The plot of the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Optional Sequel

J. K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Parts one and two

The play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Parts one and two" may not be supplied in part or in whole and may not be used except under express license from the work's copyright holders, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited.

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Dedicated to Jack Thorne, who came into my world and magically transformed it.

J. K. Rowling

Joe, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle - these are you... sorcerers without exception...

John Tiffany

Jack Thorne

Part one

Act one

Scene one


The station is full of people; Everyone is busy, in a hurry to get somewhere. Among the chaos are two loaded carts, each with a large birdcage rattling on top. The carts are being pulled by two boys, one by JAMES POTTER, the other by ALBUS POTTER. Following them is their mother GINNY. HARRY, a thirty-seven-year-old man, carries his daughter LILY on his shoulder.


Dad. Him again.


James, calm down already.


I just said that he could get into Slytherin... but he still can... ( withering under his father's angry gaze) … ok, I'm quiet.

ALBUS (mother)

Will you write to me? Will you?


Every day, if you want.


No. No. Not every day. James says most people receive letters from home once a month. I don't want...


Last year we wrote to your brother three times a week.


What? James!

ALBUS looks at him indignantly JAMES.


Yes. Don't believe everything he says about Hogwarts. He's a big joker, your brother.

JAMES (with a grin)

Can we please go now?

ALBUS looks at his father, then at his mother.


You just need to go straight into the wall between platforms nine and ten.


Everything is so great here!


The main thing is don’t stop and don’t be afraid to crash, that’s the most important thing. It's best to take a running start if you're nervous.


HARRY And LILY grab the cart ALBUS, GINNY - for the cart JAMES , and everyone runs headlong towards the barrier.

Scene two


She is completely enveloped in the thick white steam of the Hogwarts Express.

And there are a lot of people here too - just not business people V formal suits, and sorcerers and witches in robes. Everyone is trying to get through to their adored offspring and say goodbye.




Platform 9¾.


Where is everyone? They are here? What if they didn't come?

HARRY points to RON, HERMIONE and their daughter ROSE. LILY rushes towards them with all his might.

Uncle Ron. Uncle Ron!!!

RON turns around and when he runs up LILY , picks her up in his arms.

Of all the Potters, this is my favorite.


Have you prepared a trick for me?

Have you heard about the spirit-nose-out? There's one in Weasley's Amazing Ultra Tricks. Patented item.


Mom! Dad is back with his stupid tricks.


In your opinion, they’re stupid, but he thinks it’s super deluxe, and I… that it’s half the middle.

Okay, just a minute. Let me chew... air. And now I... forgive me if I smell like garlic...

He's breathing LILY in face. She giggles.


You smell like oatmeal.

Boom. Bam. Bams. Young lady, get ready: you won't be able to smell anymore...

RON pulls his nose off her face.


Where's my nose?

He opens his palm: it’s empty. It was a stupid trick. Everyone is in awe of how stupid he is.


You are stupid.


Everyone stared at us again.

It's because of me! I'm terribly famous. My experiments with noses are legendary!


That's for sure.


Did you park properly?

Fine. Hermione thought I wouldn't pass the Muggle driving test, can you imagine? She thought I would have to confuse the examiner.


I didn’t think anything like that, I endlessly believed in you.


And I endlessly believe that he fooled the examiner.


ALBUS pulls HARRY for the mantle. HARRY looks at his son.

What do you think... what if... what if I get sorted into Slytherin?..


And why is this bad?


“Slytherin” is a college of snakes, black magic... they don’t take the brave there.


Albus Slotus, you were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin - and, perhaps, I have never met anyone braver in my life.


But what if...


If it's that important to you, for you personally, The Sorting Hat will take your feelings into account.



I took mine into account.

Until this day he had never said this out loud, and for another moment the words seemed to ring in his head.

You will grow up at Hogwarts, Albus. Honestly, you have nothing to fear there.


Except thestrals. Beware of them.


Are they invisible?!


Listen to your teachers do not listen James and don't forget to enjoy life. So, now, if you don’t want the train to leave without you, let’s jump on...


I'll run after the train to the end of the platform.


Lily, stand still.


Rose, don't forget to say hi to Neville for us.


Mom, how can I tell you to the professor Hello?

ROSE heading towards the train. ALBUS turns around and gives a final hug GINNY And HARRY and follows ROSE.


Well, that's it then.

