Amulets for health: effects of regular wearing, reviews. Slavic amulet doll for the health and protection of a pregnant woman

The doll is the most famous Slavic amulet

The technology for making talismans and amulets with your own hands is simple, although it may take time. DIY crafts can doubly protect, since when creating a doll, bracelet, protective beads, you invest not only an ancient and mysterious, protective meaning, but also your positive energy. That is why you need to start work with a positive attitude and bright thoughts.

Doll as a talisman

Each nation believed in its own God and had its own protective talisman. Today the most famous Slavic amulet is a doll. To make a doll with your own hands, you simply do not need to have any special skills or special skills. To make a doll you will need to prepare:

  • Linen threads.
  • Red threads.
  • Thick paper (cardboard works well).
  • Scissors.

The choice of thread color is everyone’s taste, but in ancient times, since the talisman was made to protect health, those colors were used that were as close as possible to the human body. The color red was associated with blood, and blood was the source of life.

There is no need to make a large doll; its height should not exceed fifteen centimeters. It is important to strictly observe the proportions; there is no need to make the Slavic amulet in the form of a doll plump and shapeless. Be sure to use linen threads, as in ancient times people believed that linen was able to absorb negative energy and protect the owner from illnesses and the evil eye.

Doll amulet for health

Talisman manufacturing technology

Making such a Slavic amulet like a doll is not difficult, but it will require some time. In order for the talisman to turn out correctly, follow this technology:

  • Make a strip out of cardboard. The size of the product will depend on the size of the strip.
  • Prepare three stems from linen threads. One stem will serve as the body of the product (it is not recommended to make it large and thick), the second stem will be for the arms (it should be thinner than the first) and the third will be for the braid.
  • All stems need to be cut off, only on one side, and some should be set aside.
  • Tie one thin stem with red thread and tie a knot.
  • You need to tie it at one end of the stem.
  • Make a braid from the free part. Also tie the other end of the braid with red thread. This will be the base of the arms.
  • Cross the two remaining stems and bend the ends. The thick end should be in contact with the thick end of the stem, and the thin end with the thin end.
  • Form a braid from a thin stem, tie its end with red thread.
  • From the beginning of one end, the top, at a distance of two centimeters, rewind with red thread to highlight the area of ​​the head.
  • Divide the thick stalk for the body into two parts and place the doll’s arms there.
  • Cross the two remaining stems and connect according to the previous principle, thick end to thick end, thin end to thin end of the stem. This will help highlight the base of the body, the torso of the product.

You can tie long red threads on your belt to form a belt. Those parts that create a visible defect and excess threads can be cut off with scissors. The doll is ready and will protect you from evil spirits, protect your health and home.

Eastern amulets

Today, such a teaching as Feng Shui is popular among people, and talismans, amulets, and arrangements in the house to protect the hearth are made on the basis of this teaching. Many Feng Shui talismans can act as a talisman for health. You can make a Feng Shui amulet with your own hands. To protect the premises, you need to determine where the eastern side is in your house, since it is this side that controls the health of the household. Protective symbols can be applied to the wall.

In order for health to reign in the house, it is important to create a prosperous atmosphere and environment for it. Do not clutter the east wall, do not keep old things in this corner. The center of the room should also be free. This allows positive energy to flow calmly and unhindered around the perimeter of the room. It is recommended to place a table near the eastern wall. To attract health into your home, cover the table with a red cloth.

It’s good if there are figurines and protective amulets on the table. It could be a peach or a peach tree. You can draw such a tree or a separate fruit, or embroider it yourself. The image of a crane will help protect the house and give health to the family. It could be a figurine, a bird figurine, a drawing. You can place an elephant figurine or a bell in your child’s room. Feng Shui teachings recommend keeping pine and bamboo in the house, in the eastern and central parts. You can use a decorative small tree. Place figurines and figurines in pairs, this will increase your health.

Ancient scripture

The famous Slavic amulet in the form of an ancient scripture - runes. A Slavic magical talisman appeared with ancient signs before the advent of writing and the alphabet. Today there are 18 known signs that perform a protective function. Runes were divided into several types, each of which performed its own protective role. There are runes that protect against the evil eye, evil spirits, and evil spirits. There are also those who were responsible for maintaining health.

