Gray's character. Characteristics of Gray from the work “Scarlet Sails”

Perhaps not to a lesser extent than Gray, Assol inspires faith in success and brings the glow of good luck. Two people coexisted in Gray's soul. And in Assol’s soul there lived two Assols, “mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity.” One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who knew how to make toys, diligently sew, cook, and wash floors. The other, the one that Green called a living poem “with all the wonders of its consonances and images,” was itself the embodiment of poetry. Trembling and worrying, Assol lived in anticipation of a miracle. And in this reciprocity of shadows and light, in this beautiful irregularity, there was, like Gray’s, its own correctness, there was something inherent in both of them. high art transform the world, with inspiration make many amazing discoveries, “ethereal-subtle,” “inexpressible,” “but important, like purity and warmth.” Everything that Assol saw around her, everything that she lived with, became “a lace of secrets in the image of everyday life.” The very sound of her name, equally strange and unusual to the ear, foreshadowed a meeting with a creature unlike the others. What is the source of Assol's charm? Greene is not going to ask us any riddles about this. There is so much purity, spontaneity, naturalness in her soul, such a readiness to see the world with eyes in which nothing adult remains - big eyes child, that together with her we are imbued with the expectation of the Beautiful Unknown. Assol enthusiastically promises his friend, the coal miner Philip, that one day, when Philip fills his basket with coal, it will turn into a fragrant bush. And Philip really begins to imagine that buds are creeping out of the old twigs and leaves are splashing across the basket. Trembling and worrying, Assol goes to the seashore, intensely looking for a white ship with a scarlet sail on the horizon. And we, too, not believing that we believe, are waiting for his appearance. “These minutes were happiness for her,” Green wrote about his heroine, “it’s difficult for us to escape into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.” And what a triumph over the prosaic, rough, one-dimensional, flat and philistine idea of ​​life, devoid of any flight of fancy, does the author of the book experience together with his heroes, when, in front of the shocked residents of Kaperna, a ship suddenly appears with the very sails whose name is still for a time it sounded like mockery. The heroine of “Scarlet Sails” at one time seemed to some critics of the book to be a character, although poetic, but passive and inactive. This reproach was addressed to Green more than once. Is he really that fair? Gray was given the strength, opportunity, and desire to make Assol’s dream come true. But let us remember that it was none other than Assol who inspired Gray to do his act! Assol helped Gray understand one simple truth. Understand and have confidence in it: you need to do so-called miracles with your own hands. And maybe that’s why Gray didn’t want anyone else but Assol. Image and characteristics of Assol The second main character in the story is Arthur Gray, who was born into a rich family, and he also had his own dream - to become a captain and he became one. At the age of 15, he went on board a ship as a simple sailor and during the voyage, the captain of the ship taught Arthur various marine sciences. After four years voyages, returning home, Arthur took from his parents a large sum money to buy your own ship. And from that moment on, he sailed the seas and oceans as a captain. And one day, during his next trip, Arthur met Assol, whom he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled it.

Tell us about yourself famous work It will be difficult for A. Green to write without a description of Gray from Scarlet Sails. He, like Assol main character this work. They are very similar to the girl: both are strangers in their surroundings, and both live in anticipation of a fairy tale, a dream. But if Assol is just waiting, then Arthur himself is the architect of his own future happiness.

Gray's childhood

The image of Gray from Scarlet Sails is ambiguous and unusual. The boy was born and raised in a noble rich family. But among family values ​​and the shackles of etiquette, he is terribly uncomfortable and bored. He strives for nature, and there, like Assol, he creates his own fairy world, full of adventure and riddles. He finds no place in the adult world until one day he sees a picture of a ship and its captain. From that moment on, the boy strives for the sea with all his soul, studying it in the old dusty books of the old library.

