Analysis of the novel Live and Remember. Composition

The story “Live and Remember” was written in 1974. In 2008, the work was filmed by director Alexander Proshkin. The main roles in the film were played by Daria Moroz and Mikhail Evlanov.

The main character of the story is a young woman named Nastya. The orphan was brought up in her aunt's house, not knowing any love or even just good treatment. WITH early years Nastya was forced to work hard so as not to be a freeloader in someone else's house. When Andrei Guskov asked the girl to marry him, she accepted his proposal without hesitation. Nastya never loved her husband, but she was sure that in marriage she would find happiness, which she did not have in her childhood. In a few years life together There were no children in the Guskov family. Andrei blamed his wife for this. Nastya constantly felt guilty.

The head of the family leaves for the front. A young wife receives letters from her husband. But one day a policeman and the chairman of the village council came to her. Andrei has gone missing and is suspected of desertion. When the ax disappeared from the bathhouse, the young wife immediately realized that her husband had returned home. After some time, the meeting of the spouses did take place. It seemed to Nastya like an obsession, a nightmare.

The superstitious woman was sure that the man she met in the bathhouse was not her husband, but a werewolf. Nastya doubted for a long time the reality of everything that happened at night, believing that she had only dreamed it all. Subsequently, Andrei explained to his wife that he was not a murderer or a traitor. He didn't commit any crime. The reason for his desertion was his too early discharge from the hospital. Guskov had to go back to the front, despite the fact that his treatment was not yet completed.

Andrei understands that his actions will be regarded by the authorities as one of the most terrible crimes, but does not want to correct the situation in any way. Nastya carefully hides the illegal return of her husband from her fellow villagers. The young woman still does not love her husband. A sense of duty forces her to lie. The long-awaited pregnancy becomes an unexpected joy for the Guskovs. For the sake of her husband and unborn child, Nastya is ready to endure even greater hardships.

A hopeless situation
Pregnancy brought more than just joy. The absence of a husband and the presence of a child can only mean one thing: Nastya cheated on Andrey. If this is not the case, it means that Guskov has returned, which, in turn, indicates his desertion. Nastena agrees to be considered unfaithful wife, if it helps save her husband.

A young woman faces hatred and contempt from those around her. Upon learning that the daughter-in-law is pregnant, the mother-in-law immediately kicks her out of the house. Despair leads Nastya to suicide. A young woman rushes into the Angara.

Nastena Guskova

Having not received love and affection in childhood, main character dreams of own family, where she would be the mistress. Nastya has no time to wait true love. She wants to leave her aunt's house as soon as possible and accepts a marriage proposal from an unloved man.

The main character trait of the main character is a feeling for a long time. Nastya knows that she must be married, must have children, must be a faithful and devoted wife to her husband. This is her purpose, and she does not see her life differently. When Andrei is in trouble, Nastya makes every effort to help him. The young woman still does not love her husband. But Andrey is her only one close person, which she doesn't want to lose.

The dream of true happiness seems especially close to Nastya after she finds out about her pregnancy. Now she will have a full-fledged family, and she will no longer consider herself a flawed woman. But at some point the main character realizes that this time too happiness will pass by. The long-awaited child was conceived at the wrong time. It will bring sorrow instead of joy.

A sense of duty makes Nastya suffer severely. She fulfilled her duty to her husband, but at the same time betrayed her homeland. Seeing how funerals are brought to other families, Nastya reproaches herself for the fact that another woman became a widow instead of her. Her husband is alive only because other people's husbands died. This seems unfair to Nastya.

Finding herself in a hopeless situation, the main character sees the only solution to her problem. However, the author does not want Nastya to be considered a suicide. Trying to justify his heroine, he says that the young woman is simply very tired. She was looking for rest, not death.

Andrey Guskov

Unlike his wife, Andrei is not burdened with a sense of duty. He can easily be called an irresponsible person. Andrey lives for himself and for himself. He recognizes only his own truth. For the absence of children, the main character, first of all, blames his wife. He does not consider himself either a deserter or a traitor. Andrei ran away from the hospital because they wanted to send him to the front ahead of time. He was simply saving his life and had no intention of betraying anyone. Besides, he is just a peasant, not a warrior. Andrei was not born to kill other people.