For this purpose, special talismans were made, on which runic signs were applied. The Slavic solar sign and runic symbol were applied to the amulet, which had strong protection. Signs were applied to bracelets, beads, and earrings. If the talisman is large, then it was kept in the house and protected the hearth.

Slavic amulet in the form of scripture - runes

Types of amulets

Making Slavic amulet with their own hands, ancient people began to give them names. This helped determine, in the future and now, which talisman helps whom and from what. It is important to note that you could only wear protective amulets that were intended for your gender. A man could not wear amulets intended to protect a woman, and vice versa. For the feminine gender they used a star-shaped amulet called Lada. Amulet with a star

Lada was an exception. It could be worn by a widower who cares for his daughters. A Slavic talisman intended to protect health and give a person wisdom is the Ladin. This talisman helps women, has a positive effect on the functionality of the body, fertility, and the birth of children. Extends life years. The caroler is responsible for men's health and longevity. This amulet was worn on the hand, like a bracelet, or on the neck, like an amulet.

A bracelet made from red thread has positive functions and protective effects on the body. The thread itself must be tied on the wrist of the left hand, forming seven knots. When applying the amulet to your hand, which is best done at midnight, you need to cast seven spells. You need to do the ritual with bright thoughts and intentions, only then the talisman will protect and bring health to the owner.

Protection for babies

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect the child, and have done so from the moment of his birth. The mother could best protect the child, and it was accepted that she should do all the protective amulets herself, especially if a spell was applied to the amulet. The second person who had the right to make the amulet was the grandmother. You can make a talisman for a child from the following components:

  • Wood.
  • Rowan berries.
  • Threads.
  • Herbal
  • Pins.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Embroidered shirts.
  • Bluebell.
  • Handmade dolls from threads.
  • Talismans with magical signs.
  • By prayers.

Berries, herbs and rowan leaves are placed in a special bag. It can be stored under your pillow or bed. Periodically, the berries and leaves are changed, but not just thrown away, but burned. Rowan leaves can be placed under a child's mattress. After this, light the candle and say the spell. They put the spell on a pin and attached it to the inside of the clothes. This amulet was used for both newborns and adult children. For newborn babies, a pin was hung at the head of the crib, stroller, or on the tip of the pillow.

Protective bag for babies

Additional mascots for kids

You can make a talisman and amulet from bay leaves. It helps protect the child from evil spirits and the effects of negative energy. This protection is used for children of all age categories. Laurel leaves are laid out around the nursery room. If a bag is used for the laurel, it should be yellow or blue, and the mother should sew it herself to convey her energy.

The protective bag can be placed in the stroller while walking with the child, or placed in the baby’s pocket or briefcase. A red thread will also help protect your little child. The thread is tied on the baby's hand with seven knots. When applying protection, it is important to speak a special spell. For a newborn baby, it is recommended to use a bell for protection.

In ancient times, people believed that the ringing of a bell, like the ringing of a church bell, could scare and drive away all evil spirits from a child. People with negative energy also could not approach the child. The bell must be kept clean.

You can hang it on a chandelier or on the railing of a child's crib. You can also protect your child during play by making a doll for him. The doll is made from threads; there must be a red thread. Mom should make this Slavic talisman and amulet herself. When traveling or swimming in water, you can protect your baby with a shell; you need to pull it through a thread and put it on the child, saying a spell. Can be worn as an amulet or bracelet. Magic signs are applied to the bracelets. The prayers read by the mother and grandmother also protected the child.

Ancient talismans

Ancient talismans also help protect the child. Special marks are applied to them. Each talisman has a name and performs its own protective function:

How to make a talisman yourself

Before making a talisman, it is important to take into account a number of rules. Before manufacturing, select the right material. A protective product can be made from wood, mainly oak or ash, or from wax. The wax must be natural, so you should buy it from a beekeeper. Natural materials will give you extra health, as they have positive energy. After production, do not rush to immediately reconcile the product. This must be done in the forest or in an area that is far from the road. Place your hand on the tree (preferably your left) and say a prayer. Energy will flow through your body and fill the talisman.

