What does the Italian girl name Dominicali mean? What do Italian names mean: interpretation and history of origin

Now is the 13th lunar day.

13th lunar day. Moon in the sign of Virgo 1°23". Strength of the Moon: large - Super Moon. The lunar day began on Monday, March 18, 2019 at 14:40 and will end on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 16:10. Sunset at 06:26. Moonrise at 16:10. Moon coordinates: azimuth = 300.0°, altitude = -2.9°. Brightness = 95%. Distance from Earth to Moon = 359,724 km. The nearest new moon will be on Friday, April 05, 2019 at 11:51. The full moon will be on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 04:43.

Characteristics of the lunar day

13 Lunar day.

Symbols: a wheel with a swastika inside (or a spinning wheel).
- Stones: red opal, ruby.
- Body: blood.

Lunar day is associated with Virgo. This is a day of accumulation of information, contacts in a group, and teaching. The day of making round talismans, spinning threads, working with Karma. On this day ideal students are born.

Dreams and the Moon: 13th lunar day. And again the day is a reversal; Unlike the previous, extremely “good” lunar day, his dreams lead to material deprivation, troubles and moral adversity.

The Wheel and Spinning Wheel symbols speak of our existence in perpetual motion. The old is replaced by the new, and so on constantly. In general, this day is associated with time, correction of the past, accumulation of information that makes a person confident, independent and able to survive in this complex world.

The day when all creative, personal plans must be brought to life through scrupulous, painstaking work. It is important to start acting in time together with like-minded people and the team. Loneliness will be a bad environment for mental state. They say that ideal students are born on this day. On this day you should reduce your liquid intake. It is recommended to eat nuts and various pickles, and limit bitter and sweet foods.

This day is unhappy, on this day it is necessary to do and undertake the most urgent things. You can leave something and it’s better not to do it on this day. No wonder the Japanese called this day “the devil’s dozen.” Although this is a prejudice, many people believe it.

Haircut on the 13th lunar day of the Tibetan lunar calendar: Happiness and benefit, beautiful appearance(In Tibetan: bzang bskyed).

Additional Information

The first half of the lunar day is very unfavorable, since it preserves a number of negative trends previous days. However, if a person has passed the test of pride and selfishness, then new opportunities arise related to the strengthening of his aura, his influence on others. Therefore, in the second half of the lunar day, new positive opportunities for manifestation appear. creative activity. The ability to achieve goals and the ability to convince partners are enhanced, achieving what you want with minimal costs.

It's an unlucky day. Nothing should be done. Diseases are dangerous. Dreams soon come true. Children don't last long.

The thirteenth lunar day is a time of spiritual aspirations and searches; a mystical period: the veil between the worlds is lifted, and a person can penetrate into the Beyond. A day of energetic action, a breakthrough into the unknown, the unknown. Activities aimed at discovering something new are carried out perfectly. This is a period of renewal and transition to a new, qualitative level of perception. The energy used up over the previous 12 days is replaced with new energy. In other words, energy recharging occurs. If you have correctly and accurately followed the lunar rhythms from the very beginning of the lunar day, you will receive additional strength to implement your plans and projects. At 13th lunar day You can even find something new in old, long-familiar things, discover some nuance that you had not noticed before. In a word, the time has come for joyful discoveries! This is a time of clarity, speed, persistence and mastery. The more decisively you behave now, the more successful your endeavor will be. The thirteenth lunar day is a continuation of the 12th lunar day. Whatever has been started should never be abandoned. Whatever happens, don't slow down! The success of the whole business depends on this. During this period, the hidden reserves of the human psyche are activated. The human energy field and the energy field of the astral matrix of the planned project merge into a single whole and rush to successful completion. Therefore, the wheel serves as a symbol of the 13th lunar day. You are now like a wheel rolling down a mountain. Don't stop, don't slow down, don't doubt and believe in your luck. Give it your all and spare no effort, especially since you have a lot of it now. If you don't heed these tips, you risk suffering the fate of Sisyphus. This is very favorable time for travel, business trips or pilgrimages. Think about your lifestyle. Are you doing everything as expected? Isn't it time to change your habits? Pay tribute to everything round. The thirteenth day is favorable for starting the construction of round objects - wells, fountains, domes. It is also recommended to read a lot on this day: all information is well absorbed, especially that which allows you to better understand yourself and your purpose in this world. Along the “ring”, old worries and problems may return to you. Treat them stoically, without hassle. Solving problems does not mean creating panic around them. In terms of health, the thirteenth lunar day is a period of correction. You can improve and customize those wellness programs, which began on the second lunar day. You can make changes, replace some exercises with others, increase or shorten the time for performing the entire complex, and so on. This period is favorable for treatment, prevention and dental prosthetics, as well as for cosmetic and plastic surgery and treatment of cellulite. Massages and water treatments are very useful on the thirteenth lunar day. In the warm season, it would be nice to spend the whole day on fresh air in the lap of nature.

