“The dispute between generations: together and apart. The theme of education in the comedy “Minor

The central problem of D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is the problem of education. Education is considered by the playwright as a means of forming civic consciousness in the noble class. It should give “the direct value of learning,” awaken humane, philanthropic feelings, and contribute to the general improvement of morals.

In comedy, all characters are divided into two groups - positive and negative, or “evil” and “virtuous”. The problem of education concerns, first of all, negative characters. In terms of the degree of activity among them, Prostakova herself is rightly placed in first place, followed by Skotinin and Mitrofan. Prostakova is a malicious landowner and a bad mother; the problem of upbringing in comedy is directly related to her image. Prostakova's relationship with her son Mitrofan serves a clear example about how not to raise children. the main problem The simple thing about the teacher, in my opinion, is that she surrounded her offspring with exorbitant love and care. In her eyes, lazy Mitrofanushka is the most best child in the world. However, the main task of parents is not to indulge any whims of their naughty child, but to worthy of emulation show by example how he should resist emerging vices and errors. Prostakova, on the contrary, cultivates, nurtures and cherishes the vices that have already emerged in Mitrofan’s character. Starodum spoke very accurately about this: “... science in a corrupt person is any weapon to do evil.”

It’s not entirely clear what Mitrofan is doing in free time whether he has any hobbies. He has no domestic obligations, he is left to his own devices. Before his eyes shining example- a despotic, unbalanced mother and a weak, spineless father. It is not surprising that in such conditions education gave very little positive results. However, some critics treated the image of Mitrofan very leniently. IN. Klyuchevsky argued that he thinks in his own resourceful and intelligent way, “only in bad faith and therefore sometimes inappropriately, he thinks not with the goal of finding out the truth or finding a straight path for his actions, but just to get out of one trouble, and therefore ends up in another, with which he punishes himself for the sophistical deceit of his thoughts.” This point of view makes it possible to justify Mitrofan’s answers to the impromptu exam arranged by Pravdin, with his original theory of grammar, as well as “a very cleverly and cleverly invented doctrine of the door of the noun and adjective.” Thus, Mitrofan is not stupid at all; the label of “fool” was put on him by respectable adults. Mitrofan's feelings and actions are not funny at all, but only disgusting.

Could Mitrofan have received a good education? Most likely, the answer to this question will be negative. After all, he grew up in general atmosphere ignorance. The wind of freedom and freethinking was unfamiliar to the Prostakov estate. Children receive disdain for science from their fathers. Such was the fate of Prostakova herself, in whose family there were eighteen people, but only two remained alive. Some were pulled out baths of the dead. Three, “having sipped milk from a copper cauldron, died.” Two fell from the bell tower on a holiday. The rest were simply sick. These facts, exaggerated by the playwright’s artistic imagination, indicate only one thing: in the Skotinin family, children were a burden. No one, neither Father Skotinin, nor Mother “nicknamed” Priplodina, was involved in raising the younger generation. Skotinin took education with hostility: “It used to be that good people would approach the priest, please, please, so that they could at least send their brother to school... Sometimes, he would deign to scream; I will curse the little boy who learns anything from the infidels, and be it not Skotinin who wants to learn something.” Meanwhile, new circumstances force Prostakova to reconsider the beliefs she inherited from her father. She sees her parental duty in finding teachers who would teach her Mitrofanushka. Only there were no great demands placed on teachers: “You ordered to teach what we want, but for us, teach what you know.” “People live and have lived without science” - this is what the everyday philosophy of Prostakova and others like her, representatives of the ignorant nobility, boils down to. In the hands of this nobility, far from understanding the needs of the state, is the education of the younger generation of nobles. Revealing the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin deepens the theme of the young nobility: it is not for nothing that the composition “Minor” includes scenes of the training and education of a young nobleman.

