Wedding stories: Alina Zavalskaya. Pregnant Angelina Zavalskaya starred in a family photo shoot on the eve of giving birth

With Alina Zavalskaya in last time We saw each other quite recently - in winter, at the presentation of her new solo program. The singer and young mother of her one-and-a-half-year-old son Kiryusha returned to duty in excellent physical and creative shape. It never occurred to anyone that she was pregnant again.

Alina: Meanwhile, I was already at 20 weeks, and no one noticed it (smiles). Although with the first pregnancy it was the same story: for a very long time no one suspected anything.

Sasha: At the last photo shoot for Viva! (then we were waiting for Kiryusha) in one of the frames I was wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Soon I will become a dad.” When the shooting ended, I said: “I won’t hide it far.” How did I know (laughs). The next time this T-shirt caught my eye, Alina was already pregnant. So words are material.

Parents approach the issue of adding a new addition to the family in different ways: either they try to shoot themselves off right away, giving birth one after the other, or they take a break, giving themselves a break.

A.: We got the first option. This apparently runs in the family - Anya is only a year and five months older than me. And I know very well how great it is. Anya and I even studied in the same class. I didn’t go to the first grade, I went straight to the second with her.

- But it’s so difficult: two small children one after the other!

A.: When Kiryusha grew up a little, I already began to return to work, life began to return to its usual rut, I even more calmly began to leave my son with someone - before that I was a crazy mother who did not trust the child to anyone, not even grandmothers.

I always wanted the children to not have a very big age difference. True, I planned to wait another year and work actively... But it’s one thing to plan and another thing to see how it turns out. And Sasha, to be honest, was not at all against speeding up the process. He was so inspired by Kiryusha that he tried to persuade me not to delay the second one. In general, everything happened as it should have. And I don't regret it at all. I’m ready for the fact that the first year will be difficult, but how great it will be later, when the children grow, play, and learn together! It will be more fun for them and us!

WITH.: As for the age difference... My brother is 12 years older than me. Until I came of age, we practically didn’t see each other: I was just getting ready to go to school, he had already graduated and left several thousand kilometers away to go to college. But with what impatience I was looking forward to it! And despite the enormous distance, my brother has always been a protection and role model for me. The main thing is that children value and protect each other from an early age.

- Alina, are you organic in the role of a mother? Did you paint the same picture of motherhood even before the birth of your first child?

A.: I can only say: without experiencing this, you will never understand what motherhood is! Well, I won’t even say how beautiful it is - it’s understandable as it is. On the other hand, it is difficult and responsible! No one will tell you what you will face every second, how many complex problems you will have to solve and how many decisions you will have to make! Sometimes you get desperate because you can't cope with a problem that you didn't even know existed before. After these “tests” you begin to relate to your mother differently and understand her! But no matter what the difficulties, as soon as your child smiles and hugs you with his tiny arms, you understand that all the problems are little things. Lack of sleep, lack of time for yourself and your husband, total lack of freedom - all this does not even fade into the background.

WITH.: I remember one shining moment. Kiryusha was about six months old. It was felt that Alina was starting to accumulate fatigue: there was no nanny, I was often away or at work. I don’t even remember exactly what happened, but in general, Kiryusha did something, and that was the last straw. I go into the bedroom and see: Alina is sitting and crying inconsolably. Well, it's accumulated. And at this moment the little girl with the most innocent look begins to smile and then laugh. And where did the despair and tears go?! Within a minute Alina was laughing with him.

A.: Because the best antidepressant is the smile and laughter of a child.

WITH.: And there was another similar case when Kiryusha found himself with us just after dawn in a serious institution. Imagine, early in the morning, everyone is sitting so gloomy at their computers, trying to work. And then the little one starts laughing, so contagiously. In an instant, everyone came to life and began to smile. It was as if some gray veil had fallen away and everything had turned rainbow-colored. As a result, one kid defeated all these gloomy and serious officials. This is what children's laughter is.