Characteristic: in each fairy tale to the searching hero some means is given to show him the way. It could be a wheel, a ball, an apple. And what shows us the way to real life? Such a magic wheel is knowledge, the teaching of the path. This is a kind of life compass that invariably points the way to the goal. But real knowledge is creativity, and not the crutch of a blind man. Dead knowledge holds a person like a rope tied to a peg. A person wanders around the same problems all his life, thinking that he is moving forward. Capricious fortune either inspires him or gives him a leg, brightening up the monotony of this running in a circle. True knowledge allows you to move in time and space, return to your origins, see the future, stop the present moment and come into contact with eternity.
The hero of the day is Ariadne, who provides a guiding thread in the labyrinth of our confused life. On the physical plane, the day is associated with the abdomen, small intestines and navel.

Symbolic correspondence: 25th degree of Leo - 6th degree of Virgo.

Action: Hope.

Titles: Wheel. A snake biting its own tail.

The symbol is a wheel (a snake biting its tail) with a swastika inside. The swastika is “mirror”: it seems to rotate in a clockwise direction, according to the Sun, salting (the swastika is a symbol of the Sun). The swastika symbolizes the movement, primarily of blood, intestinal peristalsis, and the circulation of Chi energy (prana) through the channels of our body.

Social influence: good, especially for group work.

Household influence: Excellent for studying, cooking food, bread. Not bad for accumulating, purchasing, making household items. Bad for big business and travel.

Mystical influence: Magical day. The number 13 corresponds to the sign of Gemini (1+3=4 - Mercury, the ruler of this sign. By the way, the 13th zodiac constellation Ophiuchus is the constellation of magicians). This is the day of accumulating information, making round talismans, spinning threads, organizing contacts, studying, seeking advice, correcting the past, working with karma.

The period is good for contacts in a group and learning. Bread should be baked on this day.

Medical influence: Diseases are dangerous, but on this day medicines and cosmetics (for example, beets with sour cream) are perfectly absorbed and work, and rejuvenation processes take place. It is necessary to load the stomach.

Impact on those born: Ideal students are born. Mystics.

A person born on this day is a snake biting its tail - a person who works with time, coming into contact with other worlds.

Effect on conception: A happy or unfortunate event will play in the life of a child important role. The tricks of fortune and the laws of Karma will always and fully manifest themselves. Life will be long. Depending on the circumstances, a person will be free or completely dependent.

Meditations: Salt the swastika.

Signatures: Noble opal.

The stone is noble opal.

Sometimes you can see disagreements in some places in the descriptions of lunar days. For example, in one place it may be written that today’s dreams portend joy, and below it may be written that you need to treat them as something unimportant. Information was taken from different sources. This is a look from different angles. So just keep both options in mind. It is much better if you reassure yourself with one solution and do not know about the other (hidden) one.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, March 19, 2019

On the date 19.03.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 13th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Virgo ♍. Illumination percentage Moon is 96%. Sunrise Moon at 16:10, and sunset at 06:26.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 13th lunar day from 14:40 03/18/2019 to 16:10 03/19/2019
  • 14th lunar day from 16:10 03/19/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 19, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)

Moon in a sign Virgo. The time is favorable for any painstaking work that requires a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all directions financial activities, with a serious approach, will bring corresponding material rewards like never before.

Any banking and real estate transactions are successful. Trade, purchasing and intermediary activities are going well. Studying, advanced training and any self-improvement are also fruitfully promoted.

13th lunar day (+)

March 19, 2019 at 12:00 - 13th lunar day. A day of self-analysis. If you manage to sort out your mistakes and learn a lesson from them, then you will have a real opportunity to raise your authority and strengthen your position in the eyes of the people around you. A surge of creative energy and activity is very likely.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, highly pronounced activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful; it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate, choose the right way solving the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is a suitable day for physical activity (athletes and summer residents should take note of this). The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with exercises.