Guskov selfishly accepts all his wife’s sacrifices, without even thinking about what suffering he is dooming her to with his actions. Having shifted all his problems to the weak, fragile Nastya, Andrey does what he considers necessary. His wife's suffering means nothing to him. She is a woman, her destiny is to endure. Despite the fact that his wife’s pregnancy only worsened the current situation, Andrei does not feel any remorse and does not blame himself for conceiving a child in such difficult circumstances. He finally got what he wanted for so long.

main idea

The desire to follow duty may not always be justified. The desire to constantly give for free is no less destructive than the constant desire to unrequitedly accept a sacrifice. By disturbing the energy balance, both the giver and the taker remain losers.

Analysis of the work

Valentin Rasputin presented the life of ordinary Russian people in his story. "Live and Remember" ( summary this work is hardly capable of conveying the entire palette of feelings experienced by the characters) - not unique story. There were many women and men like Nastya and Andrey during the Great Patriotic War.

The author does not condemn his heroes, does not pass harsh sentences on them. Nastya refused to hand over to the authorities unloved husband. She wanted to be happy no matter what. You shouldn’t blame Andrey either. He was not born to kill and destroy. The mission of a simple peasant is creative work. Andrei does not consider himself a traitor because he always served his homeland in a different way: he cultivated the land, as his ancestors did. Main character I am sure that it was not he who betrayed his homeland, but his homeland in some way betrayed him. He fought for a long time, was wounded and hoped for a vacation, during which he could be with his family and heal his wounds. But instead, Andrei will again have to go to the hated war.

The horrors of a bloodbath awaken in a person the instinct of self-preservation - one of the most ancient human instincts. The fewer chances for life a person has, the stronger his desire to stay alive.

Rasputin's story “Live and Remember”: summary

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Rich material for comprehension moral issues gives modern literature. Today our conversation is about V. G. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember.” The story “Live and Remember,” written in 1974, stands out from a number of other works by the writer. Readers were shocked by the brightness, strength, and acuteness of her characters’ experiences. But they explained the meaning of the story in different ways.

With all the drama of Andrei Guskov’s fate, it is not he who occupies the main attention of the author, but Nasten. Her image is larger, it shakes our imagination. If Nastena is emotionally highlighted in the story, therefore, it is with this image that the author associates some deep-seated problems.

- The question arises: what did Nastya do that was so extremely important that the writer, for the sake of understanding this, puts her in the foreground of the story, relegating to the background a person of such a terrible fate as Andrei Guskov? — Nastya saves her husband who is in trouble. “She stresses him physically and mentally, helps him survive. — Don’t you think that this answer needs clarification? It is very important to fully expose the depicted situation in order to clearly imagine all its drama. The fact is that Andrey is not just a respectable family man, Nastya’s husband, who needs support. He is a man who committed a crime. And here Rasputin puts Nastya, and after her the readers, in front of the most difficult question: Does every person have the right to sympathy? Or, as indicated in the title of the topic of our lesson: is “mercy towards the fallen” always justified? Let's first try to reflect on common-life material, based on our own experience.

At the same time, we must keep in mind that we have the opportunity to be guided in assessing this or that action not only by legal laws (as it should be at a court hearing). We must also take into account moral laws. To do this, it is extremely important to understand the internal motives of Nastena’s actions, to understand the logic of her emotional impulses. What motivates Rasputin's heroine. Perhaps this is a concern for one’s own well-being, that is, motives of an egoistic nature?