Young rebel

More from early childhood Arthur is a rebel. He rebels against cruelty (he paints the wounds of Christ in the picture, and when the cook Betsy burns his hand with boiling water, the boy does the same with his hand), against the boring walls of the castle (at the age of 15 he sails off to the sea as a cabin boy on a ship), against excessive guardianship and mother and captain Gop. But his most striking rebellion is against everyday life. In Lis, having learned about Assol’s prediction, Arthur Gray decides to bring her fairy tale to life. Scarlet Sails and his desire to surprise and charm the girl becomes a real rebellion against the gray everyday life of the town, in which they can neither tell fairy tales nor dream.

Gray and sea

The characterization of Gray from the work “Scarlet Sails” lies in the main qualities: he is noble and courageous, romantic and purposeful, sincere and true to his ideals. But there's another one distinguishing feature His character: the rule is to stand on your own. Arthur is unshakable in his aspirations. This is manifested when, in the castle, he publicly declares that he will drink wine with a strange inscription, which has been treasured for several decades. Strength of spirit, completely unusual for a fifteen-year-old pampered boy, is shown by Gray on the ship of Captain Gop, who took him for fun and was stunned by his stamina and inner strength. And finally, seeing Assol and learning a strange prediction, he, at all costs, decides to make it come true.

Gray and Assol

In the story "Scarlet Sails" the hero Gray appears good wizard In Assol's life, the first one - Egle - gave her a dream. And the second one brought it to life.

“I understood a simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands... Do this miracle if you are able, new soul He will have a new one for you too.” Gray says to his surprised sailor Paten. In this phrase, the whole Arthur is a real prince, with a wide heart and a fiery soul.

When fate brings Arthur to Kaperna, he sees Assol sleeping. The girl captivates him with her pure, sincere beauty. But even greater magic comes from the distorted, but still so fabulous legend that surrounds the girl. By giving Assol a dream, Gray himself becomes even brighter and more sincere.

Work test

One of the key characters in the work is Arthur Gray, the only son of noble parents.

The writer introduces Gray over a period of his life, starting with early years and ending with adolescence.

The writer first introduces Gray as little boy with a pale face, reminiscent in figure and appearance of a girl growing up in beautiful castle under the supervision of his loving mother Lillian, who fulfills her son’s every whim. Gray spends his childhood carefree, riding horses, studying books in the library, running barefoot. The boy loves reading, which promotes development creative imagination, expressed in the creation of fictional and fairy-tale stories.

Having matured, Gray becomes a muscular young man with a tanned, strong body, a count's appearance and posture. Features of self-confidence appear in Gray’s character, hand movements acquire accuracy and accuracy, the young man is laconic in communication, his speech shimmers with sea waves, and his thoughts are precise and concise.

Gray's characteristic qualities are compassion, generosity, a lively and quivering soul, inherited by the young man from his mother. In addition, the young man is distinguished by generosity, nobility, romance, combined with determination, faith in own principles and steadfastness.

Since childhood, Gray has been instilled with a love for the sea and for freedom, which he clearly demonstrates while sailing with Captain Gop, who took him on board his ship for training. On a journey that lasts about five years, Gray shows fortitude, courage, and determination, learning the intricacies of seamanship.

Having mastered the basics of maritime art, Gray acquires his own ship, on which he begins to navigate the ocean on his own, awaiting life’s miracles and opportunities to accomplish heroic deeds, surprising his sailors with sudden changes in mood, expressed in unexpected directions of the ship’s movement and long stops.

One day, Gray's ship docks in the town's harbor, where, wandering along the seashore in the evening, the young man sees a sleeping girl named Assol. Gray falls in love with the beauty at first sight and learns from local residents about the long-standing dream of a girl waiting for her prince, who should sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails.

Gray decides to fulfill Assol's dream, carefully preparing for the meeting with the girl. One day, Assol sees an approaching ship on the sea horizon, sparkling with scarlet sails, with the long-awaited beautiful knight standing on the deck.

Option 2

Arthur was born into a noble family, in a large castle. Having rich family and many possibilities, small, at first even looking like a girl with his small hands and feminine appearance, Gray finds mutual language with all the people serving in the castle, without thinking that people with his status need to be friends only with the same noble persons. Wealth does not spoil the boy, his soul remains broad and noble. At this stage of his childhood, his speech is very shy, and he himself is modest. He is annoyed by his mother's overprotectiveness, but he is really loved by his family. Arthur grew up as a dreamer and storyteller; his subtle nature could not even normally perceive the wounds in the painting of Christ, which he painted over with paint.

