New adventures about faith and anfisa. "Vera and Anfisa get acquainted"

Uspensky Vera and Anfisa meet Chizhikov 1985 USSR Soviet book old from childhood About Vera and Anfisa girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa cardboard comics. Vera and Anfisa USSR Soviet. Vera and Anfisa get acquainted with the Soviet Union. Vera and Anfisa. Vera and Anfisa read. Vera and Anfisa author. Vera and Anfisa book. Vera and Anfisa Chizhikov. Vera and Anfisa book to read. Uspensky About Spring and Anfisa. Eduard Uspensky About Vera and Anfisa. A story about Vera and Anfisa. Vera and Anfisa download the book. A book about Vera and Anfisa. Read about Vera and Anfisa online. Monkey Anfisa read. Vera and Anfisa illustrations by Chizhikov. Uspensky Vera and Anfisa meet Chizhikov 1985 read online USSR Soviet old book from childhood About Vera and Anfisa girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa cardboard comics. Vera and Anfisa get acquainted USSR Soviet book old from childhood scan version for print download print Uspensky Chizhikov 1985 About Vera and Anfisa girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa friendship are friends adventures cardboard comics. Vera and Anfisa get acquainted fairy tale of the USSR Cover girl Vera blue dress with polka dots bows bows monkey monkey monkey Anfisa yellow mitten blue pot 2 pots Uspensky Viktor Chizhikov About Vera and Anfisa. Vera and Anfisa get acquainted illustrations Uspensky Chizhikov 1985 About Vera and Anfisa girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa friendship are friends adventures cardboard comics. Artist Viktor Chizhikov illustrations of the USSR old Soviet from childhood children's books Uspensky Vera and Anfisa meet Chizhikov 1985. Vera and Anfisa read author Uspensky artist Chizhikov 1985 USSR book old Soviet from childhood download printable version print. Vera and Anfisa book USSR author Uspensky artist Chizhikov 1985 old Soviet book from childhood download printable version print. Book for children of the USSR read online scanned printable version Soviet old from childhood. Children's book of the USSR read online scanned version for printing, old Soviet from childhood. Children's books of the USSR, a list of Soviet old ones from childhood. Children's books USSR library Soviet old from childhood. Museum of Soviet books for children of the USSR, old from childhood. Catalog of children's books of the USSR, old Soviet ones from childhood. Children's books of the USSR, Soviet online library, old from childhood. Soviet children's books USSR website old from childhood. Website of Soviet children's books for children. Soviet children's books list museum catalog website scans read online for free. Children's books USSR books list museum catalog website scans read online for free. Soviet books for children list museum catalog website scans read online for free. Books for children USSR books list museum catalog website scans read online for free.

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Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

About the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa. Vera and Anfisa continue

About the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa How it all began

Where did Anfisa come from?

In one city there lived a family - father, mother, girl Vera and grandmother Larisa Leonidovna. Dad and mom were school teachers. And Larisa Leonidovna was a school director, but retired.

No country in the world has so many leading teaching staff per child! And the girl Vera was supposed to become the most educated in the world. But she was capricious and disobedient. Either he catches a chicken and starts swaddling it, or the next boy in the sandbox gets cracked by the scoop so much that he has to take the scoop in for repairs.

Therefore, grandmother Larisa Leonidovna was always next to her - at a short distance of one meter. It's like she's the bodyguard of the President of the Republic.

Dad often said:

– How can I teach other people’s children math if I can’t raise my own child!

Grandmother interceded:

- This girl is capricious now. Because it's small. And when she grows up, she won’t hit the neighbors’ boys with a dustpan.

“She’ll start hitting them with a shovel,” dad argued.

One day dad was walking past the port where the ships are docked. And he sees: one foreign sailor is offering something to all passers-by in a transparent bag. And passers-by look, doubt, but don’t take it. Dad became interested and came closer. The sailor tells him in clear English:

- Dear Mr. Comrade, take this live monkey. She gets seasick all the time on our ship. And when she gets sick, she always unscrews something.

- How much will you have to pay for it? - Dad asked.

- Not at all necessary. On the contrary, I will also give you an insurance policy. This monkey is insured. If anything happens to her: she gets sick or gets lost, the insurance company will pay you a thousand dollars for her.

Dad happily took the monkey and gave the sailor his business card. It was written on it:

“Vladimir Fedorovich Matveev is a teacher.

The city of Plyos-on-Volga.

And the sailor gave him his business card. It was written on it:

“Bob Smith is a sailor. America".

They hugged, patted each other on the shoulder and agreed to write letters.

Dad came home, but Vera and grandmother were not there. They played in the sandbox in the yard. Dad left the monkey and ran after them. He brought them home and said:

- Look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

Grandmother is surprised:

– If all the furniture in the apartment is upside down, is it a surprise? And for sure: all the stools, all the tables and even the TV - everything in the apartment is placed upside down. And there’s a monkey hanging on the chandelier and licking the light bulbs.

Vera will scream:

- Oh, kitty-kitty, come to me!

The monkey immediately jumped down to her. They hugged like two fools, put their heads on each other's shoulders and froze with happiness.

- What is her name? - asked the grandmother.

“I don’t know,” says dad. - Kapa, ​​Tyapa, Zhuchka!

“Only dogs are called bugs,” says grandma.

“Let it be Murka,” says dad. - Or Zorka.

“They found a cat for me too,” the grandmother argues. - And only cows are called Dawns.

“Then I don’t know,” Dad was confused. - Then let's think.

- Why think about it! - says the grandmother. – In Yegoryevsk we had one head of RONO - the spitting image of this monkey. Her name was Anfisa.

And they named the monkey Anfisa in honor of one of the managers from Yegoryevsk. And this name immediately stuck to the monkey.

Meanwhile, Vera and Anfisa separated from each other and, holding hands, went to the girl Vera’s room to look at everything there. Vera began to show her her dolls and bicycles.

Grandma looked into the room. He sees Vera walking and rocking the big doll Lyalya. And Anfisa follows on her heels and rocks a large truck.

Anfisa is all so smart and proud. She's wearing a hat with a pom-pom, a T-shirt that's half-length, and rubber boots on her feet.

Grandma says:

- Let's go, Anfisa, to feed you.

Dad asks:

- With what? After all, prosperity is growing in our city, but bananas are not growing.

- What kind of bananas are there! - says the grandmother. – Now we will conduct a potato experiment.

She put sausage, bread, boiled potatoes, herring, herring peelings in paper and a boiled egg in the shell on the table. She sat Anfisa in a high chair on wheels and said:

- On your marks! Attention! March!

The monkey starts eating! First sausage, then bread, then boiled potatoes, then raw ones, then herring peelings in paper, then a boiled egg in the shell right with the shell.

Before we knew it, Anfisa fell asleep on the chair with an egg in her mouth.