He climbs into the carriage. HERMIONE, GINNY, RON And HARRY they stand and look at the train - whistles sound on the platform.


Everything will be fine with them, right?


Hogwarts is a great place.

Great. Beautiful. And there's plenty of food. I would give anything to go there again.


Al is worried that he will be sorted into Slytherin. Strange.


What's this! Rose is worried about breaking the Quidditch record for most goals in her first year or her second year. And will she soon be allowed to take the exams for S.O.V.U.

I just don’t understand - why is she so ambitious?


How would you, Harry, react if Al... well, if it was true?

By the way, Ginny, we always suspected that you too might end up in Slytherin.


Honestly, Fred and George were taking bets.


Isn't it time for us to get out of here already? And then everyone stares.


You three always get stared at when you're together. And when separately, too. Eyes are always on you.

The four of them head towards the exit. GINNY stops HARRY.

Harry... will he be okay? Yes?


Of course, how could it be otherwise?

Scene three


ALBUS and ROSE walk along the carriage. The witch with a CART approaches, pushing a food cart ahead.


Continuation cult history, written by JK Rowling and filmed in eight films, won the hearts of both children and adults. The release date of the film Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is of interest to almost every second inhabitant of the planet.

The life of an orphan wizard, brought up in a school where magic was taught, gained more and more amazing momentum with each book. Nowadays it’s hard to find a person who would say that they have never heard of Harry Potter.


Harry - a regular guy With unusual abilities. Magic flows in his blood, which he successfully learns at a school for wizards. Together with his friends, Ron and Hermione, the boy, from the age of 11, goes through tests that are beyond the power of adults and experienced magicians: he fights giant snake In order to save his friend's sister, he saves his godfather from death, participates in the world tournament of wizards, and then throws all his strength into fighting the dark magician who killed his parents.

In the final, seventh part, with the common forces of friends and allies, as well as thanks to the heroism of the protagonist, good wins: main enemy disappears forever, and the last thing the viewer sees is happy heroes 20 years later. Harry and Ginny send their children to school, as do Ron and Hermione. This ending made everyone happy, even though there were many sad moments in the film.

Many years later, the author decided to release a sequel, the film adaptation of which promises to take place in 2018. To the question “When will it be released? New film Harry Potter?”, it’s impossible to answer for sure, because the book itself was published in mid-2016, and judging by the dynamics of filming the previous parts, The film will be released on big screens in 2019.

The film will center on Harry's youngest son, Albus, and Draco Malfoy's son, Scorpius.

The guys, having heard about the opportunity to return one of Harry’s old friends, Cedric Diggory, steal the time turner and try in every possible way to save the guy’s life, thereby changing any detail in the present time. Each time the changes occur more and more significantly, but in the end they neutralize themselves, who made the decision to be sent back in time.

In addition, at the end of Harry Potter 8, an epic battle between the main characters and Voldemort's daughter is promised. The happy ending at the end must definitely please the viewer and give hope for a sequel.

  • In the new part, the actress playing Hermione will be replaced by another. Fans were dissatisfied with the fact that Numa Dumezweni, who plays Hermione Weasley-Granger, is black, although according to the book the character has a standard European appearance and White color skin. JK Rowling herself admits the fact that the character may be black.
  • The release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will show us unification former enemies– the Potter, Weasley and Malfoy families. All old enemies will forget their grievances and unite against the evil wizard of all times.
  • The character Harry Potter was based on the book's author's childhood friend, with whom she played wizards.
  • There is a world the real Harry Potter is a man over 70 years old, and despite the fact that he has nothing to do with the history of the wizard, he is very popular among adults, children and the press.

JK Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Part one

Act one

Scene one

The station is jam-packed with people hurrying somewhere. Amidst all this fuss, two boys, James and Albus Potter, are pushing rattling carts with cages, their mother, Ginny, following behind. Next to him is a thirty-seven-year-old man, Harry, with his daughter Lily on his shoulders.

Albus: Dad. He continues to tease.

Harry: James, stop it.

James: I just said that he'll probably end up in Slytherin... (Under his father's boring gaze.) Okay.

Albus (Looking at his mother): You're going to write to me, aren't you?

Ginny: Every day, if you want.

Albus: No, don't. James said most people receive a letter from home once a month.

Harry: Last year we sent letters to your brother three times a week. Albus: What?! James?

Albus looks at James piercingly.

Ginny: Don't believe everything your brother says about Hogwarts.