When making an amulet, you need to pronounce the appropriate spell. It is not recommended and even forbidden to read a conspiracy from a book or piece of paper; you should know it by heart. Speak your words clearly. The amulet should be worn on a leather or natural thread. If your amulet has threads as auxiliary elements, then they should be red. As additional protection, you can use magic signs; apply them to the amulet during manufacture. It is important to take into account which sign corresponds to what and which is half-intended.

Wax talisman

Making a talisman from wax is not difficult, but it is important that it be natural. Beeswax is a natural material, so it can absorb negative energy. This material will not help protect or improve health, but it does have additional beneficial properties. Make a circle or ball out of wax and bury it in the ground near the house. You can also protect your loved ones with the product in this way. You can keep the balls for them in the refrigerator. The product will help get rid of headaches, colds, and nervous disorders. You can make a wax figurine for a child. It is important to use a quality product and material. The figurine can speak. The product is valuable because you make it with your own hands and there will not be a second copy or an analogue anywhere.

Feel like you're not as energetic as you used to be lately? A handmade amulet will help you preserve and increase your health.

Symbolic Slavic signs were used not only for personal protection, but even in rites and magical rituals

What is a talisman

An amulet is your magical guard that protects you from various physical and psychological influences from the outside. Charms that preserve human health can be:

  • Material – pendant, doll, comb.
  • Intangible - conspiracies.

The amulet is only effective if the person it protects is nearby, so it must always be carried with you.

In ancient times, the magical amulets of the Slavs were made with their own hands and were called upon to create powerful protection for a person, his home and family from evil spirits, problems, illness and troubles.

Slavic talismans were selected for each person based on their date of birth

Among the Slavs, amulets that ward off illness were divided into children's, women's and men's. Each Slavic amulet was intended to protect a specific family member. A person should always have a material amulet with him, it should not be seen or picked up by strangers. They never told anyone about the intangible amulet - a spell for good health.

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Slavic amulet for health for a child.

Children in Slavic families have always been considered a priceless gift from the Gods. To protect a newborn, the Slavic amulet was embroidered on clothes, on sheets and diapers, and carved on the back of a crib. When the baby grew up, the health amulet was carved out of wood or made of stone. Types of amulets for children:

  • Rodovik;
  • Doll - Diaper.


Rodovik is a symbol of Rod - God the Forefather of the Slavs. For many thousands of years, the amulet preserved the strength and health of the family. After the birth of a child, the head of the family carved a small figurine from wood - a doll symbol of the God of the Family. It was hidden under the mattress or hung over the cradle. It was believed that the symbol of the Family would preserve the health of the child and ward off trouble from him.

If you place an image of Rodovik in the workplace, it will protect against dishonesty on the part of partners, colleagues and subordinates, and will help avoid serious conflicts

Legends say that evil spirits are afraid of the ringing of a silver bell; it protects against illness, the evil eye and evil people. This amulet is especially relevant for children from 0 to 5 years old, when they are most vulnerable. One bell was attached by parents to the child’s clothes, and several others were hung above his crib. Later the bell was replaced by a silver hairpin or pin. The tradition has not lost its relevance in our time. Many people sew a pin into a child’s collar to protect him from illness and misfortune.

A bell is a ritual object, the sound of which was used to ward off otherworldly forces and unfavorable phenomena

Doll – Diaper

The doll protecting the child was made either by the oldest woman in the house or by the mother of the baby immediately after his birth. When creating the amulet, scissors and sewing needles were not used, and the women tore off the necessary pieces of fabric with their hands. The base of the diaper was made of thick light-colored fabric, rolled into a rope, and then the doll was dressed up in a diaper and a scarf. The doll was deliberately made without eyes; it was believed that thanks to this, the doll absorbs all the evil eye and negativity from the outside.

The Diaper Doll was sewn immediately before the birth of the child, with prayer, with thoughts about the future child

The finished doll was tied with red silk thread and placed in the baby's crib.

Women's amulets

The health of women in the Slavic family was taken seriously, since the continuation of the family and the health of future family members depended on it. All amulets to protect the mistress were made with their own hands. It was believed that only the oldest representative of the family, with extensive life experience, could make the most powerful magical amulet.

While working on creating a health amulet, there should be complete silence in the room, and thoughts should be extremely clear and bright.

Types of health amulets for women:

  • Makosh;
  • Image of Alatyr.

