How to make a still life with an older group. Modeling an object from salted or choux pastry “Autumn still life”

Integration of educational areas: speech development, physical development, social and communicative development.
Goal: Consolidate the acquired knowledge with children.
Tasks: Teach children to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear. Strengthen children's ability to use generalization words in speech. Practice solving riddles. Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals. Nurture love and careful attitude to nature. Contribute to the formation healthy image life.
Equipment: snowflakes, fox toys, squirrels, hare, modules, paper trails.
Methods and techniques:

  • visual method (use of toys, attributes);
  • verbal (telling riddles, telling the teacher);
  • reproductive (reproduction of movements);
  • game.

Move educational activities.

Teacher's action

Children's actions

Expected Result

Stage 1 motivational

The teacher stands in a circle and reads a poem:

“All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

The teacher reads a letter that arrived on a snowflake from forest dwellers who invite children to visit.

The teacher invites the children to go on a trip to the forest and get acquainted with forest dwellers, after dressing warmly.

Children stand in a circle with snowflakes in front of them.

Children stand on snowflakes.

Children put their hands to their chests, then extend them to each other.

They join hands.

They smile kindly.

Children perform motor exercise"Let's get dressed for a walk"

The children follow the footprints laid out on the floor and come into the forest.

An emotionally positive attitude to continue educational activities.

Formation of desire and interest in learning new things.

The teacher makes a riddle about a forest dweller.

Shows a toy fox.

The teacher summarizes the children's answers and invites the fox to take a walk with the children in the forest.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the hollow in the tree. He asks who lives there.

The teacher shows a toy squirrel.

The teacher invites the squirrel to go for a walk with the children.

The teacher focuses the children's attention on a small snowdrift - this is a bunny hiding.

Children guess the riddle and play with it didactic game"Define the word"

Children's answers.

Children play a game with her

“Call it in one word.”

Children politely ask the squirrel to take a walk with them.

Children play with him the game “Big - Small”

Development of thinking, auditory discrimination and naming of words beginning with a certain sound.

Development of skills to hear the teacher and perform movements in accordance with the task.

Formation of the ability to use nouns with a general meaning.

Develop the ability to speak politely.

Practice naming baby animals.

Stage 3 final

The teacher invites the children to say goodbye to the forest animals and return to kindergarten.

The teacher sums up the walk.

Children say goodbye and perform the motor exercise “Run through the snow”

Children express their opinions about the walk and answer questions.

Development and improvement of motor skills.

Development of children's dialogical speech, ability to answer questions.

The manual presents technological cards organized educational activities for children to master middle group content of educational areas: " Cognitive development", "Socio-communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Speech development", "Physical development", developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
Each technological map contains the main stages of organized educational activities and the resulting set of actions at the teacher level to support the educational activities of children and actions at the child level to master integrative activities.
Convenient tabular placement of material allows teacher ensure the integrity, consistency and effectiveness of all areas of child development, based on targets preschool education.
Intended for educators and managers of preschool institutions of all types, preschool specialists pedagogy; recommended for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions.

Detailed description


The fifth year of life is a period of intensive growth and development of the child’s body. There are noticeable qualitative changes in its development. The ability to plan one’s actions, create and implement a certain plan, which, unlike a simple intention, includes an idea not only of the goal of the action, but also of the ways to achieve it, emerges and improves. Therefore, the task of modern preschool education is not about maximizing the acceleration of the child’s development, not about speeding up the timing and pace of transferring him onto the “rails” school age, and above all, to create for everyone preschooler all conditions for the fullest disclosure and realization of his unique, age-specific potential.

In this regard, preschool educational institutions change the level of children's preparation for school in accordance with federal government regulations educational standards(Federal State Educational Standard for Education, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013), mandatory for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

The middle group in kindergarten is attended by children aged 4–5 years. In general, a five-year-old child is independent, but not yet enough to take responsibility for his actions, and therefore needs the protection, support and direction of an adult. Important role Planning the organized educational activities of children plays a role in this.

The author-compiler of the manual suggests preschool teacher build planning of organized educational activities in the form of technological maps. They are compiled according to educational fields“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “ Physical development».

A technological map (modeled on F. Ya. Wasserman’s map) is a kind of algorithm for organized educational activities that has high degree reproducibility of stages, managerial actions of the teacher and the activities of children, contributing to the achievement of the planned result of the learning and education process.

Such a map contains a set of management actions educational activities at the level of the teacher-educator and the content of the activity at the child’s level. The nature of certain management actions and activities of children is determined by the stages of educational activity.

In conditions of intensification and optimization of the work of modern kindergarten it is important to plan the activities of the teacher, that is, draw up a work plan that will contribute not only to the organization educational process, solving the intended problems, but will also make the teacher’s work more meaningful and effective. Drawing up a technological map as a form of planning pedagogical activity will help combine many of the teacher’s functions and save his time. Activity planning may vary depending on the type of preschool. Priority or correctional tasks can be added to the main tasks, and the corresponding work content can be developed.

