Detailed description of Chatsky's grief from madness. The image and characterization of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky – chief male character comedies. He was left an orphan quite early, and was brought up in the house of his father’s friend, Famusov. Together with his patron's daughter, he received an excellent education. Over time, his friendship with Sophia grew into love. He sincerely admired her and wanted to marry her.

Chatsky is a very honest and active person. He got bored and went to travel and see the world. Famusov was unable to instill his worldview in Chatsky. Upon his return, Chatsky realized that society remained the same. Chatsky lives in the future and has a negative attitude towards the cruelty of landowners and serfdom. Chatsky fighter for just society and dreams of benefiting the people. He criticizes people who are engaged in careerism, believes that “you need to serve the cause, not the person.” And although Chatsky is very smart, as Famusov noted: “he’s a smart guy, and writes and translates well,” he went to serve in the army.

Chatsky is a proud, direct and noble person who always expresses his opinion. It's hard for him to live in immoral society. He greatly experiences disappointment in his beloved and her betrayal, and understands that he has no place among people who live in lies and meanness.

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Alexander Chatsky is the main character of the comedy "Woe from Wit", written by famous writer A. Griboedov in poetic form. The author of this most interesting work already long years in Russian literature is considered a harbinger of a new socio-psychological type, which is given the name “superfluous person”.

The comedy was written during the years of the revolutionary secret organizations of the Decembrists. The author touched upon the struggle progressively thinking people with the society of nobles and serf owners, in other words, the struggle between new and old worldviews. In A. A. Chatsky, the writer embodied many qualities of a progressive person of the era in which he himself lived. According to his beliefs the hero he created is close to the Decembrists.

Brief description of Chatsky

The character of Chatsky in comedy can be defined as follows:

  • in emotional diversity and at the same time simple portrait;
  • the positivity of the hero, who is a born maximalist;
  • in all his feelings and actions.

If he falls in love, then to such an extent that he “ the whole world seems like dust and vanity,” he is the owner of unbearable honesty and an extraordinary mind, constantly thirsting for additional knowledge. Thanks to his knowledge, he soberly sees the problems of politics, the disadvantaged state of Russian culture, pride and honor in people, but at the same time he is completely blind to love affairs. Chatsky - strong personality, a fighter by nature, and he is eager to fight with everyone at once, but often instead of victory he gets disappointment.

Young nobleman son of Famusov's deceased friend, returns to his beloved, Sophia Famusova, whom he has not seen for three long years; Chatsky had known her since childhood. When they grew up, they fell in love with each other, but the unpredictable Chatsky unexpectedly went abroad, from where he did not write a word the entire time. Sophia was offended that she was left abandoned, and when her lover arrived, she greeted him “coldly.” Chatsky himself says that “he wanted to travel around the whole world, but did not travel even a hundredth part of it,” while main reason His departure was prompted by military service, after which, according to his plan, he wanted to meet with Sophia.

His love for this girl is a sincere feeling. He wants to believe in reciprocity, so he cannot believe that she is in love with Molchalin. But he realizes that he is mistaken when he witnesses his explanation with Lisa. After this, Chatsky suffers and calls his love madness. In response to his words, Sophia says that she “reluctantly drove me crazy.” It was this statement that started development of gossip about the hero's madness, and also, according to many, a dangerous person in his beliefs.

Chatsky’s personal drama not only gives movement to the entire plot, but also complicates and deepens the drama of society, which is confirmed in the comedy by the increase in his sharp attacks against noble Moscow. And in such criticism of views and morals Famusov society It is clearly visible what Chatsky is speaking out against and what his views are.

In reality, the hero of the picture does not do anything for which he is declared crazy. He speaks his mind but the old world fights against his word using slander. And the problem is that in this struggle, Chatsky’s objectionable views are losing, because the old world turns out to be so strong that the hero sees no point in arguing and runs away from Famusov’s house to another city. But this flight cannot be perceived as a defeat, since irreconcilable opinions put the hero in a tragic situation.

Description of Chatsky

Chatsky is straight, proud and noble man who boldly expresses his opinion. He does not want to live in the past and sees the truth of the future, does not accept the cruelty of the landowners, opposes serfdom, careerism, veneration of rank, ignorance and the wrong attitude of society towards slave morality and the ideals of the past century. Due to the fact that he is a fighter for justice and dreams of benefiting society, it is difficult for him to be in an immoral society, because among deceitful and vile people he cannot find a place for himself.