The Lada Star symbol can only be worn by a woman; it is aimed at preserving her health and protecting her from evil. Goddess Lada gives beautiful representatives of humanity love, youth, health and beauty. Pregnant women are advised to make the Lada Star symbol with their own hands and always keep it with them; Lada will protect the expectant mother and her unborn child.

If a woman wears the Star of Lada, she will be calm, reasonable and kind, everything will work out for her and the children will not leave her one step.


The Slavic amulet Mokosh is an excellent choice for older married women, as they are considered the guardians of customs, history and the family hearth. Makosh will help protect all family members from misfortunes and provide them with good health. The Mokosh symbol is not recommended for unmarried girls.

This Slavic amulet can be worn by girls, girls and women. Lunnitsa helps its owner find true love, meet true female happiness, and gain good health. Lunnitsa helps to bear a healthy child and ensures an easy birth, so pregnant women in Slavic families wear this amulet around their neck.

The Lunnitsa amulet is a reflection of the young month, which has always been responsible for fertility, it was worn exclusively by women

Image of Alatyr

In Slavic traditions, the image of Alatyr is considered a symbol that drives away all unclean things. It gives the homemaker good health, youth and beauty. The image of Alatyr was carved on many women's items: combs, mirrors, hairpins, bracelets.

In ancient times, they believed that Alatyr helps people communicate with the Gods

Men's health charms

Men's health amulets are very different from women's. The boy received his first male amulet after his initiation into a man during puberty. Men had three main amulets for health:

A talisman that was only allowed to be worn by the stronger sex. It is intended to give a man good health and physical strength to fight evil. This amulet protects against physical and mental effects on human health. Helps protect the family from abuse and misfortune. Perun's ax was made by a man with his own hands.

The peculiarity of the action of the Ax of Perun amulet is that it accumulates the personal power of its owner, and then at some point directs it exactly where it is needed

From time immemorial, the bear was cleaned as a sacred animal among the Slavic tribes. From time immemorial, the Bear's Paw has been passed down from the older generation to the younger. This amulet gave its owner unlimited protection only if the man never parted with it. He must carry it with him from his youth to his deathbed. Then the Seal of Veles again passed to the young man along with the strength, wisdom and secret knowledge of his ancestors. In this way, the Slavic peoples preserved the memory of the Family.

The Slavic amulet with the Doukhobor symbol is considered universal. It can be worn by both men and women. The action of the amulet is aimed at the constant self-development of a person and limitless knowledge of the world. Doukhobor always reciprocates those who believe in him, he can also punish those who used his power for evil. A person who has pure thoughts and carries the Doukhobor amulet with him receives tangible physical strength, and illnesses and fatigue will go away.

Most often, the Doukhobor amulet was worn by middle-aged people; it helped to show fortitude and resist negative influences

You can make a health amulet yourself. Suitable materials for making a health amulet include: birch bark, a small wooden block, linen or canvas, a small stone, amber, shell and much more.

There were separate days on which it was possible to create a talisman or amulet

Before you start working, you need to decide:

  1. For whom exactly will the amulet be intended?
  2. What do you want to put into it;
  3. How it should work.

You can make a Slavic amulet for health with your own hands only from natural materials, but in no case should you harm Mother Nature. All the necessary materials can be found in the forest on the ground or on the seashore, or, as a last resort, in a handicraft store.

After the material has been selected and collected, you need to decide on the symbol of the health amulet.

To make a Slavic amulet for health for a child, you can use bright and white shreds of natural fabric and cotton or linen threads. You can put several rose petals in the Diaper, the smell of which repels all evil spirits, or thistle, which heals diseases and drives away negativity. Thus, the doll will become a wonderful toy and protector.

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Since ancient times, in the traditions of the Russian people, there has been a custom of making amulets for various occasions. To maintain health, we should also think about a talisman. The best stone for this is aventurine or aquamarine. Make the amulet on the waxing moon, early in the morning, secretly from everyone, even those closest to you. Prepare the water and first read “Our Father” over it three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Throw a stone into the water and say these words:

Water-water, kind sister, become for you a font of health for the servant of God (name), for a stone (name the stone) is baptized in you, which will protect him every day. By the power of Jesus, the help of the Mother of God, I name you the stone (name the stone) of St. Panteleimon, so that from now on you, the servant of God (name), will protect me, supervise my health, and drive away illnesses from me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After reading the curse, take the stone out of the water, place it on the window under the sun’s rays, and let it dry there. Try to make sure that no one sees your amulet at this time. And then thread a cord into the stone and wear it without removing it.

