What is the name of Yana Semakina’s new neighbor and sister from Univer? Her biography? What's your name, neighbor?

“A wonderful neighbor has moved into our house!” – you probably remember these lines from this wonderful and cheerful song. It doesn’t matter whether he moved in recently or has been living in the neighborhood for a long time, but this handsome young man has become interesting to you. And while your meetings are limited to only a friendly greeting or an interested look, in the elevator, on the street and in the entrance, you no longer mind getting to know him better. .

There are several ways to get your neighbor's attention. However, you should remember that having an affair with a neighbor is not at all the same as being liked by a stranger in a cafe, bar or club, where you look like an ideal lady. And the guy living nearby probably knows a little more about you: he might have noticed you coming home with have a fun party, hear you arguing with someone on the phone, or see what you’re wearing when taking out the trash! Although you have the advantage, you see him often and may also know more about him, which benefits you.

The first way to get to know your neighbor is to get closer. Since your wonderful stranger neighbor lives nearby, you can easily use your random encounters to establish closer contact. The simplest thing is to ask for advice, because it’s no secret that any man likes to feel significant. For example, he has a car, which means you can easily turn to him for advice on which speakers or radio tape recorder is best to choose as a gift for your brother. Or when returning home from the store with huge bags, ask him to help you carry, a real man will never refuse help. And be sure to thank him with words of gratitude, accompanied by a sweet smile. Try to play on his pride, give a sincere compliment.

The third way to get to know your neighbor is through your random encounters. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise it will lead him to think that you are intrusive and want to please him very much. In a word, you should catch his eye as often as possible and preferably in at its best. This certainly doesn't say what you should wear. Evening Dress, shoes and with full makeup, wait for him at the entrance. Everything should be in moderation, especially since those girls who try to look very perfect, on the contrary, scare away men. You should try to come across as natural, cheerful, friendly and open girl. Let him see you as you return from work, chatting lightly and cheerfully with your friend on the phone, or jogging around the house, because he can join you, even if he notices the same products in your hands that he bought so recently at the nearest supermarket.

Lera, 25 years old. Life story: “One of my friends really liked a handsome neighbor who lived on the floor below, and no matter how hard she tried to meet him more often, it still didn’t work out. Then she decided that the surest way would be to drop her thing, as if by accident, on his balcony. There was so much laughter and discarded clothes, but she still managed to accomplish her plans. And so, having gathered herself in the evening with confidence, she headed towards him. That’s how they met.”

If you use the right flirting techniques, you can hope that the spark will ignite between you and allow your romance to flare up. Although, have patience, when charming your neighbor, it may not happen as quickly as you would like to achieve positive result you will need to wait for a while. Imagine how to meet your neighbor, because we girls are so inventive.

If you want to surprise and delight your family with Italian cuisine, prepare risotto. Risotto is a cross between a messy porridge and a soup from which all the liquid has boiled away. This is not even a dish, but a way of preparing rice - having mastered the basics of risotto, you can change the recipe according to your desire, taste and the available products in the refrigerator. According to your wishes, risotto can be light vegetarian or hearty with meat, spicy or very tender, crumbly or liquid. This dish changes with your mood.

I go out into the entrance. I'm knocking. A stunning neighbor in a dressing gown opens the door.

Real fire! But in her arms there is a baby. I ask for matches. Alla (that’s the neighbor’s name) quickly replies to get it in the kitchen. He says that it’s not very convenient now. She explained where to find matches: in the top cabinet behind the jar of sugar. She asked that the door be slammed later, as she would go breastfeeding her son.

I went into the kitchen. Everything is in place. I took it. He went out, but didn’t slam the door. He quickly lit the burner. And he returned the matches to the neighbors in the very place where they lay.

A week passes. The neighbors, generous with matches, invited me to sit and relax on a day off. We had a glass of beer with Alla’s husband. We went to the balcony to smoke. But there are no lighters. He began looking throughout the kitchen for matches. And I told him: “there’s a jar of sugar in that cabinet over there.” The neighbor gave me a furious look. The face turned red. Another moment and he was ready to punch me, but fortunately I quickly explained everything.

It seems to have worked out. It seems... But for some reason my neighbor no longer invites me to drink beer.

On March 8, 2014, women of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve received an exclusive greeting card straight from the forest. The fact is that it was on a holiday that one of the reserve’s camera traps again recorded the tigress Varvara’s neighbor. And, judging by her behavior, she feels like not just a modest neighbor, but a full-fledged mistress of the territory that has taken her fancy.