Alina, not all husbands like the fact that with the birth of a child, a woman’s attention switches to the baby, and her husband is relegated to the background.

A.: Fortunately, Sasha turned out to be an amazing father! He really wanted a child and consciously approached fatherhood. Sasha understands all the nuances and doesn’t even think about being offended, much less jealous. He helps me a lot, supports me. If it weren't for Sasha, it would have been a billion times more difficult for me. Seeing such help and understanding from a man, of course, it is not difficult to decide on a second child.

- When Sasha leaves for work in the morning, he doesn’t ask you to cook breakfast for him?

A.: I'm lucky: my men - both adult and small - feel sorry for me. Sasha goes to work very early, gets up quietly so as not to wake us up, sometimes he doesn’t even have time to have breakfast, and Kiryusha and I sleep. Fortunately, my son is a night owl just like me. Likes to sleep longer.

WITH.: Many men believe that a wife on maternity leave is almost like being on vacation. They say: “You’re sitting at home, doing nothing, why are you tired?” But, in my opinion, to grow small child- this is very hard, painstaking daily work, and Alina copes with it. I am sometimes surprised at her self-control, her ability to collect herself, and sometimes to simply switch her attention and get around the “sharp” corners.

A.: Moreover, this is the most hard work- 24/7 and unpaid ( smiling). It's good that my husband understands everything. Having a child is very difficult, although we must pay tribute: Kiryusha and I were lucky. Him good character, he is not capricious, you can negotiate with him. There are children who, if they want something, will take the soul out of their parents, but they will achieve their goal. But Kirill has an easy disposition, you can distract him, switch his attention. I don’t know how it happened - was it how we were raised, or is he like that by nature?

Kirill also loves order very much, this makes him like his dad. He sees some garbage on the floor - he picks it up and runs to throw it in the trash can. While eating, if he spills something on the table, he immediately starts wiping it up or forces me to. We bought him a toy wheelbarrow for the garden. So he won’t go home in the evening until he takes her to the garden house.

WITH.: Our son is growing up as our assistant. When I come in the evening, he helps me carry my bags into the house. It's a whole ritual. One day Kiryusha was having dinner, and I brought the packages myself. So he “forced” me to take them out and bring them back together.

- Is Kiryusha talking already?

He speaks a lot in his own language, in which some familiar words slip through. But he is a very artistic boy. She loves to dance, listen to music, poetry, and fairy tales. He's already starting to sing a little. Can stand in front of a mirror for a long time and talk to himself. Moreover, the intonations are different and such rich facial expressions! Watching him is a pleasure! In general, Kiryusha combines a craving for creativity and technology - he loves cars, constantly builds and repairs something.

- Does he understand that he will soon have a brother or sister?

A.: He’s not even two years old, so it’s hard to say... Of course, we tell him, ask: “Where is the baby?” - He points to his tummy. That is, he seems to know. And as far as he realizes... You know, it was a very cool coincidence that my sister had a son, who is now four months old. Kiryusha had never seen such kids before; at first he was wary of him, even jealous, but then he got used to it. I’m glad that when communicating with his little brother, he has the opportunity to get used to the idea that he is not alone - there are other kids nearby. I hope he won’t be too jealous, at least we will try so that with the advent of his second child, Kirill does not feel deprived of attention.

- Alina, is your second pregnancy any different from your first?

A.: Surprisingly, the second pregnancy proceeds in the same way as the first - in terms of mood and well-being. Everything is easy and without any problems. I don’t have mood swings or whims, I don’t order pickled apples in the middle of the night.

WITH.: Now Alina is so busy with her son that she simply has no time to think about anything else. She is constantly with her little one, he takes up all her time and, by and large, creates her schedule and mood for the whole day. Therefore, she no longer has time to show her mood.

- Here is another obvious advantage of the same age: all things are inherited from the eldest to the youngest.

WITH.: With the birth of Kiryusha, the world of children's stores opened up for me ( smiling). And, to be honest, I almost became a shopaholic. They already recognize me in all children's stores. The sellers remember what I bought, show me what to pay attention to... Now I already understand that I used to buy too much. Now I will be wiser, I will start purchasing only what I really need.

