What do the Queen of Hearts and a typhoon have in common? Queen of Hearts

You are celebrating another milestone – your baby is 9 months old! Extrauterine development has become equal to the time spent by the baby in the mother's tummy, and will now exceed it more and more. Starting at this age, the baby will become less helpless and more independent. He is still very vulnerable and needs constant supervision from adults, but now he comes to the fore social development and personality development. Don't miss this moment by instilling respect for yourself and others.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

  • Imitates the speech of adults, repeats the syllables they pronounce. In baby babble, imitation of sentences becomes audible, intonations and various combinations of sounds are noticeable.
  • Copies the behavior of other children, communicates with gestures. If several children nearby cry, he may “keep the company going” and burst into tears for no other reason.
  • There are already favorite activities that he prefers.
  • Crawls quickly, can crawl holding a toy in one hand. If desired, he sits down easily, sits confidently, stands on his own against a support, and can walk with support “under the arms.”
  • Responds to his name, turning towards the speaker. Knows the names of some objects, when asked “where?” looking for a familiar object with his eyes.
  • He can grasp small objects with two fingers – he has a “tweezer grip.”
  • He enjoys playing a variety of educational games and tries to copy adults when making cubes or “pyramids.” Even without seeing all the details in the actions of adults, he tries to imitate their actions.

A baby at 9 months strives to explore and touch everything that has not yet been explored and touched, so before you give him access to any room, make sure that there is nothing threatening the child’s curiosity and that he is not in an “exploratory” impulse. will ruin anything important.

Development at 9 months

At this age, the baby consolidates and improves previously acquired skills. A baby at 9 months can already crawl and actively uses this skill. Holding onto a support, he is able to stand up and walk a little along a coffee table or cabinet, holding onto them with his handles. Regardless of what the child has learned by 9 months, distinguishing feature this period - energy in action, increased speed and skill in controlling one's own body.

Children at 9 months already have preferences. Have a favorite toy and favorite hobby. Sometimes a mother needs to make a considerable effort to wash a toy that has been worn all over the floors - the child flatly refuses to part with it even while sleeping.

The baby intensely expresses dissatisfaction aimed at specific actions towards him. So many children vehemently protest against cutting their nails or cleaning their nose, so the mother needs to be patient in order to complete the necessary procedure and not lose her temper. In any case, do not ignore the toddler’s indignation; explain, for example, that he needs to trim his nails to make his fingers look beautiful.

The child carefully watches his parents, remembers their actions, and therefore is later able to get the thing hidden on him. He remembers the places where you put objects that interest him and tries to get them. So, knowing that mom has a beautiful medallion hanging around her neck, she will reach out to it in every possible way, trying to grab the chain, or will reach into the inner pocket of dad’s jacket, where the mobile phone is.

Nine month old baby sleeps 12–14 hours a day, at night - about 10 hours and twice during the day for an hour or two. The baby gave up his third nap a long time ago and, therefore, his daily routine has changed a little. Healthy babies at 9 months can stay awake for 3-4 hours straight without getting tired of their active work. At night, in most cases, the child wakes up at least once to eat.

Imitative behavior is incredibly strong. Mental development at 9 months such that at this stage behavioral models are formed based on imitation of the actions of adults. It is important for the baby to understand the purpose of objects, how to deal with them and what results to expect from various manipulations - for this, he closely monitors the adults and tries to copy their actions.

Care at 9 months

Many mothers at this age decide cutting a child's hair for the first time. This must be done with caution so as not to introduce infection into the child’s body. Do not cut your hair bald, especially do not shave the baby - this can negatively affect the delicate hair follicles or cause inflammation of the scalp.

Nutrition at 9 months It becomes richer by one more product: we introduce fish. Now the baby's diet includes most“adult” products, he can already eat dishes from vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish. The baby should eat at least five times a day, with breaks between daily feedings of 3-4 hours.

Give your baby foods of different hardness: soups, cereals, fruit pulp, pieces of meat, vegetables, dried fruits. You will be surprised how quickly your little one will figure out what to drink, what to chew, and what to chew with effort. To develop and consolidate chewing skills, it is useful not to grind vegetables and fruits to a homogeneous, porridge-like substance, but to add small pieces of pulp. You can add some chopped bananas or peaches to cereal porridges.

Introduce new foods carefully, and continue to keep a complementary feeding diary. Until solid food becomes familiar to the baby, mother's milk remains the main source of nutrition for him.