In his opinion, society remains exactly the same as it was three years ago. He proclaims respect and humanity for to the common man and service to the cause, and not to persons who are against freedom of thought and speech; promotes progressive ideas existing life and modernity, the flourishing of art and science, as well as respect for national culture.

Chatsky writes well, translates, seeks knowledge while traveling and serves in the Ministry. At the same time, he does not bow down to foreigners and boldly advocates for domestic education.

His beliefs are revealed in disputes and monologues with representatives of Famus society. He confirms his opposition to serfdom in his memoirs about the theater “Carrying the Tore of Noble Scoundrels,” in which he emphasizes the exchange of faithful servants for greyhounds.

Contradictions in the character of the hero

  • when he comes to Sophia and begins a conversation with words in which he uses sarcasm and a caustic tone: “Has your uncle jumped back his age?”;
  • At the same time, he does not set out to prick his interlocutors and Sophia, so he asks her in surprise: “...Are my words all... tending towards harm?”

The image of Chatsky in the play is a hot-tempered and in some words tactless nobleman, for which his beloved reproaches him. And yet this harsh tone can be justified by sincere indignation at the existing immorality of the society in which he is forced to find himself. And it is a matter of his honor to fight him.

This behavior of the hero is due to the fact that all the issues that affect him do not resonate in the soul of this opposing person, because he is smart and able to analyze and predict a new future, without serfdom and arrogance. That is why he cannot cope with his own emotions and indignation. His mind is not in harmony with his heart, which means that he lavishes his eloquence even on those who are completely unprepared to perceive his beliefs and arguments.

The hero's unique worldview

Chatsky reveals in comedy the worldview of the author himself. He, like Griboedov, cannot understand and accept the slavish admiration of the Russian people for foreigners. The play ridicules several times the tradition according to which it is customary to hire teachers from abroad to raise children; the author emphasizes: “...they are trying to recruit larger numbers...cheaper.”

Chatsky also has a special relationship with service. For Sophia's father, Chatsky's opponent, in this work Famusov’s attitude towards him is precisely defined in the following words: “does not serve... and in that... he finds no benefit.” Chatsky’s answer regarding such a statement also clearly reflects his position: “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.”

That is why he speaks with such anger about the habits of society, which outrages him, namely the contemptuous attitude towards disadvantaged people and the ability to curry favor in the eyes of influential people. If Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusov, for the pleasure of the Empress at her reception, deliberately sets a role model and tries to serve her, then for Chatsky he is nothing more than a buffoon, and he does not see in the circle conservative nobility those who could set a worthy example. In the eyes of the hero of the play, these aristocrats - opponents free life , prone to idleness and extravagance, they are “passionate for rank,” and they do not care about justice.

The main character is also irritated by the desire of the nobles to cling to useful contacts everywhere. He believes that they attend balls precisely for this purpose, and does not agree with this, because, in his opinion, one should not mix business with fun, since everything should have its time and place.

In one of Chatsky’s monologues, the author emphasizes his dissatisfaction with the fact that as soon as a person appears in society who wants to devote himself to art or science, and not to the thirst for rank, everyone begins to fear him. He is sure that such people are feared, because they threaten the comfort and well-being of the nobles, because they introduce new ideas into the structure of an established society, and the aristocrats do not want to part with the old way of life. That is why gossip about his madness turns out to be very useful, because it allows you to disarm the enemy in views that are displeasing to the nobles.

Brief quotation description of Chatsky

All of Chatsky’s character traits and his manner of communication will never be accepted by society, which would like to live in peace and not change anything. But the main character cannot agree with this. He is smart enough to understand meanness, selfishness and ignorance aristocrats, and vehemently expresses his opinion, trying to open his eyes to the truth. However, the truth is not needed by the established principles of old Moscow life, which the hero of the play is unable to resist. Based on Chatsky’s inappropriate, but at the same time clever arguments, he is called crazy, which Once again proves the cause of “woe from the mind.”

Let us give an example of some statements of the main character:

  • After listening to what Famusov said about Maxim Petrovich, Chatsky says: “He despises people... he should yawn at the ceiling...”;
  • He contemptuously brands last century: “Straight was the age of humility” and approves of young people who do not have a greedy desire to fit into the regiment of aristocrats and “clowns”;
  • Has a critical attitude towards the settlement of foreigners on the territory of Russia: “Shall we resurrect... from the foreign power of fashion? So that... the people... don’t consider us to be Germans...”

