Approximate menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week. Effective diets - menu for weight loss for a day, for a week

Nowadays, most people try to watch their diet. This especially applies to women who are constantly trying to lose extra pounds. Of course, you can contact for a week or a month. However, it is better if healthy food becomes a constant companion in your life. If you are thinking about the stability of your digestion, you should remember a few simple rules.

Basics of proper nutrition

It is very important to control calories and maintain a balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Food should be taken as often as possible in small portions. It is advisable to eat your last meal three hours before bedtime. This way you will unload your stomach as much as possible and you will sleep better. It is better to eat all carbohydrate foods at the beginning of the day in small doses. What should a proper nutrition menu for weight loss include for a week? First of all, these are a variety of fruits and vegetables. Nuts and dried fruits are great. It is better to replace bread with grain bread. With proper nutrition, dairy products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir are very useful. Some suggest eating soy and drinking green tea.

for a week for weight loss

1. Start the morning of the first day with oatmeal on the water. Add grain bread and egg omelet to the porridge. After three hours, have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese and an apple. For lunch, beef and vegetable soup along with bran bread is suitable. Before your evening meal, you can have a snack with low-calorie cottage cheese. In the evening, boil the chicken breast and garnish with fresh vegetables.

2. On the second day, weight loss includes: rice porridge with milk and 2 eggs for breakfast, vegetable soup and wholemeal bread for lunch, grilled salmon steak with fresh vegetables for dinner. For snacks, you can make sandwiches from bread with fish or cheese, as well as a glass of kefir.

3. For breakfast, a rye bun with dried fruits is suitable. For a snack - lettuce. For lunch, prepare boiled meat with fresh vegetables. Before dinner, drink some yogurt and eat some bread. In the evening, treat yourself to white fish baked in foil and vegetables.

4. As you can see, the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week is quite varied, which will make it easy to follow it after the course. For breakfast, prepare an omelet with herbs. Afterwards you can have a snack with seafood salad. For lunch, eat vegetable or chicken soup. Cottage cheese is suitable for an afternoon snack, and turkey meat with grilled vegetables for dinner.

5. On the fifth day, start your morning with two boiled eggs and bread with cheese. After 4 hours, drink a glass of fermented baked milk and eat a banana. Fish soup is perfect for lunch, and a leaf salad with salmon for an afternoon snack. Finish the day with steamed chicken and broccoli.

6. On the penultimate day, the healthy nutrition menu for weight loss for the week includes: rice porridge with milk, 2 eggs, veal chop with rice and seafood salad. You can eat fruits as snacks.

7. Start your final breakfast with buckwheat and milk. After some time, have a snack with a vegetable salad of cabbage and carrots. For lunch, prepare a salad of chicken liver and cabbage soup. Treat yourself to a vinaigrette in the afternoon. End the day with tuna steak and broccoli, topped with soy sauce.

Remember that this is just an example of a proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a week. You have the right to adapt to your body and modify it. The main thing is to remember that you need to drink a lot of water and limit your consumption of flour, fried and sweet foods.

Beautiful people want to have a slim figure, but at the same time maintaining the beauty of their skin and hair and without harming their health. However, strict diets, severe dietary restrictions, and deprivation of the body of essential and nutritious minerals lead to the fact that the process of losing weight is overshadowed by disruptions occurring in the internal system. But that's not all.

Finding slimness through a certain diet is most often a short-term result. Usually, after returning to a normal diet, the body tries to make up for the deficiency of many elements, due to which it absorbs every calorie eaten, which subsequently provokes weight gain again. If the goal for a woman is to really lose weight for the benefit and health of the body and at the same time maintain the result for many years, then it is worth resorting to a proper nutrition system.

The essence and principles of healthy eating

A proper diet should contain the following components:

  • vegetable proteins (legumes, nuts);
  • animal proteins, but in smaller quantities (fish, lean beef, chicken);
  • fast carbohydrates, but which can be classified as healthy foods (fruits and dried fruits, they are best consumed in the first half of the day):
  • slow carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables);
  • vegetable fats.