Amulet to help with illness

This amulet is needed for people who are sick or suffer from one or another disease. To ensure that you choose the right stone that will help specifically in your situation, carefully read the list of stones below and the description of their healing and protective properties.

Aventurine- useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory diseases, high blood pressure, bronchitis and colds.

Agate- used for bronchial diseases, asthma or chronic cough, throat and dental diseases.

Blue agate- helps with osteochondrosis.

Green agate - useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Normalizes the respiratory system, improves the activity of the liver and pancreas.

Aquamarine- strengthens the nervous system, kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, has a mild diuretic effect. Treats diseases of the throat and teeth, mucous membranes of the mouth, helps with colds and bronchitis.

Alexandrite- regulates hematopoiesis, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels. Treats the spleen and pancreas. Positively affects the nervous system.

Amethyst- strengthens the immune and endocrine systems, helps cure nervous diseases, relieves stress. Purifies the blood, cures diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver and gall bladder. Increases the activity of the brain, pituitary gland and pineal gland. Treats insomnia and headaches resulting from excessive nervous tension.

Jet- promotes the treatment of diseases leading to weakening of the function of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, increases blood pressure during hypotension.

Hematite- good for the spleen, has a positive effect on the circulatory system, helps with diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Pomegranate - cleanses and tones the digestive, respiratory, lymph and circulatory systems, the immune system, calms the nervous system, helps with high fever, sore throat and prolonged headaches. The yellow and brown colors of pomegranate have a healing effect for skin diseases, digestion, constipation and allergies.

Pearls (river)- beneficial for treating stomach and intestinal inflammation, liver diseases and the presence of gallstones.

Emerald- treats the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, nervous system, increases performance, and is used for eye diseases and visual impairments.

cat's eye- heals many diseases, such as diseases of the ears, eyes, heart, skeletal system, gynecological diseases, etc.

Lapis lazuli- helps with joint pain, radiculitis, blood and spine diseases.

Malachite- strengthens the immune system, helps the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys and spleen, normalizes cardiac activity, reduces blood pressure, heals the digestive system, and is used for pathologies of the joints and spine.

Nephritis- neutralizes poisons, used to treat skin diseases.

Onyx - used for diseases of the nervous system, depression, relieves stress, increases potency, and rejuvenates. It strengthens memory well.

Opal- brings balance to all body functions. Stimulates the pineal gland and pituitary gland, sharpens vision, protects against infectious diseases.

Ruby- helps with anemia, diseases of the digestive system, weakened immunity, good for the heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, ears and bones.

Sapphire - protects eyes, ears, lungs, throat and helps with joint pain, nervousness and insomnia.

Cornelian- helps heal wounds, restores the nervous system, improves blood composition, eliminates swelling and tumors, increases appetite and improves sleep, is used in the treatment of infertility in women and impotence in men.

Hawkeye- has a wonderful effect on the eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nerves and lymphatic system.

Eye of the Tiger- good for the throat, kidneys, stomach and the entire digestive system.

Topaz - accelerates tissue regeneration, treats the digestive organs, liver, gallbladder, spleen well, helps with nervous exhaustion, and relieves stress.

Tourmaline- helps align the endocrine system, strengthens the body, eliminates fear and anxiety, and has powerful healing properties.

Chrysolite- normalizes cardiac activity and blood pressure, treats the nervous system.

Spinel- strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, treats infectious and viral diseases, excites, increases potency.

Jasper- treats the liver and gall bladder, kidneys and bladder, is used by men for inflammation of the prostate gland, and by women for infertility and gynecological disorders. Red jasper is effective against viruses.

Choose a stone for the illness that torments you and make a talisman out of it. Prepare the water and perform the ritual on the waxing moon. In the evening, after sunset, read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to Panteleimon the Healer, then throw a stone into the water and say the words of the curse.