James (With a dry smile): Shall we go already?

Albus glances at his father and mother.

Ginny: You just need to go through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Lily: I'm worried.

Harry: It's important that you don't stop and don't be afraid. If you are not sure, run away.

Albus: I'm ready.

Harry and Lily put their hands on Albus's cart, Ginny's on James' cart, and the whole family rushes through the barrier.

Act one

Scene two

Platform nine and three quarters

It is filled with light white smoke coming from the Hogwarts Express. It is just as crowded, but instead of people in business suits, here are wizards and sorcerers in robes, saying goodbye to their children.

Albus: It's her.

Lily: Wow.

Albus: Platform nine and three quarters.

Lily: Where are they, where? Maybe they didn't come?

Harry notices Ron and Hermione with their daughter Rose. Lily runs towards them. Uncle Ron! Uncle Ron!

Ron turns around and picks up Lily as soon as she's nearby.

Ron: Is this really my favorite Potter?

Lily: Will you show me a trick?

Ron: Are you afraid of Weasley's magical nose-stealing breath?

Rose: Mom! Dad again for his nonsense.

Hermione: You think it's nonsense, but he thinks it's great. In my opinion, neither one nor the other.

Ron: Wait, let me fiddle with this... air. Here, a little more... Sorry if it smells a little like garlic.

He breathes on Lily's face and she giggles.

Lily: You smell like porridge.

Ron: One, two, three. Miss, get ready to feel something.

He lifts her nose.

Lily: Where's my nose?

Ron: Ta-daa.

His hand is empty. Complete nonsense, but everyone loves it.

Lily: You're funny.

Albus: Everyone's staring at us.

Ron: My experiments with noses have made me very popular. Hermione: They are truly legendary.

Harry: Was the parking okay?

Ron: Yes, Hermione didn't believe that I would pass the Muggle driving test. I thought I would use Confundus on the examiner.

Hermione: No, I was confident in you.

Rose: I'm sure he used Confundus.

Albus: Dad...

Albus touched his father's robe, Harry looks at him.

What if... Well, if I... I end up in Slytherin?

Harry: So what?

Albus: Slytherin is the house of treachery, black magic, not courage.

Harry: Albus Severus, you are named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them graduated from Slytherin, and he is probably the most brave man that I've ever known.

Albus: But still.

Harry: If it's so important to you, then the Sorting Hat will honor your wishes.

Albus: Really?

Harry: That's what happened to me.

He had never said this before; he was overcome with thoughts.

Hogwarts will teach you a lot. I promise there's nothing to be afraid of.

James: Except the Thestrals, watch out for them.

Albus: I thought they were invisible!

Harry: Listen to your professors, not James, and be yourself. And now, if you don’t want the train to leave without you, then it’s time to climb on it.

Lily: I'll catch up with the train.

Ginny: Lily, come back.

Hermione: Rose, don't forget to say hi to Neville.

Rose: Mom, I can't say hi to the professor.

Rose gets on the train. Albus turns around last time hugs Ginny and Harry.

Albus: Okay. Bye.

He gets on the train. Hermione, Ron and Harry look at the train, the whistle blows every now and then on the platform.

Ginny: They'll be okay, won't they?

Hermione: Hogwarts is a big place.

Ron: Big. Wonderful. With the sea tasty food. I would give anything to come back.

Harry: It's strange, Albus is afraid he'll end up in Slytherin.

Hermione: Rose is worried that she won't break the Quidditch records. And when will she be able to take the S.O.W.

Ron: Where does she have so much ambition?

Ginny: Harry, what if Albus really ends up in Slytherin?

Ron: You know, Ginny, we always thought you might have been sorted into Slytherin. Ginny: What?

Ron: Well, actually, Fred and George were betting.

Hermione: Shall we go? People are watching.

Ginny: People are always watching. It doesn't matter if there are three of you standing together or alone. The four go to the exit.

Harry, everything will be fine with him?

Harry: Of course.

Act one

Scene three

Hogwarts Express

Albus and Rose walk around the carriage.

The witch selling sweets approaches with her cart.

Witch: Anything tasty? Pumpkin pie? Chocolate frog? Butter pot?

Rose (noticing Albus's hot gaze chocolate frogs): Albus, we need to focus.

Albus: Focus on what?

Rose: On those with whom we should be friends. Our parents met each other for the first time on the Hogwarts Express.