Dad took her out of the chair and sat her on the sofa in front of the TV. Then mom came. Mom came and immediately said:

- I know. Lieutenant Colonel Gotovkin came to see us. He brought this.

Lieutenant Colonel Gotovkin was not a military lieutenant colonel, but a police officer. He loved children very much and always gave them big toys.

- What a lovely monkey! Finally learned how to do it.

She took the monkey in her hands:

- Oh, so heavy. What can she do?

“That’s it,” said dad.

- Does it open its eyes? "Mom says?

The monkey woke up and hugged his mother! Mom screams:

- Oh, she's alive! Where is she from?

Everyone gathered around mom, and dad explained where the monkey was from and what its name was.

– What breed is she? - asks mom. – What documents does she have?

Dad showed his business card:

“Bob Smith is a sailor. America"

- Thank God, at least not on the street! - Mom said. - What does she eat?

“That’s it,” said the grandmother. – Even paper with cleanings.

– Does she know how to use a potty?

Grandma says:

- Need to try. Let's do a potty experiment.

They gave Anfisa a pot, she immediately put it on her head and looked like a colonizer.

- Guard! - says mom. - This is a catastrophe!

“Wait,” the grandmother objects. - We'll give her a second potty.

They gave Anfisa a second pot. And she immediately guessed what to do with him. And then everyone realized that Anfisa would live with them!

First time in kindergarten

In the morning, dad usually took Vera to the kindergarten to join the group of children. And he went to work. Grandmother Larisa Leonidovna went to the neighboring housing office. Lead the cutting and sewing group. Mom went to school to teach. Where should Anfisa go?

- How to where? - Dad decided. - Let him go to kindergarten too.

At the entrance to the younger group stood the senior teacher Elizaveta Nikolaevna. Dad told her:

- And we have an addition!

Elizaveta Nikolaevna was delighted and said:

– Guys, what a joy, our Vera has given birth to a brother.

“This is not brother,” said dad.

– Dear guys, Vera has a new sister in her family!

“That’s not my sister,” dad said again.

And Anfisa turned her face to Elizaveta Nikolaevna. The teacher was completely confused:

- What a joy! Vera had a black child in her family.

- No! - says dad. - This is not a black child.

- It's a monkey! - says Vera.

And all the guys shouted:

- Monkey! Monkey! Come here!

– Can she go to kindergarten? - asks dad.

- In a living corner?

- No. Together with the guys.

“This is not allowed,” says the teacher. – Maybe your monkey hangs on the light bulbs? Or does he hit everyone with a ladle? Or maybe she likes to scatter flower pots around the room?

“And you put her on a chain,” dad suggested.

- Never! – answered Elizaveta Nikolaevna. - This is so unpedagogical!

And they decided so. Dad will leave Anfisa in kindergarten, but will call every hour to ask how things are going. If Anfisa starts throwing pots or running after the director with a ladle, dad will immediately take her away. And if Anfisa behaves well and sleeps like all children, then she will be left in kindergarten forever. They will take you to the younger group.

And dad left.

The children surrounded Anfisa and began to give her everything. Natasha Grishchenkova gave me an apple. Borya Goldovsky - a typewriter. Vitalik Eliseev gave her a one-eared hare. And Tanya Fedosova - a book about vegetables.

Anfisa took it all. First with one palm, then the second, then the third, then the fourth. Since she could no longer stand, she lay down on her back and began to put her treasures into her mouth one by one.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna calls:

- Children, come to the table!

The children sat down to have breakfast, but the monkey remained lying on the floor. And cry. Then the teacher sat her at her table. Since Anfisa’s paws were full of gifts, Elizaveta Nikolaevna had to spoon feed her.

Eduard Uspensky

About the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa: [fairy tales]

© Uspensky E. N., 2018

© Sokolov G.V., ill., inheritance, 2018

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2018

Primary school library

Where did Anfisa come from?

In one city there lived a family - father, mother, girl Vera and grandmother Larisa Leonidovna. Dad and mom were school teachers. And Larisa Leonidovna was a school director, but retired.

No country in the world has so many leading teaching staff per child! And the girl Vera was supposed to become the most educated in the world. But she was capricious and disobedient. Either he catches a chicken and starts swaddling it, or the next boy in the sandbox gets cracked by the scoop so much that he has to take the scoop in for repairs.

Therefore, grandmother Larisa Leonidovna was always next to her - at a short distance of one meter. It's like she's the bodyguard of the President of the Republic.

Dad often said:

– How can I teach other people’s children math if I can’t raise my own child!

Grandmother interceded:

- This girl is capricious now. Because it's small. And when she grows up, she won’t hit the neighbors’ boys with a dustpan.

“She’ll start hitting them with a shovel,” Dad agreed.

One day dad was walking past the port where the ships are docked. And he sees: one foreign sailor is offering something to all passers-by in a transparent bag. And passers-by look, doubt, but don’t take it. Dad became interested and came closer. The sailor tells him in clear English:

- Dear Mr. Comrade, take this live monkey. She gets seasick all the time on our ship. And when she gets sick, she always unscrews something.

- How much will you have to pay for it? - Dad asked.

- Not at all necessary. On the contrary, I will also give you an insurance policy. This monkey is insured. If anything happens to her: she gets sick or gets lost, the insurance company will pay you a thousand dollars for her.

Dad happily took the monkey and gave the sailor his business card. It was written on it:

Matveev Vladimir Fedorovich – teacher.

City of Plyos-on-Volge

And the sailor gave him his business card. It was written on it:

Bob Smith is a sailor. America

They hugged, patted each other on the shoulder and agreed to write letters.

Dad came home, but Vera and grandmother were not there. They played in the sandbox in the yard. Dad left the monkey and ran after them. He brought them home and said:

- Look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

Grandmother is surprised:

– If all the furniture in the apartment is upside down, is it a surprise?

And for sure: all the stools, all the tables and even the TV - everything in the apartment is placed upside down. And there’s a monkey hanging on the chandelier and licking the light bulbs.

Vera will scream:

- Oh, kitty-kitty, come to me!

The monkey immediately jumped down to her. They hugged like two fools, put their heads on each other's shoulders and froze with happiness.

- What is her name? - asked the grandmother.

“I don’t know,” says dad. - Kapa, ​​Tyapa, Zhuchka!

“Only dogs are called bugs,” says grandma.

“Let it be Murka,” says dad. - Or Zorka.

“They also found me a cat,” argues the grandmother. - And only cows are called Dawns.

“Then I don’t know,” Dad was confused. - Then let's think.

- Why think about it! - says the grandmother. – In Yegoryevsk we had one head of RONO - the spitting image of this monkey. Her name was Anfisa.

And they named the monkey Anfisa in honor of one of the managers from Yegoryevsk. And this name immediately stuck to the monkey.