Having once seen a picture of a steamship and the sea, Gray is literally infected with the idea of ​​endless waters and travel on a ship. Now his dreams are connected only with the sea, only with swimming and the sea breeze. The boy was very determined, purposeful and strived for independence, which would greatly help him in the future. When, at the age of fifteen, he gets on a ship with Captain Gop, his desire to be independent and his fortitude allow him to win the trust of a seasoned sailor and surprise even such an experienced captain.

The ship and the sailor's lifestyle make Gray a courageous young man with a muscular body and a confident voice. But in his soul he still dreams of a miracle, he always dreamed. And having waited for this miracle, he immediately falls in love. The name of this miracle is Assol. The girl had bad reputation in the city - people here did not like those who dreamed all their lives of scarlet sails and a prince. Gray goes against the public, which testifies to his courage and bravery. Using his romantic soul, he amazes the girl and rises before her as a real wizard and knight. By making Assol happy, Gray himself feels happiness.

To summarize, we can say that Gray is an unspoiled rich man who had his head in the clouds throughout his childhood, and then became infected with the dream of the sea. He goes against society, does not want to communicate only with those who belong to his class and tries to be as simple as possible. He is not afraid of difficulties and new sensations. Captain Gop's stay on the ship makes him a real man, who conquers Assol, who is distraught according to the stories of local residents, and finds his happiness.

Essay about Arthur Gray

After reading the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails,” I would like to highlight the image of Arthur Gray. The image of one of the main characters is very lively and exciting, which will not leave indifferent any person in whose soul there lives a dreamer and adventurer.

Arthur Gray was born into a family of aristocrats and throughout his life he had to follow the laws and rules of the high society of society. However, having an overly inquisitive mind and a vivid perception of the world, Gray chose a different path. As a child, he was different from everyone else, because he knew how to see something interesting and unusual in the most ordinary things.

At the age of twelve, I noticed a painting above the door to the library depicting a ship in a raging storm. The storm on the canvas became a reflection of the soul of young Gray. The personification of his hopes, desires, thoughts and thirst to live life to the fullest. It was this moment that became a turning point in the life of little Gray.

He was so captivated by the dream of becoming a ship captain that he studied with inexhaustible interest everything that was even slightly related to the topic of the sea. It was at this moment that the boy realized what he wanted from life. But he wanted to manage his own life and learn everything new that he could get his hands on.

When, at the age of fifteen, Arthur ran away from home and sailed from the port on the ship Anselm, his growing up and development as a person began. No one believed that this pampered aristocrat would endure the difficult path to achieving his dream. The ship's captain even prepared a speech in case the guy decided to return home. However, Gray had an inquisitive mind, strong will and iron confidence in one’s abilities, therefore, having passed the hard way from a simple cabin boy to a captain's apprentice, at the age of twenty he bought a three-masted galliot and became a captain himself. It was then that Arthur Gray became purposeful, firm, confident in his abilities, but at the same time a man with a free soul of a dreamer, which, like a bird, did not recognize any fetters and always strived forward towards a dream.

Having met Assol, I became convinced that people should do miracles. Achieving his goal and fulfilling his dreams, a person must help realize the dreams of people who, by coincidence of circumstances, have become close to him in spirit and outlook on the world. Even as a child, listening to Poldishok’s story about a barrel of centuries-old wine, the inscription on which read: “Gray will drink me when he is in heaven.” When asked about Paradise, Gray replied that Paradise was in his hands. Therefore, when he learned about Assol’s dream and her view of the world, Gray, who was so similar to his own, could not help but fall in love with this girl and help her.

Thus, trying to reveal the image of this hero, you can describe his character or actions for a long time, but every reader will find in the image of Arthur Gray something that is visible only to him, something that touches only his soul and helps him understand himself.