Ruling planets WITH scorpion: Mars and Pluto.

Talismans WITH scorpion: beetle, scorpion.

Scorpio Personality: Introverted, observant, passionate, sexual, emotional, strong-willed, persistent, tenacious.

There are two types of representatives of this zodiac sign: the low, underdeveloped type, symbolized by Scorpio, and the developed, spiritually completed type, symbolized by the soaring eagle. It is rare to find a middle ground between these two extremes.

People born under the sign of Scorpio have supernatural ability analyze almost everything in the world, get to the essence of each matter. There is a certain paradox: those around them perfectly see the results of their work, but for some reason they do not pay attention to them. Not all employees can understand what exactly Scorpio does at work.

You can call them fighters on the invisible front. Since these are secretive individuals, they do not always like to tell others about their true profession. Scorpios can be safely classified as manipulators, as they quickly recognize everything dark sides a person and are able to achieve complete and unquestioning submission on the part of the desired object. Scorpio's income is changeable.

He reaches greatest success in managing other people's or partner's finances and resources. He never takes life lightly; everything he does, he does seriously. Scorpio can be a bioenergeticist, a magician, a healer. Scorpios are born with a strong body, full of vitality and energy, but over time this can be wasted and they can gain excess weight.

Scorpio cannot always understand what exactly is required for his body. Also, representatives of this sign are very sexual, and therefore, when they are still small, it is worth considering that puberty occurs very early and the child should be explained from childhood about correct sexual relations in a simple form. Family Scorpio immediately strives to take a leading position.

They suppress any points of view and initiatives associated with them, and if a person is too intrusive, then a long and persistent process of suppression begins to the point where the person cannot do anything else. They are thrifty and economical and always strive to create a strong and stable material base.

They also deal with issues of family budget planning and how much can be put into the bank for safekeeping. With children, Scorpios are domineering and strict parents, however, they are always ready to help in difficult times and will never offend anyone.

Mysteries associated with the meaning and origin of names have always excited the minds of ordinary people. Italian male names reflect the essence of this hot, passionate people. Mostly the names are very beautiful.

The meanings after translation into Russian confirm the sincere impulse of the soul, courage and boiling blood of Italian men.

The Catholic Church had a great influence on the souls of people. Named after saints many babies.

Lift the veil of secrecy and find out what the names of the famous football player Mario Balotelli, the genius Leonardo da Vinci and others mean famous sons sunny Italy.

List of Italian male names

“Brave lion”, “seductive”, “glittering”, “god’s spear”, “Easter child” - these are meanings translated into Russian. What do the Italian versions sound like?

