop Anthimus († 302; commemorated September 3/16), told him about his errors and asked him to teach him the truths of the Christian faith in order to prepare for the one true path revealed by the Son of God, and then accepted holy Baptism. A year later he was made a priest, and then a bishop, while Justinia was ordained a deaconesses and made head of the community of Christian virgins.

Inspired by a fiery love for God, Cyprian and Justinia contributed greatly to the spread and strengthening of Christian teaching. This brought upon them the wrath of the opponents and persecutors of Christianity. Having received a denunciation that Cyprian and Justinia were turning the people away from the gods, the governor of that region, Eutolmius, seized them and ordered them to be tortured for their faith in Christ, which they unshakably confessed. Then he sent them to the Roman emperor, who was at that time in Nicomedia, by whose order they were beheaded with the sword.

He completely changed his life; seven days after baptism he was made a reader, twenty days later a subdeacon, thirty days a deacon, and a year later he was ordained a priest. He was soon made a bishop and in this rank he led such a holy life that he became equal to many great saints.

During the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian, Cyprian and Justina were slandered, put in prison, then they ordered the saint to be hanged and his body flogged, and Justina to be beaten on the lips and eyes. After this they were thrown into a cauldron, but the boiling cauldron did not cause them any harm. In the end, they were condemned to be beheaded by the sword.

Seeing the innocent death of the martyrs, the warrior Theoktist declared himself a Christian and was executed along with them.

The Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia were already venerated by the ancient Church. Saint Gregory of Nazianzus († 389; commemorated on January 25 and 30) speaks about them in one of his sermons. Empress Eudokia, the wife of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Younger, wrote a poem in their honor around 425.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina. Miniature Minology for October, mid-11th century. Byzantium

“Having turned from magical art, O wise God, to the knowledge of the Divine,” the Church sings in the kontakion to the holy martyrs, “you have appeared to the world as the wisest physician, granting healing to those who honor you, Cyprian and Justina, who prayed to the Lover of Mankind to save our souls.”

Cyprian and Ustinya are great holy martyrs in the Christian church, known for their good deeds before the Lord, death for the faith and the miraculous power of their icon.

The icon “Cyprian and Ustinya” is a famous icon that adorns many churches in our country. Holy martyrs help believers in many troubles. They are approached with requests for protection from witchcraft, human pretense, devilish networks, the evil eye and damage. They are also approached to help people who have stumbled return to the path of spiritual growth.

The history of a wonderful icon

According to legend, Cyprian was interested in and studied magic from a young age. The saint performed many magical things, helped people and surprised them with miracles. The young man wandering around the world returned to his hometown of Antioch. At that time there lived a girl named Ustinha, who early years began to become interested in Orthodoxy">the Orthodox religion, learning more and more and gaining faith in the Lord. She regularly visited Orthodox church, prayed, studied Holy Bible and soon received baptism.

Ustinya was very beautiful girl. One of them fell in love with her noble youths, but the girl has already dedicated herself to Christ, refusing marriage. Then the young man asked for help from Cyprian, a local “magician,” so that he would bewitch her, and she would marry him. The magician spent all his strength to make Ustinya fall in love with Aglaid, sending demons to her. But sincere and pure love to God helped the girl protect herself from Cyprian’s magic. Then a terrible epidemic came to the city. People became angry with the magician, believing that it was his fault. But Ustinya convinced people that the Lord could save the inhabitants from illness. And indeed, a miracle happened. The girl prayed, and the disease left the city.

Cyprian realized that his knowledge of magic was nothing compared to the power of the Lord. He saw the truth that a believer, devoted to God, has much more knowledge and power than he. And then Cyprian accepted the Christian faith.

Both holy martyrs preached the faith throughout their lives, instructing people on the true path. When the ruler learned about their strong love for God, being a pagan, he ordered his soldiers to torture the bodies of Ustinya and Cyprian. They were executed for their faith and love for the Lord, but their memory is still alive.

Where is the icon “Cyprian and Ustinya” located?

This icon is very common among Christians. It is found in many churches in Russia. The most famous shrine is kept in Moscow, in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord outside the Serpukhov Gates. Also preserved are the relics of the saints, who today are located outside our country, in the village of Meniko on the island of Cyprus.

Description of the holy image

Traditionally, the icon depicts the martyrs Cyprian on the right side and Ustinya on the left. Saints are depicted in full height. Cyprian is wearing the robe of a priest, in his left hand he holds the Holy Book, and with the other he points out the sign of the cross, calling on believers to repent before the Lord. Ustinya is depicted in maforia, her head is covered. IN right hand the martyr holds a cross, and with a gesture of her left hand calls people to accept the true God.

How does a miraculous image help?

Orthodox believers indulge in prayers in front of the holy icon for deliverance from evil spirits and demons. The shrine also protects against witchcraft and black magic. People praying in front of the shrine of the great martyrs ask for their intercession, for deliverance from temptations and evil thoughts. Sincere prayers before the miraculous image help all believers cope with their fears, worries and troubles.

Days of celebration

An official day of celebration recognized Orthodox Church, in honor of the memory of His Holiness Chiarian and Ustinha, falls on October 15th. On this day, Christians visit churches, pray in front of the icon of the martyrs and remember their good deeds.

Prayer to the holy martyrs in front of the icon

“Oh, most holy martyrs of God, Cyprian and Ustinya! Hear our prayers. Protect from the evil demons that have settled in our souls. Get rid of the magic that destroys our lives. Protect us from troubles and misfortunes. For during your life you dedicated yourself to the Lord, dying for the faith. So become our intercessors, do not let the demon lead us astray from the righteous path. Show us the true path to Christ. We will not stop praying to you. And until the end of our lives we will remember all the good deeds that you have done. Pray before the Lord for our sins, for we repent. Become our wall and amulet from all the evil that was happening in the world! Get rid of witchcraft and magic. May we praise you, O Great Martyrs. And we will glorify your names. Forever and ever. Amen".

The icon of the great martyrs “Cyprian and Ustinya” can become for you the most powerful amulet that will protect your life. And sincere prayers addressed to the saints will give peace and tranquility to the soul. We wish you a great mood, strong faith, and don't forget to press the buttons and