Any planning is creative. The content of the work, reflected in the technological map, determines the personal potential of the teacher. Suggested in the manual technological maps organized educational activities are only recommended and should not hinder the creativity of the teacher of a children's educational institution.

Introduction 3


Educational field "Cognitive development" 4

Development of curiosity and cognitive motivation. Formation of primary ideas about oneself, the world around us, and the features of nature 4

Technological map on the topic “Celebration of knowledge, diligence and effort” 4

Technological map on the topic “Who I want to be” 5

Technological map on the topic “What is a forest?” 6

Technological map on the topic “Catch Me” 8

Technological map on the topic “Targeted visit to the kindergarten catering department” 8

Technological map on the topic “Kindergarten is our second home” 10

Technological map on the topic “Goodbye Summer!” (excursion to nature) 12

Technological map on the topic “The sun is looking through the window...” 13

Technological map on the topic “What they create with their labor” 15

Technological map on the topic “Autumn drops gold...” 16

Technological map on the topic “Visiting the Mystery Grandmother” 19

Technological map on the topic “What, what are our toys made of...” 21

Technological map on the topic “The city (village) in which I live” 22

Technological map on the topic “Mom, Dad, I – a friendly family” 23

Technological map on the topic “On our path” small homeland» 25

Technological map on the topic “Our favorite toys” 26

Technological map on the topic “Excursion to the roadway” 28

Technological map on the topic “Acquaintance with the territory of the kindergarten” (excursion) 29

Technological map on the topic “The Wealth of Nature (Water)” 30

Technological map on the topic “How animals live in the forest (hedgehog family)” 32

Technological map on the topic " Folk toy» 33

Technological map on the topic “Our cute toys” 35

Technological map on the topic “My green friends” 37

Technological map on the topic “How to detect indoor air?” ( experimental activities) 38

Technological map on the topic “Mom is the most true friend» ( festive event) 40

Technological map on the topic “How to keep books clean and tidy” (research activity) 41

Technological map on the topic “Spring Stream” (experimental activities) 43

Technological map on the topic “Acquaintance with the territory of the kindergarten” (spring excursion) 45

Technological map on the topic “All works are good - choose according to your taste” 47

Technological map on the topic “People of the whole Earth are friends...” 48

Technological map on the topic “Profession – military” 49

Technological map on the topic “Indoor plants in a corner of nature” 51

Technological map on the topic “Our good deeds” 53

Technological map on the topic “Holiday of Politeness” 55

Technological map on the topic “What a miracle these turtles are...” 57

Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness 58

Technological map on the topic “One and many. More and less" 58

Technological map on the topic “Kingdom of Geometric Shapes” 60

Technological map on the topic “What has changed?” 61

Technological map on the topic " Geometric figures» 63

Technological map on the topic “Introduction to number and figure 1. Short and long” 64

Technological map on the topic “Pattern” 66

Technological map on the topic “Introduction to number 2. Long, short” 67

Technological map on the topic “Who lives in the family? Getting to know the number 3" 69

Technological map on the topic “Reinforcing knowledge about numbers 1, 2, 3” 71

Technological map on the topic “Account items» 72

Technological map on the topic “The same amount, equally” 74

Technological map on the topic “Counting objects located differently” 75

Technological map on the topic “Comparison of objects by width” 77

Technological map on the topic “Quantitative and ordinal counting” 78

Technological map on the topic “Comparison of groups of objects” 79

Technological map on the topic “Natural World” 82

Technological map on the topic “Counting to 5. High - low” 84

Technological map on the topic “Counting by touch” 85

Technological map on the topic “Early spring in a forest clearing. Visiting Lesovichka" 87

Technological map on the topic “Establishing a correspondence between the figure and the number of objects. Left, middle, right" 88

Technological map on the topic “One and many. Comparing sets and establishing correspondence between them" 90

Technological map on the topic “Counting according to the model, numbers and figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Correlating the number of objects with the number. Development of attention" 91

Development of cognitive-research and constructive-model activities 93

Technological map on the topic “Vegetable garden fence” 93

Technological map on the topic “Construction of a two-story house” 95

Technological map on the topic “Hair for Grandfather” 96

Technological map on the topic “Traffic Light” 98

Technological map on the topic “Ball” 100

Technological map on the topic “Tram” 101

Technological map on the topic “Garage” 103

Technological map on the topic “House” 104

Technological map on the topic “Flower meadow” ( teamwork) 106

Technological map on the topic “Visiting the Three Bears” 107

Educational areas “Social and communicative development” and “Speech development” 109

Development of communication and interaction with adults and peers. Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture 109

Technological map on the topic “The red summer has passed…” 109

Technological map on the topic “A doll came to visit us...” 110

Technological map on the topic “Visiting the forester” 111

Technological map on the topic “Gardener” 113

Technological map on the topic “For a walk in the forest” 115

Technological map on the topic " Sound culture speech. Sound [w]" 116

Technological map on the topic “Tell about yourself” (children writing a story about themselves) 118