— The main character’s thoughts refute such an assumption: “So how can I refuse it now? It is absolutely necessary not to have a heart, but instead of a heart to hold a steel scale, weighing out what is profitable and what is unprofitable. Here from someone else. even if he is thrice unclean, you simply cannot brush him off, but he is yours, dear. If not God, then life itself united them in order to keep them together, no matter what happened, no matter what misfortune befell them. “How to get him out of this trouble. how to live in order to help without making mistakes, without getting confused? Whatever happens to him now, she is responsible”; “Guilty - who says it’s not guilty! - but where can we now get the strength to return him to the place from which he jumped to the wrong place where he was supposed to jump? Nastya's thoughts indicate that, saving Andrey. she is not concerned with selfish interests. There is a deep meaning in her action.

- Imagine: a cruel one is coming, terrible war, as they say, not for life, but for death. Streams of blood are flowing in the world. Individual human life is devalued. And under these conditions, somewhere in the Russian outback. in a distant corner of Siberia. a weak, defenseless woman rises for this. in order to protect just one person from death, not physical, but moral, despite the general bitterness. This is a task of incredible complexity. And not only personal. This is a national task. Nastya is well aware of her responsibility to people: “Whether it’s fate or higher than that, but it seemed to Nastya. that she has been noticed. separated from the people." The story repeatedly emphasizes Nastya’s connection with her native, “human” world. What way out of this situation does she see?

— “For so many years Nastya was tied to the village. to home, to work, she knew her place, she took care of herself, because something was attached to her too. pulled together into one whole. And suddenly, all at once, the ropes loosened - they didn’t come off completely, but they weakened.” The most important thing here is the heroine’s awareness that “... she, too, was holding something together, pulling it together into one whole.” This means that Nastena is part of this whole, which can be called people’s life. And she is afraid to break it.

— For Nastya, life without people is impossible. That is why she is so acutely worried about “breaking ties with the world of people,” because she is in a position between her fellow villagers and Andrei. The meaning of all her actions is an attempt to return Andrei to people. This is confirmed in the text of the story: “My mother said a long time ago: there is no guilt that cannot be forgiven. They're not people, are they? When the war ends, we'll see. Or you can go out to repent, or something else.”

— For the sake of saving Andrei, Nastya is ready for any hardship: “Andrei... Maybe we won’t do this, let’s go out? I would go with you anywhere, to whatever penal servitude you want - wherever you go, there I will too...” And how do we find out about the attitude of the second himself towards Nastya? The author does not give direct assessments, but through popular opinion expresses his attitude towards Nastya and her actions. This is manifested in the ending of the story: “And on the fourth day Nastya washed ashore not far from Karda. They reported to Atamanovka, but Mikheich was dying, and Mishka the farmhand was sent to fetch Nastena. He delivered Nastya back in the boat, and having delivered, he, like a master, intended to bury her in the cemetery of drowned people. The women didn't give it. And they buried Nastya among their own people, just on the edge, near a rickety fence.

More than 60 years have passed since the start of the Great Patriotic War, but the truth about that terrible and fateful time begins to break through to us only in last years. Vasily Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate” has been published, and V. Nekrasov’s book “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” has returned to bookshelves.

The theme of war is not limited to the heroism and patriotism of the Soviet people. No. Everything is much more complicated. This complexity of circumstances and characters, highlighted by the Great Patriotic War, was shown with great literary skill by Valentin Rasputin in the story “Live and Remember.”

Winter, 1945. The village of Atamanovka on the banks of the Angara. Nastena, this conscientious woman, learns to lie in order to save her husband. Her thoughts are heavy: “...So you, Nastena, learned to lie, learned to steal.” But we are in no hurry to condemn Nastena, because she fulfills her human duty - she remains faithful to her husband, devoted to him. Moreover, the heroine sincerely pities Andrei, sees the depth of his suffering: “A person must be with sin, otherwise he is not a person.” But with this? Andrey cannot bear this guilt...