Meanwhile, Vera and Anfisa separated from each other and, holding hands, went to the girl Vera’s room to look at everything there. Vera began to show her her dolls and bicycles.

Grandma looked into the room. He sees Vera walking and rocking the big doll Lyalya.

And Anfisa follows on her heels and rocks a large truck.

Anfisa is all so smart and proud. She's wearing a hat with a pom-pom, a T-shirt that's half-length, and rubber boots on her feet.

Grandma says:

- Let's go, Anfisa, to feed you.

Dad asks:

- With what? After all, prosperity is growing in our city, but bananas are not growing.

- What kind of bananas are there! - says the grandmother. – Now we will conduct a potato experiment.

She put sausage, bread, boiled potatoes, herring, herring peelings in paper and a boiled egg in the shell on the table.

Uspensky E., fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"

Genre: literary tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa" and their characteristics

  1. Anfisa. A very lively and inquisitive monkey, a mischief maker.
  2. Faith. Little naughty girl. Very funny. Tries to be responsible.
  3. Dad. Teacher. Solid and cheerful.
  4. Mother. Teacher. Calm and reasonable.
  5. Grandmother. Kind and benevolent. Original.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “About Vera and Anfisa” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. Dad brings home a monkey that everyone loves and who knows how to go potty.
  2. Anfisa and Vera are sent to kindergarten and Anfisa is very fond of the children and teachers.
  3. Anfisa is taken to the clinic for tests and returns from there with a real palm tree.
  4. Anfisa and Vera attend school, almost get lost on the way from the bakery, start a fire and much more.
  5. Anfisa takes part in a work day, and then in the school play "The Three Musketeers"
  6. Anfisa wins an international drawing competition and receives a crystal vase.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"
It's good when a child grows up with a pet.

What does the fairy tale “About Vera and Anfisa” teach?
This fairy tale teaches kindness towards animals, patience and care. Teaches to forgive animals for their pranks and not to take them to heart. Because the joy of communicating with animals exceeds all the damage that animals can cause. Teaches you to be careful and not play with matches.

Review of the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"
I really liked this funny fairy tale. I literally fell in love with the naughty Anfisa and the no less mischievous girl Vera. They were so friendly and played all the pranks together. Of course, keeping a monkey at home is very troublesome, but it is so much fun. And I even felt sorry that my parents would never allow me to have a monkey.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"
Whoever has children has worries.
Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t cry.
Give the children complete freedom, you will cry yourself.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
Children are not a burden, but a joy.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale “About Vera and Anfisa” chapter by chapter:
Story one. Where did Anfisa come from?
Mom, dad, grandmother and girl Vera lived in the same city. Vera's parents were school teachers, and her grandmother was a retired school director. But still, Vera grew up naughty and loved to play around. She even once cracked one boy in the sandbox with a shovel. Dad was very upset about this.
One day dad was walking past the port, and there a foreign ship was unloading and some black sailor gave him a monkey in a bag. Dad gladly took the monkey when it turned out that it was being given away for free. The sailor gave dad his insurance policy and his business card.
Dad brought the monkey home and ran after Vera and grandmother, promising them a surprise.
And indeed, all the furniture in the apartment was overturned, and a monkey was swinging on the chandelier.
Vera immediately hugged the monkey, she liked it so much.
They began to think about what to name the monkey and the grandmother suggested calling it Anfisa, that was the name of one of her friends, whom the monkey resembled.
Then they started feeding Anfisa. It turned out that Anfisa eats everything - raw and boiled potatoes, bread, herring, herring peelings in paper and even eggs. She fell asleep with the egg.
And then my mother came and at first decided that Anfisa was just a toy. But she opened her eyes and mom got scared. She looked at the business card and said that it was good that the monkey was not wild.
Then they did a potty experiment and gave Anfisa a potty. She put it on her head. Then she was given a second pot and Anfisa understood what should be done. So she stayed in the house.
The second story. First time to kindergarten.
The next day, Vera took Anfisa with her to kindergarten. The teacher was happy because she decided that Vera had a brother or sister. But when I saw the monkey, I decided that Vera had a black child. Dad explained that it was a monkey and promised to call every hour to check how Anfisa was behaving.
The children immediately gave Anfisa various gifts. Anfisa took the gifts in four hands and lay down on the floor. Then the children sat down to breakfast, and Anfisa lay there and cried. The teacher had to feed her with a spoon.
And then there was a lesson on cleanliness and the teacher showed the children how to use toothpaste and a brush. Anfisa sprinkled everyone with tooth powder. Then they tied her to a chair and Anfisa, on four legs with the chair on her back, climbed onto the closet and sat there like a queen.
To prevent Anfisa from running around, they tied her to the iron, and Anfisa turned it on. The carpet began to smoke, but the teacher noticed the fire in time.
Then everyone went into the pool and Anfisa almost drowned because the iron was pulling her to the bottom.
And then the children went to sing a song about Cheburashka. And Anfisa knocked on the piano with her paw.
Then everyone slept and the tired Anfisa also slept.
And after bed there was a cutting lesson. All the children cut out circles from paper, and Anfisa stole scissors from the teacher and also cut them out of scrap material.
When dad came for Vera, the teacher reported to him what Anfisa was doing, but said that they were taking the monkey. After all, Anfisa behaved well after sleep. Then the teacher stood up and it turned out that her whole skirt was in circles.
But the teacher decided to take Anfisa anyway, she just told her to bring a doctor’s certificate.
Story three. How Vera and Anfisa went to the clinic.
Dad and Vera brought Anfisa to the clinic. And there stood a real palm tree in a tub. When Anfisa saw the palm tree, she grabbed it with all her paws and stood in the tub herself. No one can tear Anfisa away from the palm tree. Not dad, not doctor, not chief physician. Only they themselves stick to Anfisa, so she tenaciously holds everyone with her paws. But then Vera tickled Anfisa and the monkey let go of everyone except the palm tree.
The doctors decided to examine Anfisa directly with the palm tree. They took blood, listened with a tube, Anfisa is healthy.
Her dad took her along with the palm tree for an x-ray. And the doctor shouts that Anfisa has nails in her stomach and offers to remove them with a magnet. Dad refuses. But Anfisa suddenly climbed up the palm tree, but the nails remained in place, they were nailed to the palm tree.
They began to think about what to do next, Anfisa wouldn’t let go of the palm tree and that’s it. The head doctor even offered to leave her at the clinic and give her a white coat.
Then the grandmother came and said that she couldn’t live without Anfisa. The head doctor was even happy because he needed a cleaning lady. He began to look for the pen, but could not find it.
Dad habitually opened Anfisa’s mouth and took out a pen, stamp, certificates and other small items.
This settled the matter. The doctors said that they had enough troubles as it was, and therefore they allowed Anfisa to be taken away along with the palm tree.
Story four. Vera and Anfisa go to school.
One day the kindergarten closed due to a pipe break and dad decided to take Anfisa and Vera to school. That made him feel calmer. He told Anfisa to get into the bag, but Vera got into the bag. Dad discovered this and swapped the girls places.
That day, many teachers came to school with children and decided to hand over all the children to the school principal. And the school director gathered the kindergarteners and began to tell them a fairy tale about Baba Yaga from the Ministry of Education. The children were scared, and Anfisa grabbed the pointer and broke the light bulb.
Then the director began to drop the children one by one into different classes.
Marusya failed the dictation in the 4th grade, Vitalik ended up in a geography lesson in the 5th grade, and dropped Vera and Anfisa into a zoology lesson in the 6th grade. Teacher Valentin Pavlovich talked about pets and asked Vera to name the pet. The girl said "Elephant". Then the teacher began to suggest that this animal lives with my grandmother, it has a mustache and is affectionate. Vera decided that it was a cockroach. But the teacher asked Vera to think. Then Vera guessed - it was grandfather.
Vera's dad got two Antonchiks for his math lesson - the grandson of the caretaker Antonov.
But then a commission from Rono arrived at the school and was surprised at how quiet it was around. The commission was worried that this was absenteeism or an epidemic? But it turned out that throughout the school there was a lesson on “Help your little brother.” The commission was satisfied and even decided to introduce best practices in other schools.