As you can see, animal fats (butter, margarine) and carbohydrates, which supply empty calories to the body, are excluded from this list. This includes various fast food, sweets, and confectionery products. They are the ones who contribute to the gain of extra pounds.

In principle, you can eat anything, but the volume of one serving should not exceed 350 grams. Even if the meal consists of two dishes, then 200 grams, for example, should be for a piece of chicken breast, and 150 for a salad, or vice versa.

The diet is best made up of healthy foods, most of which should be vegetables, cereals, low-fat dairy products, fruits, meat and lean fish. At the same time, it is better to do meals five times a day in order to avoid the feeling of approaching hunger during the day, which pushes a person to pounce on harmful foods and eat much more at one time than required by the internal system.

  • stewing;
  • cooking;
  • baking.

Frying is also allowed, but with minimal addition of vegetable oil. And this applies more to protein products. It is better not to process carbohydrates at all, but to consume them fresh. If we are talking about porridges, then it would be ideal to simply steam them first rather than cook them for a long time.

With proper nutrition, special attention is paid to the drinking regime. The human body should receive at least two liters of ordinary water per day.

Breakfast with this diet is of great importance. It is this that charges you with the necessary energy for the whole day, so you shouldn’t give up your morning meal. And before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water, which will speed up your metabolism. In addition to this, there are several more tips that may be useful to those who decide to lose weight easily and without following strict diets:

  1. Fruits should not be consumed after heavy, special meat meals. This will weigh down the stomach and cause fermentation. As a result, constipation may occur, which will slow down the entire process of gaining harmony. Fruits are best eaten 15 minutes before the main meal or separately, as an independent snack.
  2. Lunch should ideally consist of protein and complex carbohydrates. This will saturate the body for a long time, and then by dinner there will be no lingering feeling of hunger.
  3. You should have breakfast 30 minutes after waking up, and if a person prefers to drink coffee, then you should first eat a piece of cheese, a boiled egg or toast with vegetables.
  4. If your appetite increases closer to night, then instead of some harmful or high-calorie product, you can drink a glass of kefir or natural yogurt, to which crushed rye bran is added. This drink will fill the stomach, provide a feeling of fullness and help the intestines work.

Prohibited and permitted products

By following proper nutrition, a person, in theory, can create a diet from any of his favorite foods, but which are consumed in measured quantities. However, the main part of the menu should consist of healthy foods that will not only supply the body with vitamins and minerals, but will not settle on the waist and hips in the form of fat deposits. In this regard, the most common products should be the following:

What is possible? What's not allowed?
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (especially cabbage, cucumbers and zucchini, celery, apples, plums, citrus fruits);
  • skinless chicken, turkey, veal and rabbit;
  • white fish, but once a week you can have salmon, pink salmon or chum salmon;
  • seafood;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, durum wheat pasta, millet and pearl barley);
  • beans, beans, peas and lentils;
  • natural dairy and fermented milk products without large amounts of sugar and reduced fat content;
  • bread made from whole grain and rye flour;
  • cheese with a low salt content (preferably white varieties);
  • Sweets include dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallows, and marmalade;
  • nuts (they are consumed in measured quantities);
  • fresh juices, tea and ground coffee;
  • fruit drinks and compotes;
  • olive, sesame, sunflower oil;
  • soy sauce.
  • chips, salted nuts and pretzels, crackers;
  • pastries and cakes with buttercream;
  • milk chocolate and sweets with fillings;
  • butter and margarine;
  • mayonnaise-based sauces;
  • pork and lard;
  • white bread, buns and butter cookies;
  • meat and fish products, deep-fried in breading;
  • marinades and smoked meats.