Exercises and games for a 9 month old baby

It is not easy to give a massage to a nimble and active nine-month-old baby, because... hold him for a long time in one position without causing outrage is almost impossible. The benefit of a massage for a constantly struggling and capricious toddler is approximately zero. Therefore, instead of a massage it will be perfect gymnastics for children at 9 months.

  • While lying on your back, bend and straighten your baby’s legs: both legs at the same time, then alternately one or the other, then again at the same time.
  • While sitting, bend and straighten your arms. Carefully rotate the handles in different directions.
  • Hold the child by the arms, wait until he pulls himself up and stands up, walk with him a few steps, belaying him under his arms.
  • Squat at the support, insuring your baby from falling.

Your little one will probably enjoy this kind of gymnastics, just don’t overdo it or overtire him, so as not to cause a negative reaction to physical exercise.

Educational games for a child of 9 months - invaluable help for his physical and mental development. By working with the baby, the mother improves her child’s motor skills, expands his passive lexicon and, importantly, strengthens the two-way emotional connection. Tell him poems, read books. And when doing anything around the house, sit next to you and explain what and how you are doing.

There is a very interesting game for 9 month olds – « funny sticker" Take a set of bright stickers and sit your child in front of you. Now show him any sticker, quickly stick it somewhere on the little one’s body so that he doesn’t notice. Then ask him: “Where is the sticker?” Look for it together, one by one naming the parts of the body in question. For example, when checking your left arm, say: “No on this arm! Where then? Let's look at the other hand. Where is your other hand? And so on. When you find a sticker, say, on a leg, be sure to say: “Here it is! On the foot!" After some time, let your nine-month-old baby find it himself. Then play the same game, just stick them on your body. Make sure your baby doesn't put the sticker in his mouth.

Although at nine months your baby cannot speak yet, he already understands, knows and can do a lot. Nine months is the time for the baby to master and improve another important skill - standing on his feet.

Your baby already knows how...


67-77.3 cm.
7.8-11.4 kg.
43.5-49.0 cm.
43.6-52.0 cm.
66.4-76.8 cm.
7.5-10.4 kg.
42.4-48.5 cm.
43.6-51.0 cm.

Physical development of a child in the ninth month of life

During the ninth month of life, the child gains about 500 grams of weight. Over the entire life period, 5900-6000 grams.

Body length increases by 2 cm during this month. Chest and head circumference increase by 0.5 cm during the ninth month.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 9 months of life

At this age it is necessary to pay attention Special attention the development of fine motor skills, this contributes to both speech development and is generally very useful for the baby.

Speech development in the ninth month of life

By nine months, children well know and understand not only their name and the words “mom”, “dad”, but also the names of many objects around them. If you ask a nine-month-old baby to show this or that object, a toy (which he has seen before), then most likely he will accurately point to it.

A lot of sounds and intonations appear in the baby’s arsenal, and his babbling begins to more and more resemble meaningful speech.

Cognitive development

Your baby is becoming more and more aware of himself as an independent person. So at nine months a child can distinguish his reflection in the mirror from the reflection of a child of a different age.

The child actively responds to adults’ requests to show him a cube, ball, spoon and other objects.

Can fulfill simple requests such as “give”, “here”.

Shows the nose, mouth, eyes in the picture, in the reflection or on the parents’ face.

At nine months, the baby loves to tear and crumple paper, he is interested in plasticine and clay.

Can grasp small objects with two fingers. Enjoys taking things out of a box or drawer. Many kids already know how to put objects into boxes or jars and at the same time correlate them by size.

Baby's motor skills at 9 months

The baby can sit up independently and sit for quite a long time.

Improves crawling skills. So a nine-month-old baby begins to crawl not “on his belly”, but on all fours (leaning on his hands and knees). The baby crawls more and more actively and over longer distances.

Some kids try to move on the floor in a sitting position, it looks very funny.

At nine months, the child can stand up with support and take several steps by hand. Some especially nimble babies are trying to take their first independent steps.

At this age, children can climb onto a sofa, climb over small obstacles, and go down and up an inclined slide.

The child, with great zeal, begins to imitate the actions of adults - drinks from a cup, puts a hat on his head, takes a spoon.


By nine months, many babies' fear goes away. strangers, but all children are individual, so some can happily communicate with guests, while others, on the contrary, get scared, cry and hide behind their mother.