Water-water, good sister, become for you a font of daily, universal cure for illness (name the disease) for the servant of God (name), for a stone (name the stone) is baptized in you, which will keep it every day. By the power of Jesus, with the help of the Mother of God, I name you the stone (name the stone) of St. Panteleimon, so that from now on you, the servant of God (name), will protect me from illness-illness (name the disease), evil fear, deterioration and exhaustion. So that the servant of God (name) gets better and is filled with health. Today you are a faithful guardian, do not allow the evil disease (name the disease) near the servant of God (name). Amen.

Carry this stone with you always until you recover. Thanks to this doubled water-stone power, you will certainly say goodbye to your diseases! And I wish this for you with all my heart!

If the amulet is family and is passed down from generation to generation, then it has incredible protective power and, when used correctly, can even cure serious diseases.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

DIY health amulet

Professional esotericists claim that our world is visited from time to time by about two hundred different demons and malicious spirits. It is interesting that doctors mention the same figure when talking about viruses known to science. You can’t help but wonder if our illnesses are echoes of “meetings” with uninvited visitors from the astral plane? In any case, amulets of health and good luck will never be superfluous: they cannot harm, but they are quite capable of saving on occasion.

From mother to children

Women are the guardians of offspring, hearth, and home. Each of them has hidden magic - small, everyday, aimed at protecting loved ones. That is why women’s duty in ancient times was to make ritual items that attracted success to the family and protected household members from the evil eye, damage, sudden accidents and illnesses.

Making a health amulet with your own hands is quite simple. For example, twist a herbal doll from a scarf or a piece of your own T-shirt and stuff its body with special herbs: lavender, celandine, St. John's wort, mint. A cute interior toy will help in a variety of situations. Fill her body with lemon balm - and say goodbye to insomnia, add dry chamomile - and viral infections will be rare guests in the house.

First of all, every mother strives to prepare a talisman for her child - the baby’s health is priceless! It is enough to arm yourself with threads, needles and a piece of linen fabric to sew a small bag (it can be worn on a cord around your neck or in a school backpack). It is advisable to fill the container with dried corn kernels, sunflower or pumpkin seeds. All these ingredients are symbols of children's health - it is clear that they will work if the mother has charged them with her love and care.

Tree is the main assistant

Protective amulets can be made from all kinds of natural materials: bone, leather, clay, metal, stones. But when it comes to physical well-being, it is best to give preference to wood. Pendants with Slavic protective symbols - Doukhobor or Kolovrat - will work great. Those who wish can opt for Scandinavian runes or make do with an ordinary souvenir craft in an ethnic style.

In a new article, I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will talk about talismans and amulets of health. Are there protective amulets for health in magical practices and different cultures? Answer: yes. Of course. You will find such magical objects in ancient world civilizations that have long ceased to exist, represented on Earth by a number of priceless monuments and magic, and in all religious traditions. And, of course, in all magical practices you will find your own unique talismans of power.

Slavic strong amulets to improve health

Nowadays, people interested in spiritual practices and seeking knowledge remember ancient Slavic magic. And about Slavic amulets of different directions. Including, of course, about strong amulets of health and longevity. Slavic magic is pure, natural. Its beginning is the mighty power of the Great Elements.

Today you have the opportunity to use the heritage of Slavic sorcerers for your own benefit. By deeply studying ancient magic, plunging into the world of magical energies and immutable universal laws, you will experience the mysticism of magical objects such as talismans of good luck and health, amulets from enemies and protection from dark magic. And feel their need. Slavic amulets will protect and protect you from damage and the evil eye, from curses and love spells.

A powerful talisman against diseases and disasters - Symbol of the Family

One of the most famous Slavic amulets is the solar Symbol of the Family. Rod is the supreme deity of the Slavs. His symbol was sacred to our ancestors. That's how he remains. This one is endowed with colossal magical powers. The Rod symbol is capable of helping anyone in any situation. It is also a strong talisman of health; it gives its wearer:

  • bravery
  • protects from all evil
  • protects from evil deeds of enemies and their thoughts

It was worn on the chest and embroidered on clothes. You can make this magical amulet for health with your own hands, as they did in the old days. Natural materials are suitable for its manufacture: wood, metals. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend choosing materials that correspond. This will enhance the magical properties of the Family Symbol.

You need to know that the Family Symbol is always made double-sided. Such a talisman that brings health is best worn on the chest in the form of a pendant. You can also use it on clothes in the form of embroidery or print. This witchcraft sign was originally considered masculine. However, later it began to be used for the magical protection of women.