Menu for the week

View the proposed menu, which is designed specifically for women who follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: tea, one apple, a slice of whole grain bread with a tomato and two boiled eggs.
Snack: salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with any vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 g baked chicken fillet and a bowl of pumpkin soup.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir with berries.
Dinner: fish fillet cooked in the oven in foil with asparagus and broccoli.
Tuesday Breakfast: coffee, banana, a piece of chicken breast and cabbage salad with cucumbers, seasoned with sour cream.
Snack: a jar of yogurt, to which you can add nuts and dried fruits.
Dinner: vegetable soup, one boiled egg and tea with cheese.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with honey.
Dinner: steamed fish and some green peas.
Wednesday Breakfast: two kiwis, egg white omelette with tomatoes and tea.
Snack: bread with curd cheese.
Dinner: two chopped turkey cutlets, vegetable and herb salad.
Afternoon snack: two cheesecakes and cranberry juice.
Dinner: rice with seafood.
Thursday Breakfast: coffee with milk, buckwheat with prunes, a piece of cheese.
Snack: salad of asparagus, corn and crab sticks.
Dinner: pea puree, a piece of boiled beef and two fresh cucumbers.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: zucchini stuffed with minced chicken under a cheese crust.
Friday In the morning, tea, some green grapes, one tomato and two boiled eggs.
Snack: bread with melted cheese.
Dinner: pearl barley porridge with veal and carrots.
Afternoon snack: berries or fruits.
Dinner: Grilled salmon with bell pepper.
Saturday Breakfast: tea with pear, a sandwich of rye bread, a piece of boiled chicken fillet and cucumber.
Snack: rice porridge with dried apricots and raisins.
Dinner: tomato soup, turkey meatballs and three baked potatoes.
Afternoon snack: mix of vegetables and a glass of fermented baked milk.
Dinner: cod fillet with carrots, baked with sour cream in foil.
Sunday Breakfast: coffee, three dates, a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
Snack: fruit salad.
Dinner: pickle or beetroot soup, chicken leg without skin, 150 g of buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snack: two lazy cabbage rolls.
Dinner: squid stuffed with pureed zucchini.

Also, pay attention to another version of the healthy nutrition menu at the link -

What is the PP diet? This is, first of all, an abbreviation for “proper nutrition.” The idea of ​​​​creating such a diet arose against the backdrop of the spread of special diets that slightly limit or strictly exclude the consumption of various foods and call, for example, to remove all carbohydrates from the diet, eat only liquids, or eat boiled rice without salt for a whole week. Such diets are harmful to health, put the digestive system and the body as a whole into a stressful state and contribute to the rapid return of lost pounds after the end of food restrictions.

A proper nutrition diet, in essence, is designed to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and microelements and is based on the principles of proper nutrition. However, simply eating right against the backdrop of the fad for diets is “unfashionable,” and PP (proper nutrition) is presented as a “PP diet for weight loss.”

Does PP help you lose weight?

Photo: Besedina Julia/

Against the backdrop of the craze for fast food, semi-finished products, and an abundance of industrially produced sweets, PP helps to return to the basics of the diet laid down at the genetic level. A person requires a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day with the caloric content determined by the energy expenditure of each individual organism.

All kinds of food benefits of civilization, rich in fast carbohydrates and fats, additives that stimulate appetite, and altered eating behavior contribute to a rapid increase in body weight. If you follow the principles of PP, the system of proper nutrition, excess weight does not accumulate. A decrease in fat reserves is facilitated only by an increase in energy consumption, that is, physical stress on the body.

It is quite possible to lose weight on PP if the daily diet provides fewer calories than is necessary for physiological processes. There are two options: eat right, observing the daily caloric intake for the body (calculated depending on the ratio of age, height, body weight, gender and activity) and increase physical activity, or reduce caloric intake.

The best results are found in those who neglect proper nutrition before the diet and are significantly overweight. The system is based on replacing high-calorie foods with low nutritional value with healthy foods and eliminating snacking. However, PP does not imply a sharp restriction of portions and volumes of food, so you should not get carried away by replacing a harmful hamburger with whole trout.