The attachment to your favorite toy is becoming more and more noticeable.

The baby's facial expressions become more and more diverse.

Caring for a baby in the ninth month

Since the baby begins to move long distances and explores neighboring rooms, it is necessary to ensure that environment was safe and at the same time interesting for the child.

Encourage your child's desire for independence, allow him to do some things himself, for example, while bathing, give him a soft washcloth in his hand, let him dry himself with a towel, let him try to drink from a cup himself, and so on.

Pay attention to the physical development of the child - massage and gymnastics are great for this.

Continue doing hardening procedures - “air baths”, water procedures, walks in the open air.

Since many babies acquire teeth by nine months, you can gradually accustom your child to oral care. Special children's toothbrushes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are suitable for this.

Potty train, so if the baby wakes up in good mood, then immediately after waking up you can put him on the potty.

Baby's nutrition at 9 months

By nine months, adult food takes up an increasing place in the child’s diet. The baby begins to need to chew as his teeth actively develop.

At nine months, the child’s diet continues to expand and the volume of foods increases.

Gradually you can switch to dishes prepared in a denser form. For example, meat can be offered in the form of meatballs.

When moving from pureed food to pieces, remember to do this gradually. To begin, mash your food with a fork. Give it to your baby in small portions. After the child gets used to the new consistency, you can increase the portion. Next, try giving food in pieces.

The most useful cereals at this age are buckwheat and oatmeal.

Breast milk at this age it is about 1/3 - 1/4 of the child’s daily diet.

  • Fruit juices - 80 ml;
  • Fruit puree - 80 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 40 grams;
  • Yolk - 1/2
  • Vegetable puree - 180-200 grams;
  • Milk porridge - 180-200 ml;
  • Minced meat - 50 grams;
  • Fish puree - 50 grams;
  • Minced liver - 30 grams;
  • Kefir - 200 ml;
  • Rusks, cookies - 10 grams;
  • Bread - 10 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 grams;
  • Butter 5 grams.

Approximate diet for a 9 month old baby

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), chicken yolk 1/2; cottage cheese (15 grams), fruit puree (30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable puree (160 grams), meat or fish puree (40 grams), fruit puree (30 grams);

18:00 - Breast milk (or adapted milk formula) or adapted kefir - 140 ml; cottage cheese (30-50 grams); cookies (10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

Necessary examinations at 9 months

As before, you need to visit a pediatrician to find out how much your baby has grown and how much weight he has gained. The doctor will also evaluate his nervous mental development.

At nine months, it is necessary to visit a number of specialists - a surgeon and a dentist.

The pediatrician will also give you a referral for an ECG.

How to play with a 9 month old baby?

At this age, games aimed at developing fine motor skills are useful.

You can start playing games with a simple plot with your baby. For example, a bunny dances, a doll drinks from a cup, a frog jumps.

The kid is interested in assembling a tower from cubes, putting objects into the holes intended for them, or simply putting them in a box or jar.

Kids love to play hide and seek. Cover a small toy with a scarf and the little one will certainly want to check if it is there.

Play “okay” and “magpie-white-sided” with your child.

Roll the ball and throw it into the box. Show and explain how to put rings from a pyramid on a stick, how to insert one cap into another.

What toys are appropriate at this age?

Toys at this age should be aimed at comprehensive development baby. These can be: rattles, activity centers, pyramids, cubes, caps, toys with strings, musical toys, hammers with squeaks, soft books and books with thick cardboard pages, bathing toys and others. You can make your own toys, for example filling clear plastic bottles with cereals, pebbles or colorful beads. Just don't leave your baby alone with toys and small objects so that he doesn't choke on them or stick them in his nose or ear.

Of course, nature has put a lot into your baby, but he will be able to fully open up only thanks to you. Now the baby has the most active time to understand the world, help it. Give your child more time, work with him, tell and show him everything that interests him, and then his achievements will not keep you waiting.

Other information on the topic

  • Baby development at 3 months

  • Baby development at 2 months

  • Child development at 1 year 6 months

  • Child development at 2 years 3 months

The ninth month of life brings many discoveries for a baby. The child becomes more active and mobile every day, he constantly crawls and explores the space around him. The baby has already become quite comfortable in the apartment, but does not feel entirely confident in unfamiliar places. You need to help the baby improve old and learn new skills, and for this it is important to know how the child develops at 9 months.