A.: That is, with experience came more practicality. And, of course, a lot will come from Kiryusha. We just didn't know what he would like at first. Only with time did they begin to understand his tastes.

- Are you progressive parents? Do you buy educational toys?

WITH.: Yes, in this regard I was completely immersed in the topic. I already know all the points in Kyiv where educational books and toys for children are sold.

A.: Kiryusha is an advanced child. He is fluent with an iPad and iPhone - he unlocks it himself, finds cartoons, games, even I can’t find those! And he chooses the songs himself: he loves funny children’s songs, modern music. And he loves the classics, most of all Mozart. By the way, one of the first words he said was “iPad”!

WITH.: The grandmothers were shocked when Kiryusha took the iPad, began flipping through the photos and calling out who was depicted in them.

So you don't prohibit your child from learning technology? Isn't it too early? Maybe start with tactile things - cubes, plasticine, pencils...

A.: We believe that a child should develop in all directions. It cannot be prohibited or protected. Modern technologies- this is also part of development. But no one discounts creativity either, naturally. Kirill loves to draw, sculpt from plasticine, and listen to poetry and fairy tales. But, partly thanks to the iPad, Kiryusha learned the letters and knows the colors. No matter how much we taught him to wave his hand “hello-bye,” he did not want to do it. And then he saw it on the iPad and liked it.

WITH.: I think he is such a TV buff like his dad. Throughout my childhood, my mother could not tear me away from the TV, the war was cruel.

A.: The most interesting thing is that you will never believe it, Kiryusha is delighted with the news. He hardly watches TV, but when the news starts, wherever he is, he runs to watch his favorite show. At first I thought that he was attracted to the screensaver, the music, which is bright and dynamic. No, it turns out he’s watching the news. And with such interest, fascination. Well, what do you think it is, if not genes! Inherited it from my dad, who was a TV presenter.

As far as I understand, in your family central place occupied by a child. Do you find time for each other? Is there still romance in your relationship?

A.: Certainly. Otherwise we would not have had a second child ( laughs).

WITH.: About three months ago we left Kyiv for the first time for four days without Kiryusha. To be honest, I was not enthusiastic about this idea - we had never left a child with our grandmothers before, but Alina persuaded us.

A.: Not that I really insisted. It’s just that, given that I’m expecting my second child, I realized: I need to rest at least for a few days, because there are many sleepless nights ahead of me and it’s unknown when I’ll get some sleep and breathe the air of freedom. So she persuaded Sasha to leave together, although she had never spent a single night without Kiryusha before.

WITH.: As a result, on the very first evening at the hotel we realized that we had too much free time. We clearly missed our son and the usual troubles associated with him.

A.: To be honest, I can’t say that we had such a great time resting and relaxing. And all because we constantly thought about the child: how is he doing without us?

- How is he, by the way, without you?

A.: He behaved very well, did not act up, did not cry, behaved like a real man. True, I missed my parents a lot...

WITH.: But when we returned home, I decided to show my character and defiantly restrained my emotions. And only after a theatrical pause did he hug us.

- Was Kirill also having a hard time weaning himself off the breast?

A.: I planned to feed him until he was a year old, but at 11 months he refused on his own. I'm telling you, a real man. Already in this early age he himself made an important decision, clearly understanding what he needed!

WITH.: How many friends have told us that this is a huge problem, how difficult it is to wean a child from the breast, how painful it is sometimes. And then he himself decided that it was time, and refused. I come home, and Alina says: “That’s it.”

A.: He just matured and realized that he no longer needed it. Such a man is growing up independent and mature! All like dad.

Tatiana Vityaz

Alina - younger sister his partner in the “Alibi” group, Anya. It is impossible to imagine them separately, because their entire creative biography developed hand in hand. Moreover, they are united not only by music, but also by a love of speed. At first, the girls took turns driving their still beloved Toyota Celica.

