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How to choose polarized Sunglasses for drivers? In this article we will take a closer look at the question of which polarized glasses for a driver to choose, taking into account modern achievements in the optical industry.

UV protection. The human eye has its own system for adjusting the incoming light, consisting of an outer part - the eyelids and an inner part - the pupil. In order to reduce the amount of light received in bright sunny weather, we squint, and our pupil decreases to its minimum size. At the same time, the amount of ultraviolet rays is also reduced tenfold.

When a person puts on sunglasses, most of the incoming light is filtered by the lenses, so you no longer have to squint and your pupil diameter increases again. That is natural mechanism the protection given to us by nature is turned off. An enlarged pupil will transmit tens of times more ultraviolet rays, which have a detrimental effect on the lens and retina of the eye. Therefore, it is better to walk without any glasses at all than to wear glasses without UV protection.

It should be noted that glass modern cars have UV protection, so you can feel safe inside the car.

Darkening degree. Sunglasses vary in darkness into 5 categories:

Sunglasses for drivers are usually equipped with lenses of categories 2 and 3.

Tint color. Having decided on the category, you should choose a tint color. This matter is purely subjective, everyone chooses what they like, but we will still try to give basic recommendations. Let's look at the most common tint colors:

1. Green. Has a calming and relaxing effect. Previously used everywhere and considered most suitable for sunglasses. Recommended for patients with glaucoma.

2. Gray (aka black, smoky, etc.). Absorbs all colors evenly and therefore does not disrupt color rendering. The best option in sunglasses for driving.

3. Brown. Increases contrast, but as a result - increased eye fatigue.

4. Yellow and orange. Such tints are used for driving in poor visibility conditions, on a cloudy day, fog, rain and even at night.

5. Blue. Blocks yellow and orange rays. This tint is used in medium to bright light. Increases contrast and does not distort colors.

6. Blue, pink, red. Such tints are not very common, as they have many disadvantages and also do not provide proper light absorption. Glasses with such lenses are usually used to create an image; we are not interested in them for the purposes of this article.

Glass or plastic? IN Lately high-quality plastic pushes glass on all fronts. This happens for many reasons: plastic is cheaper, lighter and stronger. At the same time, just like glass, it provides 100% UV protection and proper light absorption. A hardened type of plastic, polycarbonate, has gained particular popularity as a material for sunglass lenses. It is often stronger than the frame itself and is therefore recommended for installation in sports sunglasses, as well as driving sunglasses (such lenses can withstand an airbag blast and are injury-proof). But both plastic and polycarbonate are inferior to glass in terms of scratch resistance, even despite all the modern protective coatings. And another advantage of glass over plastic is that even on a hot sunny day it does not heat up and the eyes are relatively cool, which has a positive effect on comfort.

Polarization. Polarized glasses for drivers (also known as polarized glasses for drivers or anti-glare glasses for drivers) cut off the sun's rays reflected from horizontal surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, car windows, water surface, etc.). The option is extremely useful, because such glasses can be used not only for driving, but also at sea or in the mountains, and they are also suitable for urban use.

The polarizing filter itself is a thin film inside or on the back surface of the lens. It cannot be visually identified, but there is a surefire way to check your glasses for polarization. To do this, you need to sit in front of a computer monitor (the screens of modern smartphones and tablets are not suitable for this) wearing glasses and tilting your head to your left shoulder. If at some point the screen goes completely dark, then polarization is present. Polarized driving glasses are not recommended for use in poor lighting or dark time days, as they significantly reduce illumination.

Anti-glare coating. Almost every article on choosing sunglasses is written about UV protection and polarization, but there is no information about anti-reflective coating, although this is very important point. Sunglasses have an anti-reflective coating applied to the inside of the lenses to prevent rays coming from behind or from the sides from reflecting off the lenses and into your eyes. Particularly relevant this problem for owners of sunglasses with glass lenses, because glass reflects light much better than plastic. Therefore, when choosing such glasses, do not skimp and pay extra for anti-reflective lenses.