Andrei Guskov commits a crime not only against the state and the people. He commits terrible crime against their relatives, against Nastena. With stunning power, Valentin Rasputin shows Nastena’s tragic distance from other residents of Atamanovka. “The wall hid something that for some reason concerned everyone and was against everyone, no matter what each of them came with this evening - against Nadka, and against Vasilisa the Wise, and even against Lisa. She, this secret, united them together and separated Nastena from them, she was still out of habit mistaken for one of their own, but she was already a stranger, an outsider, not daring to respond to their tears and joys and not deciding to echo them in conversations and songs.” And the culprit of all this is Andrey Guskov. Yes, it turns out that the thirst for life at any cost, at the cost of betrayal, is criminal. That thirst that brings Guskov to a secluded winter hut on the Angara. Nastena and her deserter husband are looking for a possible way to “justify” what happened. And this one way is a child. “The child will save you from evil. Is there such a fault in the whole wide world that it would not be covered by him, our child! There is no such guilt, Nastena.”

It’s becoming increasingly difficult for Nastya to get along with the people closest to her. Semyonovna expels the unfortunate woman from home, suspecting her of being unfaithful to Andrei. But Nastya no longer cares about herself. The only goal is “to save him, the baby, to prevent him from being touched by the suffering that befell him...”. For the sake of Guskov and her unborn child, the heroine is ready to slander herself. Alas! Ruthless village rumors do not spare Nastena’s maternal feelings. More and more often sad thoughts come to her: “No, it’s sweet to live, it’s scary to live, it’s a shame to live.”

The ending of Nastena’s life is tragic. The Angara, into whose waters the heroine throws herself, becomes a symbol of eternal peace and higher truth. The women “interred Nastena among their own, just on the edge, near a rickety fence. After the funeral, they gathered ... at Nadya’s for a simple wake and cried: I felt sorry for Nasten.” Like this! Strangers felt sorry and mourned. They keep the bitter memory of Nastya in their hearts.

And Guskov? He is doomed to oblivion. It is interesting that in the final chapters of the story no one remembers or thinks about him except Nastena. He, who violated not only his civic duty, but also his human one, remains to live. His punishment is his own memory! “Live and remember!”

“Andrei Guskov understood: fate had derailed him

into a dead end with no way out."

V. Rasputin. "Live and Remember"

One of best books V. Astafiev called the story “Live and Remember” by V. Rasputin about the war, noting its stunning deep tragedy. Published in 1974 in the magazine “Our Contemporary”, it was awarded in 1977 State Prize USSR and very soon received European recognition.

What explains such interest in this story? First of all, because it talks about important events human existence.

War... How much has been written about it. Our literature says so much about those who were in the war, who experienced it firsthand, that it would seem difficult for a person who touched this war only with the edge of his destiny to say something new and interesting. But this non-involvement of the author in the war turned out to be not a flaw in the story, but an advantage of the writer over those who were there, because Rasputin managed to rise above the “material.” Among the books about the war that “showed” the tragedy of time, about the fate of man during the war, “Live and Remember” stands out for the depth of the problem, the nationality of the characters, the philosophical comprehension of the price and meaning of an act that puts a person outside of life, outside of good human memory.

“Live and Remember”... Thinking about the title of the story, you can easily correlate its meaning with the fate of Andrei Guskov, prepared for him. What about Nastya? Can you blame her for being silent about terrible secret husband, kept it until last minute and took it with you forever? The fate of a woman who was preparing to become a mother and was ruined by her husband is tragic.

Let's try to answer these questions.

The Siberian village of Atamanovka, described in the story, was far from the battlefields, but the echo of the war reached here too. Events develop in recent months war. An ax and part of the tobacco disappeared from the Guskovs’ bathhouse. Nastena’s first reaction was surprise: “Why bother so much over some piece of iron,” she mentally reproached her father-in-law. But that same night a terrible guess came to her, and a few days later she received confirmation: her husband was a deserter. After the hospital, he deserted, afraid of death. And this is not a momentary weakness. Having returned to his native place, Andrei behaves like a coward and an egoist. He is afraid to surrender to the authorities, although this could make life easier for his loved ones. What explains Guskov's behavior?