A. A. Chatsky is inherently doing a good deed, because... such statements protects human rights and freedom of choice, for example, activities: live in the countryside, travel, “focus your mind” on science, or devote your life to “the arts... high and beautiful.”

The hero’s desire not to “serve”, but to “serve the cause, not individuals” is a hint of progressive behavior determined youth to change society in an educational and peaceful way.

In his statements he does not shy away from such folk words, like “just now”, “tea”, “more”; he uses sayings, proverbs and the following in his speech idioms: “total nonsense,” “not a hair of love,” and easily quotes the classics: “and the smoke of the Fatherland is... pleasant to us.” In addition, he confirms his intelligence and knowledge using foreign words, but only if they have no analogues in the Russian language.

He is lyrical in his stories about his love for Sophia, ironic, sometimes makes fun of Famusov, a little caustic, because he does not accept criticism, which, in his opinion, is criticism of the “last century.”

Chatsky is a difficult character. To use witty phrases, he hits it right in the eye and “scatters” the characteristics he has deduced like beads. Main character This complex comedy is sincere, and this is the most important thing, despite the fact that his emotions are considered unacceptable. But at the same time they can be considered inner wealth hero, because thanks to them one can determine his real state.

The creation of the image of Chatsky is the author’s desire to show the Russian people the brewing split in the established noble environment. Role of this hero in the play is dramatic, because he is in the minority of those who are forced to retreat in this verbal struggle for justice and leave Moscow. But he does not abandon his views even in such a situation.

Griboyedov had no task to show the weakness of his hero, on the contrary, thanks to his image, he showed the absence of a strong society and the beginning of Chatsky’s time. And therefore it is no coincidence that such heroes are considered in literature “ extra people" But the conflict has been identified, which means that the change from old to new is ultimately inevitable.

According to I. A. Goncharov, Chatsky’s role in this work is “passive” and at the same time he is both a “advanced warrior”, and a “skirmisher”, and a “victim”. “The hero is broken by the amount of old power, but at the same time inflicts death blow the quality of fresh strength,” the writer said.

A. S. Pushkin, after reading the play, noted that the first sign smart person It is believed that at first glance you need to know who you are dealing with and not throw pearls in front of the Repetilovs, but I. A. Goncharov, on the contrary, believed that Chatsky’s speech “seems with wit.”

Characteristics of Chatsky based on the work "Woe from Wit"

The comedy was written in the 20s of the 19th century. After the victorious war with Napoleon in 1812, when the Russian people dealt a mortal blow to the Napoleonic army, which had gained the glory of being invincible in Europe, the contradiction between the greatest capabilities of ordinary Russian people and the plight in which they were at will arose with particular acuteness. powerful of the world Therefore, the Arakcheev reaction was rampant in the country. Honest people of that time could not put up with this. Among the progressive-minded nobility, protest and dissatisfaction with the existing order were brewing, and secret societies were created. And it was A.S. Griboedov who embodied the emergence of these germs of protest in his comedy, bringing “the present century and the past century” face to face.

The first pages of the comedy were read... It became clear: everyone in Famusov’s house was waiting for the person who interested me so much. Who is he? Why is he the only one they talk about in this house? Why does Liza, the maid, remember him as a cheerful, witty person, but Sophia, Famusov’s daughter, doesn’t want to hear about Chatsky? And later I become convinced that Famusov is also irritated and alarmed. Why? I need to resolve all these questions. The comedy interested me from the very first pages.

The plot basis of the work is the conflict between the young nobleman Chatsky and the society from which he himself came. The events of the comedy take place in one Moscow aristocratic house over the course of one day. But Griboyedov managed to expand the temporal and spatial framework of the work, giving full picture the life of the noble society of that time and showing the new, living, advanced that was emerging in its depths.