Cross of Life - an ancient Egyptian talisman that gives strength

Since I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, mentioned ancient civilizations, it is worth giving an example of a talisman of health and longevity. Egyptian Cross of Life ANKH, symbol of all immortal gods and attribute of kings. Here the combination of the circle and the cross is a sign of initiation, the new birth of the chosen person for power and eternal life. A sign that protects against illness and short human life.

The sign ANKH is a hieroglyph meaning life. This is the key to opening the gates of bliss in other worlds, a sacred cipher that provides access to unity with the Creator. Today many people wear this symbol as health bioactivator amulet. He is able to bring energetic balance to the field of his carrier. Eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.

However, the Russian person is energetically closer to his native, Slavic amulets against diseases and energetic weakening.

Strong amulets against diseases - healing symbolism of the sun

In fact, all the celestial symbols of the ancient Slavs are solar. And the beginning of everything is the image of the divine Sun. These symbols, as well as magical objects that protect against diseases and other dangers that represent divine signs in the manifest human world, are fueled by his inexhaustible energy.

The sun gives warmth, life, light. In the radiance of the divine luminary, all the most terrible nightmares dissolve, and the creatures of darkness do not dare to come to the surface. To people defenseless against Dark spirits and evil, talismans giving strength, are necessary. In the old days this was understood unconditionally and accepted as an indisputable fact.

For our ancestors, the Sun was synonymous with the highest protection. That is why all sacred signs are solar. But, in them you can also see a more ancient symbol - a spiral. Magicians of the distant past expressed the spiral expansion of the Universe in ritual symbols. found in other cultures as well. And here you can also see an indication of the cosmic origin of the human race.

Any Slavic artifact, be it a strong amulet that protects against dark destructive magic, a talisman for family well-being, or a talisman against a child’s illness - any Slavic magical item is dedicated to the gods. It was in them that people looked for first aid and reliable protection from any evil.

Slavic health amulets - sacred male symbols

Men's Slavic talismans are dedicated to supreme male deities. These are genuine bioactivators of health. In addition, the magic of ancient Russian symbols, spreading to the wearer, endows him with those qualities that make a man a man. Deities with male characteristics are:

  • Yarilo
  • Dazhdbog
  • Svarog
  • Veles
  • Perun

Solar amulets against illness owe their protective power to powerful magic. Male artifacts are not recommended for women to wear, since this can affect not only the event level of a girl’s existence, but also affect her character and health.
These amulets are developed in a man:

  • masculine qualities,
  • gives courage,
  • strength of spirit and body,
  • endurance,
  • male reproductive power.
  • And if necessary, solar talismans of power arouse rage in a man,
  • fury,
  • indomitability.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A strong amulet for health and good luck – Valkyrie

This Slavic amulet was worn with pride. In the understanding of our ancestors, to be a man means to be fearless, courageous, and spiritually strong. A man must be able to solve problems without the help of physical pressure, and get out of conflict situations with minimal losses. A wise, spiritually healthy man is capable of this. If you can’t do without fists, Valkyrie will support her bearer in a fair fight.

Valkyrie is a talisman of wise and valiant warriors, fathers of families. According to custom, they did DIY talisman for health and spiritual strength by older family members, and gave it to the young.

Svarozhich is a strong amulet for a guy against failures and illnesses

The Slavic sign Svarozhich is a symbol of the heavenly god Svarog. The bright god of the Slavs taught men blacksmithing and showed how to make swords reliable and shields strong. To prevent the weapon from failing and the hand not to tremble, this magical sign was inscribed on the weapons and armor of the warriors.

Now times are different, and today Svarozhich can be worn as a powerful amulet for health, which any man can do on his own by applying it to a wooden block or metal plate. Moreover, the talisman Svarozhich helps to make the right choice when there is nowhere to wait for help and advice.

The Black Sun is a male talisman of strength and connection with the family

When wondering which health amulet is the most powerful, pay attention to the Black Sun. This solar sign had a special meaning among the ancient Slavs and Scandinavians. This is an ancient symbol of brave warriors. In the old days it was used in wartime. Glory to the heroes who walked forward and who did not hide behind their comrades. With such a symbol on their shields, warriors went into battle, knowing that the supreme heavenly God was on their side. The Black Sun gives its ward courage and self-confidence.