Physical development: skills and abilities

  • At nine months of age, a baby should be able to sit up independently from a lying position and sit for a long time;
  • the baby can crawl well on its belly or can already move on all fours;
  • may be able to rise to his feet, leaning on the hands of adults, take several steps with support, some children can move independently at a side step, holding on to the bed;
  • at nine months, the child should be able to fulfill simple requests - give or pick up certain objects, show named toys or body parts in pictures;
  • At 9 months of age, a baby’s speech begins to sound more and more meaningful; the baby should already master the pronunciation of most sounds and sound combinations with your help;
  • understands the purpose of objects and toys based on their shape and material, round objects rolls, puts square and rectangular ones on top of each other in a tower, squeezes the soft, tries to put the containers into each other;
  • a child at nine months should be able to drink from a cup and gradually acquire independent feeding skills;
  • the baby knows how to repeat the movements of adults - clap his hands, raise his hands, wave them;
  • the child continues to develop a “pincer” grip on the fingers;
  • A baby at nine months can put small objects into a container.

All your actions in the ninth month of your baby’s life should be aimed at helping him master the process of getting on his feet. To do this, you need to strengthen his muscles with the help of massage and stimulate him to active movements.

Emotions and psychological development

The emotional and mental development of a 9-month-old baby also does not stand still. The baby actively explores the world around him and the objects available to him. He is looking for the source of sound in musical toys, knows how to get small objects out of containers and sincerely does not understand why large ones do not fit there.

The baby's attention is now attracted not only by the faces of the people around him, but also by other parts of the body. He watches with interest how your arms and legs move, and wants to be able to do the same. The baby tries to adopt these skills - he strives to drink from a cup on his own, and puts things on his head that are completely not intended for this purpose as a headdress.

The fear of strangers in some children completely disappears, and they greet guests warmly, while in others it still persists. Looking closely at new people, babies gradually establish contact with them.

A child at nine months of life begins to react very emotionally to the results of his actions. If the baby managed to open a box or find some kind of toy, he will wildly rejoice at his success, and if he fails, he will burst into tears. You do not need to be afraid of such manifestations of emotions; this is a completely normal mental reaction of children of this age.

Nine-month-old babies become attached to certain things - the baby may fall in love with a certain toy, blanket or item of clothing, and parting with them can lead to resentment or even hysterics in the baby. The child becomes independent and subconsciously strives to move a little away from the mother. To compensate for the loss of this connection, he replaces it with attachment to certain objects. If your baby asks to put his favorite toy next to him, don’t worry, this is normal.


At nine months, the child becomes more and more independent every day. When bathing him in the bathroom, you can offer your baby a soapy sponge so that he can wash himself; believe me, this process will give him great pleasure. If your baby's skin care is not sufficient, gently offer your help. You can also let your baby dry himself with a towel.

Continue potty training your baby for 9 months, praise him for successes and be upset about failures. You cannot force a baby to sit on the potty against his will, scream and swear if he didn’t want to or didn’t have time to go to the potty, this can frighten the baby and cause him emotional rejection of this item.

Height and weight

During the ninth month of life, the child grows by 1.5-2 cm, his weight increases by about 400 grams. The circumferences of the head and chest are almost equal and average 45 cm. According to statistics, a girl will have less weight and height than a boy.


Adult dietary foods are taking up more and more space in the diet of a nine-month-old baby. Infants continue to eat mother's milk or formula 1-2 times a day, depending on the pediatrician's recommendations and the baby's needs.

Active tooth growth and jaw development require constant stress from the baby, so the baby needs to constantly chew something. Offer your baby hard pieces of apples, pears, carrots, as well as cookies and dried fruit, but do not leave the baby alone with food, as he may choke.


Since the baby should already have mastered almost all the sounds of the language by nine months, all you have to do is regularly engage with him and support him in his desire to pronounce words. To stimulate further articulation experiments, repeat after the child the words and phrases he speaks, confirm that you understand him perfectly.

To communicate with your baby, choose expressions that are familiar to him, constantly comment on what is happening around him and the actions that you perform. The child likes speech games, when you need to pronounce sounds either loudly or quietly.

Nine-month-old babies love to imitate the sounds made by animals: meowing, barking, chirping and mooing. And even though your baby may sometimes not pronounce syllables and words quite correctly, encourage him to try and repeat after you.