So, it turns out that Chatsky, who was left an orphan early, lived in the house of his guardian Famusov, a friend of his father, and was brought up with his daughter, having received an excellent education at home from foreign tutors. “The habit of being together every day inseparably” connected them with childhood friendship. But soon the young man Chatsky became “bored” in Famusov’s house, where there were no serious intellectual interests, and he “moved out,” that is, he began to live separately, independently, made good friends, and became seriously involved in science. During these years, his friendly disposition towards Sophia becomes a serious feeling. But his love for a girl did not distract him from his pursuit of knowledge and the study of life. He goes "to wander". Three years have passed... And now our hero is again in Moscow, in Famusov’s house. He rushes to see Sophia, whom he loves passionately. And such sincerity, such love and joy from meeting his beloved girl can be heard in his voice! He is lively, cheerful, witty, handsome! Chatsky is completely filled with the joy of life and does not know that trouble awaits him: after all, Sophia loves not him, but her father’s secretary, the cunning liar Molchalin.

Chatsky does not even suspect how Sophia has changed during his absence; he trusts her, as in the days of his early youth. And Sophia not only does not love him, but is even ready to hate him for his caustic words addressed to Molchalin. She is capable of lies, pretense, gossip, just to hurt, to take revenge on Chatsky. In Chatsky’s playful, sarcastic remarks, she cannot feel the pain of a man who truly loves his Motherland. Chatsky and Famusov meet as close people. But we soon become convinced that there are constant clashes between them.

In Famusov's house, Chatsky meets Skalozub, a possible contender for Sophia's hand. It is here that an intense ideological struggle arises and flares up between Famusov, a defender of autocratic serfdom, and Chatsky, a patriot, defender of “free life,” an exponent of the ideas of the Decembrists, new ideas about man and his place in society. The dispute between them is about the dignity of a person, his value, about honor and honesty, about the attitude towards service, about the place of a person in society.

Chatsky sarcastically criticizes the tyranny of serfdom, the cynicism and soullessness of the “fathers of the fatherland,” their pathetic admiration for everything foreign, their careerism, and fierce resistance to moving forward to a better life.

Famusov is afraid of people like Chatsky, since they encroach on the order of life that is the basis of well-being for the Famusovs. The smug serf owner teaches the “today’s proud people” how to live, setting up sycophants and careerists like Maxim Petrovich as an example.

Could, say, Belinsky, Ryleev, Griboyedov remain silent in such a case? Hardly! This is why we so naturally perceive Chatsky’s accusatory monologues and remarks. The hero is indignant, despises, mocks, accuses, while thinking out loud, not paying attention to how others will react to his thoughts.

Chatsky has the seething passion of a fighter for a fair society. He wants to bring his enemies to “white heat” and express his truth.

A citizen's anger and resentment give him energy.

Reading the comedy, I admire more and more how expressively Griboyedov compared Chatsky and his rivals. Chatsky evokes my sympathy and respect, recognition of his noble deeds. His statements about the world of feudal owners are near and dear to me.

The secular crowd, skillfully depicted by Griboyedov’s pen, is the personification of meanness, ignorance, and inertia. In my opinion, Sophia, whom our hero loves so much, can also be included in this crowd. After all, it is she who deals him a treacherous blow: by writing gossip about Chatsky’s madness. I understand that she wanted to take revenge for his ridicule towards Molchalin. But you can’t be so cruel and inhumane! After all, she is a representative of the fair sex and suddenly such meanness! The fiction about Chatsky's madness spreads with lightning speed. Nobody believes, but everyone repeats it. Finally, this gossip reaches Famusov. When the guests begin to list the reason for Chatsky’s madness, another meaning of this phrase is revealed: in their opinion, crazy means “freethinker.” Everyone is trying to determine the cause of the madness. Khlestova says: “I drank tea beyond my years,” but Famusov is firmly convinced:

Learning is a plague

Learning is the reason...

Various measures to combat the “madness” are then proposed. Colonel Skalozub, a narcissistic, stupid colonel of stick drill, an enemy of freedom and enlightenment, dreaming of the rank of general, says:

I will make you happy: universal rumor,

That there is a project for lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;

There they will only teach in our way: one, two;

And schools will be kept like this: for big occasions.

And Famusov, as if summarizing the opinions expressed about enlightenment, says:

Once evil is stopped:

Take all the books and burn them.

Thus, Chatsky is declared crazy for his freethinking. He is hated by reactionary society as an ideological enemy, as a progressive freedom-loving person. And society takes measures to neutralize him - he erects vile slander against him. Soon Chatsky heard gossip about his madness. He is hurt, bitter, but this does not concern him as deeply as who Sophia loves, why she is so cold towards him.