It is by the presence of anti-reflective coating that you can identify high-quality dark driving glasses. To determine the presence of anti-glare, look at the inside surface of the lens and tilt the glasses at different angles. If you see a blue-violet reflection, it means that an anti-reflective coating is present.

As you can see in this figure, lenses of glasses without anti-reflection reflect the incident light quite strongly; during use, they will glare decently, while lenses with anti-reflection reflect light much less.

Curvature of glasses. Another important characteristic when choosing sunglasses for drivers, which few people pay attention to, is the basic curvature of the lenses. Typically it ranges from 6 (flat glasses) to 9 (sports, close-fitting glasses). For driving, it is best to choose close-fitting glasses (8-9 base curvature).

In this case, a minimum of light will fall into the openings between the glasses and your face and, accordingly, will distract you less. The lenses must be large enough to cover the periphery of the eyes. In this case, you will not have to rotate your head with glasses if you need to look in the side mirror; it will be enough to simply move the pupil.

Lens shape. In 1937, Ray-Ban released the first sunglasses designed for US Air Force pilots. This model was called “Aviator” and it had a characteristic teardrop shape, specially adapted for flying an airplane.

Sunglasses on Tom Cruise's face in the movie Top Gun.

This form turned out to be so successful that today it is the most popular among sunglasses manufacturers. This shape (as well as its various variations) is also great for driving glasses.

Rim glasses. The thinner the better. A completely frameless option would be ideal, since in this case the frame will not limit the viewing angle. The temples should also be thin so as not to block peripheral vision.

A great example of driving glasses.

It is also advisable to keep weight to a minimum, since during long trips, heavy glasses (especially with glass lenses) will put pressure on the bridge of the nose, which is why you will once again be distracted by adjusting them or massaging a tired nose.

Conclusions. With all that said, the ideal polarized sunglasses for drivers are rimless glasses with lightweight polycarbonate lenses and thin temples. Lens tint level 2 or 3. Tint color can be grey, green, brown or blue depending on the person’s preference. Lenses must be equipped with polarizing technology and also have an anti-reflective coating on them. inner surface. The frames of glasses should be light, durable and injury-proof. Material - light plastic, steel alloy, and best of all titanium. The base curvature of the lenses is 8-9, the shape is aviator or similar, wide enough to cover the sides of the eyes.

For many people, sunglasses are everyday accessory, allowing you to emphasize your style and create the desired image. However, we should not forget that these optical products perform another important function - protecting the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Let's consider what determines the degree of blocking of UV radiation in sunglasses.

Currently, the ophthalmic products market offers a wide selection of sunglasses. The assortment is replete with availability popular brands, variety of shapes, designs and colors. However, when purchasing spectacle optics, you need to take into account not only the decorative component, but also protective properties lenses It is important that the correction product provides the necessary level of protection of the visual organs from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Many people are interested in how to choose sunglasses based on the type of protection. We suggest you look into this issue.

Should you protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation?

To understand whether it is worth protecting your eyes from exposure sun rays, you need to understand their types, the nature of their appearance and the impact on the human visual organs. Up to 40% of radiation is classified as visible and allows us to distinguish colors. About 50% of the sun's rays are infrared. They allow you to feel warmth. Finally, 10% of the sun's rays are ultraviolet radiation, which is invisible to human eyes. According to the wavelength, it is divided into several subcategories (long wavelength - UVA, medium wavelength - UVB, and short wavelength - UVC).

Types of ultraviolet radiation:

  • UVA - is in the range of 400-315 nm. Mainly reaches the surface of the Earth;
  • UVB - is in the range of 315-280 nm. Mainly retained by the atmosphere, but partially reaches the Earth's surface;
  • UVC - is in the range of 280-100 nm. It practically does not reach the surface of the Earth (it is retained by the ozone layer).

Do you need glasses to protect your eyes from UV rays?