Andrei Guskov is a crippled soul, a victim of his character, his attitude to life, his “bad memory,” his terrible experience, which the war “pushed” into his consciousness. He is especially haunted by memories of last fight: “a short and terrible battle of iron with iron, where people seem to have no need, ... the gunner looking into his torn stomach.” And this memory pushes Guskov not back to the war, but to home, to refuge. But Andrei Guskov pays the highest price for this evil memory: it will never continue in anyone; no one will remember him. From this moment on, it doesn’t matter what happens to this person. Nothing can await him except savagery, decay and complete oblivion.

Now let’s open the last page of the story: “Leaning her knees on the side, she (Nastyona) tilted it lower and lower... and carefully rolled into the water.” This is how the main character, a wonderful and bright woman Nastena Guskova, died tragically. The heroine dies in the middle of the Angara - symbolic image the end of her tossing between two shores, two “truths” that destroy her. Material from the site

So why does Nastya still die, although according to all our feelings, likes and dislikes, her husband should die? Selflessness is the main quality of Nastya Guskova’s soul. From the very beginning, she dreamed of giving more than receiving - that’s why she’s a woman. And she could not betray her husband, although she suffers from the situation in which he put her: “Is it a shame to live when someone else in your place could live better? How can you look people in the eyes after this,” Nastya reproaches herself.

People did not condemn Nastya. They buried her “among their own people, just on the edge, near a rickety fence. After the funeral, the women gathered at Nadya’s for the wake and cried: I felt sorry for Nastya.”

This short episode answers the question of whether Nastya Guskova remains in the memory of her fellow villagers. I can add one thing on my own: it’s a pity that they will remember her as the wife of a deserter.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • image of wall guskova
  • characterization of the wall in the story Live and Remember
  • Is it possible to justify Guskov’s action? Live and remember
  • Why does Nastena begin to die? live and remember Rasputin
  • Rasputin live and remember essays


War... The word itself speaks of trouble and grief, misfortune and tears. How many people died during this terrible Great Patriotic War!.. But, dying, they knew that they were fighting for their land, for their relatives and friends. Death is scary, but the spiritual death of a person is much more terrible. This is exactly what V. Rasputin’s story “Live and Remember” tells about.

The author reveals the soul of deserter Andrei Guskov. This man was in the war and was wounded and shell-shocked more than once. But, having been discharged from the hospital, Andrei did not go to his unit, but stealthily made his way to his native village, becoming a deserter.

Not in the story detective story, there are few heroes, but all this only enhances the growing psychologism. V. Rasputin specifically portrays in the image of Andrei an ordinary person with average mental and spiritual abilities. He was not a coward; he conscientiously performed all his soldier’s duties at the front.

“He was afraid to go to the front,” says the author. - He prepared all of himself, to the last drop and to the last thought, for the meeting with his family - with his father, mother, Nastena - and lived by this, recovered and breathed by this, that’s all he knew... How could he go back again, under the bullets, under death, when it’s nearby, in your own country, in Siberia? Is this right and fair? He just needs to be at home for one single day, to calm his soul - then he’s again ready for anything.” Yes, that’s exactly what Andrey wanted to do. But something broke in him, something changed. The road turned out to be long, he got used to the idea of ​​​​the impossibility of returning.

In the end, he burns all his bridges and becomes a deserter, and therefore a criminal. When Andrei found himself near his home, he realized the baseness of his act, realized that something terrible had happened and now he would have to hide from people all his life. It is in this vein that the image of the protagonist is most often interpreted. But it is worth considering that Andrei is still too young to become heroic man. He had no intention of deserting, but longing for his relatives, family, native village turned out to be the strongest, and the very day that he was not given for vacation becomes fatal.

This story is not only about how a soldier becomes a deserter. It is also about cruelty, the destructive power of war, which kills feelings and desires in a person. If this happens, a person is completely free to become a hero. If not, then the melancholy will usually be stronger. Therefore, Andrei Guskov is not just a traitor, he is a person doomed to death from the very beginning. He is weak, but can you blame him for being weak?