Story five. Vera and Anfisa got lost.
One day, Grandma gave Vera money for a loaf of bread and Vera and Anfisa went to the bakery. At the bakery, Vera began to decide which loaf to take, and Anfisa grabbed two at once. And then, when the cashier was gone, she sat down at the cash register and began issuing checks to everyone.
Vera took Anfisa outside and fastened her to the handrail. And a dog of an unknown breed was tied to the railing. And then the cat comes out of the bakery and looks at the dog brazenly. The dog couldn’t stand it, rushed at the cat, and tore off the handrail.
A cat runs ahead, followed by a dog dragging a handrail, and behind the handrail is Anfisa and Vera, and also some boy who is caught in a bag with a loaf of bread.
The cat ran to the fence, darted through the gap, but the handrail did not fit through the hole.
Vera and Anfisa were freed, they were looking at unfamiliar places, they went wherever they looked.
A policeman saw them and began asking who they were and where they were going. But Vera doesn’t even know her address. It’s good that the policeman recognized the loaf; only one bakery sold it. The policeman took the girls home, and their grandmother sat him down at the table. She listens to the walkie-talkie herself - the programs are painfully interesting.
But then the policeman was called and told to urgently run to the post, give the American delegation a green light, and they could finish the second meal at home.
Since then, Vera learned her address.
Story six. How Vera and Anfisa served as a teaching tool.
One day in the park, dad got into a conversation with the zoology teacher Vstovsky, and he asked Vera and Anfisa to come to his lesson as a visual aid. The teacher wanted to seat Vera and Anfisa next to each other and put a banana between them. When Anfisa grabs the banana, the teacher will explain to the children that a man differs from a monkey in his upbringing.
At that time, bananas were just brought into the city and everyone brought bananas to Anfisa. The entire refrigerator in the house was already filled with bananas, but Vera was not given any bananas.
Therefore, when Vera and Anfisa came to class and the teacher put a banana between them, Vera immediately grabbed it, and Anfisa turned away. Therefore, when asked by the teacher how humans differ from animals, the children confidently answered that humans think faster.
However, Vera peeled the banana and handed half of it to Anfisa. And the teacher, perked up, concluded that man differs from a monkey in that he cares about others.
Then the teacher showed a drawing of Pithecanthropus and asked who it looked like. The schoolchildren decided that Pithecanthropus looked like the caretaker Antonov, but the teacher said that Pithecanthropus looked like a man because he was holding an ax. But it was man’s work that made him.
And now, when asked how a person differs from animals, the schoolchildren answered that a person is raised by a collective, and a monkey is raised by society.
The seventh story. Vera and Anfisa put out the fire.
On Saturdays, Vera and Anfisa stayed with their grandmother because mom and dad worked. They all loved to watch TV together. And then Anfisa saw a program about matches and fires. She immediately took the matches and hid them in her mouth. The matches were damp and it was impossible to light anything with them. Then Vera decided to dry the matches with an iron so that her grandmother would not swear.
The matches quickly dried out and caught fire. And the grandmother decided that the TV not only shows the image of the fire, but also transmits the smell and temperature.
But then the grandmother realized what was happening and began to put out the fire. She poured several buckets onto the fire, and Vera and Anfisa helped her. But the fire did not stop. Then grandma called dad. However, dad also had a fire - a commission from Rono came to the school.
Then the grandmother began dragging things into the entrance, and Vera called the firefighters. Soon the firefighters arrived and one fireman climbed through the window. Grandmother saw him and decided that it was evil spirits. She hit the fireman with a frying pan, and he sprayed the grandmother a little with a hose to cool her down.
The firefighters quickly put out the fire and then mom and dad came. They were very happy that no one was hurt, but they hid the matches away from the children.
Story eight. Vera and Anfisa open the ancient door.
One evening, the parents removed a large old key from Anfisa’s mouth. They immediately realized that since there is a key, then there must be a door that opens with this key. And behind this door a variety of treasures can be hidden.
And everyone decided to definitely find this door.
Dad put up a notice at school in which he promised whoever found the door half of what was behind the door. But no one recognized the key or found the door.
And the cleaning lady looked at the key and said that she didn’t need what was behind that door for nothing. That there is all sorts of nonsense and skeletons, but there are no rags and mops there.
The cleaning lady showed the right door, which turned out to be in an old building where they studied under the Tsar. The teachers opened the door and were stunned with delight.
What was not there!
And two skeletons, voltmeters and other physical instruments, globes and other visual aids. The teachers immediately wanted to sort out this treasure. But the supply manager refused. He said that these things had been accumulated by his grandfather and therefore he would not let anyone use them.
Only when they called him by his patronymic name, Mitrofan Mitrofanovich, and promised to teach management in labor lessons, did he give the teachers their toys.
And he gave Vera’s dad a squirrel wheel.
Dad brought the wheel home and first Vera climbed into it, and then Anfisa. And the house immediately became calmer. After all, the girls really loved spending time in the squirrel wheel.