And suddenly an unexpected resolution of these issues occurs. Chatsky witnessed an accidentally overheard conversation between Molchalin and the maid Liza. Molchalin confesses his love to the girl, but the maid boldly hints at his wedding with the young lady, Sophia, and shames Molchalin. And then Molchalin “takes off his mask”: he admits to Liza that “there is nothing enviable in Sofya Pavlovna”, that he is in love with her “by position”, “who feeds and drinks, and sometimes gives her rank.” Anger and shame torment Chatsky: “Here I am sacrificed to whom!” How he was deceived in Sophia! His happy rival is Molchalin, a low hypocrite and deceiver, a “fool,” a “famous servant,” convinced that “at his age,” in his rank, “one should not dare to have one’s own judgment,” but should, “pleasing everyone, and take awards and have fun."

And Sophia, on her way to a date with Molchalin, accidentally heard his frank confession to Lisa. She is surprised, offended, humiliated! After all, she loved him so much, idealized him insignificant person! What a pitiful role Sophia played in his life! But the girl finds the strength in herself to renounce her delusions forever, to push away Molchalin, who is crawling at her feet, but she cannot defend and justify herself before Chatsky. Chatsky is dealt another wound: he learns that the absurd gossip about his madness belongs to Sophia. No, he will never be able to forgive her for this, since he also considers her a representative of the Famus society, which is hostile to him. Chatsky decided to leave Moscow forever. Why? Leaving “the tormentors of the crowd, traitors in love, tireless enmity,” he intends to “search the world where there is a corner for the offended feeling.”

And Sophia? After all, reconciliation with her was so possible! But Chatsky, having ranked her among the world of his enemies, is convinced that “there will be another well-behaved sycophant and businessman.” Maybe our hero is right. After all, Sophia, brought up in the spirit of hatred of everything progressive and new, would not bring happiness to a person who has a definite opinion about serfdom, education, and service. It was not for nothing that the Decembrists saw Chatsky as their like-minded person.

I admit, I feel sorry for Sophia, because she is not a bad girl, not immoral, but, unfortunately, she turned out to be a victim of the lies that are characteristic of Famus society, which destroyed her. Chatsky is a representative of that part of the noble youth who are already aware of all the inertia of the surrounding reality, all the insignificance and emptiness of the people who surround him. There are still a few such people, they are not yet able to fight the existing system, but they appear - this is the spirit of the times. That is why Chatsky can rightfully be called a hero of his time. It was these people who came to Senate Square on December 14, 1825. Chatsky is a man of extraordinary intelligence, brave, honest, sincere. In his disputes with Famusov, in his critical judgments, the appearance of a man emerges who sees the vices and contradictions of his society and wants to fight them (with words for now).

Griboyedov shows these qualities especially clearly, contrasting Chatsky with the low sycophant and hypocrite Molchalin. This vile man, who has nothing sacred, regularly fulfills his father’s behest “to please all people without exception,” even “to the janitor’s dog, so that it is affectionate.” Molchalin is “a sycophant and a businessman,” as Chatsky characterizes him.

Famusov is a high-ranking official, a conservative to the core, a stupid martinet and obscurantist Skalozub - these are the people Chatsky meets. In these characters, Griboyedov gave an accurate and vivid description of the noble society of that time.

In the musty world of Famus, Chatsky appears like a cleansing thunderstorm. He is in every way the opposite of typical representatives of Famus society. If Molchalin, Famusov, Skalozub see the meaning of life in their well-being (“bureaucratic towns, small towns”), then Chatsky dreams of disinterested service to his homeland, of bringing benefit to the people, whom he respects and considers “smart and cheerful.” At the same time, he despises blind veneration, servility, and careerism. He “would be glad to serve”, but he “is sick of being served.” Chatsky sharply criticizes this society, mired in hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and depravity. He says bitterly:

Where, show us, are the fathers of the fatherland,

Which ones should we take as models?

Aren't these the ones who are rich in robbery?

We found protection from fate in friends, in kinship,

Magnificent building chambers,

Where they indulge in feasts and extravagance...

These people are deeply indifferent to the fate of their homeland and people. Their cultural and moral level can be judged by the following remarks from Famusov: “They would take all the books and burn them,” because “learning is the reason” that “there are crazy people, and deeds, and opinions.” Chatsky has a different opinion; he values ​​people who are ready to “put their minds hungry for knowledge into science” or engage in “creative, lofty and beautiful” art.