Essay 4

A. Green's book “Scarlet Sails” amazes readers with its purity of feelings and content. The plot of the book is based on the fact that, despite all adversity, you need to learn to dream and believe. Because dreams can come true.

The main character of the work is Arthur Gray. From the beginning to the end of the book, the image and character of the hero completely changes. At the beginning of the work, Arthur is described as a young boy with the appearance of a girl. At the end of the book, the hero becomes a young, muscular guy with tanned skin. The boy was born and raised in a wealthy family. His father was a famous official. Everyone loved the boy and forgave him his little pranks. Despite his family wealth, Arthur was kind and friendly with everyone, regardless social status. The boy had a persistent disposition and tried to avoid excessive maternal care.

Arthur was a purposeful guy with a sparkle in his eyes. The guy was mysterious, and wanted to achieve feats and perform miracles. He often sailed on a boat and enjoyed the silence of the sea. Gray had a calm character and always remained calm outwardly. He had great vital energy and always thought about his every action. From the age of 11, Arthur dreamed of becoming a captain of the seas. At the age of 15, the hero ran away from home and got a job on a ship as a simple cabin boy. He quickly learned and mastered the basics of navigation. Having collected money, he bought a ship and quickly recruited a crew. All sailors understood and respected him as a captain and a good man.

On one of his trips, Arthur met a girl named Asol. The guy found out that Asol dreamed of a prince with scarlet sails. Gray decided to make her dream come true. Soon he fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. The ship sailed ashore and Arthur went to buy silk scarlet color. The hero ordered musicians and warned all the sailors. The romantic evening turned out just as the girl dreamed. This act characterizes Arthur as a romantic. From the girl’s positive answer, Arthur became the happiest man.

It will be difficult to talk about A. Green’s most famous work without describing Gray from “Scarlet Sails.” He, like Assol, is the main character of this work. They are very similar to the girl: both are strangers in their surroundings, and both live in anticipation of a fairy tale, a dream. But if Assol is just waiting, then Arthur himself is the architect of his own future happiness.

Gray's childhood

The image of Gray from “Scarlet Sails” is ambiguous and unusual. The boy was born and raised in a noble rich family. But among family values ​​and the shackles of etiquette, he is terribly uncomfortable and bored. He strives for nature, and there, like Assol, he creates his own fairy-tale world, full of adventures and mysteries. He finds no place in the adult world until one day he sees a picture of a ship and its captain. From that moment on, the boy strives for the sea with all his soul, studying it in the old dusty books of the old library.

Young rebel

Since early childhood, Arthur has been a rebel. He rebels against cruelty, against the boring walls of the castle, against the excessive care of both his mother and Captain Gop. But his most striking rebellion is against everyday life. In Lis, having learned about Assol’s prediction, Arthur Gray decides to bring her fairy tale to life. Scarlet Sails and his desire to surprise and charm the girl become a real rebellion against the gray everyday life of a town in which they can neither tell fairy tales nor dream.

Gray and sea

The characterization of Gray from the work “Scarlet Sails” lies in the main qualities: he is noble and courageous, romantic and purposeful, sincere and true to his ideals. But there is another distinctive feature of his character: the rule of standing his ground. Arthur is unshakable in his aspirations. This is manifested when, in the castle, he publicly declares that he will drink wine with a strange inscription, which has been treasured for several decades. Strength of spirit, completely unusual for a fifteen-year-old pampered boy, is shown by Gray on the ship of Captain Gop, who took him for fun and was stunned by his stamina and inner strength. And finally, seeing Assol and learning a strange prediction, he, at all costs, decides to make it come true.

Gray and Assol

In the story “Scarlet Sails,” the hero Gray acts as a good wizard in Assol’s life; the first one, Egle, gave her a dream. And the second one brought it to life.

“I understood a simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands... Do this miracle, if you are able, he will have a new soul and a new one for you.” Gray says to his surprised sailor Paten. In this phrase, the whole Arthur is a real prince, with a wide heart and a fiery soul.