If you follow the rules and calculate the calorie content of the PP diet, it helps to reduce weight by an average of 4-6 kg per month, depending on the initial parameters.

Is there any benefit from PP?

Undoubtedly, proper nutrition helps maintain and even restore health. The weekly menu contains products that meet the body's needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The diet can also include foods and dishes that help satisfy increased needs for certain substances, masked as a desire to eat “junk” food. Researchers have long proven that craving for certain types of dishes and products does not always mean a lack of microelements contained in these dishes. For example, a love for carbonated drinks does not indicate a lack of carbohydrates, but masks a lack of calcium intake from food, and it is necessary to correct it not with Coca-Cola, but with dairy products.

Replacing foods allows you to saturate your body with essential microelements and prevent “breakdowns” from your diet.

Diet "proper nutrition": losing weight correctly

As with all diets, popular or medical, there are basic principles. They do not contradict the rules of healthy eating; on the contrary, they are mainly based on them. Some of the principles need to be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of the body and new research in medicine and nutrition, however, this diet allows for minor deviations and can be adapted to the needs of a particular person.

PP principles:

  • exclusion of semi-finished products, fast food, carbonated drinks, industrial sweets, sausages, canned food, chips, almost all products prepared outside the home and not having the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is strictly forbidden to eat food with glutamate additives, sugar substitutes or its abundance;
  • salt restriction;
  • Every day after sleep, first of all, you need to slowly drink 200-300 ml of warm water;
  • dishes are prepared by steaming, baking, boiling, stewing. Fried food is prohibited;
  • a fifth of the diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • almost completely eliminate fast carbohydrates, replacing them with slow-cooking foods: cereals (not instant), bread (whole grain or wholemeal), premium pasta, unsweetened vegetables. Berries, fruits and honey - sources of fast carbohydrates - are included in meals in the morning and afternoon;
  • the total volume of animal proteins is calculated by body weight: 1 g of protein should be supplied per 1 kg of weight daily;
  • the volume of liquid (preferably water and herbal teas, unsweetened fruit drinks, compotes) is at least 2 liters per day, with a mandatory glass of warm water 30 minutes before each meal;
  • carbohydrate meals are distributed for consumption in the first half of the day, protein - in the second;
  • It is recommended to consume only polyunsaturated fats: olive, flaxseed oil, fish (salmon, trout), seeds, nuts, avocados, etc. The total volume is 1/5 of the daily diet;
  • meals - 4-5 times a day, with a maximum period between meals of 4 hours. The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime. Snacks are possible (no more than 2 times a day, among common meals, for example, 200 g of kefir or an unsweetened apple);
  • Potato and pasta dishes are not combined with protein;
  • You should eat at the same time, without accompanying activities (watching TV, playing on the computer, talking on the phone, etc.), chew carefully, slowly: this promotes better absorption of food and faster satiety.

Proper nutrition: menu

Photo: Foxys Forest Manufacture/

There is no strict menu in the proper nutrition system. Proper nutrition is a diet that involves nutritious meals, following the principles and excluding harmful foods. Each person, with proper nutrition, selects the main and accompanying dishes that are most suitable in the diet for him and his family members.

Proper nutrition: an example for losing weight for a week

With proper nutrition, the weekly menu for weight loss is compiled based on the parameters and characteristics of the person. However, there are budget examples of plans and diets with proper nutrition. So what can you eat?