The tragedy of the story is enhanced by the fact that not only Andrei dies in it. Following him, he takes away both his young wife and unborn child. Nastena is a woman who is capable of sacrificing everything so that her loved one remains alive. But, despite her love for him, she still considers her husband to be guilty. Her pain intensifies the possible condemnation of her fellow villagers.

Like her husband, Nastena is a victim of a devastating war. But if Andrei can be blamed, then Nastena is an innocent victim. She is ready to take a blow, the suspicions of loved ones, the condemnation of neighbors, even punishment - all this evokes undeniable sympathy in the reader. “The war delayed Nastena’s happiness, but Nastena believed even during the war that it would come. Peace will come, Andrei will return, and everything that has stopped over these years will move forward again. Nastena couldn’t imagine her life any other way. But Andrei came ahead of time, before the victory, and confused everything, mixed it up, knocked it out of order - Nastena could not help but guess about this. Now I had to think not about happiness - about something else. And it, frightened, moved away somewhere, was eclipsed, obscured - there seemed to be no way for it from there, no hope.” The idea of ​​life is destroyed, and with them life itself. Having lost her support in this whirlpool, Nastena chooses another whirlpool: the river takes the woman to itself, freeing her from any other choice.

Valentin Rasputin, a humanist in essence, in the story “Live and Remember” depicts the inhumane nature of war, which kills even at a great distance.

The main character of the book is Andrei Guskov, “an efficient and brave guy who married Nastya early and lived with her for four years before the war.” But in peaceful life Russian people are unceremoniously invaded by the Great Patriotic War. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible situation, and now, as an unexpected blow for Nastena, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor. Not every person is given the opportunity to experience such grief and shame. This incident dramatically turns upside down and changes the life of Nastya Guskova. “...Where were you, man, what toys were you playing with when your destiny was assigned? Why did you agree with her? Why, without thinking, did you cut off your wings, just when you need them most, when you need to fly away from trouble, not by crawling?” Now she is under the power of her feelings and love. Lost in the depths village life, women's drama is extracted and shown as living picture, which is increasingly encountered against the backdrop of war.

The author claims that Nastena is a victim of war and its laws. She could not act differently, not obeying her feelings and the will of fate. Nastya loves and pities Andrei, but when the shame of human judgment over herself and over her unborn child overcomes the power of love for her husband and life, she stepped overboard of the boat in the middle of the Angara, dying between two shores - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people. Rasputin gives readers the right to judge the actions of Andrei and Nastena, to identify for themselves all the good and realize all the bad.

The author himself is a kind writer, inclined to forgive a person rather than condemn, much less condemn mercilessly. He tries to provide his heroes with an opportunity for correction. But there are such phenomena and events that are intolerable for the people around the heroes, which the author does not have the ability to comprehend. mental strength, but there is only one rejection. Valentin Rasputin, with inexhaustible purity of heart for a Russian writer, shows a resident of our village in the most unexpected situations.

The author compares Nastena’s nobility with Guskov’s wild mind. The example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and bullies it, it is clear that he has lost human image, completely withdrew from people. Nastya is trying to reason with her and show her husband’s mistake, but she does it lovingly and does not insist. The author introduces a lot of thoughts about life into his story. We see this especially well when Andrey and Nastya meet. The heroes languish in their thoughts not out of melancholy or idleness, but wanting to understand the purpose human life.

The images described by Rasputin are great and multifaceted. Here and typical of village life collective image grandfather Mikheich and his wife, the conservatively strict Semyonovna. And the image of the soldier Maxim Volozhin, courageous and heroic, sparing no effort, fighting for the Fatherland. Many faces and controversial image a truly Russian woman - Nadya, left alone with three children. It is she who confirms the words of N.A. Nekrasov: “...a Russian share, a woman’s share.” And life during the war, and its a happy ending affected the fate of the village of Atamanovka.

Valentin Rasputin, with everything he wrote, convinces us that there is light in a person and it is difficult to extinguish it, no matter what the circumstances may be. In the heroes of V.G. Rasputin himself has a certain poetic feeling, opposed to the established perception of life. Follow the words of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin: “Live forever, love forever.”

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