Name in Russian Name on English language Meaning of the name Origin of the name
Hebrew form of the name Abel
Noble Warrior
Spanish form from Adolf
Rich or from the Adriatic coast
From a Roman nickname
Noble shine
Old Germanic or Latin
Defender of Humanity
Defender of Humanity
Ready and noble
Loving God
Italian form from Latin Amadeus
Man, warrior
Greek, Italian
Messenger, angel
Greek, form of Angelius
Opposing or flower
Ancient Roman or Greek
The power of the eagle
Italian uniform from Ronald
Hardy, brave man
Spanish form of Herman
King's Defender
Ancient Greek transcription of two Old Testament names
Wise ruler
Ancient Germanic
BernardoBernardoLike a bear
Italian or Spanish
ValentinoValentino Strong, healthy Italian
VincentVincentConqueror, winnerLatin
VitaleVitaleLife, from lifeLatin
VittorioVictor Winner Italian
GasparoGasparoTreasure the bearerArmenian
GuerinoGuerin Protecting Italian
GuidoGuidoForestOld Germanic
DarioDarioRich, owning a lotItalian form from Darius
DinoDinoBeliever, senior priestEnglish or Persian
GeronimoGeronimo Holy name 1. Italian form from Jerome. 2.On behalf of the leader of the Indian tribe
GiovanniJhonPardoned by GodAncient Hebrew
GiuseppeGuiseppeMay God multiplyAncient Jewish form of the name John
GenarroGerardoJanuary Italian form from English John
GianniGianniGod is goodItalian
GinoGinoLittle Farmer, ImmortalItalian
GiulianoGiulianoWith a soft beard, a link to youthItalian
DorienoDorienFrom the Doric tribeItalian
GianluigiZhanluidzhi Famous warrior, God is good Italian uniform from Lewis
GianlucaGianlucaFrom Lukenia, God is goodItalian
Good man and GodItalian
Originally from ItalyItalian
The keeperAncient Roman
The most beautifulAncient Roman
Famous, destructive Spanish
Honest, brave advisorOld Germanic
Follower of Christ Portuguese
BraveOld Germanic
Ruling gloriouslySlavic
Brave, strong lion Old Germanic
From LaurentumItalian
LukeLuceLightAncient Greek
LuigiLuigiFamous warriorItalian
MarcoMarco Warlike Latin
ManfredoManfredoWorld of the strongGermanic
MarioMarioCourageousForm of the name Maria
MartinoMartinoFrom MarsAncient Roman
MarcelloMarcelloWarlikePortuguese form of Mars or Marcus
MaurizioMaurizioMoor, dark-skinnedItalian form from Mauritius
ManlayoMenlayo Morning Italian
NazarioNazarioFrom NazarethAncient Hebrew
NikolaNicolaWinner of the peopleGreek
OrsinoOrsino Bear-like Italian
OscarOscarGod's spearScandinavian or Old Germanic
OrlandoOrlando Known land Catholic, form of Ronald
OttavioOttavio Eighth Spanish form from Octavian
PaoloPaoloSmallItalian form from Pavel
PatrizioPatrizioNoblemanAncient Roman
ProsperoProspero Successful, lucky Spanish
PellegrinoPellegrinoWanderer, travelerAncient Roman
RenatoRenatoBorn AgainLatin
RiccardoRiccardoBrave, strongItalian form from Richard
RuggieroRuggerioFamous spearItalian
SandroSandro Defender of Humanity Italian
SilvestroSilvestriForestAncient Roman
CecilioCecilioBlindAncient Roman
SilvioSilvioForestFrom Latin Silvius
TeofiloTeofilo Friend of God Ancient Greek
TeodoroTeodoroGift of GodAncient Greek
UbertoUbertoSpirit, bright heart Spanish
HugoHugoSpirit, mind, heartSpanish, Portuguese
FabioFabio Seductive Italian
FlavioFlavioYellow flowerAncient Roman
FloerinoFloerinoFlowerAncient Roman
FrancoFranco Free Italian
FredoFredoGod's WorldOld Germanic
FernandoFernandoBrave, courageous, protects the worldOld Germanic
FrancescoFrancisFreeItalian form from Francis (French)
HironomoHironimoHoly nameAncient Greek
CesareCaesar Hairy Roman. Italian form from Caesar
EmanueleEmanueleGod is with usJewish. From the biblical Immanuel
EnnioEnnioChosen by GodItalian
EnriqueEnrique House Manager Spanish. Variant of the name Heinrich
ErnestoErnestoFight deathSpanish
Well born

Interesting facts about Italian male names

In Italy, heated disputes often flare up between parents and numerous relatives: who to name the newborn baby after?. Everyone defends their own option and believes that they are right.

Are there traditions associated with addressing men in Italy? Does fashion influence the choice of a name for a boy?

Do you know that:

  • in the Middle Ages children often named after saints. Now this tradition is preserved in the villages. Residents of large cities adhere to it less and less;
  • most modern Italian names have a Latin base. The ending -e or -o replaced the Latin -us. The transformation was facilitated by the suffixes -ello, -ino, -iano;
  • existed during the Roman Empire unusual tradition. The families were large. To avoid confusion, only the four older boys were given names. The remaining sons were called ordinal numbers, for example: Sextus - sixth. Gradually the original meaning was lost. Quintus does not always mean “fifth in a row”;
  • many young families name their children after famous people, stars of show business and cinema. In Italy, athletes are treated with great respect. The football craze led to massive registrations of new Paolo, Fabio, Fernando and Mario;
  • in XXII – 19th centuries the most popular names were Giuseppe and Leonardo. Modern parents sons are often named Fernando and Mario;
  • There are creative parents who want to give their newborn an awkward or funny name in all countries. In Italy, eccentricities are fought at the legislative level. Government authorities have the right to refuse parents to register a baby if the chosen name will cause the child suffering in the future;
  • fashion has not spared men's names either. Previously, among the Italians there were many citizens who were addressed by Bartolomeo, Pierpaolo, Michelangelo. Shorter, stricter addresses are popular now: Antonio, Pietro, Mario, Fabio.