Where is Gerasimov’s painting after the rain now? A.M

The artist Gerasmov created a painting called After the Rain. When I saw it, I also wanted to hang a picture of myself where we see a wet terrace after the rain, and if I ever come across a reproduction of Gerasimov’s painting, I will definitely buy it and hang it in my room. In the meantime, I have to complete a literature assignment and write a description for 6th grade based on Gerasimov’s painting.

A. Gerasimov “After the rain” painting

So, I’ll start the story based on the painting “After the Rain” by Gerasimov with general impression, but it’s just pleasant. When I saw the picture, I didn’t feel sad, as often happens after rain. Looking at the picture, you don’t feel the coolness that also falls to the ground after bad weather. On the contrary, the picture exudes freshness, purity, and some indescribable warmth emanates from it.

I will continue the description of Gerasimov’s painting with what exactly I see in the painting. So, we immediately see part of the terrace where the bench is located and there is also a table. There is a vase of flowers on the table, however, raindrops knocked off some of the petals and they lie on the table. Due to moisture, the leaves completely stuck to the table. And there is a glass on the table next to it. Maybe the wind knocked it over, or perhaps people who were relaxing on the terrace shortly before the heavy rain, in their haste, caught the glass and it turned over.

There are puddles everywhere on the floor, on the table, on the bench, everywhere you look, everything is wet and glistening in the sun, which is gradually breaking through the clouds.

In the background of Gerasimov's work, after the rain, there is a garden. The branches of the trees bent a little, because the foliage washed by water became heavier. When you look at the garden, it seems as if everything has come to life, the greenery has become juicier and brighter. And if you look closely, you can see the roof of some outbuilding through the foliage. Most likely, this is the roof of the barn visible.

Gerasimov painted a painting after the rain that I really liked, and, as I already said, someday I will definitely buy his painting or a reproduction of it.

Famous Russian and then Soviet painter A.M. Gerasimov it's been a long time creative path. He saw both glory during the time of Stalin and obscurity during the reign of Khrushchev, when all his works were removed from museums. It is gratifying that the artist’s talent has now received adequate recognition.

My creative activity he started out as an impressionist and ended up as a realist. Great place his work is devoted to socialist themes, which is not surprising if you consider how historical period The artist's creativity peaked.

Painter's painting "After the rain", written by him in 1935, also known as “ Wet terrace“, is one of his few works, devoid of any political background and created solely under the influence of the moment. People of the older generation may still remember the illustration of this picture on the page of the Russian language textbook, where it was published for many years. It was created in the estate of A.M. Gerasimov in the city of Michurinsk.

A notable feature of the film is its genre uncertainty. It contains elements of both a still life - a table, a vase with flowers, a glass - and a landscape - washed by the rain summer garden.

The terrace depicted in the picture is all wet and glistening from the rain that has just stopped. The artist conveys the sparkle of water incredibly realistically. It seems that as soon as you touch the table or run your hand along the bench, you feel moisture on your hand. One can even imagine how the artist, afraid of missing the moment, hastily places his easel in the depths of the terrace, how he concentrates on adding stroke after stroke so as not to miss the beauty of the moment.

In the foreground we see a dark carved table with curved legs. There is a vase of flowers and an overturned glass on it. Perhaps it was knocked over by the wind, or perhaps by people who were leaving the terrace in a hurry to escape the sudden downpour. Drops of rain knocked a few petals off the flowers and scattered them across the table and floor.

In the background, behind the balustrade, an amazing landscape begins. A blooming summer garden is simply magnificent after the rain. You can feel the moisture in the refreshed air, the smell of rain, wet grass and green foliage. A low, nondescript shed is visible through the foliage. But the positive mood conveyed by the picture makes this barn also seem beautiful.

If you look closely, you will notice that the colors are from foreground towards the back they begin to gradually lighten. In a similar way, the artist forces his viewer to move his gaze smoothly towards the light and sunny.

In his creation, the artist managed to convey not only the splendor of the moment, but also the admiration and high spirits that gripped him.

The estate where this painting was created has now been turned into a museum-estate for the artist. There is an art gallery here, which is the largest urban art gallery in Russia. art gallery. This is a tribute to the undeniable talent of the people's artist A.M. Gerasimova.

History and description of the painting “After the Rain” by the famous Soviet painter A. M. Gerasimov.

The author of the painting, the description of which is presented here, is Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov (1881-1963). Considered one of the outstanding Soviet artists. He was the First President of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947-1957), Academician of the USSR Academy of Arts. In 1943 he was awarded the honorary title People's Artist THE USSR. Became a laureate of four Stalin Prizes. He painted many paintings that today are considered true masterpieces of Russian painting. His works are in the following major museums, like the Tretyakov Gallery and the State Russian Museum. One of the artist’s works that deserves special attention is the painting “After the Rain.”