Story nine. Labor day in kindergarten.
Since Anfisa arrived, Vera has really loved going to kindergarten. Moreover, the teacher Elizaveta Nikolaevna came up with something exciting every day.
So on this day the teacher decided to play on the work day.
To begin with, she began to teach the children to carry bricks from place to place, and the brick was Anfisa, who was put on a stretcher. But Anfisa didn’t really want to lie still and kept jumping on the stretcher.
Then the teacher gave the children brushes and buckets of educational paint, that is, ordinary water. And she began to teach children how to paint fences. But Anfisa found a pot of compote, which they put on the window to cool, and left the kindergarten without sweets.
And then the bees flew to the compote and all the children and the teacher ran to the pool to escape. Only Anfisa didn’t run and the bees bit her. Anfisa became bloated, she climbed into the closet and cried there.
Vera’s dad found her there. He even offered to take the monkey to the zoo, but all the children said that they would go to the zoo after Anfisa. I had to leave Anfisa, and the children started cleaning.
Tenth story. Vera and Anfisa take part in the play
For the New Year, the teachers at the school decided to stage the play “The Three Musketeers” for the students. Vera's dad played d'Artagnan in it, and the zoology teacher Vstovsky played Rochefort. They fought so well with swords that they broke the glass.
And all the other teachers were given roles, and even the director. The teachers rehearsed a lot, and sometimes they took Vera and Anfisa to these rehearsals. Then Anfisa took part in rehearsals in every possible way. And most of all she was interested in the pendants of the queen, that is, Vera’s mother.
And so mom and dad began to get ready before the performance, but there were no pendants. They began looking for pendants from Anfisa, but Anfisa flatly refused to open her mouth. The spoon that the parents tried to open Anfisa’s mouth was simply chewed by the monkey. I had to take Anfis and Vera with me to school.
And then they play the play. D'Artagnan goes to Buckingham for the pendants. The Duke walks sadly and cannot find the pendants. But D'Artagnan says that he saw the pendants put into the mouth by the Duke's favorite monkey Anfison.
So d'Artagnan brought pendants to the queen along with Anfisa. The king immediately believed that the pendants were in the monkey. But Count Rochefort did not. He brought nuts and Anfisa began to stuff them into her mouth, and laid out the pendants.
The success of the performance was deafening.
Story eleven. Vera and Anfisa are participating in an exhibition of children's drawings.
One day, the school announced a children’s drawing competition on the topic “Why I love my native school.” And everyone rushed to draw pictures.
Pasha drew a picture of the dining room and his favorite pies. Lena drew a picture of loaders carrying a huge computer. The two junior classes were brought together and this lesson was taught by Vera’s dad. Of course he took Vera and Anfisa with him. The guys began to draw whatever they wanted. Anfisa also took a brush and paints, but first of all she spat purple paints onto the canvas. The result was stars. Then she dipped her brush into red paint. And then a fly flew into the classroom and landed on the canvas. Anfisa hit the fly with her brush and the picture turned out to be the sun. The fly flew to another picture. And Anfisa painted the sun on a picture of a winter day. And soon all the children and the teacher were smeared with paint.
Then Anfisa was tied up and she began to draw calmly. She drew many different things in the picture. And when Vera’s dad collected the works, he also took Anfisa’s drawing, calling it “The Kind Hand of the Teacher,” because the drawing contained not only the sun and stars, but also a thin human palm.
And Anfisa’s drawing took third place in a competition in Brazil. And they sent her a Crystal vase. And when the school director began to look for the student Anfison Matfeef, it turned out that it was Anfisa. And the director was very glad that our drawing school was so good that even our monkeys could draw wonderfully.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"

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Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky
About the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa. Vera and Anfisa continue

About the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa
How it all began

Where did Anfisa come from?

In one city there lived a family - father, mother, girl Vera and grandmother Larisa Leonidovna. Dad and mom were school teachers. And Larisa Leonidovna was a school director, but retired.

No country in the world has so many leading teaching staff per child! And the girl Vera was supposed to become the most educated in the world. But she was capricious and disobedient. Either he catches a chicken and starts swaddling it, or the next boy in the sandbox gets cracked by the scoop so much that he has to take the scoop in for repairs.

Therefore, grandmother Larisa Leonidovna was always next to her - at a short distance of one meter. It's like she's the bodyguard of the President of the Republic.

Dad often said:

– How can I teach other people’s children math if I can’t raise my own child!

Grandmother interceded:

- This girl is capricious now. Because it's small. And when she grows up, she won’t hit the neighbors’ boys with a dustpan.

“She’ll start hitting them with a shovel,” dad argued.

One day dad was walking past the port where the ships are docked. And he sees: one foreign sailor is offering something to all passers-by in a transparent bag. And passers-by look, doubt, but don’t take it. Dad became interested and came closer. The sailor tells him in clear English:

- Dear Mr. Comrade, take this live monkey. She gets seasick all the time on our ship. And when she gets sick, she always unscrews something.

- How much will you have to pay for it? - Dad asked.

- Not at all necessary. On the contrary, I will also give you an insurance policy. This monkey is insured. If anything happens to her: she gets sick or gets lost, the insurance company will pay you a thousand dollars for her.

Dad happily took the monkey and gave the sailor his business card. It was written on it:

“Vladimir Fedorovich Matveev is a teacher.

The city of Plyos-on-Volga.

And the sailor gave him his business card. It was written on it:

“Bob Smith is a sailor. America".

They hugged, patted each other on the shoulder and agreed to write letters.

Dad came home, but Vera and grandmother were not there. They played in the sandbox in the yard. Dad left the monkey and ran after them. He brought them home and said:

- Look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

Grandmother is surprised:

– If all the furniture in the apartment is upside down, is it a surprise? And for sure: all the stools, all the tables and even the TV - everything in the apartment is placed upside down. And there’s a monkey hanging on the chandelier and licking the light bulbs.

Vera will scream:

- Oh, kitty-kitty, come to me!

The monkey immediately jumped down to her. They hugged like two fools, put their heads on each other's shoulders and froze with happiness.

- What is her name? - asked the grandmother.

“I don’t know,” says dad. - Kapa, ​​Tyapa, Zhuchka!

“Only dogs are called bugs,” says grandma.

“Let it be Murka,” says dad. - Or Zorka.

“They found a cat for me too,” the grandmother argues. - And only cows are called Dawns.

“Then I don’t know,” Dad was confused. - Then let's think.

- Why think about it! - says the grandmother. – In Yegoryevsk we had one head of RONO - the spitting image of this monkey. Her name was Anfisa.

And they named the monkey Anfisa in honor of one of the managers from Yegoryevsk. And this name immediately stuck to the monkey.

Meanwhile, Vera and Anfisa separated from each other and, holding hands, went to the girl Vera’s room to look at everything there. Vera began to show her her dolls and bicycles.

Grandma looked into the room. He sees Vera walking and rocking the big doll Lyalya. And Anfisa follows on her heels and rocks a large truck.

Anfisa is all so smart and proud. She's wearing a hat with a pom-pom, a T-shirt that's half-length, and rubber boots on her feet.

Grandma says:

- Let's go, Anfisa, to feed you.

Dad asks:

- With what? After all, prosperity is growing in our city, but bananas are not growing.