The problem of education also concerns another image - Skotinin. He grew up in the same conditions as Prostakova. This affected the brother and sister general views for life. Skotinin has a small estate, which he has learned to manage well. Sometimes he complains about neighbors who offend him, while proudly demonstrating that he is not a “petitioner”: “No matter how much the neighbors offended me... I didn’t hit anyone with my forehead, and any loss, rather than going after it, I’ll take from my own peasants, and the ends are in the water.” Skotinin is ready to happily teach his sister the science of managing peasants, only on one condition: she woo Sophia. Skotinin’s marriage is not connected with emotional attachment: he has his sights set on his chosen one’s real estate, he is interested in her money, which will allow him to buy large pigs. The playwright put a review of such behavior into the mouth of Starodum, who calls that house unhappy “where the wife has no cordial friendship for her husband, nor he has any power of attorney for his wife, where each for his part has turned away from the path of virtue.” Children in such a family are deeply unhappy, since the father, having no respect for his wife, “barely dares to hug them, barely dares to surrender to the most tender feelings human heart“, and a mother who has lost virtue cannot teach her children good manners, which she does not have. As we see, the problem of family is closely related to the problem of education. Skotinin only dreamed of creating a family according to such a model, and the Prostakovs created a similar family: Father Prostakov barely dared to “surrender to the tenderest feelings of the human heart,” in his son he saw only a harmless funny man.

The educational techniques illustrated by Fonvizin in the comedy “The Minor” once again prove that the tradition that has developed over centuries has crippled young souls. Fonvizin put his vision of the problem of education into the mouth of Starodum: education “should be the key to the well-being of the state... Well, what can come of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents also pay money to ignorant teachers? »

Fonvizin saw “the true essence of the position of a nobleman in serving the fatherland and the state.” Only in one case could a nobleman avoid carrying civil service, “to resign”: “when he is internally convinced that service to his fatherland will not bring direct benefit.” But even after leaving public service, he must meet the appointment of a nobleman. It lies in the reasonable management of the estate and peasants, in humane treatment to them. However, using the example of the behavior of the heroes of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” we see that there could be no talk of any humane attitude towards subordinates. The heroes of the comedy, the nobles, could not find each other mutual language. As a result of bad upbringing, a variety of vices developed in them: ignorance, evil, greed, abuse of power.


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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Conflict between fathers and sons literary works The theme of fathers and sons has repeatedly become one of the main problems in many works of Russian classical literature: in the comedy “Minor” by D.I. Fonvizin, in “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov, in the novel “ Captain's daughter» A.S. Pushkin, in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev.

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Conflict between fathers and children in literary works Conflict in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov In the comedy "Woe from Wit" the clash between Chatsky - a man with a strong-willed character, a fighter for an idea - with Famusovsky society was inevitable. This clash is gradually becoming more and more violent. Chatsky’s views are directed against the existing foundations of society and become more and more harsh. If Famusov is a defender of the old century, the heyday of serfdom, then Chatsky speaks with the indignation of a Decembrist revolutionary about serf owners and serfdom. In the monologue "Who are the judges?" he angrily opposes those people who are the pillars of noble society.

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Conflict between fathers and children in literary works Conflict in the comedy “Minor” by D.I. Fonvizin’s work “The Minor” voices an idea inherent in many satires and parodies. “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married,” which is nevertheless of interest from the point of view of the conflict of ages. Mitrofanushka's words show his desire to go to new status, become a father and teach your children, and not be a subject for teaching. He doesn't want to study or get married. Mitrofan constantly contradicts his mother and other comedy heroes who are much older than him. This is the problem of fathers and sons in this work.

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Conflict between fathers and children in literary works Conflict in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin The very title itself draws us to the theme of fathers and sons - "The Captain's Daughter", and the first word of this story is the word father... Peter Grinev's father spent more time reading the "Court Calendar" than raising his son. From this side, Peter's childhood is not much different from the childhood of Mitrofanushka from "The Minor". The father almost forgot his son’s age, obviously thinking more about his former colleagues than about him: “Suddenly he turned to his mother: “Avdotya Vasilyevna, how old is Petrusha?” Because of this attitude of father to son, Grinev has to part with the idea of ​​a good future, which leads to conflict.

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Conflict between fathers and children in literary works Conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev’s “The Past Century” does not want to recognize the “present century”, does not want to give up its positions, standing in the way of everything new, on the path of social transformations. The conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich is not only moral, but also social in nature. They argue about poetry, art, philosophy. Bazarov irritates Kirsanov with his cold-blooded thoughts about the denial of personality and everything spiritual. But still, no matter how correctly Pavel Petrovich thinks, to some extent his ideas are outdated. Moreover, his opponent has advantages: novelty of thoughts, he is closer to the people. And one feature of these clashes should be noted: the younger generation differs from the old generation in their patriotic views.

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About the conflict A current problem modern society is a conflict between parents and children. According to some data, 42% of all cases where people were forced to seek medical help in connection with their psychological problems, lies the conflict between parents and children. According to psychologists, the problem of generations has been, is and will exist and it is not in our power to solve it.