Chatsky rebels against the society of the Famusovs, Skalozubovs, and Mollins. But his protest is too weak to shake the foundations of this society. The conflict of the young hero with the environment is tragic, where love, friendship, everything is doomed to persecution. strong feeling, every living thought. They declare him crazy and turn away from him. “Who was I with! Where did fate throw me! Everyone is chasing me! Everyone is cursing me!” “Get out of Moscow! I don’t go here anymore,” Chatsky exclaims sadly.

In the comedy, Chatsky is alone, but there are more and more people like him (remember Skalozub’s cousin, who “followed the rank,” and he suddenly left his service and began reading books in the village, or Princess Tugoukhovskaya’s nephew, “a chemist and a botanist”). It was they who were to carry out the first stage of the revolutionary liberation movement, to shake up the country, to bring closer the moment when the people would free themselves from the chains of slavery, when those principles of fair social relations that Chatsky, Griboyedov himself, and the Decembrists dreamed of would triumph.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" has entered the treasury of our national culture. Even now she has not lost her moral and artistic strength. We, people of the new generation, understand and are close to Griboyedov’s angry, irreconcilable attitude towards injustice, meanness, and hypocrisy, which are so often encountered in our lives.

The main character of the comedy teaches us to be irreconcilable towards everything low and vulgar, teaches us to be honest, kind and principled.

Young Griboyedov was closely associated with advanced people from secret societies. His Chatsky is a portrait of Pyotr Chaadaev, and Griboyedov’s friend, the poet Odoevsky, and the ardent, proud Pushkin... a portrait and character of a leading man of that time.

Perhaps one of the most popular works Alexander Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". One of the main characters of the comedy is Chatsky, and in this article we want to briefly consider the characterization of Chatsky in the comedy "Woe from Wit". It is known that it was after composing this work that Griboyedov immediately took an honorable place among the leading poets of the era and gained popularity. They reacted violently and literary circles, many critics were in a hurry to speak out about the images of the comedy and make their own analysis of the work. Just one of these images that aroused particular interest is the image of Chatsky.

Who became the prototype of Chatsky?

For example, Alexander Pushkin wrote a letter to Vyazemsky in 1823, in which he mentioned the comedy “Woe from Wit.” There, Pushkin noted that Chaadaev became the prototype for Chatsky’s image. There is other confirmation of this statement, because it is known that the main character’s surname was originally Chadsky.

But there is another version. Some literary scholars convincingly say that none other than Kuchelbecker acted as the prototype of the image of Chatsky. If you look at Kuchelbecker’s biography, you can easily believe this - passionate and lost success abroad, but returned to his native land, the young man is very similar in character and mode of action to our comedy hero.

These considerations already help to clarify something in the characterization of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov.

What the author himself said about Chatsky

Once good friend Griboyedov, Katenin said that Chatsky is “confused” by nature, that is, there is no consistency in his actions, to which the author answered very directly. The essence of Griboyedov's answer: comedy is full of stupid people, and they all fall on one smart person with common sense.

Griboedov saw Chatsky’s characteristics in such qualities as education and intelligence, which manifested themselves in a difficult situation. Yes, Chatsky opposes society, he understands that he is superior to others and does not hide it. But why? Chatsky suspects that he has a rival in relation to his beloved, whose attention cannot be achieved, although she herself was previously not indifferent to him. In addition, he is one of the last to hear about his “madness”, which was attributed to him. Chatsky is indeed very hot, but the author believes that this is due to severe disappointment in love. That's why he seems so disgraced, confused and with inconsistent actions.

Chatsky's worldview

The image of Chatsky reflects the portrait of someone who already has an established system of values ​​and principles, who has his own worldview and accepted morality. And this is important in the characterization of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” The main character evaluates the personality of himself and others by how much a person strives for knowledge and the high, eternal. He believes that it is worth working for the good of the fatherland, but there is a huge difference between service and servitude - this point is fundamental in comedy.

What else distinguishes Chatsky from society? He is not afraid of what others think, he has no authority, he is independent. All this becomes a reason for fear among the aristocratic circle in Moscow, because for them Chatsky is a dangerous rebel who will not be afraid to encroach on everything sacred. Somehow Famusov invites Chatsky to live “like everyone else,” but such a position is far from Alexander Andreevich, and he contemptuously refuses Famusov.