Meal/day First meal Second meal Third meal Intermediate (second breakfast, afternoon snack)
Monday Whole grain bread, cheese, vegetables, green tea Boiled meat, steamed vegetables (cauliflower, green beans), rosehip decoction Broccoli baked with cheese, boiled egg, mint tea A glass of kefir
Tuesday Curdled milk, vegetable salad, apple. Chicory drink Puree vegetable soup (without potatoes), baked meat. Still mineral water Boiled salmon, brown rice. Unsweetened fruit drink Fruit
Wednesday Steamed or baked omelette, greens, orange, tea Steamed veal meatballs, stewed beans, vegetable salad. Freshly squeezed fruit juice Cottage cheese casserole, unsweetened apple, vegetable juice Kefir
Thursday Vegetable salad, toast with curd cheese, tea Whole grain pasta, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote Fish cutlets, steamed broccoli, tea Apple
Friday Oatmeal without sugar, with butter, apple and cinnamon, fruit juice Pumpkin soup with sesame seeds, baked chicken, vegetable salad, tea Boiled turkey, stewed carrots, fruit juice Curdled milk, fermented baked milk
Saturday Baked potatoes stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs, fruit juice Baked fish with boiled rice, green salad with tomatoes, tea Cottage cheese (up to 6% fat, 150 g), unsweetened fruit, tea Apple
Sunday Toast with egg, cheese and tomatoes, greens, fruit drink Steamed veal, baked potatoes, vegetable salad, tea Steamed omelette with green beans, unsweetened fruit Kefir

Diet adaptation

Depending on the goals and capabilities of the menu, you can create a menu by changing products to match the calorie content and composition, adding and excluding dishes according to individual choice.

How long does a diet last with proper nutrition?

This diet does not imply any time limit. When switching from a chaotic diet to principles consistent with proper nutrition, it should be remembered that this type of eating behavior is a natural, preferential choice that provides for the body and meets its needs. After a period of achieving the desired body weight, you should not return to the previous style of eating; the nutritional system of this diet makes it easy and happy to adhere to its rules throughout your life.

Medical dietary restrictions

There is no diet that is suitable and “correct” for everyone. Different health conditions, diseases, restrictions force you to adhere to different rules and menus. However, in general, this diet is considered the most “healthy” and most adaptable to the body’s requirements.

It is quite difficult to force the human body to burn its own fat deposits. Let's assume that we managed to start the process of burning fat, and the desired result was achieved. But for some reason, the extra pounds returned again after a fairly short period of time. Suddenly? No, nutritionists will answer that everything is natural. The process of losing weight is not a one-time process; it is important not only to lose weight, but also to prevent its possible return. This is why there is a diet for weight loss, which is not just an approximate menu for a specific period of time (week, month), but also includes a number of rules that must be followed. It is suggested to start with them.

Six important rules

A diet for weight loss suggests that you not only need to observe certain dietary restrictions, but also follow a number of other rules. What rules are we talking about?

1) After waking up, you should not immediately eat food. It is much more beneficial to do low-intensity physical exercise for 15-20 minutes after waking up. This rule, of course, exists for those people who are not used to doing light exercises every morning. Low-intensity physical activity means slow walking, slow running, doing exercises on machines, and more. You can walk your way to work, but you can use such a walk as low-intensity exercise only if you have your first breakfast at work.

Attention: following this point, you need to be extremely careful, since not everyone can run, jump or engage in other types of physical activity.

2) Breakfast should be nutritious, but this does not mean that you need to eat a lot. The fact is that after physical activity in the morning, as well as in the absence of it, when a person gets “hungry” during the night, the body will try to save fats. And if they are actively supplied with food, then the body will not only be able to preserve them, but also increase them.

Tip: It is likely that the feeling of hunger will be too strong and lead to some discomfort. In this case, you can compromise with the body by eating an apple or other fruit.

3) You need to eat small portions 4-5 times a day. Nutritionists quite often talk about this rule, since there should be enough food to maintain blood glucose at normal levels, restore glycogen reserves and provide the body with necessary vitamins and elements. Achieving this goal does not require a lot of food. Another thing is that the diet for weight loss should be varied. That is why, if you eat a lot, the body not only copes with the task at hand, but also performs another one: converts excess calories into fat.