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About conflict Conflict is a clash or struggle, a hostile attitude. As a rule, it arises due to a complex of reasons, among which it is quite difficult to identify the main one. Conflict is always a complex and multifaceted socio-psychological phenomenon. Has become widespread family conflict, conflict between parents and children.

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Types of conflicts between parents and teenagers Conflict of unstable parental perception: Often the cause of conflicts between parents and children is “instability of parental perception,” that is, parents constantly change the criteria for assessing the child. A teenager is not yet an adult, but he is no longer a child. Usually good qualities are not evaluated, but negative ones appear, to which parents pay more attention than to positive traits your child.

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Types of conflicts between parents and teenagers Dictatorship of parents: Dictatorship in the family is a method of control in which some family members are suppressed by others (in in this case this is a teenager). At the same time, independence and self-esteem are suppressed. Parents do not give the child the opportunity to have a personal life, since they constantly invade it, which leads to a violent conflict between parents and the teenager.

Denis Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" was written in 1792, during the Age of Enlightenment. The heroes are representatives of different social strata of society of that century. Most actual problem The play deals with problems of upbringing and education.
These problems are very closely related to each other. Both education and upbringing are primarily influenced by family and environment. The way you are raised and the way you are treated will certainly reflect in the future. The Prostakov family is not educated. None of them can read, and brother Prostakovoy Skotinin too. Yes, they don’t need it - “And it wouldn’t be Skotinin who wants to learn something.” They are very ignorant and rude. Their surname (speaking) already indicates their simplicity, ignorance and lack of education. They are typical representatives of their kind.
Prostakova is one of the main characters in the comedy. Her main feature– her crazy love for her son, she wants all the best for him, and it doesn’t matter to her how to achieve this. For example: she wanted Sophia as a wife for her son. And for this she was ready to kidnap her and secretly lead her down the aisle. Prostakov is the ideal husband for Prostakova. He has no opinion and indulges her in everything, but this does not oppress him. “I thought you liked it better this way,” says Prostakov.
Mitrofan is not educated. His phrase “I don’t want to study, I want to get married” immediately gives us a clear idea of ​​how Mitrofan feels about his education, but he has to comply with the Tsar’s decree. His mother also indulges him in this, Prostakova to Mitrofan - “Mitrofanushka, my friend, if teaching is so dangerous for your little head, then for me, stop.” Mitrofan has no motivation to study. He doesn't need it. When he was supposed to go to class, he felt bad, and his mother allowed him not to go, but now he was ready to run into the yard for a walk. He understands that nothing will happen to him for this, because his mother loves him too much to scold him. “Don’t solve this problem,” his mother tells him. However, Mitrofanushka's reluctance is not the only obstacle to his education. He doesn't have the best teachers. Kuteikin, for example, he was fired from the seminary due to the fact that he could not master the science course. Tsyferkin is a retired sergeant who is trying to teach Mitrofanushka arithmetic, but he does not want to learn anything - “God gave me a student of a boyar’s son. I’ve been fighting with him for three years now: he can’t count three.” Vralman is a former coachman. I went to work as a teacher because there was no other profession. And he taught Mitrofanushka “all the sciences,” but he never taught him anything. And the door for him is “an adjective, because it is attached to its place, and over there by the pole closet for a week the door has not yet been hung: so for now it is a noun”
Mitrofanushka is very deep, ignorant and lazy. He, like his mother, does not value his own father Prostakov, mocks him and the servants, but he turns his mother around as he wants, because she dotes on him and he understands this. In the episode when Mitrofan’s mother tries to marry Sophia to her son, the characters of Mitrofanushka and Skotinin come to the fore. Skotinin also wants to marry Sophia, and on this basis, he and Mitrofan and his mother, his sister, have enmity and it even comes to a fight.
Mitrofan's attitude towards his parents is very peculiar. He doesn’t feel much love for them, or even gratitude. He takes it for granted. However, he treats his mother much better than his father. When Prostakova asks him what he dreamed about, he replies: “Yes, all sorts of rubbish, either you, mother, or father. As soon as I start to fall asleep, I see how you, mother, deign to beat the priest, so I felt sorry for you, you are so tired of beating the priest.”
Greedy, rude, ignorant Prostakovs and Skotinin look at their serfs as working animals. They are their masters and judges and executioners, if necessary. They treat them with a thing. Prostakova is very rude to her servants, she doesn’t even respect them.
“Teach us how to rip off the peasants,” Prostakova addresses her brother, Skotinin. She has nothing more to rip off them, she has already done that, but she needs more. Prostakova took all power over the peasants upon herself. She can even hit them if she feels like it, and they won't be able to do anything about it. In the comedy, the author tried to convey to the reader that cruelty towards people can never bring happiness and that this cannot be done and everything must be solved in a different way.
The comedy ends with Starodum’s phrase “Here comes the evil spirits.” worthy fruits" In this play, Starodum is a reasoning hero, which means that it is through this character that the author tries to convey to us his point of view, his position. Namely, that inhuman love cannot make either parents or children happy. Pravdin to Mitrofan: “Her crazy love for you brought her to greater misfortune”
Fonvizin believes that if you have kind heart and soul, then you will be a man at all times. “Good behavior gives direct value to the mind. Without him clever man- monster"