- What kind of bananas are there! - says the grandmother. – Now we will conduct a potato experiment.

She put sausage, bread, boiled potatoes, herring, herring peelings in paper and a boiled egg in the shell on the table. She sat Anfisa in a high chair on wheels and said:

- On your marks! Attention! March!

The monkey starts eating! First sausage, then bread, then boiled potatoes, then raw ones, then herring peelings in paper, then a boiled egg in the shell right with the shell.

Before we knew it, Anfisa fell asleep on the chair with an egg in her mouth.

Dad took her out of the chair and sat her on the sofa in front of the TV. Then mom came. Mom came and immediately said:

- I know. Lieutenant Colonel Gotovkin came to see us. He brought this.

Lieutenant Colonel Gotovkin was not a military lieutenant colonel, but a police officer. He loved children very much and always gave them big toys.

- What a lovely monkey! Finally learned how to do it.

She took the monkey in her hands:

- Oh, so heavy. What can she do?

“That’s it,” said dad.

- Does it open its eyes? "Mom says?

The monkey woke up and hugged his mother! Mom screams:

- Oh, she's alive! Where is she from?

Everyone gathered around mom, and dad explained where the monkey was from and what its name was.

– What breed is she? - asks mom. – What documents does she have?

Dad showed his business card:

“Bob Smith is a sailor. America"

- Thank God, at least not on the street! - Mom said. - What does she eat?

“That’s it,” said the grandmother. – Even paper with cleanings.

– Does she know how to use a potty?

Grandma says:

- Need to try. Let's do a potty experiment.

They gave Anfisa a pot, she immediately put it on her head and looked like a colonizer.

- Guard! - says mom. - This is a catastrophe!

“Wait,” the grandmother objects. - We'll give her a second potty.

They gave Anfisa a second pot. And she immediately guessed what to do with him. And then everyone realized that Anfisa would live with them!

First time in kindergarten

In the morning, dad usually took Vera to the kindergarten to join the group of children. And he went to work. Grandmother Larisa Leonidovna went to the neighboring housing office. Lead the cutting and sewing group. Mom went to school to teach. Where should Anfisa go?

- How to where? - Dad decided. - Let him go to kindergarten too.

At the entrance to the younger group stood the senior teacher Elizaveta Nikolaevna. Dad told her:

- And we have an addition!

Elizaveta Nikolaevna was delighted and said:

– Guys, what a joy, our Vera has given birth to a brother.

“This is not brother,” said dad.

– Dear guys, Vera has a new sister in her family!

“That’s not my sister,” dad said again.

And Anfisa turned her face to Elizaveta Nikolaevna. The teacher was completely confused:

- What a joy! Vera had a black child in her family.

- No! - says dad. - This is not a black child.

- It's a monkey! - says Vera.

And all the guys shouted:

- Monkey! Monkey! Come here!

– Can she go to kindergarten? - asks dad.

- In a living corner?

- No. Together with the guys.

“This is not allowed,” says the teacher. – Maybe your monkey hangs on the light bulbs? Or does he hit everyone with a ladle? Or maybe she likes to scatter flower pots around the room?

“And you put her on a chain,” dad suggested.

- Never! – answered Elizaveta Nikolaevna. - This is so unpedagogical!

And they decided so. Dad will leave Anfisa in kindergarten, but will call every hour to ask how things are going. If Anfisa starts throwing pots or running after the director with a ladle, dad will immediately take her away. And if Anfisa behaves well and sleeps like all children, then she will be left in kindergarten forever. They will take you to the younger group.

And dad left.

The children surrounded Anfisa and began to give her everything. Natasha Grishchenkova gave me an apple. Borya Goldovsky - a typewriter. Vitalik Eliseev gave her a one-eared hare. And Tanya Fedosova - a book about vegetables.

Anfisa took it all. First with one palm, then the second, then the third, then the fourth. Since she could no longer stand, she lay down on her back and began to put her treasures into her mouth one by one.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna calls:

- Children, come to the table!

The children sat down to have breakfast, but the monkey remained lying on the floor. And cry. Then the teacher sat her at her table. Since Anfisa’s paws were full of gifts, Elizaveta Nikolaevna had to spoon feed her.

Finally the children had breakfast. And Elizaveta Nikolaevna said:

– Today is our big medical day. I will teach you how to brush your teeth and clothes, use soap and a towel. Let everyone pick up a training toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

The guys took apart the brushes and tubes. Elizaveta Nikolaevna continued:

– We took the tubes in our left hand and the brush in our right. Grishchenkova, Grishchenkova, you don’t need to sweep the crumbs off the table with a toothbrush.

Anfisa didn't have enough of either a training toothbrush or a training tube. Because Anfisa was extra, unplanned. She saw that all the guys had such interesting sticks with bristles and such white bananas from which white worms crawled out, but she didn’t, and she whined.

“Don’t cry, Anfisa,” said Elizaveta Nikolaevna. - Here's a training jar with tooth powder. Here's a brush, learn.

She started the lesson.

– So, we squeezed the paste onto the brush and began to brush our teeth. That's it - from top to bottom. Marusya Petrova, that's right. Vitalik Eliseev, correct. Vera, that's right. Anfisa, Anfisa, what are you doing? Who told you that you should brush your teeth on a chandelier? Anfisa, don't sprinkle us with tooth powder! Come on, come here!

Anfisa obediently got down and was tied to a chair with a towel to calm her down.

“Now let’s move on to the second exercise,” said Elizaveta Nikolaevna. - To clean clothes. Take clothes brushes in your hands. The powder has already been sprinkled on you.

Meanwhile, Anfisa swayed on the chair, fell with it to the floor and ran on all fours with the chair on her back. Then she climbed onto the closet and sat there, like a king on a throne.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna says to the guys:

- Look, we have Queen Anfisa the First. Sits on the throne. We'll have to anchor her. Come on, Natasha Grishchenkova, bring me the biggest iron from the ironing room.

Natasha brought the iron. It was so big that she fell twice along the way. And they tied Anfisa to the iron with an electrical wire. Her jumping and running ability immediately dropped sharply. She began to hobble around the room, like an old woman a hundred years ago, or like an English pirate with a cannonball on his leg in Spanish captivity in the Middle Ages.

Then the phone rang and dad asked:

- Elizaveta Nikolaevna, how is my menagerie, is it behaving well?

“It’s bearable for now,” says Elizaveta Nikolaevna, “we chained her to the iron.”

– Is the iron electric?

- Electric.

“It’s as if she didn’t turn it on,” said dad. - After all, there will be a fire!

Elizaveta Nikolaevna hung up the phone and quickly went to the iron.

And on time. Anfisa actually plugged it into the socket and watches smoke coming out of the carpet.

“Vera,” says Elizaveta Nikolaevna, “why don’t you keep an eye on your little sister?”