Albus: So we need to choose those with whom we will be friends for life? It scares.

Rose: On the other hand, it's cool. I am Granger Weasley, you are Potter. Everyone will want to be friends with us, we just have to choose.

Albus: So how do we choose which compartment to go in?..

Rose: Let's go through each one and make a decision later.

Albus opens the door and looks at the blonde boy Scorpius. The compartment is empty, the boy sits alone. Albus smiles and Scorpius smiles back.

Albus: Hello, this is a coupe...

Scorpius: It's free here, just me.

Albus: Great, can we come in for a minute then?

Scorpius: Yes, of course. Hello.

Albus: Albus. Well, my name is Albus.

THE BOOK “HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD” is a script for a play, the pre-show of which took place on June 7, 2016, and the grand premiere on July 30 in London. The play is long, so it is divided into two parts. That is, you need to spend two evenings in a row in the theater.

The book itself is new chapter in the story about Harry - together with the main characters we will be transported 19 years forward, to our time.

By the way, we owe the book’s release to activist fans who flooded Rowling with letters asking her to help those who couldn’t watch the play in London. Initially, there were no plans to release the play as a book.


19 years have passed since the events described in Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter and his wife Ginny Weasley meet Ron and Hermione at King's Cross Station as they send their children off to Hogwarts.

On the train, Harry Potter's youngest son, Albus Severus Potter, who is burdened by the fact that he is the son of such a famous wizard, meets and begins to make friends with his future classmate Scorpius Malfoy. Albus and Scorpius become Slytherin students. Three years pass, during which Albus suffers from unwanted attention from other students and comparisons with his famous father. Scorpius, an insecure boy, suffers from bullying due to rumors that he is supposedly the son of Voldemort.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione, now employees of the Ministry of Magic, try to hide the existence of the last remaining Time-Turner in order to secretly preserve it for further research.

Amos Diggory finds out about this and tries to convince Harry to use the device to get his son Cedric Diggory back.

Harry refuses because it will change the present. Albus overhears the conversation and becomes disappointed in his father. He convinces Amos' niece, Delphi Diggory, to help him and Scorpius find the Time-Turner and save Cedric.

The robbery of the Ministry of Magic is successful, however, it turns out that the Time-Turner is broken, and you can only go back in time for 5 minutes, and then you automatically return back.

The friends travel back in time to the Triwizard Tournament to stop Cedric from winning, as they believe that his defeat in the Tournament will save him from a clash with Voldemort. They disguise themselves as Durmstrang students and disarm Cedric during a contest with a dragon. Cedric is still dying: failure in the first competition only strengthens his will to win.

The actions of Albus and Scorpius are noticed by young Hermione, who suspects that Viktor Krum persuaded them. As a result, at the Yule Ball she dances not with Krum, but with Ron Weasley. Ron then dances with Padma Patil, with whom he becomes romantically involved.

Returning to the present, the friends discover that Ron is now married to Padme, Hermione has become a rather unpleasant teacher at Hogwarts, and Ron and Hermione's daughter Rose does not exist at all. They decide to use the Flywheel again to save Diggory.

Albus and Scorpius travel to 1995 for the second competition, where they humiliate Cedric by using a bloat spell on him. Cedric Diggory survives, but due to humiliation, he decides to become a Death Eater.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Cedric kills Neville Longbottom, who was supposed to destroy Nagini, Voldemort's last Horcrux. Nagini remains alive, Voldemort and his supporters win the Battle and kill Harry Potter. Thus, Albus's existence becomes impossible.

Scorpius, returning alone to present-day Hogwarts, discovers that he is being controlled by Death Eaters. There, Scorpius finds dissidents - Ron, Hermione and Severus Snape, who survived Voldemort's victory.

Returning with their help to the past for the third time, he neutralizes Albus and Scorpius who are there, who are trying to interfere with Cedric.

Albus and Scorpius are reunited in the present, which has returned to its original state. They decide to destroy the illegal Time-Turner. They are joined by Delphi, who suddenly reveals that her true intention is to revive Voldemort.

Delphi transports his friends to 1981, destroys the device and flies away in an unknown direction. They understand that she wants to save Voldemort, who suffered while trying to kill little Harry Potter.

Albus and Scorpius send a message from the past by writing a secret letter on little Harry's blanket.

In the present, Harry Potter, Ginny, Ron and Hermione discover that Delphi was Voldemort's daughter.