Over the years collaboration sanctuary and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), it has become a tradition to name all tigers that are monitored. And, since the new tigress has become a full-fledged member of the “tiger team” of the reserve, the time has come for her to get a name.

This time, it will not be scientists who will choose the name for the tiger, but the guys from the environmental club “Uragus”, because the nameless striped beauty is also their neighbor. It so happened that in the tract that the tigress chose for her site, a field research center for the pupils of “Uragus” will be equipped in the near future. “Our club, one might say, has family ties with the reserve - before becoming independent, many years ago “Uragus” was an environmental circle at the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. We have many joint events planned for the near future, and the organization of a field scientific center for the children at the base of the reserve - just one of them,” comments the head of the club, Galina Maksimova.

The Uragus team had already met their striped neighbor in absentia: during their first trip to the territory of the future hospital, they discovered traces of the tigress’s presence. “You must admit that not everyone can boast that they have not only seen, but also smelled a tiger marking tree, photographed a tiger track or scratched it. We're lucky! And if you think about it, new house They always let a cat in, but we’ll have a whole tiger at our cordon! True, we haven’t seen him yet,” the guys share their impressions.

An excursion along the protected trail revealed a lot of interesting and exciting things for young researchers: beautiful views mountain ranges, a picturesque river delta, encased in an ice shell. It all just warmed up children's interest, and awakened the desire to work. Soon the guys will be able to propose their own name options for the beautiful tigress for discussion with the reserve’s specialists.

“We are confident that children’s curiosity, enthusiasm, knowledge and innovative thinking will serve well here. And as a result the tiger will receive sonorous name, and the field center will become one of the favorite places for visitors,” comments Olga Arifulina, Deputy Director for Environmental Education of the Sikhote-Alin State Nature Reserve. - Of course, it should be noted that the safety of children when working “in the field” is taken into account first of all. All events are planned to be carried out only with the direct participation of the reserve’s security inspectors and accompanied by the club’s leaders.”

    The actress who played the role of sister and new neighbor Yana Semakina from the TV series Univer. New dorm, name is Anastasia Ivanova. In 2015, Anastasia will turn 24 years old, she is originally from Volgograd, and after graduating from the institute in 2012 she moved to Moscow.

    She also starred in the TV series The Fifth Guard, Trace, Fortune Teller.

    In the film, her name is Yulia Semakina. To my younger sister Yana is 19 years old. She moved to live in a dorm and entered the paid design department of the faculty. Only her head is not occupied with studies at all, but with Anton Mortynov. More precisely, how to take it away from Kristina Sokolovskaya. In real life the girl's name is Ivanova Anastasia. She is a little older than her heroine, she is 22 years old. The girl is not married and has no children. She graduated from the Faculty of Directing and Acting and also worked as a housekeeper in the film.

    The young actress who plays Yana Semakina’s sister, Yulia, in the TV series Univer, is named Anastasia Ivanova. On this moment she is 22 years old, not married, no children. Before her role in the series, the actress had already acted in films and was remembered by many from the series Housekeeper. You can read more about her here

    Semakina Yana's new neighbor and, concurrently, her sister, is played by actress Anastasia Ivanova, who was born on May 18, 1991. For a long time, Ivanova’s girl studied dancing (she even thought about entering the choreography department), but she still studied at the theater school. Other biographies of Ivanova.

    Yulia Semakina is the name of Yana Semakina’s sister. Her role was played by the young actress Anastasia Ivanova. Anastasia is not married, she is now 22 years old and she is not only an actress, but also a very good dancer. Anyone who understands dancing will immediately understand that Anastasia has class A in ballroom dancing- This is a class of professionals.

    The new neighbor and sister of Yana Semakina from the TV series Univer. New dorm name Ivanova Anastasia Dmitrievna(role of Yulia Semakina). The young and aspiring actress was born on May 18, 1991 (she is 22) in Volgograd. Not married, no children. E father - former footballer, and is currently a coach.

    IN school years practiced professional ballroom and sports dancing, performed not only at Russian championships, but also abroad. The dancing didn't work out because of disagreements with my partner. Anastasia was also interested in psychology and journalism.

    And after graduating from school, she decides to enter the theater (VGIIK - Volgograd state institute arts and culture). In 2012 he successfully completed it (with honors) and went to Moscow.

    In the capital, Anastasia tries herself on television. Then she gets main role the television series Housekeeper, which brought her her first success. In 2013, Anastasia was selected to participate in the role of Yulia Semakina (Yana’s sister) in the series on TNT Univer. New dorm. And she wins the casting.