Let's sum it up summary, speaking about the characterization of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov. The author largely agrees with his main character. In the image of Chatsky, one can clearly see an enlightened person who is not afraid to openly express his opinion, but it is important: he does not betray a revolutionary and radical attitude. But in fact, in Famusov’s society, everyone who deviates from accepted standards, seem crazy and dangerous to others. It is not surprising that in the end Alexander Andreevich Chatsky was declared crazy.

You read in this article about the characteristics of Chatsky and his image, you can also read the biography of Alexander Griboyedov and read a summary of “Woe from Wit”. Also, read.

About “Woe from Wit” we can safely say that the work of A.S. Griboyedov belongs to the list of the best creations of Russian dramatic literature.

Despite the isolation of the time period described in the work, this play does not lose its position at the present time, but is becoming increasingly relevant in modern society. The work is filled with an abundance of problems, bright and memorable characters, and carries inexhaustible moral value.

Griboyedov's play is rich in content, but there are no empty conversations and meaningless phenomena that could be deprived of the reader's attention. The language of the play “Woe from Wit” was refined and developed in such a way that in the end the work represented a perfect idea. Griboedov with particular skill delivers speeches to his characters that best suit their characters.

Characteristics of the hero

The main character of the play is Chatsky Alexander Andreevich. It is his image that symbolizes the only positive character in comedy.

A young man who was left an orphan back in early age, received a courtly Famus education at home. Despite the fact that the patron gave Chatsky managed to give Chatsky a decent education, Famusov failed to instill in him his own worldview. As an adult, educated person, Chatsky left Famusovsky house and began to live separately. As a result, he decided to quit military service, but did not prefer bureaucratic service.

Sophia, the lovely adult daughter of Pavel Afanasyevich, was on friendly terms with Chatsky, but over time this friendship grew into completely different feelings - into love. Alexander Andreevich continued to sincerely admire Sophia, and soon wanted to get married to her. However, as an emotional, active and inquisitive person, Chatsky feels the oppression of boredom in Moscow, so he decides to go on a trip to see the world. He leaves for three whole years, and not only does he not warn Sophia about his departure, but throughout all this he does not write her a single letter. Having returned, Chatsky realizes that Sophia’s love for him never existed, and besides this, she already had new lover- Molchalin. Alexander Andreevich is endlessly disappointed in ex-lover and is deeply struck by her betrayal.

Pride, nobility, willingness to express one’s opinion and the ability to argue for it - these are the definitions that characterize Chatsky in detail as a person. He does not live in the past, quite the opposite. A negative attitude towards landlord cruelty and serfdom drives his desire to fight for justice in society; he strives to be useful to the people. Therefore, it is unbearable for Chatsky to stay in Famus’s society, deprived of morality. And he realizes that he cannot find a place among all those living in lies and hypocrisy.

The image of the hero in the work

The author of the play shows the irreconcilability of Chatsky’s clash with Famusov’s society. Chatsky, due to his high development, does not understand what morals, ideals, principles are pursued by representatives of Famus society. The hero does not lie, but speaks directly about his views, for which he will be condemned.

Ultimately, Chatsky, who remained unaccepted and misunderstood in the circles of Famus society, rejected by the love of his life, actually runs away from Moscow, he leaves this place and, at first glance, one gets the clear impression that the ending for the main character is tragic. However, reflecting on this, the conclusion emerges that Chatsky is defeated only by the number of opinions and unacceptable views, and not by their essence. On the part of society, he really suffered a defeat, but the fact that from the spiritual and moral side, Chatsky undoubtedly won a victory over Famusov and his entourage remains undeniable.

The hero was able to create a crazy commotion in this society. And to be able to prove your individuality with dignity and protect your personality, which has formed an opinion and view on every manifestation of life, to reasonably present your disagreement, openly expressing your views on the existing way of life - this is a true victory of morality. And it is no coincidence that the hero is called crazy. And really, would anyone in Famus’s circle really be able to object? Nobody, only crazy people.

Indeed, it is not easy for Chatsky to realize that he was not understood, because Famusov’s house is still dear and significant to him. He is forced to leave these places, since adaptation is in no way inherent to Chatsky. He follows a different path - the path of honor. The hero will never be able to accept false feelings and emotions.