The painting “After the Rain” was painted in 1935. Also called "Wet Terrace". Canvas, oil. Dimensions: 78 x 85 cm. Located in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

By the time the picture was created, Alexander Gerasimov was already considered one of the brightest representatives socialist realism. He painted portraits of Soviet leaders, among whom were Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. The painting, which is somewhat different from socialist realism, was painted during the artist’s vacation in hometown Kozlov. The painter’s sister later spoke about how the painting was created. According to her, Alexander Mikhailovich was shocked by the appearance of their gazebo and garden after heavy rain. Water was literally everywhere, it sparkled “creating an extraordinary picturesque chord,” and nature smelt fragrant with freshness. The artist simply could not pass by such a spectacle, and created a picture that subsequently amazed all lovers and connoisseurs of painting.

Having decided to write this picture, Alexander shouted to his assistant: “Mitya, quickly get the palette!” As a result, the painting was completed in three hours. The work, which was written in one go, literally breathes freshness and pleases the eye with its naturalness and simplicity. Many of us have repeatedly seen something similar after rain, but with a lot of things to do and thoughts, we often simply did not pay attention to how beautiful renewed nature can be after ordinary rain. Looking at the painting of this artist, you understand how much beauty there is in such an ordinary phenomenon, which the talented painter conveyed with the help of a quick sketch of a small corner of the gazebo and the garden surrounding it.

The sun that breaks through the clouds makes the puddles on the terrace boards truly enchanting. They sparkle and shimmer different shades. On the table we can see a vase of flowers, a glass that was knocked over by rain or wind, which further creates the feeling of past bad weather, petals stuck to the table. The trees of the garden are visible in the background. The branches of the trees bent from the moisture that accumulated on the leaves. Behind the trees you can see part of a house or outbuilding. Thanks to the fact that A. M. Gerasimov created the picture very quickly, in one breath, being amazed and inspired by the unexpected transformation of nature, in the picture he was able to capture not just appearance surroundings after the rain, but also your feelings and emotions from the beauty you saw.

An essay based on the painting After the Rain by A.M. Gerasimov for 6th grade students.


  • The plot of A. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain”
  • Description of the terrace, table, jug with flowers
  • Background of the painting (garden, house, building)
  • Painting technique
  • My mood from what I saw.

I look at A.M. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain.” Everything I see, I need to describe in an essay. I'll start with the plot of the picture. A small terrace appears before our eyes after the rain. The artist chose objects as the subject of his canvas: a table, a jug of flowers, part of a terrace with railings, and depicted them against the backdrop of nature.

It just rained. We see small puddles spilled on the bench and floor of the terrace. Everything is reflected in the shine of the wet surface. There is an overturned faceted glass on the table. Apparently, the rain was very heavy if it left so many “traces” behind.

The terrace itself is not completely visible to us. Vertical supports hold up the roof (we only see its corner), and the wooden platform has steps leading out into the garden. The narrow bench ends with simple railings. It’s nice to sit on such a terrace in the evening and enjoy the smells of nature. Or you can get together with your family and have a cup of tea.

On the left is a table with carved legs. The figured table top is also covered with raindrops. And on the table there is a glass jug with flowers. Bouquet beautiful flowers I also felt the power of the rain. Some petals have fallen and lie in the water that has accumulated on the edge of the table. Or maybe the wind dropped the jug and scattered the delicate petals? The flowers are painted white and red, in some places they have shades of pink and soft green. The leaves are very dark and rich green color. The bouquet was probably collected just before the rain to decorate the table. But suddenly it began to rain, and the bouquet was left on the terrace.

In the background of the picture we see part of the garden. All its greenery is replete with different shades. Somewhere it is very bright, light, even turning into light green color, and somewhere dark green, juicy, with a tint of emerald and even blue colors. There are a lot of trees in the garden. To the side you can see some kind of wooden building, maybe it’s a small barn or a small bathhouse. There is a pipe on its roof.

On the right in the picture, behind the thick foliage, we see the corner of the house, to which the terrace adjoins. A. Gerasimov used interesting technology Images. All objects have blurry outlines. There are no clear correct lines. The blurry brushstroke technique makes the painting interesting. If you look closely, you can see instead of leaves on the tree just a vague brush stroke. It’s as if the artist didn’t try to draw all the elements the way they look, and left blurry spots of the right colors on the canvas. Also depicted are flowers in a jug, and part of the terrace, and a piece of the sky that shines through the dense foliage. The colors mix well here. They combine with each other to form a new shade.

The picture on creates good mood. After the rain it becomes light and joyful, nature is renewed, everything around is fresh. No sad thoughts, only positive emotions!