Games and activities with your baby

A nine-month-old child actively learns about the world around him and the properties of objects through activities with toys. For infants At this age, developing centers of activity that have ringing, rustling and melodic elements will be useful. Various boxes with interesting contents will help the baby explore the world, bags with cereals will develop fine motor skills baby.

Exercises with a ball, a pyramid and toys that have slots for inserting parts of different shapes will ensure the development of coordination in a baby of the ninth month of life. Some children can already make towers from blocks on their own, and then destroy them with laughter.

The baby will be delighted by the toys that “come to life” with your help, dancing and jumping on the bed, nodding their heads, moving their limbs and talking in unfamiliar voices. The child may try to repeat these manipulations after you, and this will mark the beginning of his learning role-playing games. So that the baby knows how to use toys, pay his attention during walks to how cars, buses and motorcycles drive, how dogs and cats run, how planes, helicopters and birds fly.

At nine months, children begin to understand that the hidden object does not disappear, but is located under the handkerchief, and that the contents of the bottle can spill out if the container is turned over. Help your child develop himself, study the properties and interactions of objects through games. Hide the toys and ask the child to find them, pour cereal into a plastic bottle with a wide neck and show that the contents can be poured out - the child will definitely repeat after you.

Develop neatness in your baby - ask him to place the toys upside down correctly, and if there is a plastic children's set of dishes, set an impromptu table for soft pets.

At this age, five meals are provided per day. Try to maintain an interval between them of about 4 - 5 hours. But if a mother breastfeeds her baby on demand, then the regimen may be slightly different and vary depending on the baby’s needs.

The diet also largely depends on how other children in the family and the parents themselves eat. If there are older children in the family, then the baby may become familiar with some dishes much earlier than planned. Don't be too afraid of this.

It is not for nothing that today there is a method of pedagogical complementary feeding. It means that the little one is slowly trying everything that is being eaten at the common table.

Gradually introduce your baby to solid foods. At night, babies may still wake up and ask for the breast. This is not because they are hungry. Children need their mother, and he sleeps more peacefully if he constantly feels his mother’s presence nearby, to which he is accustomed.

Depending on the type of primary feeding, the child’s diet can vary significantly.


The menu of a breastfed baby at 9 months can be very different, depending on the age at which you introduced complementary foods. If you started complementary feeding at six months, you will most likely need to continue introducing new foods at this age.

Introduction of new products

  1. Egg yolk. Introduced into the second feeding. Best combined with porridge.
  2. Cottage cheese and fermented milk products. Introduced into the fourth feeding, as an afternoon snack.
  3. Porridge on cow's milk. Administer gradually, with caution.

Artificial feeding

The menu of a 9-month-old bottle-fed baby most likely already contains the products that we listed above. After all, such babies often begin to eat complementary foods earlier. If you have not entered them yet, do it according to the same scheme.

To determine how much formula your baby needs per meal at this age, divide the daily amount of food by the number of feedings.

Child's menu

If you have already introduced all the main products into your baby’s menu, then you already know what to feed your baby. Gradually introduce into your diet dishes prepared from a mixture of various vegetables, as well as porridges prepared from various grains.

Let's sort it out sample menu baby at 9 months.

  • Vegetable purees (150 - 180 g);
  • Fruit puree or fruit (50 - 80 g);
  • Porridge (up to 180 g); Meat (up to 50 g);
  • Yolk (up to 2 times a week);
  • Cottage cheese, kefir (up to 40 g);
  • Wheat bread (5 g);
  • Oil (5 g);
  • Juice (up to 80 g).

Always remember that it is you, as parents, who determine what your child can eat. You know your baby better than anyone else. If your baby has intolerance to certain foods, take this into account. If necessary, seek help from a competent specialist.

Acquired skills

What should a child be able to do at this age? This question most often worries young parents. There is no definite answer to this, because every baby is individual. But let’s still try to figure out what basic skills a baby should have, and also whether there are differences in development between a boy and a girl at this age.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

Girls and boys develop approximately equally at this age. But one can note a slight difference in the development of children of different sexes.

  • Girls are showing more interest to communicate, are interested in other children. Some girls begin to pronounce their first words, as their vocabulary fills up faster than that of boys. Girls develop better peripheral vision.
  • Boys show more interest in toys and various subjects than to other people. They are more indifferent to people's voices and various sounds, so they expand their vocabulary more slowly. Boys develop better spatial vision.