When fate brings Arthur to Kaperna, he sees Assol sleeping. The girl captivates him with her pure, sincere beauty. But even greater magic comes from the distorted, but still so fabulous legend that surrounds the girl. By giving Assol a dream, Gray himself becomes even brighter and more sincere.

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  3. Alexander Stepanovich Green is a writer of unusually beautiful and bright fantasy. His works, written in the difficult twenties, amaze with their childish faith in the triumph of justice and goodness....
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One of the main characters of Alexander Green's story is Arthur Gray. He is a romantic, a man who managed to make a dream come true kind girl. The image and characteristics of Gray in the story “Scarlet Sails” become clear after getting acquainted with his childhood, character and origin.

Hero's appearance

Arthur changes in appearance as he grows older. At first he is a small cabin boy with the appearance and figure of a girl. Then he becomes a broad-boned man with strong muscles. The little count's feminine pallor was replaced by a beautiful tan. Teenage carelessness has passed, well-aimed and precise movements of hard-working hands have appeared. The confident young man retained his count's posture and appearance. Gray has an interesting speech. Arthur is a man of few words. The author writes that Gray speaks like a sea stream, where fish shimmer and tremble with silver. Thoughts are precise and brief, like the strikes of seagulls on the waves in search of prey.

Family and education

The boy grows up in a real castle. The son of a rich noble family inquisitively studies everything around him. Amazing discoveries for him are found where others would not see anything unusual. Father - important official on public service, mother, housewife, name was Lillian. She loved her son, did not forbid him anything, on the contrary, she encouraged his quirks.

What the child could require:

  • ride any horse;
  • take different dogs into the house;
  • reward the person he likes;
  • rummage through books in the library;
  • run barefoot wherever you want.
Gray took on the traits of his mother and father. He pitied the servants, defended the poor, did not single himself out and did not protect himself from society. The boy loves to read and tell stories, fictional and bookish. The child grows up generous; he is not sorry to part with the accumulated coins for the sake of the happiness of those close to him.

Character traits

The young man with a lively and quivering soul has not lost his innate individuality. Luxury and wealth did not leave their mark on his soul. He looked for miracles and opportunities for exploits. A thinking gaze inquisitively studied people and things. Arthur is not like his peers.

What is its difference:

Originality. Gray surprised the team with his mood swings. He chose unexpected flight destinations, then made long stops.

Flight of the soul. A constant bird lives in his heart, which does not allow the owner to ossify and stop. A strange flying soul, inspired by dreams.

Romance. The young captain does not think about profit, he walks the sea for pleasure.

External calm. Gray hides all feelings and inner experiences behind external composure. He is self-possessed and calm. But the author compares his peace to a sail moving quickly and smoothly with the wind.

The captain mentally plans out the entire upcoming course of events, as if he is ahead of it. Then he moves towards his goal, as if he were playing checkers.

Captain Hero Traits

Gray fell in love with the sea as a child, when he saw a ship and captain in a painting. He set a goal and accomplished it. Continents, oceans and ships became toys for the boy. At the age of 14, a boy from a wealthy family runs away from home and becomes a sailor. The captain of his first ship hoped that the boyish hobby would dissolve like a mirage in the first months, but Gray did not give up on his goal. He, gritting his teeth, comprehended the work of the harsh life of sailors. It was no longer a boy who returned home, but an accomplished sailor. He was 20 years old. Gray called his own ship “The Secret.” Galiot brought together a team of people passionate about the sea.

What traits are characteristic of Gray, the captain:

Honesty.“Secret” does not engage in smuggling; all team members are against the transportation of prohibited goods.

Friendliness. The relationship between members is like in a large but friendly family, where everyone respects and understands each other.

Efficiency. Gray does everything thoughtfully, without rushing, clearly according to plan.

Discipline. The captain requires order, accuracy, and discipline from himself and his crew members.

the main idea stories - miracles must be done with your own hands. Gray brings into reality the children's fairy tale that became Assol's dream. He reveals the spirituality and kindness of his heart. The fairy tale has been inspiring hope for the love of many girls for centuries.