“Elizaveta Nikolaevna,” says Vera, “we are all watching her.” And me, and Natasha, and Vitalik Eliseev. We even held her paws. And she turned on the iron with her foot. We didn't even notice.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna bandaged the iron fork with adhesive tape, now you can’t turn it on anywhere. And says:

- That's it, children, now the older group has gone to sing. This means the pool is free. And you and I will go there.

- Hooray! – the kids shouted and ran to grab their swimsuits.

They went to the room with the pool. They went, and Anfisa was crying and reaching out to them. She can't walk around with an iron.

Then Vera and Natasha Grishchenkova helped her. The two of them took the iron and carried it. And Anfisa walked nearby.

The room with the pool was the best. There flowers grew in tubs. There were life preservers and crocodiles everywhere. And the windows were right up to the ceiling.

All the children started jumping into the water, only water smoke began to emerge.

Anfisa also wanted to get into the water. She approached the edge of the pool and how she fell down! Only she didn’t reach the water. The iron wouldn't let her in. He was lying on the floor, and the wire did not reach the water. And Anfisa is hanging out near the wall. Dangles and cries.

“Oh, Anfisa, I’ll help you,” Vera said and with difficulty threw the iron off the edge of the pool.

The iron sank to the bottom and dragged Anfisa away.

“Oh,” Vera shouts, “Elizaveta Nikolaevna, Anfisa doesn’t surface!” Her iron won't let her in!

- Guard! - Yelizaveta Nikolaevna shouts. - Let's dive!

She was wearing a white robe and slippers and jumped into the pool with a running start. First she pulled out the iron, then Anfisa.

And says:

“This furry fool has tormented me, as if I had unloaded three wagons of coal with a shovel.”

She wrapped Anfisa in a sheet and got all the guys out of the pool.

- That's it, enough swimming! Now we will all go to the music room together and sing “Now I am Cheburashka.”

The guys quickly got dressed, and Anfisa sat there, wet in the sheet.

We came to the music room. The children stood on a long bench. Elizaveta Nikolaevna sat down on a musical stool. And Anfisa, all wrapped up in swaddling clothes, was placed on the edge of the piano to dry.

And Elizaveta Nikolaevna began to play:

I was once strange
A nameless toy...

And suddenly I heard - BLAM!

Elizaveta Nikolaevna looked around in surprise. She didn't fucking play it. She began again: “I was once a strange, nameless toy, to which in the store...”

And suddenly again BLAM!

"What's the matter? - Elizaveta Nikolaevna thinks. “Perhaps a mouse has taken up residence in the piano?” And he knocks on the strings?

Elizaveta Nikolaevna lifted the lid and looked at the empty piano for half an hour. No mouse. She started playing again: “I was once strange...”

And again - FUCK, FUCK!

- Wow! – says Elizaveta Nikolaevna. – It’s already two BLAM. Guys, don't you know what's going on?

The guys didn't know. And it was Anfisa, wrapped in a sheet, who was in the way. She will quietly stick out her leg, make a FUCK on the keys and pull the leg back into the sheet.

Here's what happened:

I was once strange
A nameless toy
Which one in the store
No one will come

WHAM happened because Anfisa trusted herself and fell off the piano. And everyone immediately understood where these BLAM-BLAMs were coming from.

After this, there was some lull in the life of the kindergarten. Either Anfiska was tired of playing tricks, or everyone was watching her very carefully, but at dinner she didn’t throw anything away. Except that she ate the soup with three spoons. Then I slept quietly with everyone else. True, she slept on the closet. But with a sheet and pillow, everything is as it should be. She didn’t scatter any pots of flowers around the room and didn’t run after the director with a chair.

Elizaveta Nikolaevna even calmed down. It's just early. Because after the afternoon tea there was artistic carving. Elizaveta Nikolaevna told the guys:

“And now we will all take scissors together and cut out collars and hats from cardboard.”

The guys went together to take cardboard and scissors from the table. Anfisa didn’t have enough cardboard or scissors. After all, Anfisa was unplanned and remains unplanned.

– We take cardboard and cut out a circle. Like this. – Elizaveta Nikolaevna showed.

And all the guys, sticking out their tongues, began to cut out circles. They made not only circles, but also squares, triangles and pancakes.

- Where are my scissors?! – Elizaveta Nikolaevna shouted. - Anfisa, show me your palms!

Anfisa gladly showed her black palms, which contained nothing. And she hid her hind legs behind her back. The scissors were there, of course. And while the guys were cutting out their circles and visors, Anfisa also cut out holes from the material at hand.

Everyone was so carried away by the caps and collars that they did not notice how an hour passed and the parents began to arrive.

They took Natasha Grishchenkova, Vitalik Eliseev, Borya Goldovsky. And then Vera’s dad came, Vladimir Fedorovich.

- How are mine?

“Okay,” says Elizaveta Nikolaevna. - Both Vera and Anfisa.

– Didn’t Anfisa do anything?

- How did you not do it? She did it, of course. I sprinkled tooth powder on everyone. Almost started a fire. I jumped into the pool with an iron. Swung on the chandelier.

- So you won’t take her?

- Why don’t we take it? Let's take it! - said the teacher. “Now we’re cutting circles, and she doesn’t bother anyone.”

She stood up and everyone saw that her skirt was in circles. And her long legs sparkle from all angles.

- Ah! - said Elizaveta Nikolaevna and even sat down.

And dad took Anfisa and took the scissors away from her. They were in her hind legs.

- Oh, you scarecrow! - he said. “I ruined my own happiness.” You'll have to stay at home.

“You won’t have to,” said Elizaveta Nikolaevna. – We take her to kindergarten.

And the guys jumped up and down and hugged each other. That's how they fell in love with Anfisa.

– Just be sure to bring a doctor’s certificate! - said the teacher. – Without a certificate, not a single child will be allowed to enter kindergarten.

How Vera and Anfisa went to the clinic

While Anfisa did not have a doctor’s certificate, she was not accepted into kindergarten. She stayed at home. And Vera sat at home with her. And of course, their grandmother was sitting with them.

True, the grandmother did not sit so much as run around the house. Either to the bakery, then to the grocery store for sausage, or to the fish store for herring peelings. Anfisa loved these cleanings more than any herring.

And then Saturday came. Father Vladimir Fedorovich did not go to school. He took Vera and Anfisa and went to the clinic with them. Receive help.

He led Vera by the hand, and decided to put Anfisa in a stroller for camouflage. So that the child population from all microdistricts does not run away.

If one of the guys noticed Anfiska, then a line would form behind her, like for oranges. The kids in the city really loved Anfiska. But she didn’t waste any time either. While the guys were spinning around her, picking her up and passing her to each other, she put her paws into their pockets and pulled everything out. He hugs the child with his front paws, and cleans the child’s pockets with his back paws. And she hid all her little things in her cheek pouches. At home, erasers, badges, pencils, keys, lighters, chewing gum, coins, pacifiers, key chains, cartridges and penknives were taken from her mouth.