What a 9 month old baby can do:

  • Sit independently;
  • Climb onto low surfaces;
  • Walk along the support;
  • Use a two-finger grip;
  • Pronounce syllables (pa, ma, ba);
  • Show different emotions;
  • Point with a finger at objects of interest;
  • Follow verbal instructions (respond to a name, show your pen);
  • Actively manipulate objects.

Don't forget that it depends on you how quickly your baby will consolidate new skills. Playing with your child and developing the emotional sphere when communicating with parents will give a powerful impetus to transform your baby from a baby into a relatively independent person.

Child's daily routine

A child’s daily routine at 9 months may already be slightly different from that of a month ago. Healthy children at this age are awake for up to 4 hours at a time.

A 9 month old baby sleeps from 12 to 14 hours a day. The baby should have two naps during the day. Daytime naps can last up to two hours. Night sleep is approximately 10 hours.

The child’s daily routine depends largely on what kind of routine the rest of the family follows. Try to stick to a set routine every day, and then you can easily put your baby to bed.

Sample schedule:

  1. Morning breakfast.
  2. Hygiene, games, massage.
  3. Walk and sleep.
  4. Eating.
  5. Charging, games.
  6. Eating.
  7. Games.
  8. Eating.
  9. Walk.
  10. Communication with family, quiet games, bathing.
  11. Eating.

How to play with a child at this age

Play is of primary importance in a child’s life. And in the first year of life, it is very important that parents play with their children. Let's try to figure out which educational games are best to play, as well as which toys will be most useful for your baby at this age.

Educational games for 9 month old babies:

  1. Clothes games. Teach him to put on and take off the simplest things from his wardrobe - hats, socks, and so on.
  2. Games that develop motor skills. Learn to tear paper with your baby. Invite him to put acorns, pumpkin seeds and other small items into the bottle (including using a spoon). Invite him to sculpt salty dough. Try painting with finger paints.
  3. Games with water. While bathing, give your baby containers of different shapes and sizes. Show him how to pour water. Teach your little one to wash her face and hands.
  4. Hide and seek games. Children love to hide themselves and also hide others. Invent different shapes games of hide and seek. You can hide toys. Put your favorite toy in a box and ask your baby where it is? The little one will do anything to try to open the box.

Toys for children 9 months:

  1. Toys on wheels. This could be a gurney - a walker, a toy stroller, a large car or a horse that you can sit on.
  2. Musical toys. Any toys, by pressing the buttons of which, the baby can hear various kinds of music or sounds.
  3. Pyramids, nesting dolls, sorters, large puzzles.
  4. IN summer period, toys for the sandbox (molds, shovels, buckets).
  5. Varied stationery(finger paints, crayons, wax pencils).
  6. Large construction sets, cubes. From these, the baby will learn to build towers and other structures.
  7. Dolls with large facial features. These dolls will help you teach your baby about the parts of the human body.
  8. Soft toys for sleeping.
  9. Toys with identical functions, but different sizes, colors. Cars, balls, cubes. Comparing these toys will help you teach colors to your little one, as well as the concept of more and less.

If you don’t know how to develop a child or you don’t feel confident enough in this matter, then you can try to find a development club nearby. In such clubs, classes for children are held just from this age. Under the direction of experienced teachers, activities with your baby will be a real pleasure for you.

Physical development of the baby

Doctors often scare parents by the fact that their baby does not enter the corridors of the norm. physical development. In fact, if you see that the baby is feeling well, active during the day and calm during sleep, then you should not focus too much on medical standards. Always remember that all children are individual.

  • On average, the baby's height is from 70 to 72 centimeters. During this month, your baby will most likely stretch another 1.5 - 2 centimeters.
  • The weight of a child can vary from 8.5 to 9 kilograms. Within a month, he will gain another 400 - 500 grams in weight.

Knowing how much weight should be, you can adjust your baby's diet. If your baby is small and gains very little weight for his age, try choosing a special menu for him. Be sure to consult your pediatrician about this issue.

Possible problems at this age

Parents who are raising their first child are faced with all the problems for the first time. Therefore, any health issue seems very serious and requires immediate resolution.

Let's look at the main problems that young parents face:

  • The child does not sit at 9 months.

Do not forget that each baby has an individual development trajectory. And if a child does not sit up on his own at 9 months, this may not always be an alarming signal. However, it is still worth considering age standards.

Warning signs:

  1. The baby has little balance.
  2. Can't grab objects.
  3. He is underweight.
  4. Has weak muscle tone.
  5. Worries for no apparent reason.