4) It is advisable to keep a food diary, since it is easier to control yourself, it is convenient to analyze a healthy diet for weight loss, and make the necessary changes and additions to it.

The diary can reflect the menu for the week, which will help, for example, make the necessary purchases on Sunday. A food diary is no less important for monitoring the amount of food eaten. Quite often, people who want to lose weight do not consider snacks as a full meal. But they don’t know that nutritionists call snacking and eating on the go as uncontrolled intake of calories. Experts include here situations when a person eats, but does not sit down at the table, does not put food on a plate, and when he acts according to the principle: he ate a spoonful of soup, a piece of sausage, a spoonful of salad. If keeping a diary becomes a habit, such snacks will also be entered into it, as if automatically. This, in turn, will allow you to realistically estimate how much food was eaten during the day.

5) A proper diet for weight loss should be developed taking into account individual food consumption rates. It is calculated quite simply using a special formula. Nutritionists believe that to lose weight, the body should receive no more than 40% of calories than calculated according to the individual norm.

6) The diet for losing weight for a month (another period) should be balanced. Point No. 4, which suggests that those losing weight keep a food diary, will help you follow this rule. But you don’t have to limit yourself to a diary. Thus, there are nutrition calculators that will help you automatically calculate the deficiency and (or) excess of vitamins and elements. They are also great for determining your daily calorie expenditure.

Menu for the week

Creating the right menu for the week is not an easy task. There are quite a few reasons. Firstly, differences in age and weight. Secondly, calorie consumption per day, which is also influenced by a number of factors. Thirdly, individual food preferences, since the process of losing weight largely depends on the psychological state of a person. And if you constantly have to eat the hated oatmeal, then the kilograms are unlikely to go away as quickly as you would like.

An approximate diet for weight loss for a week is as follows.


First breakfast: vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with water, tea (it’s better to choose green tea).

Second breakfast: fruit (pear, banana), kefir (one or two days).

Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables (any), fish soup, dried fruit compote.

Dinner: Vegetable salad (can be replaced with stew), bran bread, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal with yogurt without fillers, sweet and sour apple (can be replaced with a pear), natural coffee.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, a decoction of berries, for example, rose hips.

Lunch: soup in vegetable broth with the addition of any cereal, brown (!) rice, baked fish, vinaigrette, juice or compote.

Afternoon snack: figs or dried apricots with yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: steak, vegetable salad, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal with milk or water, baked apple, natural coffee or tea (and again, it is better to choose green tea).

Second breakfast: yogurt without fillers, nuts (very little, because they are healthy foods, but also high in calories).

Lunch: meat broth soup with fresh cabbage, mashed potatoes, fish cutlet, juice.

Afternoon snack: salad of any fruit, unflavored crackers.

Dinner: vegetable stew, ham, tea.


First breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with candied fruits, toast, drinks - tea, juice or natural coffee.

Second breakfast: apple, yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: buckwheat with water, chicken cutlet, borscht, compote.

Afternoon snack: some nuts and dried fruits, yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: vinaigrette, chicken fillet, tea.


First breakfast: rice porridge with milk (it should be sweet), it is advisable to add dried fruits to the porridge, tea or natural coffee as a drink.

Second breakfast: fruit - banana, kefir (one or two days) or yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, goulash, vegetable salad, juice or compote.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, toast, crackers, cocoa.

Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled fish, yogurt without fillers.


First breakfast: vegetable salad, omelet, toast (can be replaced with grain bread), natural coffee or tea with milk.

Second breakfast: plain yogurt, some marmalade or a few pineapple rings.

Lunch: chicken soup with vegetables, chicken breast, vinaigrette, compote or juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast, vinaigrette, juice or tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal, any sweet fruit, natural coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: biscuits, plain crackers or toast, juice.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, baked meat with vegetables, compote or juice.

Afternoon snack: any fruit, yogurt without fillers, tea.