They also discover a letter on the blanket that their children were stuck in 1981 in Godric's Hollow. It is discovered that the Malfoy family still has another Time Turner. Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione and Ginny arrive in 1981, defeat Delphi and send her to Azkaban.

Back in the present, Harry and Albus arrive at Cedric Diggory's grave.

Who among us hasn't been waiting for a letter from Hogwarts? Have you ever wondered which department of the school of magic and wizardry the Magic Hat will send him to? Would you like to look for horcruxes and defeat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? In a word, who among us does not know the story about the boy who lived?

Indeed, the novels of the British writer JK Rowling, without exaggeration, educated several generations. What will happen in the next part? Will Voldemort be able to defeat Harry Potter? A book that no publishing house wanted to publish—JK Rowling fought for publication for a very long time.” Philosopher's Stone”—ultimately conquered the world. And this is not at all surprising, because the series has not only an exciting plot, but also philosophical ideas, questions of morality, honesty, honor, friendship - in a word, everyone has something to think about. In addition, the artistic execution of the series shows the skill of the author - the characters are alive, growing and developing from book to book; complex characters, which are transmitted by direct speech; subtle humor mixed with tragic moments that play on the feelings of readers - the advantages can be listed endlessly. But all good things have an end - and so the story of Harry Potter came to its logical conclusion. It would seem that everything has already been said, but... Rowling decided to add last chapter, and the work “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” was born.

About what? (there are spoilers!)

The action of the new book, or rather play, takes place 19 years after final battle for Hogwarts - it’s just time for Harry’s youngest son, Albus Severus Potter, to go to the School of Witchcraft and Wizarding Hogwarts. It would seem that evil has long been destroyed, but it, as the previous parts taught us, loves to return. Not only is Harry's relationship with his son not working out, but Voldemort's child is also trying to revive his father. The main characters of this work - Albus Potter and, oddly enough, Scorpius Malfoy - find the Time Turner and, with its help, try to correct the past. As you know, playing with time is a dangerous thing. Having changed something in the past, the characters change something in the present: their loved ones disappear, because... under a different set of circumstances, they could not have appeared; the situation changes, and the results of the Battle of Hogwarts change, which entails dire consequences. Everything ends, as it is not difficult to guess, happy ending, where evil is defeated, and Harry and Albus finally find mutual understanding - the father comes to the aid of his son, and together they correct the mistakes they have made.


The play differs from the entire series, and strikingly. In style, in manner of presentation; even the heroes themselves seem to be no longer the same ones we knew before. What catches the eye most is the incompleteness of the characters’ images. If over the course of seven previous books the reader could compose for himself enough full description each character could explain to himself why such relationships develop between the characters, then in the play “Harry Potter and Cursed Child"The characters remain undeveloped. It is impossible to say for sure, for example, what prevails in the character of Albus Severus when he decides to go back in time and save Cedric Diggory - the desire to take revenge on his father, self-realization, or, after all, the desire for justice? About another one central character plays - Scorpius Malfoy - one can say even less. Perhaps he is more reasonable than his friend, the younger Potter. The relationship that has developed between them is also unclear: it is absolutely unclear how, for example, the younger Potters interact with each other, why Harry throughout almost the entire play did not try to establish relationships with youngest son. In short, after reading, many questions remain. I would also like to note some of the confusion of what is happening: due to permanent shift episodes - The action begins when Albus Severus is just entering his first year, and ends when he is already 16 - there is a feeling of confusion.

Of course, the lack of characterization of the images can be attributed, for example, to another genre of the work. This is not a novel, where the reader has access to the thoughts and experiences of the characters, but a play, where we most often see only what the character says. Plus, if the previous books in the series described a year in the life characters, here the creators tried to cover several years at once, and with such a wide time range and limited volume, it is not so easy to reflect the dialectic of souls.

In general, due to the confusion in events and characters, there is no feeling of a coherent, and, especially, professional work. Some plot twists- for example, the child of Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort - seems to be borrowed from fan fiction - the work of Potter fans.

With all this, it cannot be said that the book leaves only a negative impression. It is written in a lively language, the plot is not outstanding, but fans of the saga will be pleased to meet their favorite characters again. Yes, this work will not be read to the core like the previous seven books, and is unlikely to cause a storm of conflicting emotions, from compassion to joy for the heroes. But for easy reading", as Hermione Granger liked to say, would do just fine.

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