Take a closer look at your baby, and if you notice these disturbing signs, contact a competent specialist.

  • The child does not crawl.

Parents should know that not all children crawl. If your baby skipped this stage and immediately stood on his feet, then this is normal. But you can try to develop this skill in your baby. After all, thanks to crawling, the baby’s muscle corset is strengthened.

  • The child stands on his toes.

Most often, at this age, the baby just likes to walk on his toes. This makes him happy because he gets taller. In addition, he wants to try everything new, including the unusual state of his body in space. However, just in case, you need to contact a competent specialist to eliminate muscle tone.

  • Should I have a massage?

Massage is needed to strengthen muscle corset, and preparing the baby for independent walking. You can contact a professional massage therapist for this. However, if you are unable to do this, don't worry. After all, massage is simply an auxiliary mechanism in the development of the baby. In addition, the skillful hands of a mother are also capable of much. There are now many instructions on this topic on the Internet. Give your baby small strokes, don’t forget about daily exercises - and a professional massage will be unnecessary for you.

  • Sleeps very poorly at night.

Children at this age do not sleep well at night for the following reasons: overstimulation nervous system, fear of losing mom, dental anxiety. In any case, these are variants of the norm. If you think your baby is not sleeping well for any other reason, contact your pediatrician.

  • The child has no teeth.

This is a variant of the norm. You don't have to worry about this.

  • What to do if your child grinds his teeth.

Mostly children at this age grind their teeth due to anxiety from teething. Along with teething, the problem itself disappears. However, teeth grinding can also be affected by: nervous overstrain, lack of essential vitamins, and malocclusion. Grinding your teeth can negatively affect their condition (destruction of enamel, chipping, caries). Therefore, it is worthwhile to distract the child from this activity in every possible way.

  • The child has a fever.

If your baby has a fever, first of all, call a doctor. He will determine the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. Keep in mind that each baby tolerates temperature differently. If the baby's temperature rises above 38.5 - 39 degrees in the armpit, then it is worth using an antipyretic. The same should be done if you see that the baby is developing a severe fever (even if the temperature is less than 38.5).

  • How to treat a cough.

You can only learn about how to treat a cough in a child of this age from your attending physician, because the causes of cough can be completely different.

What can help in any case is drinking plenty of fluids and frequently ventilating the room.

  • Diarrhea.

This symptom should greatly concern parents. Diarrhea is dangerous due to severe dehydration. After you call the doctor, start giving your baby water. It is better to drink in small sips. It is also possible to use adsorbents. Everything else requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

A baby at this age is changing rapidly. He is no longer the same baby who lay helplessly all day long and called for his mother. The little one begins to show activity. Therefore, parents need to be patient and also secure the space for the baby. It is the love and care of parents that will most help the baby in mastering this world.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

A 9-month-old child repeats syllables all the time, going through vowels and consonants, screams, screams, and at times bursts into laughter. And on your own own language comments on what is happening around. Some babies “attach” syllables to mom and dad (ma-ma-ma-am) and to their favorite toys (zya-zya-zya - bunny, etc.).

The child’s emotions are richer every day. Most often, the baby is surprised or happy, interested in something, but at times he does not hide his anger, disgust, sadness, or fear. He can be whiny, offended, fearful, especially if his mother is constantly on edge, but, in general, he is balanced, calm and causes a minimum of trouble.

The baby clearly shows dissatisfaction aimed at your specific actions: for example, a toddler may not like it when you wipe his nose or cut his nails. He will turn away, push your hand away, hum in protest and turn his head.

Don’t ignore these “tricks” and don’t scold your son or daughter for them. Think about it: perhaps something in your actions is causing pain to your baby, and this should be corrected. If the action must be continued, accept negative emotions beloved child, tell him that you understand that it hurts him, that it’s unpleasant, that he doesn’t want to, but there’s nothing you can do – you have to.

By the way, pay special attention to the actual need for manipulations, especially medical ones, that cause a negative reaction in the baby. For example, you can do a strengthening massage yourself (if the child does not have a serious illness), if the little one does not find “ common language"with the nurse. As practice shows, negative emotions often negate all the benefits of such manipulations.

Don't ignore your baby's requests, especially when he's crying. Break away from telephone conversation, take the child in your arms, kiss, hug, reassure, and then continue the conversation.