At any time it always remains very important topic- the problem of education in families. It was this theme, as one of the most important, that Fonvizin developed in his work. The comedy “The Minor” shows how important it is to be able to raise a person correctly from childhood.

Since the comedy was written in the eighteenth century, this comedy perfectly shows the ideal of the Russian landowner. Back then people were raised rudely and cruelly. And it was the parents of Skotinin and Prostakova, who are the main characters of the comedy “Minor”, ​​who raised their children exactly like that - cruel, evil, envious, and also simply greedy.

Also, in addition to these qualities, in the lives of these people there is still hatred for the common people - they, the landowners, treat them like slaves. And therefore their attitude is simply cruelty towards unfortunate people who are not to blame for anything. This is what the author often emphasizes in his work. Since such an evil and cruel treatment of the common people of the landowners shows that their children will be like this, and even their grandchildren, if times do not change.

It is not for nothing that Fonvizin touches on the topic of education in his comedy. Since it is this family, where their names testify to them better than their position - Skotinin and Prostakova, that teach their son incorrectly, if they teach anything at all. The father and mother are themselves too narrow-minded and stupid, as well as ignorant, that they cannot make a real nobleman out of their son. The mother tries to find a noble and intelligent teacher, but instead finds scammers, and the father tries to be known as a rich man through force. Even though he has means, it’s still too simple to be real nobles. In his work, Fonvizin often mocks these fools who themselves do not know what they want.

The problem of education in Nedorosl Fonvizin

“Minor” is the most famous work writer, comedy in the genre of classicism. Fonvizin, with his characteristic irony, revealed in his work the problem of educating young people. It was not for nothing that he gave it such a great importance, rightly noting that only education and upbringing can raise a generation of worthy statesmen.

In 1714, the reformer Tsar issued a decree on the compulsory education of nobles. For those who did not have time or did not want to receive a certificate of education, the concept of “minor” was introduced, that is, not mature enough to adult life, service, marriage and responsibility. And then the question arose about “false” and true education. The parents of Mitrofan, the main character of the comedy, did not hire teachers to give their son new knowledge and enlighten him. It was just the way it was. Mother, after all, directly punished her son to study for show, believing that they, as hereditary nobles, had no need for a diploma and there was no point in “harming his little head.” And the coachman who taught Mitrofan the subtleties social life, advised not to surround yourself with too many smart people, but stick to your circle. Of course, Mitrofan considered science and culture to be an unnecessary, unnecessary and tedious subject, on which neither time nor effort should be spent.

In addition to ignorance and obscurantism, absorbed from childhood, the hero is distinguished by extreme rudeness and bad character. He considers all this to be the norm in relations with others, because this is exactly the example his mother, the cruel and evil Prostakova, always set for him. Should we be surprised at how abruptly and calmly the son will push away the mother who needed his support? “The fruits of evil are worthy”: excessive spoiling, indulging laziness, the desire to protect a child from all hardships always lead to a similar ending. It is impossible to raise a sensitive and honest man, respecting his parents and the people around him, without becoming a model of honor and kindness for him. The moral and moral development of the individual begins with the family.

Through the speeches of Pravdin and Starodum, Fonvizin voiced his own ideas and reflections: the main thing is to have a kind heart and a pure soul, and a much more valuable gift that you can leave to your child is a decent upbringing, a good education and a thirst for knowledge, not a big inheritance. Fonvizin’s comedy is relevant to this day, as it reveals all the consequences of a careless attitude towards education younger generation.

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