Dinner: vegetable salad, brown rice, some boiled fish or meat, tea.

In custody

This is what an approximate diet for weight loss for a week might look like. It cannot be used for a longer period (month), because one of the principles of the diet for weight loss will be violated, namely: it must be balanced. Eating the same foods can lead to a deficiency of one or another element in the body.

The PP diet for weight loss is one of the popular trends in recent years for weight normalization. For some, the phrase PN has become the norm for lifelong nutrition, while others are just getting acquainted with the simple rules of PN. In this article we will understand all the intricacies of the diet and try to find out whether this is really “proper nutrition” or just another marketing ploy by nutritionists.

So, deciphering the combination of PP is proper nutrition, a technique based on normalizing the diet and bringing it to the correct, optimal option. The diet will not require such sacrifices as fasting, giving up meat, mono-eating or drinking kefir alone. All that is needed from a person is to make the proposed regime the norm for the rest of his life, and this, as nutritionists promise, is not only the key to elegant forms, but also to good health.

Goals and purpose of “Proper Nutrition”

A balanced diet certainly helps normalize weight, which is associated with improved metabolism and the transition to proper, physiological nutrition. Meanwhile, PN nutrition is positioned as optimal for people with digestive problems, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, in the postpartum period and as a preventive nutrition against many diseases (hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cholelithiasis, etc.).

Healthy eating - PP diet rules

Certain rules will have to be strictly followed. Moreover, proper nutrition after a diet is the diet itself, i.e. it must be observed throughout your life. The rules themselves are not burdensome, but at first they will require the use of willpower and the refusal of a number of “goodies”.

  • Fast food and other “junk” foods are completely and forever excluded from the diet: crackers, chips, soda, chocolates, confectionery, French fries, pizza, sugar, sausage, sausages, sauces, bars, alcohol (except for natural wine), fast foods cooking, etc.
  • Salt is significantly limited.
  • Every day you should start with a glass of clean water, drinking it slowly, in small sips. Breakfast is in half an hour.
  • Cooking methods: boiling, stewing, baking and steaming.
  • 20% of the daily diet consists of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • 20% of the daily diet consists of fats, mainly from the group of unsaturated fatty acids: seeds, nuts, salmon, trout, olive, flaxseed oil, avocado.
  • You can only eat slow carbohydrates: wholemeal bread, cereals, durum wheat pasta, unsweetened vegetables. The exception is fruits, berries and a little honey. But they should be distributed correctly throughout the day - sweet ones should be eaten in the first half of the day, sour ones - in the second half.
  • Potatoes and pasta are independent dishes. They should not be used as a side dish for protein foods.
  • The amount of animal protein consumed daily should be 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, avocados, nuts.
  • You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, be sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.
  • Carbohydrates can be consumed for breakfast and lunch. In the evening, it is advisable to eat only protein foods.
  • It is highly advisable to start your meal with raw vegetables or a salad made from them (if they are included in a specific meal).
  • You should eat from small plates, in small portions, often. This allows you to relieve the body and increase the digestibility of food.
  • The maximum break between meals is 4 hours.
  • Chew your food thoroughly, focus on your food, and do not eat while watching TV or talking on the phone.

Replacing “harmful things” with “benefits”

Surely every person who has experimented with diets knows how difficult it is to make restrictions, especially those related to harmful foods, when you would give half your life for a piece of chocolate! Such desires are the main reason for breaking the diet.

According to nutritionists, when a person craves “junk food,” the body experiences a deficiency of certain substances that can be obtained from healthy foods without disrupting the diet:

Desired “harmful” product What does this indicate? "Healthy" substitute

Carbonated drinks;

Fatty food

Calcium deficiency Cheese, sesame seeds, broccoli, legumes, grapes, almonds, apples, cottage cheese.
Black tea, Sulfur deficiency Broccoli, strawberries, cranberries, carrots, almonds, cucumbers.
White or black bread (not whole grain) Nitrogen deficiency Legumes, nuts.
Fried Carbon deficiency Fresh fruits.
Salty Chloride deficiency Dry seaweed, sea salt (for dishes).
Sweet Lack of chromium and carbohydrates Fresh fruits, champignons, barley groats.
chocolate Magnesium deficiency Seeds, nuts, legumes, parsley, olives.