Ophthalmologists say that in moderate quantities, ultraviolet light is beneficial for the body, as it helps strengthen the immune system, improve body tone and even improve mood. Under the influence of UV rays in the eye, metabolism and blood circulation are stimulated, and muscle function is improved. In addition, the body produces vitamin D, which strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and produces histamine, a substance that has a vasodilating effect.

However, with intense exposure, ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the body, including the organs of vision. The lens captures long-wave UV radiation, gradually losing transparency and acquiring a yellowish tint. Experts recommend paying due attention to protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, since clouding of the lens leads to the development of such a serious disease as cataracts. In 50% of cases, in the absence of timely treatment, this eye disease causes blindness. The mucous membrane of the eye and cornea absorb mid-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVB), which can significantly damage their structure with intense exposure. Using sun protection accessories avoids this problem.

To make a smart purchase, you need to decide what kind of UV protection your sunglasses should have. This factor should be given primary attention when purchasing these products.

Why you should protect your eyes from intense ultraviolet radiation:

  • The lens captures long-wave UV radiation, gradually losing transparency and acquiring a yellowish tint. This can lead to cataracts;
  • The cornea absorbs mid-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVB), losing its optical properties.

What kind of protection should sunglasses have?

Many people do not know how to determine the level of protection of sunglasses and mistakenly believe that the darker the lenses, the better they block UV rays. However, it is not. Clear lenses can absorb harmful radiation just as well as dark lenses if a special coating is applied to their surface. Moreover, the pupil under dark lenses dilates, so in the absence of a filter, ultraviolet rays are easily absorbed by the lens.

Products from worldwide famous brands must have a special marking characterizing the degree of protection. Spectacle optics marked “UV400” are considered to be of the highest quality. It filters up to 99% of UVA ultraviolet light with a wavelength of up to 400 nm. However, it should be borne in mind that when systematically wearing such glasses summer time a “mask” forms on the face because the skin around the eyes does not tan. Much more common are products labeled UV 380, which filter only 95% of UV rays. Inexpensive products provide blocking of 50% of radiation. All products that capture less than 50% of ultraviolet rays do not protect the eyes from them. negative impact. They are often only used in decorative purposes.

Sometimes there is a marking that indicates the degree of protection from both UVA and UVB rays: “Blocks at least 80% UVB and 55% UVA.” This means that the filter applied to the surface prevents the penetration of up to 80% of UVB rays and up to 55% of UVA rays. Doctors advise choosing products where both indicators are above 50%.

In addition, there is another option for marking glasses:

  • Cosmetic. Optical products that block less than 50% of UV radiation. These glasses are not recommended for use on sunny days, as they do not protect the eyes from the sun;
  • General - universal products with UV filters that block from 50 to 80% of UV rays. Such glasses can be used for everyday eye protection in the city, at mid-latitudes;
  • High UV-protection - models with enhanced UV filters that block almost 99% of ultraviolet radiation. They can be used on a bright sunny day in the mountains, near the water, etc.

How to choose sunglasses based on darkness?

Once you have decided on the degree of protection of your glasses from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, you need to select their level of light transmission, or darkness. This parameter will determine how brightly you can perceive the world. Typically, this marking is located on the temple of the glasses and consists of two components: the model name and the darkness rating, for example, “Cat. 3" or "Filter cat. 3".

Classification of sunglasses by darkness:

  • Marking (0). These products are almost completely transparent. It transmits from 80 to 100% of visible sunlight. These glasses are recommended for use by athletes when exercising in the absence of bright light.
  • Marking (1,2). This optics has light transmission from 43 to 80%, and from 18 to 43% of light, respectively. This is the best option for wearing in low to medium sunlight.
  • Marking (3,4). These glasses should be used in very bright sunshine.

On a hot day summer period for our latitudes optimal choice There will be optical products with 2 and 3 degrees of light transmission. For use on summer mornings, as well as in spring and autumn time Models with 1-2 degrees of darkness are suitable. Glasses with index 4 are recommended for travelers to wear in extreme conditions, for example, when conquering mountains.