However, having learned to drive perfectly, Alina bought the car of her dreams. BMW "five" - ​​525 - best car for a girl, because she loves sports cars.

Alina loves speed very much and often drives with terrible force, sometimes even accelerating within the city to 100 km/h. True, so far she has managed to avoid communication with the traffic police.

The girl tries not to talk about her personal life and until recently said that she was not going to get married in the near future. However, in August 2010 it became known that Alina was getting married.

Already in early September, she will tie the knot with 33-year-old Ukrainian journalist Alexander Kolodiy. Rumors about the relationship between Alina and Alexander appeared in early 2009 after they began going out together.

It’s interesting that back in mid-August Alina and Alexander had to sign at the registry office. But for unknown reasons, the wedding was suddenly postponed to the beginning of September. The girl's parents are happy with their daughter's choice.

As for creativity, it is simply impossible to separate the biographies of the Zavalsky sisters. They were both fond of music and vocals from childhood, both from an early age were soloists in the folk group “Strumochok”, winner of 17 international festivals (led by their father), having toured in more than 15 countries around the world.

Already at the age of 7-9 years, the sisters make their debut in the children's music television competition "Fant-Lotto" Nadezhda "under the name duet "Alga", performing songs famous composers and poets. They became active participants in the musical television competition “Stars, on stage!”, and then, since 1996, its presenters on the First National Channel.

Then the duet "Vis-in" is born, and the girls begin to experiment in writing own songs, where Lina is the author of the music, and Anya is the author of the lyrics. Material is being prepared for the debut album. From this creative stage and the sisters’ professional pop career begins.

In 1997, the girls graduated with honors from the Kyiv 32nd Music School in violin class, and the next year they entered the Kiev State College of Variety and Music. circus arts to the faculty pop vocals. They graduate with honors from this educational institution and again simultaneously enter the State Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Arts to the Faculty of Theater and Variety Directing.

In 1998, the girl's quartet "Cappuccino" was created, the leading soloists of which were Anya and Lina. The group recorded two albums: “Raindrops” and “Girl from the East”, and shot four videos.

However, two years later, Anya and Lina and their father, the co-producer of the project, decide to leave the team due to creative differences.

The Alibi project, which made the sisters popular, was born on April 6, 2001. In him Active participation hosted by Dima Klimashenko - they are united by creative friendship, common interests and tastes. The first single "Alibi" and Klimashenko's song of the same name "Alibi" made it possible to make a successful start in the new team.

And in 2002 a presentation took place debut album“Two Tears” (JRC rec.), which included joint songs and solo songs by “Alibi” and D.K. The success exceeded all expectations: the album is in great demand and remains on the shelves.

Fully solo album girls "Yes or No" was released in 2003. Since then, the sisters have carved out their niche in Ukrainian show business and have already given fans four records. They even recorded a musical tandem with the world-famous performer "Mamboo#5" Lou Bega. True, for three years now “Alibi” has not pleased fans with a new album, but in 2010 a video for their new song “Origami” was released.

The girls admit that they owe much of their success to their father, who is not only the group’s producer, but also an adviser and first critic.

Singer Angelina Zavalska gave birth to a daughter in early May, but a message about the joyful event appeared only now.

The birth took place in one of the maternity hospitals in Kyiv; according to journalists, mother and girl feel well. with the newborn girl already at home, where the baby’s father, presenter Alexander Kolodiy, and now older brother, almost two-year-old Kirill, were waiting for their appearance.

The fact that the ex-soloist of the popular duet “Alibi” Alina Zavalskaya is pregnant with her second child became known quite recently - at the end of April the singer agreed to a photo shoot for a famous Ukrainian glossy publication. Moreover, Angelina came to the studio with her husband and son, whom she does not often show.