Technological map on the topic “My favorite pet” (composing a story from personal experience) 120

Technological map on the topic “Winter” 122

Technological map on the topic “From prank to disaster - just a stone’s throw” 123

Technological map on the topic “Forest in winter” 125

Technological map on the topic “Making a story based on the picture “At the feeding trough”” 128

Technological map on the topic “Dunno visiting the guys” 129

Technological map on the topic “Little Bunny” 130

Technological map on the topic “My Motherland” 131

Technological map on the topic “Games with Grandma Fun” 133

Technological map on the topic “What are the different types of dishes” 135

Technological map on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Sound [s]" 136

Technological map on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Sound [w]" 138

Technological map on the topic “Blooming houseplants» 140

Technological map on the topic “Visiting fairy tales"(story based on illustrations to familiar fairy tales) 142

Technological map on the topic “Let's play with Bunny” 144

Technological map on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Sounds [f], [x]" 145

Technological map on the topic “Immense Space” 146

Technological map on the topic “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” 148

Technological map on the topic " Magic words» 150

Acquaintance with book culture, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature 152

Technological map on the topic “Introduction to the Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”” 152

Technological map on the topic “Teremok” 153

Technological map on the topic “Why a person is friends with a swallow” (Kazakh folk tale) 155

Technological map on the topic “Telling the Ukrainian folk tale “Rukavichka”” 157

Technological map on the topic “Two Greedy Little Bears” (Hungarian folk tale) 158

Technological map on the topic “Reading a poem Z. Alexandrova“My bear”" 160

Technological map on the topic “Snowman” 162

Technological map on the topic “Reading the poem by S. Marshak “Mustachioed-Striped”” 164

Technological map on the topic “Memorizing A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”” 166

Technological map on the topic “Retelling a fairy tale K. Chukovsky“Stolen Sun” 168

Technological map on the topic " Literary quiz» 171

Technological map on the topic “Aibolit” 173

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" 175

Development visual arts(drawing) 175

Technological map on the topic “Gifts of Summer” 175

Technological map on the topic “Dress decoration” 176

Technological map on the topic “Favorite toy – clumsy bear” 178

Technological map on the topic “Napkin for Cinderella” 179

Technological map on the topic “Plate decoration” 180

Technological map on the topic “My Home” 181

Technological map on the topic “Traffic Light” 182

Technological map on the topic “Fluffy Christmas tree” 184

Technological map on the topic “Snowfall” 185

Technological map on the topic “Snowflake” 186

Technological map on the topic “Where do snowflakes come from” 188

Technological map on the topic “What, what are our toys made of...” 190

Technological map on the topic “Mimosa for Mom” 191

Technological map on the topic “Bookmark for a book” 192

Technological map on the topic “Sun and Cloud” (consolidating skills in working with gouache paints, markers) 194

Technological map on the topic “Our Universe” 196

Development of visual activity (modeling) 198

Technological map on the topic “Ripe apples and berries” 198

Technological map on the topic “Carrots for the Bunny” 199

Technological map on the topic “My funny ringing ball...” 200

Technological map on the topic “What is growing in Alyonushka’s garden bed” 202

Technological map on the topic “Plates and saucers” 203

Technological map on the topic “Treats for Grandma” 205

Technological map on the topic “Dunno and the Rules” traffic» 206

Technological map on the topic “Sculpting a weight” 208

Technological map on the topic “Secrets of Friendship” 209

Technological map on the topic “New Year’s round dance” 211

Technological map on the topic “You can’t walk or drive – there’s ice on the roads” 212

Technological map on the topic " Winter fun. Snowman" 214

Technological map on the topic “Girl in a long fur coat” 215

Technological map on the topic “Winter” (teamwork) 216

Technological map on the topic “Herringbone. Forest" (teamwork) 218

Technological map on the topic " Beautiful flower» 219

Technological map on the topic “Decorating the amulet” 221

Development fine artactivities (application) 222

Technological map on the topic “Let’s help hedgehogs hide under autumn leaves» 222

Technological map on the topic “Apples are ripe in the garden” 224

Technological map on the topic “Let’s decorate Piglet’s costume” 225

Technological map on the topic “Big and small carrots” 227

Technological map on the theme “Sun” (from pieces of paper, using the tearing method) 228

Technological map on the topic “Cut out and paste what is round” 230

Technological map on the topic “Aquarium” (collective creative project) 231

Technological map on the topic “Winter-winter” 232

Technological map on the topic " Winter forest» 234

Technological map on the topic “Spring Sun” (from a napkin, by tearing) 236

Technological map on the topic “I’ll fly on a rocket high, high...” 237

Technological map on the topic “Cutting out fairy tale characters and making a collage” 238

Technological map on the topic “Decorate a cup” 240

Literature 242