It should be clarified once again that the degree of darkness has nothing to do with protecting the eyes from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays. This indicator exclusively affects the brightness of image perception and the wearing comfort of optical products.

What other protection could glasses have?

Modern manufacturers of sunglasses make sure that their products are as comfortable, practical and durable as possible to use. Therefore, in addition to an ultraviolet filter, additional coatings are often applied to the surface of products.

  • Polarizing filter. Completely blocks glare - rays reflected from horizontal surfaces (water, snowy field, car hood, etc.);
  • Anti-glare coating. Cuts off some types of solar glare, increasing comfort of use;
  • Mirror coating. As a rule, it is applied to one degree or another on all glasses. Reflects visible sunlight, providing additional comfort to the eye;
  • Abrasion resistant coating. Increases the resistance of spectacle lenses to mechanical damage (scratches, cracks, etc.);
  • Melanin coating. Apply to inner side lenses to prevent eye fatigue.
  • Gradient coating. Allows you to increase safety while driving. The upper, darker part of the lenses provides good visibility when looking at the road. In turn, the light bottom of the lenses contributes to good review dashboard.

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Ray-Ban lenses: types and degrees of darkness

Ray-Ban lenses: types and degrees of darkness

If you still think that the choice of color, material and shape is the most important thing when buying sunglasses, then we will have to disappoint you: this is a big mistake.

In fact, the most important factors to protect your eyes from the sun and sun-reflective surfaces are the shade and type of lenses. IN-)

Degrees: everyone come out of the darkness!

So, all lenses are divided into 5 categories according to the degree of protection from rays of the visible part of the spectrum:
  • 0 : transparent (80-100% light transmission). These include lenses with diopters intended to be worn for medical purposes. Or “zeros” of image points.

  • 1 : light (43-80% light transmission). This degree is suitable if you wear glasses in cloudy weather or use them as part of your outfit.

  • 2 : medium (18-43% light transmission). These lenses are good for driving a car and are the most versatile.

  • 3 : strong (8-18% light transmittance). These glasses are ideal for summer season when the sun is simply merciless. Classic lenses for the Ray-Ban brand G-15 (dark green) and B-15 (dark brown) transmit 15% of light.

  • 4 : maximum (3-8% light transmission). The lenses are designed for protection in mountainous snowy areas. Such glasses can be called specialized; they are not suitable for everyday use (for example, you can’t see anything in them while driving). Ray-Ban does not have glasses with these lenses.

  • 5 : outside the norm (less than 3% light transmission). If you climb glaciers or work as a welder, this is what you need Q-) Ray-Ban does not have glasses with these lenses.
When producing sunglasses, the Ray-Ban brand actively uses only the first, second and third degrees of darkness (in the picture from left to right):

Special cases among Ray-Ban lenses:

  • Lenses with Top Gradient Mirror and Double Gradient Mirror technology blocking from 4% of light;

  • Lenses RB-50 and RB-50 Ultra, released in 1987 for the anniversary and transmitting 5% of light;

  • Lenses G-31, designed for travel in the polar regions/deserts/mountains and transmitting 8% of light.

Lens Type: Mysterious Letters

The Ray-Ban brand offers the following typology lenses: N, P and F. In the picture below they are located from left to right, making it obvious that outwardly it is quite difficult to distinguish the lens by type:

What do these mysterious letters give us?

N: this type can be called classic, because it involves a lens made of glass or plastic with a standard ultraviolet filter.

  • P3 (plastic) / P3 Plus (glass): to the above is added a hydro-oleophobic coating (NO - traces of fat and water on the surface of the lens) + increased contrast for P3 Plus lenses (increased clarity).

    This article could not help but convince you that shade level and lens type are the first and most important points in choosing sunglasses. And if you have already decided on them, it’s a matter of small things: model, size, color and much more... B-)

  • There are standards that distinguish five categories of filters for sunglasses with varying levels of darkening and UV protection.