Description and analysis

A bouquet of flowers in the form of a contrasting bright spot is painted with emphasized wide impasto strokes, thanks to which the flowers in the vase look voluminous and natural.

Properly placed lighting accents also deserve attention. They make the image on the canvas alive and a little solemn. The light sources are located outside the plane of the canvas - somewhere behind the trees. The light in the picture is diffused and dim, it does not hit the eyes, which creates the effect of the summer sun peeking through the clouds, which has passed the midday line and began to decline.

The trees depicted in the background seem to be woven from huge amount stained glass pieces shimmering with greenish hues. They are illuminated along the contour and thereby highlighted from overall composition. IN in this case Gerasimov successfully used a special technique called fine art backlight - backlight reverse side Images.

The picture is dominated by a fresh, upbeat mood. The artist managed to reliably convey the poetry and special charm of the most ordinary things.

The sincerity of feelings that Gerasimov managed to express in his work charges the viewer with a special energy of freshness. For this painting the master was awarded the Grand Prix at an exhibition in Paris. Later artist I remembered with what delight he worked on creating this canvas. Perhaps that is why the work turned out to be so delightful and truthful.

Description of the painting “After the Rain” by A. Gerasimov

The works of the famous Soviet artist A. M. Gerasimov belong to realistic direction V fine arts. His creative collection includes many portraits, still lifes and landscapes. Gerasimov’s landscapes are simple at first glance, but each of them reveals something that touches the soul and is remembered by the viewer for a long time. The painting “After the Rain” is different from other works of the artist.

Contemplation of the painting “After the Rain” gives rise to a feeling of invigorating newness in the soul of every viewer. Washed by the rain the world looks completely new and this one A New Look looking at familiar things allows you to discover the surprising not only in everyday reality, but also in your own soul.

Description and analysis

In 1935, Gerasimov went to his homeland in the city of Kozlov to relax and retire for creativity. This is where the painting beloved by many was created.

The painting “After the Rain” was painted spontaneously, literally in one breath. At the same time, it is not a momentary creation. The artist prepared himself for a long time to create this work. He made sketches from life of foliage, grass and various items, wet from the rain. Gerasimov's acquaintances admitted that this experience was especially good for him.

Sister Gerasimova in her memoirs described the process of creating the painting: that day a heavy summer downpour began. After it, everything around looked especially picturesque and fresh - the water, shimmering with colors in the sun, sparkled on the floor of the veranda, foliage and paths; A cloudless, rain-washed sky could be seen above the trees.

Admired by the view, the master grabbed the palette and stood at the easel. In a matter of hours, he painted a most picturesque canvas, which became one of his most successful creations. Later, exhibiting the painting at various vernissages along with his other works, Gerasimov noted, not without surprise, that it was she who enjoyed special attention from the audience.

What is so attractive about this light, poetic work for the average viewer? The painting depicts a seemingly ordinary landscape - a corner of the veranda with carved railings and a small bench along them.

On the right, slightly disturbing the compositional balance, the artist placed an antique table and a vase of flowers. On the left plan we see the floor, as well as a bench and veranda railing. On all the objects depicted, drops of water shine and shimmer. Immediately behind the veranda you can see the garden - wet from the rain that just passed.

The colors in the picture are crystal clear and majestic - the lush green of wet foliage, the dark bronze of wet wood, the sky blue reflected in the puddles spilled on the floor of the veranda. A bouquet of flowers in a vase is highlighted as a separate color accent – ​​intense pink color goes well with green and white strokes.

The picture does not feel contrived. The images created by the artist are fresh and truthful, distinguished by ease and purity - the virtuosity of the painter’s brush is felt in them. How is such amazing authenticity achieved?

When working on the painting, Gerasimov used a highly refined reflex technique. This figurative technique suggests careful study small, but important details compositions.

In the case of the painting “After the Rain” key points, thanks to which it is achieved special condition freshness and purity are reflections of light and reflections: lush green strokes on the walls of the veranda - reflections of green foliage; pink and blue spots on the table are reflections left on a wet surface by a bouquet of flowers.

The entire painting seems to be permeated with intricate interweavings of light and shadow. At the same time, the shadow areas do not cause a depressing feeling in the viewer, since they are made in multi-colored and colorful ways. There are a lot of silver and mother-of-pearl shades in the picture - in this way the artist conveys numerous reflections of the sun on wet foliage and wet surfaces of objects. Working to create the visual effect of wet surfaces, the artist used the glaze technique. In the process of using this technique, paint is applied to the canvas in several layers. The first stroke is the main one, the subsequent ones are light translucent strokes. Thanks to this, the depicted surfaces look shiny, as if covered with varnish. This is especially noticeable when examining fragments of the picture that depict sections of the plank floor, a bench, and a table top.