In addition, the symbol was related to the sacred knowledge of the initiated priests. In its deepest essence, the Black Sun talisman seems to be a tool of communication between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The sign's belonging to Navi gives a person the power of the family. On that amulet spell for health there is no need to read it, because its power is great and extends to almost all aspects of human life.

The symbol connects its owner with ancestors in the broadest sense. Those. This does not mean specific deceased relatives, but all representatives of the Slavic-Aryan Great Clans.

This is not just a strong talisman of physical and energetic health.

The interpretation of the meaning of the Black Sun can be represented by a global connection with the genus, the expansion of the energetic birth canal.

The amulet will contribute to the development and realization of the wearer’s dormant reserves. It will become a strong talisman against diseases. Expands human consciousness. Sharpen your perception of the world. Everything petty and false will disappear from sight, revealing the essence of events, which will help a person determine the right direction and move freely along the path of life.

In the old days, it was not the rule of dedicated priests and sorcerers to give the Black Sun to people with a hare soul and to those who did not honor their ancestors. Such a powerful object of Power, a mysterious talisman of health and longevity, wisdom and spiritual strength and sharpness could destroy a person with diluted blood.

Women's Slavic amulets against diseases and energy shock

The woman will be helped by the amulet of the Great Family, the kind Lada and the wise Mokosh. These deities bestow soft protective energy of help and support. In addition to protection, women's amulets help preserve youth, beauty and women's health for a long time. They can also serve as talismans against child illnesses.

Lada Bogoroditsa is a strong protection for women’s health and well-being in marriage. This is a universal amulet, a strong magical amulet, a bioactivator of health. It was created with your own hands from wood and silver. Or they asked an initiated magician to do so.

Ladinets is one of the symbols of the good goddess Lada, the intercessor of women, always ready to help. Girls began to wear this magical sign from an early age. It helps a woman preserve her youthful beauty for many years. This is a good talisman of good luck and health, strong support.

The Mokoshi symbol is a very popular Slavic amulet. A reliable protective amulet for health, it is also a support and help for many women in family life. According to legend, it was the goddess Mokosh who taught women to cook, spin, weave and do handicrafts. And she gave women knowledge about.

Slavic amulet doll for the health and protection of a pregnant woman

In Slavic magic there is a special category of amulets - protection for pregnant women. A pregnant woman is more vulnerable than ever. So that the Forces of Evil could not harm, so that an envious glance and a bad word would not influence the unborn baby and the expectant mother, health amulets of a special nature were made for pregnant women.

Doll-bereginka Motanka - a woman who is expecting a child is favored by the gods. But the Forces of Darkness also see her and seek to harm her. Poe made a Motanku doll for herself. We did it ourselves health amulet doll without the use of needles, knives and scissors. Bereginya was rolled up from cloth scraps, and another bundle was tied to the stomach, symbolizing the baby in the womb.

The doll was brightly dressed up, holding everything together with braid, threads, ribbons, and a protective spell for health was read on each knot. Such a charmed doll took upon itself the evil eye and damage, and pulled over any induced or accidentally taken negativity.

Rodovik - an ancient symbol, Defender of the Family, in the old days O n was an obligatory element of sacred security embroidery. For pregnant women, they embroidered clothes, nightgowns, and bed linen. The Sign of the Family is a powerful magical amulet for health, which strongly protects the expectant mother with the egregoric power of her ancestors.

Amulet for health - how to put a barrier against diseases with your own hands

In ancient times, medicine was different. They treated her with herbs and strong witchcraft charms for health. Healing amulets were used when a person had every reason to take advantage of their supernatural power.

The Fern Flower is one of the most famous Slavic amulets of health and longevity. In Slavic culture and magic, it was used for the prevention and treatment of female diseases. Men, going to the battlefield, also took this item of magical Power with them. protected the warrior from wounds, helped in healing, accelerating regeneration processes, softening painful sensations.

Overcome Grass - a magical protective symbol found in the form of embroidery on women's and men's clothing. This is real health bioactivator. When there were no other means of help, this magical symbol, Odolen-Grass saved a person from illness. With its life-giving energy, the amulet relieves fever, pain, and helps heal chronic diseases.