Remember and repeat

Now the child carefully watches your actions, remembers them, and can get the thing hidden in his pocket before his eyes. He remembers well where you carry objects that are interesting to him, and tries to get them. For example, knowing that grandma has an interesting medallion hanging around her neck, he will climb onto her lap and pull the chain. Or he’ll reach into his dad’s jacket pocket for his cell phone...

The baby will be happy to tear and crumple the paper. Give him old newspapers or magazines, explaining at the same time that books should never be torn. To prevent this from happening “accidentally”, let the baby independent play and “reading” only thick cardboard books. He will not be able to turn thin pages on his own and will tear them simply because his fingers are not yet obedient enough.

To train your fingers, invite your child to sprinkle nuts, buttons, pebbles, beans, gradually moving on to smaller objects. Learn to pour not only with your fingers, but also with different spoons and a small scoop.

Show your baby how to pour water from one plastic cup in the other, scoop water from a bowl with a spoon and pour it into a cup. All this will develop fine motor skills and will serve as an excellent tool for learning to eat independently.

At 9 months, the child can already begin to learn to dress. More precisely, undress. Teach him to pull off his sock, take off his hat, and remove his hand from the sleeve of an unbuttoned blouse or jacket. Ask him to hold out the desired arm or leg to you, put his head up, and clench the arm into a fist when he puts it into his sleeve. The sooner you teach your child this, the easier it will be for him to master self-care skills in the future.

While standing or sitting in the bathtub, the baby can wash his face and hands. Girls often repeat their mother’s “cleaning” movements - praise the clean young girl! Try to ensure that your child participates in family affairs “on an equal basis with everyone else”, and more often finds himself at the common table - from your example, he will learn to behave and communicate with other people.

Getting to know the body

Help your baby get to know her body! This is exactly what the games below are aimed at. Don’t forget that the baby learns from his parents how to relate to his body, its needs, urges, and signals. If a child is taught to respect his body and listen to it, this skill remains for life.

If parents, to please their needs, fears or habits, make the baby understand that his body is “stupid” and “wrong” (through force feeding, imposing their own rhythm and daily routine, untimely pottying, bathing, prohibitions on active movement, etc. .p.), the child expects difficulties in constructing further harmonious relations With myself.

When playing with your baby, it is important that he is interested. The main condition for the formation of this interest is the emotional involvement of the mother; she should feel funny and happy. After all, playing is not a boring chore!

  • Dariki-dariki,
  • Oh yes mosquitoes! (clap our hands)
  • ZZZZZ (speech therapy pronunciation of the sound Z!)
  • We curled and curled (fingers folded into pinches, making circular movements with our hands)
  • Baby in the nose (you can name any parts of the body)
  • Suddenly they grabbed hold.

When the baby has grown up and learned to run well - especially if he is fidgety - this game can be turned into tag: mosquitoes catch up and bite the child.

  • Bustlers - bustlers, (clap your hands)
  • Close your ears (eyes, cheeks, knees and other parts of the body that you are now “learning”) - cover your ears with your palms.

While the child is small, you should not call more than 3-4 in one game. If the baby wants to continue the game, repeat the same ones, but in a different sequence. And next time add one more thing.

Wake-up game (fall asleep) to familiarize yourself with parts of the face and head
  • WITH Good morning eyes,
  • You woke up?
  • Good morning nose,
  • Are you awake? - and then all the parts that you “learn”.
  • Good morning, (child's name)
  • Are you awake!
  • Good night, little eyes,
  • Go to sleep! etc.
  • Good night, (child's name)
  • Go to sleep!

We sculpt and draw

From 9 months you can start playing games, which will then progress to modeling, appliqué, and drawing. Show your child how to move crayons or markers across a large sheet of paper. Dipping your child's fingers into special non-toxic paints, give the baby the opportunity to smear it on a sheet, piece of fabric or own body(if you are worried about the cleanliness of your home, play with paints in the bathroom - both from the tiles and from the artist himself, they can be immediately washed off with a warm shower).

Make a cake from any dough or clay and, placing the little one on your lap, stick figured pasta, beans, nuts, pebbles into it: the baby will be happy to pick them out. Unscrew the lids, put chopped vegetables for soup into a saucepan, pick up from the floor and put matches, toothpicks or beans on a chair or in a special box, sort through large buttons, throw walnuts or cotton balls into a basket - all these activities are great for developing fingers and are very exciting kids, especially if the mother leads by example.