PP diet: menu

Initially there was no clear menu in the method; all recipes were created gradually, both by nutritionists and people practicing this weight loss system. When creating a menu, you should adhere to the rules of the diet and your own taste preferences.

Proper nutrition diet - menu for the week

Ideally, there should be 4 meals, the last of which should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. For a snack, raw fruit or 1 glass of kefir is allowed. 5 meals are acceptable, but only if 3 of them are main meals, and 2 are snacks. You should eat at the same time, setting up the optimal biological rhythm of digestion.

PP diet for a week - sample menu:

Breakfast (30% energy value) Lunch (40-50%) Dinner (20%)
Day 1
Toast with naturally salted herring. Vegetable salad (200 gr). Green tea with natural ginger and honey. Boiled veal. Stewed broccoli. Herb tea. Vegetables baked with cheese and herbs. Mint tea.
Day 2
Steamed omelette made from 2 eggs, herbs and fresh tomato. Fruit. . Pumpkin soup. Boiled fish with boiled rice, raw vegetables. Lemon drink. Low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams. Fresh unsweetened fruit. Still mineral water.
Day 3
Whole grain pasta with herbs. Toast. Red tea. Turkey meatballs on a coat of raw vegetables. Pea mash. Fresh fruit. Vegetable salad with cottage cheese. Tea.
Day 4
Oatmeal with apple, cinnamon and butter. Low-fat yogurt. Tea. Chicken breast and wild rice pilaf. Vegetables are raw without dressing. Natural unsweetened vegetable juice. Steamed fish cutlets with stewed carrots. 1 toast Lemon drink.
Day 5
Baked potatoes with cheese and green beans. Lettuce with olive oil. Toast. Tea with lemon. Puree soup with cauliflower, steamed salmon, green salad. Cranberry juice. Steam omelet with broccoli. Green tea.
Day 6
1 boiled egg. Whole grain muffin with nut butter. Fruit tea. Boiled lentils and salad with orange-peanut sauce. Turkey in gravy. Stewed beans and green salad. Kefir.
Day 7
Lavash made from buckwheat flour with cheese and vegetable filling. Lemon water. Boiled veal. Green soup. Raw vegetable salad. Still mineral water. Trout baked with lemon juice. Tea.

Diet for a month

Based on the menu presented above, you can develop a diet for a month, including porridge from cereals, vegetables, eggs, poultry, fish, seafood, meat, and always raw fruits and vegetables.

How much can you lose on the PP diet?

If you strictly follow the nutritionist's advice, without failures or indulgences, you can lose 5-6 kg within 1 month. However, this is not the safest weight loss; it is not advisable to lose more than 4 kg in a month.

Diet: proper nutrition for weight loss - doctors’ opinion

In general, medical practitioners have a positive attitude towards the proposed diet, without highlighting any contraindications to the diet, but with some comments.

Proper nutrition is a very vague and conditional concept, which is often exploited by unscrupulous nutritionists, fitness trainers and marketers who, under the guise of “proper nutrition,” sometimes offer a useless and even harmful diet.

According to doctors, there is simply no single, universal system of proper nutrition that would suit people with different indicators of weight, health and age. Each person is an individual with characteristic metabolic characteristics, an excess or deficiency of certain microelements and vitamins. In order to choose the optimal diet for a person, you should undergo tests, identify what substances are missing in the body, take into account physical, mental and sports stress, age and existing diseases. And based on the data obtained, select a suitable diet.

From this we can conclude that the decision to “go on the right diet” should be deliberate, balanced, and most importantly, acceptable given the state of health!