Answering questions from journalists, Angelina said that she and her husband wanted a second child, although they had not decided when this should happen. However, such a small age difference between the children, according to Alina, is wonderful for both. And she knows this from her own experience - after all, her sister Anna Zavalskaya is only a year and a half older. Alina told how she and Anya had fun together, they even went to the same class and were inseparable at school, and later sang beautifully, performing as part of the Cappuccino quartet, and then in the Alibi duet. Alexander Kolodiy also has a brother, although he is 12 years older, and this, as Alexander says, made communication much more difficult. However, even with such a big age difference, his older brother was always an example and protection for him. So, then, Kolodiy concluded, the main thing is that there is a sense of kinship and community between the children, regardless of age differences.

Angelina Zavalskaya and Alexander Kolodiy played very beautiful wedding in 2010, and rumors immediately began to spread that the bride was already pregnant. For three years they family life from time to time the rumors were renewed, however, when it really happened, the couple managed to hide Angelina’s wonderful situation until last month pregnancy. As this time, Angleina Zavalskaya took part in a photo shoot and answered all the journalists’ questions a few weeks before giving birth, at the end of May 2014. Kiryusha was born on May 31, 2014, but this became known only in the tenth of June.

We sincerely congratulate Angelina and Alexander on the birth of their daughter!

Alina was born on July 6, 1990 in Chelyabinsk. Her dad is half Estonian. It is known that Alina has an older sister named Ellina, who lives in Estonia and works as a fashion photographer.

The surname Pasok means “swallow” in Estonian. As a child, the girl had a complex about her surname, which was unusual for a provincial town, but then she got used to it.


At the age of 15, Alina passed a casting on a local TV channel and began hosting youth program. A year and a half later, she shot her first video for the track “There Will Be No Tomorrow” for little-known group from Chelyabinsk. To Alina’s surprise, the video was put into rotation on the A-One TV channel. However, after this, the girl gave up working as a music video director for several years.

At the age of 19, Alina moved to St. Petersburg and entered the correspondence photography department at the Union of Journalists. Before this, the girl tried to enter VGIK in Moscow to study to become a cinematographer, but she lacked one point to qualify for the budget department. In parallel with her studies, Alina got a job as a photographer on the portal.

One day a girl came to Chelyabinsk to visit family and old friends. An acquaintance suggested that she shoot a video for the Triagrutrika group. In just a few hours, a video for the single “Big City Life” was shot, which subsequently collected several million views on YouTube.

After the first resounding success Alina was contacted by group members Alai Oli. For them, the girl shot several photo shoots, concert videos and clips. Then Alina met metalheads from the band Stigmata, for whom she edited a video blog about touring life.

At the age of 21, Alina moved to Moscow, where she began collaborating with the Gazgolder music label, whose members include Basta, Smokey Mo, Scryptonite, Dasha Charusha and others. However, a few months later the contract was terminated, as the girl did not have an understanding with the head of the label. However, Alina managed to shoot the “Casting” video for Basta and several videos for Smokey Mo.

The girl admits that she loves it when a clip is created from documentary video footage. She often collaborates with rapper Guf and the group OU74 in this format.

Producing the group Little Big

In 2013, Alina and vocalist Ilya Prusikin wanted to make music industry new project with a Russian flavor, which would play on established stereotypes. Thus, the idea of ​​creating Little bands Big. In April of the same year, the first video was released, and a couple of months later the first performance took place as an opening act for Die Antwoord.

Currently, the Little Big group has a fan base not only in Russia, but also in France, Belgium and other countries. Their first European tour included 22 cities.

It is known that Alina rents a large apartment together with musicians from the Little Big group. Almost all of her time is spent creating. The girl prefers not to answer questions about her personal life.

  1. As a child, Alina skateboarded, but quickly gave up this activity as she was constantly getting injured. She believes that you should only take on what you do best, and don’t waste your time on the rest.
  2. When Alina first moved to St. Petersburg, she was afraid to ride the subway. It seemed to her that all people could see that she was not local. The girl admits that she had low self-esteem.
  3. Alina dreams of filming feature film about your life. She wants to show people the story of how constantly meeting new people and going through challenges makes her happy.