So they approached the clinic. We went inside into the lobby. Everything around is white and glass. On the wall hangs a funny story in glass frames: what happened to one boy when he ate poisonous mushrooms.

And another story is about an uncle who treated himself with folk remedies: dried spiders, fresh nettle lotions and a heating pad from an electric kettle.

Vera says:

- Oh, what a funny guy! He is sick and smokes.

Dad explained to her:

- He doesn't smoke. It was under his blanket that the hot water bottle boiled.

Suddenly dad shouted:

- Anfisa, Anfisa! Don't lick the posters! Anfisa, why did you put yourself in the trash can?! Vera, please take a broom and sweep Anfisa.

There was a huge palm tree in a tub by the window. As soon as Anfisa saw her, she rushed to her. She hugged the palm tree and stood in the tub. Dad tried to take her away - no way!

- Anfisa, please let go of the palm tree! - Dad says sternly.

Anfisa doesn't let go.

- Anfisa, Anfisa! - Dad says even more sternly. - Please let go of dad.

Anfisa won’t let dad go either. And her hands are like a vice made of iron. Then a doctor from the next office came in response to the noise.

- What's the matter? Come on, monkey, let go of the tree!

But the monkey did not let go of the tree. The doctor tried to unhook it - and he got stuck. Dad says even more sternly:

- Anfisa, Anfisa, please let go of dad, please let go of the palm tree, please let go of the doctor.

Nothing works. Then the chief doctor came.

-What's the matter? Why a round dance around a palm tree? Are we having a Palm New Year? Oh, here the monkey is holding everyone! Now we'll unhook it.

After that, dad spoke like this:

- Anfisa, Anfisa, please let go of dad, please let go of the palm tree, please let go of the doctor, please let go of the chief doctor.

Vera took it and tickled Anfisa. Then she released everyone except the palm tree. She hugged the palm tree with all four paws, pressed her cheek to it and cried.

The chief doctor said:

– I was recently in Africa on a cultural exchange. I saw a lot of palm trees and monkeys there. There is a monkey sitting on every palm tree. They got used to each other. And there are no Christmas trees there at all. And protein.

A simple doctor asked dad:

- Why did you bring the monkey to us? She got sick?

“No,” says dad. – She needs a certificate for kindergarten. It needs to be explored.

“How can we examine it,” says a simple doctor, “if it doesn’t move away from the palm tree?”

“So we’ll explore without leaving the palm tree,” said the chief doctor. – Call here the main specialists and heads of departments.

And soon all the doctors approached the palm tree: a therapist, a surgeon, and an ear, nose and throat doctor. First, Anfisa’s blood was taken for analysis. She behaved very bravely. She calmly gave her finger and watched as blood was taken from her finger through a glass tube.

Then her pediatrician listened through rubber tubes. He said that Anfisa is as healthy as a little train.

Next we had to take Anfisa for an x-ray. But how can you lead it if you can’t tear it away from the palm tree? Then dad and the doctor from the X-ray room brought Anfisa and the palm tree into the office. They put her and the palm tree under the machine, and the doctor said:

- Breathe. Don't breathe.

Only Anfisa doesn’t understand. On the contrary, she breathes like a pump. The doctor was very tormented with her. Then he screams:

- Fathers, she has a nail in her stomach!!! And one more! And further! Are you feeding her nails?!

Dad answers:

“We don’t feed her nails.” And we don’t eat ourselves.

“Where did she get the nails from? - the x-ray doctor thinks. “And how to get them out of it?”

Then he decided:

- Let's give her a magnet on a string. The nails will stick to the magnet, and we will pull them out.

“No,” says dad. “We won’t give her a magnet.” She lives with nails - and nothing. And if she swallows a magnet, it’s still unknown what will come of it.

At this time, Anfisa suddenly climbed up the palm tree. She climbed up to twist some shiny thing, but the nails remained in place. And then the doctor realized:

- These nails were not in Anfisa, but in a palm tree. The nanny hung her robe and bucket on them at night. “He says: “Thank God, your little engine is healthy!”

After that, Anfisa and the palm tree were brought back into the hall. And all the doctors gathered for a consultation. They decided that Anfisa was very healthy and that she could go to kindergarten.

The head doctor wrote a certificate for her right next to the tub and said:

- That's all. You can go.

And dad answers:

- Can not. Because our Anfisa can only be torn away from your palm tree with a bulldozer.

- How to be? - says the chief doctor.

“I don’t know,” says dad. “Either Anfisa and I, or you, will have to part with the palm tree.”

The doctors all stood in a circle together, like a KVN team, and began to think.

- You need to take a monkey - and that’s it! - said the x-ray doctor. “She’ll be the watchman at night.”

“We’ll sew her a white robe.” And she will help us! - said the pediatrician.

“Yes,” noted the chief doctor. “She’ll grab the syringe with the injection from you, and we’ll all run after her up all the stairs and attics.” And then she will fall from the curtain on some dad with this syringe. And if she runs into some classroom or kindergarten with this syringe, and even in a white coat!

“If she just walks along the boulevard in a white coat with a syringe, all our old ladies and passers-by will instantly end up in the trees,” said dad. - Give our monkey your palm tree.

At this time, grandmother Larisa Leonidovna came to the clinic. She waited and waited for Vera and Anfisa. There weren't any. She became worried. And she immediately told the chief doctor:

- If you take the monkey, I will stay with you too. I can't live without Anfisa.

“That’s good,” says the head doctor. - That solves everything. We just need a cleaning lady. Here's a fountain pen, write a statement.

“Nothing,” he says. – I’ll open the office now, I have another one there.

He just looks - there is no key. Dad explains to him:

He opened Anfisa’s mouth and with the usual movement took out a fountain pen, a key to the chief doctor’s office, a key to the office where the x-ray is kept, a round seal for certificates, a round ear, nose and throat doctor’s mirror and his lighter.

When the doctors saw all this, they said:

“We have enough troubles of our own that our seals are still disappearing!” Take your monkey with our palm tree. We will grow ourselves a new one. Our chief doctor travels to Africa every year for a cultural exchange. He will bring seeds.

Dad and the radiologist lifted the palm tree together with Anfisa and installed it in the stroller. So the palm tree went in the stroller.

When mom saw the palm tree, she said:

– According to my botanical information, this palm is called “Nephrolepis broadleaf velvet.” And it grows mainly in the spring, one meter per month. Soon it will grow upward to the neighbors. And we will have multi-story nephrolepis. Our Anfisa will climb this palm tree all over the apartments and floors. Sit down to dinner, the herring peelings have long been on the table.