    Included sunlight there is ultraviolet radiation. Depending on the wavelength, ultraviolet is divided into:

    Long-wave (type A wavelength 315-400 nm): the least dangerous radiation range;

    Medium wave (type B wavelength 315-280 nm): higher radiation energy, causes skin damage;

    Shortwave (type C and V wavelength 100-280 nm): the most dangerous range, but almost all of it is retained by the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere.

    UV-A and UV-B rays are not noticeable to humans, so if exposed to excess they can cause a burn to the retina. All high-quality glasses by default have protection in any degree of lens darkness. Information may be indicated on the lens: UV 380 or UV 400.

    High-quality sunglasses have special markings to help you choose the glasses according to your needs. There are five categories of sunglasses filters with different levels of darkness: from "0" to "4". The filter category of sunglasses characterizes the ability of the lenses to protect the eyes from visible sunlight:

    - “0” light transmission 80-100% (colorless or very lightly colored filter. Minimal protection from all types of UV).

    - “1” light transmission of such lenses is 80-43% (medium-weak filter, glasses with such lenses are suitable for inactive sun.)

    “2” light transmission 43-18% (the most versatile filter, suitable for bright sun)

    "3" light transmission 18-8% (dark filter, which is suitable for very bright sun)

    “4” light transmission 8-3% (extreme dark filter)

    The color of the glasses lenses, as well as the filter category, must be chosen based on your needs. In general, the most comfortable are considered to be: brown, gray, and green lens colors, which only slightly change the natural image. It is very important that the lenses do not distort color perception.

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    Ophthalmologist's advice

      How our eyes work

      Human eye- this is a complex mechanism that allows us to see the world around us, perceive colors, see the faces of people close and dear to us, and admire all the colors of our planet. Most of the information that enters the human brain comes through our eyes. The human eye converts an electromagnetic impulse into a visual image (the picture that we see).

      How does this intricate mechanism work?

      The retina is the built-in, sensitive layer of the eye, which is the thinnest layer and performs the role of image formation (light and color perception). The role of the retina can be compared to the film in a camera on which the image is recorded.

      The choroid supplies oxygen and nutrients. Consists of small blood vessels.

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      How to choose frames according to your face type

      Any glasses can transform your face and brighten up its imperfections. The main thing is to correctly determine what type of face yours is. And choose frames following our advice. And then those around you will be captivated by your stylish and individual appearance.
      A rectangular face is somewhat elongated vertically, so glasses that cover most face and look like a wide transverse line will reduce its length.
      Most frames suit the classic oval face shape. The main thing is that they are proportional to the overall dimensions.
      A round face will suit frames with emphasized straight lines and rectangular lenses. Very dark color frames also reduce the fullness of the face.

    Under the products general use This refers to ordinary sunglasses, which are an integral part of the summer image of almost any man and any woman. Unlike cosmetic ones, they are not only decorative, but also protective, protecting the eyes from exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation. The choice of such glasses should be treated especially carefully and it is best to ultimately give preference to well-known and reliable brands. After all, cheap, low-quality products purchased on the market or in a non-specialized store usually contain plastic with extremely low absorption capacity. Due to this, more ultraviolet rays and blue light penetrate into the pupil, which instinctively reacts to a lack of illumination by dilating - thus, cheap products do much more harm than good. Wearing them too often can cause the development of cataracts and even cancer.

    Increased protection

    These sunglasses have highly darkened lenses with increased protection from ultraviolet radiation and the blue region of the color spectrum. They are practically never seen in everyday use. Such models are used, as a rule, while relaxing on the beach, traveling to tropical countries, to the mountains or the Arctic, where due to the reflective effect of the snow cover there is an extremely high risk of getting so-called “snow” blindness. In some cases, such glasses may be recommended for regular wearing people suffering from severe retinal diseases.